MAN B&W Slide Fuel Valve

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Royal Belgian Institute of Marine Engineers

From the front lines

Slide Valves: Small Things That Mean a Lot

As with the earlier design, slide valves could be
adjusted to favor fuel efciency or NOx reduction. In the six years since they were released,
the latter attribute has become the object of
much investigation.

Cross sections of
fuel-valve nozzle

63ste jaargang

NR 4

Introduced by MAN B&W in 2002 for its MC

series slow-speed marine diesel engines, the
slide valve improved on earlier nozzle designs
by eliminating a minute channel called the
sac volume that ran from the injection valve
seat to the fuel inlet
hole in the combustion
chamber. The channel
retained a small amount
of oil after injection,
which would drip into
the chamber and burn
incompletely. With big
ships consuming more
than 200 tons of fuel
oil per day, those tiny
drops added up to quite
a lot of wasted fuel. In
the slide valve arrangement, the valve sits
on the injection holes,
reducing sac volume to
almost zero and improving fuel efciency. It
also cuts the amount
of unburned hydrocarbons, and particulate



he fuel injector slide valve has been

hailed by industry and regulators as
a nice bit of green engineering for
the advances it brought in NOx reduction.
It is a key component in the retrot kit
that makes 20-year-old engines t for IMO
Tier I emissions compliance. Interestingly,
the slide valve was not invented to reduce
NOx, but to improve engine efciency and
cylinder condition.

Surveyor  Fall 2008

Using computational uid dynamics, we

modeled the effect of changing the number
of holes, the spray angels and spray patterns,
says Kjeld Aabo, Director of Promotion and
Customer Support for MAN B&W. This
reduces the concentration of fuel oil at the
injection point, resulting in smaller peak
temperatures in the combustion chamber.
Changing combustion conditions changes
NOx emissions, he explains. The benet
is not related to the slide valve as such, but
to the spray pattern. We then were able to
develop a kit that could bring our older inservice engines up to Tier I standards.
Better fuel efciency, more complete
combustion, less smoke and soot and fewer
engine deposits for these reasons we immediately deployed slide valves in all engines,
where it was possible to do so, says LarsRobert Pedersen, Director of Regulatory Affairs
for AP Moller-Maersk. From our perspective, all shipowners should apply slide valves
immediately, where possible, because it makes
perfectly good operational sense. The NOx
benet is a free extra.

Fuel injector shown with slide valves.

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