Building Services: Project 1
Building Services: Project 1
Building Services: Project 1
1.0 Fire Protection System.......................................................................................................7
1.1 Literature Review...............................................................................................................7
1.2 Active Fire Protection System...........................................................................................9
1.2.1 Fire Detection...............................................................................................................9 Manually actuated devices............................................................................10 Automatically actuated devices.....................................................................11 Smoke Detector.............................................................................................11 Alarm System................................................................................................13 Fireman Switch.............................................................................................14
1.2.2 Fire Control System.................................................................................................15 Sprinkler System...........................................................................................15 Co2 Fire Suppression System.......................................................................19 Fire Extinguisher...........................................................................................20 Hose Reel System..........................................................................................21 Wet Riser System..........................................................................................24 Fire Hydrant System......................................................................................26
1.2.3 UBBL Bylaw Requirements.....................................................................................28
1.2.4 Observational Analysis.............................................................................................30
1.3 Passive Fire Systems.........................................................................................................31
1.3.1 Compartmentalisation..............................................................................................31 Fire Shutter...................................................................................................31 Fire Curtain...................................................................................................33 Fire Rated Ceilings........................................................................................35 Fire Rated Wall.............................................................................................36
1.3.2 Opening Protection...................................................................................................37 Fire Door.......................................................................................................37 Fibre Reinforced Plastic Door.......................................................................39
1.3.3 Fire Escape.................................................................................................................40 Vertical Escape..............................................................................................40 Horizontal Escape..........................................................................................41
1.3.4 Fire Lift......................................................................................................................42
The primary objective of this project is to obtain knowledge regarding the processes
and equipments involved in various building services systems through site visits and field
work as well as self research. Students are required to develop an understanding for the
various building services systems in order to have a better grasp of designing a functional
structure in the future. The project also aims to familiarise students with building standards as
well as drawing conventions.
Students are required to identify and understand relevant material is due regards to
electrical supply, fire protection, mechanical transportations and air conditioning systems.
Research and analysis was to be carried out in a commercial structure ranging from 3-5
storeys high. In the following report students will have been able to explain in detail each
utility system including its space implications and regulations using building codes as
The site chosen for this particular research is Tropicana City Mall located in Petaling
Jaya. It is a 7 storey shopping mall (including 3 basement levels) with complete buildings
services systems.
Every building in Malaysia is required by law to have fire protection systems included
in the design and construction. In the event of a fire outbreak, the fire protection system
ensures that the building is equipped and capable of controlling and extinguishing the fire.
The fire protection system comprises of two main components which are the Active Fire
Protection System (AFPS) and Passive Fire Protection System (PFPS). These components are
further divided into their individual sub-components with each having different characteristic
and function that ranges from a simple emergency exit signage to the intricate workings of a
fire alarm.
During the design stage of a building, it is essential for the architect to pay attention to
the types of fire protection systems that would be implemented. This can be derived from the
initial assessment of the types of fires that may occur throughout the building. There are also
guides to prevent fire that should be implemented on every building design such as the
control of ignition source and combustible materials, and the selected use of low fire load
materials. The types of fires are classified as the following group:
Common Combustibles
Combustible metals
Magnesium, lithium,
titanium, sodium, potassium.
Cooking media
Class A can occur anywhere as the materials are in abundance and are common in
typical commercial and residential areas. The fires from Class B and Class K often spread
rapidly and, unless properly secured, can easily relight after the flames are extinguished.
CLASS C can be caused by a spark, power surge or short circuit and typically occur in
locations that are difficult to reach and see. CLASS D fires are unique industrial hazards
which require special dry powder agents to contain.
The objectives of fire safety are listed in order of their usual importance which is:
1) Protection of life.
2) Protection of building.
3) Protection of contents.
4) Continuity of operation.
Fire detection systems are designed to provide warning of the outbreak of fire before
the situation reaches a critical level and allow appropriate fire fighting action to be taken.
Each fire detection system must be designed specifically to cater to requirements of different
spaces in a building. The fire alarm system can either be operated automatically or manually.
Automatic activation can be via the smoke and heat detectors whereas manual activation is by
a break glass unit or fire alarm pull station. The primary aim for the fire detection system is to
alert people through audio and visual means. After a fire is detected, fire suppression and
control system will be activated. Figure 1.2 shows the typical layout of fire detection system
on the ground floor Tropicana city mall
Figure 1.2: The typical layout indicating fire detection components of Tropicana City Mall.
Manually actuated devices are activated by occupants of the building. The placement
of these devices is important as it must be clear and visible to the occupants of the building.
Tropicana city mall uses break glass and fire alarm pull station as shown in Figure 1.2.1 and
1.2.2. The manually actuated device is connected to a fire alarm directly above it as shown in
Figure 1.2.3.
Smoke detectors can work through either optical detection or ionization process.
Some smoke detectors work through both processes to increase the sensitivity of the device.
An optical detector uses its light sensor to detect smoke particles that passes through it. In
large areas such as auditorium optical detector are used. The device works by emitting rays
and reflecting it back to the device. When smoke passes through the detector a different
reading will be detected thus activating the alarm as shown in Figure 1.2.4. Meanwhile,
ionization smoke detector works by producing ionization in the air. When smoke passes
through the detector the difference in ionization in the air causes the trigger of the alarm as
shown in Figure 1.2.5. It works best during the flaming stage during an outbreak.
(Ionisation, n.d.)
The smoke detector used throughout Tropicana City mall as shown in Figure 1.2.6.
The smoke detector is made by a company called Demco industries. The detector has
multiple sensors built in such as photoelectric detectors and heat sensor. It can be
programmed to activate the alarm system and the sprinkler system. However, in the case of
Tropicana city mall, it is programmed to only activate the alarm system as the chances of
false alarm are high.
Figure 1.2.6: The smoke detector used throughout Tropicana City Mall.
A proper alarm system should include visual and audio to inform the occupants
during a fire outbreak. Therefore the alarm system in a building is a combination of
emergency voice message communication system, emergency lights, guide lights as well as
the alarm bell. This is systems are commonly used in large complexes and high rise buildings
where it is the most effective way to alert the occupants during a fire outbreak.
Tropicana city mall uses a one way Emergency Voice Communication System
(EVCS) where messages are pre-recorded to activate during emergency situations as shown
in Figure 1.2.7. Besides, it also helps to communicate to people the nearby exits during an
emergency situation. Emergency and exit lights are also found throughout the building as
shown in figure.
Besides that an emergency communication system as shown in Figure 1.2.9 shall be provided
in the building. This system is used to communicate directly to the nearby fire station and the
control centre of the building for faster response during an emergency fire outbreak.
Fire sprinkler system is the first line of defence during a fire outbreak. This system
works through a system of tanks, pumps and piping systems as shown in Figure 1.2.11
3) Distribution Pipes
2) Pump
4) Sprinkler Heads
Figure 1.2.11: Typical sprinkler system for commercial buildings. (Asher, n.d.)
