Food Service - Plates & Bowls - Earthenware
Food Service - Plates & Bowls - Earthenware
Food Service - Plates & Bowls - Earthenware
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from North Staffordshire
by “THOMAS TOFT” c. 1670 - 1690
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from North Staffordshire
by “RALPH TOFT 1677”
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from North Staffordshire
by “JOHN WIRHGT : 1707”
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from North Staffordshire
by “JOHN WRIGHT” c. 1707
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish or Charger from North Staffordshire
“C R” (for King Charles II) Made by “thomas. TOFT” 1677
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from North Staffordshire
Possibly Depicting King Charles II Late 17th Century
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from North Staffordshire
Late 17th Century
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from North Staffordshire
Late 17th Century
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from North Staffordshire
c. Late 17th - Early 18th Century
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from North Staffordshire
c. Late 17th or Early 18th Century
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish Fragment from North Devon
Excavated in Hampton, Virginia c. 1668
(Hampton History Museum)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish
c. 1680 - 1700
(Chipstone Foundation)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish Fragments from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish Fragments from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Dish from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from Staffordshire
c. 1715
(Chipstone Foundation)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from the Midlands
c. 1720 - 1740
(Chipstone Foundation)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from Staffordshire
c. 1730
(Chipstone Foundation)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from the Midlands or Northern England
2nd Half 18th Century
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from the Midlands or Northern England
2nd Half 18th Century
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish
2nd Half 18th Century
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorate Earthenware Dish from Staffordshire
c. 1780
(Chipstone Collection)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from the Midlands or Northern England
“S M” 1736
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Dish from the Midlands or Northern England
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate
c. Late 18th Century
(Private Collection)
Lead Glazed Earthenware
“Creamware” Plates
English Press Molded Lead Glazed “Creamware” Earthenware Plate from Staffordshire
by or after Thomas Whieldon Mid 18th Century
(Richard Opfer)
English Press Molded Lead Glazed “Creamware” Earthenware Plate from Staffordshire
by or after Thomas Whieldon c. 1770
(Private Collection)
English Press Molded Lead Glazed “Creamware” Earthenware Plate from Staffordshire
by or after Thomas Whieldon c. 1780
(Private Collection)
English Press Molded Lead Glazed “Creamware” Earthenware Plate from Staffordshire
by or after Thomas Whieldon c. 1770
(Private Collection)
English Press Molded Lead Glazed “Creamware” Earthenware Plate from Staffordshire
by or after Thomas Whieldon c. 1770
(John Howard Antiques)
English Press Molded Lead Glazed “Creamware” Earthenware Plate from Staffordshire
by or after Thomas Whieldon c. 1770
(Reeman Dansie)
English Press Molded Lead Glazed “Creamware” Earthenware Plate Shard from Staffordshire Recovered from Fort Ticonderoga
by or after Thomas Whieldon c. 1760 - 1770
(Fort Ticonderoga)
English Press Molded Lead Glazed “Creamware” Earthenware Plate Shard from Staffordshire Recovered from Fort Ticonderoga
by or after Thomas Whieldon c. 1765 - 1770
(Fort Ticonderoga)
English Press Molded Lead Glazed “Creamware” Earthenware Plate from Staffordshire
by or after Thomas Whieldon c. 1770
(Private Collection)
English Press Molded Lead Glazed “Tortoiseware” Earthenware Plate from Staffordshire
by or after Thomas Whieldon c. 1765 - 1775
(Earl D. Vandeker)
English Press Molded Lead Glazed “Tortoiseware” Earthenware Plate from Staffordshire
by or after Thomas Whieldon c. 1765
(Private Collection)
English Press Molded Lead Glazed “Tortoiseware” Earthenware Plate from Staffordshire
by or after Thomas Whieldon c. 1750 - 1770
(New Hampshire Historical Society)
English Green Lead Glaze Plate from Staffordshire
Likely by or After Thomas Whieldon c. 1770
(Private Collection)
English Shell or Feather Edge Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate with Transfer - Printed Decoration
c. 1769
(Robert Hunter)
English Shell or Feather Edge Decorated Lead Glazed White Earthenware Plate
From the Privy of French Hairdresser Augustin Raillion of Beacon Hill, Boston
(City of Boston Archeology Program)
English Lead Glazed “Creamware” Earthenware Soup Plate Depicting a British Vessel
c. 1780
(Robert Hunter)
English Lead Glazed “Creamware” Earthenware Soup Plate Depicting an American Vessel
c. 1780
(Robert Hunter)
English Lead Glazed “Creamware” Earthenware Plate from Staffordshire
18th Century
