There Are Two Kinds of Welfare Programs in The United States: Those

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Social Welfare
There are two kinds of welfare programs in the United States: those
that benefit most or all of the people and those that help only a small
number of them. In the first category are Social Security and
Medicare, programs that provide retirement benefits or medical
assistance to almost every citizen who has reached a certain age. In
the second are programs such as Medicaid and Food Stamps that offer
help only to people with low incomes.
Legally, the differences between the two kinds of programs is
that the first have no means test (that is, they are available to everyone
without regard to income) while the second are means tested (that is,
you must fall below a certain income level to enjoy them). Politically,
the programs differ in how they get money from the government. The
first kind of welfare programs represent majoritarian politics: nearly
everyone benefits, nearly everyone pays. The second kind represent
client politics: a (relatively) few number of people benefit, but almost
everyone pays.
This political difference has a huge impact on how the
government acts in regard to these programs. Social Security and
Medicare are sacrosanct. The thought of making any changes that
might lower the benefits these programs pay is so politically risky that
most politicians never even discuss the possibility. When programs
such as these run into trouble because of rising expenses (Medicare is
in deep trouble today, and Social Security will be in even deeper
trouble in a few decades), politicians scramble to look for ways of
maintaining benefits while hiding the rising costs or postponing
dealing with them. As we shall see later in this chapter, there has been
a sharp growth in the proportion of people who are retired and are thus
entitled to Social Security and Medicare. To keep benefits flowing to
these individuals, people who are not retired will have to pay more and
more in taxes. No politician wants to raises taxes or cut benefits, so
they adopt a variety of halfhearted measures (like slowly increasing
the age at which people can get these benefits) designed to postpone
the tough decisions until they are out of office.
Client-based welfare programs-those that are tested-are a very
different matter. Like many other client-based programs, their

political appeal changes as popular opinion about them changes. Take

to old Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program.
When it was started in 1935, people thought of it as a way of helping
poor women whose husbands had been killed in war or had died in
mining accidents. The goal was to help these women support their
children, who had been made fatherless by death or disaster. Most
people thought of these women as the innocent victims of a tragedy.
No one thought that they would take AFDC for very long. It was a
program to help smooth things over for them until they could remarry.
About thirty years later, however, the publics opinion of
AFDC had begun to change. People started to think that AFDC was
paying money to women who had never married and had no intention
of marrying. The government, according to this view, was subsidizing
sing-parents families, encouraging out-of-wedlock births, and creating
social dependency. Moreover, some people thought that black
Americans were taking undue advantage of this program. (In fact,
when this opinion emerged, blacks were still a minority among AFDC
recipients.) From the mid-1960s through the mid-1990s these views
became stronger. AFDC has lost the legitimacy it needed, as clientprogram, to survive politically.
Whenever a client-program loses political legitimacy, the
program is in trouble. AFDC recipients were in much the same fix as
tobacco farmers. Once, government subsidies to tobacco growers
were a routine feature of political life. Tobacco farmers were just
farmers, like those who produced corn or wheat. Very few citizens
knew or cared how much money it cost to support this program, and
even if they had known, the amount was so small that they wouldnt
have had a strong incentive to organize and fight the program. But
then the harmful effects of smoking began to become widely known.
The surgeon general condemned smoking. Scores of scientific studies
criticized it. Labels appeared on cigarette packages and in tobacco
advertisements telling users that the product was dangerous. Many
people began to give up the smoking habit. As a result, government
subsidies to tobacco growers were in political trouble. The program
was cut back, sharply.
Client politics, in short, depends on the beneficiaries being
thought of as legitimate. Almost any means-tested program risks
losing its political legitimacy, because some people will always
wonder whether the program itself causes people to avoid working in

order to claim the benefits. Some people think that about Food
Stamps, the program that gives low-income people free stamps that
they can exchange for food. There have been a few publicized cases
of people using food stamps to buy luxury items. But no powerful
opposition to the program has developed, because in general the only
thing the beneficiaries have in common is that they have low incomes.
Many Americans can imagine becoming poor, and so they probably
are willing to allow such a program to operate as part of a governmentsupplied safety net that might, someday, help them.
But AFDC was a different matter. Having to accept AFDC
was not something the typical taxpayer thought would ever happen to
him or her. Moreover, the beneficiaries werent just poor; some of
them did things-such as having babies without getting married-that
most Americans thought were simply wrong. The legitimacy of
AFDC was thus in jeopardy, because it either made possible or
actually encouraged behavior that most Americans found improper.
In this chapter we provide examples of both majoritarian and
client welfare programs and describe how they have changed over the
years. There are far too many social welfare programs to describe
them all here; rather, the main purpose of this chapter is to explain the
key features of the two main kinds of these programs.

