Prepare For The Winds of Change II
Prepare For The Winds of Change II
Prepare For The Winds of Change II
Nita Johnson
At nine years of age, while I was playing in my backyard, I walked out of the natural right
into the spiritual world. I found myself being escorted down a long, winding tunnel by a
huge, magnificently beautiful angel right into the throne room of the Lord. When I entered
this amazing room, I saw the Lord sitting on His throne to my right. I was instructed to
walk over to His right side, He pointed to the wall which was off to the right and slightly
behind Him. I walked closer to it, and as I did, the wall became a window to the future. I
moved toward the window until I could see clearly. It was as though I was looking down over
a hill into a city, but instead of the city, it was the world in the process of the judgment of
the last days!
From my earliest Christian days, I have been told by the Holy Spirit of the judgments
coming upon the whole earth. I have always been faithful to share what I've been given. The
following communications however, have been of a different sort.
I didn't ask the Lord of the experience I had at age nine; I was horrified by what I saw,
nor have I asked Him for what has recently occurred. It is His compassion toward man that
moves Him to send forth messages of warning unto the world when danger lurks ahead. For
some reason, in His sovereignty, He chose to grant me these divine encounters. He didn't
grant them to exalt a person, but as a ministry to the Body of Christ and as a warning to the
Just as the Bible says:
And the Lord, the God of their fathers, sent to them persistently by
His messengers, because He had compassion on His people and on His
dwelling place: But they kept mocking the messengers of God, and
despising His words, and scoffing at His prophets, till the wrath of
the Lord rose against His people, till there was no remedy or healing.
(II Chron. 36:15-16 Amp.)
I didn't ask to know these things, but I am called to share all that I've been showed
with people everywhere. Some will believe it; some will not. Some that won't receive it
through me will receive it through another. I'm sure that's why Jesus is so diverse in
the way He sends messages to us. His desire is that as many as possible will hear and
receive His urgent warnings.
In addition to His instructions to speak of things to come and to give understanding as
to why the judgments are being sent, He has also revealed to me what we can do in
some cases to prepare. That which is contained in this book was given by the
instrumentality of divinely granted appearance, and everything I share is backed by
careful study in the Word of God. It will prove to be sure.
There will be those who will not believe the Word through any source at this time.
However, as they see the things described in this book begin to move into full swing,
they will repent and turn to Jesus. In so doing, they may in the end be some of God's
greatest heroes of faith. But the scripture does say that the Lord sent repeated
warnings until the day came that there was no longer any remedy. That's where we
are today. Although there is still a remedy for the individual, there is none left for
the nations, including America.
Sixteen years ago, while I was sitting in my family room, the Lord gave me a vision.
First, my mind went blank, and my eyes saw only dark. Then in a split second I saw
out in front of me the United States Seal turning end over end. The closer it got, the
larger it became until it was the size of a man; coming at a stand-still nearly two feet
from me, it then disappeared. Next, I saw the corner of a Bible with a black leather
cover on it. It looked as though someone was thumbing the corner of the pages in
rapid succession. Just as before, it stated a long distance from me, and as it came
closer, it too grew equally as large. At about the same place, it stopped and
disappeared. Then a cross appeared. It too came from a great distance away and as it
moved closer, and grew exceedingly large. It stopped about two feet in front of me.
Simultaneously, as a voice (that sounded like it was reverberating down a long tunnel)
spoke the words, "Liberty through Christ Jesus." These same words appeared in an
arch over the cross.
This was the message for America. I was subsequently led out to point the people of
God back to Himself and inspire a hunger for Him, with the Holy Sprit bearing witness
with signs and wonders following. This was, of course, in hopes of bringing America
back to Jesus before it was too late. In addition, I have fasted long fasts by His
direction for the healing of our nation.
Now in 1997, as I look back over the last decade. I see such erosion it's
heartbreaking. For instance, fifteen years ago we wouldn't have heard a news reporter
on the six o'clock news make a statement like, " I would hate to see them lose any
ground for their cause. They have fought so hard." This statement was made just a
few years ago by an anchorperson in California after showing a film clip of a hundred
or so homosexuals standing around singing.
What she didn't say was that those same people had violently broken into a private
meeting, pushed people down, and overturned tables. People were physically hurt by
their violence. She also failed to mention how they made obscene gestures, acted out
homosexual movements toward one another while others continued in their violence. Nor
did she include that it took the police force from two precincts to finally get them
under control. All the viewers were allowed to see was the "seemingly" innocent people
standing up for gay rights, while the media knowingly hid the fact of violence behind
the scenes and openly applauded their movement.
While God loves people that are practicing homosexuality, He absolutely abhors the sin
in which they are involved. His tolerance, if you will, has peaked out! Twenty years ago
there was still enough of a puritanical base in this country that things of this nature
wouldn't have been tolerated by the average citizen either. It's a symptom of a huge
underlying cancer of immorality that is eroding this country's very foundation. We have
jumped out of the spoon and into the hot grease. But, before it's over, as you will
come to see in this reading, we will have jumped out of the frying pan and into the
fire! The degradation of all morality will be so rampant that it would make today's
average American shiver.
Consequently, God's message has changed. He is no longer offering liberty to that
nation. He said, "Judgment is sure," and we have only five minutes to midnight, at
which time His wrath will be poured out, Yet, He still offers liberty to all who will
accept it and press into His bosom in purity through Christ Jesus.
As you read the words of this book, know that although the message is a sobering one,
it is from God's heart. Receiving it in that manner, make your way to Him with all
diligence, making the following scripture your daily motivation, that you might be kept
God said to Israel:
Set your [minds and] hearts on all the words which I command you this day,
that you may command them to your children, that they may be watchful to do
all the words of this law. For it is not an empty and worthless trifle to you; it
is your very life (Deut. 32:46-47 Amp.)
This is not a commentary on the Book of Revelation. I am not attempting to teach on end
time prophecy - nor am I desiring to write a message on the sensational. If one surveys
these pages expecting any of the above, they will be terribly disappointed.
My only desire is to relate a message that I was given to communicate to the Body of Christ
as well as to the unsaved. Humanity's need for the strength, wisdom and comfort of their
Creator is greater now than at any other time in history. My prayer will be that in digesting
the message contained herein, the reader will move with all diligence into Christ Jesus.
Virtually take out all the stops, so to speak, and with a compelling urgency seek the Lord's
face until you are abounding in His grace, reaching deeply into Him until Jesus lives in you in
the fullness of His boundless might.
In short, "Prepare For The Winds of Change."
Nita Johnson
A Word On Prophecy
Peter exclaimed, "This is that," when beginning his famous discourse on the Day of
Pentecost. He went on to say:
I will pour out My Spirit upon all mankind, and your sons and your daughters
shall prophesy (telling forth the divine counsels), your young men shall see
visions (divinely granted appearances), and your old men shall dream dreams
(Acts 2:16-17 Amp.)
What then is the purpose of this kind of demonstration? It is to provide prophecy, (the
telling forth of the divine counsels). Further, Revelation 19:10 reads:
For the substance (essence) of truth revealed by Jesus is the spirit of all
prophecy [the vital breath, the inspiration of all inspired preaching and
interpretation of the divine will and purpose, including both mine and yours].
(Amp.) (emphasis added)
In other words, when a manifestation of this nature is granted, it is in order that Jesus may
reveal or further clarify truth and that in rendering a truth, He might give counsel.
Peter said in quoting Joel... "your young men shall see visions". Yet, we know of many cases
when in fact, young men saw dreams - a good example is Joseph. Joel also indicated that old
men shall dream dreams. Yet, the apostle John saw one of history's greatest visions when
he was around 90 years old. Further, he promised both menservants and maidservants would
prophesy - but he said nothing of mules. Yet, it was a mule God prophesied through in order
to save Balaam's life. (Num. 22:27-33) The point I'm attempting to make is that this
exciting proclamation of Peter's concerning the last days ministry of the Holy Spirit is not
making promises that Lord will use one in exclusion of another.
In both the Old and New Testaments, God has made Himself known to whomever He chose whenever He chose. He hasn't changed that just for today. Open your hearts. Let the Holy
Spirit lead you all into all truth as you read the pages of this message. Search the
scriptures. Let them further testify to it's validity, then prayerfully meditate on all your
read until you're convinced that all that Jesus wanted you to get on this has been given to
you. You can do no more than that, and the Lord will honor you in your endeavor.
Regarding the experiences I will be sharing, the Lord did not intend for them to leave us
without hope - quite the contrary. It's purpose is to give us direction which, when, obeyed,
will turn potential tragedy into triumph. Throughout scripture, we find God's counsel has
proven to be substantial, equitable, and warlike, for the cause of truth and capable of
shielding all who will accept it.
Therefore, as you read the following words, set your minds to look for hope. Also search for
the keys you can use to change your future and the future of those you love. Allow the Holy
Spirit to pull you and stretch you into a depth of commitment not known before. Offer
yourself to the Lord as a catalyst to spark change in those around you. Do something
positive with what you gain from this. We need not be afraid. If we are living a holy life, we
will live in divine protection regardless of what others experience. Jesus will in fact be
closer to His church during the hour of darkness than He seems to be right now. So, let His
peace rule your heart through trusting obedience in the days ahead.
When united, the Church is the most powerful single entity in the world. No one wants to
see her reach her highest potential more than Jesus. May all therefore, burn with the
desire to do our utmost for His absolute highest.
Part One
The White Horse
And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent His
messenger (angel) to make known and exhibit to His servants what must
soon come to pass. (Rev. 22:6 Amp.)
On January 10, 1990, I was granted a visitation by an angel. When I first saw this majestic
being, I was awe-struck by his beauty, his power, and his obvious authority. He was dressed
in a white garb resembling an old Roman military uniform. His belt and type of breastplate
were of gold. His whole appearance seemed to glow with the glow of heaven itself. He was
riding an equally beautiful and powerful white war-horse. Both horse and rider were very
large. The horse was much larger than any horse you and I would ever have occasion to see
here on earth. It was indeed obvious that this incredible being was one of God's higherranking dignitaries.
I was frightened by the sight of him and would soon find myself quite distressed over his
message to us. I first saw him as he rode this incredible war-horse down what could have
been any street in a typical subdivision anywhere in America. He was carrying a huge sword
in his hand. This Instrument was actually long enough to be a lance, but its shape was that
of a sword. With it, he would touch the roof of the houses on either side of the road out of
every two or three he passed, thereby bringing judgment. He would declare, "Let the
judgment fall from the greatest to the least of the unrepentant." (I'll explain more about
this later.) I then found myself standing at the end of this same street watching intently
and fearfully as this illustrious angel moved down the street in my direction.
After every house that he cursed, he would proclaim warnings, as it were into the streets.
"Great judgment is coming to the lovers of this world. Those unrepentant and cripplers of
the children - fear!" Again and again, he would exclaim, "Babylon is falling! Come out; come
out of her my children. Take nothing with you; only the clothes on your back and don't
begrudge the cost. Judgment is coming at midnight. The hour is 11:55 (p.m.)! I say don't
mourn the loss, only come away: Come out of her. Run from the daughter of wickedness!
Time is at an end. Judgment is sure...," this he would cry out over and over again, as one
would imagine a town crier doing, such as Paul Revere of old.
He came to a standstill in front of me, sitting on his horse he spoke with me, giving me a
great deal of instruction. Calling me by name, he said, "Nita, warn the people. Warn the
people of the earth that judgment is coming at midnight, and the hour is even now 11:55
(p.m.). Everywhere tell them to heed the teachers. Heed my anointed, for their counsel is
sure, and is the way of safety and life.
Counsel is coming from behind the veil. Among other things, counsel concerning spiritual
warfare. Government is again coming to the church, and God bringing forth the mighty men
of valor to lead the church forth in war.
Tell my people; Heed the teachers, for their counsel is sure and will provide safety in
treacherous time. Heed the prophets and apostles, heed my anointed, for their counsel is
sure and a way of safety and life.
God will be lifting up specially anointed teachers, prophets of the Most High. They will be
given the rod of government. They will carry the sword bringing separation and judgment
and will be healers of great breaches among My own.
They will prepare the saints with battle strategy and equip them with the power of a mighty
warrior, bearing the anointing to spoil. Heaven's government (prophets and apostles) coming
in to separate, heal and lead out into strategic battle.
These prophets will be teachers who will be given counsel from behind the veil. Counsel of
superior wisdom and strategy for safety, unity and spiritual warfare. They will be taken into
the secret counsel of the Most High to obtain what must be diligently taught to the elect.
This counsel will provide safety in treacherous times. Don't mourn, only heed the voice of
the Spirit of counsel and might. Tell my people to heed the coming anointed ones, tell them
to prepare!
From that point, he began to share many things. He gave much instruction, much information
and much warning. Some will be on the pages of this book. Some will not, as it has been
sealed up for a later date. He finally told me I would find further understudying of these
things in the book of Zechariah. "Study it, understand it, Let the Holy Sprit give you much
enlightenment in it," he instructed.
In closing, he said one more time, "Go forth now and tell the people of the earth. Warn
them judgment is coming and it's sure." Then he left, and I was alone in my room.
As I said earlier, this heavenly messenger came to give a most important communiqu not
only to the church (although it is the church that is the Lord's heart throb), but also to the
unsaved as His name is still "Merciful", and He deeply cares about every living soul.
Consequently, some of what I will have to say will be to you as a believer while the
remainder is a strong warning to the unbeliever.
I Am Jealous
The Lord said of Himself: For the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous
(impassioned) God. (Exodus 34:14 Amp.)
Here then, we see His name and His character spelled out "JEALOUS"; a holy
possessiveness to the highest degree of that which belongs to Him. Yet, there is much more
to it than just that. As in every face of God we are given the privilege to know there are
two sides. Mercy becomes judgment to God's rivals. Salvation becomes damnation when one
chooses sin rather than holiness. The Nurturer becomes an Adamant Stone to the
rebellious. It is not that God changes, for he says, " I change not." But our choices set us
face to face with that part of Him that has to deal with the consequences of our decisions.
Even so, the Lord, whose name is Jealous, carries within Himself characteristics of this
jealously which we cherish and yearn for.
The external blessings of being at peace with that name are profuse. All we need to do is
look at a few who were at peace with Him to understand. Joseph became number two in the
heads of state in all of Egypt. He had a lovely wife and two sons. He became a man of
distinctive wealth as well as stature. It was for him that his whole family was granted the
finest land in Egypt.
What would need to be said of Moses? Who of us today has such an intimate relationship
with "The Lord whose name is Jealous?" Who today is so quickly defended by God Himself
when our leadership comes under attack? God made him a leader of a nation, and one of the
most beloved men by the Jews and Christians alike for thousands of years. Most
importantly, Moses spoke with God face to face, and daily met with him in the Tent of
Meeting. God Himself sent an angel to bury his servant's body. He so meticulously took care
of important details both in Moses' life and in his death. This is a relationship that the
Bible tells us is available to any who will zealously seek it.
Then, of course, there's Samuel. God let none of his words fall to the ground. God
established him in favor such as would ordinarily be given a king. His honor still remains to
this day. What about David? He wasn't perfect, but he was God's. Oh, how God loved and
blessed him continually. The Psalms pulsate with the overtures of the love they shared. Let
us also not forget Paul, Peter, James and John. The bountiful blessings of being at peace
with the "The Lord whose name is Jealous" are beyond comprehension. Once you have felt
the embrace of God's jealously, you will never want anything less. He will tolerate no rivals.
He becomes like a jealous lover, you might say. You will know Him in ways few others will. He
tells you secrets, gives you gifts, but most of all, He makes Himself known to you, and
manifests Himself in you.
He isn't like a jealous mate who wants to control your every thought and will never reveal
anything about Himself, keeping you at arms length from true intimacy. He simply lets you
know how incredibly hungry He is for you, giving Himself to you that you might search out
the seemingly unsearchableness of His person. He will give tokens of his love all along the
path of your developing relationship. This He does to encourage you to keep moving forward
in Him. Yet all this is not without chastisements that will insure the removal of things that
would hinder fuller growth.
He says of one who lives in that place, "You are the apple of my eye. If one touches you,
they've touched Me." People feel no need to fight for themselves when they rest there, as
He does it all, just like the most gallant husband.
In order to dwell there, however, you must relinquish all desire to control your own future.
Your future truly is at rest in His hands. So, you never really look for Him to defend you
anymore. In fact, you will even at times find yourself praying that He won't for the sake of
your offender.
Yours becomes a life filled with the supernatural . Zechariah 1:14 records Him saying, "Thus
says the Lord of Hosts; I am jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with great jealousy." It's
as though the great Lover woke up, shook his head and found the nations violating His bride.
In anger He shouts, "I am jealous with a great jealousy." Watch out nations, you touched
the wrong one this time, and I won't tolerate it! ... It is however a picture of something to
About eleven years ago, which puts us right at 1985, God bestirred Himself. He looked at
his bride in preparation for bestowing blessings, and disgust welled up within Him at what
He saw. In one tent, she was playing the harlot with the world and calling herself the queen
of heaven. In another tent, she was under incredible bondage and persecution while giving
way to compromise hoping to appease God and government. Only a remnant in that tent stole
His heart away for her faithfulness in tribulation. In yet another tent, He noticed that she,
like Rachel, put His image on the mantel with the rest of her collection of gods, just to be
safe. He saw harlotry and greed played out within so many tents around the world, with so
few faithful that He was in awe.
Yet He has His way, and the spoiled, but unfaithful bride must be brought before the
courts so that her lewdness can be exposed.
So, He did just that, according to His own law. (Numbers chapter 5) He brought his wife
before the priest and caused her to drink of the bitter water that brings a curse. It would
follow that if she had been faithful, she would walk away blessed by God and bring forth the
fruit of Her womb. If not, the bitter water would be to her a curse. Her thigh would rot,
her womb would be closed, and she would swell in ugly disfigurement. She would be cursed
by God and know the heartbreak of her barren womb.
She drank the cup in 1985 and rapidly began to disfigure, and God, as it were, seemed to
have closed the womb of His unfaithful bride. Souls were still saved, but sickeningly few
compared to the millions going to hell with a slap on the back from the church who played
the harlot with them.
Her beauty has become her shame. There is probably more wealth in the church today than
at any other time in history. Yet, strangely enough, more souls aren't being born again with
that money. People are just living in more expensive homes, driving more expensive cars,
wearing designer clothes, virtually gorging on the lusts and passions of her flesh and
boasting about how God has provided all this extravagance so she can better fit in with the
world. She foolishly thinks her secret lovers applaud and respect her for her cheap
harlotry. She's pouring a cup of the world's water into her waste places that are the size of
deserts and can't figure out why it won't satisfy.
Adultery can't satisfy, Church! There is a wounded Lover that was left behind, and He's
been aroused.
Why do we boisterously applaud ourselves every time we can rub elbows with something the
world has, as though we have improved ourselves? If it meets people's needs, the church
should be the innovator, not the follower. If it satisfies passions for anything other than
God's, His kingdom, the private family, the family of God, or souls, we should want no part
of it. Yet, if people are not spiritual enough to figure that out for themselves, they are
already too entrenched in the lie they live. With their mental lists tucked within easy reach,
they are well prepared with their justifying arguments as to why, as a child of God, they
have the right to live, as do the heathen.
God knows no such thing as carnal possessiveness. His jealous heart is holy, pure, and rigidly
righteous. His jealously feeds the hungry heart of His faithful bride with life, hope, and
graciousness poured out in open measure. He becomes her song, filling the air with
passionate tones of exquisite melodies of love. He moves her to sacrifices and services
which would terrify a mortal, but which are hardly noticed by her as she destroys enemy
fortresses from which others run.
But to the unfaithful, God's jealously is as cruel as Sheol. His life in holy unfeigned fervor
for His bride's soul, and He'll take no less commitment on her part. Woe be it to the foolish
bride that takes His name in vain, then flaunts her adulterous lifestyle before God's
enemies. To that one, His jealously may be as the curse of death. Oh, that the church would
repent, turn to her God, and embrace her wounded Husband, and be healed.
Hell hath no fury like the scorn of a betrayed mate. The "Jealously" that would have healed
and protected us from the coming storm will be the very power that will be our enemy if we
don't repent and bring forth fruits that prove the heart.
Heaven's warning is strong!
God is beginning to visit His Church in a holy visitation. When He graces his people with
something of this nature, we are immediately thrust into a new level of accountability and
responsibility. When God's holy presence enters, created beings, angelic or human, fall to
their faces not because they are told to, but because they are compelled to. They are too
afraid to talk to Him. One realizes the extent of one's sinfulness in light of an exceedingly
Holy God. If your heart is contrite, you deeply appreciate His mercy in allowing you to live,
let along be in His presence. Your love for Him grows immensely because your respect for
Him soars into new heights.
Embodied in His holiness is His jealousy. When the Lord visits His church in this way, sharp
distinctions become apparent. You're either going to live in Jesus, holy and pure, or you're
going to go back to the world. One way or the other, your life will never be the same. This
type of visitation is going to be upon us in full force. Although it began a couple of years ago
with a few, we began to see in 1991 the beginning of a major impact of this face of God in
some nations of the world. We need to prepare by cleaning up our hearts and lives so we
don't end up a fatality, as this presence of God continues and moves across America.
The scripture said His jealously has been aroused. James said to draw close to Him, even
grieve over all our unfaithfulness, and He will draw nigh unto us. God is abundantly merciful
to the repentant. If His jealously could be described as a garment, I would say that on the
inside of it, we are kept safe and close to His heart. But if we stand far off and
unrepentant, we are then on the outside looking in and in danger of judgment. Where will you
be dear saint?
The Separator
The angel said, "And He will be called the Separator!"
There are two activities of the Holy Spirit which will be closely linked. The release of the
Anointing of Judgment and the Anointing of Separation that is coming upon the body, may
have indeed, already begun they will have a coupling influence in some areas. There will be
those who will be separated to be judged.
We will be talking about the work of "Jesus the Separator" in this chapter and the
"Anointing of Judgment" in the next.
We saw how "The God whose name is Jealous" caused the church to come before Him and
drink the cup of bitterness to prove whether or not she had been faithful. We also saw her
weighed in the balance, so to speak and found wanting. Yet, in the need, God's jealousy will
be a ring of protection round about His bride. Zechariah called it a "ring of fire round
about". Just as a ring of campfires would serve as protection against wild beasts for a
traveling wagon train, God's ring of fire will protect His chaste bride from harm intended
by her enemies.
Throughout this chapter, as well as this whole process up to and including the judgment of
the last days, remember the following:
a. Jesus is going to judge His leadership, that the body may fear with holy awe.
b. Then He will judge the body, that the world might fear.
c. Then He will judge the world, that all might fear.
The Bible Says:
For the Word that God speaks is alive and full of power - making it active,
operative, energizing, and effective; it is sharper than any two-edged sword,
penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and [the immortal]
spirit, and of joints and marrow [of the deepest parts of our nature] exposing
and sifting and analyzing and judging the very thoughts and purposes of the
heart. And not a creature exists that is concealed from His sight, but all
things are open and exposed, naked and defenseless to the eyes of Him with
Whom we have to do. (Heb. 4:12-13 Amp.) (Emphasis Added)
In preparation for this book, the Holy Spirit showed me in an open vision the working of the
Word of God today.
I saw two swords going out across the land into all the world. As they moved toward
the earth, they began moving up and down. While one moved down the other moved
upward in a sort of clipping action. I saw them move swiftly over the earth. The Holy
Spirit then said, "My Word is sharper than any two-edged sword, and I've sent it out
to all the world that it might expose and sift, analyze and judge, all that live on the
face of the earth."
Then the two swords became a huge sieve. I saw wheat being poured into this sieve
and the rotating action began. The granules of wheat were sifted and pulverized in the
action of this huge sieve, after which it would come out the bottom as fine little
Then the sieve seemed to develop a sort of vacuum so that the wheat was being pulled
into it from the four corners of the earth. Nothing could withstand the power of this
suction. I realized the church and facets of the world, such as governments and
media, educational systems, and people from every kindred, tongue and nation were
going through it. The Holy Spirit said, "This is the way my Word works. It goes forth
exposing, sifting, analyzing and judging the innermost parts of man and all of creation.
Nothing is concealed from its power. It goes forth today in a fervent manner as never
before to expose and sift with great upheavals. It will sift the heart and the nations
as it analyzes and brings the full judgment to all that have not stood the test".
I could see that, although this sieve was big enough to sift the nations, it was capable
of microscopic work. Then He said, "This is what is meant by Hebrews 4:12,13. Tell
the people to prepare for sifting by My Word."
Never at any time in history will there need to be grace in the hearts of God's saints more
than during the coming years. So prepare! In all of the supernatural experiences recorded in
this book, no one word was spoken more than the word "PREPARE."
Then Jesus said:
I came into this world for judgment [as a Separator, in order that there might
be separation.] (John 9:39 Amp.)
Think not that I am come to send peace on the earth; I come not to send
peace, but a sword. (Matt. 10:34)
Although He spoke this truth many times and in many different ways, never will we see it
become so alive as today.
The Lord has a twofold purpose in what He is doing. First, He is going to fulfill Ephesians
4:12, 13, bringing into manifestation the "one man" full of Christ. That is, the born again Jew
and Gentile made into the image of His first-born, Christ Jesus, through His blood. In so
doing, we well see the day of "greater things" as He promised, and the sin of the world will
be completely judged according to John 16:8-11. The second purpose is that Jesus still
wants to evangelize the world.
~Sifting of His Shepherds~
There is a voice of the howling of the shepherds; for their glory is spoiled
(Zechariah 11:3)
This is a real clear picture of what we will hear. However, there will be those who will not be
howling for the devastation of the sheep or for the effect it will have on the heart of the
sinner when the leaders, both mighty and small, are brought to exposure; but they will be
howling for their glory, their reputation, their financial status, etc. Oh, how many will be so
busy weeping for themselves that they won't have time to weep for those affected by their
sin? Yet, amidst all this, there will be those whose eyes will be opened, and instead of for
themselves, they will be wailing for all those traumatized by their selfishness, just as King
David of old did after his sin with Bathsheba.
I believe it was in 1983 that the Lord spoke to me in an audible voice: "Ministries made of
man will fall in this hour!" Later, He impressed upon my heart that the process would begin
in 1985, and from there, would mushroom.
It has indeed started, but we have yet to enter into the mushroom effect. I believe another
elevation began to take place in 1991, and will continue to increase. The angel assured me of
what the scripture already says. God will not be mocked. Judgment must start at the house
of God.
Howl, fir trees; for the cedar is fallen because the mighty are spoiled; howl, O
ye oaks of Bashan; for the forest of the vintage is come down. (Zech. 11:2)
(emphasis added)
There are leaders of the church in the free world who have pampered and spoiled
themselves with God's finances. Presidents of some major corporations don't make as much
as some ministers do in the ministry today. If Jesus was to be the prototype for ministers
who would walk in the secret of God's counsel and with the awesome power of the Holy
Spirit to set the captives free, then why do we have pampered ministers walking in so little
power on an international scale? While I'm not saying this is true without exception, the
numbers it typifies are sickeningly high.
Please understand, I'm not saying the Lord doesn't want ministers to have homes, cars, etc.,
but it's the place these things hold in the heart and corresponding excess that God is
dealing with. God's ministers are judged by a much higher standard than others (James 3:1).
It's His ministers that have propagated a gospel without a cross, righteousness with
responsibility, and a justification of greed in the heart of the church. It hasn't been the
Holy Spirit. He will never contradict the Word to gain friends. Because ministers have made
holiness a religion without relationship and a life of works and outward appearance, they
have put their own stamp of approval on greed, teaching that we should give to get, and
when we get, get big and spend it big. To coat it with righteousness, the body is reminded,
"but you remember to tithe on all you get." Why? So you can get some more? Jesus hates
greed. It's idolatry and it eats at the soul like cancer.
So God is dealing against it. Soon, everyone will know whose ministry was made by man and
whose was made by the Holy Spirit of the church. No one will have to guess.
Ministers would find it a wise thing to come before the Lord and ask Him to send His
searching ray through their hearts, as He never has before so that every sin will be dealt
with by the cross. Joel said it like this:
Let the Priests, the ministers of the Lord weep between the porch and the
altar. (Joel 2:17 Amp.) ... Now says the Lord, turn and keep on coming to Me
with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning [until every
hindrance is removed and the broken fellowship is restored]. (Joel 2:12 Amp)
Some will lose everything, but in the loss, they will find the Lord, as perhaps they have not
known Him in years. For some others, maybe as they have never known Him. In their
brokenness and contrition, in finding God, they will find the ministry they have never
touched before, although it was for the fulfillment of that ministry that they were created.
The church will speak of them as Israel spoke of her beloved David. Their hearts will be for
God and for God's people.
Other ministers, the body will lose. Of these, there will be two categories. One segment will
just leave the ministry - some will even be taken by death. The other part of the group will
become goat leaders. During this process, all facades will be removed. The true hearts will
be made manifest. Of this group that will become goat leaders, that with which they
deceive others as well as that by which they are deceived, will be their platforms to gather
unto themselves the insincere of the flock. The word in ministry in this hour will be "purity
in humility".
The angel told me there would be three categories of separation. He said it like this:
"In that day they will call Him the Separator as He will separate the precious
from the vile, the sheep from the goats, and the wheat from the tares."
"A wise king winnows out the wicked [from among the good] and brings the
threshing wheel over them [to separate the chaff from the grain]" Prov. 20:26
The "precious from the vile" is the truth from the lie. God will make such a difference in
the true gospel from the defective gospel that the church will turn with a true hunger from
the dainty morsels and other forms of impure gospel to that which is pure.
This will facilitate the next step - "the separation of the sheep from the goats". Whenever
truth is being released with higher levels of anointing, it has cataclysmic effects on that
which opposes it. Therefore, the next step will be accompanied by eruptions, rending of
hearts, and traumatized lives. It won't be a smooth transition. Yet, amidst all of this, God
will be in perfect control, and it will turn out beautifully. Don't fear - trust in Him! We
will see the sheep and the true shepherds begin to migrate, if you will, toward the pole of
this purer truth. Meanwhile, the goats will follow the false shepherds, and together they
will make their way to the path leading toward total departure from the truth. This then, is
a separation of the true Christian from the one who is simply a professing Christian and has
no desire to go all the way with God. It will happen remarkably fast.
The third sword of separation will be "the wheat from the tares". That is the church from
the unsaved. The church will make such a departure from the world's system and the ways
of the world that it would ordinarily stagger the mind. It won' be difficult by this time to
discern who belongs to Christ, that is who, in fact, are the true wheat and who are the
And I took my staff, Beauty or Grace, and broke it in pieces to show that I
was annulling the covenant. So the covenant was annulled on that day, and thus
the most wretched of the flock and the traffickers in the sheep who were
watching me knew that it was truly the Lord. (v.14)-Then I broke into pieces
my other staff, Band or Union, indicating that I was annulling the brotherhood.
(Zech. 11:10, 11, 14.Amp.)
This is not the end of the separating process, but the beginning, as we will see. The angel
gave me understudying regarding the whole process of separation that will go on, and how it
will touch all of society and every facet of life; but it will start in the church. He took the
staff called Grace, and broke it to symbolize that God's covenant with the unrepentant was
broken. Not that God has rejected them, but that His protection over them was removed
and the enemy would have free course. Under this new level of exposure to enemy attack,
people will go one way or the another very quickly. Paul said, "I have turned these two men
over to Satan for the destruction of their flesh that their souls might be saved." This is
what the Lord is saying.
When God breaks His covenant of grace, He then breaks the covenant of unity. When man
has no covenant with God, there is no such thing as peace among men. When God's binding
covenant of unity is broken, then men resort to war.
Even so, my brothers and sisters, we will feel the effect of this tearing, because those who
will lose covenant with God for their love for the world, are not going to be strangers, but
close friends and family. It's going to hurt as the gap is made wider, but don't give up. For
it will be the time to pray, give grace, and believe as you never have before. As they begin
to cycle in God's chastisements, many will decide to run to the Lord and repent rather than
continue in rebellion and be destroyed. Thus, they will return with full commitment, never to
stray again.