(Guest & Gray)
English Lead Glazed “Creamware” Earthenware Plate from Staffordshire
18th Century
(Guest & Gray)
Lead Glazed, Slip Decorated
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Platter from the Midlands
2nd Half 18th Century
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Platter from the Midlands
2nd Half 18th Century
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Platter from Shropshire
c, 1750
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Platter from Shropshire
c, 1750
English Lead Glazed Earthenware Platter from Staffordshire
c. 1720 - 1750
(New Hampshire Historical Society
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Platter
c. 1780
(Private Collection)
Lead Glazed Earthenware
“Creamware” Platters
English Bleu Persan Chinoiserie Cistern
c. 1690 - 1700
(Ceramics in America)
English Staffordshire Creamware Oval Stand
by Thomas Whieldon c. 1770
(Private Collection)
English Staffordshire Creamware Stand
by Thomas Whieldon c. 1760
(Private Collection)
English Staffordshire or Yorkshire Creamware Platter
Likely by Thomas Whieldon c. 1760
(Private Collection)
Lead Glazed
Earthenware Bowls
English Lead Glazed Earthenware Basin from Staffordshire
Excavated at the Edward Rumney / Stephen West Tavern, London Town, Maryland c. 1725
(Chipstone / Photo, Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Agate Earthenware Bowl from Staffordshire
c. 1750 - 1770
(Chipstone Foundation)
English Lead Glazed Earthenware Soup Plate Shard from Staffordshire
Excavated at Fort Ticonderoga, New York c. 1760 - 1780
(Fort Ticonderoga)
English Chintz Creamware Waste Bowl from Staffordshire
c. 177o
(Private Collection)
English Lead Glazed Earthenware Slop Bowl from Staffordshire
1760 - 1765
(Museum of London)
Lead Glazed, Slip Decorated
Plates & Dishes
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate Attributed to Yorktown, Virginia
Recovered at the Site of the William Rogers Pottery Factory c. 1720 - 1745
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historic Park, Yorktown / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plates from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
By French Huguenot Potters - Likely Hilegas - Similar to Wares Produced in Montpelier, France c. 1730
Recovered in the Many Privies Below the Site of the Museum of the American Revolution
(Museum of the American Revolution - Chipstone - Photography by Robert Hunter)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
By French Huguenot Potters - Likely Hilegas - Similar to Wares Produced in Montpelier, France c. 1730
Recovered in the Many Privies Below the Site of the Museum of the American Revolution
(Museum of the American Revolution - Chipstone - Photography by Robert Hunter)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
By French Huguenot Potters - Likely Hilegas - Similar to Wares Produced in Montpelier, France c. 1730
Recovered in the Many Privies Below the Site of the Museum of the American Revolution
(Museum of the American Revolution - Chipstone - Photography by Robert Hunter)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Width 7.5”)
Recovered from a c. 1740 - 1780 Privy at 232 Race Street, Philadelphia
Thought to be Locally Made by an Immigrant French Potter
(Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered in the Many Privies Below the Site of the Museum of the American Revolution c. 1730
(Museum of the American Revolution - Chipstone - Photography by Robert Hunter)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered in the Many Privies Below the Site of the Museum of the American Revolution c. 1730
(Museum of the American Revolution - Chipstone - Photography by Robert Hunter)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered in the Many Privies Below the Site of the Museum of the American Revolution c. 1730
(Museum of the American Revolution - Chipstone - Photography by Robert Hunter)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Width 10”)
Recovered from a c. 1750 Brick Lined Privy at 118 Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Width 7”)
Recovered from a c. 1750 Brick Lined Privy at 118 Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1750 - 1769 Brick Lined Privy at 5 North 3rd Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Dated Early 19th Century by the Met, But Likely Earlier Based on Contemporary Philadelphia Privy Artifacts
(Metropolitan Museum of Art)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Width 7”)
Recovered from a c. 1750 Brick Lined Privy at 118 Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1750 - 1769 Brick Lined Privy at 5 North 3rd Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Width 12”)
Recovered from a c. 1740 - 1780 Privy at 232 Race Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1735 - 1755 Brick Lined Privy at 236 Church Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1750 - 1769 Brick Lined Privy at 5 North 3rd Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate Likely from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered in Albany, New York & Bears 2 Marks c. 1780 - 1820
(New York State Museum - Albany / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate Likely from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered in Albany, New York & Bears 2 Marks c. 1780 - 1820
