C I U E D A N-G M: Oncept Ntegration Sing DIT Istance ND RAM Atch
C I U E D A N-G M: Oncept Ntegration Sing DIT Istance ND RAM Atch
C I U E D A N-G M: Oncept Ntegration Sing DIT Istance ND RAM Atch
6, December 2014
Information is growing more rapidly on the World Wide Web (WWW) has made it necessary to make all
this information not only available to people but also to the machines. Ontology and token are widely being
used to add the semantics in data processing or information processing. A concept formally refers to the
meaning of the specification which is encoded in a logic-based language, explicit means concepts,
properties that specification is machine readable and also a conceptualization model how people think
about things of a particular subject area. In modern scenario more ontologies has been developed on
various different topics, results in an increased heterogeneity of entities among the ontologies. The concept
integration becomes vital over last decade and a tool to minimize heterogeneity and empower the data
processing. There are various techniques to integrate the concepts from different input sources, based on
the semantic or syntactic match values. In this paper, an approach is proposed to integrate concept
(Ontologies or Tokens) using edit distance or n-gram match values between pair of concept and concept
frequency is used to dominate the integration process. The proposed techniques performance is compared
with semantic similarity based integration techniques on quality parameters like Recall, Precision, FMeasure & integration efficiency over the different size of concepts. The analysis indicates that edit
distance value based interaction outperformed n-gram integration and semantic similarity techniques.
Concept Integration, Ontology Integration, Ontology Matching, N-Gram, Edit Distance, Token, Concept
Data mining is a process of extract the utilizable data from divergent perspective. Data mining
also called as data or knowledge discovery [1]. Data mining provides the different kind of mining
techniques for gathering, grouping and extracting the information from substantial amount of
data. Technically, data mining is a process of providing correlation or patterns between numbers
of existing fields in relational database. Existing data is processed, the processed data is known as
information. The processing of data is achieved through establishing some correlation among
data items or patterns. Data mining is a special kind of data processing which established the fact
that knowledge is always application-driven [8].
Data mining is an important aspect of knowledge discovery (KDD) in the database. There are
various internal steps involves in KDD, e.g. Data selection, Data cleaning, Data transformation
Data mining & Interpretation, as shown in figure 1.
DOI : 10.5121/ijdms.2014.6601
International Journal of Database Management Systems ( IJDMS ) Vol.6, No.6, December 2014
Ontologies are metadata schemas, providing a controlled vocabulary of concepts, each with an
explicitly defined and machine process able semantics [1][7], by defining shared and common
domain theories, ontology helps both people and machines to communicate precisely to support
the exchange of semantics. Ontology language editors help to build semantic web [3][4][5].
Hence, the contemptible and efficient construction of domain specific ontology is crucial for the
success of many data processing systems. In many data or information processing systems term
ontology is refer as token or concept as well, as token & ontology refers to a term/word which
represent a set of values, meaning, knowledge & both are identified based on the given input
data, document, text etc[20][26]. In our approach Token or Ontology both are referred as
term Concept for simplification on representation of proposed approach.
Concept enables the abstraction various data domains [23]. Token/Ontology both provide the
vocabulary of concepts that describe the domain of interest and a specification meaning of terms
used in the vocabulary [8]. In modern scenario, as data is growing rapidly, the main problem lies
in the heterogeneity between that data and to integrate the data, so that heterogeneity can be
minimize [6]. Concept integration plays an important role in minimizing heterogeneity among
data items. Concept integration consists of various steps like Concept matching & Concept
mapping [23]. Concept matching is a process that measures the similarity of attribute between
these concepts and provides a better result for concept integration.
A complete lifecycle of a concept is shown in Figure 2, it describes step-by-step flow of activities
[9], starting from concept identification to storing & sharing of concept. Matching through
characterising the problem (identify the problem), selecting the existing alignment, selecting the
appropriate matchers, running the matchers and select the appropriate results and correcting the
choices made before (matchers, parameters), documenting and publishing good results and finally
using them. The concept matching process is utilized to measures the homogeneous attribute
between the two set of concepts [9].
