Vietnameses Problems With English Grammar

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The paper focuses on common problems Vietnamese students have with English tense and aspect, the copula 'be', and adverb positions. It finds widespread errors in these areas of grammar.

Vietnamese students often transfer non-conjugated verbs and implied tense and aspect into English. They also transfer Vietnamese sentential structures into English, particularly the use of the copula and phrasal structures.

In Vietnamese, verbs are not conjugated and tense and aspect are generally understood from context rather than being marked on verbs. Particles are sometimes used to mark tense and aspect but are generally omitted when adverbial elements provide context.

Some Vietnamese Students Problems with English Grammar:

A Preliminary Study
Dan Van Dao


This paper focuses on some common problems encountered by Vietnamese learners of English with tense and aspect,
particularly the simple and progressive aspects, the copula be, and adverb positions in verb and adjective phrases.
Twenty-five first-year English majors and 47 first-year non-English majors at Kiengiang Community College in Vietnam participated in this study. The results show that the students have widespread errors in these areas of English

Many Vietnamese students beginning to
study English have much trouble learning
English grammar. One of the problems they
usually have is handling English aspect. This
may be because verbs are not marked for
tense and aspect in Vietnamese. As a result,
students usually transfer non-conjugated
verbs and implied tense and aspect into
English. Another problem is that they often
transfer Vietnamese sentential structures
into English, particularly the use of the copula and phrasal structures. They tend to
string together English words using Vietnamese word order.
In this paper, I will first provide a
contrastive analysis of some features of English and Vietnamese grammar, focusing on
tense and aspect, the use of the copula be,
and phrasal structures. This comparison is
based on the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis, which assumes that errors are the result
of transfer from learners first language
(Lightbown & Spada, 2006, p. 79) to the
second. The majority of my results confirm
the prediction of the Contrastive Analysis
Hypothesis; however, there is also some
evidence against it, supporting Zobl (1980)
and Kellerman (1986), who have found that
not all errors can be predicted by the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis (as cited in
Lightbown and Spada, 2006, p. 79). Based
on my results, I will discuss some implications for language teaching and learning.

Tense and Aspect in English and Vietnamese

Tense and Aspect in English
In English, a finite verb carries both tense
and aspect. The tense indicates the time in
which an action occurs, present, past, or future. For example, the present tense of the
verb to bring is bring, the past tense is brought,
and the future tense is will bring. On the other hand, the aspect shows whether an action
happens habitually, continuously, or repeatedly (Longman Group, 1995). English has
four aspects: simple (or zero aspect), progressive, perfect, and their combination,
perfect progressive (Celce-Murcia & Larsen-Freeman, 1999, p. 110). These four aspects are illustrated in the following
He speaks English with his girlfriend
every day. (simple)
He is speaking English with his
girlfriend at the moment. (progressive)
He has spoken English with his
girlfriend very often recently. (perfect)
He has been speaking English with his
girlfriend for nearly three hours. (perfect progressive)
Although there is a difference between
tense and aspect, according to Celce-Murcia
and Larsen-Freeman (1999), it is easier to
combine tense and aspect when learning
English than to learn them separately.


Tense and Aspect in Vietnamese

Like English, Vietnamese also has tense and
aspect, but they are expressed differently.
Doan (n.d.) pointed out that In Vietnamese, verbs are not conjugated, and tense and
aspect are generally understood in the context (p. 6). Similarly, Le (1972) and Dam
(2001) also stated that tense and aspect are
usually implied and understood in context,
even though Vietnamese has particles to
mark them when needed. For example, the
Vietnamese sentence Anh y ng [brotherthere-sleep] can be translated into English
as He is sleeping, He slept, He sleeps, or He has
slept, depending on the context. When adverbial elements such as trc y [ago, before] or by gi [now, at the moment] are
used in the sentence, tense- and/or aspectmarking particles are generally omitted.
In fact, the distinction between tense
and aspect in Vietnamese is rather complicated, and in fact controversial, compared to
the case in English. Some linguists argue
that Vietnamese has two tenses, past and
future (marked by [past] and s [future]),
and two aspects, perfect and progressive
(marked by [perfect] and ang [progressive]) (Panfilov, 2002). Thus, in this framework, the same particle is used for both
tense and aspect while the other two particles mark either tense (s) or aspect (ang).
In another description of tense and
aspect in Vietnamese, Cao Xuan Hao, an
influential Vietnamese linguist, argued that
Vietnamese does not have tense; it only has
aspect. According to Cao (1998), Vietnamese uses to mark the perfect aspect, ang
to mark the progressive aspect, and s to
mark an uncertain state expressed by verbs
expressing hopes, wishes, guesses, and conditions. Tense marking in Vietnamese, following Cao, only occurs idiomatically when
these aspect markers are combined in expressions, such as v ang [in the past and
present], and v s [in the past and future].
These expressions are found in modern and
formal Vietnamese, but not in traditional or
casual Vietnamese (p. 536). In fact, to demonstrate that Vietnamese does not fit into
the mold of Western languages, Cao cited a
project from the 1960s on Vietnamese lin-