When a fire is detected, a signal is sent to the sprinkler control box, then the pump is
activated and water is pumped through high pressure to the sprinkler heads. Water is then
released through the sprinkler head. The system used in Tropicana city mall has a similar
layout as shown in Figure 1.2.11.
Figure 1.2.12: The layout of the sprinkler piping and heads in the ground floor of Tropicana
City Mall.
There are various different sprinkler head types used throughout Tropicana city mall.
This allows water to distribute differently throughout the space.
Pendent sprinkler head hangs down from the ceiling in a circular pattern. This system
is used in Tropicana city mall throughout the entire interior of the shopping mall area as
shown in figure 1.2.13.
Upright sprinkler heads project up into a space. They are used in mechanical and
basement areas of Tropicana city mall areas to provide better coverage between obstructions
as shown in figure 1.2.14
The spacing between sprinkler heads depends on the usage of the area and its hazard
rating. Figure 1.2.15 shows the various categories and the spacing needed.
Occupancy Hazard
meter per
Light Hazard
(Office, Educational, Religious, Institutional, Hospitals,
Maximum Spacing
Between Sprinklers
9m per head
Tropicana city mall falls under both class of light and ordinary hazard. The difference
in spacing between a light and ordinary hazard is clearly seen on Figure 1.2.16 due to its
different usage of space. The food and beverage space where it is considered as an ordinary
hazard space has a sprinkler spacing of 2.7m, whereas the fashion retail space which is
considered to be light hazard has a sprinkler spacing of 4.0m.
Fashion Retail
Figure 1.2.16: The difference of sprinkler spacing according to different usage of space.
Tropicana City Mall adapts CO2 Suppression System only in areas where the risk of a
fire outbreak is high. Among the areas are the electrical, pump, and generator rooms. This
system works by pressurizing the CO2 content on the tanks and releasing it to the area
through nozzles placed around the room. As shown in Figure 1.2.17, the layout of the system
of CO2 system whereby the placement of the manual lever is located outside of the rooms.
Figure 1.2.17: The high risk room of Tropicana City Mall where CO2 suppression system is
By releasing CO2 to the room fire will be reduced due to the absence of oxygen. The
system also activates manually through a break glass lever (Figure 1.2.18) located outside of
the high risk areas.
Figure 1.2.18: The manual lever.
Fire extinguishers are used by the occupants of the building during the initial stages of
the fire outbreak. Fire extinguishers are placed throughout the building where it must be
visible and accessible the occupants of the building.
Tropicana City Mall adapts 2 different types of fire extinguisher the dry powder
system and the co2 system. Both this systems has different fire extinguishing properties and
usage according to the scenario faced during a fire breakout. There are usually placed in the
hose reel rooms or on the walls of the interior spaces. The mall uses equally distributed 9kg
Dry powder system and 3kg c02 system.
C02 extinguisher
The CO2 extinguisher caters to fire type B and electrical conduct only:
Type B Flammable Liquids
Electrical Content
Fire hose reel are a series of pipes where high pressure water is connected to hoses.
This system can be operated by either the occupants or the fireman during a fire outbreak.
This system can be found in each level of the lift lobby areas as well as certain strategic
points throughout Tropicana city mall as shown in Figure 1.2.24.
The system is spread out evenly throughout the plan but is found more in frequency in
the service corridors and near high risk rooms such as the electrical rooms. They are also
located in all wet risers nearby the stairwell. Fire extinguishers are also often placed beside
the hose reel as shown in Figure1.2.23.The water supply for the hose reel system has a
designated piping system and storage tank as shown in Figure 1.2.22.
Figure 1.2.24: The location of hose reel system in the ground floor of Tropicana City Mall.
1) Fire tank
2) Pump room
Figure 1.2.25: The hose reel distribution system in Tropicana City Mall. (Henryang, 2012)
The wet riser is a system of rigid piping which is built throughout the building. The
main usage of the wet riser is to provide water to the floors above without the needs of using
a hose. There are two different types of riser system wet and dry riser system. Tropicana city
mall uses a wet riser system because of the height of the building which is tall whereby a dry
riser system would not comply with the building codes.
This system works through a series of stages whereby water is pumped to the fire tank
from the main water supply chain as seen in Figure 1.2.26 and through a series of pipes
spread throughout the mall and then to the riser itself. The wet riser usually has a hose beside
it which needs to be plugged in manually as seen in Figure 1.2.27.
Figure 1.2.28 shows the location of the wet riser throughout the ground floor of
Tropicana City mall. Its location is typically beside fire stairwells.
Figure 1.2.28: Wet Riser location in ground floor of Tropicana city mall.
1) Tank room
2) Pump system
Figure 1.2.29: The Wet riser system distribution system (Fishlock, 2013)
Figure 1.2.31: A typical approved fire hydrant (2 Way Fire Hydrant, 2010)
UBBL By laws - section 154 - Emergency mode of operation in the event of mains power
1) On failure of mains power all lifts shall return in sequence directly to the designated
floor, commencing with the fire lifts, without answering any car or landing calls and
park with doors open.
UBBL By laws - section 230 - installation and testing of dry rising system
1) Dry rising systems shall be provided in every building in which the topmost floor is
more than 18.3 meters but less than 30.5 meters above fire appliance access level.
UBBL By laws - section 231 - installation and testing of wet rising system
1) Wet rising systems shall be provided in every building in which the topmost floor is
more than 30.5 meters above fire appliance access level.
Overall, the Active fire protections in Tropicana City Mall are designed to meet the
standard governed by the UBBL by laws. The systems provided are clearly seen and user
friendly. The emergency voice communication system is clearly heard throughout the mall
where speakers are abundant. The extinguishers and hose reel are also placed in strategic
locations following the bylaw where occupants of the building can clearly see the rooms and
doors. The services room such as the electrical and switch room is well protected by the fire
protection system with multiple layer of defence during a fire outbreak.
Passive Fire System entails a number of safety measures used to contain fires or slow
the spread enough for users to escape to safety but not to stop it completely. Unlike Active
Fire System, it does not require the use of mechanical features to counter fires. Instead, it
relies on its design which was pre-considered during the structures design stage.
1.3.1 Compartmentalisation
Among the Passive Fire System component is Compartmentation which separate parts
of the building into compartments to help prevent a fire from rapidly spreading.
Fire shutters are typically steel dividers ideally employed for applications where there
are high risks of fire or where open areas can channel the fire out of control. In its idle state,
the fire shutter is rolled up and hidden from view and will automatically close down when
activated to prevent fire from spreading into the adjacent area. Fire shutters are used where
flammable materials are present. The fire shutter in Tropicana City Mall has a 2 hour fire
rating (Armstrong, 2013).
Fire shutters works by the control panel picking up a signal from a fire alarm or
smoke sensor and when this is triggered it drives the shutter down. Fire shutters are also built
with a failsafe to ensure maximum safety and this works by having a volt free closed circuit
which in the event of power failure or fire alarm failure the shutter will automatically close
(Understanding Fire Shutters, 2014).
Figure 1.3.2: Motor to control the fire shutter and its descent rate.
