JMaterChem2010 20 7788 PDF
JMaterChem2010 20 7788 PDF
JMaterChem2010 20 7788 PDF
Desalination of seawater and brackish water is an area that is
growing in importance. The increasing population of the world
and changes to the climate and environment mean that traditional water sources are being placed under increasing pressure.1,2,3,4 Desalination of brackish water and seawater is one
method of tackling this problem, albeit at the cost of increased
energy usage.
Early desalination methods were based on thermal processes,
and in some parts of the world these methods are still extensively
used.2 However, the high energy costs associated with such
processes has led to a number of different desalination techniques being developed.1,2 The most popular current technique is
that of reverse osmosis (RO), where saltwater is forced through
an appropriate membrane at high pressure, allowing the water to
pass through, while the salt ions are largely rejected. Typically,
a single pass through the current membranes can achieve
approximately two orders of magnitude in reduction of the salt
concentration.1,5 Obviously the membrane material plays
a highly significant role in determining the success of the RO
process. Understanding how the different species in the feedwater interact with the membrane will allow new, more efficient
membranes to ultimately be designed.
The first widely used commercial RO membranes were made
of cellulose-acetate (CA), but these membranes have a number of
drawbacks.6 Firstly, they tend to compact under high pressure
reducing the performance of the membrane. The second even
Nanochemistry Research Institute, Department of Chemistry, Curtin
University of Technology, P.O. Box U1987, Perth, WA, 6845, Australia
more serious problem is that cellulose-acetate membranes deteriorate by hydrolysis; this is a particular problem at high or low
pH. Thus to ensure a good lifetime for a CA membrane it was
necessary to monitor and control the pH of the feedwater.
Because of these disadvantages, CA membranes have largely
been replaced by a new generation of composite polyamidepolysulfone (PA-PS) membranes. In these membranes the active
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7,8,9 is
polyamide layer, with a thickness of the order of 2000 A,
responsible for the actual removal of salt from the seawater while
the much thicker ( 50mm) polysulfone layer simply provides
structural support and strength, see Fig. 1. Despite the fact that
there has been a large amount of work done studying composite
membranes, there are still many aspects of their behaviour that
are not fully understood, particularly at the atomistic level.
Molecular simulation of reverse osmosis membranes can,
therefore, provide important information about these
membranes and how they interact with species in the feedwater
that cannot be determined easily by experimental methods. In
particular, simulation can provide important information about
how membranes may be altered in order to have a greater flow
rate or be made more resistant to foulants present in the feedwater. However, before such modifications can be proposed the
standard behaviour of these membranes needs to be determined.
Most previous molecular simulations of reverse osmosis have
abstracted the membrane structure, coarse-graining it in some
way.10,11,12,13 There have only been a few studies where the
membrane has been simulated in full atomistic detail.5,14 The
work of Kotelyanskii et al.5 provided valuable information about
how water diffuses within one particular RO membrane, but due
to the computational resources available at that time was limited
to simulating a relatively small system of solvated polyamide (62
repeat units). In addition, this work only simulated the bulk
membrane, such that no information about the behaviour at the
membrane interface was provided. The systems generated by
Harder et al.14 started with monomers which were polymerised
during the course of the simulation. This method did generate
configurations where an there was an interface between the bulk
solution and the membrane, but how salt ions might interact with
the membrane was not investigated.
In both these previous simulations the polyamide modelled
was FT30,15,16 for the simple reason that this material is experimentally the best characterised of the polyamide membranes.
Even so, many details of the structure of FT30 are still poorly
understood. FT30 consists of two different monomers, trimesoyl-chloride (TMC) and m-phenylenediamine (MPD), that
are cross-linked to each other; Fig. 2 shows the structure of
a single repeat unit.
The motivation for the present study is to investigate, for the
first time, the behaviour of species in bulk solution, in the
Due to the complex nature and large size of the system of
interest, and the fact that many of the properties of relevance are
dynamic, the most appropriate computational method for
investigating the membrane is to use classical molecular
dynamics simulations (MD). While it would be possible to use
a coarse-grained model for the membrane, which would allow
greater length- and time-scales to be simulated, this was rejected
for two reasons. Firstly, it is at the atomistic level that information on the membrane structure and behaviour is hardest to
determine from experiment. Secondly, constructing a coarsegrained model that accurately describes FT30 is extremely
difficult based on the current information; indeed any such
coarse-graining process would typically need data determined
from atomistic simulations.
