EY Productivity in Mining Now Comes The Hard Part
EY Productivity in Mining Now Comes The Hard Part
EY Productivity in Mining Now Comes The Hard Part
Executive summary
supercycle environment
We have anonymously quoted these participants
throughout the report. We would like to thank all
of our interviewees for their participation and their
candid insights.
Paul Mitchell
Global Mining & Metals
Advisory Leader, EY
John Steen
Associate Professor
in Strategy,
The Sustainable
Minerals Institute
at the University of
Chris Moran
Professor and Director,
The Sustainable
Minerals Institute
at the University of
Michael Bradbrook
Global Mining & Metals
Advisory Director, EY
Chris Henderson
Research Assistant,
The Sustainable
Minerals Institute
at the University of
Sam MacAulay
Research Fellow,
Imperial College
Louise Higgins
Global Mining & Metals
Markets Director, EY
Tim Kastelle
Senior Lecturer in
The Sustainable
Minerals Institute
at the University of
Nadja Kunz
Research Fellow,
Eawag: Swiss
Federal Institute of
Aquatic Science and
Productivity in mining |
Productivity in the mining
sector has been on a
steady decline over the
past decade as miners
focused on output at any
cost in an unprecedentedly
high commodity price
Over the broad spectrum of different
mining operations (geographic location,
problem. Economists refer to productivity
as multifactor in that a range of factors
are measured, including labor, capital
and material (resource). These factors
are often reported individually, e.g., labor
productivity has declined 35% since 2007 in
the South African gold sector,1 and capital
productivity in Australia has declined 45%
since 2000.2 Each of these factors has
declined across most of the mining sector,
The executives we interviewed told us that
productivity is the number one challenge
CEOs agenda. The expected declines in
labor, capital and material productivity
all occurred, but an additional factor of
economies of scale has played a big role
in the decline. Many have found that
productivity decreased as operations
manage the complexity of these large
operations, particularly given the additional
challenge of high turnover and lack of
staff experienced in focusing on driving
has resulted in complex structures and
inadequate functional collaboration.
The integration gap the reality of the
productivity issue
Many productivity initiatives to date have
been focused on cost cutting, which have
led to some modest, short-term results,
but our survey participants acknowledged
that what needs to be done now is more
complex. Our view is that mining companies
should move beyond point solutions, and
adopt an end-to-end solution to transform
the business. We believe there is a need
to ensure that each part of the business is
optimized, not on its own but as part of a
business system. We have titled the lack of
this as the integration gap. A number of
the executives interviewed highlighted this
gap and their desire to close it. Addressing
Chile productivity
Aggregate productivity
1. SA Statistics.
| Productivity in mining
US productivity
Australia productivity
4syth.com, March 2012, http://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/
solutions/data-center-virtualization/big_data_wp.pdf, accessed
23 September 2014.
Key factors
The survey participants were asked to describe the key factors
that caused the decline in productivity in their organization. The
responses covered each of the factors regularly referred to by
economists, namely labor, capital and material (resource). An
additional theme that emerged from our interviews is the challenge
of operating at scale.
1. Labor
During the boom, a focus on growth at any cost forced many mining
companies to accelerate recruitment. Higher salaries enticed
workers from other sectors to work in remote locations, but the
subsequent war for talent escalated labor costs, and consequently
labor productivity fell. The survey participants attributed the fall in
labor productivity to the following:
Inexperienced teams
From our interviews, it became apparent that during the boom
time many mining companies undertook less rigorous induction
programs in order to get new joiners operational faster.
Productivity in mining |
shovel operator: How do you know if you have had a
good day? Whats a good day look like to you? They
couldnt tell me.
| Productivity in mining
2. Capital
Capital productivity has been impacted by long lead times between
investment and production, over-investment in capital, as well as
the following factors:
High employee turnover levels and an inexperienced workforce
have had an adverse impact on equipment utilization levels.