A fire curtain uses fire resistant fibre glass material to slow the advances of fire. It is
less resistant than a fire shutter (Smoke Containment, 2014). Its main purpose is to contain
smoke rather than contain fire therefore it only has a 1 hour fire rating. In Tropicana City
Mall, it can only be found above the entrance to high risk rooms such as the Generator room.
Figure 1.3.4: Location of fire blankets in the electrical room of Tropicana City Mall.
The rolled up fire curtain is held ready by a solenoid tripping device that is connected
to the fire alarm and smoke detector. Upon receiving signal from either one, the curtain will
be released from its tripping device and roll down using its own heavy weight,
compartmentalising the space and containing any harmful smoke in the area (Fire Curtains,
Figure 1.3.6: 24VDC Solenoid tripping device holding fire curtain using steel cable.
Heat Detector
Smoke Detector
Duct Detector
Tripping device
Waterflow Detector
Fire Curtain
Manual Station
Figure 1.3.7: A simple diagram indicating how a fire curtain is deployed. (Grondzik, Kwok,
Stein, & Reynolds, 2010)
The fire ratings for the ceilings at Tropicana City Mall are location dependant. A high
risk area would be covered with 2 hours fire rating while areas less susceptible to fire receive
1 hour or no fire rating system. The materials used for high risk ceiling areas are ceiling
boards and low risk areas are covered with plaster ceiling.
Ceiling boards are usually made of Glass Reinforced Gypsum (GRG) which is the
most common material used in fire rated ceilings. Boards manufactured from gypsum with
glass wool tissue facing membranes and glass core reinforcement exhibits excellent fire
resistance. The glass tissues and reinforcement help to ensure the board's physical integrity.
(Passive Fire Protection Federation, 2005)
Figure 1.3.8: Plaster Ceiling used in public space where risk of fire is minimal.
There are 2 types of fire resistant wall which are partition walls and concrete structure
walls. Partition walls have a 1 hour fire rating and are usually located in low fire risk area
such as commercial space and office while structure walls have 2 hours fire rating and are
located in high risk areas such as generator room.
The partition wall is made up of metal lath and plaster which forms a reinforced wall
of thin, durable and fire resistant board. The board is tested and is in accordance with by law
to be able to withstand fire for duration of an hour (Mishra, 2014).
Concrete walls have a good reputation for fire resistance due to adequate loadbearing
capacity which limits the temperature rise of unexposed face of wall, and the integrity of the
wall having no significant cracks or fissures (Buchanan & Munukutla, 2010).
Fire doors are equipped with fire ratings that functions to reduce the spread of fire or
smoke between compartments and enable safe path for users to escape from burning
structure. This includes the door leaf as well as the doorframe. The doorframe must include
fire or smoke seals and include a mechanical door closer. The fire rating is dependent on the
thickness of the door. A 1 hour fire rated door is thinner than a 2 hours rated.
The door frame uses intumescent seals that lays dormant during normal
circumstances. The material that has the intumescent property expands dramatically upon
reaching a certain high temperature thus sealing the gaps that inevitably exist around the
edges of the fire door leaves., and in doing so holding the door in place and restricting the
spread of smoke and hot gases (Passive Fire Protection Federation, 2005).
Figure 1.3.14: Intumescent door seal. (Intumescent Fire & Smoke Seal , 2013)
To keep the fire from passing through a fire door, the door is equipped with a door
closer that pulls the door shut after it has been opened. This ensures that no or minimal smoke
enters the other side.
A variant of the fire door, this type of door is made out of Fibre Reinforced Plastic
(FRP) and is located at outdoor high risk area such as High Temperature Switch room. This
type of door has louvers for air ventilation but only has a half hour fire rating (Unifiber,
2014). Therefore the door is protected by fire curtain.
Figure 1.3.16: FRP door located at the external part of the building.
Figure 1.3.18: Ground floor Plan showing vertical and horizontal escape position.
Vertical fire escapes are emergency staircases design to be easily accessible by users
escaping from any floors and fire fighters to enter the building in an event of fire or any other
emergency. Tropicana City Mall employs smokeproof towers for vertical escape. A
Smokeproof tower is open to the air at each floor, largely preventing accumulation of smoke
in the stairway (Grondzik, Kwok, Stein, & Reynolds, 2010).
Figure 1.3.20: Fan duct to regulate any smoke out of emergency staircase.
Horizontal escapes are generally designated pathways that are deemed the fastest
route users can take to escape a building in an event of fire or emergency. Designated
pathways have to conform to the travel distance set by laws which differs between types of
building (Tavares, 2010). Alternatively, a detailed computer analysis of fire spread and
occupant evacuation allows for greater distances to exits, larger open floor areas and
alternative constructions as is the case of Tropicana City Mall. This is performance base
rather than prescriptive approach to design and requires the cooperation between designers
and fire code enforcement (Grondzik, Kwok, Stein, & Reynolds, 2010)
A fire fighting lift differs from normal public lift as it contains many additional built
in safety features. Apart from having the normal functions of public lift, a fire fighting lift is
capable of being operated by fireman during emergency situations where the public lift
becomes unusable or malfunctioned. When a fire lift is activated into fire fighting mode, it
will automatically cancel all public lift operations and the lifts will return to ground floor and
remain there, allowing control of only 1 lift throughout the entire building. In Tropicana City
Mall, the fire fighting lift is separated from the public lifts to discourage the public from
using although but still maintaining easy accessibility.
Emergency Exit sign are provided throughout Tropicana City Mall to ensure users are
not confused during emergency evacuation which could potentially lead to injuries. It is green
in colour with the symbol of running man and an arrow pointing towards the exit direction
but the symbols differs with other countries. It is usually located throughout pathways where
the direction of travel to the nearest exit is not immediately apparent.
Figure 1.3.23: A variation of the exit sign located at Tropicana Mall car parks.
Emergency exit lights are typically a more modern sign installation. It is capable of
illuminating the exit sign in cases of emergency where the main lights malfunction and is
located above fire doors to increase the visibility of emergency exits. The light is made up of
green fluorescent that can be seen well in dark conditions than other colours.
The fire indicator light provides notification via different coloured lights, alerting
users of a fire threat in progress. It is located above the entrance into high risk rooms where a
person needs to be notified of the safety status before entering the room such as high
temperature switch room.
The indicators are typically a circuit box with a green and red bulb attached. An active
green light indicates that it is safe to enter the room while an active red light indicates that it
is dangerous. The indicator is connected to the fire alarm to instantly alert the authority of an
on-going fire.
UBBL By laws section 154 Emergency mode of operation in the event of mains
power failure.
1) On failure of mains power all lifts shall return in sequence directly to the designated
floor, commencing with the fire lifts, without answering any car or landing calls and
park with doors open.
2) After all lifts are parked the lifts on emergency power shall resume normal operation.
UBBL By laws section 157 Protected shafts consisting of staircase.
1) A protected staircase or a protected shaft containing a staircase shall not contain any
pipe conveying gas or oil or any ventilating duct other than a duct serving only that
staircase or shaft.
UBBL By laws section 162 Fire doors in compartment walls and separating walls.
