Evaluation Question 3: What Have You Learned From Your Audiences' Feedback?

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Sahra Ahmed

What have you learned from your audiences feedback?

The feedback I had gathered from my target audience was extremely important
as it allowed myself as it would allow to improve my next performance. It also
allows me to improve the overall production and evidently, it allows us to be
aware of exactly what our target audience enjoyed about the filmed and what
exactly could be improved.
The feedback from our audience came in through the form of word of mouth,
recorded feedback over the internet i.e. through Survey Monkey and data from
both our post-questionnaire and pre-questionnaire.
Overall, the video was put together using a focus group to answer questions
based on the film and what they thought about it. It was merely to ensure our
target audience were entirely aware of what our production was about, its genre,
how it was supposed to make them feel i.e. what my aim was as the director.
Thankfully, I had received the feedback that I wanted; the short film was a
drama which meant that it was intentional to make the audience sad and to
make them sympathise with the character of Eldon it was intentional for the
audience to be upset, however I had also hoped that they would also enjoy the
overall production despite other intentions.
The online post/pre-questionnaire created on survey monkey was ideal as it
meant our target audience could simply visit our blog and fill out the
questionnaire as feedback and shouldnt have been too time-consuming.
Below are both the post and pre-questionnaires in relation to our short
film Implosion.

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Having gathered the data, we were extremely pleased to find the following

Responses to each question in the pre-questionnaire:

We had a mixture of males and females from a range of age groups; the
video attached above also demonstrates this.
We provided options within the age range for our pre-questionnaire and
the responses we received were evenly spread with the exception of there
only being one response from those aged 27-30.
After reading the synopsis, the majority of our responses considered our
short film to be a genre meaning that we had got out genre across clearly.
One outlier suggested that it may have suited a western genre and this
may have been due to the fact that the participant was not aware of the
concept western or they may have accidentally chosen it.
The majority of those that had answered the questionnaire believed that
our film suited the title Implosion.
Our questionnaire was catered towards those within our target audience,
the fact that they answered yes to the question Do you think our short
film will entertain our target audience of 12-3- years of age? supports the
fact that our film will entertain our target audience.
Some preferred the lead of a short film to be a female however more
preferred to see a male as the centric characters.
All of our responses agreed that our narrative was coherent which a good
thing is evidently as if it wasnt clear, our target audience would not
understand it and therefore no longer have any interest in it.
One of our questions received a fairly mixed response, i.e. the majority of
people claimed that the narrative was the strongest aspect of our script,
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others claiming that the setting or the interactions was. However, it may
be argued that the narrative is the strongest part of our script as a lot of
people had been attracted to it.
Responses to each question in the post-questionnaire:
Again, we had a mixture of males and females from a range of age
groups; the video attached above also demonstrates this.
We also provided options within the age range for our pre-questionnaire
and the responses we received were evenly spread with the exception of
there only being one response from those aged 27-30.
All of our participants confidently answered that they though the genre of
our film was a drama
Also, all of our participants answered that they thought the title of our
production Implosion was fitting as well as appropriate.
Again, all of our participants had believed that the narrative was coherent
The majority of our participants had stated that the strongest element of
our work was the actors and the characters i.e. their story. We also
received feedback which stated that our cinematography was strong.
80% of our participants stated that that our locations for shooting were
appropriate which can be demonstrated by that fact that the character of
Eldon was a school teacher and the main setting/location was a high
school which may of course be deemed appropriate.
It was also stated that the credits and general fonts were adequate and
easy to read
Finally, 80% of our participants indicated that the age ranges of 12-30
were an appropriate target audience.
To conclude, I was extremely pleased with the feedback that we received as it
mainly positive, in relation to the video attached, I was able to analyse my own
production in response to those in the short video I had collated:
I was extremely pleased with the
general outcome of my short
piece, it was of a good standard

One of my favourite aspects was

the cinematography, especially
towards the end and at the
beginning allowing us to
strengthen the overall production

I was also pleased with how well I

worked with the production team
in terms of pre-production, i.e.
filming with the cast & crew

However, I feel that there were certain
aspects that could have been improved, e.g.
the sound of the production used throughout
was of copyright and we could have used
non-copyright score
I also feel that the lighting could have been
better, it had real potential however we
didnt have enough time, i.e. throughout the
production, the lighting didnt match, sat
times it was light e.g. at the beginning when
Eldon is in his hotel room, and other times it
was dark, e.g. Eldons classroom
I would have liked to add some shots of
Eldons daughter in order to strengthen the
narrative of the final production.

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