Being Entrepreneurial, The Brunei Perspective
Being Entrepreneurial, The Brunei Perspective
Being Entrepreneurial, The Brunei Perspective
TI Journals
Brunei, a country producing oil and gas for over 80 years, faces the need to boost entrepreneurship
to diversify the countrys economy and to increase its non-oil or gas dependent income/revenue.
This economic diversification can have important benefits for the country, both economically and
socially when the finite fossil fuels run out in the near future. The current generation of young
Bruneians will be the future business leaders and decision makers. Accordingly, the quantitative
research is interested in investigating the attitudes and opinions of the young Bruneians towards
entrepreneurship and the factors influencing the development of entrepreneurial qualities to
complement existing or future government initiatives in this area. Therefore, the research study
(survey by responding to questionnaire method) is targeted at members of the younger generation
(age from 18 to 23 years old) of Brunei from the secondary school students and the university
undergraduates. The authors analysed, interpreted and discussed on the findings, and subsequently
highlight the key obstacles to entrepreneurial thinking in Brunei, The authors also recommend the
ways that the government can espouse and implement to get their people to being more
entrepreneurial. This includes to promote an entrepreneurial frame of mind; having an open mind
and making people a bit hungry as well as making them think proactively learn, being more
independent or simply toughen them up. This research study demonstrates the importance of
individuals personal attributes, such as psychological and demographic factors, which combine
with environmental factors that would encourage and promote entrepreneurship. Agreeably, the
individuals discovery of an opportunity and the successful exploitation of that opportunity are also
in the promotion of entrepreneurship in the Brunei context.
young Bruneians
business owner
mind growth
2013 Int. j. econ. manag. soc. sci. All rights reserved for TI Journals.
One of the key challenges facing many nations in the world including Brunei is the need to boost entrepreneurship. The development of
entrepreneurship has important benefits, both economically and socially. It is the driving force for the creation of jobs; it provides
competitiveness and growth within the nation; it contributes to personal fulfilment and it helps in the achievement of social objectives. In
this respect, one of the biggest challenges of Brunei is to promote a PASSION for enterprise amongst its people particularly the younger
generation, and provide the best environment for business with ever more positive attitudes towards enterprise and doing business.
2.1. Definitions
An entrepreneur is defined as a person who sets up business and has business deals. The entrepreneurial process has been described as a
blend between the individuals personal attributes, such as psychological and demographic factors, which combine with environmental
factors and the individuals discovery of an opportunity and the successful exploitation of that opportunity (Shane, 2003). An entrepreneur
makes money either by being his or her own boss or by taking risk and investing money on some businesses. Take for example, (s)he might
invent or design something and pay to have it made so people can buy it. (S)he might buy stock in a company and make money from it.
(S)he might even set up a fast food shop in a busy town to do business or planting vegetables at the back of the garden and sell them in a
market. In another words, if (s)he can make money without working for an organization or someone else, (s)he is an entrepreneur. An
entrepreneur is the sole brains of the organisation, gathering resources and channelling ideas and capital for the business (Metussin, et al,
2011). Mentality is a mindset, a frame of mind or an approach, a way of thinking and an attitude. Therefore, to be more entrepreneurial is
to be more business-minded, venturing into businesses and commercial activities both locally and overseas. When one subscribes to such a
way of thinking, one would prepare to take risk and set up business(es) to gain or reap profits, invest or be an industrialist rather than just
opting for plain or steady employment whether in governments or in multi-national corporations (MNCs). To be more entrepreneurial is
also to be more creative or innovative in ones ways of doing business.
* Corresponding author.
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Internat ional Jour nal of Economy, Mana ge ment and Social Sciences , 2(3) March 2013
Internat ional Jour nal of Economy, Mana ge ment and Social Sciences , 2(3) March 2013
2.6. Findings
The sample contains one thousand and fifty-one respondents. There were eight hundred and fifty-eight or 81.6 per cent Malay respondents,
eighty-seven or 8.3 per cent Chinese, seven or 0.7 per cent Indian and ninety-nine or 9.4 per cent were of other races (Figure-2). Six
hundred and fifty-eight or 62.6 per cent respondents were female and three hundred and ninety-three or 37.4 per cent are male (see Figure3).
Out of one thousand and fifty-one respondents, seven hundred and six or 67.2 per cent preferred to work as government employees; ninetytwo or 8.8 per cent wanted to work as private sector employees and two hundred and eight or 19.8 per cent chose to become business
owner. Forty-five or 4.2 per cent of respondents either had not yet decided or they had none of these preferences (see Figure-8).
a) Respondents preferring to work for the government and private company
There are 76.0 per cent respondents who preferred to be employees for the government or private company; this is mainly because of the
stable employment with fixed income and job security (Table 1).
b) Respondents preferring to work as a business owner/entrepreneur
The reason for the 19.8 per cent respondents who wanted to become business owners is that they wanted to work for themselves only. They
wanted to build up something for their families; earn a living doing something they enjoy and for personal achievement (Table-2)
Inter nat ional Journal of Economy, Mana ge ment and Social Scie nc es , 2(3) March 2013
Internat ional Jour nal of Economy, Mana ge ment and Social Sciences , 2(3) March 2013
Inter nat ional Journal of Economy, Mana ge ment and Social Scie nc es , 2(3) March 2013
Internat ional Jour nal of Economy, Mana ge ment and Social Sciences , 2(3) March 2013
Inter nat ional Journal of Economy, Mana ge ment and Social Scie nc es , 2(3) March 2013
Figure 13. The Strategies and Ways to Get People More Entrepreneurial
Table 1. The Reason an Employee to choose to work for government or private company
Why would you prefer to be an employee for government or private company rather than self-employed?