1) Fire doors of the appropriate FRP shall be provided.
2) Openings in compartment walls and separating walls shall be protected by a fire door
having a FRP in accordance with the requirements for that wall.
3) Openings in protecting structures shall be protected by fire doors having FRP of not
less than half the requirement for the surrounding wall specified in the Ninth Schedule
to these By-laws but in no case less than half hour.
4) Openings in partitions enclosing a protected corridor or lobby shall be protected by
fire doors having FRP of half-hour
5) Fire doors including frames shall be constructed to a specification which can be
shown to meet the requirements for the relevant FRP when tested in accordance with
section 3 of BS 476:1951.
UBBL By laws section 163 Half hour and one hour doors.
1) Fire doors conforming to the method of construction as stipulated below shall be
deemed to meet the requirements of the specified FRP:
a. Doors and frames constructed in accordance with one of the following
specifications shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements for the doors having
FRP of half-hour:
i. Doors may be double swing provided they are mounted on hydraulic
floor springs and clearances at floor not exceeding 4.77 millimetres
and frame and meeting stiles not exceeding 3 millimetres.
Observational Analysis
From personal observation, Tropicana City mall has an adequate passive fire system
that follows the UBBL although some contradicting elements are present such as a number of
vertical escape doors that are locked. Even though this may be done to increase security, it
clearly defies the UBBL code that states emergency exits are to be accessible at all times.
Another disturbing discovery is that some fire doors are missing from its frame. Whether this
was purposely removed for ease of access or it was damaged and is waiting for repair, it still
poses a weakness to the safety system should a fire broke out in its vicinity. Apart from these
few problems, Tropicana City Malls safety measures are well maintained.
The purpose of ventilation is to provide fresh (or at least outdoor) air for comfort and
to ensure healthy indoor air quality by diluting contaminants. Historically people have
ventilated buildings to provide source control for both combustion products and
objectionable odors (Sherman,2004). Currently, a wide range of ventilation
technologies is available to provide ventilation in dwellings including both mechanical
systems and sustainable technologies. Most of the existing housing stock in the U.S.
uses infiltration combined with window opening to provide ventilation, sometimes
resulting in over-ventilation with subsequent energy loss; sometimes resulting in
under-ventilation and poor indoor air quality. Base on the work of Sherman and
Dickerhoff (1998), Sherman and Matson (2002) have shown that recent resident
construction has created tighter, energy-saving building envelopes that create a
potential for under-ventilation. Infiltration rates in these new homes average 3 to 4
times less than rates in existing stock. As a result, new homes often need provided
ventilation systems to meet current ventilation standards, McWilliams and Sherman
(2005) have reviewed such standard and related factors.
Holton, J.K., M.J. Kokayko, and T.R. Beggs (1997) compared ventilation systems in
new production built homes and found infiltration rates ranging from 0.1 to 0.07 air
changes per hour in the summer and 0.35 to 0.15 ACH in the winter. As a result, they
recommend modern houses include a mechanical ventilation. Reasearchers have
studied various configurations of exhaust, supply, and balanced ventilation systems,
with and without whole-house re-circulation by the central heating and cooling air
handler fan.
2.1.2 Introduction
Air Conditioning is the process of altering the quality of air to more comfortable
condition and dictribute the conditioned air to an occupied space to achieve thermal
comfort.There are many type of air conditioning system.For example :
In Tropicana City Mall, the centralised air-conditioning system is used as this system
is suitable to use for large buildings, hotels, airport and shopping mall. More specifically , the
centralised air-conditioning system in Tropicana City Mall is also called Central Heating
Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems (HVAC).
In Tropicana City Mall , there are two water tank sthat can sustain 6 tonnes of water
supply from Syabas . The water supply of water tank are distributed to the seven cooling
tower as five of them are being used by shopping mall the other two is for the residential
area. The chilled water being cooled down by cooling tower is being transfer to the chiller
units located at second floor.Air Handling Unit and Fan Coiled Unit are being used .However
, only air handling unit are used for the shopping complex and the fan coiled unit are serving
the residential area.
Figure 2.1.4 a : Roof Plan showing location of cooling tower ,water tank and air cool condenser
The main function of cooling tower is to cool down the temperature of water supply
and drain the heat stored in water into the open air. Providing chilled water is a very
important step for the centralised chilled water system.
The water supply from water tank will enter the cooling tower and draining down the
coil.This is the first stage of cooling process by the natural air coming in from the louver. For
the second stage of cooling process , the fan located at the center allow the air from outside
enter through the coil. By the time it crossing over the coil , the heat of the water will be carry
away and direct out form the opening at the top.The water getting cooler along the way
draining downward.At the bottom of cooling tower , there is always a basin. The return pipe
will direct the water into the chiller.
Figure 2.1.6a : Location of chiller plant room at 2nd floor of Tropicana City Mall
Figure The ultra compact design of HVAC Basic Drive are mounted on the wall
There are five units of HVAC Basic Drive connected to the electrical supply and the
motor of chiller machine.HVAC Basic Drive acts as a setpoint control as technician can
control the setting of chiller machine in office directly. This increase the efficiency of the
operation. HVAC Basic Drive enables the user flexibility to select from a range of functional
performance requirements to secure the best cost advantage for their application needs.
Connect to
Figure :Ducting network connecting chilled water pump and condenser
Condenser /chilled water pump are located adjacent to the condenser. However,
condenser water pump and chilled water pump are arranged alternately to each
other.Condenser water pumps are used to circulate water between the condenser of watercooled chiller and cooling tower. After absorbing the heat from the condenser ,the heated
water will circulate back to the cooling tower and the cooling tower will releases the heat
into the atmosphere in the cooling tower by evaporation. For the chilled water pump,it is
used to circulate water between evaporator of water-cooled chiller and AHU. Out of five
hilled water pump there is one standby pump which only operate when anyone of the four
pump cannot function.
It is the heart of the cooling
cycle. The compressor draws in
cool, low-pressure refrigerant
gas from the refrigeration unit.
The motor-driven compressor
will squeeze the refrigerant to
raise its temperature and
pressure so that it exits the
compressor as a hot, highpressure liquid.
1. Refrigerant Unit
The refrigerant removes
heat and transfers it to the
outside air in a continuous
cycle of vaporization and
In AHU , the chilled water that already absorb heat from surrounding pump back into
evaporator of chiller unit through chilled water pump.The refrigerant in the evaporator absorb
the heat away and the cooled water then circulate back to the AHU .The cycles then repeat.
The heat transferred to the refrigerant will passes to condenser water circulating through the
condenser. After absorbing heat from the refrigerant ,the temperature of the condenser water
will raised to about 32 degree celcius from 29 degree celcius. The condenser water is then
pumped into the cooling tower which is located at the roof top by pumping action of
condenser water pump. The heat will be rejected to the atmosphere.
Figure 2.1.7a : Location of Air Handling Unit at ground floor of Tropicana City Mall
Cooling Coil
Outside Air
Return Duct
Evaporator section
Supply Duct
of chiller
The blower is another component of the AHU which helps to recycle the air present in
the buildings. Large buildings with AHU have multiple blowers and fans to condition the air.
