Time Series - Practical Exercises

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Time Series - Practical Exercises

Questions 1 to 8 are based on the exercises at the end of chapter 2 of Enders (2010, 2004). Question 9 is from the exercises at the end of Chapter 3. Some of the results have been changed to
correspond more closely to the conventions used in our practical work.
1. [Enders 2.6] Consider the second-order stochastic difference equation: yt = 1.5yt1 0.5yt2 +
t .
(a) Find the characteristic roots of the homogeneous equation.
(b) Demonstrate that the roots of 1 1.5L + 0.5L2 are the reciprocals of your answer in part (a)
(c) Given initial conditions for y0 and yl , find the solution for yt , in terms of the current and
past values of the {t } sequence.
(d) Find the forecast function for yT +s , (i.e., find the solution for any value of yT +s , given the
values of yT and yT 1 ).
(e) Find Eyt , Eyt+1 , var (yt ), var (yt+1 ), and cov(yt+1 , yt ).
2. [Enders 2.8] The file entitled SIM_2.csv contains the simulated data sets used in chapter 2 of
Enders (2010). The first series, denoted Y 1, contains the 100 values of the simulated AR(I)
process used in Section 7 of Chapter 2. Use this series to perform the following tasks (Note:
Due to differences in data handling and rounding, your answers need only approximate those
presented here):
(a) Plot the sequence against time. Does the series appear to be stationary?
(b) Verify that the first 12 coefficients of the ACF and the PACF1 are as follows:
1 : 0.739 0.584 0.471 0.389 0.344 0.335

0.297 0.325 0.269 0.201 0.189 0.082



7: -0.017



0.026 0.060


0.144 -0.100 -0.065 0.070 -0.204

Ljung-Box Q-Statistics: Q(8) = 177.58, Q(16) = 197.84, Q(24) = 201.28.

(c) Use the data to verify the results given below.

results in Enders (2004) are derived using the Yule-Walker method. The default in EVIEWS is not to use this
option. Thus you may find considerable differences in the default values of the PACF calculated by Eviews and those
given in Enders (2010).

Model 1

Model 2

yt = a1 yt1 + t

yt = a1 yt1 + t + 12 t12





Degrees of Freedom
Sum of Squared residuals
Estimated a1
(standard error)





Estimated 12


(standard error)



AIC=2.707; SBC=2.733

AIC=2.737; SBC=2.779

Q(8)=6.14 (0.524)

Q(8)=6.19 (0.402)

the residuals (significance)

Q(16)=15.74 (0.399)

Q(16)=15.66 (0.335)

level in parenthesis

Q(24)=21.02 (0.580)

Q(24)=20.88 (0.528)

Luing-Box Q-statistics for

(d) Estimate the series as an AR(2) process without an intercept. You should obtain:
Included observations: 98


Standard Error











Ljung-Box Q-Statistics: Q(8) = 4.7910 Q(16) = 15.182 Q(24) = 19.700

(e) Estimate the series as an ARMA(1, 1) process without an intercept. You should obtain:
Included observations: 99


Standard Error











Verify that the ACF and PACF of the residuals do not indicate any serial correlation.
3. [Enders 2.9] The second column in file SIM_csv contains the 100 values of the simulated
ARMA(I, 1) process used in Section 2.7 of Enders (2010). This series is entitled Y 2. Use this
series to perform the following tasks (Note.. Due to differences in data handling and rounding,
your answers need only approximate those presented here): (To facilitate comparisons all models should be estimated over the same sample. The final model can of course be re-estimated
over the entire sample).
(a) Plot the sequence against time. Does the series appear to be stationary? Verify that the
first 12 coefficients of the ACF and the PACF are as follows:
1: -0.834 0.597 -0.440 0.350 -0.319 0.332
7: -0.337 0.317 -0.276 0.179 -0.084 0.038
1: -0.834 -0.328 -0.194 -0.015 -0.140




0.017 -0.199 -0.084 -0.021

(b) Verify the results in the table below.

