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Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) has been around for
about 15 years[1][2][3][4], and now is ready for the mass
market. Delphi has created a second-generation ETC
system for several popular Model year 2000 applications
built and sold in Asia, Europe, and North America. The
Delphi ETC system is standard equipment on several
high volume V-6 SUVs, and one of the most popular
vehicles made in Europe, the 1.6L.Opel Vectra.
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Figure 4.
Figure 7. Comparison of Fuel Cutoff Speed Limiting vs. ETC Throttle Controlled Engine Speed Governing
For Model Year 2000, two important global vehicle
manufacturers have successfully implemented the Delphi
ETC system on several popular vehicles. The driver
benefits, strategy to ensure secure ETC function, and the
benefits to the manufacturer have been reviewed as
implemented on these applications. Delphi ETC provides
reduced cost, simplicity, and a host of features which are
an integral part of a range of advanced engine
management system solutions for today and tomorrow.
1. E.S.
commercial vehicles and passenger cars present
status and future perspective, SAE Technical Paper
No. 890478, 1989.
2. P. Ausiello, P. Nenzioni, O. Quelenis, P. Wallerand, G.
Zanon, Drive By Wire System for Fuel Economy,
Driveability and Comfort, SAE Technical Paper No.
92A228, 1992.
3. H. M. Streib, H. Bischof, Electronic Throttle Control
(ETC): A Cost Effective System for Improved
Emissions, Fuel Economy, and Driveability, SAE
Technical Paper No.960338, 1996.
4. N.
Drive-By-Wiresystems:some reflections on the trend to automate
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No. 18-211-D4-267, 1997.
5. R. Amann, M. Damico, B. Green, C. Han, A. Haider,
J. Juriga, C. Mantey, 1997 General Motors 5.7 liter
LS1 V8 engine, SAE Technical SAE Technical Paper
No. 970915, 1997.
6. G. Nichols, J. Yergerlehner, Fault Tolerant
Displacement Determination Method, U.S. Patent #
5,602,732, 1997.
7. K. Keegan, Actuation Validation Algorithm, U.S.
Patent # 5,115,396, 1992.
8. R. Byram, B. Hall, K. Haltiner, Throttle Body Default
Actuation, U.S. Patent # 5,492,097, 1996.
9. G. Nichols, Limiting Rate of Change of Throttle
Position in ETC, U.S. Patent # 5,749,343, 1997.
10. P. Azzoni, D. Moro, F. Ponti, Engine and Load Torque
Estimation With Application to Electronic Throttle
Control SAE Technical Paper No.980795, 1998.
11. J. Gerhardt, H. Honninger, H Bischof, A New
Approach to Functional and Software Structure for
Engine Management Systems, SAE Technical Paper
No.980801, 1998.