Air in the building is absorbed by the blowers and conditioned. It is then released into the
buildings. There are various conditioning elements used to heat or cool the air. Heating coils
are used to heat the air in the heating systems. Air conditioners use cooling coils to condition
and cool the air.In AHU , there are a few major component can be found .
a) Air Filter
AirFilter helps to filter the impure air and remove dust and other foreign particles.
Before further processing.The presence of filters helps to extend the durability of
these units.In Tropicana City Mall , the filter will be cleaned every month and change
every year to maintain the efficiency of the air handler.
b) Cooling Coil
The chilled water supply (CHWS) from the evaporator of chiller unit is running inside
the coil . This reduce the temperature of the coil.Therefore ,when the filtered return
air pass through the coil, the temperature of the air will drop.The chilled water
(CHWR)will then circulate back to evaporator of unit .The cycle repeat.
c) Blower
It helps to recycle the air present in the building. After the air is conditions , the
blower will collect it and direct it to the inlet duct network to released into the
Air Handling unit are connected to return duct and supply duct. The mixture of indoor and
fresh air are bring back to AHU through the return ductwork. Return Air is partially exhaust
and the rest will be filtered and circulate back to AHU. The fresh cold air is brought to the
retail shop through the supply duct network.
Figure 2.1.8a shows the process from cooling tower to FCU Source: (GEMCO, 2001)
Basically the Fan Coil Units are fixed inside the ceiling for aesthetic purpose so the
architect must design a gap between the ceiling levels to put in the ducting system. In
addition, the fan coil unit only serve at small area in Tropicana City Mall like the lift lobby
area, retail area and the electrical room. The fan coil unit are more suitable for these spaces
because the system has the ability to shut off local terminals in unused areas separately while
the AHU system in the mall which occupies the larger area cannot be shut down partly.
Figure 2.1.8b shows the fan coil unit located at the retail area
Figure 2.1.8c shows the fan coil unit located at the lift lobby of basement 2 car park
Figure 2.1.8d shows the fan coil unit located at the lift lobby of basement 3 car park
Figure 2.1.8e shows the fan coil unit located at the electrical room at level 2
In Tropicana City Mall , the ducting system consist of two component which is the
supply inlet duct and the return outlet duct .These two ducting are connected back to the
nearest AHU unit. The size of the inlet decrease in diameter as the ducting network connect
further away. This is to keep the pressure of the air so that cool air will not stay inside the
duct. At the average of 3 meter the ducting will branches out to a smaller duting which
connected a circular diffuser at the end. These ducting systems are insulated with fibreglass
aluminium to maintain the cooling effect before providing the cool air to various space and
rock wool reduce noise pollution. The ducts are designed to have an even distributed of cool
air to the tenants as per their heat loads.
73 Diffuser
Figure 2.1.9b Typical Circular Diffuser connected to inlet duct (Wikipedia, 2014)
Diffuser allows the conditioned air spread and scattered evenly to the occupied space
.The diffuser are connected at the end of the aluminium flexible duct which extended out
from the main supply duct. In Tropicana City Mall, the diffuser are located at the average
distance of 3.5meter.
The supply duct in Tropicana City Mall are insulated by using fiberglass aluminium
duct board. Fiberglass ducts are fabricated from 1-, 1-1/2-, or 2-inch-thick boards. The board
consists of insulation materials made from resin-bonded inorganic glass fibers. The outside
surface of the board has manufacturer-applied reinforced aluminum/FSK laminate facing that
serves as an air barrier and water vapor retardant. Some products are available with mat-faced
or coated airstream surfaces.
The insulation, hard foam polyeueathane surround the pipe and a layer of galvanised
sheet jacket will be wrapping around at the outer part. The galvanised sheet jacket will
protect the insulation from moisture, wear and mechanical damage. The jacket also serves to
provide support for the insulation and establish the system emissivity and appearance.
In Tropicana City Mall , the HVAC centralised air conditioning system is relevant to
UBBL and Malaysia Standard Code of Practuce on Energy Efficiency and Use of Renewable
Energy (MS 1525).
According to our observation, Tropicana City mall has fulfilled the law as stated
above. The Air Handling Unit that absorbs external air is being filtered before further
processing cool air. From the interview with Mr Razif, Assistant Manager, the maintenance
of air filter will be carried out monthly and yearly. The air filter will be clean every month
and change in every year to maintain the efficiency of the machine as well as keeping the
quality of the distributed air into shopping mall.
The centralised chilled water air conditioning system in The Gardens Mall, is relevant
MS1525, Code 8.2.3 System and Equipment Sizing
multiple units of the same equipment type, such as multiple chillers, with combined capacities
exceeding the design load may be specified to operate concurrently only if controls are provided
which sequence or otherwise optimally control the operation of each unit based on the required
cooling load
Tropicana City has meet the requirement stated by MS1525 under section of system
and equipment sizing. There are five chillers for the usage of mall, however there are only 4
of them are perated in normal day.The extra chillers are a standby chiller I case of any
breakdown of anyone of the chillers. Other than that , there are a independent chiller plant
room beside which the two chiller unit inside only serve the Carrefour in Tropicana City Mall
.This design enable d direct control on a specific operation without causing too much
interruption during maintenance or system breakdown.
Tropicana City Mall has meet the requirement stated in MS1525. Fiberglass
aluminium duct board are being used for the insulation of supply air duct. Besides the chilled
water pipe is well insulated by polyuthelenes (PU).This prevent condensation occur and
insulated the chilled water from gaining heat from surrounding.
This is defined as the process of air exchange in an enclosed space. The basic idea is
that the air from an enclosed area is withdrawn and replaced with fresh air from outside the
building continuously, creating a circulation in the space. This process of exchange is aided
by mechanical devices. The two main components of mechanical ventilation are the fan and
make-up air supply. The former creates air movement while the latter is basically outside air
delivered around the house to make up for the stale air extracted out. Tropicana City Mall
utilizes the combined system of supply and extraction especially in zones such as the cinema,
car park and such. The following pages of the case study will break down the various
components of mechanical ventilation in the mall.
The ventilation of car parks is essential for removing vehicle exhaust fumes
containing harmful pollutants. Some of these pollutants include Carbon Monoxide ( CO ),
Nitrous Oxides ( NOX ), Sulphur Dioxide ( SO2 ) and heavy metal compounds. The most
significant development in car park ventilation design has been the introduction of Impulse
Ventilation System. JetVent impulse fan is an induction fan designed for the ventilation of car
parks, underground service areas and similar spaces. It is designed so as to both reduce levels
of polluted air and to assist with the extraction of smoke in a fire. Car park jet fans use tunnel
ventilation technology to eliminate the need for costly and bulky ductwork. Compared to
ductwork systems, this may maximise car-parking spaces, reduce noise and running costs and
make the car park a less cluttered environment with more available light.
A high induction of the surrounding air is produced here, and after a short time the
volume of air in the entire space begins to circulate. This effect results in the transferred
volume of air being several times greater than the actual flow volume of the fan. This central
airflow is then drawn into the low-pressure area of the centrally aligned outlet air channel.