(New York State Museum - Albany / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate Likely from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered in Albany, New York & Bears 2 Marks c. 1780 - 1820
(New York State Museum - Albany / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered in the Many Privies Below the Site of the Museum of the American Revolution c. 1750
(Museum of the American Revolution - Chipstone - Photography by Robert Hunter)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered in the Many Privies Below the Site of the Museum of the American Revolution c. 1750
(Museum of the American Revolution - Chipstone - Photography by Robert Hunter)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
c. 1769
(National Park Service, Independence National Historical Park)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Width 12”)
Recovered from a c. 1740 - 1780 Privy at 232 Race Street in Philadelphia and Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1735 - 1755 Brick Lined Privy at 236 Church Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1735 - 1755 Brick Lined Privy at 236 Church Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1750 - 1769 Brick Lined Privy at 5 North 3rd Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Width 20”)
Recovered in the Many Privies Below the Site of the Museum of the American Revolution c. 1750
(Museum of the American Revolution - Chipstone - Photography by Robert Hunter)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered in the Many Privies Below the Site of the Museum of the American Revolution c. 1750
(Museum of the American Revolution - Chipstone - Photography by Robert Hunter)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered in the Many Privies Below the Site of the Museum of the American Revolution c. 1750
(Museum of the American Revolution - Chipstone - Photography by Robert Hunter)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered in the Many Privies Below the Site of the Museum of the American Revolution c. 1750
(Museum of the American Revolution - Chipstone - Photography by Robert Hunter)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate Found in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Believed to be Made in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania c. 1769
(Independence National Historical Park / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Shards Found in Pennsylvania
Recovered at Governor Printz’s Mansion, Printzhof, on Tinicum Island, in Essendon, Delaware County, Pennsylvania,
Prinzhof Burned in 1645 and was Later Rebuilt
(This Week in Archeology Blog / Pennsylvania Historical Commission)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate Sherds Possibly from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered at the Severns/Kennedy Site in Greenwich Township, New Jersey 18th Century
(New Jersey Historic Preservation Office / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware from Pennsylvania
Attributed to John Leidy I (1764–1846) of Bucks County, Pennsylvania c. 1775 - 1800
(Metropolitan Museum of Art)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware from Massachusetts
by Joseph Wilson of Dedham 1764
(Smithsonian National Museum of American History / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate from Massachusetts
by Joseph Wilson of Dedham 1764
(Smithsonian National Museum of American History / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate from Massachusetts
by Joseph Wilson of Dedham 1764
(Smithsonian National Museum of American History / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1780 - 1790 Privy on Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(Bruce Adwell / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1780 - 1790 Privy on Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(Bruce Adwell / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1780 - 1790 Privy on Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(Bruce Adwell / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1780 - 1790 Privy on Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(Bruce Adwell / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
c. 1770 - 1800
(Metropolitan Museum of Art)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate from Pennsylvania
Attributed to George Hubener of Pennsylvania 1782
(Pook & Pook Auctions)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1750 Brick Lined Privy at 118 Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Sgraffito Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1750 - 1769 Brick Lined Privy at 5 North 3rd Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Black Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1735 - 1755 Brick Lined Privy at 236 Church Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
Lead Glazed, Slip Decorated
American Earthenware Lead Glazed Interior Pan
by Potter Thomas Ward of Virginia c. 1625 - 1630
(Kingsmill Collection, James City County, Virginia - Photograph Rob Hunter)
American Earthenware Lead Glazed Interior Pan
by Potter Thomas Ward of Virginia c. 1625 - 1630
(Kingsmill Collection, James City County, Virginia - Photograph Rob Hunter)
American Earthenware Lead Glazed Interior Pan