Social Welfare in the United States

Before analyzing how these programs came into being, it is first
necessary to understand that social welfare policy in the Untied States
is shaped by three factors that make it different from what exists in
many other nations. First, Americans have generally taken a more
restrictive view of who is entitled to government assistance. Second,
America has been slower that other countries to embrace the welfare
sate. And third, we have insisted that the states (and to a degree
private enterprise) play a large role in running welfare programs.
The first distinctive feature of the American welfare state
involved who benefits. To Americans, who benefits has been a
question of who deserves to benefit. We have usually insisted that
public support be given only to those who cannot help themselves.
But what does it mean to say that a person cannot help himself or

herself? Surely a disabled, blind, elderly woman deserted by her

family cannot do much to help herself, but would she still be deserving
of public aid were she merely disabled? Or merely elderly? And to
what extent should we require that her family support her? As we
shall se, American welfare policy since the 1930s has been
fundamentally shaped by a slow but steady changed in how we have
separated the deserving from the undeserving poor.
That we have always thought this way may make us forget that
there are other ways of thinking about welfare. The major alternative
view is to ask not who deserves help but what each persons fair
share of the national income is. Seen this way, the role of
government is to take money from those who have a lot and give it to
those who have only a little, until each person has, if not the same
amount, then at least a fair share. But defining a fair share is even
more difficult than defining the deserving poor. Moreover,
Americans have generally felt that giving money to people who are
already working, or who could work if they chose to, is unfair. In
some nations-Sweden is an example-government policy is aimed at
redistributing income from better-off to not-so-well-off persons,
without regard to who deserves the money.
Thus Americans base welfare policy on the concept of help
for the deserving poor rather than redistribution to produce fair
shares.1 They have done so, one suspects, because they believe that
citizens should be encouraged to be self-reliant, that people who work
hard will get what they deserve, and that giving money to people who
could help themselves will produce a class of welfare chiselers. If
Americans believed that success at work was a matter of luck rather
than effort or was dictated by forces over which they had no control,
they might support a different concept of welfare.
Moreover, we have always been a bit uneasy about giving
money to people. Though we recognize that many people through no
fault of their own cannot but groceries and thus need funds, we would
prefer that, to the extent possible, people who deserve help be given
services (education, training, medical care) rather than money.
Throughout much of our history our welfare policies have reflected a
general philosophical disposition in favor of providing services to
deserving persons.
The second striking fact about American welfare policy is how
late in our history it arrived (at least at the national level) compared to

other nations. By 1935, when Congress passed the Social Security

Act, at least twenty-two European nations already had similar
programs, as did Australia and Japan.2 Germany was the first to create
a nationwide social security program when it developed sickness and
maternity insurance in 1883. Six years later it added old-age insurance
and in 1927 unemployment insurance.
England offers perhaps the clearest contrast with the United
States. In 1908 a national system of old-age pensions was set up,
followed three years later by a plan for nationwide health and
unemployment insurance.3 England had a parliamentary regime in
which a political party with liberal sentiments and a large majority had
come to power. With authority concentrated in the hands of the prime
minister and his cabinet, there was virtually no obstacle to instituting
measures, such as welfare programs, that commended themselves to
party leaders on grounds of either principle or party advantage.
Furthermore, the British Labour party was then beginning to emerge.
Though the party was still small (it had only thirty seats in Parliament
in 1908), its leaders included people who had been influential in
formulating welfare programs that the leaders of the dominant Liberal
part backed. And once these programs were approved, they were in
almost all cases nationally run; there were no state governments to
which authority had to be delegated or whose different experiences
had to be accommodated.
Moreover, the British in 1908 were beginning to think in terms
of social classes, to accept the notion of an activist government, and to
make welfare the central political issue. Americans at that time also
had an activist leader, Theodore Roosevelt; there was a progressive
movement; and labor was well along in its organizing drives. But the
issues were defined differently in the United States. Progressive, or at
least most of them, emphasized the reform of the political process-by
eliminating corruption, by weakening the parties, and by improving
the civil service-and attacked bigness by breaking up industrial trusts.
Though some progressives favored the creation of a welfare state, they
were a distinct minority. They had few allies in organized labor
(which was skeptical of public welfare programs) and could not
overcome the general distrust of big government and the strong
preference for leaving matters of welfare in state hands. In sum, what
ordinary politics brought to England in 1908-1911, only the crisis
politics of 1935 would bring to the United States. But once started, the

