0609 Promax

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TEST REPORT Digital/Analog TV, Satellite and Cable Signal Analyzer

Promax TV Explorer
easy-to-read and self-explana-
tory buttons. If you want to take
advantage of all of the TV Explor-
er’s functions, you will have to do

Small All-in-One Unit

plenty of “learn-by-doing” since
the user manual won’t be able to
answer too many detailed ques-

Large, Heavy and Expensive: these are words sample sent to us right away. The package we were Of course the first step would
that most of you have up until now used whenever waiting for arrived just a few days ago. We quickly be to select the type of signal
the subject signal analyzer comes up. The fact that unpacked everything and placed the 23x16x7.6 cm you would like to measure. From
it doesn’t always have to be this way was demon- analyzer on the table. We were used to seeing ana- there you go to the spectrum
strated by the Spanish company Promax. Not long lyzers that were twice the size and at a weight of analyzer display. With analog
ago we were told about their newest model Prodig only 1.9 kg, it was a true featherweight. terrestrial signals as well as with
5 TV Explorer so naturally we wanted to have a test DVB-T and DVB-C signals, active
channels would immediately be
visible as peaks on the display.
In satellite reception mode the
correct switching voltage must
first be selected as does the
proper band and any DiSEqC
parameters must also be chosen.
The TV Explorer can supply 5V,
13V, 15V, 18V, 24V as well as 13V
and 18V in combination with a
22 kHz signal. If necessary, the
analyzer can switch to an exter-
nal source of power.

The TV Explorer can display

the actual power usage of the
LNB or multiswitch; an especially
interesting feature. The DiSEqC
1.0 protocol is included for mul-
tifeed systems as DiSEqC 1.2 for
motorized antennas. DiSEqC 1.1
and 1.3 (USALS) are unfortu-
nately not supported.

The spectrum display of the TV

Explorer is available in two dif-
ferent modes. In the first mode
the display acts at a reduced
speed with an overall picture
generated at a slower measure-
ment speed that may not show
every weak signal. In the Align
As expected from Promax, this left/right arrow buttons plus a a brief description of the unit’s
Mode, the spectrum display is
unit’s workmanship left us with set of 12 pushbuttons to con- more important features.
initially generated and then kept
a very good impression. The trol the analyzers various func-
up to date at a much faster pace
chassis is surrounded by rubber
to help protect it from damage
tions. Naturally, the buttons are
designed so that moisture and Everyday Use thereby making it ideal for pre-
cise adjustments. Additionally,
while at the same time allowing dirt cannot get behind them. Promax wanted to take advan- in this mode the signal strength
it to be easily stood up. Also An adjustment knob is used for tage of the increasing digitali- can also be presented audibly.
included in the package was a varying the frequency and is also zation and thus paid very close The arrow buttons can be used to
plastic carrying case to help pro- used as the on/off switch. The attention to the receiver’s digital zoom in on individual frequency
tect it from moisture and dirt, a antenna connector can be found DVB-S, DVB-C and DVB-T com- ranges or reposition the y-axis of
power supply, a charger cable for on the top of the unit and can be patibility. An analog terrestrial the signal strength display.
a vehicle as well as a variety of used not only for satellite signals tuner is also included that hap-
adapter plugs and a user manual but also for terrestrial and cable pens to support the PAL, NTSC Once the initial settings have
written in English, French and signals. The manufacturer even and SECAM TV standards. The been taken care of, the first fre-
Spanish. thought to include a Scart con- OSD (on-screen display) is avail- quency can be selected that can
nector on the left side of the box able in English, German, Span- later be looked at much more
Despite its light weight, the through which the output of the ish, French and Italian while an closely. Frequency selection
built-in Li battery can power the actual display signal is available integrated light sensor automati- is handled either by the control
Prodig-5 for up to 3.5 hours. and also external signals can be cally controls the displays con- knob or by direct entry using the
This is an exceptionally long time connected. An RS-232 port on trast and brightness for optimum integrated 10-button keypad.
compared to some of its larger the rear panel for sending meas- readability. The frequency entered can be
brothers. urement results to a PC and for either the downlink frequency or
uploading new software is also After looking over the hand- the transponder IF. With terres-
The front panel sports a 5- included. Unfortunately, the book for a short time, every trial signals it can be as simple as
inch TFT color display, four included user manual seemed user should become familiar with entering in the correct channel
status LED’s, a set of up/down/ somewhat lean and only gave the elementary functions of the number. In digital mode a push

