I2 Fraud Analysis
I2 Fraud Analysis
I2 Fraud Analysis
Industry Solutions
IBM Software
Solution Brief
Figure 2: Association - who knows who and how are they linked?
IBM Software
Solution Brief
Risk alerting
Early identification of possible fraud can eliminate the cost,
time and pain associated with complex investigations and
reclamation. Knowing who is who and who knows who is
critical to this process. Key fraud indicators combine
information from watch lists, known fraudsters and other
relevant sources in a risk scorecard that provides visibility of
risk to help enable proactive remedial action.
Investigation management
IBM i2 Fraud Intelligence Analysis can be adapted to support
your internal processes. Business rules and events may may b
combined to form standard operating procedures (SOPs) and
support your Compliance requirements.
Investigation monitoring
Providing visibility of the fraud investigation can greatly assist
both investigation efficiency, and also improve fraud
awareness across your enterprise; a great asset in the fight
against fraud. Key performance indicators (KPIs) can be used
to monitor progress and KPI and related content may be
displayed through user and role specific dashboards.
IBM Software
Solution Brief
IBM Software
Solution Brief
Potential benefits
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