program grew. By 1983, almost one-third of all Americans received

benefits from one or more social welfare programs.
The third factor involved the degree to which federalism has
shaped national welfare policy. Since the Constitution was silent on
whether Congress had the power to spend money on welfare and since
powers not delegated to Congress were reserved for the states, it was
not until the Constitutional reinterpretation of the 1930s (see Chapter
14) that it became clear that the federal government could do anything
in the area of social policy. At the same time, federalism meant that
any state so inclined could experiment with welfare programs.
Between 1923 and 1933 thirty states enacted some form of an old-age
pension. By 1935 all but two states had adopted a mothers pensiona program whereby a widow with children was given financial
assistance, provide that she was a fit mother who ran a suitable
home. The poor were given small doles by local governments,
helped by private charities, or placed in almshouses. Only one state,
Wisconsin, had an unemployment insurance program.
Politically the state programs had a double-edged effect: they
provided opponents of a federal welfare system with an argument (the
states were already providing welfare assistance), but they also
supplied a lobby for federal financial assistance (state authorities
would campaign for national legislation to help them out). Some were
later to say that the states were the laboratories for experimentation in
welfare policy. When the federal government entered the field in
1935, it did so in part by spending money through the states, thereby
encouraging the formation in the states of a strong welfare bureaucracy
whose later claims would be difficult to ignore.
Majoritarian Welfare Programs:
Social Security and Medicare
At the time the Great Depression began, in 1929, the job of providing
relief to needy people fell to state and local governments or to private
charities, and even these sources were primarily concerned with
widows, orphans, and the elderly.4 Hardly any state had a systematic
program for supporting the unemployed, though many states provided
some kind of help if it was clear that the person was out of work
through no fault of his or her own. When the economy suddenly
ground to a near standstill and the unemployment rate rose to include

one-fourth of the work force, private charities and city relief programs
nearly went bankrupt.
The election of 1932 produced an overwhelming congressional
majority for the Democrats and placed Franklin D. Roosevelt in the
White House. Almost immediately a number of emergency measures
were adopted to cope with the depression by supplying federal cash to
bail out state and local relief agencies and by creating public work jobs
under federal auspices. These measures were recognized as temporary
expedients, however, and were unsatisfactory to those who believed
that the federal government had a permanent and major responsibility
for welfare. Roosevelt created the Cabinet Committee on Economic
Security to consider long-term policies. The committee drew heavily
on the experience of European nations and on the ideas of various
American scholars and social workers, but it understood that it would
have to adapt these proposals to the realities of American politics.
Chief among these was the widespread belief that any direct federal
welfare program might be unconstitutional. The Constitution nowhere
explicitly gave to Congress the authority to set up an unemployment
compensation or old-age retirement program. And even if a welfare
program were constitutional, many believed, it would be wrong
because it violated the individualistic creed that people should help
themselves unless they were physically unable to do so.
But failure by the Roosevelt administration to produce a
comprehensive social security program, his supporters felt, might
make the president vulnerable in the 1936 election to the leaders of
various radical social movements. Huey Long of Louisiana was
proposing a Share Our Wealth plan; Upton Sinclair was running for
governor of California on a platform calling for programs to End
Poverty in California; and Dr. Francis E. Townsend was leading an
organization of hundreds of thousands of elderly people on whose
behalf he would demanded government pensions of $200 a month.
The plan that emerged from the cabinet committee was
carefully designed to meet popular demands within the framework of
popular beliefs and constitutional understandings. It called for two
kinds of programs: (1) an insurance program for the unemployed and
elderly, to which workers would contribute and from which they
would benefit when they became unemployed or retired; and (2) an
assistance program for the blind, dependent children, and the aged.
(Giving assistance as well as providing insurance for the aged was

necessary because for the first few years the insurance program would
not pay out any benefits.) The federal government would use its
power to tax to provide the funds, but all of the programs (except for
old-age insurance) would be administered by the states. Everybody,
rich or poor, would be eligible for the insurance programs. Only the
poor, as measured by a means test (a measure to determine that
incomes are below a certain level), would be eligible for the assistance
programs. Though bitterly opposed by some, the resulting Social
Security Act passed swiftly and virtually unchanged through Congress.
It was introduced in January 1935 and signed by President Roosevelt
in August of that year.
The idea of having the government pay the medical and
hospital bills of the elderly and the poor had been discussed in
Washington since the drafting of the Social Security Act. President
Roosevelt and his Committee on Economic Security sensed that
medical care would be very controversial, and so health programs
were left out of the 1935 bill in order not to jeopardize its chances of
The proponents of the idea did not abandon it, however.
Working mostly within the executive branch, they continued to press,
sometimes publicly, sometimes behind the scenes, for a national health
care plan. Democratic presidents, including Truman, Kennedy, and
Johnson, favored it; Republican president Eisenhower opposed it;
Congress was deeply divided on it. The American Medical
Association attacked it as socialized medicine. For thirty years key
policy entrepreneurs, such as Wilbur Cohen, worked to find a formula
that would produce a congressional majority.
The first and highest hurdle to overcome, however, was not
Congress as a whole but the House Ways and Means Committee,
especially its powerful chairman from 1958 to 1975, Wilbur Mills of
Arkansas. A majority of the committee members opposed a national
health care program. Some members believed it wrong in principle;
others feared that adding a costly health component to the Social
Security system would jeopardize the financial solvency and
administrative integrity of one of the most popular government
programs. By the early 1960s a majority of the House favored a health
care plan, but without the approval of Ways and Means it would never
reach the floor.

