Bacillus Fermentation of Soybean: A Review
Bacillus Fermentation of Soybean: A Review
Bacillus Fermentation of Soybean: A Review
Centre for Nutrition and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland 4072,
Brisbane, Australia
Department of Food Technology and Quality Control, Kathmandu, Nepal
Soybeans in its natural form have a little direct use as a food due to its poor digestibility as well as beany taste and flavour.
Fermentation; however, can improve the eating and nutritional qualities of soybeans. Fermented soybean foods have been an
intricate part of oriental diet for a long time. Bacillus subtilis dominated traditionally fermented soyfoods have typical taste,
texture and aroma which is popular in Asian and African countries. B. subtilis fermentation of soaked and cooked soybeans
brings many physico-chemicals and sensory changes that make it highly digestible and nutritious. This paper reviews various
facets of B. subtilis fermented traditional foods, properties of fermenting organisms, preparation of such fermented foods,
changes in chemical composition and nutritional properties and improving the quality of these foods.
Keywords: Soyabean, Bacillus fermentation, Health benefits, Acceptability, Commercialization
Soybean (Glycine max L.) is one of the nutritionally richest
natural vegetable foods known to human kind, records of its
food usage dates back to 2838 BC in China. Although having
high protein content, minerals, vitamins and bio-actives, it
has little direct use because of high satiety value caused by
high oil content, poor digestibility, green beany taste, long
cooking time and persistent bitterness. Soybeans as a food is
used as soymilk, soy flour, soy oil, feed for livestock and
poultry, soy concentrate, protein isolates, soy yoghurt, tofu
and fermented foods such as Tempeh, soy sauce, Miso , Natto
and Sufu (Beuchat, 1984). Fermentation is a proven method
to improve flavour, texture and nutritional quality of the
soybeans. Besides bringing physico-chemical and sensory
quality changes, fermentation contributes towards the
preservation of food due to release of metabolites that
discourage the growth of pathogenic bacteria in foods.
Fermentation involves a range of microorganisms such as
lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria, yeasts, moulds and a
range of bacteria. It also covers wide range of products such
as staples, adjuncts to staples, condiments and beverages
that use substrates such as cereals, pulses, soybeans, flowers,
milk, meat etc. (Tamang and Sarkar, 1988).
There are many traditional B. subtilis fermented soybeans
foods in various parts of the world. One of the common
examples is Kinema which is traditionally consumed by the
non-Brahmin Nepali inhabiting Nepal; Darjeeling and Sikkim
of India; and some parts of Bhutan. It is popular among
Lepchas and Bhutias who call it Satlyangser and Bari,
respectively (Sarkar et al., 1994). Yoshida (1988) reported the
origin of Kinema in Southern part of China. While it spread,
this food settled into a niche as seasonings in East Nepal,
North East India, Burma, Thailand and in Japan. Some Kinema
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Soybeans oil contains good quality fatty acid e.g., 53% linoleic
acid, 23% oleic acid, 11% palmitic acid, 8% linolenic acid, and
4% stearic acid (Ang et al., 1999). Lipase produced during
fermentation breakdown triglycerides into assimilated fatty
acids (Mital and Garg, 1990). Sarkar et al., (1996) identified the
linoleic acid as the major fatty acid in soybeans as well as in
Kinema fermented with B. subtilis and other mixed cultures.
Free fatty acids liberated from soybeans during fermentation
play an important role in imparting typical flavour in these
products. They further reported a significant increase in chain
length content of fatty acid during fermentation, a
phenomenon also reported by Kiuchi et al., (1976) in Natto.