by Potter Thomas Ward of Virginia c. 1625 - 1630
(Kingsmill Collection, James City County, Virginia - Photograph by Bly Straube)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Pan from Charlestown, Massachusetts
Found in the Privy of the Three Cranes Tavern, Charlestown. Burned by the British June 17, 1775
Likely Made in Charlestown, Massachusetts Prior to 1775
(City of Boston Archeology Program)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Pan from Charlestown, Massachusetts
Found in the Privy of the Three Cranes Tavern, Charlestown. Burned by the British June 17, 1775
Likely Made in Charlestown, Massachusetts Prior to 1775
(City of Boston Archeology Program)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Pan from Charlestown, Massachusetts
Found in the Privy of the Three Cranes Tavern, Charlestown. Burned by the British June 17, 1775
Likely Made in Charlestown, Massachusetts Prior to 1775
(City of Boston Archeology Program)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Pan from Charlestown, Massachusetts
Found in the Privy of the Three Cranes Tavern, Charlestown. Burned by the British June 17, 1775
Likely Made in Charlestown, Massachusetts Prior to 1775
(City of Boston Archeology Program / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Pan from Massachusetts
One of 53 Recovered at the Site of the Isaac Royall House and Slave Quarters in Medford, Massachusetts
Made Prior to 1781
(Isaac Royal House and Slave Quarters Museum)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Pan from Massachusetts
One of 53 Recovered at the Site of the Isaac Royall House and Slave Quarters in Medford, Massachusetts
Made Prior to 1781
(Isaac Royal House and Slave Quarters Museum)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Pan Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a Philadelphia Privy on Cuthbert Street c. 1780 - 1790 and Thought to be Locally Made
(Bruce Adwell / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Pan Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1780 - 1790 Privy on Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(Bruce Adwell / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Pan
Recovered at the Site of the African-American Meeting House in Boston Late 18th - Early 19th Century
(City of Boston Archeology Program)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate, Likely from Massachusetts
Likely from Dorchester, Massachusetts Late 18th - Early 19th Century
(Crocker Farm Auctions / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Plate, Likely from Massachusetts
Likely from Dorchester, Massachusetts Late 18th - Early 19th Century
(Skinner Auctions / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Pan Likely Made in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered at the New Sweden Archaeological District in Delaware Early to Mid 18th Century
(Delaware State Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Pan Likely Made in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered at Independence Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Mid 18th Century
(National Parks Services Philadelphia Archaeology Department / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate / Charger from Pennsylvania
c. 1770 - 1779
(National Park Service, Independence National Historical Park)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate / Charger from Pennsylvania
c. 1770 - 1779
(National Park Service, Independence National Historical Park)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate from Virginia
by Henry Piercy of Alexandria, Virginia c. 1792 - 1796
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate from Virginia
by Henry Piercy of Alexandria, Virginia c. 1792 - 1796
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate from Virginia
by Henry Piercy of Alexandria, Virginia c. 1792 - 1796
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Plate from Virginia
by Henry Piercy of Alexandria, Virginia c. 1792 - 1809
Lead Glazed, Slip Decorated
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Platters Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Left & Right: Recovered from a c. 1789 - 1790 Privy on Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
Center: Recovered from a c. 1790 - 1810 Privy on Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(Bruce Adwell / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Platter Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1780 - 1790 Privy on Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(Bruce Adwell / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Platter Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1780 - 1800 Philadelphia Privy. Thought to be Locally Made
(Bruce Adwell / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Platter, Possibly from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Late 18th - Early 19th Century
(Freeman's Auction)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Platter, Possibly from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Late 18th - Early 19th Century
(Freeman's Auction)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Platter, Likely from Massachusetts
Likely from Dorchester, Massachusetts Late 18th - Early 19th Century