The 1964 elections changed all that. The Johnson landslide

produced such large Democratic majorities in Congress that the
composition of the committees changed. In particular the membership
of the Ways and Means Committee was altered. Whereas before it had
three Democrats for every two Republicans, after 1964 it had two
Democrats for every one Republican. The House leadership saw to it
that the new Democrats on the committee were strongly committed to
a health care program. Suddenly the committee had a majority
favorable to such a plan, and Mills, realizing that a bill would pass and
wanting to help shape its form, changed his position and became a
supporter of what was to become Medicare.
The policy entrepreneurs in and out of the government who
drafted the Medicare plan, attempted to anticipate the major objections
to it. First, the bill would apply only to the aged-those eligible for
Social Security retirement benefits. This would reassure legislators
worried about the cost of providing tax-supported health care for
everybody. Second, the plan would cover only hospital expenses, not
doctors bills. Since doctors were not to be paid by the government,
they would not be regulated by it; thus, presumably, the opposition of
the American Medical Association would be blunted.
Unexpectedly, however, the Ways and Means Committee
broadened the coverage of the plan beyond what the administration
had thought was politically feasible. It added sections providing
medical assistance, called Medicaid, for the poor (defined as those
already getting public assistance payments) and payment of doctors
bills for the aged (a new part of Medicare). The new, much-enlarged
bill passed both houses of Congress with ease. They key votes pitted a
majority of the Democrats against a majority of the Republicans.
Client Welfare Programs:
Aid to Families with Dependent Children
One part of the Social Security Act of 1935 created what came to be
called Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC). It was
scarcely noticed at the time. The federal government, in response to
the Depression crisis, promised to provide aid to states that were, in
many cases, already running programs to help poor children who
lacked a father.
Because AFDC involved giving federal aid to existing state
programs, it allowed the states to define what constitutes need, to set

benefit levels, and to administer the program. Washington did set(and over the years, continued to increase) a number of rules
governing how the program would work, however. Washington told
the states how to calculate applicants income and required the states
to give Medicaid to AFDC recipients. The states had to establish
mandatory job-training programs for many AFDC recipients and to
provide child care programs for working AFDC parents. Washington
also required that women on AFDC identify their childrens fathers.
In addition to the growing list of requirements, Washington
also created new programs for which AFDC recipients were eligible,
such as Food Stamps, the Earned Income Credit (a cash grant to poor
parents who are working), free school meals, various forms of housing
assistance, and certain other benefits. But while all this was
happening, public opinion moved against the AFDC program.
The combination of souring public opinion, increasing federal
regulations, and a growing roster of benefits produced a program that
irritated almost everyone. The states disliked having to conform to a
growing list of federal regulations, but critics complained that the
states offered very different levels of benefits. The public hated the
program because they thought it was weakening the family by
encouraging out-of-wedlock births (since AFDC recipients received
additional benefits for each new child). But some scholars denied that
this was happening. The public worried that AFDC recipients were
working covertly on the side; the data proved that this was true of at
least half of them in several large cities. AFDC recipients saw that the
actual (that is, inflation-adjusted) value of their AFDC checks was
going down. Critics countered that if you added together all the
benefits they were receiving (food stamps, Medicaid, housing
assistance, and so on), benefit levels were actually going up.
Politicians complained that healthy parents were living off of AFDC
instead of working. Other politicians rejoined that AFDC mothers
needed to stay home with their young children or to get day care so
they could work. The AFDC law was revised many times, but never
in a way that satisfied all, or even most, of its critics. Though AFDC
recipients were only a small fraction of all Americans, they had
become a large political problem.
What made matters worse was that the composition of people
in the program had changed. In 1970 about half of the mothers on
AFDC were there because their husband had died or divorced them;

only a quarter had never been married.6 By 1994 the situation had
changed dramatically: only about a quarter of AFDC mothers were
widowed or divorced, and over half had never been married at all.
And though most women on AFDC for the first time got off of it after
just a few years, almost two-thirds of the women on AFDC at any
given moment had been on it for eight years or more.
These facts, combined with the increased proportion of out-ofwedlock births in the country as a whole, made it virtually impossible
to sustain political support for what had begun as a noncontroversial
client program.

