Rare Tumour - Sebaceous Carcinoma of The Scalp

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IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)

e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861.Volume 13, Issue 12 Ver. IV (Dec. 2014), PP 54-55

Rare Tumour - Sebaceous Carcinoma of the Scalp

VimalReddy K.1, Yohesuwary G.2
Department of General Surgery, Hospital TelukIntan, Perak, Malaysia

Abstract: Sebaceous carcinoma (SC) is a rare carcinoma arising from sebaceous gland divided into ocular
and extra ocular. Ocular SC is more common than extra ocular. This tumour has a high incidence of recurrence
and metastasis. Due to its rarity, it is often difficult to arrive to a diagnosis. Early diagnosis and treatment is
crucial. Definitive diagnosis is only by histopathological examination. We are presenting a case of sebaceous
carcinoma arising from the scalp.



Sebaceous carcinoma (SC) is a rare aggressive malignant tumour derived from the adnexal epithelium
of sebaceous glands. It is most commonly seen in the orbital region(2). Extra orbital sebaceous cell carcinoma is
extremely rare which commonly occurs on head and scalp due to the abundant sebaceous glands(3). Most
sebaceous gland carcinomas have no obvious aetiology and only a few are associated with Muir-Torre
syndrome(MTS). This tumour is thought to arise from sebaceous glands in the skin and thus, may crop up
anywhere in the body, where these glands exist including the genitalia. SCtraditionally classified into 2 groups,
those arising from the ocular adnexa, particularly the Meibomian glands and glands of Zeiss, and those arising
in extra ocular sites(4). Ocular SC represents 0.2% to 0.8% of all eyelid tumours and 1% to 5.5% of all eyelid
malignancies(6). It is estimated that approximately 25% of all reported cases of sebaceous carcinoma occur in
extra ocular site. It has been reported that more than 70% of sebaceous carcinomas are located in the head and
neck regions, where sebaceous glands are most commonly located (5).These tumours have a high incidence of
local recurrence and regional metastasis. Earlydiagnosis is crucial in reducing the morbidity and mortality
associated with the tumour(6). This is a case report of an elderly manwith a sebaceous carcinoma of the scalp.


Case Report

A 67 years old man, with underlying diabetes, hypertension and chronic kidney disease presented to the
surgical outpatient department with a painless swelling over the occiput for 2 years which was gradually
increasing in size. There was no discharge, fever, constitutional symptoms or any family history of malignancy.
Therewere no other swellings elsewhere. On examination, there was a pedunculated mass over the occiput
measuring 3x2 cm with no signs of inflammation or tenderness. It was mobile and cystic in consistency. No
regional lymph nodes were palpable and systemic examination wasunremarkable. His routine blood
investigations were within normal limits. Patient underwent an excision biopsy under local anaesthesia whereby
the histopathological examination of the swelling came back as sebaceous carcinoma, moderately differentiated
grade II, close to excision margin < 1mm.Macroscopically, there was polypoidal skin covered mass measuring
35 mm.The cut section shows multilobulated solid whitish mass (35x30x30mm) with few cystic spaces
containing gelatinous material. The umbilicated mass show central yellowish of area of
necrosis.Microscopically,the cut section were composed of large polygonal tumourcells, with abundant
cytoplasm and oval vesicular nuclei with distinctnucleoli.Sebocyticdifferentiation frequently seen with mitoses.
Immunohistochemistry tests showed the tumour cells are focally positive for EMA and negative for S-100,
Due to the close to excision margins, patient was planned for re-excision of tumour margin whereby
margins of 5mm was excised and sent for histopathological examination which came back as negative for
residual tumor. Subsequently, a CT scan of the head, neck, thorax and abdomen was done which showed no
evidence of distant metastasis.He was referred to the oncology clinic whereby no further treatment was required
at this moment of time. The patient was planned to be seen in the surgical outpatient department in 2 months
upon discharge and for a surveillance colonoscope to rule out visceral malignancies.