Page 2

Model 1




a1 :-0.835(.053)





Model 2

a1 :-0.690(.077)




b1 :-0.681(.079)



Model 3

a1 :-1.168(.094)




a2 :-0.378(.093)



(c) Estimate the process using a pure MA(2) model. You should obtain:
Included observations: 100


Standard Error















Verify that the Ljung-Box Q-Statistics are:

Q(8) = 28.836. Significance level 0.000
Q(16) = 33.895 Significance level 0.002
Q(24) = 36.425. Significance level 0.027
(d) On the basis of this analysis which model would you choose?
4. [Enders 2.10] The third column in file SIM_2.csv contains the 100 values of the simulated AR(2)
process used in Section 2.7. This series is entitled Y 3. Use this series to perform the following tasks (Note: Due to differences in data handling and rounding, your answers need only
approximate those presented here):
(a) Plot the sequence against time. Verify the ACF and the PACF coefficients reported in Section
2.7. Compare the sample ACF and PACF to the those of a theoretical AR(2) process.
(b) Estimate the series as an AR(I) process. You should find that the estimated AR(I) coefficient and the t-statistic are
yt = 0.467yt1 + t

Why is an AR(I) model inadequate?

(c) Could an ARMA(1, 1) process generate the type of sample ACF and PACF found in part a?
Estimate the series as an ARMA(1, 1) process. You should obtain:
Included observations: 99

Standard Error












Use the Ljung-Box Q-Statistics to show that the ARMA(1,1) model is inadequate.
(d) Estimate the series as an AR(2) process to verify the results reported in the text.
5. [Enders p70-722 and Exercise 2.13] As you read more of the time-series literature, you will
find that different authors and different software packages report the AIC and the SBC (BIC) in
2 These pages contain a good account of the relative appropriateness of the AIC and BIC. Where the true data generating
process is an ARMA(p,q), with finite p and q, BIC consistently estimates p and q in large samples. Where the true values
of p and/or q may be infinite then BIC gives a better approximation to the true generating process.

Page 3

various ways. The examples in Enders use

AIC = T log SSR + 2n


BIC = T log SSR + n log T


where SSR = sum of squared residuals. EVIEWS, in general, uses the following
n log T
SBC = 2 log L/T +
AIC = 2 log L/T +


where L = maximised value of the likelihood function. Other sources use

exp(2n/T ).SSR



This is only an example of the different forms available. If you find this confusing you are correct. The problem is that some of the formulae are more convenient in certain circumstances.
If you estimate one model with one piece of software and extract its AIC and then estimate a
second model with a second piece of software and extract the AIC for the second model it is
likely that the two estimates of AIC are not compatible. You will need to do a little more work.
I have seen cases where a an econometric package used different versions of AIC for different
estimation procedures but this was generally obvious.
(a) Show that all three methods of calculating the AIC will necessarily select the same model.
[Hint: The AIC will select model 1 over model 2 if the AIC from model 1 is smaller than
that from model 2. Show that all three ways of calculating the AIC are monotonic transformations of each other.]
(b) Show that all three methods of calculating the SBC will necessarily select the same model.
(c) Select one of the three pairs above. Show that the AIC will never select a more parsimonious
model than the SBC.
6. [Enders 2.11] The file QUARTERLY.XLS contains a number of series including the US index
of industrial production (indprod), unemployment rate (urate) and producer price index for
finished goods (finished). All the series run from 1960Q1 to 2008Q2.
(a) Exercise with indprod.
i. Construct the growth rate of the series as yt = log indpr odt log indpr odt1 . Since
the first few autocorrelations suggest an AR(1) process, estimate yt = 0.0035+0.543yt1 +
(the t-statistics are 3.50 and 9.02 respectively).
ii. Show that adding an MA term at lag 8 improves the fit and removes the serial correlation
(b) Exercise with urate
i. Examine the ACF of the series. It should be clear that the ACF decays slowly and that
the PACF has a very negative spike at lag 2.