Competitive advantage has been lost due to lack of knowledge of
how to best optimize resources.
developed world, if were getting about 85%, were doing
well. If you go back 10 or 15 years ago, people were
pushing the 90s, the low 90s. Weve lost 5% or 6% on
Lack of innovation
The mining sector used to pride itself on innovation, with new
exploration, mining and mineral processing techniques being a
common feature of the sector. This innovation has slowed. The
have a fully automated pit.
4. Economies of scale
During the boom time, mines expanded as quickly as possible with
little consideration around how to manage the additional complexity
that this created. Many of the executives observed a decline in
productivity levels as their operations expanded, primarily due to
the challenge of managing complexity, compounded by the talent
challenge, and lack of appropriate skills development.
3. Material (resource)
Depleting reserves and falling grades are also a contributing factor
as shown below, with productivity falling per tonne of ore mined.
Declining ore grades
Copper (%Cu)
Gold (g/t)
Lead (%Pb)
Zinc (%Zn)
Uranium (kg/t U3O8)
Nickel (%Ni)
Diamonds (carats/t)
Silver (g/t)
General trend
Productivity in mining |
Production processing
Mining and mobile maintenance
| Productivity in mining
EY has been tracking the strategic risks to the sector over the
past seven years and publishes these in our annual Business Risks
facing mining and metals 2014-2015 paper. A decade of higher
prices concealed the impact of falling productivity in the sector,
and it was only in 2013 when commodity prices softened, that
productivity improvement (along with margin protection) moved
up to the number two spot of our risk ranking. The supercycle
altered the DNA of mining companies to adapt the processes,
and CEOs are now realizing that regaining lost productivity and
gaining new ground is critical for long-term return on capital
employed, and requires a whole-of-business response. This is why
in our Business risks in mining and metals 20142015 report,
productivity improvement is the top risk facing the sector.
In our report Productivity in mining, a case for broad
transformation we observed that the sector was still largely
focused on point solutions and traditional cost-cutting exercises.
Many mining companies have achieved excellent results in
cost reduction as evidenced by commentary at the time of half
yearly results:
Rio Tinto: We have beaten our cost reduction targets, with
US$3.2 billion of sustainable operating cash cost improvements.5
US$1.1 billion.6
Anglo American: Higher volumes across most of the portfolio,
with cash costs down 2% in real terms.7
We believe more still needs to be done. Many of the executives we
interviewed believe that they are soon to reach a ceiling on cost
reduction. From our conversations with clients, we feel there is a
real desire to address the productivity issue, but there is a lack of
this situation, when the promise of price increases may once again
shift miners focus to production growth.
Productivity in mining |
Its taking a holistic view of all the different parts and how
level and removed from the general operation.
| Productivity in mining
People who can understand how to manage at the systems level can
make a real difference in an organization.
I would say that at an asset level and one step above that,
we do have granular controls with great visibility to help
those people manage the business, but beneath that we
could be doing much better.
One of the most common things we heard from executives is
about the need to go back or relearn the higher-productivity
behaviors of the past. While we agree looking back is part of the
solution, we do believe that it is time for some new and innovative
While the issues around labor and capital productivity did not
come as a surprise, we were surprised at how many participants
mentioned the issues that have arisen when operating at scale. One
operating larger mines without a strategy for managing complexity.
Clearly, operating a larger mine the same way as a smaller mine
is not the answer. Mining companies need to look for new and
innovative ways to increase the connectivity of the larger mines
that will pave the way for mines of the future.
Operating at scale requires different capabilities, and in particular,
needs systems that are not reliant on key personnel. One executive
remarked that the reliance on key personnel in large and complex
handle this level of complexity.
Productivity in mining |
| Productivity in mining
managers to play a waiting game, focusing only on improving their
own areas and avoiding being seen as underperformers relative to
their peers. Our survey respondents highlighted three key areas
requiring an increased focus from the business:
1. Engagement
The integration challenge can be met head-on by increasing
connectivity, emphasizing the importance of communication
and fostering a more holistic view across the organization. A
change in mine leadership is required from the command and
control methods, with an emphasis on strong supervision
self-direction. This will enable people to quickly solve problems
and adapt to changing conditions, and will build a wider sense
of accountability across mining teams. Mine leaders can
further increase engagement by underscoring the importance
of improved productivity and the role each person plays in
achieving this.
the sector into a more technology and digital business-driven world.