guistics by Bui The Khanh, who compared

the correlation between the tense and aspect
of Vietnamese and Russian. After one year
of researching, Bui could not find any correlation of [past] or ang [present] between
the two languages. He found, however, over
30% correlation of s [future] in these two
languages (Cao, 1998, p. 544). Cao argued
that although s correlates with the future
tense, the future tense itself, after all, is only
one of the uncertain states covered by s as
an aspect marker. Cao then concluded that
Vietnamese does not have tense.
The confusion between tense and aspect in Vietnamese can be seen even among
linguists, as can be seen in the following
statement, in which the author claimed that
aspect marking particles express time:
When necessary, Vietnamese grammar can
express time adequately by means of placing
one of several aspect marking particles in
front of the main verb, notably [for past],
ang [for present], and s [for future] (Dam,
2001, emphasis added). This unclear understanding about tense and aspect by linguists
resulted in misleading information about
tense and aspect presented in textbooks on
Vietnamese language taught in schools in
Vietnam (Cao, 2004). In this paper, I adopt
the framework of Cao Xuan Hao. His
framework is based on a sound understanding of authentic Vietnamese rather than trying to fit Vietnamese grammar into a Western model.
According to Cao (1998), the markers
and ang do not properly indicate past and
present tenses. He illustrated this with the
following examples:
(2) By gi


I have enough money now (p. 548).
(3) Nu


months more
move arrive


place different already.
If you are moving in two months, I
will have moved to another place (p.
(4) Hi y,
Back then
the fourth division
anh ang
chun b
as for you marker prepare
t ti.
take (exam)
high school exam.
At that time I was attending the fourth
division while you were preparing to
take the high school exam (p. 547).
(5) Sng
anh nn
morning tomorrow you should
early when
c nh
all family I
marker sleep
Tomorrow morning, you should come
early when my family will be sleeping
(p. 549).
in sentences (2) and (3) does not
indicate actions happening in the past. in
sentence (3) expresses a state, an action, and
a truth in the present while in sentence (4)
expresses an action happening in the future.
In addition, ang in sentences (4) and (5)
does not express actions happening in the
present. ang in sentence (4) indicates actions happening in the past, and ang in sentence (5) denotes an action in the future. In
reality, when Vietnamese speakers want to
express when something happened, they use
adverbs of time, such as trc y [ago, before], by gi [now, at the moment], sau ny
[later, in the future] (p. 549). Do and ang
markers always indicate past and present
tenses in Vietnamese? In Caos approach,
they definitely do not. Instead, he stated that
the markers and ang indicate aspects expressing actions with an end-point or actions with no end-point, respectively (p. 551).
He emphasized that an action with an end-

point leads to the result of the state or the

action. For example:
(6) H

i n
They marker go arrive school
They went to school.
(7) N
bn cun sch .
It marker sell book
He sold that book.
These sentences (6 and 7) express actions with an end-point that were completed
in the past before the time of speaking, and
they did not continue into the present. In
other words, actions such as went and sold
were finished already and could not happen
one more time. Cao concluded that in
these cases expresses an action that is complete (p. 550).
In contrast, an action with no endpoint does not lead to the result of the state
or action, but rather states an action that is
still happening at the time of speaking. For
(8) H
i n trng.
They marker go arrive school
They are going to school.
(9) N ang bn cun sch
It marker sell
He is selling the book (Cao, 1998, pp.
The marker ang in these sentences (8
and 9) expresses actions, such as go and sell
that are still happening at the time of speaking. In Caos viewpoint, these actions with
no end-point are expressed by the progressive aspect (p. 551).
The following examples contrast the
use of tense and aspect in English and Vietnamese:
(10) Hm qua
ti mua hai cun sch.
Yesterday, I buy two book
I bought two books yesterday.


(11) Anh
Brother there marker
He is sleeping.


In example 10, hm qua [yesterday] in

Vietnamese is the adverb of time, and it implies the past. No tense marker is needed in
this sentence because adding the tense
marker would result in an unnatural sounding sentence, but the verb buy has to be
changed into bought in English.
In sentence 12 below, s is used to indicate
uncertainty of an event in the future.
(12) Tri
It will rain.


According to Cao (1998), since s expresses unfulfilled actions or uncertainty, it

is suitable to talk about the future. This does
not mean that s is a tense marker; it is an
aspect marker which happens to be suitable
to talk about a certain time frame.1 Thus, s
can, but not always, indicate a future time

Copula in English and in

The Copula in English

According to Celce-Murcia & LarsenFreeman (1999), the verb to be serves as the

copula in English. It links the subject of a
sentence with a predicate, which can be a
noun or an adjective (p. 54). Here are two
(13) He is a professor.
(14) Cotton is light.
Unfortunately for language learners,
be has many forms, including am, is, are, was,
were, be, being, and been. According to CelceMurcia and Larsen-Freeman (1999), Be,
which is the most frequent verb in English,
has more distinct forms with respect to person, number, and tense than any other verb
in English (p. 54).


The Copula in Vietnamese

Although Vietnamese has a word l that
carries some of the same meaning as English be, it is not used in quite the same way.
First, Vietnamese uses l when the predicate
is a noun.
(15) Anh
Brother there
'He is a doctor'.


bc s.