(Museum of Fine Arts, Boston / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Platter, Likely from Massachusetts
Likely from Dorchester, Massachusetts Late 18th Century
(Northeast Auctions Ex. Nolan Collection / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
Lead Glazed
Earthenware Bowls
English Lead Glazed Sgraffito Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowls from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowls from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
English Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowls from North Devon
One of Many Shipment Damaged Wares Found in the Drainage Ditch of William May of Jamestown, Virginia c. 1670 - 1680
(National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Chipstone Foundation, Photo Gavin Ashworth)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowl Shards from Pennsylvania
Reportedly Hillegas Brothers Pottery of Philadelphia c. 1720 - 1746
(Bill Liebeknecht, Hunter Research, Inc - Trenton, NJ / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Interior Earthenware Bowl from Massachusetts
Found In and Likely Manufactured in Charlestown, Massachusetts c. 1740 - 1775
(City of Boston Archeology Program / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowl
by Cornelius Hegeman of Brooklyn, New York 1762
(Rob Hunter)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowl
by Cornelius Hegeman of Brooklyn, New York 1762
(Rob Hunter)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowl
by Cornelius Hegeman of Brooklyn, New York 1762
(Rob Hunter)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowl from Charlestown, Massachusetts
Found in the Privy of the Three Cranes Tavern, Charlestown. Burned by the British June 17, 1775
Possibly by Parker - Harris of Charlestown Mid 18th Century
(City of Boston Archeology Program)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Likely Made in Peabody, Massachusetts
Found on Boston Common c. 1780 - 1820
(City of Boston Archeology Program)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Likely Made in Peabody, Massachusetts
Found on Boston Common c. 1780 - 1820
(City of Boston Archeology Program)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Likely Made in Peabody, Massachusetts
Found on Boston Common c. 1780 - 1820
(City of Boston Archeology Program)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Likely Made in Peabody, Massachusetts (7”)
c. 1780 - 1840
(Peabody Essex Museum)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Likely Made in Peabody, Massachusetts (7”)
c. 1780 - 1840
(Peabody Essex Museum)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1750 Brick Lined Privy at 118 Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1750 Brick Lined Privy at 118 Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Width 9”)
Recovered from a c. 1750 Brick Lined Privy at 118 Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Width 6”)
Recovered from a c. 1750 Brick Lined Privy at 118 Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Possibly Made In New York City
Recovered from an 18th Century Privy in Lower Manhattan. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Manny Birittieri)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Width 13”)
Recovered from a c. 1750 Brick Lined Privy at 118 Cuthbert Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Shard Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1735 - 1755 Brick Lined Privy at 236 Church Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Shard Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1735 - 1755 Brick Lined Privy at 236 Church Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Shard Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1735 - 1755 Brick Lined Privy at 236 Church Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Shard Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1735 - 1755 Brick Lined Privy at 236 Church Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Slip Decorated Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Shard Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1735 - 1755 Brick Lined Privy at 236 Church Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Shard Found in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Believed to be Made in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania c. 1770 - 1815
(Independence National Historical Park / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1740 - 1780 Privy at 232 Race Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1740 - 1780 Privy at 232 Race Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1740 - 1780 Privy at 232 Race Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowl
Recovered from a Late-18th to Early-19th Century Privy in Fells Point, Baltimore
(Andy Goldfrank / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowl from New York
Recovered in Manhattan, South Street Seaport Late 18th Century
(Chrysalis Archaeology - Brooklyn, New York)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowl from New York
Recovered in Manhattan, South Street Seaport Late 18th Century
(Chrysalis Archaeology - Brooklyn, New York)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowl from Pennsylvania
Made by a Potter from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania c. 1770 - 1779
