I2 Fraud Analysis

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IBM Software

Industry Solutions

IBM i2 Fraud Intelligence Analysis

IBM i2 Fraud Intelligence

Identifying, investigating and disrupting fraud


Analyze and visualize complex

cross-channel attacks

Involve relevant staff and agencies in


Integrate fraud investigation into standard


Provide briefings according to role and


Fraud is a significant and evolving challenge for the financial industry,

costing an estimated five to eight percent of revenues1 per annum.
Criminals are becoming increasingly adept at exploiting weaknesses
across multiple systems, possibly in collusion with employees, and
attempting to hide in the siloed nature of Enterprise data. As well as
damage to the balance sheet, fraud poses a real threat to brand and
reputation with potential impact on customers, shareholders and
regulators. However, each interaction with your systems leaves a small
breadcrumb and with it, the opportunity to intelligently link them to
identify, detect and disrupt threats.
Traditionally, companies have countered fraud with point solutions that
target a specific, known threat. This approach can be difficult to
manage, often missing cross-channel and asymmetric attacks
perpetrated by organized criminals and, almost always, resulting in a
more expensive, fragmented solution. This rear view mirror approach
can also fail to spot new and emerging attacks.
IBM i2 Fraud Intelligence Analysis is designed to provide critical
insights to aid in investigating complex incidents, producing actionable
visualization of critical people and events and documenting results for
potential litigation.

IBM Software
Solution Brief

IBM i2 Fraud Intelligence Analysis

If you cannot see the full picture you

cannot respond

Fraud Intelligence Analysis is designed to provide each of

these corporate functions with the ability to view appropriate
elements of fraud patterns and to collaborate more effectively
so that appropriate actions can be taken to meet the needs of
each department for the management and treatment of fraud.

Fraud Intelligence Analysis takes an holistic approach to this

problem by providing:

Inclusion of virtually any data source to provide

comprehensive visibility of activity.
Event and rule driven procedures to aid faster remediation
and to support Know Your Customer and Customer
Due Diligence.
Distributed investigative and collaborative tools designed to
leverage relevant skills and knowledge to improve results.
Identification and forensic investigation of suspicious or
unexpected activities and threats using market-leading
analysis and visualization tools.
Automated briefing updates based on role and responsibility
which allow analysts and investigators to share evidence and
analytical results in near-real time.

Analytics and visualization

Fraud Intelligence Analysis includes market leading analytical
tools designed to provide rapid forensic investigation of
abnormal and unexpected behavior.
With this solution, vast quantities of data from unrelated
sources can be analyzed and visualized in a number of rich
formats to support your investigation.

Figure 2: Association - who knows who and how are they linked?

Governance, risk and compliance

The nature of fraud demands that detection, management
and treatment fall within the GRC functions of an
organization. The differing, but interlinked, requirements
of risk management, compliance, and internal and external
investigation groups demand different views of fraudulent
activity and, most importantly, proof to support decisions
and actions.

IBM Software
Solution Brief

IBM i2 Fraud Intelligence Analysis

Risk alerting
Early identification of possible fraud can eliminate the cost,
time and pain associated with complex investigations and
reclamation. Knowing who is who and who knows who is
critical to this process. Key fraud indicators combine
information from watch lists, known fraudsters and other
relevant sources in a risk scorecard that provides visibility of
risk to help enable proactive remedial action.

Collaboration and investigation

Fraud prevention requires intelligence and involvement from
across your organization. Fraud Intelligence Analysis provides
an intuitive, security-rich interface for stakeholders to
contribute to, share and analyze investigative data leading to
faster, more informed decision making.
Figure 3: Temporal - incidents and involved parties on a timeline

Investigation management
IBM i2 Fraud Intelligence Analysis can be adapted to support
your internal processes. Business rules and events may may b
combined to form standard operating procedures (SOPs) and
support your Compliance requirements.

Investigation monitoring
Providing visibility of the fraud investigation can greatly assist
both investigation efficiency, and also improve fraud
awareness across your enterprise; a great asset in the fight
against fraud. Key performance indicators (KPIs) can be used
to monitor progress and KPI and related content may be
displayed through user and role specific dashboards.

Figure 4: Geo-spatial - incidents on Maps

IBM Software
Solution Brief

IBM i2 Fraud Intelligence Analysis

Combating cross-channel attacks

Fraud Intelligence Analysis is designed to combat this by
working across your data silos to provide a joined up, rich
view of related events, people and objects.

Data may be locked in disparate, unconnected databases and

can be in a structured or unstructured form.

IBM Software
Solution Brief

IBM i2 Fraud Intelligence Analysis

Potential benefits

Financial fraud user cases

Faster implementation and returns, typically within weeks.

Flexibility. Data can be left on existing servers and
investigative and briefing interfaces are delivered over
thin client.
Alignment with your internal information policy. Only
appropriate information is available to users based on role.
Extensibility. Can be integrated with existing systems as well
as other IBM solutions.

Major US Insurer: $250,000 fraudulent claim successfully

identified and investigated within three hours
A major US insurance company received a suspicious
claim for a stolen automobile and had only thirty days to
determine whether it was legitimate before being obliged
to settle. Using Fraud Intelligence Analysis, the investigator
was able to rapidly investigate the social network
connected to the owner of the vehicle and discovered a
link to an unusually structured export company. By
enriching his investigation further through collaboration
with the US Customs and Border patrol, he determined that
the vehicle had been exported several weeks before the
claim. The investigator tracked the car to Italy and found
additional proof that it had been serviced there and the
identity of the new owner was the wife of the claimant with
an assumed identity. The claim was denied and handed to
law enforcement.

Using Analysts Notebook, I was able to

clearly identify a claim as fraudulent in
less than three hours, an accomplishment
that would have taken months without the
i2 product.
Raphael Lawson, Head of Fraud, Fraud Investigation.

For more information

To learn more about IBM i2 Fraud Intelligence Analysis,
please contact your IBM representative, or
visit: ibm.com/i2software
To learn more about all of the IBM Smarter Cities solutions,
visit: ibm.com/smartercities

Copyright IBM Corporation 2012

IBM Corporation
Software Group
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November 2012
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1 Forrester Market Overview: Fraud Management Solutions 2010.

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