According to Stassen (1997), In Vietnamese, nominal predicates strongly prefer

the presence of the particle l, which can be
characterized as a general identificational
marker (p. 87).
(16) ng
gentleman there be
He is / was a soldier (Stassen, 1997,
p. 87).
(17) Tn
ca ti
Name of
me be
My name is Nam (Cao, 1998, p. 238).
In these cases (sentences 15, 16, and
17), the copula be is the main verb in Vietnamese (Diep, 2004, p. 493).
Secondly, Diep (2004) pointed out
that the Vietnamese l is also used with possessions to indicate something that belongs
to someone (p. 99). For instance:
(18) Quyn sch ny
l ca ti
this be of I
This book is mine.
(19) By gi, ngi nh l
house be
Now, the house is yours.
Thirdly, and unlike English, Dam
(2001) said l is rarely used to link a subject
with its predicative adjective in Vietnamese.
With adjectives, l is usually omitted.

(20) Ti
I am hungry.
Diep added that the Vietnamese l is
used with adjectives only to emphasize, confirm, or assert the meaning of the sentence
in context. For example:
(21) Theo

bc tranh
Following idea
For me, this picture is beautiful.
(22) Thi quen

That habit is good (Diep, 2004, p.
To summarize, in Vietnamese, l is
used as a copula (i.e., a main verb) in the
sentence to link the subject with predicate
nouns, possessive phrases, and, when there
is a need for emphasis, with adjectives. It is
often omitted when occurring with predicate
adjectives in non-emphatic contexts.

Phrasal Structures in English and in

Phrasal Structures in English
Phrasal structures refer to many different
ways in which languages arrange the constituents of sentences. This paper will focus
on verb phrases and adjective phrases. Below are some examples:
(23) like English very much (verb phrase)
(24) dance beautifully (verb phrase)

Similarly, Holschuh (1991) mentioned

that adverbs of manner describe the action
of the verb and are placed after the verb and
the object, if any (p. 43). For example:
(27) He does his work carefully.
Butler and Mahnke (2004) noted that
adverbs of frequency usually precede the
main verb. For example:
(28) She sometimes drinks coffee.
In this paper, I will only discuss the
adverb of manner, as in example (27).
In English adjective phrases, an adverb, if present, generally precedes and modifies the adjective as in example (25).

Phrasal Structures in Vietnamese

Vietnamese verb phrases and adjective

phrases are constructed slightly differently
from English phrases. In Vietnamese verb
or adjective phrases, the adverb of manner,
such as rt [very], hi [little], may precede or
follow the verb or adjective, depending on
the lexical type of the adverb.2 According to
Diep (2004), some adverbs, such as rt
[very], hi [little], tuyt [absolutely], cc k
[extremely], which show the degrees of the
verbs or adjectives they modify, always precede the verb or adjective. For example:
(29) rt
very much
like very much


(30) rt
very much
very beautiful


(31) hi
like little


(32) hi
little beautiful


(25) very beautiful (adjective phrase)

According to English grammar rules,
in verb phrases, adverbs can appear in different positions. For instance, adverbs of
place, of time, of degree, or of manner come
after the verb and its object, if any (Krohn,
1977, p. 21). For example:
(26) He studies English here.


However, some adverbs, lm [very],

qu [very], which also show degrees of verbs
or adjectives, always follow a verb or an adjective to express some Vietnamese peoples
speaking preferences (pp. 460-461). For instance:
(33) thch
like very much

very much

(34) mt
very tired

very much

(35) thch
like very much

very much

(36) i
very hungry

very much

Thus, a contrast in phrasal structures

between English and Vietnamese is that in
English, the position of the modifier depends on whether the head of the phrase is a
verb or an adjective, as well as on the type of
modifier in the case of verb phrases. However, in Vietnamese, the position of the
modifier depends only on the type of modifier. In some cases, the position of the
modifier in verb phrases and adjective
phrases in the two languages matches up
well, but in some cases, the modifier is
placed in opposite positions, before or after
the head word in the two languages.

Common Problems of Vietnamese

Learners of English with Tense and
Aspect, the Copula be, and Phrasal
Common Problems with Tense and Aspect
Swan and Smith (2001) listed several mistakes about the simple and progressive aspects of English which many Asian students
make. These errors are similar to those
made by Vietnamese students. For example,
they reported that many Malaysian and Indonesian students produce sentences, such
as They eat dinner tonight instead of They are


eating dinner tonight (Swan & Smith, 2001, p.

287). Similarly, some Japanese students
write sentences, such as We are write to each
other in English instead of saying We write to
each other in English (Swan & Smith, 2001, p.
301). Also, some Chinese learners produce
sentences, such as What do you read? instead
of the correct sentence What are you reading?
(Swan & Smith, 2001, p. 315).
Further, according to Celce-Murcia
and Larsen-Freeman (1999), students may
also use the progressive aspect when the
simple aspect is appropriate. For instance, I
am knowing the answer instead of saying I know
the answer (Celce-Murcia & Larsen-Freeman,
1999, p. 121), I am wanting to see you instead of
I want to see you (Celce-Murcia & LarsenFreeman, 1999, p. 122), or I am believing you
instead of I believe you (Celce-Murcia & Larsen-Freeman, 1999, p. 133).
The reason why many students were
confused about these two aspects might be
that they do not realize that stative verbs,
mental perception verbs, and sensory perception verbs are not used with the progressive aspect. These students may think that
an action happening at the time of speaking
is progressive, which results in their mistakes.
In my thirteen years of teaching English to EFL students at Kiengiang Community College, I have realized that many Vietnamese learners have trouble with learning
tense and aspect in English and make the
kind of mistakes mentioned by Swan and
Smith and Celce-Murcia and LarsenFreeman. Students have problems with both
the forms and the context of use for English
tenses. They tend to omit the copula be in
the progressive aspect before they add (-ing)
to the main verb. For example, they may say
She practice English every afternoon or She is practice English every afternoon, instead of She practices English every afternoon. They also say He is
work in the office at the moment or He working in
the office at the moment, instead of He is working
in the office at the moment.