The polyamide membrane was modelled using the well known
all atom optimised potentials for liquid simulations (OPLS-AA)
force field,17,18,19 which has been used to study a range of systems
where organic molecules are solvated by water.20,21,22,23,24,25 In
this force-field, intramolecular interactions are described by
harmonic bond stretching and angle bending terms, the torsional
angles by a cosine term, while the intermolecular interactions are
represented by a Coulomb interaction and Lennard-Jones
For the water molecules, the TIP4P-Ew model26 was used.
This is a rigid four site model consisting of a Lennard-Jones
site representing the oxygen atom and three point charges
representing the two hydrogens and a Drude particle. This
water model describes most of the properties of water relevant
to this study (i.e. diffusion coefficient, radial distribution
function, etc) well at a level of computational expense that is
affordable. In addition, Joung and Cheatham27,28 recently
developed parameters for salt ions specifically for use with
TIP4P-Ew water.
As mentioned previously, it is desirable that the porous polysulfone (PS) scaffold be represented in the simulations in some
manner. However, if a fully atomistic representation was used
the simulations would increase significantly in computational
expense. Instead it was decided that the PS support would be
abstracted and represented by a base constructed from a layer of
atoms placed on a hexagonal lattice. The atoms in this layer had
no partial charge and the parameters for the van der Waals
J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 77887799 | 7789
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interactions were set to those of an aliphatic carbon in the OPLS 3 2.76 kJ mol1). These atoms
AA force field (i.e. s 3.5A,
were tethered to their positions by a harmonic potential with
a bond constant of 419 kJ mol1. These parameters were chosen
so that the support/pore would not interact with the water
strongly, ensuring that the diffusion of the water within the
system is limited by the polyamide-water interaction.
The MD code used for the simulations was DLPOLY version
2.18,29 with the Velocity Verlet algorithm used to integrate the
equations of motion. The Coulomb interactions were evaluated
using a smooth particle mesh Ewald sum30 (with a relative
accuracy of 1.0 106) and a timestep of 0.5 fs was used. The
simulations were carried out in the either the canonical or
isothermal-isobaric ensembles using the Nose-Hoover thermostat and Hoover barostat,31,32 with relaxation parameters of 1.0
and 2.0 ps, respectively.
The unbiased diffusion of salt ions across the membrane
interface is not observed on the time scales currently accessible to
classical molecular dynamics, as would be expected for the salt
rejecting membrane material simulated. In order to gain information about the resistance to salt diffusion through FT30,
umbrella sampling methods were used to calculate the free
energy barrier for an ion to enter the membrane. These simulations were also carried out using DLPOLY, but modified to
incorporate the PLUMED33 plug-in.
Experimental structural information for FT30 indicates that
19.4% of the TMC groups are cross-linked and that the water
content of the solvated polymer is about 23% of the system
mass.5,9 Based on these estimates, a model for the solvated FT30
membrane was constructed. Initially, 24 polymers, each consisting of 23 repeat units, were solvated in water and the system
was equilibrated in an NpT ensemble at 300 K and 1 atm for 2 ns.
Once equilibrated, 54 pairs of carboxylic acid groups that were
apart were randomly chosen, and connected by an MPD
59 A
monomer. A further equilibration run of 1 ns under the same
conditions was then carried out for the cross-linked material.
Once the solvated membrane was equilibrated, three different
arrangements of system were constructed. The first model has the
polyamide membrane in a 2-D layer arrangement, in contact
with solution at both surfaces. In the second system, the
membrane was placed in contact with the atoms representing the
polysulfone support. In the third arrangement, the support was
again present, but this time a pore is present in the support. This
and the overall pore/
pore is cylindrical with a radius of 20 A
support being 12.1 A deep. Below the pore was another box of
water representing the pure filtrate. Fig. 3 shows these three
different system arrangements. By constructing these three
different representations of the RO system, the influence of the
support and its porosity can be examined.
In addition to the three different system arrangements, the
membrane was simulated with three distinct feedwater conditions; a solution without any salt ions (i.e. pure water), a solution
of seawater concentration (0.55 molal NaCl) and a dilute salt
solution (0.0055 molal), which approximates the feedwater in the
second pass through the RO process. A solution at each
concentration was equilibrated for 1 ns, the solvated polyamide
was placed into this simulation and molecules overlapping with
the membrane structure were deleted. A water molecule was
of a nonconsidered overlapping if the oxygen is within 2.6 A
7790 | J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 77887799
hydrogen membrane atom. The combined membrane and solution were then allowed to equilibrate for a further 1 ns before
production runs were started.