Two Kinds of Welfare Politics

The programs just described illustrate two patterns of policy-making.
The old-age pensions created by the Social Security Act of 1935 and
the health care benefits created by the Medicare Act of 1965 are
examples of majoritarian politics: almost everybody benefits, and
almost everybody pays. The AFDC program is an example of client
politics: a relatively few people benefit, but everybody pays.
Majoritarian Politics
When both the benefits and the costs of a proposed program are widely
distributed, the proposal will be adopted if the beneficiaries believe
that their benefits will exceed their costs and if political elites believe
that it is legitimate for the federal government to adopt the program.
Initially, the benefits people received from the retirement
program greatly exceeded its costs to them. Older people were able to
get an old-age pension or health care even though they had paid in
taxes only a small fraction of what these benefits cost. Social Security
and Medicare seemed initially like the nearest thing to a free lunch.
There were several reasons for this. First, the retirement benefits were
initially set at a relatively low level, and so the taxes needed to pay for
them were relatively small. (In 1937, a worker had to pay only 1
percent of his wages in Social Security-or FICA-taxes.) Second, the
population was young enough that lots of employed workers were
available to pay for the benefits received by a relatively small number

of retired persons. In 1950 there were fourteen workers paying Social

Security taxes for every retired person. Even as late as 1960 there
were five workers paying for every person collecting. Third, people
supporting Medicare vastly underestimated the actual costs of the
program. One proponent said in 1965 that it would never cost more
than $8 billion a year. Today the actual cost is more than thirteen
times that.
The big debate in 1935 and in 1965 was not over whether the
people wanted these programs-the polls showed that they did-but over
whether or not it was legitimate for the federal government to provide
them. 7 In 1935 conservatives argues that as desirable as Social
Security might be, nothing in the Constitution authorized the federal
government to spend money for this purpose; welfare, they said, was a
policy area reserved to the states. Liberals rejoined that the federal
government had an obligation to help people avoid poverty in their old
age. Besides, they said, as an insurance program, retirement benefits
were not really a federal expenditure at all: Washington was merely
collecting payments and holding them in a trust fund until the people
who paid them were ready to retire. In the midst of the Great
Depression and at a time when liberals had large majorities in
Congress, it was an easy argument to make, and so the Social Security
bill readily crossed over the legitimacy barrier.
In 1965 the same issues were raised. Conservatives argued that
medical care was a private, not a governmental, matter and that any
federal involvement would subject doctors and hospitals to endless red
tape and harm the quality of doctor-patient relationship. Liberals
rejoined that the elderly had health needs that they could not meet
without help and that only the federal government had the resources to
provide that assistance. Because the 1964 elections, when Lyndon
Johnson defeated Barry Goldwater, had swept into the House and
Senate large majorities of liberal Democrats, there was no chance that
a conservative coalition of Republicans and southern Democrats could
defeat Medicare, and so it passed.
As can be seen in Table 17.2, the votes in Congress on Social
Security and Medicare followed party lines. Since the Democratic
opponents of these bills were typically conservative southerners, the
vote followed ideological lines even more closely.
Once the ideological issues had been settled and the benefits
began to flow, it quickly became good politics to support frequent

increases in the scope of the program and the size of the benefits.
From 1950 to 1975 there was only one period (1959-1965) when
Congress allowed more than two years pass without either increasing
retirement benefits or broadening the kinds of workers covered by the
It is not hard to see why. The House comes up for reelection
every two years. Though some members no doubt voted to increase
benefits out of a sincere conviction that the elderly needed more help,
every member knew that it was a political asset to be able to say that
he or she had voted to provide more benefits. By 1954 Social Security
was so well established that a Republican president proposed to a
Republican-controlled Congress that benefits be increased. The vote
in the House was 356 in favor, 8 opposed.
Majoritarian politics remains good politics unless the costs to
the voters begin to exceed their benefits. Though Social Security and
Medicare were supposed to be insurance programs, in fact they are
not. When a retired person takes out in benefits bears little
relationship to what he or she has previously paid in taxes. These
programs are in fact devices whereby people now working are taxed to
provide benefits for people now retired.
Three things began to change the politics of these programs.
First, Congress raised retirement benefits to the point where tax
increases were necessary to pay for them. A tax that had taken only 1
percent of a workers salary in 1935 was taking over 7.5 percent of it
by 1990. Second, older people began to live longer, and so the number
of retired people who had to be supported increased. By 1975 only
about three workers were paying taxes for every one person who was
retired; early in the next century the ration will fall to about two to
one. Third, the cost of health care began to shoot up. By 1985 the
price of a hospital room was almost five times greater than it had been
in 1970.
By 1977 Congress for the first time had to raise Social Security
taxes without raising benefits. The bill carried the House by only
twenty-six votes, a far cry from the nearly unanimous votes by which
retirements bills had once passed. The days of easy votes on Social
Security had come to an end.9
Client Politics