Common Problems with the Copula be

As previously mentioned, according to Dam

(2001), the copula l, th can be omitted in
Vietnamese when connecting a subject with
an adjective. However, the copula be cannot

be omitted in English. In reality, many Vietnamese learners omit the required form of
be while making English sentences. Dam
illustrated this by giving some examples:
(37) N
* He hungry.
He is hungry.
(38) Hm nay con ti m
child I sick heavy
* My child very sick today.
My child is very sick today.
The following (marked with an asterisk) are
my students actual sentences:
(39) Ch
Older sister
* She beautiful.
She is beautiful.



(40) Anh
older brother
* He poor.
He is poor.



In examples (39 and 40), neither l nor

th is used in Vietnamese sentences, but the
copula be must be present in the English
equivalents. The students English sentences
are ungrammatical because they follow the
Vietnamese sentential structure.

Common Problems with Phrasal Structures

Vietnamese learners seem not to have problems with the positions of adverbs in adjective phrases because they are similar in Vietnamese and English. However, the
positions of adverbs in verb phrases in English and Vietnamese sentences are slightly
different. If students try to apply the adjective phrase rule to some verb phrases, they
will make mistakes. The following examples
are very common among Vietnamese learners (see Swan and Smith [2001] for similar
mistakes among Asian students of English).

(41) Ch
older sister I
chng ti
rt hay nh nhau.
very often fight each other
* My sister and me we very often fight
each other.
My sister and I fight each other very
often (Swan & Smith, 2001, p. 285).
(42) Chng ti
thi tit

* We very like weather in Hawaii.
We like the weather in Hawaii very
(43) Anh
older brother there
ting Anh.
* He very like English.
He likes English very much.
When phrasal structures are the same in Vietnamese and English, the Vietnamese influence leads learners to produce correct utterances like examples (30 and 32) with
adjectives rt [very], hi [little], tuyt [absolutely]. If phrasal structures, such as adverb
phrases and verb phrases in Vietnamese,
differ from those in English, the Vietnamese
interference leads students to produce errors
as in examples (41-43).

The Study

As mentioned above, my students often misuse the simple and progressive aspects, the
copula be, and verb and adjective phrasal
structures. Students at different levels and in
different majors seemed to make English
grammar mistakes at different rates. The
different language proficiency levels of
many Vietnamese students may come from
the fact that they use different textbooks,
have different types of teachers, follow different curricula, or have different levels of
motivation. The biggest contrast is between
English majors and non-English majors.
Non-English majors study English as a re-


quired course in their academic program

(e.g., business or computer science). They
have only three 60-period semesters of
English. They use integrated skills textbooks for non-English majors. However,
their main goals in learning English are to
read books and to do research related to
their careers, so both teachers and students
focus on grammar, reading, and vocabulary
rather than on speaking and listening. On
the other hand, English majors study all
four skills in separate courses using different books for each. For example, when they
study listening and speaking skills, they use
listening and speaking skills textbooks and
just focus on practicing these two skills.
They have a total of five 60-period semesters to learn English. Realizing the different proficiency levels among my students, I
asked both English majors and non-English
majors to participate in this study.

Research Questions

Based on the literature review and my own

teaching experience, the following questions
were specifically formulated for this study:
1. How seriously and frequently do Vietnamese students make mistakes with
English aspect, the copula be, and
phrasal structures?

Is there a difference in performance

between English majors and nonEnglish majors regarding these grammar problems?


Is there transfer from Vietnamese to

English in the students use of the
simple and progressive aspects, the
copula be, and phrasal structures?


A test (see Appendix) was designed by myself and administered by my colleague at

Kiengiang Community College in Vietnam.
The test consisted of two parts. The first
part included ten multiple choice items that
tested students on the two grammar items:
the simple and progressive aspects. This
part of the test used a multiple-choice format with four options per item. The mul-


tiple choice technique allowed me to score

objectively and to see the students recognition knowledge on the two aspects. However, the multiple choice technique also allows
students to have a 25% chance of guessing,
which means that I could not know exactly
if students really understood or not. Furthermore, the multiple choice format does
not show how students would use the
forms in real life situations. The second part
of the test was a translation task, from Vietnamese into English, with twelve sentences
that tested students on their use of the copula be and phrasal structures. Unlike the
multiple-choice section, the translation part
required students to show their English language ability in use. However, the presence
of the Vietnamese text may induce more
transfer from the native language than other
formats, such as an oral interview, might
have. Since the students level was preintermediate, the level of vocabulary and
grammar structures was set to be simple
and familiar to students.


Seventy-two students took the test. Among

these students, 25 were first year English
majors and 47 were non-English majors,
majoring in computer science and business
administration. There were 43 females and
29 males, ranging from twenty to thirty
years of age. The students were selected because they attended classes taught by the
same teacher who participated in this study.
The teacher had thirteen years of English
teaching experience. The test was scored by
the same teacher.