So now, prepare. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Don't give up - the best is
yet ahead.
God is making man-sized warriors out of His church. When this army raises up, we are going
to punch crater-sized holes in the enemies' walls and take the booty. Satan knows it. He
fears it, but he can't stop it. Through it God will be greatly glorified.
~Three Shepherds~
And I cut off the three shepherds [the civil authorities, the priests, and the
prophets] in one month, for I was weary and impatient with them, and they
also loathed me. (Zech. 11:8 Amp)
This separating process will begin in God's Kingdom and move out into the world. Zechariah
spoke of three shepherds coming under God's dealing: civil authorities, the priests and the
prophets. The first thing He will do is bring separation. The second will be judgment.
However, in this chapter, we will speak only of the separation process and why that is to
occur. Judgment will be covered in the next chapter.
In the Jewish faith, religion and politics are intricately interwoven. In the days of
Zechariah this was so. The problem was that the whole system was corrupt. None sought
after God, even though the purpose of the system was to provide a way for the Jews to
worship God in their own country. Today there is no false premise as in Zechariah's day.
These shepherds as listed here have no desire to lead you to the only true God, but instead
they lead you as far away from Him as they can. To them, everything is a means to it's own
end. The Lord is going to deal against it.
The leaders of the church will be the first to feel the piercing of the separating sword. He
said in Isaiah, "I'll make strong your bones." That's what He is doing. By this process, He is
going to make the backbone of the church strong again. Thus the Lord will establish the
church in "purity in humility". Subsequently will come the revealing of Christ the King in His
Civil Authorities
Secondly, the sword is going to go forth to deal with civil authorities. Those who have
become cripplers of the children will fully experience that hard blow of His justice as it
works against their evil ways. High-ranking dignitaries are applauding great deceivers while
the truth lays openly exposed to their blinded eyes. Yet they claim they see only light, only
hope. The way God deals with dignitaries world wide will set us in awe. Some international
leaders are ripe for judgment. Others, some that will shock us, will fall headlong into the
Kingdom of Grace, leading, it will seem, whole nations to the Lord.
In short, gray areas are going to be banished, and men and women will be known for what
they are. Even now many government officials are working day and night to prevent what the
church calls righteous government. AS the Psalmist writes:
They lay crafty schemes against Your people and consult together against Your
hidden and precious ones. (v. 5) - For they have consulted together with one
accord and one heart against you. (Ps. 83:3 & 5 Amp.)
There are Satanists, New Agers and those involved in every form of the occult in our own
government as well as those in other countries. These people hate God, Christians, and the
Jews, and they are already making plans to wipe out all three. (I'll speak more about that
Government agencies from Child Protective Service (C.P.S.), to foster care, to the
courtrooms, are inadvertently supporting pornography. War agencies and peace agencies
alike will be shown without an excuse for their sins against humanity before the Lord is
finished. The church is supposed to be God's watchdog on this earth so to speak, to keep
others abreast of the atrocities that go on so we can wash out the cancer and bring healing
the nations. But only a few have ever taken the incentive to fulfill their God-given
responsibility. Consequently, the Lord will have to undertake where the church has failed,
and He is about to do just that.
Don't fear! Dear Christian, be not afraid. The afore-mentioned process will sting and bring
fear only if you're not equipped with grace. Press into God - know the nature and character
of Jesus, for He is our Chief Shepherd. Know His Word. Know how to pray. Turn from all
that hinders and keep your heart and eyes set on Jesus whose love and care will never fail
Armed in His grace, you'll do just fine. So begin to prepare now. Don't wait. Seek His face
with all your hearts and stay in strong active fellowship with other saints. If you will do this,
your victories will be immeasurable. If not, how will you make it? God kept trying to prepare
Israel to go into the promised land. He tried to prepare them for battle, but they wouldn't
hear. When the time came, their hearts fainted. God could do nothing with them. So, all but
two men of that generation died. Unlike the two brave warriors and the new generation of
the twelve tribes, they never saw the promised land.
Don't let that be true today. God is calling His church and the world to accountability. What
will your response be? Keep in mind that your response will dictate what He will do.
Repentance and submission to Jesus and His word will insure His loving protection.
In conclusion, there will be much exposure of sin in government: some plain filth, some
embezzling, some even heinous crimes. All will be separated. Some will be separated to
righteousness; some will be put in line for varying levels of judgment.
The Prophets
Just as God was dealing with the false prophets of Zechariah's day, He will be dealing with
the false prophets of this day. Who are they? The media, religious leaders who are
propagating false religions, secular learning institutions we call schools, and higher schools
of learning, are false prophets. Even those who are giving the body a false sense of world
security will be dealt with. Some will be separated into righteousness and others into
judgment. Your prayers however, could determine a positive end for a loved one.
It will be the secular media that will be shouting the awesome reports of the great revival
that will sweep the land. Thousands of these prophets, if you will, will be saved through it
while others will increase the propagation of all that opposes God and put themselves in line
for judgment. There has been a sort of unity in the media leaning towards humanism and
away from Christian values. The only values that seem to oppose the various levels of
deception which are taking place today are the Christian voices, but they hardly seem to
make a dent in the world's armor.
As we shall soon see, the day is coming when there will seem to be confusion of speech
among the ranks. This will be the result of the sword of separation. Those who will embrace
the gospel through the incredible things they will see as a result of the powerful move of
God in the land, will speak with as much zeal for truth as they once did in opposition to it.
While on the opposite spectrum, the remainder of the media will ultimately become an
instrument in the hands of the antichrist. Their reporting has never before known the bias
and propensity toward antichrist values that it will come to know very soon. They will
eventually be "hate God" propagators, hating all that is righteous and that depicts righteous
standards in the earth.
The whole media in Russia has been built on falsehood. Whatever had to be said to keep the
people submissive to government is what was declared. It rarely had an element of truth.
They were the sowers of "hate God, Christians, and Jews" rhetoric, propagating it as the
highest gospel.
Yet even Russia's media will seem like the high school glee club compared to the "new
propagators" of tomorrow. Of course, it will be called, "voice of the people". By the time
this reaches its climax, they will, in fact, be the voice of the people. Their gospel will be
"hate for all that is good" and "love for all that is vile". Isaiah said: "Woe to those who call
evil good, and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter
for sweet and sweet for bitter." (Is. 5:20)
This is happening now in small measure, but in the very near future their declarations will
stagger the mind of anyone who has even the slightest regard for purity. It will be the
media that will fuel the flame of persecution and martyrdom coming upon the true church
and the Jew interglobally. It will in time to come, be this blinded faculty that will be so
instrumental in bringing the antichrist into power. They will be securing themselves in the
bed of judgment, coal by burning hot coal.
Unknown to us all, in every form of media, antichrist programming is involved. Whether it is
news, cartoons, magazines, or billboards, it is being implanted in your minds in ways I am not
at liberty to discuss yet. Consequently, going to the next step of blatant outwards show
won't be difficult at all.
In the coming years, persecution of the church will be televised as special-events-type
broadcasting. In the end, they will prove to be one of the church's worst enemies.
Television will speedily become more vile than we can imagine. Horror movies of the most
barbarous and grotesque nature will be typical entertainment on daytime programming.
Sexuality, even to blatant nude and sex scenes, will be commonplace. Homosexuality and
every kind of rank perversion on our sets will be tomorrow's baby-sitters. Spiritism,
Satanism, and grotesque murders will be part of the American diet on a daily basis. Then will
come God's judgment!
We have spoken about the Separator as He sends His sword to separate truth from
deception, to separate those who will go all the way for the Lord, from those who are not
willing to pay the price of the faith, and to separate the world from the church. We shared
about the work of separation in the leaders of the church, the civil authorities, and the
false prophets. Now we have one last category to speak about, and it will undoubtedly be the
hardest of all to handle, at least for a season.
The Family
I saw the sword of separation coming upon the family. It will start at the top of the head of
the house and work its way down to the youngest. All that it touches will fall to either
righteousness or judgment.
Husbands who are wife beaters or fathers who are child abusers, saved or unsaved, if not
repentant, will fall to judgment. The same will occur with the wife on down. Abusers of
themselves or abusers of others, whether physical, emotional, sexual, criminal abuse or
mental, drug or alcohol abuse, it won't matter. If a man is good to his family but engages in
acts unbecoming to righteousness while away from home, he will be separated unto varying
degrees of justified judgment. This work of separation by the word of God will start in the
church and move out to the world. Just a note; the earlier stages of judgment on any are
for the sake of instruction. It isn't until the final stages that one stands in danger of
destruction. So prayer can make every difference in the world.
Now is the time to encourage repentance and preparation. Repentance is necessary that we
might not be guilty and fall under the weight of this powerful sword. Then preparation, so
we will be held in a protective harbor of stability during these difficult times. Remember
however, that God's highest desire is to get the whole family to heaven. So, even in
judgment He will remember mercy. Further, He will be working toward answering our
prayers on behalf of our loved ones so not one will be lost.
In Conclusion
The Separator is coming. Prayer will not hold Him back. In His abundant mercy, He has
tarried this long, but the wait is over. He will not hold back any longer. The angel told me
this is sure. We have passed the point of no return.
The Separator has by now come through the land twice and is about the make a third visit.
This visit will prove to be the most eruptive so far.
The next major separation that will occur is not the separation of the precious from the
vile, but the impure from the pure. This of course, deals specifically with His Church, and it
will be meet with violent upheavals. For this reason, God will first strengthen and stabilize
the pure. We need to prepare for this through prayer and repentance.
Although the revealing and intense sifting of the impure will be painful to all of us at best,
it will not however, be the end. Some will, through this violent sifting, repent and return to
the path purity. God will thus be greatly glorified through these contrite vessels. So
surround your loved ones with forgiving love, grace and prayer.
Since we know this, we must prepare. Our resistance to this reality won't make the Lord
change His mind any more than it did in the days of Noah. Heeding His message and doing as
He commands according to His Word, enabling us to be victorious in troubled times, is all we
can do.
Up to this point, I have not even spoken of judgment, only the process leading up to
The Lord in His tender mercy makes His plans known to His own. He does this to enable us
to have ample time to prepare for oncoming difficulty.
As a student would wisely prepare for final exams, a soldier would suffer the rigors of boot
camp to prepare for war or an athlete would diligently workout to be ready for a
competition, we must make haste to ready ourselves for the hours ahead.
The church must begin to seek the Holy Spirit who is her teacher, with strong intensity.
Seek to be taught the dynamic and life-sustaining truths that anchor the soul in peace and
wisdom. Study the Word with a zeal. Develop a healthy prayer life full of faith and
expectancy. Learn how to hear the Lord speak and follow His leading. Make prayer as much a
part of your life as eating.
Develop close relationships with Christians and get involved with your church. Make it a
family and work toward building a close-knit family unit. Establish your family in the
fellowship of your local church as well as engaging in outreach opportunities.
Let love be the motivating factor of your life and turn from all that displeases the Lord.
God will protect those who walk in His ways and in His presence, and nothing will be any
means hurt you. Though there will seem to be trouble on every side, you will know the divine
cushion of love and strength that will hold you firm and restful.
There will be those who will have an ear to hear and begin preparation immediately. God will
mightily use these people in that hour to be a stabilizing factor in the body. They who have
set themselves apart to the Lord are already being prepared for a new and mighty
Now, front line leaders will begin to be brought forth by the Holy Spirit and will speak, as it
were, with a bit in the mouth under strong control of the Anointing. They will be graced with
excellent wisdom and will be powerfully anointed, walking in humble submission to the
In the spirit, I have already seen the emergence of these leaders. As early as 1991, they
began making a mark in various parts of the world. Lay people that have been prepared will,
in a sense, be used to cushion the body during this very difficult separation process. But
they can't be expected to carry the whole load. It is important that all God's children need
to hear and respond. Thus, they too will see what great glory is in store instead of shuffling
around in the ashes of apathy.
The Sword of Judgment
The angel said:
"Judgment is coming to the lovers of the world. Those unrepentant and cripplers of the
children, fear."
This he said as he touched the housetops with his huge sword.
Unlike the angel of war, this rider conquers through judgment; His judgment is not war. The
judgment this rider brings will be described throughout this chapter.
In addition, he was depicted to me as carrying a sword. Thus, the Lord was through the
angel further relating a two-fold revelation to me. Number one - He was giving me the call
of the watchmen. Ezekiel 33:2b-3 states it like this:
When I bring a sword upon a land and the people of the land take a man from
among them and make him their watchmen; if he sees the sword coming upon
the land, he blows the trumpet and warns the people. (Amp.) (emphasis added)
When is the watchmen called? When he sees the sword coming upon the land. Then he is to
blow the trumpet. Or in today's vernacular, he is to cry the word of warning to the people all the people. This is what each of the angels commanded me to do; warn all people.
The second revelation I received by seeing the sword was that the judgment the angel was
bringing was from the Lord, and it would be fully brought to an ultimate conclusion, yielding
to the coming of the red horse.
Further -
For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God; and if it
first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the Gospel of
God. (1 Peter 4:17)
Everything that I will be sharing will be the "Household of God" first, to the world second.
The Bible not only specifically stipulates that it's God's way to deal with His own first then
the world; but we see it in living color throughout His Word. So let's see what He is saying
to us today.
I will bring [the curse] forth, says the Lord of hosts, and it shall enter into
the house of the thief, and into the house of him who swears falsely by My
name; and it shall abide in the midst of his house and shall consume it, both its
timber and its stones. (Zech. 5:4 Amp.)
That is exactly what was happening at the hand of this angel. Every house he touched
received the sword of active judgment. Judgment started at the head of the house and
worked its way down to the least of the household. Whose home qualified? Lovers of this
world, liars, thieves, and cripplers of the children. It will not be enough to be born again
today. Those who say they love Jesus and are even cleansed by His blood, will come under
the same judgment as the world, if it's the world they are living for, and if their actions say
it is the world they love.
In the last chapter, I spoke about the Separator, the sword of separation, and that it will
be separating all the souls in the world either into the Kingdom or judgment of various
degrees. In this chapter, the point will be judgment and what to do about it. We will
however, be talking more specifically about the judgments of individuals as the "judgments
of nations" will be dealt with in a later chapter.
~Lovers of This World~
How can I emphasize strongly enough the need to come out of the world? The angel cried
like a town crier,
"Babylon is falling! Come out from her my children. Take nothing with you only the
clothes on your backs. A judgment is coming at midnight and the hour is now 11:55
(p.m.) Don't mourn the loss. Only come away, come out!"
Like a muddied fountain and a polluted spring is a righteous man who yields, falls
down, and compromises his integrity before the wicked. Prov 25:26
He cried with such authority, such pleadings, such absolute understanding of the
consequences for the disobedient. Jesus Himself said so many times and in so many ways
that if we loved the world, we hated God. Yet much of His church still has a love affair
going on with the world. The Lord's name is not going to be like a lifejacket we cling to while
we dip around in the ocean we call the world and expect it to save us. It won't! Jesus said it
will be all or nothing.
First, we find in the scriptures He said the curse would fall on the house of the thief. Why?
Because it puts that soul in the category of greed, which is idolatry. When the heart is
filled with greed, it is given to every evil work. One Bible translation says, The love of money
(greed) is the root of all evil. (I Tim. 6:10) When the saint doesn't pay tithes, he's robbing
God. (Mal. 3:9-10) When we have a family member in need and it's within our power to help,
and we don't the Bible says we are worse that a nonbeliever. (I Tim. 5:8) We are robbing
God. If we don't care for the poor and needy, we call upon ourselves a curse. Why? We're
robbing God. If we steal five minutes a day in time from our boss, we are stealing money.
That's greed. This chapter however, is not on greed, it's on judgment. If it were on greed,
I'd go into great depth to show how much that spirit permeates the church.
If we would all simply seek God and ask Him to reveal to us how greed is being manifested in
our own lives, He would show us and help us to put it under our feet.
Secondly, the scripture says, "Those that swear falsely by My name." It's a mockery of all
God holds dear to say I'm a Christian while living for the world as though Christ's blood
were in vain. The writer of Hebrews says that we are once again putting Him to open shame.
How precious the blood of Jesus is to the Father. God so honors it that heaven is filling up
with souls bought by it. Conversely, we dishonor it by using it to fight for everything from
the protection of our material goods to claiming a new house and neglect its power to enable
us to live holy, loving, and God honoring lives.
We have seen such frivolity throughout Christ's body in this Laodicean Church Age that the
world no longer has respect for God. I hear Christians say, "Why doesn't God show Himself
strong?" I say, "Why doesn't the Church show Him strong by living for Him and not for
themselves?" The Bible says the name of God is maligned and blasphemed among the
Gentiles because of us. (Rom. 2:24)
I was awakened one night to a vision and I heard a voice crying, "Church, stop sinning. You're
killing the sinner." Why can't we see what Paul say? "You are not your own, you were bought
with a price." In seeing the great price Christ paid, why don't we feel a need to honor His
commitment to us by taking responsibility for our lives and living to bring Him glory?
Why is it that we, as blood bought saints, desire the baseness of sin? How is it? How can it
be? Do we really think that the Lord will withhold His dealing against a people who have
trampled the blood of His dear Son under foot in such an irreverent way as His church has
It is true that the blood of the lamb saved Israel that night the death angel swept over
Egypt, but may we be reminded that only two men of that entire first generation made it
into the promised land. The rest, all of whom had been protected the first time, ended up
strewn in the dessert dead, because of rebellion.
Church, precious souls are being lost because of our blatant lifestyles. The Lord would be
unjust if He continued to withhold His dealings with this rebellious generation when He has
judged others. As a consequence, true repentance resulting in contrition of heart and
subsequent fruitfulness in one's life, is the only answer.
So God in sending the sword of judgment, removing his protection from even the saints "who
are lovers of this world", thus allowing heavy enemy attack. Some will die under it, others
will turn to vile sin as that is where their hearts are. Destruction will be the result. Some
will lose families, others health, yet others perhaps millions of dollars, losses brought on by
bad decisions incurring judgment.
Hebrew scholar Michael Brown says the Hebrew text shows God taking full responsibility
for His plagues and judgments. No where in the original language does it leave room for us
to think God arbitrarily lets Satan do his own thing just because the Lord is displeased. As I
saw the angel and he spoke, he had no difficulty letting me know the actions being taken in
these hours are directly orchestrated by God to bring judgment on the rebellious.
~Cripplers of the Children~
Whether it be:
1. Parents that are cripplers of their children through abuse, sexual,
physical, or emotional.
2. Those in pornography, running child prostitutes.
3. Drug pushers, pushing drugs on children.
4. Those into some kind of occult worship that is
5. Those involved in some form of work that was set up to help children, but
in fact, are part of the mushrooming problem lending to further devastate
already traumatized children.
Even so, in judgment He will look with tender mercy on the righteous who are pure. While
the pangs of judgment grip the rebellious, Jesus will be nurturing a mighty and militant army
to reek destruction on Satan's house and pour out one of the greatest outpourings of love
and miracles through His church that the world has ever seen.
~The Cycle of Judgment~
According to the scriptures, they are his chastisements. The Hebrew word for chastise
means to train by disciples, as one would train his son through spanking. The Word states:
Those whom I [dearly and tenderly] love, I tell their faults and convict and
convince and reprove and chasten - discipline and instruct them. So be
enthusiastic and in earnest and burning with zeal, and repent - changing your
mind and attitude. (Rev. 3:19 Amp.)
God's first dealings are always by His Word and His Spirit. He won't revert to the following
unless one is in a settled place of rebellion, unwilling to respond to the former. In the book
of Leviticus, the 26th chapter, we get a good picture of how He chastens. Next, He says if
you won't hearken to Him, He will do the following:
1. He'll send sudden terror
2. He'll send sickness
3. He'll send financial loss.
4. Your enemies will rise up against you and win.
If you still won't repent, He will chastise you further:
1. He'll break your pride in your power.
2. He'll not answer your prayers.
3. He'll send no blessings.
4. You'll work for nothing.
5. Everything you touch will rot.
Third time around - if you still won't repent:
1. You'll have loss of children.
2. You'll have a loss of ability to work.
3. You'll experience pestilence.
4. You'll live under the yoke of your enemy.
5. You'll not have enough food to eat.
6. You'll face untimely death.
Some believe that since we are in the dispensation of grace, God will not deal in this manner
today - at least not with His church. Read the second and third chapters of Revelation, and
you'll see that His punishments are just as severe. We must understand that while our
Heavenly Father is loving and merciful, He is also rigidly righteous, a holy God, who unlike us,
will not compromise who He is.
We see a profound but simple principle regarding the ways of God throughout the Word.
The Lord will bring salvation to a man, cleanse him with His blood, and begin the process of
sanctification. Yet all the time, He'll leave the decision of whom we will serve at any given
moment up to us. If we continue to make the decision to serve Satan more than Jesus, He
will allow the aforementioned calamities to begin to work their process. Who is the direct
author of these? Satan, of course. So we are now beginning to reap the harvest of seeds
planted to sin. The cycle will continue until one day Jesus will say, "If that man still wants
that life so bad, let it consume him."
In that very hour, the destructive forces of Satan are unleashed to lord over us to our
utter destruction. In other words, we chose our master, and Jesus let us have him. Up to
that final point , all the trouble that came our way was designed to bring us back to the Lord
and into a place of safety. Once we cross over that line, the door of mercy is closed, and
Satan is allowed free access to devour.
By the sword of judgment, God is releasing all mankind into the above-mentioned process.
Those who are truly His and choose to walk in godly fear and pure holiness will be kept from
judgment in a place of refuge. Those who don't fit in that category will begin to experience
the course of chastisement ascribed in Leviticus 26.
The Bible says today is the day the salvation. Let the healing hand of God's grace touch
your home instead of the sword of judgment. You have full say as to where you stand with
the Lord. Gird yourself with strength by walking in purity and see in the dynamics that can
be yours in Christ through these difficult times.
To those who are pure, those who love the Lord and live a life of obedience to Him - His
mercy is a covering standard of protection. To those who love and serve people, bringing
honor to the Lord, He is a hiding place from the storm. The Bible says His saintly ones are
like precious jewels in the crown of their God, which He wears like a zealous Father.
God does not delight in the suffering of humanity. These warnings are designed to stir the
readers into evaluating their lives. We can turn judgment into mercy and blessing if we will
alter or forsake anything not agreeing with God's Word, and instead embrace God's way. So
let us encourage one another in the Lord, draw close to Him and to one another, that we may
be held secure and at peace in His name in troubled times.
The Ruin of The brotherhood
The angel of the white horse cried out:
"The sword of separation is coming upon the land. Separation and judgment coming to
those lovers of the world."
Then I broke into pieces my other staff, Bands or Union, indicating that I was
annulling the brotherhood. (Zechariah 11:14 Amp.)
Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth; I have not come to
bring peace, but a sword. And a man's foes will be they of his own household.
(Matthew 10:34,36 Amp.)
America is in transition. Of the varied and many elements of that transition, the following is
one of the most crucial components. to obtain the highest impact, might I suggest that the
reader visualize himself as a part of this scenario as it is being played out. Let me share the
following as I saw it in vision form.
We are among about a hundred or so adults, gathered together in a school cafeteria. We
are students engaged in a sort of council meeting, designed to resolve a very serious
problem that has arisen. Someone has broken into a member's locker and stolen some of his
In the heat of this discussion, someone rises up and declares: "Maybe Duane is responsible,
perhaps he was trying to get revenge for the break-in of his own locker!"
In response to this accusation, Duane immediately stands to refute his accuser by declaring,
"I wouldn't do that to someone else. You know, it's been really hard! Oh, I know I have
acted tough, but it's been painful dealing with the break-in of my locker."
The mediating teacher then stands, and looking around replies, "I want someone to respond
to Duane." We are all sitting up, and I raise my hand. My thoughts are that we must draw
this to a close, quit entertaining speeches of self-defense and blame, and address the real
issue. Hence, I am chose to speak. You my captive audience are all listening, but somewhat
lacking in real resolve. Each one is sitting in a semi-relaxed fashion next to a mate and/or
friend. Further, you were all thinking that perhaps this could go on all night so, we might as
well just relax.
I then stand and declare: "America is in transition!"
Thinking about the very situation at hand, a little perturbed by its reality, and taken a little
off guard, you all laugh saying, "yeah, tell us about it!"
Paying no attention to the sarcasm of my audience, I raise my voice above the crowd and
state again, "Now listen to me - America is in transition! This is a time when our ideological
myth is being revealed for what it is - a myth!" While speaking, I am wondering what the
ramifications of such a revelation might be. Then I determine that regardless, we have to
take a chance and deal with the truth!
Feeling a little timorous, I proceed, "What is the myth? My brother is my loyal and
impervious friend. When put to the test, he will protect me.
"The truth, however, is just the opposite! And each one of us is guilty. When the enemy
attacks - and my brother has to fight for my life - although I think he's covering my back
against intruders, if it might cost him his life, he is gone! But then the same is true in
reverse. If it might cost my life to protect my brother, I'm gone, and my brother will find
himself alone and unprotected!
"In the pinch, it is every man for himself, and no man is going to protect his brother. Do you
hear me? Put in the press of reality, we will transgress our brother and protect ourselves.
"The cruel, unrelenting reality of this truth is, it's no longer, you are my friend, and I will
protect your back while you protect mine. Instead, I am for me. Thus, you my friend have
become my enemy!"
I pause, looking around the room. As one can imagine, the response of those of you receiving
my words is one of intensity. It is as though a protective isolation is being engineered by the
individual members of my captive audience. By the way, each one is by now sitting erect.
Seeing that these walls of isolation have been constructed, I continue.
"Do you see what we have done? We have now thrown away the ideological myth, which
implies I am for my brother, and he is for me, since we know that is all it is, a myth!
"So we tell ourselves that in the press we'll fend for our brothers rather than for
ourselves. And because we have never been called upon to do it, we believe the myth! It
sounds good doesn't it! It feels good; it feels safe! The only problem is - It is not true!"
By now the people are squirming. They have become noticeably uncomfortable because the
truth is truly hitting home. For this reason, individuals are feeling alone and vulnerable.
Furthermore, they find themselves almost involuntarily identifying with Duane.
I chide my audience. "I don't know about you," turning to Duane I continue, "but, Duane, I
feel your pain. You feel like you've been raped. You feel isolated, unprotected and alone. You
thought your brother was going to look out for you. You found out too late that your faith
was in a myth."
Then I again look around and say, "What about the rest of you? Can you feel Duane's pain?"
As though releasing a breath of relief, all in the cafeteria shout, "Yeah, yeah, I can feel his
pain. I can identify with you, Duane!"
I then reply, "That's right. Every one of us is feeling very isolated and feeling the sting of
that isolation. The only potential of our new reality remains then, that in my isolation, I too
am not protected. What happened to one can happen to me, and probably will!
"Suddenly everything has changed. We are no longer judging Duane, but instead, identifying
with him. Do you feel it? He thought he was protected by his friend, but he found out he
was alone. In the press, his friend turns out, through betrayal, to be his enemy. The myth is
laid bare! I speak for all of us. I have now found out what has been true all along. So I
identify. I feel Duane's pain. His feelings are now my own. Suddenly, I come to grips with
the fact that his reality could be my own. The terrifying truth is, it could be!
"So now, I look at my neighbor - my brother - with the stark reality swimming in my mind,
that he is not my friend unto death. In the press, he is going to protect himself and not me.
But I look again and I see that in the same press, I will protect myself, not my friend."
I then turn to Duane and say, "Boy, Duane, now we can all feel what you must have felt. For
you see, we are now no longer part of the untouchable crowd with you on the outside. Now
we, too are alone, each and every one, outside the city gate and unprotected.
I once again turn back to the audience and begin, "My dear America, I tell you now, this is
our only hope. We must determine now, that in the press, it is not myself I am going to
protect - even if it means my life - I will protect my brother! I will do this, knowing full well
that my brother probably will not return the honor.
"When I see my brother in trouble, I will rush to stand between him and his assailant in
order to protect him. Now his attacker has become our assailant. I do this, knowing all along
that my brother who is now behind me, will desert me, thus becoming my enemy, costing me
my life through betrayal in the fray!
"Knowing this scenario, the question remains - will we be our brother's keeper? If we
refuse, there is no hope for America! Furthermore, while we identify with Duane, we can't
heal his wound! Neither can ours be healed should we be wounded in the fray! Without the
brotherhood that once made this country great, there is no United States of America, only
states in America, hence no strength, no valor, no hope...."
Once again, I saw this in a lengthy vision. A very startling reality. It was given to further
clarify the ultimate effect of a nation which has breached the union under God in whom it
was established. Breaching that union, rejecting His Sovereignty, we become a nation
without a brotherhood. Without a brotherhood, we are a nation of egocentric entities
without regard one for another. Each is out for himself. When this reaches its ultimate
conclusion, the love of man is eradicated for the sake of the love of personal power. The
hub of the wheel of unity shattered, the wheel of united power ceases to cycle and man is
alone, vulnerable, and ultimately subdued.
The Angel of the Lord said the Sword of Separation is coming. The Prophet Zechariah said
in God's stead:
Then I broke into pieces my other staff, Bands or Union indicating that I was
annulling the brotherhood. (Zech. 11:14 Amp.)
The next issue dealt with by the angel was the unity coming to the body. The Lord says:
I took two shepherd's staffs, the one I called Beauty or Grace, the other I
called Bands or Union; and I fed and shepherded the flock. (Zech. 11:7 Amp.)
We have talked about the jealousy of God that will bring forth purity and the coming of the
Sword of Separation and its resulting influence. Also in a previous chapter, we talked about
the Sword of Judgment - whom it will fall upon and why. Finally, in the last chapter we spoke
about the ruin of the brotherhood. In this chapter, we are going to breathe a breath of
fresh air, as we look at a wonderful thing Jesus is going to do in the midst of all the seeming
The prophet picked up the staff of Union and with it shepherded the flock. It's a picture of
what the Chief Shepherd is about to do. Somewhere in the middle of the process of
separation will come a new anointing to the body which will bring forth a growing "unity".
How can the human mouth be given the excellent speech needed to pour fourth the
understanding of this awesome and wonderful thing Jesus will do! Church, we have never
seen "unity" such as what is coming to us. Nor have we ever known the magnificence that will
result from this ministry of the Holy Spirit among His people.
The Bible teaches:
...[He Himself appointed and gave men to us,] some to be apostles, some
prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, His intention was the
perfecting and full equipping of the saints, that they should do the work of
ministering toward building up Christ's body. That it might develop until we
attain oneness in the faith and the comprehension of the [full and accurate]
knowledge of the Son of God, that [we might arrive] at really mature manhood.
(Eph. 4:11-13 Amp.)
This gives us a picture of where we headed and how man will work with the Holy Spirit to
bring it about. The angel said:
There will be specially anointed prophets that will teach the body truths from
the Word that have been held in reserve for us today. These prophets will
have been taken behind the veil to receive these powerful truths that they
might impart them to the body. They will not be teachers under a temporary
mantel of the prophet. They will be prophets - given the ability to teach and
the power to impart these hidden truths to the body according to I John 2:27.
They will be teaching about unity; teachings on forgiveness will also be released. These
teachings will be so powerfully anointed that whole congregations could be set free from
bitterness in a single night. Being freed from bitterness will enable multitudes to
immediately be released to flow into the stream of unity the Lord will be opening up. This
won't happen on an international scale over night, however. It will be a process like the tide
coming in at night - it will start small and grow. There will be beautiful teachings on humility,
anointed to break the yoke of pride, thereby ushering a body into new streams of unity.
Other such teachings designed to break strongholds and usher in unity will be released.
A result of these teachings, a deeper sense of love and commitment will begin to emerge in
the body at large. A brotherhood - the Greek word "Koinonia" comes to mind - and intimate
fellowship of the saints will result. A generous and sharing spirit will permeate the heart of
the body. Christ's church will begin to turn from materialism to realism and compassion for
the needs of others.
