Cows' Milk Is For Calves, Not Humans
Cows' Milk Is For Calves, Not Humans
Cows' Milk Is For Calves, Not Humans
Production in Florida
Dairy farming is one of Floridas biggest animal
industries. Although the horrible final destination
for dairy cows is the same as with beef cattle the
slaughterhouse dairy cows in Florida spend much of
their lives on concrete, confined in overcrowded and
disease-ridden farms.
The heat and humidity of Floridas climate makes life difficult for dairy
cows and increases health problems such as mastitis. As a result of standing
on concrete, and from lack of exercise, dairy cows commonly suffer from
painful feet or leg injuries.
The amount of wastewater and manure produced on dairy farms is
astounding, and inevitably pollutes rivers, lakes and groundwater. Dairies
are one of Floridas most significant sources of water pollution.
Strong Bones?
Our bodies need the mineral calcium to build and maintain bones and
teeth. But cows milk is not the best or a necessary source. Plant foods can
provide all the calcium and other nutrients we need. The most healthful
calcium sources are fortified orange juice or non-dairy milks, beans, instant
oatmeal, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables such as collards or kale.
Cows milk is high in calories, fat and cholesterol, and frequently contains
antibiotics, hormones and other drug residues. Millions of Americans are
dairy (lactose) intolerant.
Beyond Dairy
The only beings suited to consume cows milk are infant cows. ARFF
recommends that people wishing to reduce animal suffering minimize or,
better yet, eliminate animal products from their diet. Contact ARFF for
ideas on how to make the change to a healthier, animal-free lifestyle.