The teacher gave the test to her classes during normal class hours. The selected students were not informed about the test in
advance. Students were asked to finish the
test in 30 minutes without discussion or reference materials. After the students finished
the test, the teacher collected and graded
the answers.
After getting the results from the
teacher, I counted the number of students
who chose each option for the multiple

choice items and recorded what the students

wrote in the translation section.

Students Errors with the Simple and
Progressive Aspects

The sentences below are selected from the

first part of the test for the analysis. An asterisk (*) indicates the correct answer.3
Question 1. I _________ her every day and
she never says hello to me.
(a) see (*)
(b) am seeing
(c) will see
(d) am see
Question 2. What is the name of that picture which you _________ on the wall?
(a) are look at
(b) is looking at
(c) are looking at (*)
(d) look at
Question 4. _______ every single thing
which that man says?
(a) Do you believe (*)
(b) Is you believing

(c) Are you believing

(d) Are you believe
Question 5. Sometimes I _______ what
the teacher says to me.
(a) dont understand (*)
(b) am not understanding
(c) understand not
(d) not understanding
Question 8. _______ by air because the
cost of flying is very high.
(a) I don't often travel (*)
(b) I'm not often traveling
(c) I'll not often traveling
(d) I am not often travel
Question 10. I _______ to remember your
name but I'm afraid I can't remember it.
(a) try
(b) am trying (*)
(c) will trying
(d) am try
Table 1 below presents the number
and percentage of students who chose each
option for the first part of the test.

Table 1
English Majors and Non-English Majors Responses to the Multiple Choice Items
(English majors: n=25; Non-English majors: n=47)


Notes. Maj.: English majors; Non-m.: Non-English majors; *: Answer key

One observation is that the students

did better on sentences containing clues,
such as adverbs of frequency or adverbs of



time, which helped them realize which aspect to use. Therefore, I grouped the sentences into two types: sentences with ad-


verbs and sentences without adverbs, for

analysis and discussion.
Sentences with Adverbs of Frequency or Adverbs of Time. Students did well on sentences
1 and 5. With question 1, 76% of English
majors and 53.2% of non-English majors
chose the correct answer, (A), which contains the simple form of the verb. This suggests that many students understood the
difference between the simple and progressive aspects, perhaps thanks to the adverb of
frequency every day. However, some students
still chose option C, and this meant that they
did not realize that the adverb every day is
used to indicate the simple aspect. Of note,
quite a few non-English majors chose option B, which contains the progressive aspect. Only one English major student chose
this option, which shows that the majority
of first year English majors have learned the
distinction between the simple and progressive aspects.
Similarly with sentence 5, 80% of
English majors and 61.7% of non-English
majors chose the correct answer (A), which
contains the simple aspect. This suggests
that most students understood the difference between the simple and progressive
aspects, maybe because of the adverb of frequency sometimes. However, some students,
12% of English majors and 29.7% of nonEnglish majors, still chose option B which
contains the progressive aspect. Some students chose option D, which means that
they still did not have a clear idea about the
form of these aspects.
Sentences without Adverbs of Frequency or
Adverbs of Time. The results show that both
English majors and non-English majors had
more problems with the simple and progressive aspects when there was no adverb of
frequency or time. For example, on question
2, the percentage of both English majors
and non-English majors choosing the correct answer (C), the progressive aspect, was
low: 52% for English majors and 48.9% for
non-English majors. Twenty percent of
English majors and 8.5% of non-English
majors chose option D, the simple aspect,
and 28% of English majors and 42.5% of
non-English majors chose option A, the in-


accurate forms of the simple and progressive

English majors did well on question 4.
The percentage of students choosing the
correct answer (A), the simple aspect, was
72%. However, non-English majors did not
understand the uses and the forms of the
simple and progressive aspects well. The
percentage of non-English majors choosing
the correct answer (A) was low, 40.4% compared to 42.5% who chose option C, which
contains the progressive aspect. Also, some
students, 20% of English majors and 14.8%
of non-English majors, were still confused
about using the forms of the simple and
progressive aspects and chose options B
and D.
English majors did well on question 8,
and 88% of them chose the correct answer
(A), containing the simple aspect. However,
non-English majors still seemed to be confused about the simple and progressive aspects because the percentage of students
choosing the correct answer (A) was very
low, just 36.1% compared to 48.9% who
chose option B, the progressive aspect. A
few students did not understand how the
simple and progressive aspects are formed,
so they still chose options C and D.
Finally, with question 10, both English
majors and non-English majors mistook the
simple aspect in option A for the correct
progressive aspect in option B. The percentage of students choosing option B was very
low, only 48% for English majors and
25.5% for non-English majors. Many students, 20% of English majors and 17% of
non-English majors, chose option A. In addition, the number of students who chose
option D, the incorrect formulations of the
two aspects, was still very high, 32% for
English majors and 51% for non-English
In general, many students were still
confused between the simple and progressive aspects when there are no clues to help
them to distinguish between the two aspects.
Students made fewer errors on the two aspects with the presence of these adverbs as
in sentences 1 and 5. That the presence of
adverbs of time and frequency influences
the students errors more or less may be

another transfer from Vietnamese, where

tense and aspect are largely indicated by adverbs. Overall, that non-English majors
made more mistakes than English majors
was consistent with what I expected.

Sentence 4.
* I very hungry.
I am very hungry.