With the perfecting of her heart through repentance, there will begin to be a true
equipping of the saints - an equipping with grace, power, and spiritual gifts. It will be as
though, at last, the saints will begin to fill their intended places. No one will be breaking
rank, each will be doing what they were called to do.
~The Call of Destiny~
And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundation of
[buildings that have laid waste for] many generations; and you shall be called
Repairer of the Breach, Restorer of Streets to Dwell In. (Is. 58:12 Amp.)...
and renew the ruined cities, the devastation's of many generations. (Is. 61:4B
People throughout the Kingdom of God are going to arise to fill their rightful place. Actually,
many will rise up to fill in the gap left for many generations. For instance, perhaps up to
three or four generations ago, your family was a family of ministers. Then they fell away
from the faith, leaving no one for three or four generations to enter the ministry, although
that mantel had never been removed from your family. It will be this generation that will
take up the call and fill the mantel handed down from the three or four generations left
desolate. This generation now responding will fulfill more ministry and bear more fruit than
the three or four desolate generations would have done all put together.
All the rivers run into the sea, yet the sea is not full. To the place from which
the rivers come, to there and from there they return again. Eccl. 1:7
Perhaps there was once great wealth in your family that was lost when past generations
turned from the faith. It could be that as you pick up the banner for the sake of the
Kingdom, God will move on your behalf, giving you plans, inventions, or investments that will
restore all the lost wealth, thus enabling you to pour more money into the work of the Lord
than the combined generations that laid desolate would have done.
As you study Genesis chapter 49, you'll see that every tribe of Israel had a generational
purpose. That law is true of every family line on planet earth. I don't care where you come
form, what your background is, or what race you are, everyone was created for a reason. It
will be this generation of Christians that will fulfill God's purpose for your family line.
This, in turn, will be the fulfillment of the body doing the work of the ministry toward the
building up of Christ's body. That is, saints rising up to take their ordained positions within
the body and in Christ.
No more will the Baptist be coming out against the Pentecostal and the Pentecostal breaking
out against the Charismatic, and so on. This denominational prejudice will be brought to an
end as the church simply begins to do what is needful - building up instead of tearing down,
loving instead of criticizing, serving instead of lording beliefs over one another. The hearts
of today's saint will be changed to a soft, fleshy heart that Jesus can love His world
through. All of the sticks and stones of war will be laid at the Lord's feet. In their place,
we'll pick up the Sword of the Spirit and fight the enemy. There will be nothing but royal
priests walking in profound love, as they move into the maturity of Christ.
The ministry gifts ascribed in verse eleven will all be a part of what the Holy Spirit is doing.
Each will either become a team player or no longer be on the team. Everyone will be doing
what they're called to do rather than what they thought they had to do to build their
individual kingdoms. So, God will lead His whole body step by step moving into divine
harmony, moving fluidly over the earth to awaken this desperately lost generation.
As we begin to move into that oneness of faith, our understanding of the Son of God will
greatly increase. The world will find Him in reality flowing through His body, as He is only in
ideal now. By this time, you'll hardly be able to tell a "general" from a "private". Liquid love
will be exuding from the faces and hands of His church in healing, covering the earth with
His glory and power.
Phenomena will begin to take place. The church will seem to have fallen so much in love with
Jesus that He is all she will see. The more her love for Him grows, the more the Holy Spirit
will be pulling her into unity. Every desire of her heart will be only to give Him glory - to
bring to His wonderful name. It will be a divine conquest of the earth by the Son through
His church. Heaven and earth will be like a divine competition (not a competition of man) to
see how His name can be magnified in the earth today more than yesterday. Heartthrobbing love with abound for Jesus and for mankind.
~The Church: The Third Witness~
The Bible says Jesus judged sin in the flesh and that He sent the Holy Spirit to judge sin on
the earth. Because in His law He ordained that everything be judged by the mouths of two
or three witnesses, God must have His third witness. His first witness is Christ, the second
is His Word, and the third will be His church. By the awesome display of holiness and power,
she, by the power of His Holy Spirit, will be His third witness. That's one of the ways we
are told we will judge the nations with Jesus. What an awesome display of majesty it will be.
But wait a minute! Come down off the ceiling for a while. We are told in the book of Joel of
another unity that is coming. It reads:
Before them the peoples are in anguish, all faces become pale. They run like
mighty men, the climb the wall like men of war, they march every one [straight
ahead] on his ways, and they do not break there ranks. Neither does one
thrust upon another, they walk every one in his path; and they burst through
and upon the weapons, yet they are not wounded and do not change their
course. (Joel 2:6-8 Amp.)
The satanic kingdom will be seen in an unprecedented unity as well. This will magnify Satan's
power, and all this will be hurled at the souls of men. His vengeance will be heaped upon the
church. Great darkness will cover the earth. He will be breathing out his insidious threats
against God's redeemed. However, by now she will no longer be defiled - but radiant. She
will be powerful and move into full authority. So to those who are pure, he will be like a bully
putting on a show, but then he will quickly be put under their feet.
... for the Lord of hosts has visited His flock, the house of Judah, and will
make them as His beautiful and majestic horse in battle. (v. 5) - And they
shall be like the mighty men treading down their enemies in the mire of the
streets in the battle; and they shall fight because the Lord is with them, and
the oppressor's riding on horses shall be confounded and put to shame. (Zech.
10:3b & 5 Amp.)
God is making a nation of the most beautiful and powerful war-horses ever seen on planet
earth. This is His global church. She will be undefeatable, because it says the Lord of hosts
has visited His flock - from sheep to dangerous war-horses. In that hour, though Satan's
breath will be as a dragon's fire, it will have no power over God's great and holy church.
Signs, wonders and outstanding healings will be in the hands of this military entity called the
church. As one man, she will go forth setting the captives free in the power of her Lord!
The biggest promoter of this awesome revival seemed to be secular media news - TV, radio,
newspaper, and magazine publications. They would travel the world over to see and film the
great events of God's outpouring.
I saw a great catastrophe the likes of a hurricane coming in off the ocean. It was one that
would have taken the lives of hundreds of people. Standing on the shore was a chain of
saints linked hand in hand in prayer standing against this gale. Suddenly, their prayers
prevailed, and the hurricane disappeared. News reporters were standing behind them, gusts
of wind and rain blowing against them and their cameras. All the time it seemed they were
rooting for this prayer team. When the gale suddenly broke, it went on television coverage
around the world as it was one more awesome thing this God of the Christians had done.
I saw men, women and children coming up over hill and dale with their hands lifted high to
Jesus in worship. The church had moved into dimensions of worship orchestrated only by
heaven. So high was the soul lifted to God, that the very gates of the eternal heavens
opened and joined in the symphony of praise to our Lord Jesus. Never has His glorious name
been so magnified among them.
~Children in Glory~
I saw miracles performed with inanimate objects like Moses' staff which was turned to a
serpent then back to a staff. Only these miracles were done by very ordinary people who
loved Jesus and wanted to win a couple of kids away from Satanism to the Lordship of
Jesus. These kinds of things were happening all over the world. A sign here, a wonder there.
God was moving everywhere.
I saw events such as a heavy metal rock group in a huge outdoor concert when suddenly one
or two teens were transported to their stage by the Holy Spirit, like Philip being
transported to Gaza. Because of the awesomeness of the manner in which they appeared
and the anointing to convict the soul that rested on them, the group and much of their
audience were saved on the spot. Just when they would have given an altar call for Satan,
instead the saints had preached and given an altar call for Jesus.
Families will be healed and saved. Entire families of aunts, uncles, granddads, grandmothers,
and cousins will be saved one after the other. World evangelism will be in full swing.
Children will preach the good news to street gangs and lepers will be healed, the crippled
will walk and the blind will see. Demons will scream at the sound of one little child's voice.
Whole schools will be turned to Jesus.
Because of this, Satan will begin a move to engineer the breakdown of what we call the
public school and develop in its place smaller private schools given to grants and the like. If
he can do this, humanism and witchcraft training will be much more intense. Just as
importantly, there won't be the masses of children that can be reached in a day for revival.
So he would win on not just a few different fronts.
Scores of toddlers, children and young people will astound the world with amazing feats
that they will do in the name of Jesus.
~Jews and Gentile - One~
We will begin to see the Jewish Christian and the Gentile Christian become one. That wall of
separation is coming down. To enhance this, Jesus will be saving Jewish Rabbis in
unprecedented numbers. In turn, they will be lifted up as bright stars in the body to
understand and teach important truths out of the Word which only they will know because
of the uniqueness of their Jewish heritage. This will add to the new complexion coming over
the church. I saw large groups of Jews being saved in coffee-house-type ministries. There
will be word-wide outbreaks of persecution against the church and the Jew (unsaved Jew).
this will act as a press you might say, to melt us together in a sympathy that will result in
the salvation of untold number of Jews.
Yet, strangely enough at least for a season, anti-Semitism will mount in congregations of the
redeemed. But, I believe it is only for a time. As the oil of unity continues to be poured out
upon the church, anti-Semitism will begin to wash out with the outgoing tide. As persecution
against the church and the Jew escalates from the world, it will press us together, resulting
in a major evangelism of souls among the Jews. (I might also add that it will expedite an
increased migration to Israel along with taking the gospel back to the nation.)
As the scripture says, "And her walls will be salvation and her gates will be praise!"
Prayer, last but not least, the most foundational element of every move of God will be
unparalleled - Prayer. And I will pour out upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants
of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and supplication (Zech. 12:10) For as soon as Zion was in
labor, she brought forth her children. (Is. 66:8 Amp.) The church will be bowed down
together, united in prayer. She will give birth to and fuel this great thrust of the Almighty
on her knees. While this is already starting, it will seem as though we moved from one to ten
thousand in a day. One nation of Christians after another will bow down in travailing and
prevailing prayer to make this a global sweep of God's Spirit.* As the Spirit brooded over
the earth during its creation, He will once again be brooding over the earth through the
church in prayer. He will, through her loins, be birthing the greatest move of God ever to
visit this planet. She will be as a mighty fortress protecting the birth of the "desire" of
generations. No demon force will be able to thwart what she has born. It will grow,
exploding into higher dimensions than our minds can now fathom. It will be the climax of the
ages, Christ moving though His church in majestic glory and power to reach the unreachable
of the earth. Prayer will be the fuel that will send this revival fire soaring until it's power
saturates the earth. Prayer will birth it and prayer will keep it until God's purpose is
complete. As we look forward to this great awakening, let us not forget that the worst and
the best are yet to come.
* See author's book on prayer.
The angel further expressed to me that God was going to release a strategy for war
from behind the veil. The counsel that will be given will concern two areas: 1) spiritual
warfare, and 2) divine war on governmental systems
Vital information, which is now being held in reserve, will be released through a select group
of people. Most of those that will be given the information and direction for this hour will
be prophets. These are men and women held, you might say, behind the starting line like
fine-tuned thoroughbred horses, awaiting the opportunity to take on the hurdles that mark
their paths on behalf of Christ's calling. Though they have been serving for years, as
Joseph did in prison, they are about to be brought to the forefront and released as
spiritual eyes for the body, and eventually for the world.
A wise man scales the city walls of the mighty and brings down the
stronghold in which they trust - Prov. 21:22
So the apostles and prophets (not one used in the gift of prophecy, but one who stands in
the office of the prophet), will be the major vessels through which the Lord will be giving
direction in this coming hour - not discounting the leading by his inner witness and the Word
to the individual believer. It will be in effect, an added dimension. Whereas, in the past
couple of decades or so the teachers have been the front line faces, now emphasis will be
placed on these new prophets, and they will in effect be taking the place of the teaching
ministry in importance. This is needful because of the peculiar end-time ministry ahead.
It will be so very important for every member of the body to rise up and fulfill their call
today - not trying to fulfill another man's call but their own. I sense this need will be true
more than at any other time in history. Being in our God ordained place for this great
harvest, will release us to ministry potential far exceeding what any of us can really fathom.
I also want to emphasize here that although the teachings will be new, they will be out of
the Word. Anyone rightly dividing the Word will be at perfect peace with its origin and
We have talked now about the jealousy of God, the Sword of Separation and the Sword of
Judgment that is coming. In the last chapter, we talked about the sweet mantel of unity
that is coming as well as some strategic teachings that will soon be released. In this
chapter, we will endeavor to talk some more on the campaign being designed by the Captain
of the Host for war.
The angel's statement went according to this, "Strategy coming from behind the veil.
Strategy for war, spiritual warfare first, then war on governmental systems. The
teachings will be given to a selected number - specifically anointed to bring them to
the body. "Then he said, "Tell the people to heed the teachers for their counsel is
~A Vision of the Church~
On January 25, 1990, I was given a rather extensive vision in full color. I'll be sharing parts
of it throughout this book as it concerns many areas of interest to the church. Throughout
this vision, I spoke with an angel. Although I didn't see him in this particular vision, he
communicated to me in an audible voice. The part I'm going to share now was one of the last
parts of the vision. It so beautifully depicts what I'm trying to communicate that I'd like to
share it here.
I saw a great, thick cloud, hovering over the earth. So thick and massive was it and
so black, that it made the earth look totally dark. The angel told me to call for the
church. So I did. "Church, come. Arise and fight the great darkness." As I said this,
I saw a most incredible light slowly fly in the direction of this great, dark cloud. As
this cloud of light approached the great darkness, it formed a sort of wall in front of
it. I saw it begin to push this cloud of darkness back with much intensity of purpose it was relentless. Although the dark cloud fought with all its might to hold its ground,
it was no match for the standard of light that opposed it. The light pushed and pushed
and was making such great headway. I thought it would fight until the dense darkness
was totally defeated and gone. However, suddenly the voice from heaven spoke to the
light and said, "It is enough now. Go, claim the harvest."
Immediately, this hand of light, as it were, stood in front of the cloud of darkness,
holding it in place as though someone were holding the lid open to a breadbox.
Simultaneously, the cloud of light slipped down, as though through an invisible tunnel
under the belly of this mass of darkness, and began to fill the whole earth with light.
I saw what seemed to be multiplied millions of souls accept Jesus as their Saviour and
Lord. What an awesome awakening.
There was virtually nothing the black cloud could do about it.
When the entire world was saturated with light, I saw two majestic thrones descend
from heaven. One was the throne of the Son of God. The other was the throne made
ready for his bride. The angel then told me to call the church home. So I cried
"Church, the King awaits you. Arise now and go home. " Just then, I saw the now
greatly increased cloud of light, heavy with the souls of the harvest, begin to move
from the earth towards heaven. As it did, it became brilliant. It turned to fill the
second of the two thrones, that it might take its rightful place by the King. I watched
until this cloud of light took on the shape of a beautiful bride, awesomely adorned in
her wedding gown. Its train was long and flowing. She turned and was seated by her
husband. The vision then came to an end.
This incredible vision is a perfect depiction of the spiritual warfare we are about to embark
upon as the army of the Great King. We have been given much understanding in recent years
about spiritual warfare. Yet, we have only touched the surface, the tip of the iceberg, so to
speak. But along with knowledge for such an understanding, there must also be greater
anointing. One without the other could have rather serious consequences. However, the body
has not been in a place where the Lord could afford to release the kind of anointing it will
take to do what must be done.
Now, thanks be to God, He is preparing us for bigger horizons. There is coming a new
strategy for warfare. I saw the church rise up as a standard and push the black cloud back.
This will come to pass through the new strategy and unity with the resulting anointing
working mighty wonders. We will see the effects of this in unity of the following ways.
Long-standing promises will finally be broken loose. Strongholds that seemed invincible will
be demolished. Wisdom will be given and children will be freed. Husbands and wives will be
liberated. Businesses will explode into higher levels of prosperity just in time for this
dynamic global evangelistic thrust.
Bondages in governments will be temporarily broken. Deceptions in media will be blatantly
revealed. All that opposes truth will seemingly be a toothless lion for a season.
~Strategy Against the World System~
The Lord will release information to the body to enable us to effectively pray regarding
governments of this world and to move in the natural against policies hindering his coming
mega revival.
Let me give some scriptural examples. Esther was given simple, but profound wisdom on how
to handle the king so as to overturn Haman's plot against her people, subsequently saving
the Jewish nation. Three days of national fasting provided the right spiritual climate for
her to hear from God and be used to bring salvation to her people. Daniel was another of
God's secret-service men in government, as were his three friends. It was no accident that
they were used to place God's name above all other gods of the earth in a place of worship.
By doing this, Israel had the freedom to continue to worship Jehovah unhindered. Only the
annals of heaven would open the door of understanding of how truly strategic their
placements were, not to mention how much affect their lives had on the overall spiritual
welfare of Israel.
Joseph was another man of God's plans. He was given a gift of exceeding great wisdom to
keep not one, but two nations alive during a terrible famine.
Let us not fail to mention Moses. God used his understanding of the Egyptian monarchy, and
his intimacy with Jehovah (knowing and understanding his ways), to bring Egypt to its knees
that Israel might go free.
Just as these men and women were used, men and women are going to be maneuvered about
by the Spirit of the Living God to accomplish feats on behalf of righteousness and the
church, in the nations around the world. Are you ready?
There will be many "Josephs" raised up to intervene in government affairs world wide.
These people won't have to push and shove, as the Lord will open their doors. Just the same,
there will be a few anointed as Moses was, to bring nations to their knees on behalf of the
Christian or the Jew at crucial times. These incidents will take place in the latter times.
The time of God dealing with governments will be dealt with in another chapter, so I won't
go into that on a large scale now. However, things such as changing major laws, bringing
certain government affairs to accountability, and other scrutinies of that nature will be the
seedling of things to come.
Are you ready to hear the truths that will be made known before it's over? Are you ready
to be used to make needed changes? What are you waiting for?
Tell my people, "Heed the teacher, for their counsel is sure and will provide safety in
treacherous times." The angel made this statement a few times while addressing me.
God has some wonderful and glorious events awaiting His church - spiritual realities that
would marvel even the most astute: miracles which doctors can't analyze; limbs growing out
where none existed so that a body can be made whole. In addition, plagues and diseases for
which there are no cures will be healed in response to the spontaneous prayer of the likes
of three-year olds. There will be people raised from the dead; not to mention signs and
wonders with the elements of nature, awe-inspiring things that the world may know that the
Lord, He is God! We are also going to be entering into what the angel called "treacherous
times". Paul wrote to Timothy of this: But understand this, that in the last days will come
perilous times of great stress and trouble." (2 Tim. 3:1)
~Outbreak Against the Family~
Although I believe we are going to experience about three-and-a-half years of glory, we will
find toward the end of that time that we will begin to enter a stage of ever-increasing
troubles, a time of great perplexity, stress, confusion, even anguish.
Satan alas, decreed an all-out attack against the family. When it's released, it will be like
floodwaters bursting through the living room window. Nothing is sacred to him. He will
attack children and parents alike with sickness, misunderstandings, and will cause family
breaches in any way he can. Spouses will be tempted toward unfaithfulness as never before.
Virtual hate will rise up and you won't know why.
The Lord told me that children from as young as two and two-and-a-half are going to
receive non-threatening visitations from demons. They will teach these toddlers to work
with them and eventually how to become possessed by them. Being born again will not be
enough security against this. It will take living under the protection of the blood of Jesus
through lives of purity, holiness and prayer. You must know what your children are watching.
Sit down and explain to them that those characters on cartoons are really demonic and if
one of those things tries to make friends with them, to rebuke it in Jesus' name and come
and tell you. It's all-out war!
If this ever happens to your family, get on your knees until the Lord reveals to you where
you have given Satan a foothold. Then repent and get back under the protection of the
It isn't Gods will for any of His children to feel the press of those times. He would rather
that our relationship with Him be so solid that we would walk in the strength of His peace
and joy as well as His perfect provision. There will be those of the body who will have wisely
developed their relationship with the Lord and will walk in that which the Word calls "the
rest". Jesus repeated "fear not" many times throughout His time of earthly ministry. He
knows the heart is so fearful. He yearns for His church to be wise and to be prepared by
getting to know their Lord so they don't have to know fear. If we truly walk in the secret
place of the Most High, we will walk in peace and strength no matter what is happening
around us. I might add here that Jesus told me that the reason He is sending revival is as
follows; In revival the mind, heart and soul are freed from fear and filled with faith.
So, I am sending revival to My church for the preservation of My church in a time of
~God's Best in Troubled Times~
God's best is perfect provision in times of great lack - in famine, perfect provision of food;
in national crises, perfect provision of safety; in great darkness, perfect provision of light
and wisdom; in disaster, perfect provision of protection. The Lord always desires to give
perfect care to His own. The appropriation of this provision will be dependent on faith, that
faith which grows because of a relationship with the Lord.
In the world, there will be many disasters, one right after another - personal calamities,
national and international droughts of an unprecedented nature, natural catastrophes, and
economic and social collapse. These are just the beginning. There will be plagues for which
there will be no cure found, wars on every front. This avalanche of trouble does not exclude
America or Canada! But God wants His church to have provision, supply enough for the
church and for those in need of the people who are not part of the body. If the church is
prepared, this time of "great trouble" will also provide to be a time of great harvest.
~Strategy in Troubled Times~
One of the areas that the church will find abundantly supplied is the area of "divine
counsel". When times get desperate, we find people become teachable. When Jesus sees a
listening ear, He gladly releases all the counsel, insight, and direction a soul needs. God is
going to use this time of unparalleled trouble to make a difference between His true church
and the world, just as the Bible said He made a difference between Israel and Egypt. It will
also be a time of refining and purging within the Body of Christ. Third, as I said earlier, the
supply to the world will be raised up from within the church. This will open doors for the
evangelization the great revival alone failed to open.
Although the church will be moved into a dimension of faith not known before, during the
revival God will neither manipulate nor control people. Even though we will walk in creative
power, so far as our faith is concerned, we won't be given the power to make someone want
Jesus. Consequently, in order to get their attention, He will have to send trouble running
after the stubborn of heart. By that time, the church will be demonstrating the true Christ
in a manner such as the world has never seen. As a result, the harvest will continue to grow,
for many weary hearts will want to find rest and safety in Him at that time. Daniel best
addressed the issues of these times:
And such as violate the covenant he shall pervert and seduce with flatteries;
but the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall
stand firm, and do great exploits [for God]. And they who are wise and
understanding among the people shall instruct many and make them understand,
though some [of them and their followers] shall fall by the sword and by flame
by captivity and plunder, for many days. Now when they fall, they shall receive
a little help. Many shall join themselves to them with flatteries and
hypocrisies. And some of those who are wise, prudent and understanding shall
be weakened and fall; [thus then the insincere among the people will lose
courage and become deserters. It will be a test] to refine, to purify and to
make those among [God's people] white, even to the time of the end; because
it is yet for the time [God] appointed. (Daniel 11:32-35 Amp.) (emphasis
Although this was distinctly given as a divine warning to the Jew to equip them for national
crises, it speaks clearly to us today. This little passage of scripture says everything I could
hope to say in this chapter. Let's get a real good look at what it is saying. "Such as violate
the covenant". These are non-Christians. The Lord through Jesus Christ set forth a
covenant that was open to all the world that they might enter. He said, "I would that none
should perish," and He gave His only begotten Son that all might be saved. But those who
refuse His atoning death as a means to salvation, are "violators of the covenant". Of these,
it says,"...he will pervert and seduce with flatteries."
~Flatteries of a Nation~
We saw an entire nation run after Adolf Hitler. Demon possessed and frequently
demonstrating strong straits of insanity, he shouldn't have been given a second glance, let
alone national following. His message was a blatant perversion of truth, full of double
meanings and confusion. A person with little insight should have been able to see the sort of
consequences attached with adopting the message and the man. Yet, a nation ran after him.
Why? Because he seduced them with flatteries. He appealed to their broken national pride.
He gave them something in which to place their hope, since up to that time they had been
reduced to a hopeless people. So it was a seduction, waged to lure them through fear and
Once captivated by this revolutionary, although it was soon proven that the new condition
was worse than the first, it took decades before the full impact of the reality of their
national error would hit home with them. Why? Perversion of truth had blinded the heart,
truly veiled it from seeing what was obvious. The Bible says hearts are willingly deceived.
What created this willingness? It was fear that opened the door to the seduction of
nations. Fear of what you say? To them, it was fear of "lack". As a nation, they were nearing
economic and social collapse. There were no jobs and little food. The rich were people of
mega-wealth caliber while the majority were very poor.
The nation hung in the balance. The first with a viable alternative won the booty. He won
the prize, but the world lost and so did the church. The price of Hitler's victory may never
be fully calculated. I'm not sure we would want to know if we could calculate it. The
grandest deception of all was when more and more Soviets bought the lie, the end of which
took the lives of babies, innocent children, moms and dads, grandfathers and grandmothers
- millions of Jews and Christians. It was a lie that spread like cancer throughout the
republic. How? Through fear and flatteries.
That is Satan's tactic on every scale, large and small. He doesn't care if he wins one in this
way or the whole nation. His efforts remain just as intense. All he cares about is winning
souls. Great effort is made to trap you by means of fear. Then he'll lure you to the depths
of his lordship by flatteries, exciting the pride and giving new hope. It's false hope, but you
won't know it until it's too late.
This same process is happening before our eyes today. We are rubbing elbows with our
enemy, the USSR. The Soviet government has not changed the framework of their system
or their dreams for the future at all. They still have one goal in mind: "world domination".
while they flatter with the tongue, the tool of fear which they hold in their hand is their
military strength. We all know they have the ability to push the "red button", so in fear we
seek to make friends with the untamed leopard as he holds out his paw. We foolishly think
he wants to make friends, forgetting that at the end of that paw are claws. At the other
end are teeth that kill. Since when can a leopard change its spots? If he can, then the
Soviet government is seeking only peace and they have embraced democracy. I will, however,
show you in a later chapter that this Soviet leopard is staying true to form and we, who are
being flattered today, will be its next victim.
~Antidote for Deception~
My son, eat honey, because it is good, and the drippings of the honeycomb are
sweet to your taste. Prov. 24:13 (Amp.)
Just as we have seen this "seduction by flatteries" from the Soviet government, we will see
it take in a new and more stunning complexion. It will encompass a global "deception" and
bring what are now thousands of fractured and diverse little satellite groups together into
one big composite called "A New World". If you're not a "New World" man, you had better
be born again because you may be killed. While I'm not saying that every traitor will be
exterminated, that will be a common way of handling it. It's obvious that Christians will be a
prime target as well. Yet God will manifest His greatness as He did in Babylon with awesome
supernatural deliverances.
Daniel said it would be the "great seduction". So if you don't know the Word nor believe
that it is infallible, nor have a personal relationship with Jesus, you will undoubtedly fall to
the seduction.
On the other hand, he said those that do know their God will remain strong and will do great
exploits for Him. These great exploits are along the nature of the things I spoke about at
the beginning of this chapter. The other significant promise that was given was "strength".
They would remain strong in the things of the Lord and not fall. What is the key going to
be? Knowing God on a personal level and trusting His Word.
Then Daniel said it will be the "wise and understanding" among us that will instruct many
during these dark times. That is what the angel of the Lord alluded to when he spoke to me.
The Lord will not leave His people without counsel and instruction. He never has and never
will. Although we will still be given the witness, the guidance of the Holy Spirit from within
our hearts as well as in the Word. We will also experience guidance in a rather profound way
through the "wise and understanding" whom God has set aside for that reason. Because the
body will heed the counsel of these individuals, many lives will be saved.
Moses was a type of what is to come. By listening to his counsel and government, Israel
could be assured of "perfect provision". The two times we see them utterly disobey him and
despise his counsel (the incident with the golden calf and when they did not rise up to take
the promised land), many lives were lost. Although there were other uprisings, none had the
overall effect and long-term negative impact as their rebellion in those two settings.
It will be true concerning these counselors also. Not heeding their teachings will have
disastrous effects. Holding close to the guidance the Holy Spirit will give through them will
be a way of safety and protection for the body.
Daniel went further to say that some leaders and members of the body would fall by the
sword, flame, captivity, and plunder for many days. At that time, many would choose to
receive help from those not of the church and fall to deceptive flatteries. It will be a
choice to save their earthly lives rather than experience martyrdom for their faith. It will
be a choice with an eternal price - the loss of that person's soul.
~A Martyr's Death~
The body is not to fear this time, as it will be a time of grace as none other. Just prior to
the first publication of Prepare, (September 23, 1990), the Holy Spirit took me through the
simulated experience of a martyr's death on three different occasions. Within two weeks
of the second experience, the Lord spoke to me from heaven in the middle of the night and
told me to share what I've experienced with my family, the Church of Jesus Christ, so they
won't fear what is about to happen, as that was the purpose of these experiences.
From my personal experiences, I'll explain what will happen. While only a minority will have
the privilege of martyrdom, it's important to remove the fear of the experience from the
masses. First of all, when you know you're being called to be a martyr, fear will overwhelm
you. God will allow it, as it will act as sort of divine sieve, sifting out those who don't think
Jesus is worth dying for.
However, the minute you say, "Yes, Lord, I will give my life for you", the fear will leave and
in its place you will be filled with a peace that surpasses understanding. Joy will seem to
explode from every fiber of your being. You will be filled, saturated, with a love for God so
strong, so overpowering, that it will seem as though you are going to go to heaven any minute
for the pull to be with Him will be so overwhelming. Your love for Him will draw you to want
to give yourself as a martyr - and the sooner the better.
Nothing less will seem good enough. That's why history records that Paul ran to the axman
to have his head cut off. He was filled with a martyr's grace. The one thing that will
permeate your mind will be the joyful anticipation of the martyr's death. If it is a whole
family, as each member makes that decision to say yes, the whole family will receive the
grace I just spoke of. Mom, you may know your little children will have to watch your death.
Don't worry or be afraid. They will be so full of the martyr's grace that they will be rooting
you on while they will maintain the necessary boldness to fulfill their part, and vice versa. If
it's your children that must go first, you will feel only joy for the privilege of your family's
sacrifice. So you will be applauding each member and anxiously awaiting your turn.
By the time your spirit leaves your body, you would have been so saturated with the
presence of God; you undoubtedly wouldn't have felt much pain. If, in fact, pain does occur,
it will be wonderfully offset by the consuming presence of His grace. Passing on to Jesus
will hardly be noticed because of the degree of His presence you were in already.
Stephen's focus was not on the rocks which crushed his body when they stoned him to
death in Acts the seventh chapter. He was already in the presence of God.
But he, full of the Holy Spirit (martyr's grace*) and controlled by [Him],
gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at God's
right hand. (Acts 7:55) (*Authors note)
Acts 6:8 told us Stephen was full of grace and power. We see Jesus is already preparing
him for his death when it says his face shone like an angel. But by the time he was stoned,
he was so full of the Holy Ghost that all he did was talk to Jesus face-to-face until his
spirit left his body, and he was with the Lord.
Fear didn't fill the other saints that stood by. Those dedicated saints who loved Stephen
were also filled with that same grace so that a boldness swept over them in his death.
Although the Bible indicates that many devout men grieved over his death, it wasn't a
grieving consumed with fear. It was the scriptural grief of the loss of a righteous man, that
which God himself feels. But their lamentation was offset by the joy of God's abounding
grace. That's why in Acts 8:4 the Bible said they were already back preaching "the Glad
Tidings". He was what they would become, a sweet-smelling sacrifice of love to Jesus.
I know this because in prayer the Holy Spirit spontaneously took me through the whole
experience from beginning to end. I didn't ask Him to, in fact, until those experiences, I
feared my family or myself ever having to experience that sort of death. During the first
experience, He told me I would certainly give my life in this manner; I felt it would be in
Europe. Now, I can honestly say, I can't wait! My relationship with the Lord is now so much
deeper. I love Him so much more. I find it a privilege to die for Him. You will too, once you
make the decision and put fear under foot where it belongs.
Look at the toll cancer takes and how painful that kind of death is. Yet, how many souls are
won through it? We are all going to die someday, someway. Why fear it just because the
word martyr is attached to it?
