Sinorix STD Siemens

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Intelligent means:

Sinorix™ al-deco STD – intelligent object protection
system for machine tools.

Building Technologies
Machine tools


Machines with fire incidents

Sinorix™ al-deco STD object protection systems have already Approximately 10% of all installed machines, which are cooled with non-hydrous
been installed into several thousand machine tools. coolants, experience a fire incident within 2 – 5 years.

Sinorix™ al-deco STD – knowing that

all machines are protected from fire
without compromise.
The European jurisdiction claims fire protection for machine tools
and their equipment that have a high risk of a fire incident. There-
fore, Siemens offers the intelligent Sinorix™ al-deco STD object
protection system with the following main features: fire detection
and extinguishing without requiring an electrical source, online
monitoring and automatic recording of all security-relevant
functions. In short: uncompromising protection and safety.

fire sensor
sector 1
fire sensor
sector 2

Risk area
“production room”

230 VAC

Interface / alarm system

Sinorix al-deco STD concept example for machine tools.

Uncompromising –
all-around protection for safety.
The Sinorix™ al-deco STD object protection system can be easily tailored to
individual requirements. Thus, reliable and effective all-around protection
for machine tools is ensured.

쮿 Detection and extinguishing 쮿 Measurement

The heart is a tube-shaped linear fire The Sinorix™ al-deco STD object pro-
sensor named Lifdes™ (Linear fire tection system measures the quantity
detection source). This patented sen- of the extinguishing agent online,
sor, produced with a high-molecular monitors the pressure of the detection
polymer, is stressed by a pressure of line, the operating as well as the main
15 bar. Connected to a fire extinguish- power status. The interface displays all
ing bottle via a valve, it is permanently functions optically/acoustically, for ex-
under this pressure and will burst if ample an alarm is activated when the
its ambient temperature rises above loss of extinguishing agent exceeds
110 °C. In this way, it acts like a linear 20% as well as in case of a fire inci-
sensor that will always be activated dent. In case of a power outage, the
right where the activation temperature functions of the interface will be held
has been reached first. Practically at up by means of a battery. The system
the same time as the pressure drops can be reset in a controlled manner
in the burst Lifdes sensor, the valve with the key switch. Therefore, it is
of the bottle will be opened and the possible to instantly put the machine
machine is switched to “EMERGENCY tools into operation again after a fire
STOP”. The extinguishing agent is in- incident. However, the fact that the
troduced via a separate extinguishing Sinorix al-deco STD object protection
line and appropriately arranged extin- system is not yet operational will be
guishing nozzles. The system requires clearly communicated and recorded.
no external power for the detection
and extinguishing of fire. This hap-
pens pneumatically, and is therefore
insensitive to all kinds of technical
interferences. Incorrect activation
of the system is virtually impossible.
Legend for the key components

1. CO² extinguishing agent tank

2. CO² valve (IHP)
3. Pressure switch, potential-free, changeover contact withstanding
max. load of 230 V / 5 A 2 pcs.
4. Ball valve for the activation/deactivation of the extinguishing systems
(with status monitoring)
5. Activation and measuring unit (integrated into the valve) for checking
the CO² quantity
6. Alarm interface
7. Detection line, steel, D=6x4 mm
8. Detection line, flexible (Lifdes™ fire sensor)
9. Manual trip with pressure gauge
10. End stops for detection line
11. Extinguishing line for CO²
12. Extinguishing nozzles
13. Distribution unit with pressure switch 2 and 3

