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The Human Element in shipping

Commodore David Squire, CBE, FNI

Alert! The International Maritime Human Element Bulletin

In the maritime context, the term human element embraces anything that influences the
interaction between a human and any other human or system or machine aboard ship. The
human element has been with us since time immemorial, but it is the humans, systems and
machines that have changed, not only through the increase in technology, but also because of
the need for operators to maintain the competitive edge by reducing running costs, which has
resulted in a reduction in manning scales and the employment of multi-national, multicultural and multi-lingual crews.
There is no such thing as the perfect ship, because the end product is inevitably a
compromise between what is needed to satisfy the regulations, what is absolutely necessary
to fulfil the operational role, and what is affordable. But, it must be fit for purpose.
However, the global nature of our business is such that not only is the maritime workforce
multinational and multicultural, but also there can be differing interpretations of international
guidelines and inconsistent standards in lifestyle, training and education.

The importance of people

People are important and ships need good, qualified, and motivated seafarers to operate well.
They need to be provided with the proper tools and be adequately trained to be able to
conduct their business in a safe and efficient manner. Hitherto, little emphasis has been
placed on honing the personal attributes of the seafarer, yet the quality of the end product
depends not only on the standard of education and training provided, but also on the basic
human needs of the Mind, the Body and the Spirit. The term Garbage In, Garbage Out
(GIGO) is one of the great proverbs of the computer age, which says that if invalid,
inaccurate or inappropriate data is entered into a system, the resulting output will be invalid,
inaccurate or inappropriate. In other words, the quality of the output is directly dependent on
the quality of the input. In terms of the Mind, the Body and the Spirit, therefore, the personal
output of the mariner is dependent on 7 needs (Figure 11):

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Figure 1

Competence. The seafarers level of competence will depend not only on good and
effective education and training and realistic competencies, but also on aptitude the
ability to absorb knowledge and to understand the subject and on his own skill and

Attitude. The seafarers attitude towards education and training will be driven by his
mental ability, intelligence, personality, character and sensitivity. Self-awareness and
self-evaluation are the key drivers.

Motivation. Motivation is driven by good communication, direction, teamwork,

empowerment and character building in order to provide the seafarer with a sense of
leadership, interoperability and adaptability.

Happy & healthy lifestyle.

A happy and healthy lifestyle through the
encouragement of a balanced diet, good hygiene, exercise, rest and recreation,
together with acceptable standards of habitability and regular medical screening,
including drug and alcohol testing, will ensure that the seafarer has the energy,
physical fitness, physical strength, stamina and a sense of wellbeing to enable him to
do the job.
Safe & secure working environment. Good ergonomics, safe working practices, the
provision of protective equipment, together with proper physical security will lead to
an improved safety culture and greater security awareness.

Self-actualisation. Personal ethics, conscience, cultural integration and leadership,

together with proper supervision and adequate remuneration can generate a sense of
pride and purpose, identity, conviction, trust, expectation, realisation, belonging,
loyalty, esteem, fellowship and personal security.

Moral values. Moral values are equally important; an awareness of the various
religious beliefs, together with ones personal faith and self-discipline are drivers
towards cultural awareness.

Some of these attributes can be taught, and some are developed through self-education, while
others fall to the shipowner or shipmanager who has a duty to provide a safe and secure
working environment, decent working and living conditions and fair terms of employment.
Some employers, however, show little interest in the health, safety, wellbeing, training and
motivation of their people such that they are prepared to employ poor quality and underqualified seafarers. Sadly, there are some administrations, owners, shipmanagers and
crewing agencies whose compliance with such conventions as STCW, and the ISM Code,
aspires only to the acceptable, particularly in respect of crew working and living conditions,
safety of life at sea and accident prevention. But, in fairness there are many owners,
shipmanagers and crewing agencies that do invest in training beyond minimum mandatory
international standards.

The human influence

It is often stated that around 80% of all accidents at sea are attributable to human error (or
more correctly operator error) while the remaining 20% may result from hull or equipment
failure due to unrecognised faults or lack of expert maintenance. The causes of maritime
incidents can be linked to a number of contributory factors:

Poor ship or system design;

Equipment failure through poor maintenance;



Ineffective communication;

Lack of attention to rules, regulations and procedures;

Inadequate training in the operation of equipments;

Unawareness of the vulnerabilities of electronic systems;

Crew competence does not feature in this list; indeed, rarely does an accident investigation
report cite crew incompetence as a cause. More to the point, every one of these causes can be
linked to inadequacies or failings in the education and/or training not only of the seafarer, but
also on the part of the various stakeholders involved in the maritime sector.
Figure 22 tells the story of the life of a modern ship in terms of the human element; it
identifies the various responsible stakeholders and their linkage, at each stage of the lifecycle
from conception to disposal.