International Journal of Database Management Systems ( IJDMS ) Vol.6, No.6, December 2014
In the area of data and information science, concept is a formal framework for representing
domain knowledge [19][20]. This framework primarily defines the semantics of data element of
domain & then identifies the relationship among other. Concept identification is an important part
of any token/Ontology integration system [21][22]; to identify concept preprocessing of input
document/text is required [10]. Domain specific ontologies firstly identified for different sources
of information/ document [11] [12]. Text and then merges into single set of concept. In concept
integration, there are two activities involved like token/Ontology identification &
Token/Ontology matching [6] [15]. Concepts are a vital component of most knowledge based
applications, including semantic web search, intelligent information integration, and natural
language processing. In particular, we need effective tools for generating in-depth ontologies that
achieve comprehensive converge of specific application domains of interest, while minimizing
the time and cost of this process. Therefore we cannot rely on the manual or highly supervised
approaches often used in the past, since they do not scale well.
In the field of artificial intelligence, data mining, data warehousing, semantic web, systems
engineering, software engineering, biomedical informatics, library science, enterprise
bookmarking, and information architecture[2].
Concept identification (token/Ontology extraction, token/Ontology generation, or token/Ontology
acquisition) is the automatic or semi-automatic creation of ontologies, including extracting the
corresponding domain's terms and the relationships between those concepts from a corpus of
natural language text, and encoding them with an token/Ontology language for easy retrieval
[23]. As building ontologies manually is extremely labor-intensive and time consuming, there is
great motivation to automate the process [15] [24]. Concept matching plays critical role in
concept integration, each source concept is matched with each target concept based on the some
matching function. In proposed approach the matching between source & target concept is based
on edit-distance value or n-gram value. Finally, concept Integration, the various concepts are
International Journal of Database Management Systems ( IJDMS ) Vol.6, No.6, December 2014
merged into single set of concept. By introducing concepts and their relations, ontologies provide
a critical and necessary information structure that facilitates the processes of sharing, reusing, and
analyzing domain knowledge in Semantic Web and other knowledge based systems [17][18].
2.1 Motivation
Information/data integration has a wide range of application through token/Ontology integration.
The integration of data and integration of schema has been attracted wide interest of researcher
from research area like information retrieval, data mining & warehousing, Query processing,
systems engineering, software engineering, biomedical informatics, library science, enterprise
bookmarking etc. Ontology integration explains the process and the operations for building
ontologies from other ontologies in some Ontology development environment. Ontology
integration involves various methods that are used for building the ontologies using other set of
Ontology [9].
The First motivation behind the Ontology integration is to use of multiple ontologies. For
example: - suppose we want to build Ontology of tourism that contains information about
transportation, hotels and restaurants etc. so we can construct this Ontology from initial but this
take lot of efforts when the ontologies are huge. Ontology reusing is a concept of Ontology reuse,
we can utilize previously created Ontology (already exist) on topics transportation, hotels and
restaurant to build desired Ontology for tourism. These ontologies may share some entities,
concepts, relations and consequently. The second motivation is the use of an integrated view.
Suppose a university has the various colleges affiliated to that university across the world.
University needs information from the colleges about the faculty, academic etc. In this case,
university can query the ontologies at various colleges through proper Ontology mappings, thus
providing a unified view to the university. The third motivation is the merge of source ontologies.
Suppose various ontologies are created on the same topic or concept and overlapping the
information. Ontology merging is used to merge these ontologies and build a single Ontology,
which consists various concepts, entities definitions from the local ontologies, for example,
suppose several car companies are merged into a new car company, for which Ontology has
constructed. This could be done by merging the existing ontologies of these companies.
International Journal of Database Management Systems ( IJDMS ) Vol.6, No.6, December 2014
International Journal of Database Management Systems ( IJDMS ) Vol.6, No.6, December 2014
Step 3: Concept Heap Merging/Integration: next step to integrate the various heaps-for
integration/merging, firstly algorithm decides the dominating heap from the participating heaps.