Students Errors with the Copula Be

Four out of 25 (16%) English majors and 9

out of 47 (19.1%) non-English majors
wrote the sentence marked with (*).

The second part of the test (see Appendix)

was collected and analyzed to see how use
of the Vietnamese copula influenced production of be in English. Since my goal is to
see if there is transfer from Vietnamese, I
divided the sentences into two types: the
first type contains Vietnamese sentences
without the copula l or th; the second type
contains Vietnamese sentences with l, but
in contexts where it cannot be translated as
be in English.
First, many students omitted required
form of be when translating the Vietnamese
sentences into English. Below are some results of the test.
Sentence 1.
Brother there very
* He very intelligent.
He is very intelligent.

thng minh.

Three out of 25 (12%) English majors

and 11 out of 47 (23.4%) non-English majors wrote the sentence marked with (*).
Sentence 3.
Mc d
cha m
parents I
nhng h
rt rng lng.
they very generous
* Although my parents poor, but they very
Although my parents are poor, they are
very generous.
Seven out of 25 (28%) English majors and
18 out of 47 (38.2%) non-English majors
produced the sentence marked with (*).

very much

Sentence 7.
Hm nay c
mt lm.
miss there tired very much
*Today she very tired.
She is very tired today.
Three out of 25 (12%) English majors and
5 out of 47 (11.1%) non-English majors
wrote the sentence marked with (*).
In contrast, in the other type of sentence, when there was l in a sentence, students tended to translate l into the English
be incorrectly. Seven out of 25 (28%) English majors and 18 out of 47 (38.2%) nonEnglish majors wrote the sentence without
the copula be.4
Sentence 12. 5
Cng vic u tin
k s

engineer marker make give
ti mt.
* My first job is an engineer make me boring.
My first job as an engineer made me tired.
Table 2 below summarizes how the
Vietnamese learners omitted be forms when
translating these sentences.
As shown in Table 2, the percentage
of errors was the highest in sentence 3. The
reason could be that sentence 3 is a complex
sentence, consisting of 2 clauses. Thus, it is
possible that L1 influence was interacting
with L2 complexity in this case. The prediction from the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis may be too simplistic to account for
cases like this.


Table 2
Omission of the Copula be
Test sentences

Number and percentage of learners omitting the copula


Sentence 1
rt thng minh [very intelligent]

English majors
(n= 25)

Non-English majors

Sentence 3
rt rng lng [very generous]
Sentence 4
i lm [very hungry]



Sentence 7
mt lm [very tired]



Students Errors with Phrasal Structures

For ease of reference, I divided the sentences into the adjective phrase group and
the verb phrase group. The first group includes sentences 1, 3, and 4 in part 2 of the
test (see Appendix). The second group includes sentences 2, 6, and 8.
For sentences with adjective phrases
(English word order: modifier + adjective,
Vietnamese word order: modifier + adjective or adjective + modifier, depending on
the modifiers lexical features), most students placed the adverbs and adjectives correctly when the word order in the two languages matches (sentences 1, 3) as well as
when the word order between the two languages does not match (sentence 4). Thus,
the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis was
only partially supported by the data. Sentence 4 might exemplify an overgeneralization (Zobl, 1980, as cited in Lightbown &
Spada, 2006, p. 79) by the Vietnamese learners to place an intensifier adverb before an
adjective (or verb) in their English.
Sentence 1.
rt thng minh.
Brother there
very intelligent
* He very intelligent.
He is very intelligent.


Sentence 3.
Mc d
cha m
Although parents
rng lng.
* Although my parents poor, but they very
Although my parents are poor, they are
very generous.
Sentence 4.
* I very hungry.
I am very hungry.

very much

For sentences with verb phrases (the

second group), the students made errors
with verbal phrases in sentences 2, 6, and 8,
all of which contain the verb thch [like],6
perhaps because in these sentences, the adverbs precede the verbs in the original Vietnamese, unlike in English. In this case, the
influence of Vietnamese on English may
have led students to make errors (Table 3).

Table 3
Errors with the Placement of Adverbs in Verb Phrases
Test phrases

Sentence 2
rt thch chi n [like to play the guitar very much]
Sentence 6
rt thch anh [like you very much]
Sentence 8
rt thch thi tit [like the weather very much]
As shown in Table 3, the percentages
of errors ranged from 0% to 28% for English majors and from 21.2% to 40.4% for
non-English majors. However, the high correct rate for sentence 6 among English majors might be related to the fact that the expression rt thch anh [like you very much]
itself is more common than other two expressions. High frequency of the input has
been shown to help students learn a form
(e.g., N. Ellis, 2002, as cited in Gass & Selinker, 2008, pp. 219-220). The results mean
that when word order in verb phrases between the two languages did not match, it
might lead students to make errors. The results thus supported the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis to some extent and point to
other sources of errors such as low frequency of input.