Jesus took the sorrow and the suffering of the deaths of His martyrs on Calvary. What He
gave us in return is a grace that produces a song through our experience. The Lord doesn't
call us to be martyrs just to see if we will suffer for Him. He suffered so our suffering
would be met by a higher grace. We are called that we might bear testimony for His name's
sake. A martyr's testimony has a way of bringing people into the kingdom that nothing else
can. What is the testimony? We give our lives gladly, joyfully for Him, and the pain is
diminished to varying degrees so we can sing or preach the gospel all during our martyr's
experience. That sight will possibly be the only thing that will bring them to Jesus. There is
nothing to fear, only rejoice, if you're fortunate enough to be called in that way.
Please understand, I am not speaking of being tortured for Christ - only martyrdom. Many
who have gone through torture have suffered immense pain. The Lord seems to give a
different kind of grace to those - that which enables them to bear the unbearable and still
love their violators. Yet, we see in the lives of men like Peter, James and Paul that God will
give a supernatural joy, even in torture. His ways are diverse and wonderful.
Although martyrdom will be a common thing, there will also be many supernatural escapes.
The book of Daniel gives us examples of the Lord's deliverances and His purpose behind
such acts. Jesus was the fourth man in the furnace and became their covering so that the
three Hebrew men came out without even the smell of smoke.
During the coming times of persecution, divine rescues of this nature will be astounding and common. A saint might be in a line-up to be shot when suddenly he will disappear and
once again show up in his own living room. As many ways as man can device to kill, the Lord
can create to deliver, bringing further testimony to the gospel. So don't be afraid - just
stay close to Jesus and He will take care of you.
As I said earlier, there will be many who will choose not to stay with the Lord during these
worldwide persecutions. They will instead yield to the devil's flatteries and lose their souls.
Don't fear, Church, only trust. Hold fast to your crown. Don't go the way of the wicked. The
price is too great!!
Daniel goes on to say that while some have given in to the devil's deceptions, still others
who are considered wise and understanding (in other words, leaders in the body), will grow
weak and fail. He also tells us that this will bring about a chain reaction. My Amplified Bible
reads: "...[thus then the insincere among the people will lose courage and become deserters.
It will be a test]..." (Daniel 11:35)
During good times, it can sometimes be difficult to know who made it to heaven and who
didn't. God looks on the heart. We just don't always know the heart, saints. But, during
times like we are talking about now, it becomes much easier to see who's real and who isn't.
Daniel tells us three times, once in verse 32, 34, and again in verse 35, that those who are
not true, but are weak in heart, will fall and not go on with God. He also encourages us in
verse 32, 33 and again in verse 35 that those who know God will be strong.
The key, as I see it then, is not to be considered wise or even understanding, although those
two things can be great strengths. But, that which will hold you in those days will be one
thing alone - how well you know the Lord. To the degree you know Him, you'll be able to
stand. What is your secret relationship with Jesus? Loving Him won't be enough. Knowing
hundreds of scriptures won't be enough, although that too, will help. Your ability to hold
tight will be in how well you know Jesus personally. Where do you stand today?
Finally, he says in verse 35 that this will all be for the purifying of God's own, even until the
time of the end. So once this process begins, it will continue in ever-increasing ways until
the end.
Your relationship with Jesus will keep you. Your submission to the Holy Spirit will hold you
secure and guide you daily. Your willingness to hear God's counselors in the times ahead will
help keep you in "perfect provision".
Now is the time to press into Jesus. Don't wait. If you wait, who will save your foolish soul?
The wise in heart, upon hearing this message, will throw every distraction and hindrance out
of their lives and run all the way into Jesus where they will be strong. How about you?
The Bible says God's grace is sufficient. This is a work of the precious Holy Spirit giving
strength, peace and joy for difficult times. We must remember to whom we belong, and
trust His abounding goodness. Though the times may be treacherous, those who draw close
to our wonderful Shepherd will always know the joy of their salvation. This is why the Bible
says where sin abounds, grace doth much more abound. So don't expect to travel through
tomorrow on the likes of today's grace. God, in His infinite mercy, will equip us with an
"abounding grace" - to meet with victory, the intensified darkness.
So do not fear - prepare!
The angel of the white horse cried: "Counsel coming from behind the veil. Counsel
concerning spiritual warfare. Government coming to the Church. God bringing forth the
'mighty men of valor' to lead the Church forth in war!"
In that day will the Lord guard and defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he
who is [spiritually] feeble and stumbles among them in that day [of persecution]
shall become [strong and noble] like David; and the house of David [shall maintain its
supremacy] like God, like the Angel of the Lord who is before them. (Zechariah 12:8
His [They] shall become like a mighty warrior, and their hearts shall rejoice as
through wine; yes, their children shall see it and rejoice; their hearts shall feel
great delight and glory triumphantly in the Lord! (Zechariah 10:7 Amp.)
Proclaim this among the nations; Prepare war, stir up the mighty men, let all the men
of war draw near, let them come up. (Joel 3:9 Amp.)
We are soon going to see a most interesting phenomenon on the landscape of time. I had a
lengthy vision in the spring of 1991. I was in prayer with my prayer partner when suddenly I
realized I had been released into a wonderful presence of God's power. This vision was given
to better clarify insight given by the angel on the white horse regarding the "men of valor".
As the vision was opened to me, I saw what looked like colonial houses
late 1700's. They were houses of various sizes and architectural style
small town like setting. It looked as though it was about midnight, and
rest. The lights were out in homes, and the streets were dimly lit and
of about the
arrayed in a
the town was at
Suddenly, I heard the sound of the hoofs of a running horse, beating feverishly into
the dirt. This was followed by the cry of a single voice crashing into the stillness of
the night.
The rider was a man dressed in a blue coat with white riding pants and wearing a blue
three-cornered hat, as I would expect Paul Revere of old might have worn. He was
riding a magnificent white horse up and down through the streets crying: "The
blackcoats are coming! Put on your battle array! Get ready to fight! The blackcoats are
coming. They're almost here!"
I saw lights go on in houses as they heard his cry in the night. One man opened a
window to ask the town crier what was going on. However, the rider simply reared his
horse and rode on again proclaiming his message through the city.
One by one, I saw men dressed for war come out of their homes and head for the
town square. Yet not every man came out. In fact, comparatively few responded. As
they entered the city square, the rider met them, pointing with arm outstretched
toward what appeared to be a gate in the city wall. Again he cried, "The blackcoats
are coming - an army fierce and mighty - prepare for war!" Immediately, the men ran
toward the gate and arrayed themselves outside the city wall for battle.
Suddenly, I heard the hoofbeats of what seemed to be an army riding in the night.
Then I looked and saw terrible men dressed in black and riding large black horses,
approaching the small brigade of bluecoats.
Then the vision changed and I saw a huge brick oven - a sort of kiln - one that would
be used for baking pottery in perhaps the early 1800's. In looking closer, instead of
pottery, I saw silver vessels being fired.
I asked the Lord what the silver vessels were. I then saw a man's arm reach in with a
long shovel-like instrument to take the silver vessels out. The Lord replied, "These are
they whom I am releasing at this time for front-line ministry."
I found myself strangely drawn back to again peer into the huge oven. I said "Lord,
what are those vessels way back in the back? Do you see them, Lord? I can just
barely see them. They seem almost hidden back on a shelf in the back of the oven.
The Lord then replied, "Those are my golden vessels. I am keeping them hidden in the
fiery furnace until the time of their appearing. Only silver vessels will be revealed at
this time. The golden vessels will be released soon after their great fiery trial." The
vision came to an end.
I believe the silver vessels are those who have begun to be released into new dimensions,
both of the Spirit and leadership, since 1991. The golden vessels however, will be those who
are to be released at a later date. These will be anointed as prophets and apostles. Some of
these may now be in active ministry but not yet set into their vital offices. They will join
those who, up to that appointed time, were kept hidden and off the scene. Together they
will arise, as golden vessels ready to move into war as the mighty men of valor! They will be
set in front-line ministry spearheading the warfare of the great army of the Lord! This new
breed of prophets will be coming forth first; the apostles will then follow, leading us into
the great Apostolic Age.
What will we call this great army of militia which are about to be called out? A modern army
of "David's Mighty Men Of Valor"! This was the name given to me by the angel of the Lord.
~New Age of Enlightenment~
Thomas Paine is quoted as saying, "The Revolutionary War contributed more to enlighten the
world and diffuse a spirit of freedom and liberty among mankind than any human event that
preceded it." Of course, Thomas Paine was referring to events on the secular dimension. I
however, must remember events that preceded 1775 AD. Remembering the death and
resurrection of Christ as being the axis upon which every other revolution of enlightenment
turns, I am forced to ask, "What can compare?"
Following that was the great awakening ushered in at Pentecost. Then came the great
Reformation headed by Martin Luther. So great was that awakening that it shaped
governments and enlightened the world which had previously dropped into dismal darkness.
Personally, I know of no other single event in history since the founding of the Church that
can compare.
I might even go so far as to offer the thought that America was subsequently established
as a Christian nation as a result of that Reformation. Consequently, one might say that the
American Revolution was a logical consequence of that Reformation which in fact, then
thrust the world into a new era.
Contrary to some beliefs, we have not entered into the "Age of Aquarius". Nor have we
entered into a "New Age of Democracy" as one reporter puts it. We are, however, about to
enter the Apostolic Age which will bring the ultimate reformation of enlightenment, interglobally. There has never been, nor will there ever again be, anything like it. The Millennial
Age itself will have to dawn to outshine it.
As I have previously mentioned, it will be these "mighty men of valor" that will usher the
world into the Apostolic Age. It will be the age of the golden vessels. These valiant souls
will, by in large, be the prophets and apostles bearing the responsibility of bringing a higher
government back to the Church, and will come forth with great signs and wonders. They will
be sent forth to heal the great breaches in the Church universal. They will both bring down
non-ethical governments in the Church, and lift up Christ's government. The body will be
both humbled and healed by their warfare. Who will survive the day of their appearing? I
heard a voice cry out, "They are coming; they are coming; and the Church sees them as a
burden too great to bear, as they are government." Who will stand? The true ecumenical
Church who has prepared itself for the day of their coming will stand!
I want to clarify here however, that the body of Christ is not without government today.
Each ministry gift carries with it its own endowment of government adapted to its need.
These apostles and prophets are not being sent out to overturn the Lord's government
through His pastors, but to compliment it. Not withstanding all this, God's government will
be given to the church universal in a new and dynamic dimension as these men and women
receive this endowment and are put in their place. Hence, the body of Christ will be brought
to a new stability and strength in righteousness and moved into a new level of anointing as a
These souls now being prepared in the furnace of affliction for the hour of their appearing
will be people who know no fear. Anointed to bring down the Goliaths of Satandom, none will
be able to stand before them. Having experienced in a manifested way the co-crucifixion of
their sinful nature with their Lord, they are dead to the world, sin and the devil. Victorious
over all three, they will be terrorizing to the blackcoat's army.
~Unity On Three Levels~
For war to be fought and won, there must be unity on three levels:
Unity of command - which is the five-fold ministry leadership under Christ
Unity of effort - soldiers standing shoulder to shoulder in the fray against Satan's
kingdom. Men and women of strength, commitment, wisdom, humility and valor.
People fighting on behalf of righteousness, anointed to destroy Satan's strongholds
in the lives of the elect and to serve others.
Unity of purpose - what is the two-fold purpose? Heal the Church and win the lost.
Love will be the focus; faith will avail the power. It will be an army of servants
whose eyes are set wholly on their Lord. Their single vision will be the result of a
supernatural working of the Spirit of Grace, Who will draw every eye in His
triumphant Church upon their living Lord! Hence, the Church will be graced with an
unprecedented authority and power. They will be a people of vulnerability and
simplicity, marching on with singleness of vision, that of glorifying their King.
The leadership of this great forthcoming army will be equipped with full government as
their intended purpose is to restore government to the Church. Secondly, their weapon will
be weapons of a supernatural nature sent out to bring down the altars and prophets of Baal
in the Church. Like Elijah, God will be at their right hand. Love will be their banner, humility
their strength, wisdom their shield. To those who love righteousness, they will be as beloved
as Samuel. To those who hate righteousness, these leaders will be feared, dreaded, and
Through them the scripture will be fulfilled:
See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful day of
the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and
the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the
land with a curse. (Malachi 4:5&6 NIV)
The world will then know that Joel's army has come. Come it will, in the name of "David's
mighty men of valor". Just as David's mighty men prepared the way for the glory of
Solomon's reign, these men of valor will prepare the way for the ushering in of the great
Apostolic Age, purging sin from Zion.
God is lifting up specially anointed teachers, prophets of the Most High. They will be
given the rod of government. They will carry the sword bringing separation and
judgment and will be healers of great breaches among my own.
They will prepare the saints with battle strategy and equip them with the power of a
mighty warrior, bearing the anointing to spoil. Heaven's government (apostles and
prophets) is coming in to separate and heal and lead out into strategic battle.
These prophets will be teachers who will be given counsel from behind the veil, counsel
of superior wisdom and strategy for safety, unity, and spiritual warfare. They will be
taken into the secret counsel of the Most High to obtain what must be diligently
taught to the elect. This is counsel that will provide safety in treacherous times.
Don't mourn, only heed the voice of the Spirit of Counsel and Might.
Tell them; tell my people to heed my coming anointed ones. Tell them to prepare!
The Bible says:
Thus says the Lord of hosts; Let your hands be strong and hardened, you who in
these days hear these words from the mouths of the prophets. (Zechariah 8:9
... And I will stir up your sons, O Zion, against your sons, O Greece, and will make you
[Israel] as the sword of a mighty man. (Zechariah 9:13 Amp.)
Surely the Lord God will do nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the
prophets. (Amos 3:17 Amp.)
And by a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was
[Israel] preserved. (Hosea 12:13 Amp.)
The voice of the mature prophet and the mature apostle once again is going to be heard in
the earth. They are God's golden vessels.
In the previous chapter, I mentioned that I saw "Golden Vessels" hidden in what looked like
a huge kiln. I shared that the Lord told me that these would be released in their appointed
hour, shortly after their fiery trial.
There are some known men and women of God who will enter into their fiery trial, only to
emerge once again, as golden vessels. Others have been hidden for the last few years,
literally set upon God's shelf awaiting the time of their appearing. They too, will be ushered
through the most severe fiery trial. In both cases, the trial is designed to crucify the selfgovernment of the vessel. Having experienced in a real way the co-crucifixion with the Lord,
they will come forth as golden vessels - or shall I say golden swords - wielded by the hand
of the Lord. I say vessels because they will carry like a valuable golden chalice the critical
oil of healing and wisdom to pour out on the body. I say golden sword because they are
At their appearance they will be proclaiming the oracles of God, to both the Church and to
the world. Their message, as the angel of the Lord stated, will be designed to bring forth
separation, judgment, salvation, healing and unity. They will be branded by the "brand of
heaven" and will move in awesome signs and wonders, for a special mission designated for
this critical hour. They will, in turn, brand by the power of the Almighty through their
words. It will be as though their hearers have been touched by a live coal from off the
When I saw these prophets coming and saw the Church's fear, I couldn't help but ask Him,
"Lord, why does the Church so fear these awesome men?" His response was tender but quite
exacting. "They will bear the rod of government - a seemingly unbearable yoke to the
I saw and felt the power and unparalleled authority flowing out of these golden vessels. I
felt the holy fear of God which emanated from them, and I instinctively know that the
apostle would bear a rod of government of even greater proportion. The Lord then
concluded by saying, "The Church greatly fears their coming."
I, however, want to encourage my reader. Although this higher government will at first
seem unbearable, and these prophets and apostles at first will be greatly feared, we will see
in the end that they are gifts of God's great mercy. It is an operation of His redeeming
grace that He would send His direct government once again to His Church.
It is, in fact, this new infrastructure of government that will, once again, make the Church
strong, overcoming and soaring. It was an exceedingly overcoming Church in the first
century. Although the Church universal is a good statement of the grace of the Almighty
today, it isn't all it could be. The Church of tomorrow will depict the excellencies of Christ
in a way no other Church age has done. The government of the prophets and apostles will be
the facilitating factor of this superlative release of grace into and through the Church,
empowering it to impact the world for Christ.
Isaiah best explains what is going to happen: "I will bring the blind by a way they know not;
I will lead them in paths that they have not known. I will make darkness light before them,
an uneven place a plain. These things I have determined to do [for them]. and not leave
them forsaken." (Isaiah 42:16 Amp.)
Now some might argue with this saying, "God has given us the Holy Spirit as a subjective
form of leading. How then can you say God will lead the blind by a way they know not?" That
is an excellent question.
The leading and guidance that will come forth from these devout people will not preclude
God's personal leading by the Holy Spirit within our spirits. Rather, the Holy Spirit will
confirm the value of the counsel coming from His government heads to the heart of a
listening believer. Still, the Christian has the right to disregard these faithful counselors.
However, that would not be wise in the days that are ahead.
Why does the Scripture have the right to call us blind? Because, we are relatively blind in
comparison to the light we will soon need. Only these mature prophets and apostles will have
gone through the necessary purging to be eyes to the body of Christ such as we will need in
this hour.
The Church's submission to God's government through these holy souls can be likened to
the marshalling of a great military might under not a Captain, but one with the training and
authority of a Five Star General.
Comparatively speaking, for the higher life the Church will ultimately be thrust into, it will
be in a broad sense, life brought back from the dead.
Prophets and apostles will be sent forth, not only to martial the military giant, but to teach
and train it with these currently veiled truths. These truths will be released to them, as the
body is ready for them. Ultimately, they will be endowed to empower this holy bastion of
saints that will arise as David's mighty men. As a unit, they will go forth led by these
"Davids", as it were, who will be riding on before them.
The mature prophets will appear first, followed by the mature apostles, escorting the
Church into the golden Apostolic Age. Great and awesome signs and wonders will accompany
them and will cause the world to take note. Some have said to me that they don't
understand why I speak as though the prophets and apostles have not yet been released. I
want to briefly address that here. Although these offices have not always been recognized
in the Church they have been with us from the beginning. However, these golden vessels
that are soon to be released are a new caliber of prophets and apostles. Being more highly
refined, they will bare an anointing of proportionately greater magnitude than any we see
today. Further, they will walk in spiritual insight and wisdom of much greater dimension, as
they will have been taken behind the spiritual veil. A veil which will be removed in the
crucifixion of their sinful nature. God is giving them as a special gift of grace to the church
in a very dark hour. We will not only want what they will have, but we will desperately need
it. Once again, with these valiant souls will come a most awesome equipping of the saints with
a new authority and power.
As for the Church heeding the counsel of these golden vessels; it will be a way of safety and
Perhaps one of the most critical changes that will take place in this upcoming age will be
concerning the cross. In the days to come, no one thing will be exalted as the cross of Jesus
Christ! In this present time, as well as in the recent past, the call to the cross has been
severely diminished. In some circles it has been watered down; in other circles, it has been
considered beyond Christian dignity. Still in other circles it has not been considered all. God
will, however, turn this terrible misconception around, revealing His heart concerning the
matter. The church in these last days will embrace the crucified life, the way of the cross,
in an exceptional way. Having embraced it themselves, they will then strike out on a new,
successful path of evangelism bringing to birth a new quality of church. Perhaps an even
more profound reality will be the fact that God Himself is going to lift up the cross, not only
through His church, but by His own hand as well. We can safely say that the day of the
prophet, the apostle, and the Fatherhood of God, will be the day of the church's espousal to
the cross. The Apostolic Age will be a day of confrontation - that of man with the Living
Christ, a day when all excuses for ignorance will be shattered. It is a day when the true
disciple of Christ will be discipled, not by man, but by Christ Himself. This discipling cannot
bypass the cross. Moreover, it must travel through it and remain under it. That is the
reason most people now reject it. It is just as Jesus Himself said, " Whoever does not
persevere and carry his own cross and come after (follow) Me, cannot be My disciple ." (Luke
14:27 Amp.)
One can sit under exemplary teaching by the best teachers and never truly be a disciple of
Jesus. However, one cannot be a true disciple of Christ without living the crucified life. God
has born with the comfort zones of the present day Church because of His great and
longsuffering love for us. But the day of the prophets, and more so the apostles, will mean
the end to His tolerance of our apathy. His love for us demands that He bring us to His
highest and best for us, completing us in the perfections of Christ. So while He has been
patient, in the end He will compel us to our own confrontation with Christ Jesus. Any who
will go on with Christ will submit to His way!
~The Age of Maturity~
While God is getting ready to reveal to His Fatherhood to the nations, man is also entering a
unique time of maturation. He is making passage into the "manhood of man." This will be true
in three different spheres.
First, the community of unbelievers, or those we will refer to as "the world", will enter his
manhood. This will be a time when all things concerning man will come to its ultimate climax.
The rebellion of the rebellious will be the greatest distinction of the world. The community
of the unbeliever worldwide will arise as one man, rejecting Christ, ultimately enthroning the
Having negotiated a universal "quasi-unity" in purpose and unrighteous endeavors, the
autonomy of man will be the only acceptable belief. Hence, lawlessness against righteousness
will be the way of every man. Howbeit, not without ultimately establishing a one-world
"pseudo-religion" that will climax at the foot of the antichrist in a religion that will carry in
its wings the most powerful deception the world has ever known.
The deception will initially be released in a moderate wave. A deception the Lord referred
to, as "the deception of the eleventh hour" will grip the hearts of those who are not willing
to embrace Christ and the life of the cross. This will increase until it becomes the
"deception of the final hour".
Heed a strong warning! Anything less than total sell-out to Christ will end up at some point
in shipwreck. That doesn't exclude possible restoration, but the shipwrecked soul will travel
through much unnecessary suffering.
On the other hand, there will be many who will not recover from the deception, to the loss
of their own souls. As the tide increases, it will be accompanied by increasing signs and
wonders. As for the Church, we must remember that nothing can separate us from the love
of God. So press in and stay faithful to pure truth.
Although in some spheres this will be a time of "quasi-unity" as I have already mentioned, in
other spheres this will not be true. The manhood of man will be found to be a time of
growing, unprecedented violence. There will be violence within nations, rising against
another. There will be upheavals in government, as well as oppressive violence from
government upon the people they are supposed to serve. Accompanying these various form
of violence will be the upheavals brought about by the chastisements of judgments of God.
Because man will be in the apex of his manhood, refusing God's government, he will find
himself under the greatest judgment of God for his rebellion. This judgment is depicted
quite clearly in the book of Revelation.
The second category of individuals reaching their manhood will be the Jew. As the
Scripture says of Jacob, "He took his brother by the heel in [their mother's] womb, and in
the strength [of his manhood] he contended and had power with God. " (Hosea 12:3)
When Israel reaches the strength of his manhood, he will enter into an unprecedented
wrestling with God for the sake of survival. Seeing his Arabian brother riding hard after
him (as depicted in Esau) and realizing that extinction will result if there is not Divine
intervention, the stage will be set for the national awakening of Christ as their Messiah. At
this time, Zechariah's word as recorded in (Zech. 12:10) will come to pass: " And they shall
look [earnestly] upon Me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him as one
mourns for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for Him as one who is in bitterness for
his firstborn."
By this spiritual wrestling, Jacob will at last prevail with God. Christ will then be revealed
through His people Israel, hence opening the gates of the final phase of the global revival.
As I understand it, the church, being removed in the rapture, will pass the baton of
evangelism back to Israel. The day of God's wrath will then be released which will culminate
His dealings with man.
The third category of humanity that will be entering its manhood will be the church. Paul
wrote in respect to that:
For because of Him the whole body (the Church, in all its various parts closely)
joined and firmly knit together by the joints and ligaments with which it is supplied,
when each part [with power adapted to its need] is working properly [in all its
functions], grows to full maturity, building itself up in love. (Eph. 4:16 Amp.)
This he wrote depicting the ultimate reality of the church - matured in love and forged in
faith. The presence of Christ in us captures the heart, uniting one another until His church
rises like one man to demonstrate the perfections of Christ.
God will, through His church-universal, demonstrate to all mankind and devils alike, the
nobility for which man was created. He (the church) will have been ushered into a mantel
that will release the excellence of maturity in those who are ready. The beauties of
Christian virtue will be upon the very young. The church will have entered its "manhood".
Having thus traversed this higher plane, the grace of Christ will flow in a most profound
manner, as I shared in the chapter of unity.
The peculiar power and authority currently residing only in the Head will then begin to be
released in the Body. Love, wisdom and glory will abound in His church. Humility will mark
this powerful army as they go forth setting the prisoners free. Apostolic wisdom and
knowledge will be released in an unprecedented way upon the church, thus, bringing to earth
an age of enlightenment so brilliant as to be compared to the rise of the Morning Star
sweeping away the haunting darkness. Even so, darkness will be maturing and getting ready
to explode with a vengeance. Regardless, as the age comes to a climax, all will be without
excuse concerning their rejection of Christ.
Just prior to this great era, the church will be confronted by three major crises. There is a
purpose for this. When man meets a crisis, he is thrust into a transitional state out of which
a permanence is established. This permanence will act as a new foundation stone for the
remainder of his life. For that reason, crisis is extremely important in every life.
God is going to usher the Body through these three crises, generating healing and
maturation in the transitional stage, hence, securing us in a new permanence in Him.
Although these crises will be painful, His purpose is to bring us, each and every one, to
completeness in Christ. This higher grace is the reality He will use to glorify His name
among the nations.
~The Cycle of Crises~
I will not necessarily be listing these crises in sequential order, nor will I be going into great
explanation of them, as this is not meant to be a teaching book, but rather a means of
getting information about future events to the Body.
The first crisis I will mention will be that of the "great house of deception" which is coming!
People from every denomination, leaders and lay people alike, will enter into a "quasi-unity".
This will culminate in a dangerous New Age theology which will be mixed with the true
Gospel, the likes of which has not yet been seen. Accompanying this movement will
eventually be signs and wonders that will be very convincing. The major emphasis will be that
of love. But, it will not be God! In fact, it will be demonic, a major deception against the
Body of Christ.
It will be the building of a great spiritual house of deception which the Lord spoke to me
about in 1989 while I was in a trance* This is the spiritual house, the temporal house I
discuss in the section "Judgment on the Nations". Some that will fall into this deception will
eventually be freed from it through prayer. Unfortunately - "the one-world religion". Today
we need discernment unlike any other time in history.
The second crisis will be a result of spiritual warfare of the "mighty men of valor"
previously mentioned. The sifting, separating, judgment and restoration that will accompany
these "men of valor" will, in effect, establish steel bones in the backbone of the church.
The third crisis will concern the temporal climate in which we live - calamities and
economics, as well as the great persecutions mentioned throughout this book, will be coming
upon the church and the unsaved Jew. This will have an impact of such a nature as to create
a generation of the most valiant and noble souls ever to grace this earth. God has typically
had His men, but in this age, He will have His generation, generation of born again Jews and
Gentiles showing forth the excellencies of Christ.
So, while the man of the world is entering his manhood, an unrestrained lust for power will
drive him to the insanity of outrageous lawlessness. His very character will become
acclimated to the climate needed to bring forth the antichrist whom he will embrace to his
own destruction.
In Conclusion
What we will find opposing the man of the world in justice will be the Son of Righteousness
through His militant church, a church which will be going forth as "one man" in profound love
seeking the lost. The mission will be that of healing the nations through righteousness. The
battle of the ages - good against evil - will have been fought and won by this triumphant
Through it all, God will reveal His Fatherhood, a revelation which clearly defines the love,
power, wisdom, holiness, government and judgeship of God. His Spirit will reach into
humanity in tangible ways never before seen. He will do this first through His Church. Then,
after the Lord has taken His church in the rapture, He will pour His Spirit out afresh upon
the nation of Israel, forming a national body which will move forth, demonstrating the
greatness of our God in a way destined only for these newly born-again Jews. They will arise
to sing the unsung song of generations. God, having made known His Fatherhood in great
signs and wonders, will wave His Almighty arm across humanity one more time through His
son Israel, confounding the nations. He will simultaneously pour out His wrath upon the
rebellious and close the curtain.
Where will you be!
NOTE: For a complete teaching on the Apostolic Age, which for the author's new releases
about the Church in these last days. The first, "Putting on the Breastplate of
Righteousness" and the second, "Winning the Vision." This second book to be released at a
later date.
January 10, 1990 - The angel of the white horse cried:
"Run, run from the daughter of wickedness. The time is at an end. Judgment is sure.
Come out of her my people; come out of Babylon. Don't mourn the loss; but run, run
from the fallen daughter of wickedness. Babylon is falling. Come out of her my people
- Babylon is falling!"
January 25, 1990 - I saw a great city - Babylon, a city hidden in darkness. Out of
the midst of Babylon arose a great tower.
Then the messenger angel said, "This is the great Babylon - the tower you see is
Babel." Then he cried, "Babel is the seat of world governments and Babylon, its hiding
place - Mystery Babylon, the empowering spirit, It must fall; it must come down.
Babylon will fall!"
Ho! Escape to Zion, you who dwell with the daughter of Babylon! (Zechariah 2:7
I then heard another voice from heaven saying, "Come out of her, my people, so that
you may not share in her sins neither participate in her plagues." (Revelation 18:4
In the chapter "Babylon is Falling", I share on the necessity of breaking our dependency
upon the world's financial system. It is not an exhortation to quit relating to the world's
financial system as that would be impossible. We must, however, break with our emotional
dependence upon it and begin to shift that dependence to the Lord. I also emphasized that
we must get out of debt.
In this chapter, I will share another fact of leaving Babylon that we must consider! This
area is perhaps even more important!
But far be it for me to glory [in anything or anyone] except in the cross of our Lord
Jesus Christ, the Messiah, through Whom the world has been crucified to me, and I
to the world! (Galatians 6:14 Amp.)
We live in and must use the things of the world. However, we are not to live in sympathy
with or be assimilated into the ways or the spirit of the world. We are to totally abort the
world from our soul. This is the only abortion, by the way, that is legal in the eyes of God.
Paul further stated:
It [grace]* has trained us to reject and renounce all ungodliness (irreligion) and
worldly (passionate) desires, to live discreet (temperate, self-controlled), upright,
devout (spiritually whole) lives in this present world. (Titus 2:12 Amp.) (*emphasis
And further:
So kill (deaden, deprive of power) the evil desire lurking in your members - those
animal impulses and all that is earthly in you that is employed in sin: sexual vice,
impurity, sensual appetites, unholy desires, and all greed and covetousness, for that
is idolatry [the defying of self and other created things instead of God]. (Col. 3:5
What is he saying? We are to totally reject from our hearts the rudiments of the world.
(Col. 2:8 Amp.) What are the rudiments? - sexual vice, impurity, sensual appetites, unholy
desires, and all greed and covetousness. This is true although we are still living in the world
and with its people. The central import, then, is that of the heart. The apostle John simply
referred to the whole dynamics as the "lust of the flesh, pride of life, and lust of the eyes ".
Simplifying it still further, it is the life of the sinful nature, which we must abort. That is
the faculty in man, which compels him toward the loving servitude to sin. Paul also called it
the "law of sin and death."
Although we live in the world, we must abandon the love of sin that clearly rules its people.
This task may seem to the average believer an impossible challenge. Yet, if the Christian will
take the challenge double yoked with the Holy Spirit, it is achievable.
The spirit of Babylon is Satan's kingdom. It is the spirit of rebellion to God, the spirit of
lawlessness in revolt against His righteous government. To continue to embrace the world is
to cherish that very antichrist government that so craftily lays its snares for our souls. We
must turn from all passion that steals the soul, however seductively, from the humble and
joyous submission to the life of the Cross. A self-emptying life in total devotion to our Lord
is the way we must continually live.
That means saying no to anger, resentment, jealousy, covetousness, greed, drunkenness,
revelry, adultery, and so on. Choosing instead, to live in love, holiness, purity, self-sacrifice,
etc. All this can be done through the power and enablement of the Holy Spirit, making the
manifested crucifixion of our sinful nature the ultimate goal.
Babylon first wins through subtlety, then cleverly captivates, as one who is provocative and
demanding, but in the end requires total allegiance. Those who are dwelling in cohabitation
with Babylon, loving its ways, will fall with it. Hence, the cry - run into Zion! Christians must
overcome Babylon's tantalizing pull and run headlong into Christ, submitting with their
hearts to the holy and righteous government of the Spirit of the Church.