Productivity in mining |
performance can enable managers and workers to make better
decisions about how to enhance and protect production value. For
this type of insight and analysis to be available, a more strategic
equipment manufacturer (OEM) data and vendor data requires new
protocols that go beyond tactical monitoring and retrospective
reporting. Adoption of cloud-based services will reduce time for
information and communications technology development and
traditionally been slow at achieving.8
It is critical to link business imperatives to reliable processes and
clean data, so miners can understand where they are, as it relates
to productivity and which levers will drive the maximum gain.
strategy and capability/capacity measures to ensure they have the
right mix to be able to realize the value in other words, the who
in who owns and pulls the lever.
| Productivity in mining
Deep in situ
leach mining
Rio Tinto's
Mine of the
Single function
load and haul
3D printing of
parts on site
Virtual reality
mine training
planning and
Radical innovation
Incremental innovation
While all forms of innovation are important, those on the right-hand
side of the mining innovation matrix are more likely to have stepchange effects on multifactor productivity, because they have the
capacity for end-to-end transformation of the mine business model.
Compared with the oil and gas sector, there is an accumulated
forecasting the end of the oil and gas sector. After the introduction
of LNG (1960s), deepwater drilling (1960s), shale and coal
k]Ye_Yk *(((k!Yf\fgo$gYlaf_DF?hdYl^gjek *()(k!$_dgZYd
reserves of oil and gas will last much longer than the predictions
of peak oil. With ore grades declining in mines around the world,
Productivity in mining |
the mining sector will have no choice but to embark on similar stepchange innovation programs. EY and the University of Queensland
productivity improvement in the oil and gas sector in the oil and gas
productivity report Adapt to win.
Innovations focused on single-point solutions need to be developed
with caution. If these are not developed and implemented to
successfully integrate with other elements of the end-to-end mining
operation, then the productivity results may be disappointing.
Bill Gates
Despite the challenges, innovations in mining are underway and
show some promise for increasing productivity. As is the case
the mining process will have a lower long-term value compared to
disruptive and transformational innovation.
Potential innovations
6. Automation of load
and haul
/& NajlmYdj]Ydalqeaf]ljYafaf_
8. 3D printing
1& N]f\gj%eYfY_]\afn]flgjq
1. Deep in situ mining: For some ore types, deep in situ leaching
may be a radical way to transform mineral extraction and
processing. This is a frontier technology under development
at the University of Queensland Sustainable Minerals Institute
that is a response to declining ore grades. It has the potential to
change the sector in a way similar to the invention of shale gas
technology in the oil sector.
2. Grade Engineering: CRC Ore has developed an integrated
approach for dealing with declining grade quality. As the process
is adapted to ore grade in real time, instead of mine, haul and
mill low-grade ore, this approach uses mine planning, blasting
and sorting to remove low-grade ore sources prior to the costly
value chain is an example of the integrated approach that will
3. Ultra-high intensity blasting:Gja[Yk<j&?]g^^:j]flYf\`ak
research team have been recognized for ground-breaking
research using a novel method of ultra-high intensity blasting
to improve mine productivity and decrease processing costs.
Orica Managing Director, Ian Smith, said, The quest to use
chemical energy in explosives to improve ore fragmentation and
priority. Independent modeling has indicated that increasing
the explosive energy by several fold can lead to increases in mill
circuit throughput of up to 40% and savings of tens of millions of
dollars annually.9
4. Real-time planning and visualization: 4D analysis of space
and time, combining gaming visualization with engineering and
geographic data, are extending the accessibility of planning
and operations information to new business functions. As less
technically-skilled users are able to access and interrogate the
information held within the data, there are new opportunities for
innovation. These technologies will have applications in training,
skill assessments, safety, operations planning, risk assessment,
cost control, project planning and supply chains.