Page 4

ii. Temporarily ignore the necessity of differencing the series. Estimate urate as an AR(2)
process including a constant. You should find that a1 + a2 = 0.9980
iii. Form the difference as yt = ur atet ur atet1 . Show that the model yt = 0 +
1 yt1 + 4 t4 + 8 t8 + t exhibits no remaining serial correlation and has a better
fit than yt = 0 +1 yt1 +4 yt4 +8 t8 +t or yt = 0 +1 yt1 +4 yt4 +8 yt8 +t .
(c) Exercise with finished
i. Construct the growth rate of the series as yt = log f inishedt log f inishedt1
ii. Show that an ARMA(1,1) model fits the data well but that the residual autocorrelation
at lag 3 is a problem.
iii. Show that an ARMA((1,3), 1) is not appropriate. Show that an ARMA(1, (1,3)) shows no
remaining residual correlation.
iv. Show that an AR(3) has the best fir and has no remaining serial correlation.
7. [Enders 2.12] The file QUARTERLY.XLS contains US interest rate data from 1960Q1 to 2008Q1.
Form the interest rate spread (slope of the interest rate yield curve) by subtracting the T-bill
rate from the 10-year rate.
(a) Use the full sample period to obtain estimates of the AR(7) and an ARMA(1,1) model.3
(b) Estimate the AR(7) and ARMA(1,1) over the period 1960Q1 to 1994Q3. Obtain the onestep-ahead from each for the remainder of the sample. Let [f1t ] denote the forecasts from
the AR(7) model and [f2t ] from the ARMA(1,1). You should find that the forecasts are such
that y1993Q3+t = 0.0359 + 0.986f1t and y1993Q3+t = 0.055 + 1.042f2t . Are the forecasts
(c) Use the Eviews forecast evaluation table to evaluate these forecasts
(d) Construct the Diebold-Mariano test using the mean absolute error. Compare your results
with those reported in section 10 of chapter 2 of Enders (2010).
(e) Use the Granger-Newbold test to compare the AR(7) and ARMA(1,1) forecasts.
(f) Construct the ACF and PACF of the first-difference of the spread. What type of model is
(g) Estimate a model with 2 AR lags and MA lags at 3, 5 and 8. and show that it is appropriate.
8. [Enders 2.16] The file QUARTERLY.XLS contains the quarterly values of the Consumer Price
Index (excluding food and fuel) that have not been seasonally adjusted(CP INSA). Form the
inflation rate, as measured by the CP I as ln(CP INSAt /CP INSAt1 )
(a) Plot the inflation rate. Does there appear to be a plausible seasonal pattern in the data?
Seasonally difference the CPI using 4 ln CP INSAt = ln CP INSAt ln CP INSAt4 Find the
ACF of this series and explain why it is not appropriate to apply Box-Jenkins methodology
to this series
(b) For convenience let t = (1 L)(1 L4 ) ln Cpinsat . Find an appropriate model for the t
series. In particular consider the following four models for the series.

3 See

t = ao + a1 t1 + t + t4

Model 1: AR(1) with Seasonal MA

t = a0 + (1 + a1 L)(1 + a4 Lt1 + t

Model 2: Multiplicative Autoregressive

pit = a0 + (1 + 1 L)(1 + 4 L)t

Model 3: Multiplicative Moving Average

t = ao + (a1 t1 + 1 t 1)(1 + 4 t4 + t

Model 4: ARMA(1,1) with Seasonal MA

section 10 of chapter 2 of Enders (2010) for a discussion of this series

Page 5

9. [Enders 3.5] The file labelled ARCH.csv contains the 100 realisations of the simulated {yt }
sequence used to create the Panel (d) of Figure 3.7.(on page 129 of Enders (2010)). Recall
that this series was simulated as yt = 0.9yt1 + t , where t is the ARCH(1) error process
t = vt (1 + 0.8t1 )1/2 . You should find the series has a mean of 0.263, a standard deviation of
4.894 with minimum and maximum values of -10.8 and 15.15, respectively.
(a) Estimate the series using OLS and save the residuals. You should obtain
yt = 0.944yt1 + t .
1 is 26.51. Note that the estimated value of 1 , differs from the theoThe t-statistic for
retical value of 0.9. This is due to nothing more than sampling error; the simulated values
of {vt } do not precisely conform to the theoretical distribution. However, can you provide
an intuitive explanation of why positive serial correlation in the {vt } sequence might shift
the estimate of 1 upward in small samples?
(b) Obtain the ACF and the PACF of the residuals. Use LJung-Box Q-statistics to determine
whether the residuals approximate white noise. You should find:



















Q(4) = 2.31, Q(8) = 6.39, Q(24) = 18.49.