쮿 Alarming 쮿 All-around protection and support Sinorix™ al-deco STD –

An alarm is given either optically/ The broad Sinorix portfolio includes advantages
acoustically (fire alarm) or through the solutions with natural and chemical
interface. A connection to an existing extinguishing agents as well as wa-
fire control panel is possible. Addition- ter-combined solutions for object and 쮿 Effective fire protection with a
al signals such as loss of extinguishing room protection – tailored to individ- patented fire sensor
agent, ON/OFF of the extinguishing ual requirements. Siemens employees
system, fire alarm etc. can be used via offer support with a comprehensive 쮿 Solution tailored to the risks of fire
potential-free contacts for other appli- range of services – from risk assess-
cations as well. ment, system design, installation, 쮿 Insensitive to all kinds of technical
and commissioning to maintenance. interferences
쮿 Maintenance and recommissioning Expertise, innovative strength, and
The maintenance of the system is dis- solution competence are available 쮿 Online monitoring and electronic
played electronically and can be carried around the world. recording
out, just as a recommissioning after a
fire incident, by the operator himself 쮿 Safety through CE conformity and
– with the help of the corresponding TÜV testing
documentation if required. The extin-
guishing agent containers are fitted
with a special filling adaptor and can be
refilled from any gas refilling station.

Sinorix al-deco STD

The USB interface allows the communication with a PC through the included software.
Thereby all recorded data can be readout.

Approvals 쮿 The system has been tested according to the Type Test AISF-22-05-110 of the TÜV,
Technische Überwachung Hessen GmbH (CE 0091).
쮿 The quantity calculation of the extinguishing agent is carried out according to the
VdS 2093 directive.
쮿 The system has been constructed and installed based on DIN 14497 for small
extinguishing systems.
쮿 The system fulfills the regulations of the Employers’ Liability Insurance Association
(Berufsgenossenschaftliche Regeln) BGR 134.
쮿 Maintenance takes place in accordance with DIN 14406 Part 4 Maintenance.
쮿 Highest safety 쮿 Comprehensible operations
With the Sinorix™ al-deco STD object All relevant data in the memory
protection system both the detection can be readout via a USB interface.
of a fire as well as the activation of
the extinguishing process are based 쮿 Reinstatement by the operator
on pneumatic functions. Thus, the The Sinorix al-deco STD object protec-
system is able to detect and extinguish tion system can be reinstated by the
a fire without needing an electrical operator after a fire incident. Simple
source. No special requirements, such data synchronization with the installer
as blocking air, control signals or alarm of the object protection system en-
criteria, are placed on the machine sures correct operation after a rein-
tools. In case of a fire, the switching statement.
off of the machine is the only remain-
ing connection between the Sinorix 쮿 Targeted maintenance suiting
al-deco STD object protection system operational needs Sinorix™ al-deco STD –
and the machine tool. This is carried The electronic supervision of both the highlights
out via a potential-free contact, and pneumatic detection and the status of
has no other connection to the extin- the extinguishing system allow main-
guishing system. tenance with a minimum impact on 쮿 Highest operating safety as no
business processes. electrical source is needed
쮿 Comprehensive monitoring
All security-relevant functions of the 쮿 All-inclusive package 쮿 Online monitoring and activa-
Sinorix al-deco STD object protection When it comes to fire protection, an tion of an alarm in case of a fire
system are monitored online and indi- “all-round no-worry package” would be incident
cated acoustically and optically in case practically unaffordable. Our services,
of an incident. The operating data as however, are not. The Sinorix al-deco 쮿 Comprehensive monitoring with
well as these functions are automati- STD object protection system distin- recording of security-relevant
cally recorded in a long-term memory. guishes itself with an unparalleled data
price-performance package that offers
uncompromising protection. 쮿 Availability of the data via USB

쮿 Possibility of reinstatement
through the operator after
a fire incident

쮿 Maintenance appropriate to
the operation

Sinorix™ al-deco STD 쮿 Alarm 쮿 Lifdes™

object protection system interface fire sensor

쮿 Activation and 쮿 Module A – 쮿 Refill kit

measuring unit people
Siemens Switzerland Ltd
Building Technologies Group
International Headquarters
Gubelstrasse 22
CH-6301 Zug
Tel +41 41 724 24 24
Fax +41 41 724 35 22

The information in this document contains general descriptions of technical options available,
which do not always have to be present in individual cases. The required features should therefore
be specified in each individual case at the time of closing the contract.

Subject to change • Order no. 0-92084-en •

© Siemens Switzerland Ltd • Printed in Switzerland • 2,50709 Ah

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