9. Improving mine productivity through ultra-high intensity blasting, Orica company website,
12 August 2014, http://www.orica.com/news---media/improving-mine-productivity-through-ultrahigh-intensity-blasting, accessed on 23 September 2014.
| Productivity in mining
10010 01
11. 3D printing will change the world, Harvard Business Review, March 2013.
L][`fgdg_qg^:a_<YlY;gehmlaf_$4syth.com, March 2012, http://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en/us/
solutions/data-center-virtualization/big_data_wp.pdf, accessed 23 September 2014.
Productivity in mining |
| Productivity in mining
Productivity is an issue on the CEOs agenda, and needs a CEO
solution to be resolved. CEOs are in the unique position of being
able to drive and lead end-to-end solutions and transform a
business, in a way that functional general managers cannot
to be engaged.
While the businesss objectives may not have changed, a refresh
or review of the operational strategy can be an excellent tool in
not just changing the focus of the business, but also in initiating
a change in the culture. A new operational strategy is a great way
to drive a common sense of purpose and unity within a leadership
team and focus it on resolving the critical issue of integration as a
way of transforming a business.
A strategy does not have to last forever; a strategy that is focused
on driving change and delivering value, even if it only lasts a couple
of years, is a valuable exercise. In our view, the operational strategy
should address the following key factors:
Management of complexity: Identify the complexity within the
business and come up with alternative strategies to reduce and
manage this complexity.
End-to-end focus: :j]Yc\gofkadgkl`YleYq`Yn]Z]]f[j]Yl]\
and involve each element of the value chain in driving and
creating value.
A supportive culture: Engage the whole workforce in addressing
the issue of productivity, and embed a sense of discipline and
focus around key business issues.
Data enablement: Look for opportunities to integrate data from
both currently available sources and big data, into decision-making.
Innovation: Challenge the status quo or the way things were
done before, and look for new ways to operate a 21st century
Ultimately, companies that can successfully improve productivity
will be well-positioned to take advantage of growth opportunities
when, true to the sectors cyclical nature, new capital
investment returns.
Productivity in mining |
With a volatile outlook for mining and metals, the global sector is
focused on cost optimization and productivity improvement, while
poised for value-based growth opportunities as they arise. The
sector also faces the increased challenges of changing expectations
in the maintenance of its social license to operate, skills shortages,
effectively executing capital projects and meeting government
revenue expectations.
About EY
EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory
services. The insights and quality services we deliver help build trust and
confidence in the capital markets and in economies the world over. We
develop outstanding leaders who team to deliver on our promises to all
of our stakeholders. In so doing, we play a critical role in building a better
working world for our people, for our clients and for our communities.
Area contacts
Global Mining & Metals Leader
Mike Elliott
Tel: +61 2 9248 4588
Scott Grimley
Tel: +61 3 9655 2509
China and Mongolia
United States
Andy Miller
Tel: +1 314 290 1205
Bruce Sprague
Tel: +1 604 891 8415
Carlos Assis
Tel: +55 21 3263 7212
Peter Markey
Tel: +86 21 2228 2616
Andrew Cowell
Tel: +81 3 3503 3435
Paul Mitchell
Tel: +612 9248 5110
Wickus Botha
Tel: +27 11 772 3386
Alexei Ivanov
Tel: +495 228 3661
Commonwealth of
Independent States
Evgeni Khrustalev
Tel: +7 495 648 9624
France and Luxemburg
Christian Mion
Tel: +33 1 46 93 65 47
Anjani Agrawal
Tel: +91 982 061 4141
United Kingdom & Ireland
Lee Downham
Tel: +44 20 7951 2178
Tracey Waring
Tel: +61 3 9288 8638
Global Tax Leader
Andy Miller
Tel: +1 314 290 1205
Global Transactions Leader
Lee Downham
Tel: +44 20 7951 2178