(c) Obtain the ACF and the PACF of the squared residuals. You should find:



















Based on the ACF and PACF of the residuals and the squared residuals, what can you
conclude about the presence of ARCH errors?
(d) Estimate the squared residuals as: 2 = 0 + 1 t1
. You should verify that 0 = 1.55

(t-statistic=2.83) and 1 = 0.474 (t-statistic=5.28)

Show that the Lagrange multiplier ARCH(I) errors is: T R 2 = 22.03 with a significance level
of 0.00000269.
(e) Simultaneously estimate the {yt } sequence and the ARCH(I) error process using maximum
likelihood estimation. You should find:
yt =0.886

yt1 + t


ht =




10. The file ireland2.csv contains the total returns index for the ISEQ. (Total returns are calculated
on the basis that dividends are reinvested).
(a) Examine the series, ACF and PACF of the index in levels, first differences, logs and first
differences of the logs. From an economic viewpoint which is the appropriate model for
such a series. Does the data fit this viewpoint. Is there autocorrelation in the transformed
series? Does this imply independence?

Page 6

(b) Examine the squared values of the first differences of the logs and comment on the ACF
and PACF of these first differences. Is there autocorrelation in this series. Comment on its
(c) Estimate an appropriate ARCH/GARCH model for the return series (First differences of
11. The file cpi.csv contains data on the Irish CPI for the period 1957 Quarter 1 to 2006 Quarter
2. It also contains data on a variable c which has been proposed as an indicator of the level
of the CPI. This indicator is exogenous, known in advance and can not be influenced by the
(a) Load the data into EVIEWS and add a EVIEWS date variable to the data set.
(b) Regress the log of the CPI on c and a constant and comment on the fit of the regression,
t-statistics and the results of any specification tests that you consider appropriate. You
should also examine the residuals from the regression. Using these results, is c a suitable
predictor of the (log)CPI?
(c) An enquiry into the origin of c shows that it is cumulative rainfall in Armagh for the
period 1857Q1 to 1906Q2. Is the apparent relationship due to chance or is there a deeper
explanation for the spurious nature of the regression.
(d) List the kind of conclusions that can and can not be drawn from regression analysis with
time series data
12. The data set npext.csv is an updated version of the Nelson-Plosser unit root data set and
contains the fourteen U.S. economic time series set out below. All series are transformed by
taking logarithms except for the bond yield. The sample period ends in 1988.
year Time index from 1860 until 1988.
realgn Real GNP, [Billions of 1958 Dollars, [1909 1988]
nomgnp Nominal GNP, [Millions of Current Dollars], [1909 1988]
gnpperca Real Per Capita GNP, [1958 Dollars], [1909 1988]
indprod Industrial Production Index, [1967 = 100], [1860 1988]
employmt Total Employment, [Thousands], [1890 1988]
unemploy Total Unemployment Rate, [Percent], [1890 1988]
gnpdefl GNP Deflator, [1958 = 100], [1889 1988]
cpi Consumer Price Index, [1967 = 100], [1860 1988]
wages Nominal Wages (Average annual earnings per full-time employee in manufacturing),
[current Dollars], [1900 1988]
realwag Real Wages, [Nominal wages/CPI], [1900 1988]
M Money Stock (M2), [Billions of Dollars, annual averages], [1889 1988]
velocity Velocity of Money, [1869 1988]
interest Bond Yield (Basic Yields of 30-year corporate bonds), [Percent per annum], [1900
sp500 Stock Prices, [Index; 1941 - 43 = 100], [1871 1988]