Figure 2
While every one of these stakeholders has an influence on the human-system integration on
the ship, the degree of influence can be more, or less, direct. For example, someone on a ship

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who does not take account of health and safety issues will have a very direct influence on the
operation of that particular ship, whereas a Government, which takes an interest in the health
and safety of seafarers generally, could have a small but significant effect on all seafarers
sailing under that countrys flag.

Human Factors
Human Factors, or The Human Factor, are terms that are often misinterpreted and are used
as covers for the human element or even human error. Human Factors are defined as the
body of scientific knowledge relating about people and how they interact with their
environment, especially when working.
Applying human factors to the design and operation of a ship or its systems means taking
account of human capabilities, skills, limitations and needs. Human Factors should not be
confused with the term Human Resources, which is a closely related activity that addresses
the supply of suitably qualified and experienced staff. But, when considering the operation or
design of any ship and its systems both of these domains should be considered Human
Resources for the selection and preparation of staff able to do the required work and Human
Factors to account for the use of people as a component of the system.
Both domains contain a number of sub-domains:

Human Factors (Fitting the job to the person):

Human Factors Engineering The comprehensive integration of human

characteristics into the definition, design development, and evaluation of a system
to optimise Human-Machine performance under specified conditions.

Health Hazards - The identification, assessment and the removal or reduction of

short or long-term hazards to health occurring as a result of normal operation of a

System Safety - The human contribution to risk when the system is functioning in
a normal or abnormal manner.

Human Resources (Fitting the person to the job):

Manpower - the number of personnel required, and potentially available, to

operate, maintain, sustain and provide training for a system.

Personnel - The cognitive (trainability and mental aptitude) and physical (fitness
levels, physical size, gender) capabilities required of a person to train for, operate,

maintain and sustain a system, and to provide optimum quality and quantity of the
crews to man the ship.

Training - The instruction or the education, and on-the-job or part-task or fullmission training required to provide personnel with their essential job skills,
knowledge, values and attitudes.

A simple way to view Human Factors is to consider three main aspects: the Person (Figure
3)3, the Job (Figure 4), and Organisation and Management (Figure 5) and how they together with the environment in which the organisation and person are operating - impact on
the behaviour of people.

Figure 3

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Figure 4

Figure 5

Ergonomics is essentially the science of fitting the workplace to the worker, that is, the study
and design of working environments - such as ship bridges, machinery control rooms, galleys
and their components, work practices, and work procedures - for the benefit of the workers
efficiency, effectiveness, health, comfort, and safety.
Ergonomic considerations do not just start at the design stage of a ship and finish at build they must be applied throughout its lifecycle, especially when updating its role or its manning
philosophies or when retro-fitting new systems or equipment. Figure 64 offers some userfriendly ergonomic definitions that are relevant to the design and operation of a ship and its

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Figure 6

Ship/system and equipment design and operation

A ship is unique in that it is not only a place of work, within which there are a number of
workspaces - the bridge, the machinery control room, the engineroom, the cargo control
room, cargo holds, galley etc - each of which may have different operational criteria, but also
it is a home to those who work onboard. Furthermore, it is a floating platform which can be
affected by external and internal environmental conditions such as weather, temperature,
humidity, noise, vibration and ship motion (pitching, rolling and slamming), any of which
can also be detrimental to the safety and performance of those who work and live onboard.
The mariner is generally a trusting sort of person, who has implicit faith in those who have
conceived, designed and built his ship. His expectations are of a ship that is fit for purpose in
every respect, but he may not always find that this is the case, because neither he nor any of
his predecessors was involved in the design process. The end product is inevitably a
compromise between what is needed to satisfy the regulations, what is absolutely necessary

to fulfil the operational role, what is affordable and what the design team perceive to be
acceptable to the generic seafarer.
For any ship to operate safely and effectively, therefore, it must be designed to support the
people who work it, without detriment to their health, safety and overall performance
particularly in respect of:

Habitability. The provision of adequate and comfortable accommodation - including

furnishings and washing facilities - galleys, messrooms and recreational spaces,
having due regard for the variations in the size, shape and gender of the seafarer, and
for the various environmental stressors such as noise, heat and vibration.