When the benefits of a proposal are to go to a relatively small group,

but the public at large pays, we have client politics. Proposals to
benefit clients will pass if the cost to the public at large is not
perceived to be great and if the client receiving the benefit is thought
to be deserving.
AFDC did not cost much. In 1995 the federal government spend
less than $14 billion on AFDC, less than half what it spent on
veterans benefits and only a tenth of what it spent on Medicare. The
politics of these programs centers less on their cost than on the
legitimacy of their beneficiaries.
As noted above, when it was first enacted AFDC was relatively
noncontroversial. Originally it seemed intended to help deserving
people. IN 1935 the typical welfare mother was perceived to be a
woman living in a small town, whose husband had been killed in a
mining accident. Who could object to giving some modest help to a
person who was the victim of circumstances?
Right or wrong, American values on this subject are quite clear.
As can be seen in Table 17.3 on page 535, both poor and nonpoor
people believe that welfare encourages husbands to avoid family
responsibilities and poor young women often have babies so they
can collect welfare. These poll data also indicate that Americans
prefer to see poor people helped by giving them job training or even
creating government jobs for them. This service strategy (providing
training and education) is strongly preferred to an income strategy
(giving people money)-unless, of course, the income can be called
Indeed, some critics of welfare, such as Charles Murray, have
argued that AFDC actually increases the number of people living in
poverty,. Murray claimed that high welfare benefits made it more
attractive for some people to go on welfare than to look for a job and
more attractive for some women to have babies than to get married.
This kept them poor. Other scholars have criticized Murrays thesis.
They argued that there is no direct evidence that welfare encourages
family breakup and suggested that the rise in the number of
illegitimate children occurred during a period (the 1970s) when
welfare benefits, in real (that is, inflation-adjusted) dollars, were going
In short, the clients of these programs never acquired in the
publics mind the legitimacy necessary for their programs to prosper,

As a result, whereas for forty years it was thought to be good politics

to increase old-age benefits, it increasingly became considered bad
politics to do anything but attack, investigate, and curtail the welfare

Toward a New Welfare Politics

The biggest problem facing majoritarian welfare programs is their
cost: who will pay, and how much will they pay? The biggest problem
facing client-oriented welfare programs is their legitimacy: who should
benefit, and how should they be served?
The supporters of Social Security and Medicare have spent most of
their time since the mid-1970s trying to devise politically painless
ways of maintaining existing benefits or providing new ones. It hasnt
been easy.
By 1981 many people in Washington feared that the Social
Security system was about to run out of money, especially since,
beginning in 1972, the amount paid to each retired person
automatically went up with inflation (that is, the payments were
indexed to inflation). Liberals wanted to solve this problem by
raising taxes; conservatives wanted to solve it by cutting benefits.
After many false starts the two sides agreed to turn the matter over to a
bipartisan commission. Its plan, adopted by Congress in 1983, both
raised taxes and reduced (slightly) benefits for future retirees, mostly
by gradually increasing the age at which people would become eligible
for retirement benefits, from sixty-five to sixty-seven.12
Medicare was a far tougher problem. It was politically
impossible either to increase taxes enough to pay for the rapidly
escalating health costs of retired people or to cut their benefits enough
to make up for the shortfall.
The strategy Congress has followed is to try to control costs by
imposing ever-greater restrictions on what doctors and hospitals can
charge. Doctors and hospitals dont like this, of course, and many
economists warn that price controls won work-one way or another,

