Scientific Method

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Jonayacel Bernice P.

Scientific Problem Solved by a Scientific Method
Problem/ Question: How does sunlight affect the growth of plant?
Data & information:
Plants need sunlight. Houseplants lean toward the Sun, and if they do not
get enough light they wither and die. Plants use sunlight to make their food.
This process is called photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is a scientific word made up from Greek words. These words
mean putting things together using light.
Inside plants leaves, light causes air and water to combine to make new
chemicals. These chemicals are food for the plants.
In most plants, photosynthesis takes place mainly in the leaves. Like other
living things, plants are made up of tiny cells. The cells in a plants leaves
contain even smaller, disc-shaped parts called chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are
the food factories where photosynthesis happens. A leaf the size of your
little fingernail contains more than 10 million of them.
Chloroplasts contain chemical called chlorophyll, which is bright green.
Chlorophyll gives plants their green color and makes photosynthesis work.
For photosynthesis to work, the chloroplasts need to collect three
ingredients: sunlight, air, and water. Sunlight shines on the leaf, and the
green chlorophyll inside the chloroplasts soaks it up. Air enters the leaf
through tiny holes in the leafs surface, called stomata. Water is sucked from
the ground by the plants roots. It travels through tubes in the stem or trunk
to the leaves.
When all three ingredients are present inside the chloroplasts, a chemical
reaction takes place. The reaction takes place between a gas in air called
carbon dioxide and hydrogen, a part of water. Sunlight causes these two to

combine and make new chemicals called carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are

plant food. Plants use these chemicals to live and grow.

1. Without the use of sunlight carbohydrates cannot be formed, thus, the
reaction would not be complete and there would be no food for the plant.
2. With the absence of one main ingredient (sunlight) photosynthesis cannot
takes place. There would be no sunlight that will shines on the leaf, there
would be no more inside the chloroplasts to be soaked up.
3. With the absence of sunlight plants cannot grow healthy.
4. Without the enough sunlight plants mat wither and die.
Experiments: Trial & error.
We are going to have two different set-ups. Plant A would be place inside a
box, with the absence of sunlight. Plant B would be place outside the house
with sufficient amount of sunlight.
After a week we observed the effect of sunlight the growth and
development of the plants.
Plant A, which is place inside the box wither and die. Due to the absence of
the sunlight Photosynthesis never takes place. Because as photosynthesis
means,putting things together using light, meaning without the use of
sunlight other ingredients for the reaction of photosynthesis cannot takes
While Plant B, with sufficient amount of sunlight grow healthy because the
reaction takes place between a gases in air called carbon dioxide and
hydrogen, a part of water. Sunlight causes these two to combine and make
new chemicals called carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are plant food. Plants
use these chemicals to live and grow.
Conclusion: Therefore, it only proves that sunlight has a great effect in the
reaction taking place inside the chloroplast. And without sunlight plants
cant live nor grow to the fullest.

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