(No. of respondents= 706 +92= 798)
Number of
Percentage of
Stability of employment
Because it is a secure job
Regular fixed income versus irregular, variable income
Lack of interest to become business owners
lack of skills to do business
Lack of business ideas
I wont be able to get the proper funding
Im reluctant to work the long hours involved in starting my
own business
Lack of knowledge/familiarity with regard to self employment
Percentage of
Internat ional Jour nal of Economy, Mana ge ment and Social Sciences , 2(3) March 2013
Inter nat ional Journal of Economy, Mana ge ment and Social Scie nc es , 2(3) March 2013
discouraging its citizens from joining or being too much dependent on the government for employment, and hence reducing the
governments workforce. This can happen when all the government services are online, and instead use less human labour. Those citizens
who cannot find jobs elsewhere will have to search for business opportunities and they would, in a way, be forced to go into business or be
more entrepreneurial. Agreeing with this respondent, another interviewee added that, This even applies to Malaysia, those Chinese
Malaysians, who are not able to work in the government departments, have to search for business opportunities within the Chinese
community, they have to try hard to earn or eke a living and with the help of the Confucian or clan associations, most Chinese become
businesspeople though some are involved in mere hawking or petty businesses.
e) Promoting Family Businesses, Clan Associations and Tapping the Diasporas Effect
Yet another obstacle to the entrepreneurial approach is that of the lack of self-dependence. The feeling of self-dependence can be raised or
boosted by promoting the value of family or a sense of unity. And family or pops and moms businesses can yet be another way to
promote entrepreneurial thinking among people. The family factor can indeed be cleverly applied to promote businesses, particularly family
businesses. The Chinese are good at this, and they run businesses along the line of families and clans where they build up much of their
businesses, contacts, contracts and support. Clan associations in South-East Asia are also known to have played an important role in giving
business contacts, building businesses as well as giving good support to its clan members. These clan associations also ensure that their
members do their business well, and at the same time, they or their members organize the contributions or giving back to the community.
And these contributions are done by building schools and hospitals as well as offering scholarships and paying school fees for the children
of the poor.
Low (2008) has indicated that in Asia, previously, it was respectful and, in a way, fashionable to have a family of professional surgeons,
teachers, or military. In Kazakhstan, clan-based forms of managing a household have been deeply rooted in the Kazakh society. A typical
Kazakh family of the past could be seen as a self-sustaining enterprise that travelled with all its possessions and its key asset - its cattle.
Low (2008: 18) further added that in Kazakhstans first few years of independence during the distribution of the public wealth; it became
easier and made more economic and political sense to attract family members to run the newly created family wealth. The researchers
reckon the need to incorporate the vital Asian factor that has been at play to promote entrepreneurships in Asia. The family can, in fact,
help one another while building its business contacts and network and support as well as resilience. The family can really give one the
perception and feeling of self-dependence, and that is critical in trigger the entrepreneurial thinking.
Whatever tribe an individual belongs, the thinking is that to be successful (s)he needs his or her tribes and Diasporas connections. Or (s)he
can be lucky still to have belongings to more than one tribe should one have inter-racial marriage(s) or have inter-racial parents. The
Chinese on the bamboo connections and the Muslim-Malay on the Islamic Diaspora while the Indians on the Indian connections (Nandan,
2009; Low, 2006a). Entrepreneurs have to rely on not only on clans, associations and Diaspora but the families as well.
Not to be easily dismissed, this Asian factor can be simply defined as the practice of local people being able to rise above others and to
surround themselves with the most trusted followers, i.e. immediate and remote members of the family clan, and it is felt that this is widely
practiced whether in Kazakhstan, in Malaysia, in Indonesia or even in Singapore though such things may not be openly discussed since
they are normally associated with favouritism, nepotism and collusion, and its ugly heads were exposed in Indonesia during the uprising
and down-thrown of President Suharto of Indonesia in 1997/98. Theres an old Asian, namely, Kazakh saying, a good jigit (young man)
will never leave his relatives behind when he jumps in the saddle of the galloping house. These days, small family business in Kazakhstan
is gradually developing into one of the most popular forms of self-realization and economic self-reliance. Perhaps family businesses in
Asian countries should be promoted to boost entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial thinking.
Additionally, the authors would also agree with Low (2006a: 176) that embracing a paradigm shift, people need to adopt a backpack
mentality; ready to move anywhere and be flexible; and more so, in a globalizing environment as pointed out earlier, they should
internationalize; to internationalize is to be entrepreneurial, changing their frame of mind as well as expanding their business horizons and
opportunities. And in the family business context, being generally equipped with good family support at home and their blessings, the
business people and entrepreneurs can venture, do and grow business overseas.
In sum, we can get people to be more entrepreneurial by encouraging them to have an open mind to entrepreneurial thinking; make them a
little bit hungry; make them think, be more independent; promote family businesses, clan associations and tap the Diasporas effect (Figure
f) Research Limitations/Implication
The research limitation is the findings from the respondents belonging to the academic sector of the population (from the school/college
students and university students). The implication of this research is that the research can help to understand the psychological and
environmental influence of the brought up children.
g) Practical Implication
By understanding the students behaviour/interests/preferences, society/school/ government measures can be carried out to improve their
entrepreneur thinking at the early stages of their livelihood.
Enterprise, together with new products and innovation, will be increasingly essential to a countrys economy. If people change the way they
think be get out of their comfort zone, be proactive, internationalized, have more role models, more private sector initiative, more success
stories and critical mass; surely, the entrepreneurial mind growth will take shape and even grow.
Internat ional Jour nal of Economy, Mana ge ment and Social Sciences , 2(3) March 2013
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