However, one of the negative aspects of Kinema, as reviewed
by Sarkar et al., (1996), is that accumulation of free fatty acids
can inhibit glycolytic and glucogenic enzymes; some
hydrolyses including trypsin; and also affect fatty acid
Vitamins and mineral profiles
Microorganisms are highly versatile and have ability to
synthesize various micronutrients such as vitamins, and alter
the mineral profiles (Wang, 1986). Sarkar et al., (1998) reported
the preliminary steps of Kinema preparation such as soaking
and cooking lower thiamine (Vitamin B1) and riboflavin (Vitamin
B2) content. However, B. subtilis fermentation of cooked
soybeans causes an increased concentration of thiamine (5.8
to 8.4 mg/kg), riboflavin (6.8 to 11.6 mg/kg) and niacin (36.4 to
4.8 mg/kg). They further added that the presence of
Enterococcus faecium in Kinema significantly reduce the level
of all three vitamins. Literature is scarce on the effect of B.
subtilis fermentation of other vitamin levels of soybeans.
Tempeh (Mold) fermentation reported to reduce thiamine
content almost by half but other B-vitamins level increases
(Murata, 1985). Ginting and Arcot (2004) reported a significant
increase in total folate content of soaked-boiled soybeans
from 72 g to 416 g in fermented Tempeh. Interestingly,
Kinema fermentation significantly decreases most of the
minerals e.g., calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium and zinc (Sarkar et al., 1998). It is
found that the water used for soaking and cooking leach a
significant amount of minerals causing a heavy loss. Despite
of that Kinema still contains appreciable amount of minerals.
Phenolic compounds, anthocyanins and other compounds
Soybeans have various seed coat pigmentations, such as
yellow, green, brown and black, due to presence of
anthocyanin, chlorophyll and various combinations of
breakdown compounds from these pigments. It has been
reported that black soybeans in particularly contains
numerous bioactive compounds which inhibit oxidation of
low density lipoprotein oxidation (Takahashi et al., 2005),
scavenge free radicals (Ignasius et al., 2009), and reduce the
incidence of DNA damage by cyclophosphamide (Ribeiro and
Salvadori, 2003). Most antioxidant nutrients are polyphenolic
compounds acting as reducing agents, metal chelators and
Fermented soy based foods such as Natto, Kinema, ThuaNoa, Dawadawa and many other similar foods are very good
source of high quality protein source to the poor masses of
developing countries who cannot afford the expensive source
of proteins such as meat, fish, egg and milk. However, all
these B. subtilis fermented soy products possess
characteristic odour, slimy appearance and low shelf-life and
which make it not so popular among the larger population. In
order to increase usefulness and acceptability, diversification
of the products has long been realized. Shrestha (1997)
reported drying of Kinema removes its slimy texture and also
reduces its rotten bean flavour. Besides, dried Kinema had
much higher shelf-life than naturally fermented soybeans.
High protein biscuits, crackers and soup mix have been
produced by incorporating Kinema and Natto flour
(Watanabe, 1969; Shrestha, 1997). Kinema fortified biscuits
had about 17% proteins and also well liked by majority of
sensory panellists (Shrestha, 1997).
Soybeans is one of the richest source of major macronutrients,
particularly proteins and fats, and micronutrients such as
vitamins, minerals, phytosterols, polyphenols etc. Over the
years, a number of foods based on soybeans have been
developed, fermented soybeans food are some of them.
Among them, B. subtilis fermented soy foods such as,
Kinenma, Natto, Thua-Nao, Dawadawa etc., are traditionally
prepared in many cultures around Asian and Africa. This
unique product has typical mucilaginous appearance, putrid
and ammoniacal dour and rich in macro as well as
micronutrients and bioactive compounds. B. subtilis
fermentation results in proteolysis of soy polypeptides,
altering its digestibility, taste and flavor as well as improving
the protein quality. Besides it inactivates anti-nutritional
factors, improve digestibility, remove indigestible
oligosaccharides, increase isoflavone, proteolytic enzymes,
phytosterols that can make difference in human health. The
quality of traditionally fermented foods however is low that
warrants the use of pure culture to improve the quality as well
as safety of these foods. The nutritive qualities of B. subtilis
fermented soybeans can best be utilized by developing it
into new products.
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