The final simulation cells possessed orthorhombic boundary
along the x and y-axes, respectively,
conditions; 49 48.50 A
with the length in the z-direction, which represents the direction
perpendicular to the plane of the membrane-solution interface,
varying depending upon the system being simulated. In the case
of the systems with either no support or a non-porous support
with the depth of the membrane layer and
the z-axis was 203 A
the solution layer being approximately equal. For the systems
with a porous base the length in the z direction was 300 A,
the part of the system above the pore having the same initial
configuration as the system with the non-porous support.
In order to determine what influence the membrane has,
a control run for the solution alone at each of the three
concentrations was also performed. The details of all the
different simulations performed are summarised in Table 1.
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Table 1 Details of the different simulations performed in the present study of the FT30 desalination membrane. 9,828 water molecules were present in
all the runs except P3, P4 and P7 where 16,055 were present
Support present
Pore present
Membrane present
Number of NaCl
Duration of
production run/ns
109 m2 s1
109 m2 s1
109 m2 s1
2.70 0.03
2.71 0.03
2.53 0.03
1.51 0.40
1.22 0.02
2.07 0.60
1.67 0.03
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C2 (0.0055)
C3 (0.55)
6.05 0.02
6.00 0.05
6.80 0.02
6.82 0.03
did drop slightly (to 5.3 at 4.1 M). The coordination numbers
reported in this study (Table 3) fall inside the range of typical
values given for both ions. Furthermore, we find no significant
change in coordination number over the range of concentrations
examined, with the differences lying in the range of the statistical
Solvated FT30
The experimental density of FT30 is measured to be 1.38 g cm35
under standard conditions. Density profiles of the three different
arrangements of systems are shown in Fig. 4, 5 and 6. The density
of the water, the FT30 and support and the total density system
have been calculated. Defining the membrane bulk as being the
of the membrane region, then the average system
central 80.0 A
Fig. 5 Density profiles of FT30 membrane taken from run P2, (a) the
full system, (b) the membrane-support interface and (c) the membranebulk solution interface.
Fig. 4 Density profiles of FT30 membrane taken from run P1, (a) the
full system, (b) and (c) close-ups of the profiles at the membrane-bulk
solution interfaces.
density was calculated as 1.34 0.01 g cm3, 97% of the experimental value, while the average water density in this region is
0.28 0.01 g cm3. The membrane-bulk solution interface is z
wide, with no sharp transition point. Thus it is difficult
1020 A
to specify the membrane density precisely.
In contrast, the membrane-support interface is quite clearly
defined for the non-porous case, P2, with a peak in the density of
both the polyamide and the water. Here the polyamide is
responsible for the strongly ordered peak immediately adjacent
to the support, while the water ordering occurs in the second
peak when moving away from the interface. This is consistent
with the hydrophobic nature of the description of the coarsegrained polysulfone system. The perturbation of the membrane
by the support is found to be reasonable localised at the interface,
with little influence on the interface with the solution. The density
profile of the pore in run P3 shows an interesting feature; while
the total density around the pore is symmetrical, the water
density is not, there being a trough on the side of the pore with
the membrane. The reason for this is that some of the polyamide
chains have entered the mouth of the pore, thus disrupting the
sharp interface seen for the non-porous support.
The surface of the membrane at the interface with the solution
is found to be rough, commensurate with the thickness observed
in the density profiles, with pores, valleys and other features
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Fig. 6 Density profiles of FT30 membrane taken from run P3, (a) the
full system, (b) the membrane-porous support interface and (c) the
membrane-bulk solution interface.
Fig. 7 Snapshots of the surface the membrane forms with the bulk
solution taken from run P2 looking down the z-axis at (a) 0 ns, (b) 2 ns,
(c) 4 ns, (d) 6 ns, (e) 8 ns and (f) 10 ns. Water molecules have been
removed for clarity and the colouring depends on the z-coordinates of the
atoms, red bottom, grey middle, blue top, where the z-coordinate
becomes increasingly positive when moving from the membrane into
solution. The snapshots illustrate both that the membrane-water interface shows atomic roughness and some degree of fluidity.
