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Applications of DC Generators
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Electrical Objective Questions MCQs

Alternator or Synchronous Generator

Working Principle of Alternator
Construction of Alternator
Rating of Alternator
Armature Winding
Armature Winding of Alternator
Winding Factor
Armature Reaction of Alternator
Phasor Diagram for Synchronous Generator
Induction Generator
Working Principle of DC Generator
Construction of DC Generator
Commutation in DC Machine
Methods of Improving Commutation



Applications of DC Generators | Electrical4u

Frog Leg, Drum and Gramme Ring Winding

Types of DC Generators
Magnetization Curve of DC Generator
Characteristic of Separately Excited DC Gen
Characteristic of DC Shunt Generator
Characteristics of DC Series Generator
Characteristic of DC Compound Generators
Armature Reaction in DC Machine
DC Generators Performance Curves
Applications of DC Generators
Testing of DC Machine
Swinburnes Test of DC Machine
Hopkinsons Test
Applications of Separately Excited DC Generators
Shunt Wound DC Generators
Series Wound DC Generators
Compound Wound DC Generators

motor prod.

There are various types of DC generators available for several types of services. The
applications of these dc generators based on their characteristic are discussed

Applications of Separately Excited

DC Generators
These types of DC generators are generally more expensive than self-excited DC
generators because of their requirement of separate excitation source. Because of that
their applications are restricted. They are generally used where the use of self-excited
generators are unsatisfactory.
I.Because of their ability of giving wide range of voltage output, they are generally used



Applications of DC Generators | Electrical4u

for testing purpose in the laboratories.

II.Separately excited generators operate in a stable condition with any variation in field
excitation. Because of this property they are used as supply source of DC motors,
whose speeds are to be controlled for various applications. Example- Ward Leonard
Systems of speed control.

Applications of Shunt Wound DC

The application of shunt generators are very much restricted for its dropping voltage
characteristic. They are used to supply power to the apparatus situated very close to its
position. These type of DC generators generally give constant terminal voltage for small
distance operation with the help of field regulators from no load to full load.
I.They are used for general lighting.
II.They are used to charge battery because they can be made to give constant output
III.They are used for giving the excitation to the alternators.
IV.They are also used for small power supply.

Applications of Series Wound DC

These types of generators are restricted for the use of power supply because of their
increasing terminal voltage characteristic with the increase in load current from no load
to full load. We can clearly see this characteristic from the characteristic curve of series



Applications of DC Generators | Electrical4u

wound generator. They give constant current in the dropping portion of the
characteristic curve. For this property they can be used as constant current source and
employed for various applications.

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I.They are used for supplying field excitation current in DC locomotives for regenerative
II.This types of generators are used as boosters to compensate the voltage drop in the
feeder in various types of distribution systems such as railway service.
III.In series arc lightening this type of generators are mainly used.

Applications of Compound Wound

DC Generators
Among various types of DC generators, the compound wound DC generators are most
widely used because of its compensating property. We can get desired terminal voltage
by compensating the drop due to armature reaction and ohmic drop in the in the line.
Such generators have various applications.
I.Cumulative compound wound generators are generally used lighting, power supply
purpose and for heavy power services because of their constant voltage property. They
are mainly made over compounded.
II.Cumulative compound wound generators are also used for driving a motor.



Applications of DC Generators | Electrical4u

III.For small distance operation, such as power supply for hotels, offices, homes and
lodges, the flat compounded generators are generally used.
IV.The differential compound wound generators, because of their large demagnetization
armature reaction, are used for arc welding where huge voltage drop and constant
current is required.
At present time the applications of DC generators become very limited because of
technical and economic reasons. Now a days the electric power is mainly generated in
the form of alternating current with the help of various power electronics devices.
Objective Questions on DC Generator (MCQs)

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