Maintainability. Designing operational maintenance tasks to be rapid, safe and

effective to allow equipment and systems to achieve a specified level of performance.
This includes consideration of access, removal routes, tools, expertise, disposal and
through-life support.

Workability. Due consideration must be given to the context of use - the users, tasks,
equipment (hardware, software and materials) and the physical and social
environments in which a system is used. The level and amount of information
provided in handbooks must be appropriate to the required technical skills of the user
and be written in his/her native language.

Controllability. Designing the layout of ship control centres, machinery control

rooms, cargo control rooms etc, bearing in mind the integration of people with
equipment, systems and interfaces, such as communication, controls, displays, alarms,
video-display units and computer workstations.

Manoeuvrability. Having the most appropriate manoeuvring capabilities consistent

with the intended role, manning and operating pattern of the ship. These should
include type, number and power of propulsion systems, steering systems and
thrusters, all having due regard for the environment and fuel economy.

Survivability. The provision of adequate firefighting, damage control and lifesaving

facilities (including manpower) and security arrangements to ensure the safety and
security of the crew, visitors and passengers.

The human element, therefore, is a critical feature of all aspects of ship or system design and
operation. User-input is essential to ensure that the operational parameters and the layout and
procedures for the operation of shipboard systems are being optimised for the specific role or
trade of the ship.


Those who are involved in the design, build and updating of ships and their systems and in
their operation need to be aware of the problems associated with onboard operations not only
in terms of workplace design but also in respect to crew habitability and the education and
training needs of the seafarer. There is now a worrying trend towards recruiting nonseafarers into the industry in operational posts, such as the employment of naval architects etc
as ship surveyors and superintendents, which has been brought about by the decline in the
number of former seafarers available to fill these positions. In principle, this should not
present a problem, provided that they are sufficiently educated in the ways of the sea.
Naval architects and designers, for example would benefit from periods at sea, in a variety of
ship types, both early in, and on occasions throughout their careers in order to understand the
various design and operational problems that the seafarer is faced with.


According to the International Association of Classification Societies, shipboard maintenance
is the least-developed and weakest element in many of even the most well intentioned
companies5. One of the prime responsibilities of a shipowner and ship management company
is that the ship's hull structure, machinery and equipment are maintained and operated in
accordance with applicable rules and regulations and any relevant additional requirements,
procedures and standards established by the company. That responsibility starts from the top
managers of the company, who should be committed to direct efforts, resources and
investments to ensure that their ships are properly maintained and operated by qualified and
competent crew.

The issue of fatigue features in many accident reports, albeit mainly relating to minimum
manned short sea shipping. According to the IMO, fatigue is an important issue that has
hitherto been discounted as a potential cause of or contributor to human error6. It had been
suggested that fatigue could be prevented through some of the characteristics described in the
context of personal attributes articulated above. But, if the seafarer is unable to identify the
causes of fatigue, he will be unable to take measures to prevent it.
The IMO Guidelines on Fatigue7 are comprehensive and provide advice to all the various
stakeholders - including training institutions and management personnel in charge of training
- on how to combat fatigue. However, it is important to recognise that fatigue is not just
about working hours and minimum manning levels. The US Coastguards Crew Endurance
Management Program8 (CEM) takes the IMO Guidelines one step further in identifying the
various environmental, operational, physiological, and psychological factors that can affect
crew endurance, and addresses the specific endurance risks pertinent to ship operations. It
looks at the science behind, and effects of, fifteen interrelated risk factors, which include
those of temperature, motion, vibrations, intensity of lighting, and other physical
considerations aboard a ship.
Although current IMO thinking9 is that training in fatigue management should be addressed
through voluntary guidance rather than mandatory requirements, fatigue now poses a major
problem in terms of safety of life at sea.

Shipboard Maintenance a top management responsibility, Alert! Issue No 3, April 2004

IMO, MSC/Circ.1014, 12 June 2001 - Guidance on Fatigue Mitigation and Management, Annex, Page 4
MSC/Circ.1014 dated 12 June 2001 - Guidance on Fatigue Mitigation and Management (International
Maritime Organisation)
Crew Endurance Management Practices: A Guide for Maritime Operations.
STW 34/14, 14 March 2003


In the maritime world, the ability to communicate at all levels by a variety of means is
essential. Communication is about the transmission of information through a common
system of symbols, signs, behaviour, speech, writing, or signals in its various forms it can
be described as:

The activity of conveying information;

An exchange of information between parties;

An act of sharing, and coming together.

