Interview Tips
Interview Tips
Interview Tips
Ans. Unicast frames are the most common type of network traffic. A unicast
frame is a frame intended for only one host. The only station that processes
this frame is one station that has its own MAC address in the destination
portion of packet.
Ans. The way you enable IGRP on a Cisco router is similar to the way you
enable RIP, except you specify IGRP as the protocol and add an autonomous
system number. For example:
RouterA(config)# router igrp 10 (10 is the AS number)
RouterA(config-router)# network
RouterA(config-router)# network
RouterA(config-router)# network
Ans. Bridges and switches function the same way; the only difference is in
how they are implemented. Bridges are implemented by software and usually
have a couple of network ports. Switches are implemented in hardware by
ASIC chips and have many ports.
Q9. What is the default bridge priority in a Bridge ID for all Cisco switches?
Ans. Bridges pass STP information using special frame called Bridge Protocol
Data Units (BPDUs).
The default time that bridges send BPDUs out active ports is 2 seconds.
Note: All ports on a switch listen for BPDUs in case there is a topology change.
Ans. When a switch starts, all ports are in the blocking state. This is to prevent
any loops in the network. If there is a better path to the root bridge, the port
remains in the blocked state. Ports in the blocked state cannot send or receive
traffic, but they can receive BPDUs.
Ans. Ports transition from a blocked state to a listening state. In this state, no
user data is passed. The port only listens for BPDUs. After listening for 15
seconds (if the bridge does not find a better path), the port moves to the next
state, the learning state.
Ans. In the STP learning state, no user data is being passed. The port quietly
builds its bridging table. The default time in the learning state is 15 seconds.
Ans. After the default time in the learning state is up, the port moves to the
forwarding state. In the forwarding state, the port sends and receives data.
Ans. The hello time is the time interval between the sending of BPDUs. The
default time is 2 seconds.
Ans.The Max Age timer is how long a bridge stores a BPDU before discarding
it. The default time is 20 seconds (ten missed hello intervals).
Q20. What is the default time a port takes to transition from the blocking state
to the forwarding state?
Ans.The default time a port takes to transition from the blocking state to the
forwarding state is 50 seconds: 20 seconds for Max Age, 15 seconds for
listening, and 15 seconds for learning.
Q21. What does STP do when it detects a topology change in the network due
to a bridge or link failure?
Ans. The CO is the telco switching facility that connects the customer to the
provider's switching network. The CO is sometimes referred to as a point of
presence. It is the point where the local loop gains access to the service
provider's access lines.
Ans. All the telco switches, COs, and trunk lines inside the WAN provider's
network are the toll network.
Q26. What are the three layers of the Cisco Hierarchical Model?
Ans. The way you enable IGRP on a Cisco router is similar to the way you
enable RIP, except you specify IGRP as the protocol and add an autonomous
system number. For example:
RouterA(config)# router igrp 10 (10 is the AS number)
RouterA(config-router)# network
RouterA(config-router)# network
RouterA(config-router)# network
Q28. What is flow control, and what are the three methods of implementing it?
Q29. The IEEE defines what two sublayers of the data link layer?
Q30. What are some network devices that operate at the data link layer?
Ans. Bridges and switches are network devices that operate at the data link
layer. Both devices filter traffic by MAC addresses.
Q31. The Ethernet and IEEE 802.3 standards define what three physical
wiring standards that operate at 10 Mbps?
Ans. A broadcast domain defines a group of devices that receive each others'
broadcast messages. As with collisions, the more broadcasts that occur on the
network, the slower your network will be. This is because every device that
receives a broadcast must process it to see if the broadcast is intended for it.
Q33. What is the difference between a routing protocol and a routed protocol?
Ans. Routing protocols determine how to route traffic to the best location of a
routed protocol. Examples of routing protocols are RIP, EIGRP, OSFP, and BGP.
Examples of routed protocols are IP and IPX.
Ans. Router
Q35. Besides named access lists, what are the two types of IP access lists?