Peter Aniediabasi John: Background
Peter Aniediabasi John: Background
Peter Aniediabasi John: Background
I have a long record of success and great achievements all through my journey as an experienced
person. I am grounded in developing project business plans and procedures with the aim of achieving
positive outcome. I am good in innovation with better understanding, public communications, competitive
intelligence as well as oral communication. I have the skills of leading large multidisciplinary project
teams, as well as the zeal to inspire and influence diverse workforce. I hold a University degree in
Natural Sciences with over 13 years experience under the supervision of internationally recognized
researchers and experts in the area of Environmental Management, Natural Sciences and Public Health.
I have got standard trainings with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully perform with
reference to any existing codes of conduct enshrining ethical, professional and moral obligations. I have
featured as full time staff and consultant in my practice and have fulfilled numerous roles on projects with
a wide scope of responsibilities from planning, all through documentation, communication, coordination,
monitoring/quality control, implementation and close-out. I have a very strong skill in technical and
professional public presentation and a broad-spectrum experience in Environmental Management with
special interest in Bio-Processes Designs and Protocol, which is a key to effective waste management
practice. I have a well developed ability to work under complex and pressured situations with believe in
my touch-one-solve-all concept. I am self-motivated and can work independently with minimal
supervision. I can fit into virgin, developing and fast-paced environment with importance attached to
time, to enable me meet deadlines. I am computer literate, with vast knowledge in Microsoft Office,
Graphics and good knowledge in software utilization. I am an advocate of positive and constructive
change with best option in what i do. I always choose to listen and learn more.
State/LGA/Village of Origin:
Professional Background:
Date/Place of Birth:
Marital Status:
Number of Issue:
Degree Attained:
Akwa Ibom/Ibiono Ibom/Use Ikot Oku
Environmental Expert and IRCA Certified Auditor
November 14, 1973/ Lagos State - Nigeria
Three (3) Issues (1 Female & 2 Male)
BSc. (Hons.) Microbiology; University of Calabar (1998).
M.Sc. Environmental Microbiology/Biotechnology;
University of Calabar, Calabar (2004).
Industrial Training - Quality Control/Quality Assurance (QC/QA) Personnel - Consolidated Foods &
Beverages Ltd, Lagos-Nigeria (1997).
Job scope:
Conduct analysis on raw materials, intermediate materials and final products.
Data management
Sanitation quality test on machines, production water, staff hygienic, equipment and devices.
Reporting and giving recommendations.
National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) - Clinical Laboratory Analyst; Immaculate Heart Hospital &
Maternity, Urualla, Imo State-Nigeria (1999-2000).
Job scope:
Supervise clinical laboratory activities (sample collection, analysis, reporting).
Vetting and endorsing results prior to submission to the Doctor/patient in case of Out-PatientDepartment.
Theater preparation for surgical program (sterilization).
Handle special analytical processes
Lecture Assistant/Laboratory Demonstrator, University of Calabar (2001-2005)
*Department of Microbiology,
*School of Remedial Sciences,
*Institute of Science Laboratory Technology,
*School of Marine Sciences
Job scope:
Lecture assistant
Practical demonstrator
Tutorial program teacher
Group research coordinator
Project Communication/Technical Aide; Office of the Special Assistant to the Rivers State
Governor on Sewage Control (2008-till date)
Senior Officer Sewage/Wastewater Control: Greater Port Harcourt City Development Authority
(GPHCDA) (2009 till date)
Job scope:
Preparation of technical sewage/wastewater issues, including preparation of document.
Preparation of technical processes
Interpretation of technical documents, including maps and designs.
Preparation of professional/technical presentation.
Representation of the Special Assistant in technical meetings.
Project monitoring/reporting
Organize lead and implement Audits exercise for the Authority
Plan and produce Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) related documents for the Authority.
Unit resource person on technical and operational matters
Prepare and implement Audit for contractors and in-house
Waste Management Society of Nigeria (WAMASON)
Wastewater Engineering (WWE 101): Concept in Wastewater Treatment & Processes.
SGS Nigeria
Lead Auditor Course on Environmental Management System (EMS) ISO 14001:2004.