Conveying information
The ability to properly convey information by word of mouth, whether directly or indirectly
(by the use of technology) is important to the safety of ships crews, visitors and passengers.
Multi-national crews are a common feature aboard more than 65% of the ships of the worlds
merchant fleet, of which some 10% of crews are made up of five or more nationalities.10 The
commonly used language onboard may not be the native language of the majority of the
crew. This can lead to communication problems, which may be exacerbated by the
unwillingness of individuals to admit their difficulty in understanding and communicating.
Furthermore, misunderstandings can occur when communicating externally by use of the
VHF radio, or internally through the ships public address system, if the native language of
the intended recipients is not the same as that of the person who is delivering the message.
The ergonomics of communication systems need also to be carefully considered, not least:


The siting of VHF units on the bridge, so that they are easily accessible to the bridge
team - including the pilot - without detriment to the safe navigation of the ship;

The provision and positioning of talk-back units to permit the relay of information
between such stations as the bridge wings and the central control position, machinery
control room/bridge, fore/aft mooring stations/bridge and cargo control
room/machinery control room/bridge;

Siting of sufficient public address loudspeakers to permit full and clear coverage
throughout the ship.

Transnational Seafarer Communities, Seafarers International Research Centre, 2001


Adequate signage, in a language appropriate to the native languages of all onboard.

Information Exchange
Increasing paperwork can sidetrack the mariner (especially the master and the chief engineer)
from his primary purpose of working the ship. Routine clerical or administrative work is
one dictionarys definition, but it would seem that in the maritime world it is becoming far
more than simply routine.
Electronic paperwork (especially e-mail correspondence) seems to have increased the burden
on the ships master. For example, the master of a 15000gt LPG tanker11 (managed by a very
reputable company) reports that he spends on average 3 to 4 hours a day on sending and
receiving information by e-mail. He adds that on the tankers there are plenty of inspections,
where the inspectors are looking for checklists. On his ship there are some 22 checklists for
assorted bridge, deck and cargo operations, which begs the question whether there is now a
need for a checklist to check the checklists.
On a more positive note, he suggests that the use of software programs for activities such as
routine administration, recording ISM non-conformances, the management of spare parts and
routine planned maintenance, can cut down the amount of paperwork, but only if it is used
wisely and if proper IT training is provided.
Some manufacturers handbooks and operating procedures can be technically complicated
and difficult to understand, even if they are written in the native language of the reader. It is
therefore incumbent upon the various manufacturers to ensure that the level and amount of
information provided in their handbooks is appropriate to the required technical skills of the
user; and the shipowner or shipmanager to ensure that such handbooks are written in the
native language of the user.
Sharing and coming together
Breakdowns in communication and teamwork are common factors in many major P&I
claims.12 There is no place today for the autocratic shipmaster he needs the support both
of management and of his crew to ensure the safe conduct of his ship and the safe and timely
arrival of its cargo. Good communication is the key to the successful operation of any ship;
in this context, communication is about empowerment, inclusion, leadership and teamwork.

Attention to rules, regulations & procedures


Alert! Issue No. 2 January 2004


Alert! Issue No.4, July 2004


The purpose of regulation and enforcement of the regulations is to guard against human
failing and complacency on the part of the master, owners, managers and operators.13
There is increasing evidence of a lack of attention to rules, regulations and procedures. The
2003 Port State Control report of the Tokyo MOU14, for example, notes that 34% of the total
number of deficiencies related to life-saving appliances and fire safety measures. The report
also notes an upward trend in the number of deficiencies under the categories of stability,
structure and related equipment, safety of navigation, radiocommunications, ISM and
MARPOL - all of which indicate a lack of attention to the application of international rules
and regulations.
The Paris MOU,15 meanwhile, reports a 186% increase in the number of ISM major nonconformities when compared with the 2001 results an increase which, the report adds,
demonstrates that management systems are not working for certain ships.
There is a blunt message from the Paris MOU:
If all parties are quality minded there is a strong bond and the involvement of port
State control should be minimal. On the other hand the objectives may be focussed
only on profits, at the expense of a safety culture. For these entrepreneurs there is no
room for complacency.
In the main, these relate to material rather than operational deficiencies. However, there
is a worrying trend of reports of collisions and groundings resulting from the inappropriate or
incorrect application of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
(Colregs). In an article16 about his preliminary report on a survey into the application of the
Colregs, for The Nautical Institute17, Captain Roger Syms, the project leader, comments:
Ignorance of the current Colregs is widespread and is not in any way confined by
nationality or experience. The overall picture tends to be one of a game with no
referee, played by contestants with different rulebooks, each perfectly convinced they
have the right answer.