"The ransom of a life is too costly and [the price one can pay] can never suffice".
(Psalms 48:8)
Answering to this reality, Paul penned:
However, we possess this precious treasure [the divine light of the Gospel] in [frail,
human] vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power
may be shown to be of God and not from ourselves. (2 Cor. 4:7 Amp.)
God, once again, put His stamp of approval upon the creation, whom He called man, when He
put His Holy Spirit, in these frail human vessels. No amount of riches, possessions, fame, or
power could ever ennoble us as Christ has already done. He lifted us higher than any station
in life could, even higher than positions of an earthly king, president, or chancellor.
Therefore, to take the richness of that heavenly glory, the dignity of our holy souls, and run
it through the mire of the decadent world, participating in its ignoble ways, is a travesty to
the honor we have been given as well as dishonoring the One who bought our souls.
For one to truly understand that reality is to enter into a holy revolution on behalf of one's
own soul. At last, having his eyes open to the hope of his own calling, there seems no other
alternative but to lead others to the same powerful end.
To turn from the Babylonian life and be crucified to the world is to live above the curse,
experientially as Christ did. It is to walk in full manifested power, having gained full victory
over sin, the world and the devil. It is to be one who has "overcome", to whom Christ said he
would give all things. It is to live in an experiential fullness of the revelation of Jesus Chris,
drinking in the depths of God.
It is freedom from driving passions, destructive habits, and a life being secretly controlled
by the enemy of our souls. It is a life of increasing victories, of wisdom and expanding
influence for the good of others. It is a life, which gives the power to see through the
storm, leading one's steps safely through the maze of obstacles to fruitfulness on the
other side. It is all things good and wise with nothing faulty or bad.
Church, turn from the ways of sin and self; sellout to the holy and wise ways of Christ. Run
from the man of sin, and into the strength of righteousness.
To those who heed this call, the promise is given:
So whoever cleanses himself [from what is ignoble and unclean] - who separates
himself from contact with contaminating and corrupting influences will [then
himself] be a vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes,
consecrated and profitable to the Master, fit and ready for any good work. (2
Timothy 2:21 Amp.)
Up to this point, I have primarily concentrated on the events of the visitation of the "Angel
on the White Horse" and on a part of a vision I had in January, several days after the first
visitation. I have covered most of what I was told and most of what I saw in my
experiences, so let us move on.
In the first half of this book, I covered how the Lord will deal with the church and the
individual life. From this point on however, I will be sharing how God will deal with the
nations America, Canada, and nations around the world.
Some of the things I'll be sharing will be the rest of what I was given by the first angel on
January 10. I still have things locked away, which were given by the "Angel of the Red
Horse" on June 1st. These things will be shared at a later, more appropriate time and in
another book.
I'll also reveal the remainder of the lengthy vision I had on January 25, 1990. During that
vision, a messenger from heaven spoke to me as a friend would speak to a friend. Although I
never saw him, he gave me directives throughout the whole vision some of which I will share.
On March 31, 1990, I had another vision in the middle of the night. This vision concerned
the nations and was like a great link of a chain being released to me that would somehow tie
everything else together. I'll give the details of that also.
The last experience I had this year was on June 1st when I was taken out of my hotel room
at 2:00 in the morning to meet with a band of angels up in the heavens. It wasn't the third
heaven, but up in the stratosphere above the earth. One angel of significantly greater
stature than the rest did all the talking as I'll later explain. It was through him that I saw
the red horse, and it was by him that I would receive the instructions to seal my
assignment. He also gave me the apparent reason for all of these remarkable occurrences.
He is the one that brought me back to my room at 3:00 in the morning and at that time tied
this visitation together with the one I had received on January 10th.
It was the first thing of September when I was given instruction that I was to start
sharing a vision I had on January 27, 1989, with this message. As I had not yet shared it
from the platform, I was reluctant. However, it is of vital importance regarding America, so
I'll be incorporating it into this book as I now do from the pulpit.
Some of the things I have received from these holy messengers were not new to me as I
had received them in various means of communication from the Lord before this time.
However, they gave it as though I were hearing it for the first time. Admittedly, about
sixty percent of what I was told during these events came to me in such a way that it was
new, releasing much understanding, revelation, and information. The remaining forty percent
seemed brand new because of the new dimensions of understanding that came with it.
By the time I had experienced the visitation of the angel on the Red Horse, something
extraordinary was released in my life and ministry. It was as though the Lord had closed
one volume of my life and opened another. The events of the future of the church and the
world have never been more real to me. I trust that as you continue to read, the Holy Spirit
will make it real to you, also.
Verdict on the Nations
At 2:00 Saturday morning on June 1, 1990, I was awakened to find myself being
ushered out of my hotel room up into the heavens. It all happened so fast. One
moment I was asleep, the next I was part of a ring or circle of angels in the sky. All
of the angels seemed to be of one stature, what the Bible refers to as "ministering
servants", except for one. He was a being of significantly greater stature. He looked
like he could have been of equal rank to the one I had seen on January 10th.
It was this angel that did all of the communicating to me. It seemed that he would be
listening for a time then he would declare what he had been told.
President Bush had been in a summit meeting that week with Gorbachev. I had an
intense interest in what was decided in that meeting, however, I was so busy that no
matter how hard I tried to make time to take in the news, every effort ended in
futility. So I was feeling a little frustrated about that. It was in response to that
concern that the angel addressed me just before my return to the hotel room.
"Nita, you be concerned about the summit meeting in the sky. Tell the people of the
earth - prepare - prepare - prepare for the results of the summit meeting in the
Then he turned and looked behind himself. As he did this, suddenly a huge tunnel
became apparent. The tunnel was long and winding as it descended from heaven. Its
height seemed to be about the height of a house. Coming down this tunnel was a
flaming red horse moving at a full run. It too, was large and exquisitely powerful, as
was the white horse I had seen on January 10th.
When the heavenly messenger saw this red horse, he quickly turned back to me. Now
his face was even more intense as he shouted the strong declaration:
"The Red Horse is coming. Tell the people, prepare - prepare - prepare for the events
that are to take place with the coming of the Red Horse."
I began to groan deep inside my spirit. It was like the prophet said, "His words were
sweet to my mouth, but bitter to my stomach." As I looked from the Red Horse back
to the angel, I cried, "But, Angel, what is the coming of the Red Horse?"
He then looked back at the horse, which by now was near the mouth of the tunnel,
then back to me and cried, "God's Wrath!" As he said that, the word "wrath" entered
into my mind, but the word "war" entered into my spirit.
After the communications were released, I was enclosed back to my hotel room. Later, I
wrote it all down and pondered it awhile. God has granted these visitations for reasons I
may not thoroughly understand for years to come.
I received the heavenly commission three times. On three out of four of these divine
experiences I was told to "prepare the peoples of the earth for the coming of the
events which I had foreseen".
Because of the contents within the vision that I saw on March 31, 1990, I want to share it
I saw myself standing in the midst of several people who were warning me not to go
into various countries considering the danger. I insisted that my going was imperative.
The need so outweighed the concern of danger. Subsequently, I was walking across
miles of terrain that reflected the scourging of fire. The land had been utterly
wasted. Only burnt images remained where lush trees once abounded, the soil still
heaving with the purifying fire, like lava, blistering over the landscape. Strangely
enough, I seemed unaffected by the radiating heat of the ground under my feet.
I saw hundreds of pilgrims walking together in clusters. Each group seemed totally
unaware of all the devastation that surrounded them as they were on their way out of
the country. I was perplexed by this as the need was so great, I couldn't understand
why they were leaving. People would continue to flow past me saying "Don't go any
further. It's too dangerous. You'll die in there." But, even as they spoke, I could see
into the cities of this country. There was looting, rioting, and murdering. There were
food shortages and terrible plagues, and darkness and terror assailed the people on
every side. As I saw this, I would nod and say to myself, "I'll be alright. They need
the Lord in there."
Suddenly, I realized that I was in Israel, and I began to cry out, "Oh, Israel, Israel,
come to the Lord." Then I immediately realized that I had been in country after
country all over the world and found the land in the same condition.
In each country I would cry out, "Judgment is coming, judgment is coming - prepare,
prepare!" People would walk up to me and say, "Don't be ridiculous. Judgment has
already come. Can't you see? Look at the land!" Each time this would happen, I would
see a vision of bombs falling on the land and I would declare, "No, this is but a
warning." Then I would repeat, "Judgment is coming - judgment is coming -prepare prepare!."
This took place across America, France, Italy, Canada, Switzerland, Africa, England,
virtually every country in the world.
I asked the Lord why the pilgrims seemed totally incognizant of the condition and need
of the people. He told me, "It's because of the mindset of the church. My people
think they are going to get out before things get too bad. So, instead of concern for
the lost, they are thinking about getting out!"
Through the Angel of the White Horse, the Angel of the Red Horse, and through the
instrumentality of the vision I just shared, I was instructed three times to tell you Prepare - Judgment is coming. You must prepare! The Bible says:
Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be alarmed and afraid?
Shall misfortune occur or evil [as punishment] and the Lord has not caused it?
(Amos 3:6 Amp.) (emphasis added)
The fire in the soil speaks of judgment by fire. Jesus said, "I have come to cast fire upon
the earth, how I wish that it were already kindled!" (Luke 12:49)
These mighty things that are coming must not be construed as arbitrary acts of mischief by
Satan. Yes, the Bible does tell us that in the end times Satan would come with great fury as
he knows his time is short. But even this, the greatest of his attacks against mankind, is still
under the government of God. In the very end, it is God's wrath being poured out. The book
of Revelation is not the book of the revelation of Satan, but the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Yet in it, we learn how Satan becomes an instrument in one last hope that in tribulation,
they might repent, and God could heal them.
The book of Revelation is also an understanding of the Lord's process of purging the earth
with fire. Eight times Amos spoke of God's judgment coming as fire. He uttered things like
(Amos 5:6),... "He rush down like fire upon the house of Joseph and devour it ." And like
(Amos 1:7), "I will send a fire on the wall of Gaza, which shall devour its strongholds. "
Although fire will be a part of the judgment, this allusion to fire is of a divine nature
resulting in a purging judgment. This will take place when the cup of sin is full. When every
alternative for remedy has been exhausted, He has no choice but to judge.
In Amos the eighth chapter, verse 2-8, we see the Lord foretelling the judgment that is
going to come upon Israel. The first two times Amos pleaded on Israel's behalf, God
relented, It says that He was virtually comforted because of the intercession on Israel's
behalf. The third time, however, the Lord left no room for intercession. Judgment was set,
and the door of mercy was closed.
The Bible lists specific reasons for judgment to be issued upon a land. The Lord is saying of
America that she is guilty of every one and more. If the Lord had judged America one
hundred year ago, He would have been just. But He has extended mercy instead. Thus, we
should be deeply appreciative of the extra time we've been allowed.
It is important to understand however, that the Lord is not judging America for the
wickedness of the wicked alone. The Lord's change is part of the problem as well. As I will
share, the Righteous Judge is dealing with the self-serving wickedness of the church as well
as the world.
There will be a point in His dealings when He will set His church apart, just as He did Israel
while He judged Egypt. When He does this, we will see a great manifestation of His glory
through His people, those who have been pruned and chiseled by fire.
We must repent, church, and cleanse our badly stained garments. WE are being called to
show mercy and acts of righteousness where we have only taken an apathetic stand in the
past. We must learn to take responsibility for our failures, seek the Lord's healing, and do
His will. Who knows? Perhaps we can stand before our wonderful Lord someday with some
small measure of fruit to thank Him for all He has done for us.
God deeply loves His people. It's not an easy thing for Him to watch us live through all
these coming difficulties. That's why He is saying, "Draw near - prepare - let Me heal your
Why should the Lord say to His church as He has to the nations:
For thus says the Lord: Your hurt is incurable and your wound is grievous. There is
none to plead your cause. For the pressing together of [your wound you have no
healing device], no blinding plaster. (Jer. 30:12 13 Amp.)
There is a cure for the wound of the church. It's a life lived in utter devotion to our
Saviour. Having truly found His heart and learning to love and respect His ways, we can live
selflessly for people.
Turn away from the destruction of the world upon your soul. Lovers of the world will be
judged with the world. Come to His resting place, hide in Him, know Him, love Him, and you'll
be saved and used to His glory in ways beyond the imagination
In the last chapter, I shared two experiences I had on the coming judgments of the nations.
The first was March 31; the second occurred June 1st and foretold the coming of the Red
In this chapter, I am going to explain the eight major reasons for this coming judgment.
Each one can be found in the book of Amos. It was by Divine instruction that I found my
answers to both the vision and the visitation in the book of Amos and in the book of Joel.
Consequently, it is primarily out of the book of Amos that I give this portion of the
message. Although other prophets mentioned the Lord's judgment as being a "Divine Fire",
no other prophet used this terminology so frequently as Amos. However, a scripture found
in Jeremiah lends itself as a strong word to awaken the understanding concerning our
God's Word to America:
My wound is grievous and incurable. But I said, Surely this sickness and suffering
and grief are mine, and I must endure, tolerate, and bear them. (Jer. 10:19 Amp.)
It is for the following reasons that we are spoken of as incurable and are called on to bear
the suffering of our sickness.
~God's Law Despised~
They have despised and rejected the law of the Lord and have not kept His
commandments. (Amos 2:4b)
The nations of the world are guilty of this. If only God's Word were loved instead of hated.
But, how can we as a nation of God's children wonder about the world, when we cherry-pick
what we will like and what we will disregard. if the church can't find it in her heart to
cherish the entirety of God's counsel, the total dimension of His revealed Word, then we
cannot ask the world to regard it. To love His promises yet disregard His commandments is
cherry picking, a sort of taking what looks sweet and leaving what looks sour.
If we loved the Word of God, we would carefully obey it. In so doing, the sinner would learn
to respect His Word and eventually many more would come to love it through Christ. Yet, in
disobeying it, in whatever measure this is true, we have all despised it. Thus, we have
perverted the land. One scripture makes the Lord's stand on this issue so clear:
If my people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and
seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, forgive
their sin, and heal there land. (II Chron. 7:14)
A sluggard does not plow in season, so at harvest time he looks and finds nothing
Prov. 20:4 (NIV)
He is not talking to the sinner here. He is talking to His own. Our land is sick with the
cancer of sin, and cancer without a cure kills. The church has the cure, but she won't use it.
So the cancer is eating the land to utter decay and ruin.
Oh, Church! What will it take for the Lord to bring us to tears over our nations? Won't
someone hear Him, believe, and take action? The action of fulfilling the just requirements
of the revealed will of God found in His Word? If not, at least prepare yourselves and your
families. Time is running out. Judgment is only five minutes away!
I will not reverse the punishment of it or revoke My word concerning it; because [as
slave traders] they carried away captive the whole Jewish population. (Amos 1:6b
There are two major groups to whom America still owes a debt that she has spent little to
repay, and as concerning one of these groups, Canada is equally as guilty.
The first in America is the Native American, in Canada, the Indian. You might say we have
never made slaves out of the Indian nations. Look again. From the time the white man
embarked on the shores of North America, these people have been treated in inhuman ways.
Look at the reservations and inner cities where they have been driven. Notice the chains?
Oh, they are not around their necks, their wrists, or ankles. They are around their minds,
hearts, and souls.
They are in every conceivable way, chains of dehumanization, degradation, and poverty. Our
ancestors came here to establish a "Zion", a New Jerusalem. Somehow, wires got crossed,
and instead of winning America with the Word, we sought to win it with things that kill:
guns, whiskey, and treaties we had no intention of keeping. We took their land, but that
wasn't the worst of what we took. WE took their dignity, and we've never given it back. We
wiped out whole tribes in the name of progress. Then we decided to uproot whole nations
from their land and put them into what we would call reservations.
A just weight and balance are the Lords: All the weight of the bag are his work.
Prov. 16:11
It wasn't until 1879 that a judge by the name of Elmer Dundy saw beyond a man's skin and
his ways and into his soul. An Indian chief by the name of Standing Bear carried his dead
son into Omaha from out of state so that he might bury him with his ancestors. While
weeping, he stood before this judge, telling him to relate to his own heart if it were his son.
The whole scenario so touched Judge Dundy that for the first time he realized that these
people have feelings and reasoning powers not unlike our own.
As a result, he was instrumental in changing national recognition of the Native American by
issuing an edict as follows: "Indians are persons within the meaning of the law."
The are not savages without souls. They are people. They have dreams and aspirations and a
desire for identity deep down inside that most bury where their hope has been buried, in
the grave of hopelessness.
Few people can understand what we have done to these precious people that God loves.
The Indian's life expectancy is about 65% of the white man's in the same country. Why?
Drugs, alcohol, and murders are the three major reasons. If that's as far as you look, it
looks like it's their problem. Look further. What are the reasons for the above? Grief is
number one. Yes grief, and for several reasons. For two hundred years, generation upon
generation has known the slavery of dehumanization, mothers being separated from their
babies, children growing up never knowing their fathers. One of the greatest cultural
problems among them is the now seemingly inherent inability to bond, something only Jesus
can restore. Break down the family, and you break down the nation. They are in short,
grieving the loss of dignity, identity, love, and hope. In grieving, they have become bitter
and self-destructive. It can be likened to the picture of an abused child becoming an
abusive adult.
For ten years, I have wept bitter and agonizing tears for these people. They have been the
Lord's tears - weeping for their pain. Many, I'm sure, can recall the commercial where the
Indian is moving down the river in his canoe with tears in his eyes over the litter that covers
the land. For ten years, I have seen Jesus dressed in Indian garb, rowing down the rivers of
Indian garb, rowing down the rivers of Indian nations in North America, weeping over the
human souls that have been treated as litter because their skin is red.
Today, He is going to move among the hundreds of nations of these precious people bringing
revival, first to their souls through salvation and then to their hope, their families, and
nations. Jesus is going to give them the dignity we haven't. One of the international
miracles that will mark this move of God is that millions of Indian people are going to be
saved, and multitudes will be used in marvelous ways interglobally. My daughter Ricci saw in
a vision, crosses suddenly going up in reservations all over North America.
But, North America, judgment is sweeping your shores for the cruel tyranny over the human
The second group is the African American.
Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a
new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men
are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether
that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We
are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a
portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives
that the nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do
this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate - we cannot consecrate - we
cannot hallow - this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled
here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The
world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never
forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here
to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly
advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining
before us - that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in
vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and
that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish
from the earth. (emphasis author)
This address was given in 1863 by Abraham Lincoln. Reread the last section.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the
people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
The war that this address responded to was to free the African American people from
slavery. The war was thought to have been won at the time of this speech. Abraham Lincoln
would have had no way of knowing that these people would still be fighting this war in the
You might say we don't have slaves today. Oh, dear Christian, open your eyes. The chains
around these people are as real as though they were still being kept as illiterate slaves on
plantations. They are still fighting for equality. A black man, by and large, has little more
respect in America today than he did 60 years ago. They are not angry without a cause.
Young people are still fighting for respect and equality on our college campuses, in the job
market, and in our public schools. There are places in this nation where there is still racial
discrimination going on. I have ministered in the South where whole cities are firmly
established on the principle, "equal, but separate". But, the equal is anything but equal.
Secondly, the "separate" is prejudice. If your skin happens to be black, you feel it twentyfour hours a day in all the spoken and unspoken words by the white race. Yet, this is as
common in churches as anywhere else you would go. It doesn't occur everywhere, but it
shouldn't be anywhere and certainly not to the degree it is.
People question me as to what I think we owe these two races for the wrongs committed
against them. I tell them, it doesn't matter what I might think we owe anyone. What
matters is what the Lord is saying we owe.
How can you repay the price of innocent blood? The Lord spoke one time in the depths of
incessant prayer, "The blood of my black people is crying out to Me from the ground."
Further, He is saying," I'm about to answer that cry." It is the innocent blood that concerns
the Lord. It is the wretched mentality of any group of people that can justify any kind of
abuse, physical, or emotional, on any race of people because of the color of their skin, or
lack of understanding of their ways.
America is still keeping these people, as a whole, in bondage. There are those who have
squeezed out and proven themselves but perhaps two-thirds still fight hopelessness in light
of the overwhelming mountains of racial prejudice. The Lord is saying "Help them break
their chains." He isn't saying to do it all for them. That would be as disgraceful as what
we've already done. Just help them. Identify with them instead of judging them.
Prejudice is in the soil of this land. It operates against many cultures and many people.
Some find it easier to rise above than others, but none have lived under the tyranny of
prejudice like those two groups, except perhaps the Jews, None of it can be justified.
The Lord promised:
I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the Fathers upon the
children. (Deut. 5:9)
Everything we do has a reciprocal effect. How many of us have seen our children suffer the
consequences of our sin? We don't want it to be so, yet it happens because there are
spiritual laws that are in effect, and always will be. If we don't repent, and as a result our
children fall into the same trap or pattern, then why do we think that the consequences
won't perpetuate along with the sin?
We must actively engage to reverse the sin and the left over consequences of those sins
against people, or we will fit into the same category as the lawyers of old of whom the Lord
Woe to you, the lawyers, also! For you load men with oppressive burdens hard to
bear, and you do not personally [even gently] touch the burdens with one of your
fingers. Woe to you! For you are rebuilding and repairing the tombs of the prophets
whom your fathers killed (destroyed). So you bear witness, and give your full
approval and consent to the deeds of your fathers; for they actually killed them,
and you rebuild and repair monuments to them. (Luke 11:46-48 Amp.)
This is a principle. If we don't reverse the sin, we are in effect agreeing to the sin. There is
no room for indifference to these issues.
That doesn't alleviate the responsibility upon the Indian and the black people to do their
part in seeking God through Jesus Christ and to do their part in the restoration among their
people. but for this sin, the hardest judgment will come, as it always does, to the oppressor.
~A Vision for African Americans~
As she gazed intently at the sight before her, she saw a black man in his late 20's
standing by a railway blowing a trumpet. The train looked typical to the 1930's and
was full of black passengers. The young trumpeter was wearing sun glasses and light
weight clothes as though prepared for a warm summer's day.
"Be not enslaved to the things in the yesteryear. Put on a new robe - walk in a new
light. I go before you to prepare the way. Look not to the left or the right. Keep
your eyes blinded to the things the world offers. Keep your eyes on the Giver of life
and light, and all you need to be restored and satisfied will be yours. For I am coming
soon for a holy people, a people set apart from the world. How do you expect to take
part in the things I've prepared for you if you have one foot in the things of
yesteryear, with the other foot in the world today?" Cried the Spirit of the Lord.
This was given to my dear friend, Bonnie Daughenbaugh, in a vision in the middle of the
A warning for African Americans: I saw two men raised up as what looked like Islamic
leaders. They had signs and wonders operating through them, particularly in the area of
healings; although these were not divine healings. They incited hatred against the white
race and promised healing for the African American.
I was given the ability to see their hearts. Their true interest was the wealth of the black
man. After healings would be manifested, they would take up offerings. Their followers
would fill the bucket with their hard-earned income.
God through Jesus Christ is the only answer to all people everywhere. He will liberate those
who are of a willing heart. But all alike must forget the ways of yesterday and move
There is going to be an unprecedented move among both Native Americans (Indians) and
African Americans by the Holy Spirit in evangelism and healing of these two nations. But to
be a part of it, they must turn from their ways of yesterday and take on the restorative
power of Jesus. Forgive and seek victory through love and the power of the Lord's cross.
If something isn't done quickly, there is going to be a major uprising from within the black
community. I saw this in 1990. It was shortly thereafter fulfilled. However, it will be
repeated if there are not dramatic changes. The power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in its
purity and without segregation, is the only answer.
One might argue, as many have, "Since I didn't cause the problems for these or any other
race, I won't take the emotional responsibility for their reversal," To that sincere
statement, I'd like to offer the following!
Imagine, if you will, that your great grandfather captured a young eaglet and put it into a
cage. His desire was to have the magnificent beauty of this bird in his living room, not
knowing that eagles, although one of the cleanest and most majestic birds in their natural
environment, are one of the dirtiest in captivity.
Soon, after, your great grandfather passed away, leaving the eagle to your grandfather.
Likewise, your grandfather passed away, leaving the mature eagle to your father.
Before long you marry, and your father decides he no longer wants this messy bird, so he
gives it to you. A short time later, when walking through your living room, you pass by the
eagle and for the first time, notice its condition. It looks as if it is dying of sadness. Deep in
your heart you know its only hope is freedom.
You didn't put the eagle into captivity, but the question now remains, "Will you enter into its
pain, identify with its plight, and set it free?"
Will you? Can we not all see the various races of humanity, not the least of which are the
Native- and African-Americans, which are in generational captivity, as we see this eagle to
be? Seeing their captivity, will we enter into their pain, identify with them in their battle,
and walk with them as a brother, working together until we see the chains of imprisonment
bliterated? If we will, we can hope to help the wounded!
Because the Ammonites have ripped up women with child in Gilead, that they might
enlarge their border. (Amos 1:13b Amp.)
The courts and the nation did everything within human power to legalize abortion. When man
won't or can't fight for the innocent, God will. Hundreds of thousands of little babies had
no say against their murdering parents, doctors and press agents who were all holding hands
with the system that approved abortion. But baby had a very personal audience with "The
Most High". His response was, "Come to me, little one- I'll yet vindicate you."
What effect will the abortion bias have on America if, in fact, it remains legal? It really
doesn't matter if we believe in a woman's right to kill her unborn infant or not. It doesn't
matter what reasons or excuses we might have for the stand we hold. What we believe is
going to have nothing to do with what the Lord will ultimately do with what He believes.
Man's hand assaults the flinty rock and lays bare the roots of the mountains. He
tunnels through the rock; his eyes see all its treasures. Man does not comprehend
its worth; it cannot be found in the land of the living. (Job 28:9, 10, 13, NIV)
There the [captive] prisoners rest together; they hear not the taskmakers voice.
(Job 3:18 Amp)
The Word hands down a principle of God's ways. It teaches that we are given choices and
the opportunity to make wise decisions. One response will afford us greater kingdom
realities and corresponding protection from the Lord, while the opposing response will cause
His protective covering to be removed, and we will begin to learn more about Satan's
realities. Once we have headed down this path of darkness and choose to stay on it, God will
warn and plead with us and attempt to intercede with us before serious disaster strikes.
However, if we persist in serving the enemy, even from a distance, there is a day when all
interventions stop. At that point, Jesus will say that the master that we have chosen will
now have complete rule over us. Hell's fury can then be released, and God will do nothing to
oppose the choice we made.
This is how that principle will be played out in America. From 1979 to 1989 there were over
100 million abortions in the Republic of China (most were coerced, said Christopher Smith to
the House of Representatives.) That means nearly 100 million little mommies never had any
say as to whether or not the little baby in their womb would be held in their arms or ripped
out of their bellies and murdered.
If America and Canada decide to legalize abortion (or in the case of America, retain that
law), the day will come when we too, will be given over to coerced abortions by the millions.
If we decide to serve the murder of innocent babies with our voices today, soon the beast
will tyrannically rule over us. It's our choice.
The Lord spoke to my fried Bonnie one night, indicating, "If you (the church) don't fight for
the rights of these unborn babies when they are in need, who will fight for you when you are
in need?" Although I have not quoted it word for word, this is in fact, the dynamics of the
impact He made. Many months later we were in prayer together regarding the abortion issue
when she received a vision. She saw smoke coming out of the Lord's nostrils and immediately
knew it was God's wrath. From the depths of her inner being, she cried out, "Weep, weep,
weep for your very lives."
I share these instances to point out that I'm not the only one the Lord is speaking to so
strongly. Perhaps He is even now speaking to you. We must as the church fight this issue
with our votes, money, prayers, and physical involvement. Our only hope is to effectively
bury this issue thus establishing two pro-life nations by law, America and Canada.
...they have sold the strictly just and uncompromisingly righteous for silver and the
needy for a pair of sandals; they pant after the sight of the poor [reduced to such
misery that they will be] throwing dust of the earth on their heads [in token of
their grief]. (Amos 2:6-7 Amp.)
This is reflective of greed in the church first, then greed in the nation. Now, I'm going to
knock over some golden cows, but we all need to understand why judgment is coming.
When a man can live a life of luxury and that lifestyle absorbs most of his income, there is
something wrong. Its name is greed. There are sufficient enough teachings within the body
justifying this flagrancy that as a church we can do it without guilt. That is as long as we
give the Lord a tip of 10% for doing a good job of blessing us.
There would be nothing wrong with that lifestyle if the world were completely evangelized,
and no one in it lacked for their needs. But, that utopia doesn't exist. Consequently, neither
should ours. Cain was the first one that cried out to God, "Am I my brother's keeper?" He
was the same one that, after killing his brother, wanted to make sure God would protect him
so none of his other brothers would kill him.
When we spend money on our own lusts and passions, things we don't need, and we don't
help the needy, we have just sold him for a "pair of sandals". When we know there are those
in our own cities who don't have homes and who are living on the streets, even with children,
and we own a 3,000 square-foot home and are doing nothing for the needy, we're in sin. We
have just sold the needy for a "pair of sandals".
The examples I could use are endless, but the point is made. New Testament standards in
this area are much higher than the Old. New Testament is all. (Acts 2:44-47 and 4:32-5:10)
Why? Because Jesus gave all. He didn't just tell the twelve disciples to sell everything and
give to the poor and come follow Him. That was for everyone with an ear to hear, anyone
that wanted to be His disciple.
Yet, I'm not saying you're in sin if you have a nice home and car, etc. What I am saying is
that the gospel message is not being carried through down to our pocket books. The church
is still striving for wealth and fame instead of seeking after the lost and fulfilling the call
to mercy ascribed to us in Matthew 26:32-46. Jesus is saying of the Laodicean Church of
You say, I am rich; I have prospered and grown wealthy and I am in need of nothing;
you do not realize and understand that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind and
naked. (Rev. 3:16Amp.)
Jesus further instructed them to buy salve to put on their eyes that they would truly see
(See Rev. 3:18), and He chastised them for their lukewarmness, and said, " I will spew you
out of my mouth." (Rev. 3:17) Then after all those rough reproofs, He added, " Those whom I
love, I tell their faults." (Rev. 3:19)
God is going to bring the focus of materialism that pervades the church to an end. In turn,
we're going to get our eyes on true gold and jewels, which are human souls. The North
American continent, saved or unsaved, is going to hear that the Lord is not at all pleased
with the greed that currently rules us. I say this, not in judgment, but love!
Understand, the Lord loves blessing His own as long as the blessings don't own us. Right now
it looks more like the blessings own us, than the Lord. Our very lives and manner of living,
while others so severely lack, is proof enough that God is justified in His judgment.
Let us turn from the demands of material and carnal wealth and give to the church, the
poor, and the needy. Give for the saints. Give to the Lord! In the hour that judgment comes,
He will hide us in the shelter of His wing, and in the peace of His presence. You will not know
fear by day nor terror by night. If we learn mercy in fair times we won't have to learn it in
hard times. As we have mercy on others, God will have mercy on us.
Hear-please hear-judgment is coming. If all this is true for the church, how much more is it
true for the world? Greed is the underlying factor of most sin within every nation. It gives
reason enough to do anything to anyone, including murder, to have its unquenchable desire
God grants wealth to bring healing to the world. Greed perverts the blessing and destroys
the nations in order to have more wealth. How can we wonder why God's judgments must
If greed is a problem in the Church, how much more is it a problem with the world. God is
soon going to deal against it!
~The Judicial System~
Hate the evil and love the good and establish justice in the [court of the city's]
gate. It may be that the Lord, the God of hosts will be gracious to the remnant of
Joseph. (Amos 5:15 Amp.)
America tried to form a system that would protect the people. The only problem is that the
system is more perverted than many of the people it is supposed to be prosecuting.
Furthermore, the people within the system have greatly aided in its increasing decline from
a more puritanical judicial system to one of degradation. Of course, not all of those people
within the system are a hopeless measure of injustice, but a large percentage are.
