Computer Architecture Quick Notes

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notes(important fundamental concepts)

1.Define Computer Architecture

Computer Architecture Is Defined As The Functional Operation Of The Individual H/W
Unit In A Computer System And The Flow Of Information Among The Control Of
Those Units
2.Define Computer H/W
Computer H/W Is The Electronic Circuit And Electro Mechanical Equipment That
Constitutes The Computer
3. What Is Meant By Cache Memory ?
A Memory That Is Smaller And Faster Than Main Memory And That Is Interposed
Between The Cpu And Main Memory. The Cache Acts As A Buffer For Recently Used
Memory Location
4.what is locality of reference?
Many instruction in localized area of the program are executed repeatedly during some
time period and the remainder of the program is accessed relatively infrequently .this is
referred as locality of reference.
5.what is IO mapped input output?
A memory reference instruction activated the READ M (or)WRITE M control line and
does not affect the IO device. Separate IO instruction are required to activate the READ
IOand WRITE IO lines ,which cause a word to be transferred between the address aio
port and the CPU. The memory and IO address space are kept separate.
6.specify the three types of the DMA transfer techniques?
Single transfer mode(cyclestealing mode)
Block Transfer Mode(Brust Mode)
Demand Transfer Mode
Cascade Mode
7. why is memory refreshing circuit needed ?
al cells on the corresponding yow to be read and refreshed during both read and write
operation .the contents of the d ram are maintained each row of cell must be accessed
periodically once every 2 16 ms. refresh circuit usually performs this function .
8 what are the functions of control unit ?
the memory arithmetic and logic ,and input and output units store and process
information and perform i/p and o/p operation, the operation of these unit must be co
ordinate in some way this is the task of control unit the cu is effectively the nerve center
that sends the control signal to other units and sence their states.
9.What is an interrupt?
An interrupt is an event that causes the execution of one program to be suspended and
another program to be executed.
10.What are the uses of interrupts?
Recovery from errors
Communication between programs
Use of interrupts in operating system

11.Define vectored interrupts.

In order to reduce the overhead involved in the polling process, a device requesting an
interrupt may identify itself directly to the CPU. Then, the CPU can immediately start
executing the corresponding interrupt-service routine. The term vectored interrupts refers
to all interrupt-handling schemes base on this approach.
12. What is the need for reduced instruction chip?
1. Relatively few instruction types and addressing modes.
2. Fixed and easily decoded instruction formats.
3. Fast single-cycle instruction execution.
4. Hardwired rather than microprogrammed control.

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