MARCHIONESS/BOWBELLE Formal Investigation under the Merchant Shipping Act 1995, Volume I,
pages 372/373 (ISBN 0 11 702550 X)
Annual Report on Port State Control in The Asia-Pacific Region, 2003
Annual Report 2003, The Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control
Seaways, August 2003
Improving the application of the Colregs - Preliminary Report


This raises questions as to the commonality in standards of training and examination in the
application of the Colregs.
Human nature is such that we all, at times break the rules each time we do we take a risk,
and occasionally we may take one risk too many which results in an accident. It is not
possible to create a completely risk free working environment and no matter how well trained
and equipped the seafarer may be, accidents may still occur. But, it is the responsibility of
the shipowners and shipowners to educate and motivate their seafarers towards a culture of
compliance, not just through the ISM Code, but also through the development of a company
culture, which encourages communication and empowerment.

Education and Training

Education is the gradual process of acquiring knowledge through learning and instruction. It
is as much about the development of personal attributes through upbringing and observation
as it is about gaining knowledge through textbooks. It is a lifelong process; we never stop
learning, whether through formal education (degree courses, Continuous Professional
Development, etc) or through the University of Life (observation and experience). Training
is the development of skills or knowledge through instruction or practice. If correctly applied,
it is a planned systematic development of the aptitude, knowledge, understanding, skill,
attitude and behaviour pattern required by an individual so that he/she can adequately carry
out a given task or perform in a particular job. Together, education and training are about the
development and maintenance of the human component of ship systems: the mariner.
However, the education and training of designers, surveyors, trainers etc is equally important,
not least knowing how to specify and deliver the human component of ship systems, and
having an up to date knowledge of the ways of the sea. The competence of a mariner will
depend not only on good and effective education and training, but also on his aptitude,
knowledge and understanding of the subject, on the availability of opportunities to develop
his skills and, ultimately, his experience.
The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for
Seafarers (STCW) recognises the importance of establishing detailed mandatory standards of
competence necessary to ensure that all mariners are properly educated and trained,
adequately experienced, skilled and competent to perform their duties. However, in the way
of all international Codes, the standards of competency set out in STCW are a minimum set.
Furthermore, the maritime workforce is now multinational and multicultural. This may allow
differing interpretations of international guidelines and inconsistent standards in training and
education. Indeed, there are still numerous reports, mainly anecdotal, of poor standards of
education and training in the maritime sector. In fairness, there are owners, managers and
manning agents who invest in the education and training of their mariners to beyond the
minimum criteria set out within the STCW Code - but they are in the minority.
Learning is important, particularly in this global maritime industry in which standards of
education and training vary and where technology is revolutionising the way in which we do

our business. It would appear that awareness, effective communication, common sense and
basic seamanship and engineering skills are taking a back seat to increased automation and
electronic decision support systems etc.
Figure 718 shows the personal characteristics and other factors, together with the training
needs required for the development and maintenance of the human component of ship

Figure 7
It is important, therefore, for all stakeholders to be aware of the human element issues
associated with the human machine interface, and to encourage and promote the highest
standards of education and training, and a common spirit of professionalism in the industry.