Figure 2.2c shows the components of Jet Ventilation Fan (Elta, 2003)
By adding momentum to the air, JetVent thrusts air towards the desired extract points
to ensure stagnant fumes and smoke are cleared effectively and efficiently. This principal
eliminates the requirement for ductwork within a car park, as the JetVent effectively transfers
the polluted air, allowing for better use of limited space in underground facilities. By
eliminating ductwork, the system resistance for the application is greatly reduced, which
means lower pressure drops required by the extract fans, lower power consumption, and
reduced running costs.
Greater flexibility in installation and operation of JetVent units avoids the problem of
stagnant areas. JetVent used in conjunction with Carbon Monoxide sensors provides further
energy savings by selectively operating fans in polluted areas only.
Figure 2.2d shows the components of Jet Ventilation Fan (Wikipedia Contributors,
Tropicana City has 62 jet vent fan on each floor of basement car park. These Jet Vent
Exhaust Fans are only used on high peak hour due to the high rated maintenance fees and
maintenance must be done after using for 150 hours. Although these system are off during
normal days but the car parks have big openings which let cross ventilation occur and bring
out the smoke naturally.
JetVent Exhaust Fan
Figure 2.2e shows the Mechanical Ventilation System of 3rd Floor Basement Plan
Tropicana City Mall makes up for the volume of air extracted with incoming air from
the AHU. To supplement this, the main entrance door also opens during a fire to ensure
ample supply of make-up air to drive the smoke out of the building.
Figure 2.2g shows the operation of smoke spill system when fire occur Source: (G.D. Lougheed,2000)
Figure 8 shows the smoke spill exhaust air duct from the 3rd floor plan
The UBBL below shows that the natural lighting and ventilation is relevant to UBBL 1984:
3.1 Overview
Figure 3.1.1
Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) is the largest electricity utility in Malaysia and has
been keeping the lights on in this country ever since it was set up as Central Electricity Board
in 1949, powering national development by providing electricity.
A public listed company registered under Companies Act 1965, is charged with the
following responsibilities:
To achieve the above objectives, the company owns and operate power plants and the
National Grid and installed for this purpose are consumer service centres, call
management centres, substations and administrative offices throughout Peninsular
Malaysia. TNBs core activities are in generation, transmission and distribution of
electricity which are being handled by 3 Divisions :
Distribution Division supplies electricity in strict accordance with the provisions of the
TNB Licence, Electricity Supply Act 1990, the Licensee Supply Regulations 1990 and
the Electricity Regulations 1994 (and all amendments thereto). Distribution Division is
divided into 2 main regional operational areas where operational efficiency is further
enhanced through the creation of 2 main regional areas, headed by the respective Senior
General Managers:
Figure 3.2.2 Generation
The large quantities of electricity to supply electric power system is produced in
power station (also called generating station). Power station is a conversion facilities where
the heat energy of fuel (gas, oil, coal, uranium) or hydraulic energy (falling water) is
converted to electricity.
TNB's Thermal Power Plant produces power by using conventional steam turbine and
steam generator principally fired by coal, oil or natural gas (steam power plant), gas-fired or
diesel-fired open cycle gas turbine generators, and gas-fired or diesel-fired combined cycle
turbine generators.
As the generators spin, about 25,000 volts of electricity is produced. The electricity
first goes to a transformer at the power plant that boosts the voltage up to 400,000 volts.
90 Transmission
After electricity is produced at power plants it has to get to the customers that use
the electricity. Our cities, towns, states and the entire country area criss-crossed with power
lines that "carry" the electricity. The transmission system carries electricity from generating
station to the consumer areas.
Power delivered by transmission circuits must be stepped down from 400kV to 275kV
and eventually to 132kV. High voltage transmission lines carry electricity long distances to a
substation. Distribution
The power lines go into substations near the consumer area. Here ransformers
change the voltage of electricity into lower voltage electricity (33kV and 11kV), which is
more suitable to be used by the consumers.
AMF panel is the short form of Auto Man Failure panel. It is normally connected to
the generator set to control the generator set function. It can call the generator set if the AMF
further connected to the Main Switch Board normal supply serve to main switch board failed
The Cables from the TNB are from the undergrounds, especially the high voltage
cables. Besides that the smaller one are on the ceiling.
The distribution of electricity starts from Substation, which carries the electricity from
transmission lines and step down the voltage to 11kV and transfer it to High Voltage Room.
High Temperature Room receive 11kV of electricity from TNB Substation. The room
contains main switchboards, to control and protect the electrical components. Each main
switchboard is assigned to different zone or area for mall and also apartment. The electricity
is then transfer to transformer room for further step down of electricity voltage to be carried
Cable trays that carry
electricity from TNB
The main switchboards
Battery Chargers
Carbon Dioxide tanks and earth cables that can be found in every
electrical room.
Low Voltage Room contains switchboards and circuit breaker. Each of the board is
assign to different Electrical Rider Rooms all over the building to ease the process of cutting
off the electricity of certain area without interrupting the electricity of the whole building.
Every board is tagged with a label, showing
its assigned electrical riser room.
The generator set contains 2 parts, the generator and AMF Panel. During electricity
shortage, the generator set provides back up electricity for the building. AMF Panel
(Automatic Man Failure Panel) is connected to generator and automatically turn on the
generator when the electricity from TNB is cut off and control the function of the generator.
After the generator set generates the electricity, it will be transferred to Low Voltage Room
and break down and divide to electrical riser rooms to provide electricity.
Every floor of Tropicana City mall contains 7 electrical riser rooms. Every riser room
is allocated in different zone. The rooms control all the electricity flow of its particular zone.
This zoning method helps to simplify the work of cutting off the electricity of certain zone
and prevent further damage of electrical appliances and the interruption of electricity to the
whole building.
MS 1525, 7.5 Power factor correction capacitors
-Power factor correction capacitors should be the low loss type with losses per
kVAR not exceeding 0.35 W at upper temperature limit excluding the losses in
the discharge resistors.
MS 1525, 7.6 Sub Metering
-To facilitate monitoring of energy consumption and energy management,
electrical energy meters should be installed at strategic load centres to identify
consumption by functional use (air conditioning, lighting, etc).
The electricity system supply at Tropicana City Mall had followed the by-Laws by
MS 1525, There are few electrical rooms located on every floor of Tropicana City Mall, by
this method this zoning method avoid the interruption of the electricity to the whole building
and easier access, they also got their own generator to power up certain area of the mall in
case of blackout the duration depends on the amount of the diesel available.
3.7 Conclusion
In Conclusion. Tropicana City Mall has a reliable systematic electricity system, the electrical
riser rooms are visible to publics sight and it should be kept hidden due to its enormous
amount of energy that would be dangerous for users. Throughout mall I noticed they had
done a great job servicing the electrical appliances once a week and having an excellent
emergency electrical system that able to power up the mall when emergency occurs.