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowl from Virginia
Made by a Potter from Alexandria, Virginia Late 18th Century c. 1792 - 1809
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowl from Pennsylvania
Found in Franklin Court, Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made c. 1770 - 1815
(National Park Service, Independence National Historical Park)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowl from Pennsylvania
Found in Franklin Court, Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made c. 1770 - 1815
(National Park Service, Independence National Historical Park)
American Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowl from Pennsylvania
Found in Franklin Court, Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made c. 1770 - 1815
(National Park Service, Independence National Historical Park)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1790 - 1820 Philadelphia Privy on Cuthbert Street. Thought to be Locally Made
(Bruce Adwell / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1790 - 1820 Philadelphia Privy on Cuthbert Street. Thought to be Locally Made
(Bruce Adwell / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Sherds from Newburyport, Massachusetts
Recovered at the Site of the Daniel Bayley Pottery, Newburyport, Massachusetts c. 1764 - 1799
(Smithsonian National Museum of American History / Early American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas)
American Black Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1740 - 1780 Privy at 232 Race Street in Philadelphia. Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
American Black Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl from Pennsylvania
c. 1770 - 1779
(National Park Service, Independence National Historical Park)
American Black Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware Bowl from Pennsylvania
Made by, and Found on the Kiln Sire of Henry Piercy c. 1792 - 1796
(Chipstone Foundation)
American Black Lead Glazed Slip Decorated Earthenware “Jackware” Tea Cup from Charlestown, Massachusetts
Found in the Privy of the Three Cranes Tavern, Charlestown. Burned by the British June 17, 1775
c. 1770
(City of Boston Archeology Program)
American Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl Attributed to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Recovered from a c. 1740 - 1780 Privy at 232 Race Street in Philadelphia and Thought to be Locally Made
(American Ceramics by Justin W. Thomas / Photo Courtesy Chris Rowell)
Lead Glazed Earthenware and Bisque Bowls from Yorktown, Virginia
c. 1720 - 1745
(Ceramics in America)
Lead Glazed
Earthenware Bowls
French Lead Glazed Earthenware Bowl
From the Wreck of the Machault Sunk in the 1760 Battle of Restigouche in the Bay of Gaspé in Quebec Province c. 1755 - 1760
(Parks Canada)
Lead Glazed, Slip Decorated
German Weser or Werra Ware Shards Found in Chesapeake Archaeological Sites
Made in the Werra and Weser Regions in the 16th and 17th Centuries 17th Century
(Robert Hunter)
German Weser or Werra Ware Plate Typical to Those Found in Chesapeake Archaeological Sites
Made in the Werra and Weser Regions in the 16th and 17th Centuries 17th Century
(Robert Hunter)
German Weser or Werra Ware Plate Typical to Those Found in Chesapeake Archaeological Sites
Made in the Werra and Weser Regions in the 16th and 17th Centuries 17th Century
(Robert Hunter)
German Weser or Werra Ware Plate Typical to Those Found in Chesapeake Archaeological Sites
Made in the Werra and Weser Regions in the 16th and 17th Centuries 17th Century
(Robert Hunter)
German Weser or Werra Ware Plate Typical to Those Found in Chesapeake Archaeological Sites
Made in the Werra and Weser Regions in the 16th and 17th Centuries 17th Century
(Robert Hunter)
German Weser or Werra Ware Plate Typical to Those Found in Chesapeake Archaeological Sites
Made in the Werra and Weser Regions in the 16th and 17th Centuries 17th Century
(Robert Hunter)
We greatly acknowledge the wonderful blog, Early American Ceramics, by Justin W. Thomas
which allowed us to fill in many gaps needed for the assembly of this slideshow. For more
detailed information on any of the artifacts that we have credited to Justin’s research, we highly
recommend that you check out his website / blog located at:
The material contained within these slideshows is presented for educational purposes only. The
18th Century Material Culture Resource Center does not personally own any of the items
depicted herein and is indebted to the countless museums, libraries, and private collectors who
willingly share their collections with the public through the internet. Every attempt has been
made to credit these organizations and individuals for their contributions as best as possible.
If there is a question you have regarding a particular item featured within a presentation, please
contact the 18th Century Material Culture Resource Center and we will try to answer your
inquiry as best as possible. If for any reason you feel there is any item that should not be
presented here, or if there is an error in any listing, or if you know the source for any item whose
credit is unknown, please inform us and we will make sure your concern is addressed as soon as
Thank you!