The effects of modern technology


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Modern technology has revolutionised the way in which the seafarer can conduct his
business. He can now be presented with a plethora of information, from a variety of standalone systems having differing user interfaces, with the potential for confusion and
information overload, particularly if he is not properly acquainted with the operational
parameters of any one of those systems.
Although in principle the more information that can be made available to the seafarer the
better should be his understanding of the situation and the better informed his decisionmaking, this is not entirely the case in practice. It is probable that technology is having an
adverse effect on the way in which some seafarers conduct their business. There are various
reasons for this, not least the universal problem of a generation that is being brought up to
rely on technology to solve problems without having to process information for themselves.
Decisions are made using knowledge rather than information alone, and it is the management
and processing of data and information, which needs to be designed and trained for.
Accident investigation reports suggest that some junior bridge watchkeepers are so absorbed
in technology that their awareness of the situation around them is confined to the display
rather than looking out of the window. Furthermore, there is an increasing tendency for some
seafarers to become over reliant on electronic systems with scant regard for the vulnerability
of those systems in terms of their accuracy, reliability, availability, and integrity.
Although most equipment is required to be type approved to an IMO specification, there is a
natural tendency for manufacturers to add their own features, in an attempt to make their
equipment user-friendly or made distinct within the market. For example, the seafarer can
be faced with either joystick, trackball or menu-driven controls, depending on the equipment
fit in the vessel in which he is serving. Very advanced technology and integrated systems are
being put onto a ship with the risk of over-saturating the untrained mariner with information
that may be replicated through different means. The different nationalities and cultures of
todays mariners (and of those of the future) dictate a need for commonality of symbols,
switches and control keys, together with appropriate education in the basic principles of new
Todays seafarers need to be trained on new technology and equipment; they should not be
expected to pick it up after they have joined the vessel, or to undergo familiarisation by other
staff onboard, who themselves have no formal training or qualifications in the use of such
equipment. In fairness, the more responsible companies do invest in the training of their key
staff in the use of integrated systems, before they join a vessel that is so fitted, and then allow
them some time for familiarisation onboard before they are permitted to work with those
systems. But this may be the exception rather than the rule, and the tendency for seafarers to
move from one ship type to another, where each has different equipment fits, makes it
impractical for them to be properly trained in the use of a variety of different manufacturers
equipments. This makes it all the more important for manufacturers to strive towards a basic
and common standard so as to allow for a generic training programme for all the different
systems. This is particularly the case with Pilots, who may need to rely on these systems for

critical information and who may only have minutes to familiarise themselves with the
Two years ago, The Nautical Institute held an international conference on Integrated Bridge
Systems and the Human Element. The aim of this conference was to examine how mariners
use integrated bridge and navigation systems to support their tasks, and to determine best
practice and learn how to improve the effectiveness of these and other systems through the
processes of design, procedures for their use and training.
The conference focused on the human element and looked at how mariners and pilots interact
as part of the total system to achieve the safe navigation and operation of ships. It was
concluded that that there is a need to raise awareness across the industry designers,
engineers, owners/managers, trainers/educators, insurers, regulators etc - of human element
issues related to the use of technology and automation, particularly in regard to training.
Further to the conference, a paper was submitted to the IMOs Maritime Safety Committee
(MSC) articulating the training issues for seafarers resulting from the implementation of
onboard technology. The paper has subsequently been adopted and issued as MSC Circular
1091 entitled Issues To Be Considered When Introducing New Technology On Board Ship19,
and is currently being used by such bodies as the IMO Human Element Working Group.
However, it should also be essential reading for all of those who are involved in the design
and operation of ships and of their systems.
Training must be an integral part of the introduction of new technology and equipment and it
must be defined in advance and by statute.

For any ship or system to operate safely and effectively, not only must it be designed to
support the people who work it, without detriment to their health, safety and overall
performance, but also those people must be sufficiently educated and trained to be able to
operate it.
A ship is unique in that it is not only a place of work, within which there are a number of
workstations, each of which may have different operational criteria, but also it is a home to
those who work onboard. It is also a floating platform which can be affected by external and
internal environmental conditions such as weather, temperature, humidity, noise, vibration
and ship motion (pitching, rolling and slamming), any of which can also be detrimental to the
safety and performance of those who work and live onboard.


Issues To Be Considered When Introducing New Technology On Board Ship - IMO MSC/Circ.1091, dated 6
June 2003 (http://www.imo.org/includes/blastDataOnly.asp/data_id%3D7578/1091.pdf)


All responsible stakeholders need to work together to ensure that ultimately the master and
his crew have the right tools in place, and are properly trained, to ensure the safe conduct of
the ship, and the safe and timely delivery of its cargo. Ergonomic and human factors
considerations do not just start at the design stage of a ship and finish at build they must be
applied throughout its lifecycle, especially when updating its role or its manning philosophies
or when retro-fitting new systems or equipment.
If the seafarer is not competent, healthy, happy, well trained and motivated then the
commercial efficiency of the ship will be compromised.


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