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Table 4 Diffusion coefficients of water, Na+ and Cl within the membrane and solution, taken from the different simulation runs
Diffusion coefficient/109m2s1
In solution
In membrane
1.41 0.48
1.05 0.23
1.20 0.03
1.28 0.06
1.21 0.09
1.32 0.13
0.18 0.02
0.22 0.02
0.23 0.04
0.23 0.02
0.24 0.05
0.20 0.01
0.23 0.03
0.17 0.01
0.23 0.02
0.22 0.02
0.19 0.01
0.10 0.04
0.10 0.03
0.14 0.03
0.07 0.02
0.07 0.02
0.04 0.01
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Table 5 Coordination numbers of ions to different groups when within the FT30 membrane
Coordination number
Aromatic ring
2.09 0.62
0.74 0.22
1.28 0.21
0.01 0.03
0.21 0.14
0.24 0.15
1.62 0.52
0.03 0.03
0.84 0.23
0.65 0.28
0.22 0.16
0.71 0.30
0.30 0.26
0.03 0.03
0.26 0.15
opposite of the situation in aqueous solutions. Both ions experience at least an order of magnitude reduction in diffusivity
within the membrane relative to solution.
Table 5 gives the coordination environment of the salt ions
when they are within the solvated FT30. Both ions have their
solvation shell disrupted with some of the water molecules being
replaced by groups from the membrane. In the case of the sodium
ion, at least one water molecule in the solvation shell is replaced
by a carbonyl oxygen, while there is also some coordination
between the ion and hydroxyl oxygens, but to a lesser degree. The
situation with the chloride ion is less clear, but at least one, and
more usually two, water molecules are removed from the solvation shell, with the ion principally interacting with the hydrogen
of the carboxylic acid and the aromatic rings, as well some minor
coordination to the amide hydrogens. Kotelyanskii et al.5
proposed that the sodium ion was coordinated to five water
molecules and a carbonyl oxygen while the chloride ion was
coordinated to four waters, an amide hydrogen, a carbonyl
hydrogen and a phenyl ring. While these results are, on average,
similar to those presented in this paper, Kotelyanskii and coworkers proposed that these compositions of the solvation shell
were largely fixed, not changing either with time or environment.
The results of this study contradict this, with both much more
variety in the composition of the solvation shells being observed
and with the nature of the coordination environment changing
over the course of the simulation. The findings of the present
study are supported by the results of solid state 23Na NMR
experiments47 where both a negative chemical shift (suggesting
that some of nearest atomic neighbours are polymer atoms) and
significant heterogeneity in the molecular-scale Na+ environments were observed. The cause of the difference in the results
of this paper and Ref. 5 may simply be due to sampling, as the
simulations in the current study are not only longer, but also
sample a larger number of salt ions than the previous work.
Free energy surface for ion migration across the membranesolution interface
On the time scale of the present simulations no salt ions were
observed entering or leaving the membrane layer. Thus, in order
to determine whether this was a result of a thermodynamic
barrier or a kinetic barrier, and to gain an idea of the magnitude
of any barrier, umbrella sampling methods were used to
construct the free energy surface for ions migrating into the
membrane from solution.
were set up in the
A set of 40 umbrellas at a spacing of 0.5 A
z-axis, spanning from z7 A above the membrane surface to
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Fig. 10 Free energy profile for a Na+ion to enter the FT30 membrane
determined using umbrella sampling methods. An increasing negative
position indicates the ion is moving into the membrane.
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Fig. 12 Free energy profile for a Cl ion to enter the FT30 membrane
determined using umbrella sampling methods. An increasing negative
position indicates the ion is moving into the membrane.
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Fig. 15 Free energy barrier for a Cl ion to enter the FT30 membrane
after a Na+ ion has already entered the membrane, determined using
umbrella sampling methods. The vertical lines show the average positions
of the sodium ions throughout the three different umbrella sampling
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profile to bring this ion to the same depth into the membrane as
the sodium ion minimum. The results of these three umbrella
simulations are shown in Fig. 15. The free energy profiles for
these three runs fall within the range of energy values generated
for a chloride ion entering the membrane without any corresponding sodium ion and are consistent with those results.
However, what is surprising is that the presence of the sodium
ion within the membrane does not appear to assist in the diffusion of Cl ions into the membrane, indicating that charge
separation is only one in factor in determining the free energy
profile; other factors, such as the desolvation of the ion, will also
play their part.