Similar to various other shopping complexes, Tropicana City Mall makes use of the
mechanical systems in order to provide ease of access for its users. However, the arrangement
of the mechanisms have to be taken into proper consideration during the design process of the
building. Standardization of the system has been done in order to provide a faster method in
designing of the mechanical transportations in a structure. It also serves to economize the
production of the materials and parts needed to assemble the mechanical systems.
Mechanical transportation systems also allow access for people who previously were
unable to climb stairs, for example the disabled and the elderly. It also enables for structures
to be built higher as building materials can be transported easily to upper floors when
constructing the building. Tropicana City Mall makes use of escalators and elevators to
provide ease of vertical transportation.
4.1 Elevators
Elevators generally are powered by electric motors that either drive traction cables or
counterweight systems. The elevators in Tropicana City Mall are that of the machineroomless type, which integrates the motor as part of the elevator itself where it is situated on
top of each elevator as opposed to requiring a specific room on the top floor of the structure.
Therefore the maintenance systems also differ from that of older buildings in Malaysia.
107 Components
The various components of a basic elevator system is illustrated in the diagram below:
Figure 4.1: Basic Elevator System Diagram. Image Source: (Griffin, 2004)
Typically, a structure is required to have a minimum of one elevator for every four
storeys, with a maximum distance of 45 metres to and between each lift lobby. The general
positioning of the elevators should also be at locations which will provide easy means of
access from any given location in the structure, Some examples of elevator positioning is at
the central entrance lobby of a structure, with groupings of lifts dispersed throughout the
The size of an elevator depends highly on estimated usage of the mechanical transport
systems, where floor space estimates and car capacity can be based on an area of 0.2m2 per
person. However, this is not to be taken as a final guideline as the specific size is to be
determined by various factors.
One design factor to be taken into consideration regarding elevator floor space is the
need to address disabled users, particularly those who are in wheelchairs. Therefore, enough
space has to be provided for ease of movement of the wheelchair while getting into, and
getting out of the elevator. Floor space estimates and car capacity can be based on an area of
0.2 m2 per person.
Attached below are the basement floor plans and a typical floor plan of Tropicana
City Mall with the positions of the elevators highlighted in colour.
There are approximately six main lift lobbies in Tropicana City Mall(as marked in
colour) while the lowest basement level only has three lift lobbies as this level houses the
management offices as well as employee parking areas. In total there are 23 units of
elevators, whereby 18 are passenger lifts and the remaining 5 are service and fire lifts.
However, the service and fire lifts may also be used as passenger and cargo lifts.
There are several elevator grouping patterns used in Tropicana City Mall, the first
being a group of 5-8 elevators facing each other and smaller groups of 1-3 elevators facing a
corridor or safety staircase. The figures below illustrate the elevator groupings in Tropicana
City Mall. In front of each elevator, a space of 3.6 meters is given to ensure ease for the
elevator users to travel in and out if the elevators.
As with any other commodity, the number of elevators will have an effect on the
quality of service for the vertical transportations in the building. The positioning of elevators
in Tropicana City Mall is optimum as a higher concentration of elevators are placed in the
more crowded main areas such as the centre of the structure and the main shopping mall
Each elevator in Tropicana City Mall can carry a minimum of 21 persons for the
passenger elevators, and 30 persons for the service and cargo elevators. Therefore the service
quality is above average as the minimum or average level of quality is elevator cars should be
able to support at least 12 persons per car.
A machine room-less elevator is typically the same as any other elevator design when
looked at from its exterior. However, this particular system of building elevators is a recent
development in vertical transportation and is gaining more and more use and recognition each
The main difference between a typical traction elevator and a machine room-less
elevator is the presence of a motor room to house the main motor pulling the elevator
upwards and downwards. The design of a machine room-less elevator is such that most of the
components required to move the elevator fits within the shaft containing the elevator car.
Other mechanisms and equipment are similar to a typical traction elevator.
In recent years, more and more newer structures are employing usage of this elevator
design as provides more usable space in a building. Designers no longer had to delegate a
room specifically to house the elevator motor and this provides for a more elegant design.
Machine room-less elevators also use considerable less energy than that of normal traction
elevators and studies have shown that these elevators use up to 80% less energy than
hydraulic elevators. These elevators also have the benefit of costing less than other elevator
designs, as well as being able to operate faster than hydraulic elevators.
115 Components
Figure 4.11: Difference between MRL (machine room-less) and conventional elevators
As illustrated in Figure 4.11, the main difference between a MRL and a conventional
elevator is the positioning of its motor and control system. In an MRL, the motor is located
above the lift car and is attached onto it. The other mechanisms are similar to that of a
conventional traction elevator.
The sheave is then connected to an electric motor which turns both clockwise and
anti-clockwise in order to move the elevator car. In geared elevators, the motors turn a gear
train that rotates the sheave.
The cables are also attached to a counterweight on the opposing side of the sheave
which functions to hold the elevator in place and is able to conserve energy while the elevator
is moving or at rest. Roughly, the weight of the counterweight is about that of the left car
when it is filled to 40% capacity, where, when the weight of both lift car and counterweight is
equal, the elevator is in equilibrium. When this happens, it only takes a relatively small
amount of forse in order to tip the balance one way or the other, which means the motor will
then only have to overcome the frictional forces to move the elevator.
MRL elevators also make use of rails in the shaft to guide and hold the elevator
steady. This makes the MRL elevator system much more efficient and safer when compared
to conventional elevators, as the rails will work with the safety system in case of an
emergency. (Harris, 2002)
Hardly any photographs of the MRL system were able to be obtained from Tropicana
City Mall as the elevator shaft may only be accessed during maintenance. Maintenance is
done once a month and during this period the elevator will be grounded to level Basement 3
while maintenance crew will access the elevator motor through level Basement 2. A
secondary access route that may be used to get to the elevator motor is by opening up the
elevator car roof and climbing upwards.
Other information gathered is that the elevator is made by the company Schindler, and
following the standard code SL PMA 17720.
There are three main elevator car types, denominated by the number and positioning
of their openings, as illustrated. These three main types are the Normal Cabin, Open-Through
Cabin, and the Diagonal Cabin.
To prevent overloading of the elevator car, the available area of the car shall be
limited and related to the nominal/rated load of the elevator. It has to be noted that this
depends on the overall design of the elevator system, however, certain standards have been
set in order to enable uniformity in the design of elevators so as to save cost and manpower
through mass production.
Elevator car sizes also have to be in consideration of disabled users, for example users
confined to wheelchairs. Adequate space has to be delegated for entrance and comfortable
use of elevators. Refer to Figure 4.14.
Load requirements also have to be taken into consideration when designing the sizes
of an elevator car. Table 4.15 illustrates the standard car sizes in relevance to nominal load.
121 Components
The primary components of an elevator car is that of the following: (Griffin, 2004)
1. Car sling, a metal framework connected to the means of suspension,
2. The elevator cabin,
3. Mechanical accessories which are:
Guide shoes.