Many are the reasons for the decline. I'll mention just a few. One loss which was suffered
by sinful humanity when separated from God was discernment. It is impossible to have an
unregenerated heart and mind, which are able to consistently discern truth. When a soul is
cut off from the very source of wisdom, how can it make wise decisions? It isn't that many
don't want to make wise decisions, they simply don't have the ability.
Diverse and deceitful weights are shamefully vile and abhorrent to the Lord, and
false scales are not good.
Prov 20:23 (Amp.)
Another reason is that Christians tend to shy away from government jobs, including major
areas of the judicial system. Or, if they do get involved, before long, they compromise their
Christian standards and are of little value to the Lord for His work to be done through
Then, of course, we can always look to find the extreme, in this case, "extreme perversion".
There are those whose standards are so perverted they are actually dangerous in their
positions. Unfortunately, this category is increasing at an alarming rate. These are people
who are involved in witchcraft, sorceries, and Satan worship. They are not going to be real
zealots for a pure justice they don't even understand.
Finally, working in harmony with God's plan, the only perfect justice is to come through the
church, and that won't happen until we are ruling with Christ. However, had the church been
on her knees, the Lord would have had much more to interject in the affairs of our judicial
system. Furthermore, if more Christians would have gotten involved physically and mentally,
integrating into the many crucial areas of need, and kept their righteous standard up, things
would be in a much better posture than they are today.
What we have as a consequence, is a governmental and judicial system that is being headed
by Satan, and it is ripe for judgment. The Word states:
Speak every man the truth with his neighbor; render the truth, and pronounce
judgment or verdict that makes for peace in [the courts at] your gates. (Zech. 8:16
This command was born out of the evidence to the contrary, as is seen in the Psalms:
How long will you magistrates or judges judge unjustly and show partiality to the
wicked? (v. 5)-The magistrates and judges know not, neither will they understand;
they walk on in darkness [of complacent satisfaction]; all the foundations of the
earth the [fundamental principles upon which rests the administration of justice]
are shaking. (Psalms. 82:2 & 5 Amp.)
It is beyond the average American to know how corrupt the system really is. It is sufficient
to know, God says the very foundations of the system are shaking. We would never be
foolish enough to build a home on an active fault line. We would never get the foundation
laid to build a house upon if an earthquake were actively in process. Before the first brick
would be laid, the chances are you would be devoured amidst the breaking earth. Yet, this is
the very picture the Lord is trying to paint. The justice system is shaking as though it had
been laid on an active fault line, which of course, is the case. Anything that has not been
built on the rock of truth doesn't stand a chance of survival in the process of God's
judgment. Yet it is here that we've put our trust.
The issues that blatantly strike out at the righteousness The Lord requires are known to all
of us on the surface level. It would take experience or deep probing to get a heart grip on
the potential effects of these issues.
The platform of abortion is currently one that strikes the central nerve of North American
society. This issue is being made the crucial and pinnacle basis by which our new government
is to be elected. Politicians are campaigning, not on their qualities or wide variety of
qualifications, which would distinguish their overall ability for leadership, but on whether or
not they believe we should have a right to kill babies before they are born. The issue of
abortion has become a tremendous polarization of the people in America and Canada. That
issue is intricately interwoven in our judicial system.
It doesn't take long in scouting out this country to find many children who have been abused
by the court system, from physical to sexual abuse. The courtrooms, Child Protection
Services, and institutions, which have been set up for the protection of these abused
children, afford little refuge. It has been not only my experience, but the experience of
multitudes of others who have been forced to share the same heartbreaking course, that
even with sufficient evidence, the courts lean toward favoring the abuser over the abused.
The Lord said of these magistrates that they are blinded by the darkness of complacent
self-satisfaction. Power can be a dangerous thing in the wrong hands.
Abused women and rape victims are other groups that feel the sting of prejudice. The
symbol of blind justice is a mockery today. Though judges are blind to righteousness, they
are not blind to race, sex, and age, as well as social status. These elements can weigh heavily
on the verdict in a negative respect if it's within their lines of prejudice. With this
distorted vision, they blind true justice on behalf of the needy. The Lord said that they
don't even know how dark and without understanding their vision is.
Yet the church should know. We are consistently seeing criminals getting off with little or
no sentencing. There are people in the Mafia who don't even fear the law, but mock it.
There are lawyers who make it their specialty to get people off, whom they know are guilty.
They manipulate through loopholes in the books and then gloat on Dan Rather's "60
Minutes" over their victories.
As the victim becomes ever more the victim and the violator the winner in our courts, the
church should recognize something needs to be done. We need to get involved with our
prayers and lobbying groups and take on positions that count, and can make a difference.
We need to prayerfully and financially support those who are trying to fight for justice.
The Bible further states:
Do justice to the weak (poor) and fatherless; maintain the rights of the needy.
Deliver the poor and needy; rescue them out of the hand of the wicked. (Psalms
82:3-4 Amp.) (emphasis added)
. . .pronounce the judgment or verdict that makes for peace. (Zech. 8:16)
What is the verdict that makes for peace? It is the verdict that has honored truth and
protected the innocent. What we see at the lower levels of the courtrooms is virtually
minute compared to what we see at the higher levels. The higher the power structure, the
more power one has over a wider span of people. So the umbrella of influence has
substantially increased until one judge has the power to swing the country this way or that.
Laws are being misrepresented, even misquoted, to the general public until black has been
painted as white, wrong is represented as right. The Lord says the system is built on a
foundation that is trembling with instability through falsehood.
The angel said one thing over and over again so I wouldn't miss it-"Judgment is sure
judgment is coming at midnight-the hour is now II.-55 (p.m.).Judgment is sure."
He would have given us peace if we would have made the way for it by obeying His
commandments-protecting the innocent, helping the needy, delivering the oppressed, and
bringing forth justice. But few have had ears to hear. It's five minutes until midnight. Are
you ready for the hour of judgment? If you are saved by His blood, walking in purity, if
you're a person of prayer and you know the Word, then you're undoubtedly walking in the
ways of God. If not, you're not ready!
~Sexual Sins~
And a man and his father will have sexual relations with the same maiden, so that My holy
name is profaned. (Amos 2:7 Amp.)
I have overthrown some among you as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. (Amos 4:11
Close to twenty years ago while on a rather lengthy fast, I was in prayer for America.
Suddenly my eyes were opened to a vision:
I saw a map of the United States. It was as if I were looking down upon it from high in the
sky. Stretched from one end of it to the other was a "dragon". Its head was on the West
Coast and its tail was on the East. It looked like a dragon you might see in pictures from the
Orient. I asked the Lord what it was, and His reply was, "The Spirit of Sodomy". It is the
ruling spiritual monarch over America. Its name is "Rothshon" which means "head of the
While ministering in Canada in 1990, 1 asked the Lord for one word for Canada and quite
frankly would have expected just about anything but what I received. I heard a voice cry
out from the very heavens:
"Oh, Sodom and her sister Gomorrah-how long shall I suffer with you?" Then He spoke to
me in my spirit: "If America is Sodom, then Canada is Gomorrah and both are ripe for
judgment. Tell them- -Prepare!"
The major sin they will both be judged for is every hideous variety of sexual sin imaginable.
I am not going to go into all the outrageous perversions that accompany homosexuality.
There is literature available that gives in-depth understanding. It is not just a harmless
alternative lifestyle. It is, in fact, one of the most militant and brutal moves of perversion
in North America today. I also want to note that according to C.A.S.E. many school systems
in America are using books that teach children about homosexuality and other forms of
illicit sex as "recommended reading" for grades as early as kindergarten.
I want to reiterate here that while God hates the sin of homosexuality, He loves the
homosexual and wants them to be freed of the bondage of that sin as much as He wants
anyone free and born into the kingdom of God.
~Other Perversions~
Incest is rampant, perpetuating itself through the generations. It's a sickness that
destroys human lives. Not that it's a physical illness; it's a spiritual sickness. It virtually
sabotages every life it touches. It imposes untold suffering on children that have little
control over their abuser. The irony of it is, the ones who could help them often don't.
Prostitution, pornography, adultery, and promiscuity all are cancers eating away at every
culture. Sexual sin of any kind not only does emotional damage, but it often causes various
forms of physical sickness that affects the innocent as well as the guilty. It erodes every
level of human existence within a society. In addition, it opens the door to every kind of
Satanic oppression.
Next to the religious affinity, the sexual drive is the strongest force in a person. Bend that
part of a person to any degree of perversion, and you control them to that same degree. Of
course, the reverse is true when there is sexual purity in mind, soul, and body. If Jesus
owns that part of a person, the major battle for that saint's eternal strength in
righteousness is won. If Satan is the personification of the carnal man, then sexual
perversion is the highest form of its expression. Only God knows the devastating toll this
one sin alone has had on North America's children and adults alike. myriads of heartbreaks
and shattered lives it has left in its fiendish trail tells the story well enough.
And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, [and] nettles had covered the face
thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down. Then I saw, [and] considered
[it] well: I looked upon [it, and] received instruction. {considered...: Heb. set my
heart} Prov 24: 31 - 32
When I first saw the vision of the spirit of Sodomy nearly twenty years ago, America still
had a sense of shame, a sort of puritanical honor she was trying to uphold. The blatancy
that typifies this nation today did not then exist. It does now because of minimal
intervention by the church against these sexual atrocities. However, before judgment is
fully realized, we will long for today's standard as one would long for an absent best friend.
The vile extent of perversion will compare to the day Sodom and Gomorrah died.
~Sodom and Gomorrah~
In their sexual permissiveness, their lusts owned them. Homosexuality was the accepted
lifestyle. In the drunkenness of their lusts, they knew no restraint. Everyone was open
game. If they couldn't have what they wanted by asking, they took it by force.
Consequently, rape was a common problem. When the angels came to deliver Lot, gangs of
men came after them and were willing to kill in order to rape them.
This leads us to the next point, sex with demons. The aforementioned ambassadors were
angelic beings. Yet, the fact that they were spirit beings in no way hindered the aggression
in the hearts of those perverted men, which tells us how common this sort of practice was
in those days.
In addition, the Bible clearly indicates the massive size of these gangs coming together to
rape two angels. In this story, you see the following points about the "days of Sodom".
1. Homosexuality
2. Gang rapes
3. Sex with demons
4. Violence
5. Murder
Ezekiel lists six other facts about Sodom for which it was judged (Ezk 16:48-50)
1. Pride
2. Overabundance
3. Prosperous Ease
4. Forsook the needy
5. Haughtiness
6. Many abominable offenses
Jesus said that in the day of His return and at the time of final judgment, it will be as in
the "days of Sodom". Our streets will be filled with every kind of perversion. The question
will be asked, "Who then will be safe?" The answer will be, "Those who are redeemed by the
blood of our dear Jesus, people living pure and holy lives, who love the Lord and love His
The Bible says, "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. " (Matt.
24:12) One version reads, the love of the great body shall grow cold."
Because of lawlessness, the heart will grow indifferent. Everywhere one looks, it will abound
in open view until the mind becomes callous through overexposure. Christians who are not
wholly given to the Lord and His purity will become defiled by multiplied lawlessness, grow
weak, and eventually fall away.
Those who choose purity will be vexed by that to which they are exposed, but will grow ever
stronger in holiness, seeking to redeem souls for Jesus.
By the time His judgment has fully come, His church will agree that God has indeed been
long-suffering with man. Our hearts cry will be, "Come, Lord Jesus. Come."
~Persecutions of the Saints~
He pursued his brother Jacob with the sword, corrupting his compassions and
casting off all pity .. (Amos 1:llb Amp.)
The ultimate issue that will press the Lord to release His judgment upon the land will be the
persecution of the saints. One might say it will be the straw that breaks the camel's back.
Zechariah wrote, "For he who touches you touches the apple of My eye," (Zech. 2:8 Amp.)
and "I am jealous for Zion with great jealousy, and I am jealous for her with great wrath
[against her enemies]." (Zech. 8:2 Amp.) Further, the Psalmist wrote, "Precious in the sight
of the Lord is the death of His saints." (Ps. 116:15)
The first promise we see is that of His identification with us in suffering. It matters to the
Lord when we are caused pain, affliction, and sorrow by another. His identification with us in
suffering is so complete that He even says, "What you do to one of these, you do to Me."
When He addressed Paul on the road to Damascus, Jesus asked him why he was persecuting
Him. It wasn't in Paul's heart to persecute the Son of the Living God. He thought he was
vindicating God by persecuting these impostors called Christians. Yet, the Lord's
identification with the saints in their suffering was and still is absolute. It is as a result of
identification that He is able to impart grace, enabling us both to forbear and ultimately
prevail in victory.
We see then, that when the wicked afflict the righteous for righteousness sake, Jesus
remains in the midst of His own in total identification. His Word records it like this:
In that day will the Lord guard and defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he
who is [spiritually] feeble and stumbles among them in that day [of persecution]
shall become [strong and noble] like David. (Zech. 12:8 Amp.)
The second promise is that of defending His elect. It will be a righteous act to justify His
godly ones by the means of judgment. If by any means the word can bring a sinner to the
saving knowledge of Christ by the testimony of His persecuted church it would bring Him
great pleasure. However, for those who refuse to repent scorning His Lordship, it will be
judgment. This is a divine stroke worthy of the Lord alone.
We don't have to look far to see the reality of idolatry in the land: Mormonism, Jehovah
Witnesses, Hinduism, Satanism, and the New Age Movement, which is slowly ingesting all the
rest. The list is endless. Then we have what the world calls the "church", those of the
Presbyterians, Methodists, Lutherans, now even Baptists, that can't make up their minds
whether the Bible is the inherent Word of God or not. I suppose it's "to each his own" as we
say in the Midwest. Man's illustrious mind is now so expanded that he thinks he can decide
truth over the Holy Spirit. Does that make the mind the idol, or the heart? My heart hurts
for those preposterous theologians who worship what is in the skull, rather than its Creator,
and call it God.
Humanism flows like mighty rivers through every vein of the church. Only those who have
been sealed away with the "Majesty" Himself, have drunk of His cup and truly eaten of His
bread; those who have walked into the inner court and have heard the secret of His counsel
when His Words tasted like honey out of the rock and burned like fire in their bones-those
who have opened their spiritual perception and have seen Him and in seeing Him have cried,
"Woe is me. I am undone, a man of unclean lips dwelling in the midst of an unclean people."
Only those who have bowed under the holiness of His presence, realizing that He alone is
the creator and maintainer of all that is, and in understanding this one paramount truth,
"God is", have been subsequently raptured in the realization of His wondrous mercy; only
those select few, know in a small part how much humanism lives in the church.
[It is] not good to eat much honey: so [for men] to search their own glory [is not]
glory." Prov 25:27 KJ
For all the idolatry of self, greed, pride, and every idol that has a religion, mysticism, or cult
bowing to it, North America is ripe for judgment. The ax is being laid to the root of the
Man has ripped the covers off of idolatry and exposed the nakedness of their souls to open
shame. The Lord said:
... neither shall you use magic, omens, or witchcraft [or predict events by horoscope
or signs and lucky days]. Turn not to those [mediums] who have familiar spirits, or to
wizards; do not seek them out or be defiled by them. I am the Lord your God. (Lev.
19:26 & 31 Amp.)
When the people [instead of putting their trust in God] shall say to you, Consult for
direction mediums and wizards who chirp and mutter, should not a people seek and
consult their God? Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living? (Is. 8:19
Yet, in rebellion to the God that created them, they say there is not a God. Then turning
around, as though they couldn't hear the words of their own mouths, they bow down and
worship the god of their own making. This they call wisdom? When they could consult the
Creator of all that exists, they turn instead to a dead tea leaf or paper cards with no
capacity to think and ask, "What is my future? Where am I going? What is my hope?" Again,
not realizing that a thinking creature is asking an inanimate object to speak wisdom.
When one turns away from the living God who knows your name, the amount of hairs on your
head, the day you were born and the day you will die, he has turned away from wisdom and in
his deception is given over to every foolish thing. He is lost and without hope. His doom is
hell. While he mocks at righteousness, Satan mocks at him because he knows the day is near
when this soul will be eternally his, bound in the Lake of Fire with no remedy. It is little
wonder the Lord weeps.
The land is overflowing with idolatry. Throughout His Holy Word, God says the land given to
idolatry will be judged and brought to ruin. Who can save it now, but God?
In conclusion, it is primarily for these eight sins that America and Canada are soon to feel
the sword of judgment scathing their landscape:
1. Despising God's Law
2. Slavery, primarily of
a. Indians (in Canada) and or Native Americans
b. African American
3. Abortion
4. Greed
5. The injustice of the judicial system
6. Sexual sins (including)
a. Homosexuality
b. Other perversions
7. Persecution of the saints
8. Idolatry
The truth of any one of these sins justifies the Lord, and yet it's all eight and many more
God is One of infinite mercy. Yet, He is rigidly righteous. He can't deny any one part of
Himself. This is not a time to wail over the discomfort of the prophetic future. It's not a
time to even consider the loss. Rather now, like never before, turn to God with weeping and
repentance. Turn with desperate need to Him, obey Him, love Him, worship Him. Serve Him
by serving humanity and get involved with the issues. Then you'll know the comfort of His
presence in the storm and the joy of His strength to face the future, confident of His
tender care for you.
The Angel riding the White Horse cried out:
"Judgment is coming to the lovers of this world, those who are disobedient and
cripplers of the children. Come out, come out, my people, and take nothing with you
but the clothes on your back and don't mourn the loss. Only, come out of her
judgment is sure; time is at an end. Tell the people, prepare, prepare!"
The Angel on the Red Horse vehemently declared.- "Nita, tell the people of the earth,
prepare, prepare for the coming of the Red Horse. He is God's wrath. He is war!" In
the vision with the land aflame with judgment, I cried out.- "The judgments of the
Lord are coming, prepare, prepare!"
Wake up North America! It's time to hear the Word of the Righteous judge. It is urgent
that we move out of our apathy and prepare! Not one time in any of the four experiences
that are contained in this book, was I ever told that God would withhold His judgment for
any reason. I was simply told that I was to proclaim, "Judgment is sure". We must gird
ourselves as Israel did. Eat the Passover lamb and be ready to move. I am not however,
necessarily speaking of a physical move, but a spiritual preparedness.
Judgment is coming on all nations. Time is winding down and drawing to a close. It's time for
the church in North America to realize that we are not exempt from the judgments of God
just because we live here and not in a land like China. Those who pay little regard to this
message will undoubtedly not be ready when the wheel of judgment gets into full motion.
That is why I have taken the time to outline the reasons for the Lord's injunctions against
us, hoping that you would see what all is on His mind and respect it enough to believe it and
There is only one way to escape the effects of these calamities, and that is to have Jesus
Christ in full strength in your life. If you are walking close to Him, He will hide you in the
pavilion of His peace, joy, and power. You'll fear no evil and in fact, be used mightily to help
others. Know the Bible, understand the nature and character of God experientially and have
a strong prayer life. Walk close to the Lord and close to the body; it will make every
difference in the world as to how you'll cope with what is about to occur.
Before we move to the warnings and then into the judgments, I want to make one more
point. As I was in the heavens with the band of angels, something else was settled in my
understanding. I said earlier how I was very concerned about the summit meeting with
President Bush and Gorbachev, but was unable to follow it because I was so busy. I also
mentioned that the angel impressed upon me not to worry or be concerned about that
summit meeting for my only concern was to be with the results of the summit meeting in the
It was before I could even ask him what those results were that he exclaimed that the
"Red Horse", the horse of God's wrath, was coming. I hardly had time to wonder what was
decided when the angel gave me my answer, "God's Wrath".
Although that was indeed God's decision, we must remember there need be no decision for
judgment made by any court, even more certainly the Lord's court, unless there is wrong
doing to justify it. So, while He sends it, we have in effect, pulled it down upon ourselves
with a magnet called sin.
The following is a list of upcoming events. These are warnings that will give way to judgment!
First on the church, then on the world. God is calling every man everywhere to repent.
Sudden Terror
I'm sure many people in the body have experienced this in the last few years. Doctors call
them "panic attacks". They might be accompanied by circumstances that seem to warrant
fear or anxiety. The whole world will know this monster soon. Then terror will give way to
trouble. Jesus said that even the heart would fail for terror. Many will commit suicide when
overcome by it.
Cancers, new fevers for which we will have no immediate cure as well as other forms of
diseases, which cannot be considered plagues, will come upon the unrepentant.
To the unrepentant, your work will be done in vain as your enemy will seem to devour it at
harvest time. On a national level we have seen this with the farmers, but it will be on every
level. It's going to get worse for those who stubbornly continue in their rebellion against
our Creator and Lord.
Life Ruled By Your Enemies
Some of the unrepentant will experience total loss at the feet of their enemies, such as:
false charges to defame one's character or a position taken from one and given to his
enemy, etc.
Breaking of Pride
Just when the unrepentant think they are set, their pride will be broken and all that
affects their ego lost. They will be powerless to stop it. Even so this is a loving warning to
turn, humble oneself and repent. For God sets Himself against the proud, but gives grace to
the humble.
Heavens Like Brass
Again, to the unrepentant, your prayers won't get above your head. The Lord will close His
ears until you humble yourself, repent, and submit to His Lordship. The earth beneath your
feet will bear no fruit, no harvest. A famine will ravish the land. Only those who are in His
hand will have rain and food sources.
Wild Beasts
There will be sudden outbreaks of animal attacks against family members, even to the
destruction of life. Up to this point, we have seen only God's warnings. You who are walking
close to Him will live simply, but amply supplied. You will have more than enough in various
areas of need to enable you to give to others. This includes miracle cures for all that might
ail another, but Jesus will be the source through a purified church.
Now we are going to move into the area of judgment, which will follow right on the heels of
the warnings. I want to again remind my reader that God loves humanity. Nothing that will
be mentioned in this book will be released on even the rebellious humanity without bringing
Him much pain. He does not delight in seeing anyone suffer. But our divine parent sends His
discipline in hopes of saving some.
Jesus said that there will be wars and rumors of wars, but the end is not yet. War is coming
to America and eventually to Canada. I will go into greater depth regarding this at the end
of the book. He says in Leviticus 26:25 that through war He will execute vengeance upon us
for breaking His covenant. That's why it's so important to repent as a nation and do what is
right before the Lord.
When war strikes, we will not be prepared, as in 1989 I saw America dumping or emptying
her military out, closing many major bases, making major cuts in military officers as well as
in enlisted personnel, about one officer for every four or five enlisted. In addition, there
were major financial and armament cutbacks.
I saw in the vision that everyone seemed gathered or clustered into the cities. It says here
in Leviticus 26:25 that God will gather the people together in the cities, and there shall be
pestilence among you. It will be at this time that the great plagues, the communicable
diseases such as we have never known in the history of mankind, will be released. The only
one who will have a cure will be the church.
By this time, there will be severe famine in the whole land. There will be bread lines that
are blocks long within the cities. We will see the most awesome lack of foodstuffs ever
known. Eventually people will die of hunger by the thousands. All will initially be rationed,
until there is seemingly none left.
There will be a day when that too, will be the lot of all that are still on the face of the
earth. As this happens while the church is still here, it will be in hidden places where few
will know. After the church is taken, it will be in the open.
Waste Places
As I have quite a bit of detail to cover on the subject of waste places, I'll speak more on it
at the end of the book in the chapter entitled "America".
Judgment will continue to increase until the cup of North America's sin is completely dealt
with. It won't take long however, before the church is going to cleanse herself and be ready
to move into full swing. When she does, she will be set aside, so to speak, as a haven of rest
that she might win the lost in troublesome times. (See the seven vials in the Book of
Revelation for details on judgments in the very end times.)
There is going to be a total economic collapse, which I'll discuss at length in the chapter,
"Mystery Babylon". We won't be wearing designer clothes or driving expensive cars, nor will
we be living in big expensive homes, but those who love the Lord and serve Him will have
what they need for themselves and others.
The principle that will seem to pervade the future is as described in Amos:
It is as if a man fled from a lion, and a bear met him, or went into the house and
leaned with his hand against the wall and a serpent bit him. (Amos 5:19 Amp.)
One disaster will lead to another. At first, it will seem they just get one thing halfway
resolved and another will ensue. Beyond a certain point however, things will strike in machine
gun fashion and there will be no remedy.
The hope of the individual will rest solely in the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
The Lord revealed to me many years ago that Ronald Reagan would ecome president, after
which there would be an attempt made on his life. Following his presidency, George Bush
would become president. it would be during his term in office that America would turn, going
the wrong direction. This would be a government strategy, not a sudden turn on behalf of
the American citizens. In other words, the turn isn't made because of a sudden burst of
sinfulness in the people of the nation. It will be formulated and initiated at higher levels of
power. It won't be that those in authority sat down, disseminated truth and set out to
oppose it. Rather crucial decisions will be made in man's wisdom, decisions in hopes of
bringing about world peace. We are even now seeing that unfold. We will also see an absolute
departure from Israel by the United States. This will take place as we will be unable to be
of help due to our own national crisis. The last thing God told me concerning that
information was that it would be as it were, to our demise.
It is as though the clay was on the wheel and the potter was already molding it. Who could
stop Him? Perhaps His church, through repentance?
The angel said, 'Judgment is sure prepare!"
There was a time when we could have turned His heart and moved Him to withhold His
intent, but we waited too long, and we crossed over the line of no return. Once this happens,
He says He requires that we repent of the sins of our forefathers and ourselves (Lev.
26:40). This must be a deep heartfelt repentance; a time of fasting and prayer, seeking God
to know and understand the sins of our forefathers in the sense of identification, not a
prideful prayer like they are bad and we are good. This way we can truly repent. We know
this by the pattern that has been established in the Word. As the prophets of old (such as
Daniel and Nehemiah) have done, so must we.
Once this is completed and true repentance has been worked through, He promises He will
be with us in the course of the coming judgments. He doesn't say He will withdraw His
decision, only that He will be a shelter in the storm for the repentant.
Through the redeemed whose garments are made white, He will be most glorious. Zion will
shine with the radiant glory of the Lord, and she will go forth with singing. He will say to
"Shine on Zion. Stand as a tall mountain, radiant in beauty, chosen by God. I will make My
own, jewels in My hand; sparkling and radiant over the land. Though dense darkness assails
the people of the earth, I will radiate in glory from My dwelling place. I will make you as a
tree of shade from the blazing sun. Many will find rest under your branches. You will flow
out to the nations as rivers of living waters that the thirsty may find drink for their weary
souls. I will strengthen Mine own. I will help you, only don't fear. As a tender Father, I will
pick you up and put you in a secure place. You will be My standard against the enemy. So now,
arise in newness of life. Be radiant with the Glory of the Lord.
A Call To Repentance
This year, (1996) while traveling from church to church speaking about the days which lay
ahead, being led by the Holy Spirit, I would speak about the vision I had in March 1990. One
day while ministering in Minneapolis, I was in prayer in my hotel room. I was seeking the
Lord as to what I should minister that night. He began to deal very strongly with me. He
said, "I gave you the same vision I gave to My prophet Joel. Yet, unlike Joel did when he
received the vision, you are not properly sharing the vision calling My church to prayer and
repentance." Well, I arose, picked up a copy of the vision and my Bible and compared notes.
As I did, I began to weep, both in sorrow for my failure and astonishment over the reality
of what I had been previously shown.
As strange as it may seem to some of you, I had never before realized that I had been given
to see what Joel saw. That day in September, it became so real as the fear of God began to
well up within my heart and I relived what I had seen so many years ago. At this time, the
Lord brought back another vision, which He had given me in the mid-eighties. I had been in
prayer when suddenly I saw America laid out before me. This was not in my mind but an open
vision. In other words I was enveloped in the vision and living it out as a living experience. It
was as tangible as an orange that I might hold in my hand.
The vision; "It was as though I were swiftly flying over America and viewing this awful sight
from the air. America had been ravaged by what seemed to be a strange fire and famine.
The very ground was mourning and lamenting over its desolation. It seemed that the whole
of America was a desolate wilderness. Fruit trees were withered from drought or burned by
fire. The grain and cornfields were laid waste and the vines were dried up. This fire had also
devoured the pastures. Water brooks and streams were dried up or had turned bitter. It
looked like a nation that had been blighted by plagues and ravaged by this strange fire! The
land was groaning as it mourned over its own ruin. "
I was in such agony as the Spirit of God was upon me in deep grief that I wailed from the
depths of my being. I doubled over and just wailed like a women who would wail over the
sudden news of the loss her husband and children. This lasted for a long time. I was pale
from grief for several days following this traumatic experience. Then again in 1989 and also
in 1990, God, through divine visitation, showed me the war that was coming to America. I
have seen the hordes come across the land destroying and conquering. But on March 31st, of
1990, 1 saw the rest of Joel's vision, which I recorded as follows:
My visitation March 31, 1996
I saw myself standing in the midst of several people who were warning me not to go into
various countries considering the danger. I insisted that my going was imperative, The need
so outweighed the concern of danger. Subsequently, I was walking across miles of terrain
that reflected the scourging of fire. The land had been utterly wasted. Only burnt images
remained where lush trees once abounded, the soil still heaving with the purifying fire, like
lava, blistering over the landscape. Strangely enough, I seemed unaffected by the radiating
heat of the ground under my feet.
I saw hundreds of pilgrims walking together in clusters. Each group seemed totally unaware
of all the devastation that surrounded them as they were on their way out of the country. I
was perplexed by this as the need was so great, I couldn't understand why they were
leaving. People would continue to flow past me saying, "Don't go any further. It's too
dangerous. You'll die in there." But, even as they spoke, I could see into the cities of this
country . There was looting, rioting, and murdering. There were food shortages and terrible
plagues, and darkness and terror assailed the people on every side. As I saw this, I would
nod and say to myself, "I'll be all right. They need the Lord in there. "
Suddenly, I realized that I was in Israel, and I began to cry out, "Oh, Israel, Israel, come
to the Lord. " Then I immediately realized that I had been in country after country all over
the world and found the land in the same condition. In each country I would cry out,
"Judgment is coming, judgment is coming; prepare, prepare. " People would walk up to me and
say, "Don't be ridiculous, judgment has already come. Can't you see? Look at the land!" Each
time this would happen, I would see a vision of bombs falling on the land and I would declare,
"No, this is but a warning." Then I would repeat, "Judgement is coming, judgment is coming;
prepare! prepare!"
This took place across America, France, Italy, Canada, Switzerland, Africa, England,
virtually every country in the world.
I asked the Lord why the pilgrims seemed totally incognizant of the condition and need of
the people. He told me, "It's because of the mindset of the church. My people think they
are going to get out before things get too bad. So, instead of concern for the lost, they are
thinking about getting out!
Joel recorded his vision as follows:
For a [heathen and hostile] nation [of locusts, illustrative of a human foe has
invaded My land, mighty and without number; its teeth are the teeth of a lion, and it
has the jaw teeth of a lioness. It has laid waste My vine [symbol of God's people]
and barked and broken My fig tree; it has made them completely bare and thrown
them down; their branches are made white. Lament like a virgin [bride] girded with
sackcloth for the husband of her youth [who has died]. The field is laid waste, the
ground mourns; for the grain is destroyed, the new juice [of the grape] is dried up,
the oil fails. Be ashamed, 0 you tillers of the soil; wail, 0 you vinedressers, for the
wheat and for the barley, because the harvest of the field has perished. The vine is
dried up and the fig tree fails; the pomegranate tree, the palm tree also, and the
apple or quince tree, even all the trees of the field are withered, so that joy has
withered and fled away from the sons of men. Alas for the day! For the day of [the
judgment of] the Lord is at hand, and as a destructive tempest from the Almighty
will it come. How the beasts groan! The herds of cattle are perplexed and huddle
together because they have no pasture; even the flocks of sheep suffer punishment
(are forsaken and made wretched). 0 Lord, to You will I cry, for the fire has
devoured the pastures and folds of the plain and the wilderness, and flame has
burned all the trees of the field. [The fire of judgment. Even the wild beasts of the
field pant and cry to You, for the water brooks are dried up and a fire has consumed
the pastures and folds of the plain. Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound an alarm on My
holy mount [Zion]. Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, for the day of [the
judgment of the Lord is coming; it is close at hand. A day of darkness and gloom, a
day of clouds and of thick mists and darkness, like the morning dawn spread upon
the mountains; so there comes a [heathen, hostile] people numerous and mighty, the
likes of which has never been before and shall not be again even to the years of
many generations. A fire devours before them, the fire of judgment and behind
them a flame burns; [was the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind
them a desolate wilderness; yes, and none has escaped [the ravages of the devouring
hordes]. They leap upon the city; they run upon the wall; they climb up on and into
the houses; they enter in at the windows like a thief. The earth quakes before
them; the heavens tremble. And the Lord utters His voice before His great army,
for the host is very great, and [they are] strong and powerful who executes [God's]
word. For the day of the Lord is great and very terrible, and who can endure it?
Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in
the valley of decision. The Lord will thunder and roar from Zion and utter His voice
from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth shall shake; but the Lord will be a
refuge for His people and a stronghold to the children of Israel. [and to His pure
and holy church]. (Author's emphasis.)
Joel saw as I saw that the trees of the field, the pastures, the plains and the wilderness
had been burned by fire. The streams of the field were dried up. He further saw how that
fire burned the land before the great army of the Lord came upon it. This was the same
fire that I saw. It looked like lava, hot fiery lava blistering over the land. Every where it
touched the land was left scorched as by a forest fire. Yet, the fiery lava remained and
continued to burn. This is the fire of judgment. It may not be a literal fire. It could be
famine, earthquakes, or any other form of judgment. The point the Lord made with both
Joel and myself was the terrible destruction that would be caused by His judgments if the
nation would not repent. The great army of the Lord, which is coming to America, is that of
Russia and China as well as a confederacy of other nations which will be intent on totally
overcoming us. We will not have time to strike back before much destruction will have taken
place. The army will come in the twinkling of an eye. Further, we have divested ourselves of
much of our military strength and for these reasons, will be at a terrible disadvantage
before our enemy. Finally and most important of all, God will not be fighting for us. This war
will be an act of His wrath against America, so He will be standing by and watching until all
that He purposed is completed. Albeit, not without great sorrow of heart because of His
great love for the American people.
Now like Joel, I cry out to the children of God. Therefore also now, says the Lord, turn and
keep on coming to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning
[until every hindrance is removed and the broken fellowship is restored]. Rend your hearts
and not your garments and return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger, and abounding in loving-kindness; and He revokes His sentence of evil [when
His conditions are met]. Who knows but what He will turn, revoke your sentence [of evil],
and leave a blessing behind Him [giving you the means with which to serve Him].
I, like Joel, with a heart that is broken for my nation and the church, cry out;
"Blow a trumpet in Zion; set apart a fast [a day of restraint and humility]; call a
solemn assembly. Gather the people, sanctify the congregation; assemble the elderly
people, gather the children and nursing infants; let the bridegroom [who is legally
exempt from attending] go forth from his chamber and the bride out of her closet.
[None is exempt from the humiliation.] Let the priest and the ministers of the Lord,
weep between the porch and the altar; and let them say, Have pity and spare your
people, 0 Lord, and not give your heritage to reproach, that the [heathen] nations
should rule over them or use a byword against them. Why should they say among the
peoples, Where is their God?
This is the time to pull aside, weep as I have wept, lament as I have lamented. We must rend
our hearts and repent of our sins and our apathy, and pray for ourselves, our loved ones and
our nation. We must pray that our nation will repent. Further, we must begin to repent of
the sins of our forefathers. We must plead that God will spare His people, and that in the
midst of the awesome and terrible judgments ahead that God will remember mercy. In our
praying we must further humble ourselves and with fasting and a penitent heart, turn from
our wicked ways. We must keep coming to the Lord in this manner until all hindrances to our
fellowship are removed and we depart from the world and the ways of the world, thus
experiencing a new and living relationship with our Lord and Savior.
If we will do this, God will have mercy upon the repentant. Upon those who are contrite and
broken-hearted over their sins that affront the Lord every day. He will pour out His
abundant mercy. Each one will be graced with a living communion with our God and Father.
He will continue to pour out His Spirit to revive the penitent, heal His Church, and bring the
ignorant and erring into the holy way, which is the way of the Lord!
You know something, the Gospel is the good news! Oh, God in His infinite mercy and love will
tell us of the impending dangers. Quite frankly, I am so glad He does! If I am on a plane
that an engineer has just learned will not make it to my destination because of faulty
mechanics, I want to be deplaned!! If he tells people in the tower, and the pilots that the
problem exists and they still want the plane to fly, that is their privilege. But I want off the
plane!!! if there is any chance that that plane is going to crash, I do not want to be on it!
Please don't tell me in mid-flight that I need to start praying because the problem that was
seen on the ground is now going to cause us to crash if God doesn't intervene.
Well, my Christian friend, the church is on the world's plane and it is not going to be able to
make it to our needed destination. I have just recently, in these last two decades learned
about that reality. Now I am telling everyone who will listen, to get off that plane! Don't be
offended because you will initially be inconvenienced. just get off the plane because it is
going to crash and everyone that is on board is going to crash with it. Don't be fearful that
you won't find your way off. God will make sure that anyone that wants off will make it to
safety. That is the good news. We can get off the failing plane and God will put us on His
plane, which will make it to our destination safely. Further, the good news is that God has a
plane that will keep us safe in our earthly travel. If we ignore the warning because you are
uncomfortable with the fear this new understanding gives and choose to remain on the same
plane the world is on, our choice will result in great suffering and possibly untimely death.
This is not God's will! To the wise who heed the warning and begin to seek God and obey His
admonitions there will be protection and safety in treacherous times. For them, in a day of
great darkness, gloom and despair, God will be jealous for His people, We will walk by the
light of our Savior, hidden in His secret pavilion, secure in His undaunted love, protection
and provision. We will rest assured in our God knowing that underneath are the everlasting
arms of our God and above are His covering wings. Nothing shall by any means hurt us, for
He will never leave us nor forsake us. Through Christ we will do valiantly! Going forth
conquering and to conquer, winning the lost and healing the sick, and we shall never be
ashamed. America is under judgment but, God's children will be kept safe. For this reason,
we will have nothing to fear and we will be afraid of nothings Christ will be everything we
will need. The world will know it and so will we!
The message from the Angel on the White Horse was: "Great judgments are coming from
God upon the lovers of this world, those unrepentant and cripplers of the children. Come out
of her my children. Take nothing with you, only the clothes on your back. judgment is coming
at midnight and the hour is 11:55 (p.m.). Don't mourn the loss, only come away. Come out of
her." [You must come out. The man of sin, the man of destruction, has been judged.]
In the vision I had the night of March 31st, I realized that I had walked the length and the
breadth of every nation on the earth seeing the same sight. The land was ravaged by fire.
The soil still heaving with the purifying fire like lava blistering over the landscape. In the
cities, there was looting, rioting, murdering, plagues, and famine. Darkness and terror
assailed the people on every side. Over and over again I cried, "The judgments of the Lord
are coming, prepare, prepare!" Some would walk by replying, "They have already come. Can't
you see?" Each time, I would once again see visions of bombs dropping on the land, my
response would be "No! This is but a warning!"
On June 1 the angel revealed the red horse to me. I saw the angel turn his head to look at
something behind him. Suddenly, we both saw a red horse coming down a long winding tunnel
from heaven. He cried, "The red horse is coming. Tell the people of the earth-prepareprepare- prepare for the events that take place with the coming of the red horse."
Then the Lord spoke, "I require that all men everywhere repent.'
Paul wrote,
... the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say,
Peace and safety; then sudden destruction ... (I Thes. 5:2b-3a)
Take a bird's eye view over the nations of the world (as of September 1990). Glancing over
the East, we will remember recently coming through some shock waves due to the killings in
Tian An Men Square, and the upset in the stock market because of the Japanese economy;
but overall, there now seems to be relative peace. Not withstanding the brutal persecution
of the church, which is taking place in China.
Looking to the West, the Iron Curtain has been ripped down and the Soviet nations are
taking another look at independence. Again, we have seen some violence, but minimal on the
comparative analysis. Food shortages are severe, but as yet, we have seen no major upheaval
regarding this problem.
Africa continues to be a nation with a festering wound, but at this time, there is no volcanic
activity in process. Although there will be soon.
North America is relatively calm, but Central and South America have just come through
some foreseen and rather tumultuous changes with more on the horizon. Right now however,
it seems that the climate there is best described as "sporadic storms".
While I don't pretend to have all the answers for world affairs, I can say with relative
confidence that I have a few insights as to what we will see in the future. We have
definitely seen a convulsion in international affairs sporadically exploding. Like the geysers
in Yellowstone National Park, they have released their pent-up fury and then settled down,
each time amazingly quick.
In the spring of 1988, the Lord gave me a word regarding what was about to happen:
'Agitation going on under the surface of world governments are soon to surface, even to the
overthrow of some. " The process has begun to show itself, but we haven't seen the last of
it. There are militant forces awaiting major takeovers even as we sit at the dock of Iraq.
As we look at Europe, we are soon to see a "bursting boil" in government and economy. The
Lord informed me early in 1990 that Margaret Thatcher would be removed. He said Satan
sees her as a threat to his plan for a one-world government, which in fact, she is. While this
book was being edited, this event occurred. This will, start a chain reaction in government
and their economy, and unprecedented public unrest. France too, will undergo the same
changes, although for different reasons. The Lord, has asked for prayer for France because
of the greatness of their afflictions. Perhaps as early as 1991 some awesome and
unexpected news will begin to come out of that pocket of the world. It will make the ears
tingle at the hearing of the report. Especially concerning Great Britain and France, there
will be a growing reign of terror and natural disasters (such as floods, hurricanes and
The word for Europe as of 1996 will be; "expect the unexpected, and offer up prayers for
God's mercy."
The Soviet Union experienced a major tearing away of countries before that last domino
fell. On January 25, 1990, I was in heavy travail as I was praying with my dear friend,
Bonnie Daughenbaugh. Suddenly, I saw a vision of the Swastika.
It was out in front of me like a three-dimensional movie. In the vision, the cross was black
while the background was yellow. (I don't know what, if anything, the colors symbolized). I
saw the Swastika begin to move across the U.S.S.R, the length and the breadth of the land.
Speaking out deceptions everywhere it went, the masses believed. Then it began to travel
across Europe, speaking flatteries and deceptions and the multitudes believed and joined in.
(As I mentioned previously, an angel talked with me throughout this vision, giving me
directions, although I never saw him.) The angel told me to curse the deceptions over the
people and call them into truth so that they might be saved from the plans of the flatterer.
So I did as he commanded. He said kings, queens, heads of state, religious leaders, and the
people of the lands are going to believe these lies. Speak to the people. Call them to see
Vision of Insight
In the fall of 1989 I had a vision in a dream. I saw a huge house of several thousand square
feet sitting on a lot. When the owner was home, it remained a lovely house. When the owner
left the home, it turned into a wall. I noticed the owner drove a Rolls Royce. It was one that
would be a collector's model today. It had the chauffeur's seat separated from the family
portion of the car, but it looked brand new. Then I saw church leaders, government
officials, and citizens come wanting to buy this unusual house. The offers they made on it
were as though it were worth hundreds of thousands of dollars more than actual value. It
became like an auction with the highest bidder winning. When I awakened, it was as if I had
been in a trance (see Acts 10:10) and I was immediately pulled into a timeless tunnel where
the Lord spoke to me, saying."Fear not. The answer to what you just saw is in the eighth chapter of Isaiah. A great
deception is about to take place. I let you have an experience behind My visitation with you
in August. You were confused and frightened about why it was allowed. Now I'm going to
explain it to you. I visited you and left behind the presence of My glory so that you knew
joy, which you have not known before at the wonder of My presence. Then, I let you
experience a storm of such great darkness that terror gripped your heart, and you thought
you were going to die. So great was the darkness and the storm that you forgot all about
the hours in My glory. Now remember this. My people will know the same sequence of
experiences; one hour for one year.''
At this, He quit talking to me, the presence of timelessness left, and I stayed awake the
rest of the night pondering what had happened. I knew immediately that the enemy had a
tactic of diversion operating against the body since January of 1989 so that he could build
himself a sure house. This strategy was confusion, hardships, character assassinations,
sicknesses, division and strife. The overwhelming attack was in hopes of keeping the church
out of prayer for that whole year. This enabled him to complete and solidify his sure house.
Once completed, this house would appear to be a place of refuge and a wall of defense. The
vehicle that would be used to display the new thing would appear to be brand new, although
it is very old. I also knew it would look so good that even members of the church would buy
into it. This, of course, is the one-world government and religion.
Isaiah chapter eight told me it would be full of every kind of sorcery. Its prophets, so to
speak, would walk the land proclaiming it a way of "Peace and Safety".
I interjected this visitation in the middle of the vision regarding the Swastika because, in
going back to it, you will understand what the angel was talking about in his next statement.
Remember, I was told to curse the deceptions that were coming from this Swastika, which I
had done.
The angel then said:
'As you were told by the Lord last year, this that you see is the beginning of the great
house of deception.'
It was immediately secured in me that the breaking down of the iron wall was not what it
appeared to be. Just then, the Swastika disappeared, and I was looking at the head of a
beast; what appeared to be a cross between a lion and a ram. Although its face was long like
a ram, it had the mane of a male lion. I said, "What is that?" The angel answered, "It is the
spirit behind the deception. Curse it with these cursings." I obeyed as I was instructed.
As this whole scenario played itself out, I knew this man was speaking peace, prosperity,
shelter, food, unity, and safety. However, he could really not offer any of these, not even to
his own, as we have since come to openly realize.
I was also told, "That which is, always was," in speaking of internal affairs in Russia.
I realized then, that no matter what kind of reconstruction or reformation is being spelled
out, we are being deceived. The very skeletal framework of what is going to be built, or is
hoped to be built, is the same as the skeleton of ideologies that has always been.
Furthermore, this is in preparation for the one-world government.
Even the religious reforms will soon prove to be what they were all the time, deceptions.
With the end, there will be a greater increase of persecution than what has existed in the
past. The "Swastika" stands for anti-Semitism. So by that, I also come to the affirmation
that what I'd been told by the Lord years ago would still prove to be true, but with added
dimension; persecution of Jews throughout Europe. As of 1992, this had begun in lesser
measure once again, in Russia. However, I know through secret sources that it was planned
three years prior and was to look spontaneous. In the years to come, there will not be a safe
place for a Jew outside of Israel. So please pray for the Jews internationally and help in
any way you can to secure their migration back to Israel. Eventually, the only haven of
security will be Jesus Christ.
Somewhere in the Soviet Union, there is going to be another devastating earthquake.
Traumas and cataclysmic events with natural disasters will shake this nation. Also, Russia
hopes to stabilize its economy, which I feel will happen to a little healthier degree, but not
for long. It will never cease with its military superiority and someday, Russia, Africa, and
China will be the weapons used to destroy America through war.
Although the Russian government will continue working towards a one-world government, the
church there will arise, as everywhere in the world, working towards the building up of the
true kingdom. Although bearing the wounds of her deep scars of tribulation, she will quickly
arise to heights of great grandeur in God, and in His glory, do awesome things in His name.
This in spite of the fact that the new-found religious freedom in the Soviet is an effort to
give the people a tonic and pacify them. In the end, it is intended to be part of establishing
a one-world religion. And the true church will once again come under persecution.
I saw the time of the white man coming to a close. The black man would move into the
center of power to their own destruction. At the time I was shown that, the only way I had
to relate to what they would succumb to was "communism". That name is melting like wax on
a hot summer day now, but the Marxist and Lenin ideology it was born out of is still alive and
well. For all intents and purposes, those who are leading the black revolution are of that
mindset. Whatever it will be called in the end, the black person in Africa will be destroyed
under it.
There is much wealth in Africa, and up until now it has been pretty much forcibly consumed
by the lusts of the white man. Whereas the black man thinks that will change in the
overthrow, it won't. Those in power, though black, will do as the whites did to the common
man. They are waking up to mighty revival now, and it will increase to a great and awesome
move, but through much persecution. Unexpected natural disasters will explode with a
venom (including earthquakes).
The underground church in China is in a mighty revival right now. America should have a
tenth of what this martyred and persecuted church has. This will only increase to awesome
glory! God is going to do an interesting thing. In worldwide famine, China and America are
both going to have one food product that could meet every daily need, if that were the only
food in existence. China will be a world supplier as will America. I know for America this
food is not known today, but it's something that can be dehydrated for easy shipping and
storage. I don't think China's has been discovered as yet either. Interestingly enough, God
is going to use our food product to open doors in the Chinese government for the gospel
(which by the way will be going through another upheaval). However, only for a time will
there be a gospel sweep in and through the government. Natural disasters (including many
major earthquakes, back to back) will sweep through this land, leaving much devastation and
taking many lives. Alas, however, she will in the last days, be America's arch rival with Japan
by her side.
The Middle East
Anything that will happen in the next few years will be scrimmages, if you will. They have a
military power to achieve, which they just don't have yet. I think when there is the danger
of major world war, Russia will be with them in face, as well as under the table. So, a major
war concerning Iraq, I believe, is still futuristic.
As far as war against Israel itself, Ezekiel 38:12 tells us that Russia and its confederacy of
nations will come upon Israel for its foodstuffs as well as its goods. Right now the attention
is focused on the land Israel is in possession of, but in that day, the focus will change.
Although Russia is in a food crisis, the stage is about to be set for a major food crisis
throughout Europe and the Middle East. This will ignite the "hook in their jaws" to bring
them up against Israel in war. I saw a huge earthquake in his part of the world, even larger
than the recent one they experienced. (While this book was being typed, this earthquake
happened. It, however, is not the last.) Finally, while some food products will flourish in
Israel, I saw a great pestilence of locust attacking their fields.
Central and South America
There will be violent upheavals in every area with massive slaughters of the innocent. There
will be quakes in government and economy, coupled with violent takeovers in unprecedented
ways. There will be natural disasters that will be staggering to the mind for the cost of
lives and property. Once this explosion starts, events will follow one another, back to back,
with no cure. This will release a major outbreak of epidemic diseases.
Generally Speaking
Don't be in dismay! I shared earlier how the Lord had told me to measure something that
had happened to me, one hour for one year. Because that was pertaining to international
issues, I'm going to touch on it and expound on its meaning.
We haven't yet entered into the first phase when Jesus will come to His church and set her
ablaze with His glory. It is right upon us. When it comes, no one will have to second-guess if
it's here. But the Holy Spirit is going to come to the church with a "John the Baptist" type
move first. This first anointing, as I said before, will put the ax to the root of the trees.
Those who are impure, whether ministries or lay people, will fall to judgment under this
mighty awakening. Those who are pure will move to great heights in God. The body at large
who wants purity, but who have just weathered too many storms against their faith, will be
purged and set aflame. Following this phase will be the entrance into visitation of glory with
great signs and wonders, yet not without persecutions.
Somewhere near the end of the visitation of glory, highly elevated persecution will break
out worldwide. As in the book of Daniel, God will perform great miracles at times to keep
some from being martyred.
About three-and-a-half years into this awesome move, a major thrust into the warnings will
begin which will then lead to global judgment and a great tribulation. The church will remain
for a season as a beacon in a very dark world! We will be capturing souls for Jesus. Although
we will still move in great power and miracles, we'll be moving against great wickedness and
under a heavy cloud of darkness. Those who are true will feel the horrendous pressure, but
not be overcome by it. Paul said: Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not
come, except there come a falling away first.... (11 Thes. 2:3) (emphasis added) But that will
be the first sign. Because of the great tribulations against the body, many will fall away for
the sake of their own lives. They will not take into consideration that it will cost them their
... and that man of sin revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth
himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth
in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. (11 Thes. 2:3-4)
The church will see the antichrist arise. Paul said we would see him and know who he is.* The
Lord showed him to me one night. I saw him rise to power. He also showed me it would be at
that time, and only for a short while, that the greatest persecutions would arise against the
church. God's grace will increase to meet the need Church, so don't be afraid. There is a
special grace given to the church when it must endure persecution or even martyrdom. It's
a corporate grace as well as to the individual. It's a grace of increased joy and closeness to
Jesus. Further, as I mentioned in the chapter on martyrdom revival frees the mind, heart
and soul of fear, filling the Christian with faith. So just keep pressing in to Jesus and keep
your eyes on Him.
*I am not by this statement purporting to station myself under any particular belief about
the rapture of the church in conjunction with the tribulation. For the church will recognize
the anti-Christ by the covenant he makes with Israel in the beginning of the tribulation
Before the hour of judgment (which is when God's wrath will be poured out, as I described
in a previous chapter), I believe the church will be taken to meet the Lord Jesus in the sky.
Until that time, the Lord will keep those who choose to trust Him in a supernatural way. It
will be a time when we will have to fight against dense darkness. It will in no way compare to
the previous years of intense glory. But those who have taken advantage of the close
presence of the Lord, who have studied the Word, and taken the time to know Him
intimately, will be just fine. All Christians will be going through this persecution together,
globally, and we will be victorious through Christ. Revelation reads, "And they overcame him
by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives
unto the death." (Rev. 12:11) We will cling to the power of that precious blood that bought
our souls by living pure, holy lives. By His blood, our ultimate and greatest victory will be
realized, that of the resurrection when Satan will be manifestly under our feet. The word
of our testimony will be liquid grace full of great power and revelation, enabling us to
continue to do great feats. Here is a most important key. All that is released from heaven in
this crucial hour will be received by the souls that love not their lives unto death. Even if
they never know persecution, it's the value of that condition in the soul that matters. I
feel, however, the key issue in the heart of the church at large will be "evangelism", since
self-protection will be gone.
Multitudes, Multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in
the valley of decision. (Joel 3:14 Amp.)
Put in the sickle for the vintage harvest is ripe; come get down and tread the
grapes, for the winepress is full and the vats overflow for the wickedness of the
people is great. (Joel 3:13 Amp.)
That's what I saw in the vision of March 25, 1990. The multitudes were down in the cities,
which seemed to be in the valleys. None of them knew the Lord and were soon to be lost.
God's warnings and chastisements had destroyed the land, judgment was soon on its way for
the final countdown and the people needed the Lord. They were utterly lost, and no one
seemed to care. While the nations are being plunged headlong into the strong dealings of
the Lord, the church in America is looking for its ticket out. Jesus is going to need us
strong and glorious, and He needs us here. We won't be here for the worst of it. That time
is His judgment on those who refused to repent through the warnings, and the purging of
the land with fire. Those that took the mark of the beast will die with the one they chose
to serve. But until then, we will evangelize the world.
Israel, a Prototype
Look at the nation of Israel as the prototype of the church. She has been rebuilding her
ruins in perilous times. Since about the mid 1970's she has been preparing for the
reinstatement of the priesthood and the building of the temple as was foretold by the
Bible. It will be completed in even more troublesome times.
If I understand things correctly, I would say, in the end, the antichrist will desecrate the
physical temple. But the Bible says Israel will then look on her Messiah who was wounded in
her house and mourn as one would mourn for her first-born. This is the time when the real
Israel will at last be born. The Bible says it will be in a day, and it will come forth with great
signs and wonders. So the house of the true remnant Israel will be born as it were, in a day
from within the multitudes of people whose composite makes up the Jewish nation.
It's impossible to look at the scripture realistically in light of today's unfolding events and
continue to ascertain that God's work with the Jews has come to an end. The church's job
is to pray for and to love the Jewish people taking every opportunity to be a testimony for
Christ. As the Bible says; the Gospel is to go to the Jew first and then to the Gentile.
Babylon Is Falling
As I began to utter these words, the tower of Babel turned into the United Nations
building. As it did, the wrath of God welled up within me with one last instruction for
utterance. As I cried out in obedience, I saw a huge ax-like object come from the sky like a
streak of lightning hitting the building and severing it in two.
Then I saw multitudes in darkness, weeping, wailing, and lamenting in such terrorizing agony.
Yet, they were cursing God for their pain, with no heart to repent.
I believe the scripture gives us evidence of just who and what Babylon is so I want to draw
from the Bible to establish this point.
He was a mighty hunter before the Lord; therefore it is said, like Nimrod a mighty
hunter before the Lord. The beginning of his kingdom was Babel, Erech, Accad, and
Calneh, in the land of Shinar. [in Babylonia] (Gen. 10: 10 Amp.)
In Hebrew, the name Nimrod means "we will revolt". Furthermore, the phrase "A mighty
hunter before the Lord", actually reads in Hebrew, "He was a mighty hunter in defiance of
the Lord; hunting the souls of men." It was Nimrod who spearheaded the building of the
Go to, let us build us a city and a tower whose top may reach into heaven; let
us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad the whole earth. (Gen. II: 4
Their intent then was to build a city of commerce to live in, and in the middle of that city to
place a tower. This tower was to have a two-fold purpose.
First, it was to be a shrine to their gods. At the base of the tower were many small shrines
dedicated to the various gods they worshiped. On the top platform was a sanctuary for the
gods "Bel- Merodach". Bel was the spiritual entity and Merodach was
identical to Nimrod in his supposed deity, as he was deified by the people. On the walls all
around the tower were the signs of the zodiac. In this verse we see the attempt of man to
make union with deity in a perverted manner, just as we see in the New Age movement
Secondly, it was a shrine of unity among all men to show purpose; that of building a kingdom
under the chief rulership of Bel, another name for Satan. In this shrine, all gods were
subservient to the head gods Bel and Merodach. This unified all religions into one and gave
religion a purpose "making a name" for man that they might control their destiny.
They also incorporated astrology, which in turn, brought in every kind of mysticism and
cooperation with spirits. In short, it became the very fountainhead of false religion and the
height of human government. We see here that it was Nimrod who combined religion and
government as an entity. In so doing, he made himself a deity. As a result, through the
worship of Merodach, he was himself, worshiped as a god. Through the worship of
Merodach, Nimrod becomes a prototype of the antichrist, which is soon to come.
The Lord knew if Babel and Babylon would have been left to prosper under those conditions,
the antichrist government of Revelation would have been established thousands of years too
early. Men would have destroyed themselves then. So, the Lord confounded them by causing
confusion of their languages.
It's interesting to note that Satan is still, even today, attempting to bring about a oneworld government. When he succeeds, he will unite the diverse tongues of the nations under
his Babylonian rule and at last achieve his goal and be openly worshiped by humanity as
though he were God. Yet, God has a purpose even in this.
The next time we see Babylon mentioned in a significant way for the future is in Zechariah
during the reign of the Medes and Persians. The prophet saw an ephah floating through the
air as he was talking to an angel. (At that time in history, the ephah was an international
symbol for commerce.) Yet, the angel said it was symbolic of sinners and resembled their
iniquity throughout the whole land; in other words, "international wickedness". When the lid
was removed, Zechariah saw a woman sitting inside this symbolic vessel. The angel explained
that she was "lawlessness". The lid was put back on the ephah and it was all carried away.
The prophet then asked where they were taking it. He was told that it was going to the land
of Shinar, or Babylon, to build it a house. When that was complete, it would be set on its
own base. (See Zech. 5:5-1 1) From this scripture, we understand that lawlessness is the
spirit that rules through commerce. Although there are several verses in the Bible that
speak of Babylon, we won't use all of them or this book would have to be written about just
that single subject. We will however, use those which seem the most pointed to develop this
train of thought. After the church is removed, we see that judgment will come on Babylon.
Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She who made all nations drink of the
[maddening] wine of her passionate unchastity [idolatry]. (Rev. 14:8 Amp.)
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color, and decked with gold and
precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and
filthiness of her fornications: And upon her forehead was a name written,
The Greek word for harlot is porneuol, which means idolatry. Abominations is a word that
speaks of images, anything that cuts across the worship of God by man. The imagery that
has been made so clear in these verses is that she is the spirit that mothers idolatry and
idolatrous worship. She is arrayed in fine linen, gold and precious stones. It speaks of lust
personified and lust being lived out in greed. Where is her throne? Over the people of the
nations (v. 15).
Then it says:
And the woman that you saw is herself the great city, which dominates and
controls the rulers and the leaders of the earth. (Rev. 17:18 Amp.)
Her main entrance into the lives of the people of the nations is her control of the rulers and
leaders of the earth.
The Bible used the terminology, she is the great city. So, it equates "Mystery Babylon" with
the city "Babylon". Yet, it still says she controls the rulers of the earth and all the people
therein. It was Zechariah that told us how she does this-"through commerce". This is one
scripture that has a double meaning. We have already been told she rides over Rome (Rev.
17:9). Yet, Rome will not be a city, but a confederacy, or a system of nations, that will
eventually be the governing place of the world. That is what is meant here, Babylon is a
system, not the literal Babylon of Iraq! That is one of the greatest mysteries of all. This
spirit of harlotry keeps the people of the earth bound in her idolatry by keeping them bound
by a physical system. The name we know it by is "government and world commerce.".
She has her system intertwined in virtually every government of the world through
"commerce". John, however, confirms what Zechariah saw as well as what I was given to see
on January 25th.
(They were) weeping and grieving aloud, and saying, Alas, alas for the great city that
was robed in fine linen, in purple and scarlet, bedecked and glittering with gold, with
precious stones, and with pearls! Because in one hour all the vast wealth has been
destroyed. (Rev. 18:15b- I 7a Amp.) (emphasis added.)
With the system went the wealth, so all the merchants and all the people mourned
over her death.
Their merchandise is of gold, silver, precious stones, and pearls; of fine linen,
purple, silk, and scarlet [stuffs]; all kinds of scented wood, all sorts of articles of
ivory, all varieties of objects of costly woods, bronze, iron, and marble; Of
cinnamon, spices, incense, ointment and perfume, and frankincense; of wine and olive
oil, fine flour and wheat; of cattle and sheep, horses and conveyances; and of slaves
[that is,] the bodies, and souls of men! The ripe fruits and delicacies for which your
soul longed have gone from you, and all your luxuries and dainties, your elegance and
splendor are lost to you, never again to be recovered or experienced! (Rev. 18:12-14
I said earlier that I believe Babylon will die after the church is gone. Consequently, many
may think, "Well then, what do we have to worry about?" The Word gives us the answer.
I then heard another voice from heaven saying, "Come out from her, my
people, so that you may not share in her sins, nor participate in her plagues."
(Rev. 18:4 Amp.)
Her sins are all found in Exodus, Chapter 20, the Ten Commandments. They start at the top
with idolatry and work down through murder and covetousness. In Revelation, we learn she is
even guilty of killing the saints. Where did Babylon get her great start? Back at Babel. It
was there that Nimrod securely established a government in revolt against God and
dedicated to idolatry, what we would call today "pseudo-Christianity". After the confusion
of tongues, the city remained and Nimrod built several more just like it, one of which was
Nineveh. It wasn't long before that ideology ruled every government on earth, and it still
does. The only thing God really sought to stop when Babel was circumvented was the
premature reign of the antichrist, which He successfully thwarted.
We read of Abraham that God called him out and away from the system then again made
him rich. When Israel was brought out of Egypt, they were taken out of the system. After
training them in a self-sustaining government for forty years, they went into the promised
land. Their new system of government was to have kept them separated from the nations of
idolatry and the rule of Babylon. Furthermore, God intermingled their new governmental
system so completely with their relationship with Him, that to truly enter into the nation,
you would have to absorb its God.
When they, in turn, lost God, they lost their government and for all purposes, their nation.
It was, however, given a new birth, which began through Samuel and was solidified in David's
reign through reinstating the Lord and his government. Consequently, the people were, once
again, safely set apart from the world and the corruption of the world's system.
I'd like to clarify here that I am not against government. The concept of government after
all, comes from God. Further, Jesus told us to give to Caesar what is Caesar's. So, I'm not
purporting that we should rebel against the government. What I am attempting to assert is
that the government of the world is, unbeknownst to most, ruled by Satan the god of this
world. His spirit, which the Bible also calls the spirit of harlotry, rules over a man through
his soul, because of man's abuse of the law of God. it also rules over him through the system
of the world in the area of his flesh. We are virtually woven into the world's system in so
many ways it staggers the mind. So, we are woven into a system, which in every way denies
the Lordship of Christ and challenges righteousness in its most basic beliefs and actions.