Sebaceous carcinoma is a rare malignant neoplasm, often occurs in adults with a slight male
preponderance. This malignancy can occur as peri-ocular and extra ocular types and the former variant
contributes to 75% of sebaceous neoplasms(7). Extra orbital SC has a different behaviour compared to the
orbital SC which is considered less aggressive than orbital SC(3). This tumour is thought to arise from
sebaceous gland in the skin and thus, may arise anywhere in the body where these glands exist. (1) It may

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Rare Tumour - Sebaceous Carcinoma Of The Scalp

appear on the top of pre-existing dermatosis, such as nevus sebaceous and actinic keratosis or may follow
radiation therapy for other diseases. It may also occur in Muir-Torre syndrome, characterized by occurrence of
sebaceous tumours in association with visceral malignancies(1). It is shown to be related to germ line mutations
in the MSH2 and MLH1 genes found on chromosomes 3p and 2p, respectively(5). Reported risk factors for
sebaceous carcinoma include advanced age,Asian or South Asian race, women, previous irradiation to the head
and neck and a genetic predisposition for Muir-Torre syndrome or possibly familial retinoblastoma(8).
Since SC presents most commonly as a gradually enlarging, firm nodule, it can mimic more common
ophthalmologic or dermatologic conditions. Definitive diagnosis is only by pathology. Involvement of
preauricular or cervical lymph nodes has been associated previously with a 50% to 67% 5-year mortality
rate.Extra ocular SC and smaller tumor sizes are associated with lower metastatic potential and consequently,
lower mortality(8). Due to the variety of clinical presentations and histological growth patterns the diagnosis is
often delayed for months to years. The clinical appearance of extra ocular sebaceous carcinoma is not
pathognomic, but the lesion may be a pink to red-yellow nodule. The possibility of MTS must be considered in
every case of sebaceous tumor.
Criteria for diagnosis of Muir-Torre syndrome include the presence of at least one sebaceous adenoma,
sebaceous epitheliomaor sebaceous carcinoma and at least one visceral cancer(1). SC histologically may be
classified as well, moderately or poorly differentiated. The morphological hall mark of sebaceous differentiation
is the detection of sebaceous cells and demonstration of fat in vacuolated tumorcells(7). Poorly differentiated
sebaceous carcinomas lack lipid vesicles and consist of predominantly basaloidtumor cells that imitate
carcinomas such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma(5). The histological criteria for sebaceous
carcinoma are high mitotic activity, nuclear pleomorphism, lobular architecture and foamy vacoulization of the
cytoplasm [2].Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells of SC show positive reactions for EMA and Ber-EP4, in
contrast to squamous cell carcinoma which are negative for Ber-EP4. Human milk fat globules subclass 1 and 2
(HMFG1 and HMFG2) are positive in basal cell carcinoma which helps it to distinguish it from sebaceous cell
carcinoma in which it is usually negative (1). Histologically, the poor prognostic indicators are poor
differentiation, presence of lymphatic or vascular permeation, presence of pagetoid cells shown in histology and
immuno-histochemical staining (2).
In contrast to basal cell carcinoma, SC can be an aggressive form of cancer. Local recurrence rate after
surgical excision within 5 years is found to be approximately 9% to 36% in sebaceous carcinoma and 10.1% in
basal cell carcinoma. Furthermore, metastasis occurs at relatively higher rate than that observed basal cell
carcinoma(5). Distant metastases and recurrence rates are more common in the ocular type of sebaceous
carcinoma when compared to extra ocular sebaceous carcinoma. Mortality rates irrespective of ocular or extra
ocular type ranges from 9% to 50%.[7).The primary treatment of sebaceous carcinoma is a wide excision with a
safety margin of 5mm to 10mm. Radiotherapy or chemotherapy has been the treatment of choice with
postoperative care particularly when metastasis is confirmed.(5).



In conclusion, sebaceous carcinoma is a rare, aggressivetumour which provides a diagnostic dilemma

for many physicians and surgeons. Diagnosis is only achieved via histopathological examination. Accurate and
prompt diagnosis is crucial and a clear margin of at least 1 cm is needed. Besides that,thistumor should alert the
clinician to the possibility of Muir-Torre syndrome. Patients must be followed up for possibility of recurrence.


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