people will find a way to buy what they want. Nevertheless, Congress
works on the assumption that irritating physicians and economists is a
lot better than outraging retired persons on Medicare.
The essence of the price-control system, adopted in 1983, is to
replace the traditional way of paying hospitals (sending them a check
to cover their customary costs) with a new policy of paying a flat fee
for each particular treatment, from broken bones to brain tumors,
regardless of what they cost. Doctors and hospitals that couldnt
deliver the service for what the government would pay would have to
swallow the extra cost themselves; if they could treat the patient for
less, they could pocket the difference. Sounds good, but there is a
hitch: some hospitals reacted to the price controls by not becoming
more efficient but by scrimping on services and discharging patients
quicker but sicker.13
Despite the anguish of having to figure out how to deliver the
greatest benefits for the least tax dollars, Congress and the White
House could no resist trying to create an entirely new health benefit.
The law was called the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988.
It should have been called the Politically Catastrophic Act of 1988.
The idea was simple enough: elderly people are especially
worried about having to pay for some medical catastrophe, such as
cancer, a stroke, or Alzheimers disease. These illnesses can quickly
consume almost anyones savings. Under the existing Medicare plan,
the government would pay your hospital bills for only 150 days in any
given year. The catastrophic illness bill dealt with the by guaranteeing
that the government would pay your hospital bills for the whole year,
every year, after you had paid a deductible. The cost of this additional
coverage was to be paid for largely by the elderly themselves, with the
increase in fees to be the greatest for the most affluent.
Though the idea was simple, the problem was that the
beneficiaries didnt think the new law provided any real benefit,
certainly not one they wanted to pay for. They expressed their feelings
in a tidal wave of opposition, and within eighteen months Congress
was forced to back down and repeal the Medicare Catastrophic
Coverage Act. The House vote to pass the act in 1988 had been 302 to
127; the House vote to repeal it in 1989 was 352 to 63. It was the most
dramatic reversal in the history of welfare legislation.
In the 1996 election, Clinton and Dole agreed that perhaps a
bipartisan commission should be formed to debate the future of

Medicare. But everybody still handled the subject with kid gloves,
and a commission that might have produced some positive results was
never formed. President Clinton and congressional Republicans had
already suggested postponing the Medicare crisis by cutting the
amount of money going to doctors and hospitals. They disagreed only
on how big the cut should be. Cutting payments to hospitals, however,
does not seem a viable solution to the problem because hospitals must
make up for such cuts either by reducing services or by charging
paying customers more money.
At least for Social Security the tactic of turning to a commission
had already been tried. In 1996 a second advisory commission on
Social Security produced three reports but no clear majority opinion
about what should be done to maintain the program. The most
challenging recommendation was that the system be revised to allow
people to put some fraction of their Social Security taxes into the stock
market. There they could earn much higher returns than what is
typical of federal bonds, where the Social Security trust fund is
currently invested. Younger workers seemed to like the idea, because
many dont think Social Security will be there for them when they
retire. Older workers and retirees dont like the idea, because it entails
a certain amount of risk to current benefit levels.
When costs rise, majoritarian politics no longer looks so easy.
Public Support
Aid to the Poor By contrast, client politics get easier when the
legitimacy of its beneficiaries declines. After many efforts to reform
AFDC, the 104th Congress passed and President Clinton signed a law
that turns the program back to the states. The law that created AFDCTitle IV of the Social Security Act-was abolished.
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
Reconciliation Act of 1996 as designed to do several things. First, it
lets the states run welfare programs for the poor as they see fit, without
tight federal regulation. Each state will get a fixed federal block grant
to pay for what is now called Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families (TANF). The block grants are fixed in size; they wont go up
automatically, though states that achieve certain goals-such as
reducing out-of-wedlock births or increasing welfare recipients who
work-will be eligible for extra benefits. Second, the new law requires

that most welfare recipients find work, by placing limits on how long
they can get benefits. Third, the bill denies food stamps for legal
aliens and denies TANF for illegal aliens.
The work requirements are at the heart of the bill. To keep
receiving their block grants, the states must ensure that all adults who
receive benefits are working within two years of receiving a TANF
grant. Furthermore, federal money cannot be used to support any adult
for more than five years, and mothers will have their TANF grants
reduced if they do not identify the fathers of their children. New
machinery has been put into place to track down deadbeat dads.
Unmarried mothers under the age of eighteen will qualify for a TANF
grant only if they live with a parent (or in an adult-supervised setting)
and attend school.
Food Stamps, Medicaid, the Earned Income Credit, child
nutrition and child care grants, and Supplementary Security Income
(SSI) continue to be available to TANF recipients, though in some
cases under stricter limits
Many state governors supported the bill (they may be wondering
why now that they have full responsibility for administering TANF).
Many liberal Democrats and childrens advocates denounced the bill,
but it passed both houses of Congress by large majorities. At the time
he signed the bill, President Clinton said he disagreed with some of its
provisions and planned to offer some legislation to change these items.
Whatever happens on this front, it is clear that unmarried moms have
lost their status as a legitimate client group.
Aid to the Homeless No issue better illustrates the tensions within
American social welfare politics than the problem of the homeless.
The streets and parks of many cities are filled with homeless people.
That much is clear. Everything else is in dispute.
People disagree concerning how many people are homeless, why
they are homeless, and what should be done about it. Many liberals
argue that there are millions of homeless people, that most of them are
the victims of high housing costs or cuts in social services, and that the
government should (at a minimum) not harass them and (at a
maximum) provide them with shelter. Many conservatives, by
contrast, argue that there are relatively few homeless people, that most
of them are mentally ill or drug-dependent, and that the government

