Religions - The Occult Connection - Part II
Religions - The Occult Connection - Part II
Religions - The Occult Connection - Part II
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What you see on the tombstone of the founder of the Watchtower movement is the
Knights Templar Symbol for the York Rite of Freemasonry (See below). This degree is
equivalent to the 33rd Degree of Freemasonry and is the highest degree of the York Rite
indicating that he knew whom he was serving. It was not Jesus Christ of Nazareth to be
sure. Shown below are examples of how the Christian Science and Jehovah's Witnesses
cults have used this symbol. This is where Charles Taze Russell (1852-1916), 33rd
Degree Freemason and founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses cult is buried.
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Oh, how I wish that I could wake people up to the truth of what's going on in
the world today. Look at the image above. Who joins hands like that? You can
see that they're a part of Satan's NWO!!! The Freemasons who head all of
today's mainstream religious denominations are leading the gullible world's
masses into World Religion.
When the Antichrist comes, that is, the Beast, he will seek for all men to
worship him, including the churches and different denominational groups. The
stage is now being set. False prophets like Max Lucado and Rick Warren are
setting the stage for the Antichrist. As hard as it is to imagine, it's true. Lucado
was named America's Pastor by apostate Christianity Today magazine and in
2005 was named by demonic Reader's Digest as The Best Preacher in
America. He has been featured on The Fox News Channel, NBC Nightly News,
Larry King Live, USA Today, and a bunch of other worldly demonic shows. Luke
6:26, Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their
fathers to the false prophets. There you have it! The Bible says it all! Jesus
said that nearly everyone speaks well of false prophets!
In 2005, ChristianityToday voted Max Lucado as the This is one more reason
why I believe the Antichrist will come soon, which means that the Rapture of
the saints is very near.
The Bible tells of a demon-possessed woman who followed the Apostles and
told people to listen to them to be saved...
Acts 16:16-17, And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a
certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which
brought her masters much gain by soothsaying: The same followed
Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the
most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.
Why would Satan influence this witch to tell people to listen to God's men? The
answer is obviously that she was turning people away from the truth. She was
causing a distraction, making people think she was crazy, as well as the
Apostles. Satan is a dirty fiend and has so many dirty tactics that he employs to
keep people from getting saved. Benny Hinn is not a true Biblical Christian.
Hinn's ludicrous acts done for fun and amusement have turned untold MILLIONS
of souls away from hearing the Gospel...
Did you ever stop to realize that every unsaved hellbound Catholic, Mormon,
Church of Christ, Seventh-Day Adventist, Jehovah's Witness and Christian
Science cult follower believes in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus
Christ? It's true! So what sets the true Gospel apart from what all these
demonic cults teach and believe? I'll tell you.
The Bible speaks of the simplicity that is in Christ in 2nd Corinthians 11:3.
The simple Gospel is that we are SINNERS and Jesus is the SAVIOR! Christ died,
that's history; Christ died for me, that's salvation! The Biblical Gospel excludes
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Notice the all-seeing occult Eye of Horus, commonly displayed inside the
Illuminati pyramid, which has its origins in ancient Egyptian occult religion.
The all-seeing eye is representative of Lucifer, the angel of light, who is the
god of this world according to 1st Corinthians 4:4.
Here is the creepy logo for CBS studios . . .
Now take another look at the Seventh-Day Adventist bookstore's business card .
They have the all-seeing eye and the Masonic pyramid displayed together,
which is common. Usually the eye is inside the pyramid, and it is interesting to
see the pyramid inside the eye instead; but they are occult symbols
nonetheless, which often appear together, showing allegiance and support for
the Devil. It is all creepy; but moreover, shows that Satan is in control of ALL
organized religions.
As born-again Christians, Jesus taught that the Kingdom of God is within us
(Luke 17:21). Be warned my friend, Satan is behind all organized religions
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today, leading the masses to worship the coming Antichrist, the Beast. That's
what the occult all-seeing eye and pyramid all represent, i.e., the completion
of the New World Order, which will be led by the Beast.
Thank God for those few faithful New Testament churches still remaining
today, who have not bowed their knee to Baal, who do not display Masonic
occult symbols on their building and literature; and have a man of God as their
pastor watching over their souls, contending for the doctrine of Christ,
teaching personal soul-winning, and taking a Biblical stand against public
The New World Order is here, which is what all the occult symbols reveal,
whether it be in the secular realm or the clergy. Devotion to the Devil is
everywhere, which is what I am showing you and warning you about. If you are
a member or attend one of the mainstream religions I have exposed, please
leave immediately and don't look back!
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