This study focused on examining tense and

aspect, especially the simple and progressive
aspects, the copula be, and phrasal structures
in Vietnamese and English. The results answer the three research questions in the following ways:
RQ1: How seriously and frequently do
Vietnamese students make mistakes with
English aspect, the copula be, and phrasal
For the simple and progressive aspects,
the overall finding showed that students had
serious and frequent problems. However,
students did better on sentences with adverbs of frequency or adverbs of time than
on sentences that do not contain these ad-

Number and percentage of learners misplacing adverbs in verb phrases

English majors
(n= 25)

Non-English majors

verbs. Second, translating the Vietnamese

copula l, th was one of the major problems
for the English language learners in this
study. When students translated from Vietnamese into English, they usually omitted
the required be form or inserted it when the
Vietnamese original used l. Third, many
Vietnamese students of English were confused about the positions of adverbs in verb
phrases when translating Vietnamese sentences into English. They translated the sentences as if they were writing Vietnamese
The reason these students had such
serious problems with these grammar points
might be the lack of cues, such as adverbs of
frequency or adverbs of time in some sentences, the lack of l, th [copula] in the original Vietnamese sentences, and the lack of
knowledge about the differences between
their native language and the target language.
RQ 2: Is there a difference in performance between English majors and nonEnglish majors regarding these grammar
According to the test results, there
was a difference in performance between
English majors and non-English majors regarding these grammar problems. Generally,
English majors did better than non-English
majors, specifically on the simple and progressive aspects. The percentages of correct
answers ranged from 48% to 88% for English majors and from 25.5 % to 61.7% for
non-English majors (see Table 1). In addition, the percentage of English majors who
made errors with the copula be was lower


than that of non-English majors. The percentages ranged from 12% to 28% for English majors and 11.1% to 38.2% for nonEnglish majors. Similarly, with phrasal structures, English majors did better than nonEnglish majors, and the percentages ranged
from 0% to 28% for English majors and
21.2% to 40.4% for non-English majors.
The reasons for the difference in performance might be that English majors had
more class hours for English than nonEnglish majors. In addition, the English majors courses were substantially different
from those of non-English majors and that
could have contributed to the difference.
Further, the language attitudes of English
majors were probably different from those
of non-English majors. All these speculations need further research to be confirmed.
RQ3: Is there transfer from Vietnamese to English in the simple and progressive
aspects, the copula be, and phrasal structures?
First of all, there seemed to be transfer
from Vietnamese to English in the simple
and progressive aspects. Not only was transfer seen in the high rate of errors with tense
and aspect, but also in the fact that, given
the use of adverbs of time and frequency to
indicate tense and aspect in Vietnamese,
students performed better when there was
an adverb of time or frequency in the sentence.
Secondly, the influence of the Vietnamese copula was definitely one of the
problems among Vietnamese while they
were learning English grammar. According
to the test results, the percentages of the
students influenced by the use of Vietnamese l, th meant that the students had problems with using the correct form of the copula be in English. L1 influence was also
seen in the students insertion of the copula
be in English sentences when l appears in
Vietnamese sentences.
The last L1 influence is seen in the
students use of phrasal structures. Students
did not make mistakes with adjective phrases because the positions of adverbs and adjectives in English and Vietnamese are
somewhat the same. However, they had
problems with verb phrases because the po-


sitions of adverbs and ordinary verbs are

different in Vietnamese and English.
The findings support the Contrastive
Analysis Hypothesis to some extent. However, the findings also point to the limitations of the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis
in predicting learners errors. In addition to
L1 influence, errors may also be due to
learners overgeneralization, L2 complexity,
low frequency of input, and learners developing knowledge of the structures of the
target language (Lightbown & Spada, 2006,
p. 79).

Teaching Implications for

Vietnamese Students at Kiengiang
Community College

Although this is a preliminary study, the results provided some insights about the frequency and nature of Vietnamese learners
errors with English tense and aspect, the
copula be, and phrasal structures. Based on
these insights, I propose some suggestions
for teaching.
My first suggestion is on the simple
and progressive aspects. Teachers should
help students practice the two aspects in
more varied contexts, such as picture descriptions, information gap activities, authentic listening activities, storytelling, and
games. For example, the teacher may give
students pictures of somebodys daily routine. The teacher asks them to make sentences about that persons daily activities
using the simple aspect. The teacher can also
ask some of them to show some pictures of
their family members daily routines to the
class, and other students make sentences by
using the simple aspect. Another example is
to ask students to listen to some sounds on
a tape and make sentences about what is
happening with the sounds on the tape using
the progressive aspect. The teacher can also
ask some volunteers to mime some actions
in front of the class, and other students
make sentences about the actions using the
progressive aspect. By practicing sentences
in contexts such as these, students may become more aware of how to use the two
My next suggestion is to minimize the
influence of the Vietnamese copula l, th

and word order on English learning. Again,

situated practice may help. For example, the
teacher could ask students to bring photos
of their families to class. Students will make
sentences about members in their family
photos in which they will need to use forms
of be as well as adverbs such as very, little, and
rather in adjective and verb phrases. For example, the teacher can ask students to look
at Nams family photo that is hung on the
board and make sentences with rather or little.
Students can produce sentences like His
mother is rather thin or His mother is a bit thin.
The teacher can ask students to translate
sentences with rt [very], hi [rather], or thch
[like], and students can make sentences like
His father likes jogging or His father likes jogging
very much. Based on the sentences, the class
can practice and do the same activities with
other pictures in pairs or groups of three. To
make students feel freer in communication,
the teacher can also design a questionnaire
or a table with sentences for students. Students can talk with their friends about their
family members in order to practice th [copula be] rt [very], hi [rather] or thch [like],
rt thch [like very much] in real contexts.


to Le (1972, p. 77), s in this sentence

indicates future tense.
According to Cao (1998), most Vietnamese verbs
and adjectives share similar grammatical features.
However, not all verbs in Vietnamese can take a modifier of manner such as rt [very], hi [little], lm [very]
as in *rt mua [very buy], *rt i [very walk], or *rt m
p [very cuddle] while Vietnamese adjectives usually
can (e.g., rt p [very beautiful], hi mt [little tired], p.