should use the criminal justice and mental health systems to get them
off the streets and into institutions.
When government is faced with a problem over which there is
such profound disagreement, no one should be surprised to discover
that it adopts a policy that satisfies neither group. In many cities the
police enforce laws against public disorder but not against sleeping on
the streets; local agencies supply shelters, but only during cold
weather; health organizations offer treatments to mentally ill or drugdependent people, but they do not require it.
The federal government has so far limited its role to supplying
money to the states and cities to help pay for the variety of local
programs. Beginning in 1987, Congress has authorized spending
money for emergency food, shelter, and health care for the homeless.
Aid to Immigrants The political controversies surrounding
homelessness pale in comparison to the present and potential political
battles over immigration. In the early 1990s an estimated 1.25 million
immigrants entered the country each year. Most entered legally, but
some unknown fraction entered illegally (so-called undocumented
aliens). Not since the early decades of this century has the United
States experienced anything like this level of immigration.
The majority of these new immigrants are from Mexico, China,
and Haiti, and they are different in both culture and appearance from
the descendants of European immigrants who make up the majority of
Americans. While many Americans of European ancestry cherish
their grandparents tales of how they came to this country, todays
immigrants face a very different set of circumstances. Rather than
landing on Ellis Island and spreading out across many states, an
estimated 90 percent of todays immigrants are concentrated in six
states: California, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, and Texas.
California alone was the final destination of about half of all
immigrants to the United States in the 1980s.
Most studies by economists indicate that the impact of
immigration on the wages and unemployment rate of less-skilled
workers is virtually nil. This holds even in such dramatic cases as the
1980 influx of some 125,000 Cubans into Miami, Florida. Although
the Cuban immigration increased the citys labor force by almost 8
percent, it had virtually no deleterious economic effects on the citys
less-skilled workers. Nevertheless, many Americans believe that

immigration harms American workers and that immigrants who do not

find jobs drain the public coffers of billions of tax dollars. Especially
with respect to illegal aliens, many Americans are not inclined to
number immigrants among the deserving poor nor to favor social
welfare policies that benefit immigrants at the expense of tax payers.
Research findings on the economic effects of immigration are
mixed. Some studies contradict the view that immigrants take jobs
from native-born workers and depress wages, but others estimate that a
large fraction (by some estimates as much as one-third) of the decline
in the earnings of low-skilled, native-born workers in the 1980s
resulted from competition from low-skilled immigrants. Likewise,
some studies show that immigrants pay more in taxes than they receive
in government services, but others reach the opposite conclusion.14 In
any case, research alone will not decide the coming national debate
over immigration and social welfare policy. There are two historic
oversimplifications in American thinking about immigrants-the
pitiable, huddled masses view versus the job-stealing aliens view.
It remains to be seen which view will prevail in government policy on
immigrants, but the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 provided an early
clue in its goals of cutting benefit to aliens, especially illegal ones.

We can explain the politics of social welfare policy in America
principally in terms of two factors: who benefits and who pays, and the
beliefs citizens have about social justice. Neither factor is static:
gainers and losers vary as the composition of society and the workings
of the economy change, and beliefs about who deserves what are
modified as attitudes toward work, the family, and the obligations of
government change.
The benefits and costs of the policies help explain the popularity
of two social welfare programs and the controversy surrounding
others. Social Security and Medicare provide widely distributed
benefits and impose widely distributed costs. The politics surrounding
their enactment and expansion have been majoritarian. The Aid to
Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program provided benefits

to some at a cost to many. As a form of client politics, it was made

especially controversial by the publics perception of the program as
one that helped and undeserving group. It became so controversial
that it lost its political legitimacy and was repealed. Debates over
health care reform are essentially arguments about who should pay and
who should benefit.
The congressional (as opposed to the parliamentary) system of
government means that greater political effort and more time are
required for the adoption of a new welfare policy. Federalism means
that the states will play a large role in determining how any welfare
program is administered and at what level benefits are set.

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