Molecular dynamics simulations of the FT30 polyamide reverse
osmosis membrane have been carried out in order to determine
the detailed properties of this system, at the atomic level, relevant
to desalination. Diffusion coefficients of the species in both the
bulk solution and within the membrane layer itself have been
calculated, showing that water diffuses approximately an order
of magnitude slower within the membrane layer than in bulk
solution. The presence of a support, either porous or nonporous, had a negligible effect in these simulations where there is
no pressure difference across the system. The diffusion of Na+
and Cl ions in the polyamide is slower than water, with the
reduction relative to solution being similar. However, the diffusion of chloride ions is slowed to a greater extent than for
sodium, leading to a reversal in the relative diffusion rates in
comparison to saline solution. The observation that the rates of
diffusion for all species are decreased by approximately the same
factor has implications for the design of more efficient
membranes based on the polyamide system. To reduce the energy
consumption, the ideal situation would be to increase the flow
rate of water for a given pressure, while maintaining the saltrejection at the same level. If the diffusivities of all species are
similarly influenced by the membrane structure, then the selectivity may remain constant even at higher flow rates, thus making
it feasible to reduce the energetic cost.
How the ions interact with the polyamide has been investigated by determination of the coordination numbers of the ions
with various groups within the membrane. Even when the ions
are within the membrane, water molecules account for over 50%
of the species coordinated to the ions. From the polymer, Na+
coordinates most strongly with the carbonyl oxygen, and shows
a lesser degree of interaction with the hydroxyl oxygen. The
chloride ion loses a greater percentage of water molecules from
its solvation shell, and shows some coordination with the
hydroxyl hydrogen, the aromatic rings and the amide hydrogens.
The greater coordination of polymer groups to the Cl ion is
likely to be the reason for the greater relative reduction of the
diffusion coefficient of the chloride ion compared to the sodium
ion within the membrane.
In order to investigate the behaviour at the membrane interface a number of runs were carried out using umbrella sampling
methods to determine the free energy surface associated with an
ion diffusing into the polyamide. The results show that the rate of
increase in free energy varies quite considerably, making it
difficult to determine if one ion would find it easier to enter the
7798 | J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 77887799
membrane than the other. One result seen in every run was that
even before the ion entered the membrane the disruption of the
solvation shell around the ion resulted in an energetic penalty. In
addition, the profiles did not show a sharp peak in the free energy
at the membrane interface but a more gradual increase as the ion
diffused into the membrane. The size of the free energy increase
partly depends upon the degree of disruption of the solvation
shell that an ion undergoes, with the higher energy pathways
showing both more frequent exchanges of the species coordinated to the ions and a greater degree of change in the composition of the solvation shell at any one time.
Although the free energy profiles for both sodium and chloride
diffusion into the membrane show considerable variability, corresponding to the different range of environments possible within
FT-30, there are ultimately no facile pathways through the
thick membrane used in the present simuapproximately 100 A
lations. Given that the experimental membrane used is typically
twenty times this thickness, this will be even more true of the real
material. Attempts to force an ion to migrate through the
membrane show an increasing free energy profile with no signs of
This behaviour can be
a plateau, at least to a depth of 10 A.
explained in terms of the increasing Coulomb energy of separation of the ion and the counter-balancing charge remaining
above the interface, with a variable effective dielectric constant
depending on the water structure in the membrane and its ability
to reorient to screen the interaction. It might be expected that this
Coulomb interaction would reach the point where it is strong
enough to allow the counter ion to also enter the membrane
itself. However, this is not observed in any of the present simulations. Even when using umbrella sampling to examine the free
energy to bring a chloride anion toward a net sodium ion that
already resides within the membrane, there remains a significant
resistance to creating a separated ion pair. This finding is
important since it suggests the absence of a low energy pathway
for sodium chloride through the less hydrophilic membrane by
ion pairing.
Molecular dynamics studies can provide detailed information
about RO membranes that can often be difficult to determine by
experimental methods. The simulations carried out in this work
describe the behaviour of water molecules, sodium cations and
chloride anions and their interaction with the FT30 membrane
under standard conditions (i.e. atmospheric pressure). This
provides a reference point for future simulations investigating the
influence of changes to the membrane structure, as well as the
behaviour of the membrane under applied pressure, as would be
the case during reverse osmosis. Furthermore, future investigations can now consider the interaction of foulants with the
membrane-solution boundary region having characterised the
properties of the clean interface. Through combining the insights
obtained from simulation with the information obtained by
experimental methods, it is hoped that this will allow new, more
efficient membranes to be developed in the future.
This research was supported by the Commonwealth Scientific
and Research Organisation (CSIRO) under the Water For A
Healthy Country Flagship. Additionally the authors would like
to thank the cluster members, especially Stephen Grey, for their
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