The correct answers only reflect common language

usage. For example, Option B in Question 1 is possible as an answer if it is said by a doctor about a patient who is anti-social or is not following American
greeting rituals. It could also be said by the patient
about the doctor.

With English majors, two students omitted the copula be in the adverb clause, one student omitted the
copula be in the main clause, and four students omitted the copula be in both clauses. With non-English
majors, six students omitted the copula be in the adverb clause, three students omitted the copula be in
the main clause, and nine students omitted the copula
be in both clauses.

This sentence is rather bookish, or heavily influenced by English structure. It does not appear in colloquial Vietnamese.

This is a limitation of this study. In future research,

a variety of verbs and adjectives should be used.

This study would not have been possible without the support of many people. First, I would like
to express my deep thanks to Dr. Hanh Nguyen who has been devoted to my study, read my
numerous revisions, and helped make some sense of the confusion. Also, I would like to thank
Prof. Jean Kirschenmann who has worked with Dr. Hanh Nguyen and has given me the opportunities to finish this study. Many thanks also to Dora Chee, an experienced tutor who proofread
my paper. I am, however, responsible for any remaining errors.
To Phuong Nguyen, my colleague and my wife, I would like to express my special thanks.
She participated in this study and always offers me support and love.


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Ch Minh: Nh Xut Bn Gio Dc.
Cao, X. H. (1998). V ngha Th v
Th trong ting Vit [On the meanings of tense and aspect in Vietnamese]. Ngn ng, 5, 2-31.

Cao, X. H. (2004). Chuyn ting m [On

our mother tongue]. Retrieved March
18, 2008, from http://nguoivienxu.
Celce-Murcia, M., & Larsen-Freeman, D.
(1999). The grammar book: An
ESL/EFL teachers course (2nd ed.)
Boston: International Thompson Publishing.
m, P. (2001). Old habits die hard: Persistent errors in English written by Viet-


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French-Vietnamese and English-Vietnamese
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W/W01/W01-0809.pdf (2007). ESL test present tense.
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Holschuh, L. (1991). The elements of English
grammar. New York: St. Martins Press.
Gass, S., & Selinker, L. (2008). Second language acquisition: An introductory course (3rd
ed.). New York: Routledge.


Krohn, R. (1977). English sentence structure.

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L, L. (1972). S Tho Ng Php Ting Vit
[A preliminary review of Vietnamese
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Nh Xut Bn Gio Dc.
Lightbown, P., & Spada, N. (2006). How languages are learned (3rd ed.). Oxford, New
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Kiengiang Community College
English Quiz
Time allotted: 30 minutes
(Answer keys are marked with an asterisk)
Students name: _________________________________________
Date of test: _____/______/_____

Part I:

Choose the best answer to each of the sentences below.

1. I ......... her every day and she never says hello to me.
(a)* see
(b) am seeing
(c) will see
(d) am see
2. What is the name of that picture which you ......... on the wall.
(a) are look at
(b) is looking at
(c)* are looking at
(d) look at
3. ......... to see that film that is on at the cinema next week?
(a) Do you go
(b) Is you going
(c) Are you go
(d)* Are you going
4. ......... every single thing which that man says?
(a)* Do you believe
(b) Is you believing
(c) Are you believing
(d) Are you believe
5. Sometimes I ......... what the teacher says to me.
(a)* don't understand
(b) am not understanding
(c) understand not
(d) not understanding


6. Later tonight I ......... my uncle, who is ill in hospital.

(a) visit
(b) am visit
(c) are visiting
(d)* am visiting
7. Why ......... late every time we arrange to meet?
(a)* is he
(b) he is
(c) is he being
(d) does he
8. ......... by air because the cost of flying is very high.
(a)* I don't often travel
(b) I'm not often travelling
(c) I'll not often traveling
(d) I am not often travel
9. Next time you ......... to my house, you must bring that book.
(a)* come
(b) are come
(c) are coming
(d) is coming
10. I ......... to remember your name but I'm afraid I can't remember it.
(a) try
(b)* am trying
(c) will trying
(d) am try
(Adapted from

Part II:

Translate into English

(answer keys are provided)
1. Anh y rt thng minh.
He is very intelligent.
2. C y rt thch chi n ghi-ta.
She likes to play the guitar very much.
3. Mc d cha m ti ngho nhng h rt rng lng.
Although my parents are poor, they are very generous.
4. Ti i lm.
I am very hungry.


5. Anh y chng hiu g c.

He doesnt understand at all.
6. M ti rt thch anh y.
My mother likes you very much.
7. Hm nay c y mt lm.
She is very tired today.
8. Ti rt thch thi tit M.
I like the weather in the U.S. very much.
9. Anh y nhn bc tranh chm ch.
He is looking at the picture very carefully.
10. Ti gp c y ri.
I have met her before.
11. Anh y ng.
He is sleeping/ he slept.
12. Cng vic u tin ca ti l mt k s lm cho ti mt.
My first job as an engineer made me bored.


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