14 TELE-satellite International — www.TELE-satellite.com

of the Scan button is enough trum display, new signals can be
for the TV Explorer to attempt found as soon as they appear
to find more information on the and with the help of the Auto-
selected transponder/frequency. scan function can be recognized
If it’s an analog signal, the unit and identified. Aside from pic- Measurement Results
will recognize this and indicate ture and audio, all of the signal’s
this by lighting the correspond- critical data such as PID’s, FEC,
ing status LED. symbolrate, resolution, datarate,
TV standard, etc., are displayed
Since there is no integrated on the screen. Unfortunately,
analog satellite tuner, picture the display of MPEG 4:2:2 signals
and sound can only be displayed is not possible. The handling of
in terrestrial mode. In satellite DVB-T and DVB-C signals as well
mode, only measurement data is as analog terrestrial signals is
displayed. If it’s a digital trans- just as simple and profession-
Snapshot of Hotbird (13° east)
ponder, the automatic scan func- ally done. The capabilities of
horizontal high band
tion of the TV Explorer comes the small TV Explorer seem to be
into play. In just a short time unlimited here as well.
the symbolrate, FEC and other
critical data of the transponder is To properly test the TV
identified. With a push of the TV Explorer we hooked it up to a
button, the PMT’s are read, the USALS antenna and were very
channel list is displayed and the much amazed. Through its light
first receivable channel is pre- weight and small size and also
sented. The TV Explorer uses its handy carrying case, this unit
an easy-to-read Info bar to dis- (contrary to its larger cousins) is
play not only information such as perfect for antenna alignment in Signal display in DVB-S Automatic recognition of
PID’s and resolution but also the hard to reach localities. Since the modes symbolrate and FEC
actual measured datarate, the analyzer is not DiSEqC 1.3 com-
service provider as well as any patible, we simply used an FTA TECHNIC
encryption used by the channel. receiver with integrated USALS DATA
and routed the video signal to Manufacturer Promax Electronica, S. A., Barcelona, Spain

This makes it easy to iden- the analyzer through the built-in E-mail promax@promax.es
tify what satellite you happened Scart connector. With a push of Tel +34-93-260 20 02
to land on while adjusting the a button we were able to switch Fax +34-93-338 11 26
antenna. Otherwise it would also back and forth between our Model Prodig-5 TV Explorer
help to have a quick look at a fre- measurement results and the Function Professional Digital/Analog TV, Satellite, Cable Signal Analyzer
quency list such as can be found FTA receiver. It doesn’t get any
Frequency Range Band 1: 45-865 MHz
at www.satcodx.com. easier than this.
Band 2: 950-2150 MHz
The TV Explorer supports the We also have to give praise to
Measurement Range Terrestrial: 10-120 dBuV
measurements of VBER, C/N, the manufacturer’s competent
signal strength, MER and CBER to and quick-to-respond technical Satellite: 30-120 dBuV

help with any fine tuning adjust- support team. After posing a Accuracy Terrestrial: +/- 1.5 dB
ments. The VBER measurement technical question anonymously, Satellite: +/- 2.5 dB
indicates the number of error we are happy to say that we got Monitor 5” TFT Color Screen
bits after Viterbi error correction the desired and, above all, cor- Color Systems PAL, NTSC, SECAM
while the C/N (carrier-to-noise rect answer within 24 hours. TV Standards M, N, B, G, I, D, K and L
ratio) indicates the noise figure.
QPSK Symbolrates 2-45 Msps
MER is the modulation error rate There’s no doubt: the TV
Power Supply Li-Ion 7.2V/11Ah
and CBER is the number of error Explorer will be the tool of choice
3.5 hours Operation without Recharge
bits after error correction. All of in the TELE-satellite test center
this data can be displayed in an in the future. 3.0 hours Recharging Time

easy-to-read graphic while the Operating Temperature 5-40°C

other values are minimized and
placed near the bottom of the
Expert conclusion Measurement Antenna align
Mode Mode

To help make things even The TV Explorer is an exceptionally handy, 8 MHz 210 122
easier, the user can set up a lightweight and compact analyzer that comes with 16 MHz 264 188
number of different satellite pro- everything you’d expect in a modern piece of test 32 MHz 440 114
50 MHz 242 90
files (several are already pre- equipment. It has no trouble handling any kind of
100 MHz 462 138
programmed into the unit). This digital signal and can also deal with analog terres- Thomas Haring 200 MHz 510 228
takes some of the guesswork out trial signals as well. It is easy and logical to operate TELE-satellite
500 MHz 632 280
Test Center
of setting up a multifeed system and should there ever be a problem, the manufac- Austria Full 932 257
on multiple connectors since the turer’s first class technical support team is there to
TV Explorer by using the stored help. The TV Explorer would not only be a tool for the professional;
16 MHz 144 144
profiles will automatically adjust it would also be an excellent addition to the test equipment rack of
32 MHz 348 144
for the correct DiSEqC, polariza- any satellite hobbyist. 50 MHz 348 348
tion and band settings. 100 MHz 416 228
In addition to this box being
used as an analyzer, the TV
- 200 MHz
500 MHz
The user manual only provides a general overview of the TV
Explorer would also make an Full 714 470
Explorer’s basic functions. The manufacturer should consider
interesting tool for the diehard Sampling rates of the TV Explorer
making some improvements here.
feedhunter. Thanks to the spec- spectrum analyzer

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