The first and foremost function of an elevator car is to house its passengers and
transport them vertically from one level to another. Therefore design considerations have to
be made to ensure that the elevator will not collapse while in use. Elevator cars are required
to have a load rating where it is the maximum number of persons or maximum weight it is
able to hold and transport. The number of passengers shall be obtained from the formula:
Each component in an elevator car plays a major role in ensuring its efficiency. The
first is the car sling, a metal framework connected to the means of suspension.
A car sling functions as a load carrier element while it also isolates vibrations due to
movements of the elevator. The two main components in a car sling is the upper transom,
which is the suspension element of the car and this system is also attached to the braking
system where catch clamps are mounted. The second main components is the lower transom
which supports the load of the car flooring through arranged pressure springs mounted in the
lower isolation subassembly. The lower transom is also mounted with safety gear catch
clamps. The two transoms are attached via two pieces of side frames bolted into each side of
the transoms.
The next element in an elevator car is the elevator cabinet, which is the interior of the
car where passengers stand while being transported. The cabinets are completely enclosed
with openings being only the car door(s), an emergency trap door as well as ventilation
apertures. This interior may be cladded with finishings according to the client's needs or
Transferring the load from the passengers to the lower transom is the elevator car
floor, which has to have sufficient mechanical strength to sustain the applied forces. The floor
size is the same as that of the elevator car and will be recessed and covered by finishing of
the client's requirements.
Folded steel panels are then used to enclose the elevator cars, consisting of the front
panel, back panel, and side panels, The elevator door is typically built into the front panel,
however some elevator car designs make use of 2 doors, located on the front and back panels
respectively. Mounted on up to two of the panels is the car operating panel, or COP. The
COP contains car operating controls, that being the buttons operated by users to move the
The elevator cars in Tropicana City Mall are following the standard model of SL
PMA 17720, made by Schindler. Each car may carry a load of 1450 kg or that of 21 persons.
The cars are fairly small with barely enough standing space for 15 persons, let alone 21.
Tropicana City Mall elevators make use of a single speed centre opening set of doors
which consists of two power operated panels that part simultaneously with a noiseless
motion. Most of the elevators had only a front door, as illustrated in Figure 4.23.
Figure 4.23: Plans and section of elevator door system. Source: (Fujitec)
127 Components
Elevator car doors also contain guide shoes which are devices used to guide both car
and counterweight along the path of the guide rails. In addition they also make sure that the
lateral motion of the car and counterweight is kept at a bare minimum while it is travelling
along the guide rails. The guide shoes used is the roller guides, as shown in Figure 4.24.
The elevator doors in Tropicana City Mall also makes use of a photoelectric device to
ensure the door does not close in as a person in walking through it.
Elevator doors are normally opened by a power unit that is located on top of the
elevator car. When an elevator car is level with a floor landing, the power unit moves the car
door open or closed. A pick-up arm will then contact rollers on the hoistway door which
releases the door latch on the hoistway door. The power unit opens the car door which in turn
opens the hoistway door.
An elevator shaft is the space enclosed by fireproof walls and elevator doors which
houses the elevator as well as the pit. The shaft terminates at the underside of the overhead
machinery space floor or at the underside of the roof.
130 Components
Elevator cables function to suspend and bear the weight if the elevator car and
counterweight, and are typically made from thick steel wire ropes. They are used on traction
elevators, and are usually attached to the crosshead and extending up into the motor while
looping over the sheave on the motor and then down to the counter weights.
A counterweight is a tracked weight suspended from cables and moves within its own
set of guide rails along the shaft walls.
It is used for balancing the mass of the complete car and a portion of rated load, and it
will be equal to the dead weight of the car plus about 40% of the rated load where at this
point it is in equilibrium. The counterweights also reduces the necessary consumed power for
moving the elevator.
133 Components
Elevator guide rails are steel in the form of a T that run the length of the shaft,
round, or formed sections with guiding surfaces to guide and direct the course of travel of an
elevator car and elevator counterweights and is usually mounted on the sides of the shaft.
Tropicana City Mall makes use of a directional collective elevator control system,
whereby two call buttons are provided at each immediate landing, one for up and the other
one for down. Both lowest and highest landings require only one button while the full set of
destination buttons are provided in the elevator car. Landing callers may simply press the
direction button and the call is stored and acted upon by the elevator.
On a downward journey, the elevator will stop at all floor where the downward
callers or passengers wish to exit. The same system operates when the elevator is moving
4.2.1 Escalators
Escalators are powered by constant AC motors and are able to move at approximately
0.3-0.6 metres per second. An escalator's maximum angle of inclination is 30 degree with a
standard rise of up to 18 metres high. Most modern escalators make use of a single piece of
aluminium or steel steps that move in a continuous loop. The direction of movement may be
operated by personnel and some escalators are installed with motion sensors therefore they
will only operate when a user steps onto the platform in order to conserve energy.
139 Components
Right in the core of a escalator is a pair of chains looped around a pair of gears which
is turned by an electric motor. This in turn cause the chains to move. This basic system is
housed inside the truss, a metal structure extending between two floors. The chain loops,
although very similar to a conveyor belt, moves in a series of steps rather than a flat surface.
The user will then proceed on and off the escalator in order to move vertically throughout a
The escalators in Tropicana City Mall are arranged in the parallel configuration,
where a set of two escalators going up and down are placed side by side, as illustrated below.
Tropicana City Mall has 15 sets of escalators, as shown in the following drawings.
The escalators provide a standard rise of up to 10 metres high, and all are built in parallel sets
throughout the structure.
An escalator landing platform is the two platforms on the top and lower level of the
escalator which houses the curved section of the tracks, as well as the gears and motors which
drive the escalators. The top platform houses the motor assembly and main drive gear while
the lower platform contains the step return idler sprockets.
The platforms also serve to hold a floor plate which provides a place for passenger to
stand before stepping onto the steps. The plate is flush with the finished floor and is usually
removable to ease in maintenance operations. The platform also has a combplate installed
which is the piece between the stationery floor plate and the moving step. This design is
necessary in order to minimize the gap between the stairs and the landing to prevent objects
from getting caught in the escalator gap.
146 Components
Each end of the truss is attached to upper and lower landing platforms via a steel or
concrete support system while it carries all the straight track sections connecting the upper
and lower sections. The truss system is designed to carry the entire load of the escalator
equipment as well as its users without collapsing. The structure is rigid enough to maintain
close operating tolerances but will allow for building shift and vibration with a built-in
system of shift-plates and Teflon pads.
The escalator track system is built into the truss to guide the step chain, which
continuously pulls the steps from the bottom of the platform towards the upper level in an
endless loop.
The relative positions of these tracks form a staircase as they move out from under the
combplate. The tracks are at their maximum distance apart when along the straight section of
the truss. Therefore each back of a step will be at a 90 degree angle in relative to the step
behind it, thus forming a staircase.
The track will also carry the steps along the underside of the escalator truss in a flat manner
before once again emerging from the combplate and assuming the shape of a staircase.
149 Components
4.2.5. Components
Tropicana City Mall made for a good case study and all information was able to be
obtained with minimal issues. We have grasped a good understanding of the various building
services systems and are now able to integrate the various systems into our building designs.
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