Page 7

For a selected series

(a) Using graphs examine the series, it first difference, and whatever other transformations
you consider necessary. Comment on what the graphs indicate.
(b) Does economics (or common sense) tell you if the variable is a random walk, a random
walk with drift or a random walk with drift and trend. Do economics and the graphs agree.
Which ADF test are you going to use?
(c) Choose a maximum lag order and then determine what is the appropriate lag length to use
for an ADF or DF unit root test. (Use AIC, BIC and lag length reduction tests to determine
the appropriate lag length).
(d) Implement an ADF test for the appropriate lag length (or range of lag lengths). Interpret
your results. How sensitive are your conclusions to the choice of lag length?
(e) Implement an ERS test for a unit root. Compare the results of ADF and ERS tests
13. The file mypr3.csv contains the following series
obs Year of observation,
m Logarithm of US M1,
p Logarithm of Prices (Price Deflator for US Net National Product)
y Logarithm of US real Net National Product
r Interest Rates
mr Logarithm of Real M1 (mr = m p)
v Logarithm of Velocity (v = y m + p)
Detailed definitions are in Appendix B of Stock and Watson (1993).4
(a) Draw time series plots of
1. real Net National Product and Real M1
2. Log velocity and Interest Rates. Use separate axes for each variable.
Do these graphs provide any indication of a possible long run money demand function
(b) Complete Univariate Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root tests for m, m p, y, r , including
2 and 4 lags and report on your conclusions.
(c) Complete DF-GLS unit root test choosing SIC as criterion for number of lags to be included.
Compare these results with those derived from the standard ADF tests.
(d) Test for co-integration of m p, y and r using the Engle-Granger procedure. (There is
no direct instruction in EVIEWS to complete this test. You must do the appropriate OLS
estimate, save the residuals and then calculate the appropriate ADF test for the residuals.
The critical values given by EVIEWS are for standard unit root tests and are not appropriate
in this case. Correct Critical values are available in many textbooks. These critical values
may depend on sample size and on number of variables (calculated in different ways in
different tables). If you use the EVIEWS default (SIC) to determine the number of lags you
will use two lags and reject co-integration. Stock and Watson (1993) use one lag and can
not reject co-integration. Replicate and comment.
4 This paper examines various ways of estimating long-run relationships. For a summary of some of the analysis in this
paper see Hayashi (2000).

Page 8

(e) Determine and appropriate lag-length for an appropriate VAR in the variables m p, y
and r . You should find that you 1 or 2 lags is appropriate depending on the information
criteria used. Do specification tests for a VAR with 2 lags.
(f) Do a Johansen test for co-integration in this VAR and determine an appropriate number
of co-integrating vectors. Estimate the residuals in this VAR. Assuming one co-integrating
relationship compare the results with the Engle-Granger results already obtained. Do these
results provide evidence against a unit elasticity of real M1 with respect to income. Derive
95% confidence intervals for the semi-elasticity of real M1 with respect to interest rates.
(g) Read the account of dynamic OLS (DOLS) in Stock and Watson (2007) or Hayashi (2000).
This is a relatively simple way to estimate a long term relationship. Estimate a long run
relationship between m p, y and r using two lags and two leads of y and r . You
should get and equation of the form
m p =0.970y0.101r


Compare this result to those obtained using the Engle-Granger and Johansen methodology
14. Read Stock and Watson (2001).
(a) Using a variety of lag determination criteria determine an appropriate order for the VAR in
the paper. How do your results compare with those in the paper? What is your preferred
lag length?
(b) Replicate the descriptive statistics in table 1 in the paper. Repeat the analysis for your
preferred lag length or if you prefer the Stock and Watson (2001) lag length your second
choice and comment on the robustness of the analysis.
(c) Replicate the impulse responses in figure 1. Compare these with those for the alternative
model you analysed in the previous part.
(d) Replicate the forecast evaluation in table 2 of the paper.
(e) Replicate the impulse responses of monetary policy shocks reported in Figure 2.

Enders, W. (2004). Applied Econometric Time Series (Second ed.). Wiley.
Enders, W. (2010). Applied Econometric Time Series (3rd ed.). Wiley.
Hayashi, F. (2000). Econometrics. Princeton University Press.
Stock, J. H. and M. W. Watson (1993). A simple estimator of cointegrating vectors in higher order
intefrated systems. Econometrica 61(4), 783820.
Stock, J. H. and M. W. Watson (2001). Vector autoregressions. Journal of Economic Perspectives 15(4),
Stock, J. H. and M. W. Watson (2007). Introduction to Econometrics. Pearson Addison Wesley.

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