We are to be in the world, but not of it. Our rules and regulations are to be uniquely the
Lord's. Our manner of living, and our motivations, are to be under the effectual government
of Jesus Christ. Be warned, Babylon is essentially going to vomit out the church on her way
to ruin.
Time is winding down and is just about gone. Babylon is being judged and the Lord is saying
what He said two thousand years ago. "Come out of her My people. Don't participate in her
sins." If we must abort the system by leaving it with nothing more than the clothes on our
back, we must do it.
What I feel He is saying today is to break your dependency on the world's system and put it
on God. Quit looking at things the way the world sees them and look at things through the
eyes of the Word of God. in other words, through the eyes of faith, understanding the
valuable keys to unlock the purpose of God within future events, which are revealed in the
Word. If our faith is truly in Him, our reaction is going to be considerably different the day
the dollar dies, than it will have otherwise been.
Monetary Crises
We are going to experience two major economic collapses in our financial structure. One will
be soon. The other will be in the total judgment of Babylon. I'm not at all sure that the
first collapse won't be somewhat engineered through the government as a way to introduce
the new world currency. I saw positions like corporate presidents going for salaries of
twenty to thirty-five dollars a week. It was no longer a matter of perpetrating continued
lifestyles of luxury. Survival was all that mattered! Of course, that affected every area of
the economy and every manner of living.
I saw ministers and ministries, both large and small, well-known and basically unknown, go
under. Ministers by the thousands left the call hoping to find stability in the world, thinking
they could use their gifts and talents to make a living at a secular job. It was a heartbreaking and cataclysmic economic collapse. I was given the scripture:
But the hired servant (he who merely serves for wages) who is neither the shepherd
nor the owner of the sheep, when he sees the wolf coming deserts the flock and
runs away. (John 10:12Amp.)
Upon seeing the wolf, they ran. The sheep needed God's ministers more than ever. Yet
those who were not really true to the call, were gone. They were looking for greener
pastures in secular positions. Their hope of course, was higher earning potential to take care
of their families.
The Bible's indications were, when seeing the wolf coming, the unfaithful shepherd would
desert the flock. This informs us then the wolf is not this particular economic collapse.
Rather it is only a view to the true world, indicators pointing toward the final apocalyptic
judgments befalling the nations of the world.
Businesses, large and small, went under. The whole world was in upheaval. People were killing
themselves over their severe losses. Families were losing homes, cars, and furniture because
they hadn't prepared.
Get out of debt. Get mortgages paid down substantially or paid off. Pay your cars off, as
well as furniture, etc. There isn't much time, so you'll have to put every spare dime into
wise use. Minimize business and family out go. Primarily invest in land, but only land which
you have prayed about and that you are confident God's eyes will be watching over during
the things to come.
Ministries need to have debt-free buildings. They need to run the churches and ministries
as debt-free as possible, making sure that any expansion is the Lord's perfect will, or you
will suffer loss.
Ministries are going to be coming under increased pressure from the Internal Revenue
Service, and we will eventually lose the tax exempt status. So, although we are going to see
a spurt of unprecedented giving from the people of God, it will be followed by a major
satanic squeeze.
So spend wisely, Church. Don't hold back your giving to get out of debt. God can't bless
anything that is motivated by fear and won't bless in these coming days what is done in
greed. Give wisely to the work of the Lord. Know it is being invested where He wants it. The
word for tomorrow is treacherous. Treacherous times in a crippled and confused world.
What would you do today if an economic collapse took place? if you feel panicky, then you're
not where you need to be with Jesus. It is going to happen, and soon. Begin to seek His
Word and see what He is saying to you about this upcoming trauma to the world's system.
Seek Him daily in prayer until you find a settled peace that you have answers as to what you
are to do, or that the answers are on the way.
We are looking at tough times ahead, but He promises to be a refuge for His people in times
like these. So don't fear, only pray. Move close to Jesus, and like a wise leader He will guide
you and satisfy you. No matter what happens, faith will hold you strong and in safety, as long
as your hope is in Him and not secured in the world system.
I saw the governments of the world and the world commerce system totally devastated as
Babylon and the spirit of lawlessness met their demise. Though the kings of the world and
the merchants of the nations mourned her, she came down. The people whose total
dependence was on that system, cursed God for their losses and terrible agony. Although I
believe the church will not be here at that point, it will be here through much of that
We have never needed to be consumed by Jesus as we need to now. He will make the total
difference in our ability to be strong through troublesome times. Press in to Him, and let
Him be your source, Jesus is reaching out to us through these warnings. He is like a caring
father who is saying; I understand the future and know the pitfalls and the paths of safety.
if you will come and rest in My presence and seek Me through My word, I will carefully and
tenderly lead you. And, in the days of great darkness I will protect you and provide for you.
But, you must come to Me and turn from the cares and distractions of the world that
continually pull you from My side. Hence, through His Word and by His Spirit, He will lead
you to perfect provision.
"One nation, under God, indivisible! America, what happened to the glory of those stars and
stripes? Who is there to save you now? God would have, but you brought His honor into the
dust and trampled it underfoot. Did you not know that your indivisibility was under God
alone? Your beauty and your glory have caused your heart to be lifted up against the
Almighty. You murdered His prophets and tormented His saintly ones. You threw your
children into a pit of their own blood. Would you even weep? No, but you applauded others
that did the same. You have despised the wisdom of His counsel and turned to idols of silver
and gold. In the day of your destruction, they will fall upon your heads and lay in the ash
heap of your broken pride. There will be none to help.
Psalms 127:1 "A Song of degrees for Solomon. Except the LORD build the house,
they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman
waketh [but] in vain. {for...: or, of Solomon} {that...: Heb. that are builders of it in it}
"Yet, once more, My grace will move across your land. I will heal what I will heal and redeem
what I will redeem, and you will recognize that the Holy One has visited you. Yet, still you
will not hearken to my incessant pleadings, and I will give you up. How well it would have gone
for you if only you would have forsaken your sin and turned to the God who gave your hope
birth. Now the hour has come and judgments sit on your door, and there is none to turn
them back." (Prophetic utterance given September 30, 1990)
God is requiring that all men everywhere repent. This chapter is going to be despairing for
some. I find, and understandably so, that some can't accept this prophetic insight. Even if
they can accept the rest of this message, it seems what I'm about to share is "too hard a
thing to bear".
Quite honestly I understand that, but please don't put your "resisters" on. We will see soon
enough if the Lord has spoken. This is the beginning of 1997. Although I had the vision I am
about to describe to you nearly nine years ago, on January 27, 1989, it wasn't until the
spring of 1991 that God began to deal with me to start sharing it, and it wasn't until the
following fall that He gave me greater understanding of why He gave it to me in the first
I was awakened in the middle of the night. The Lord said to me, "Why do you think I gave
you that vision of the United States?" I replied, "I don't know, Lord, why did you?" He then
responded, "A surrogate mother won't work. Sarah could not be one to Ishmael. It's not My
way." As I was pondering what that could possibly mean, He followed with, "Only what is
born of faith can work."
While the Lord gave birth to America's liberty and planted in her bosom a hope, He
promised to be her protective covering if she would meet His conditions. He did not give
birth to this sinful and rebellious nation. Although He has given birth to His church, a nation
within a nation, He did not give birth to this antagonistic entity we call America. It was the
blood, sweat and tears of man that gave it birth. Humanists swam in the womb with this
nation and humanists have helped give it birth. They have nurtured it, coddled it and
flaunted it as the "son of their pride".
On the other hand, it was the church who fought for the right of motherhood. She fought
for the right to set up the rules and even discipline the spoiled child when it was bad. But
she, alas, has only been "the surrogate mother for a rebellious Ishmael".
It was Sarah who wisely declared at last, "Cast out this bondwoman and her son, for the son
of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son!" However, while this is true, Abraham
suffered over releasing Ishmael and sending him away. Even so, our Eternal Father suffers
over the future of the people of America. He must cast away the rebellious but He does it
with great pain, What America as a nation doesn't understand is that we have been reaping
the benefits of the church's inheritance for over two hundred years. While the church has
not been the model bride anymore than Sarah had been a perfect wife, we the church are,
nonetheless, God's bride and the spiritual nation of Israel. So while the Lord loves His
"spiritual Israel" (the church) and although He must even chastise His elect, He will cast out
the irreverent Ishmael (The United States). Though God loves man, He hates sin and will
cast out from the inheritance those that choose to serve sin. For these it might be said; He
has little regard. May we also remember it was not God who first rejected America.
Although He has stretched His arms out to us, we are the ones who have refused Him. So,
fear not Church, that which is born of faith will stand. God has in His judgment remembered
mercy. What I'm about to share is the way in which God is going to, in effect, cast out this
rebellious America He calls Ishmael. The process will begin while the church is still here. In
fact, it has already begun and will continue until all is fully executed. I want to add one more
thing before I share the vision the Bible tells us:
And if you say in your [minds and] hearts, How shall we know which words the Lord has not
spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass
or prove true, that is a word, which the Lord has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it
presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him. (Deut 18:21 & 22) So we are to judge the
word which is spoken in the Lord's name by waiting to see if it comes to pass. If it does, we
need to believe it and respond to God's warnings through it.
The Vision
On January 27, 1989, I had been in a spirit of prayer all night and was finally just starting
to dose off to sleep. Suddenly, I was fully awakened by a vision of a map of the United
States. It was not a vision in my head but was what some call an open vision out in front of
The map was in a silvery light and was completely sectioned off into states. just as suddenly
as it had appeared, I heard a voice, as robust as the sound of many waters yet with great
intensity, begin to give directions. Starting with the West Coast, the voice would speak and
that same silvery light would shoot down from the direction of heaven like a laser beam onto
the map. The light would follow the path directed by the voice and then effects would
follow as I will explain. First, the voice cried out: 'The West Coast, California, Oregon and
Washington, starting from the southern most tip all the way up to Seattle, will suffer
natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods and fire, and enemy attack. "The line shot up
the map taking most of California and leaving only a small section that bordered on Arizona
and Nevada. It went up through Oregon taking about half of that state and then on up
through Washington, taking about one-third of that state, then moving out toward the
ocean through Seattle. The minute the line touched Seattle, everything west of the line
The voice then cried out, "Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois will suffer natural disasters,
such as floods, earthquakes and tornadoes, and enemy attack. immediately, this line started
at about where Lansing, Michigan, is and fanned down in what became two lines going south
first. Then one line swung back up easterly through Ohio, going out over the Great Lake Erie
through Cleveland. The other line swung down through Indiana and then headed back up
northwesterly and went out into the Great Lake Michigan up by the way of the northeast
corner of Illinois and out through Chicago. When it was done, it looked like two "u"s side by
side. This affected areas all through the region, for instance, as far east as Detroit and
easterly in Michigan to the Great Lake itself on the west. The whole southern part of the
glove experienced cataclysmic results.
Next, the voice called out, "Most of Louisiana and all of Texas will suffer natural disasters,
floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and enemy attack. " The line shot up through New Orleans
east of Baton Rouge, up through Shreveport in a kind of wiggly way then cut off all of
Texas. Texas disappeared. Louisiana experienced devastation but didn't disappear
I was ready for this to end, yet the Lord continued.- New York down through Pennsylvania,
the Virginias, the eastern Part of Tennessee, Georgia, and Florida will suffer natural
disasters of every kind, hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, etc. and enemy attack. "Then
everything that was east of the line disappeared.
The Lord continued, "The Grand Canyon will suffer natural disasters. " The line seemed to
start at the bottom of the Grand Canyon heading northerly straight up to Montana through
Yellowstone. This was also accompanied by cataclysmic disasters like floods, earthquakes,
volcanoes, and fires. This affected a substantial area, including Arizona, Utah, western
parts of Wyoming, the eastern tip of Idaho and southwestern part of Montana, The regions
did not disappear, but experienced utter catastrophe.
Then Missouri, Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama, West Tennessee, Kentucky, and on it went.
There were severe heat waves, hailstorms, energy blackouts, severe snow and ice storms as
well as extreme arctic cold spells to the loss of many lives. I saw it so often occur in some
the least likely areas, famines, pestilence, plagues, and more. Nevada and Utah were all but
destroyed through natural disasters of every kind and ultimately enemy attack. They did,
however, remain on the map (Please note that I am not declaring that the states that
disappeared fell off into the sea. I don't know why they disappeared, only that they did.
Consequently, I am merely relating what I saw, not trying to interpret.)
I was so dumbstruck that I felt numb, even bruised. It was hard for me to pull it all
together in my mind. I just sat there in shock. Finally, I realized if I didn't write it down,
I'd lose a lot of it as there was so much detail. So I wrote what I could remember Some
states, such as New Mexico, were lost from my memory. I couldn't remember what
happened to them, so I didn't record it.
I distinctly remember, however, that the only part of the US. that was not devastated was
the Central United States, a region basically west of the Missouri River, as I have indicated
on the map. I also realized that many of the things that would begin happening immediately
would be of an unusual nature, such as natural disasters that would seem improbable or even
impossible, at least for that particular geographical area,
I was instructed that this sequence of events would start immediately, picking up momentum
with time until eventually the succession would be happening with gunshot rapidity, until all
was fulfilled. It's important to understand that the natural disasters did not specifically
follow "the lines", but the lines seemed to indicate the borders of the severely affected
areas. The only one exception was the line that went up through the Grand Canyon north to
Montana. In that case, the line seemed to symbolize the central core of action with a
radiating aftermath both to the east and west. I saw natural disasters in Alaska and the
Hawaiian Islands followed by warheads.
Finally, I saw a severe diminishing of our nation's military. Officers, and enlisted men, as
well as the closing of many critical bases were part of the scenario. Our ability to defend
ourselves was critically reduced, to a point of near ineffectiveness. (The Military cut down
was not incorporated in this vision, but was seen many years ago.)
These disasters have already begun, just as He said they would. Since that vision, there
have been two earthquakes in California, terrible fires, a hurricane on the East Coast that
did what all the meteorologists said could never happen. The storm entered inland through
Charleston, South Carolina, went north and headed back into the ocean through New York.
Flooding for the first time in history was recorded in a community in northern Ohio
resulting in unusual deaths. Most recently, there was an earthquake near the southern
border of Missouri, and floods in the plains, and terrible disaster in Florida from tornadoes.
Those are just a few instances, but hopefully, they're enough to drive the point home.
These things are neither freak accidents, as some would have you believe, nor are they just
satanic humor on mankind. Church, please realize that the Lord commanded everything that
I saw hit the map. He also told me it was part of the sequential calamities which are
warnings ultimately leading to full judgment assigned to this country. They are like blinking
red lights along the path of judgment. Go back! Stop! Repent! The end is at hand! Will you
hear? Will you pray? How in His great mercy would He gladly stop or minimize catastrophe
for His praying church!
As I said earlier, the church will be here through much of it, but not the worst of it. At
that, some will utter a sigh of deep relief, but I can't. I don't want people I love left behind
to experience that. I saw the devastation. Never again will the people be able to sing, "Oh,
beautiful for spacious skies, with amber waves of grain, for purple mountain majesty above
the fruited plain. America, America, God shed His grace on thee, and crown thy good with
brotherhood, from sea to shining sea." It will no longer be true.
One better to quote will be Jeremiah:
Oh, that my head were waters, and my eyes a reservoir of tears, that I might weep
day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people! (Jer. 9:1 Amp.)
The Lord does not delight in the announcements He has made. He has waited this long time
that we, as a people, might repent. Some foolishly say, "God is love. He wouldn't do that."
My friends, God is also holy and for that reason He must let this nation who is so steeped in
the love of sin and idolatry drink the whole cup of wrath that it has been storing up for two
hundred years. If God judged Israel even one time for the sin of the nation, then He must
unleash that same righteous judgment against America.
Last, but not least, it doesn't really matter if we believe all, part, or any of what has been
written in these pages. If our response is continued apathy, it will all come to pass, most of
it before our eyes, as the Lord will fulfill His purpose. The motivating factor, which will
cause Him to purge the land by fire, is the sin that has and will continue to rise up before
His throne day and night.
Canada will experience as much devastation through various forms of natural disaster, as
America. As I shared in an earlier chapter, it will be for the same reasons. Both will
experience the purging fire of judgment.
The Lord weeps over the souls of men who have and will suffer through these calamities. He
weeps, for His heart breaks over our pain. Fear and unbelief blinds our eyes. Jesus longs to
give His light and faith, and bring the sinner to repentance. The things that have moved Him
to withhold His judgments up to this point are His intense love for His church and His now
over extended mercy for the unrepentant.
Don't Be Afraid
But for you, Church, the Lord's abundant mercy will be towards the meek in horrendous
times. His presence and provision will be like the comfort of mama's arms during a nasty
thunderstorm in the middle of the night. Like birds that hide in the trees and clefts of the
mountains during great storms, God's heart longs that His church would hide in Him. Turn
from the world, the titillating desires that will only bring pain, and find your shelter in
Jesus. If we have ears to hear and eyes to see as His warning continues to unfold, if we will
turn from our unrighteous ways, repent and purify ourselves, we will know when He speaks
and we will have power to obey. in our obedience, we will find safety. He will neither leave
His own nor forsake them, and He will have everyone exactly where He wants them for
safety's sake during the storm.
In Conclusion
I have shared with you five major experiences that directly relate to the judgments that
are about to come on the whole earth. In the process, I've indicated the eight principle
reasons for His decision to bring judgment. I've also indicated the Lord's reasoning behind
the pouring out of His cup of wrath upon America. I've shared all of this in the hope that in
hearing, you might believe, and that in believing, each one would take the corresponding
action needed to insure your safety in tumultuous times.
As I've stated repeatedly throughout these pages, the only recourse against individual
judgment today is repentance. Each one of us must bow before the Almighty and determine
in our own hearts if we are really acting in a responsible manner towards Him.
If our lives are not saturated with love for Him and with a corresponding loving concern for
our fellow man, then that should be our first indication that change is needed. If our lives
are not being directed by Him, approved by His Word through apparent holiness, and
separation from the ideologies of the world, then we are in need of a major turn about in
our lives, purpose and pattern. We need to run to Jesus. He Himself said:
Would that you had known personally, even at least in this your day, the things that
make for peace (for freedom from all the distresses that are experienced as the
result of sin and upon which your peace, that is, your security, safety, prosperity,
and happiness depends)! But now they're hidden from your eyes. For a time is
coming upon you when your enemies will throw up a bank (with pointed stakes) about
you, and surround you, and shut you in on every side. And they will dash you down to
the ground, you Jerusalem] and your children within you, and they will not leave in
you one stone upon another; [all] because you did not come progressively to
recognize and know and understand [from observation and experience] the time of
your visitation [that is, when God was visiting you, the time in which God showed
Himself gracious toward you and offered you salvation through Christ]. (Luke 19:4244 Amp.) (emphasis added)
Verse 41 says He declared this as He wept audibly over the city. Today, He is weeping over
all mankind. Perilous times are ahead and He doesn't want even one lost. So His warnings and
pleadings are loud and clear.
Church, the things that pertain to our peace (the life that will bring us rest in a chaotic and
debauched world, which is being filled with every kind of perversion and evil), are the things
Christ prescribes.
Salvation is in His name. To attain this salvation, relinquish control of your life and accept
his Lordship over every area. You must say no to sin. The Bible is very clear concerning the
kind of sins not tolerated by the Lord.
Now the doings (practices) of the flesh are clear, obvious: they are immorality,
impurity, indecency, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger (ill temper)
selfishness, divisions (dissensions), party spirit (factions, sects with peculiar
opinions, heresies), envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. (Gal. 5:19-2 la Amp.)
If you are involved in any of these sins, your only option is repentance. Furthermore, we
must love instead of hate; serve instead of being served. The Word states, if you practice
the above mentioned sins, "You shall not inherit the Kingdom of God." (Gal. 5:21c) That is an
awfully big price to pay for holding on to sin. So repent of your sins and ask Jesus to come
into your heart and become Lord of your life. If you're saved, live a holy life!
It is important to know your Savior intimately, memorizing and understanding His Word. It
is imperative to have a life filled with prayer and trusting obedience, a life lived on the edge
of evangelism. It is crucial that we individually rise up and take a stand against issues that
are pressing against righteousness and overtaking the rights of the innocent.
Leaders in the body are being called to re-evaluate their purposes and priorities, as well as
their ministry mode of operations. Something can appear to be very good on the surface,
but if the Lord isn't saying to do it, it needs to be disbanded. Secret lives of every kind of
sin are going to be openly revealed in the lives of God's ministers. Consequently, ministers
need to regard purity in their lives and ministry as never before. Ministers are going to be
forced back to a people-motivated expression of ministry and away from program and
system-oriented organisms, which we call churches today. What arose out of much necessity
has become a two-headed monster. We won't even see the true reality of that until it's
ripped out of our hands. Please understand that I am not against systems that help people. I
am simply saying the face of ministry is going to change dramatically.
The Lord is going to put a brand new face on His ministry in the earth through much travail
in the natural world around us. Those leaders who are preparing for the last-days ministry
are already starting to make changes. Those who are not will be forced to circumstantially.
It's time to raise up out of the muck and mire of the past and fight, to soar on the wings of
what our Lord is doing today. For the unrepentant, it's going to be full of woes, but for the
pure, it's going to be times of great victories.
God is earnestly cooperating with us in a concerted effort to get the family to heaven in
unbroken fellowship. So don't look at the future fearfully, but prayerfully, that each one
will make it.
Finally, if you believe that God is love, believe too, that He loves you. Trust that since He
knows you by name, it is His highest and best purpose for your lives that you are here today
and allowed to participate in the wonders of the coming hours. Understand that God is in
control. Nothing is going to take Him by surprise. Jesus said none can take those whom the
Father has given Him out of His hand. So rest there. Love and obey Him and declare, "It is
well with my soul!"
I'm going to conclude this book by sharing with you one of the most fearful experiences of
my life, and one of the most wonderful.
The Storm
In the chapter concerning the judgment of the nations, I mentioned a time when the Lord
appeared to me and left behind His joy. Right after that, I was allowed to go through the
worst Midwestern storm I've ever experienced. For all intents and purposes, I wasn't too
sure I would make it out of the path of that storm alive. Because of the flash floods,
broken bridges, winds whipping at my car at almost gale velocity and rain beating at my
windows so hard I couldn't see the front of my automobile, I was terrified.
It was after midnight and the lone country road I was on was flooded for more than a
hundred miles. The roads were so washed out I couldn't turn back. Because of the last
transmission I had received on my car radio, I knew that many bridges had been washed out.
They had no indication of how many more would go before this raging storm would die down.
I continued to creep ahead at a snails pace, as that was my only option. But I never knew
when entering upon a bridge whether or not the whole thing was there because the rivers
were flowing like torrents over the floor of the bridges, hiding their condition. I tried to
remember scripture that promised safety-but my repository of scripture seemed sealed. So
I simply prayed in my heavenly language. I have never known fear so crippling as I did that
night. After three hours of this, finally the Holy Spirit spoke in my spirit these words, "He
entered the boat and immediately they were on the other side." With that statement, for
the first time in three hours I knew I'd make it out alive. Within ten minutes following that
wonderful encouragement, I found I was driving uphill and was leaving the valley full of flash
floods. My joy once again began to emerge as I embraced His comfort. In just under half an
hour I had arrived at the turnpike.
I was to learn later that several friends had been awakened in the middle of the night by
the Holy Spirit to pray for me because I was in extreme danger. But friends, I didn't feel
those prayers nor did I feel any presence of God. As I said in the chapter on the judgment
of nations, He purposed that it would be that way as it was to be a sort of allegory. I was
living out then what was to be a future experience for the Body of Christ. Jesus spoke that
to me in an audible voice while I was in a trance, along with many other communications
regarding Satan's plans, past, present, and future. This was so that I would encourage the
body with strong encouragement to press into a deeper relationship with Jesus now, so
you'll be strong in the coming storm. Just before the storm hit the region I was driving
through, I had experienced three-and-a-half hours of the most glorious moments of my life.
I was driving out of Omaha, Nebraska on Interstate 80 going west. I was heading back to
Oklahoma City. From there I would fly out to Fresno, California.
I was telling the Lord how badly I wanted to offer Him a golden vessel tried by fire as a
symbol of my faith. I was saying, "Lord, I don't want to hand you a common or tarnished
vessel, but a beautiful and ornate vessel of incredible purity, worthy at least in some small
way, of all You are to me a golden vessel purified by fire, a symbol of my faith, to your
It was as I cried out these words from the depth of my heart that Jesus appeared to me in
the car. We talked as a friend would talk to a friend. I was still crying as I told Him how
much I loved Him. I shared how much pain I had gone through in the last several years, but
most especially the last year because of what my little granddaughter, Tiffany, and my
daughter, Ricci, had been put through. I told Him through a torrent of tears how I wanted
to trust Him, but my faith had been shattered by all their pain. The seeming lack of answers
to my pleadings to Him on their behalf hurt so. My heart and faith couldn't hold up any
longer and broke. Now I can't seem to mend them.
"Please," I continued, "help me understand your ways and renew my faith. I want nothing
more than to hand You that beautiful chalice when I come home to be with You." Then I
softly cried for awhile longer.
By this time Jesus had leaned over toward me so we were eye to eye. He listened more
intently than anyone has ever listened to me. As I poured out my heart, my friends, He
listened and He cried. Big tears welled up in His deep blue eyes and flowed down His bronze
cheeks. He cried with me as long as I cried. His eyes and face were so full of compassion.
After I had ceased talking for awhile and was able to get control of myself, He broke the
silence as He tenderly spoke; His eyes still filled with tears, every now and then one would
still trickle down His cheek while He shared. "Nita, it hasn't been that long since I too, went
through the fiery furnace. It is as real to Me today as it was while I was here on earth. I
still wear the pain of the furnace every moment."
Friends, I was startled. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't imagine our Lord hurting like I
was hurting, not now, not still! I cried, "But, Jesus, how?" With a rather shocked look which
gave way to a most radiant smile, ever so gently He replied, "Why, I feel every pain inflicted
on each and every one that belongs to Me. There is no suffering, not even the smallest, that
I don't bear right along with each of My precious children. Nothing gets by Me. In fact,
nothing enters into the life of one of My own that it does not pass through Me first."
As I gazed in wonder at His remarkable face-so perfect, so pure, so wise and
compassionate, His smile became so big I thought He was going to laugh. The radiance that
beamed from Him became a brilliant heavenly glow. It was as though all of heaven was
shining through His wonderful face. When this brilliance reached its climax, His skin had
become almost transparent. I say almost, because His body density didn't seem to change.
He simply took on this awesome translucent heavenly glow. He was bubbling over with joy as
He began to speak to me further.
"Nita, thank you for being willing to let your faith be tried and tested as gold is tried, for
Me." Then His gaze became even more intense. Though He didn't lose his smile, He moved
even closer to me and looked into my eyes as though He saw to the depths of my innermost
being. I could see joy well up within Him again. Then He continued, "You do not know how
much it means to Me that you are willing to go through the fiery furnace for My sake. I am
with you, I'll never leave you nor forsake you. Thank you for your love that says yes for Me."
My friends, I was overwhelmed. I knew if I could have searched His heart as He had just
searched mine, I could never have comprehended the depths nor the heights of the
appreciation He was expressing.
He stayed with me for about 45 minutes and spoke many things to me. These things that are
important for you to know at this time, I have just shared.
He didn't reprimand me for crying; He cried with me. He didn't despise my hurt, He hurt
with me. He didn't laugh at my seemingly futile attempt or desire to be a vessel tried as
gold for His sake. He knew the seriousness of my commitment. But, He was overwhelmed
with joy that I loved Him enough to go through the fire for Him. He was overjoyed to
recommit to me with the eternal promise found in His Word, "I am with you. I'll never leave
you, nor forsake you." As He left, He imparted the most incredible joy. I experienced
strength and healing as a result for days.
Though we don't always feel Him, He is always with us. He won't give up on us and He
promises that He won't let anything or anyone separate us from the essence and indwelling
power of His love.
I shared these two experiences here as a way of relating to you the mercy and compassion
of the Lord. We can't judge that by circumstances allowed to enter our lives. We can only
receive the healing knowledge of that by faith, then further embed it in our hearts by
careful study of the Word and a close relationship with Him.
Remember, if He kept Noah and his family, He can keep you, and He will keep you. He
desires to keep you and yours. There are only two things standing between any of God's
children and restfulness in the coming storm, a lack of trust and disobedience. Thus, trust
and obedience are the buckler and the shield of protection. If you will choose to trust Him,
He'll give you the grace. In seeking to obey Him, He'll bestow upon you the strength. As you
can see, all that you will need will be in His hand.
There is a marked scenario we will see as it begins to unfold.
Jesus is even now releasing a wonderful renewal of the revelation of Himself to the Church.
Soon this cycle will be catapulted to an absorbing and magnificent revelation of Himself in
the Church.
Finally, it will explode to a magnanimous display of the revelation of Himself through His
church to a lost and dying world.
So turn from fear and look to Jesus who alone is the Author and Finisher of our Faith that
the glory of the Lord can arise upon you, and this sustaining grace and joy rest in you!
Nita Johnson
The Bear! This speaks of the Arabian nations, which are reflected in
the Bible as the bear: the head, which is Iraq.
An uplifting of Southern Baptist Theology. The following points are
those which I believe will be the most significant:
"The sacred scriptures the sole norm for faith and practice." The
Bible is the authoritative guide for faith and order in the church and
in the life of the individual.
"The principle of religious liberty and the separation of church and
state." Each person is responsible to God for religious choices and
commitments. The state cannot compel faith from any individual. I
think this will be reflected in many different areas of American life
and will be good for the country! (The Southern Baptist credit
themselves as responsible for the First Amendment to the
Constitution.) *"Southern Baptist Theology."
We will repeat the likes of the Jimmy Carter initiated and forgiven
debt in this administration.
"Ouch to the family finances!"
A dramatic change in Foreign Policy.
A dramatic change in National policies: some will affect us
economically in a very consequential way.
Jessie Jackson will be brought to a new frontline focus once again. (I
believe he will be an instrument used to unify the African Americans
behind President Clinton's programs.)
The preceding statements, which are emphasized in italics, are statements, which the Lord
made to me. Number I was made March of 92. Numbers 2-6 were made September 12, 1993.
These are the events that will occur next on the agenda. Thus, we are to keep watch, as
each item listed will dramatically affect American life in one way or another!
o There will be a major militant uprising against the government in both
America and Canada. I hope and pray that no one who calls themselves a
Christian will be a part of it.
o The time is coming when Christian leaders in North America will lament in
deep grief over the fact that they have not done their part in preparing the
Church for the treacherous times, which are ahead. Why? Because we will
be a Church almost totally unprepared for the events we will have to walk
through. Many will fall as a result.
o Yet, God will pour out His Spirit upon us strengthening us and helping us. So,
the Lord spoke; "I will send revival to MY Church, for in revival the heart,
mind and soul are freed from fear and filled with faith. Therefore, I will
send revival for the Preservation of my Church in a time of persecution.
Revival, is already beginning to be poured out and will continue to grow in
preparation for the near future!
There will be a coup against the Russian government.
Some cities in America will be spared from judgment and/or destruction as
God will maintain His covering protection over these cities. Others are ripe
for judgment and will not be spared. Where God's protection remains, the
Church will be at rest. (I saw this through angelic visitations.) So, pray for
the city of your residence. Pray for God's protection and blessing in a dark
hour. Pray for the people of your city to repent of their sins against God.
Who knows but what your city may find God's mercies and be spared.
Canada is going to find herself involved with war and eventually fighting on
her own land. Canada, pray for the Spirit of supplication and repentance
upon your nation that God may have mercy!
[The words printed in italics are the Lord's, the words in standard print are my thoughts.]
The End