The heap with highest values of concept frequency become the dominating among the pair of
heaps and will play as the basis for the integration process, other participating heaps are merged
into the dominating heap during the integration/merging process. Integration of the merged nodes
position heaps base on the edit distance of n-gram matching value between pair of ontologies
from pair different heaps, eg. Oii of Hi is integrated with Ojk of Hj, which has highest edit distance
or highest n grams matching values. The resultant heap will retain both Ontology in the node and
position of the node is determined on basis of best position among participated ontologies (Oii,
Ojk). The integration results into creation of merged node and best position for newly created will
be based on highest values of frequency among participating concept.
International Journal of Database Management Systems ( IJDMS ) Vol.6, No.6, December 2014
Figure 4: Integrated/Merged Concept of Input 1 & Input 2 using (a) edit distance technique (b) n grams
As shown in example, the pair of ontologies form different document heap, the matching values
calculated and integrated trees are formed. In the paper Ontology integration based on the edit
distance and n-gram values has been done. The performance analysis for both approach are based
on the parameters like Precision, Recall, F-measure and efficiency of the approach. Precision,
recall & f-measure indicate the quality of match and quality of integrated Ontology and efficiency
parameters represent the execution efficiency to generate & integrate the ontologies form various
source ontologies.
Precision is a value in the range [0, 1]; the higher the value, the fewer wrong merging computed
[5][11]. Precision is determines as the ration of number of correct found alignment/ matching
with total number of alignment found. Recall is a value in the range [0, 1]; the higher this value,
the smaller the set of correct mappings which are not found. The ratio of number of correct found
alignment with total number of alignment. The F-measure is a value in the range [0, 1], which is
global measure of matching quality. F-Measure used the mean of precision and recall [11]. The
values for F-measure is computed by 2*Precision*Recall with ratio of Precision*Recall. The
comparison graph between three methods, e.g Semantic Similarity based, Edit distance based &
N-Gram based integration techniques are shown over the range of different values of Precision,
Recall & F-Measure, in figure 5. The graph depicts edit distance based techniques as the winner
among three, as integration of concept are having better recall, precision & f-measure values.
International Journal of Database Management Systems ( IJDMS ) Vol.6, No.6, December 2014
2.3 Algorithm
In figure 6, effect of ontology length over the overall efficiency of integration techniques are
depicted. For ontology length 7 & 8, both edit distance and n-gram based integration method are
close on their efficiency while semantic similarity based techniques is outperformed by the both
techniques. Finally, in figure 7 is for comparative analysis is depicting the performance (quality
values delivered) comparison between edit distance techniques & n-gram techniques while
integrating ontology length. The comparison is performed under range of ontology length and
quality parameters values are kept in the observation. The overall performance of edit distance
techniques is consistent and significant performance is delivered on ontology of length 7 or 8
while for n-gram integration techniques the better result delivered for the ontology of length 6 or
5. Few conclusion from the experimental analysis is drawn like, edit distance perform better than
n-gram & semantic similarity based integration techniques for different size of ontology. The edit
distance technique performs better and shows potential to carry good values of all quality
parameters, which affects the quality of results during processing.
International Journal of Database Management Systems ( IJDMS ) Vol.6, No.6, December 2014
Figure 7: Quality values vs Ontology length on edit distance & n-gram technique
In the area of data and information science, token/Ontology is a formal framework for
representing domain knowledge. This framework primarily defines the semantics of data element
of domain & then identifies the relationship among other. Information/data integration has a wide
range of application through token/Ontology integration. The integration of data and integration
of schema has been attracted wide interest of researcher from research area like information
retrieval, data mining & warehousing, Query processing, systems engineering, software
engineering, biomedical informatics, library science, enterprise bookmarking, schema integration,
E-R diagram integration, Graph integration (web semantic based graph) etc. Ontology integration
explains the process and the operations for building ontologies from other ontologies in some
Ontology development environment. There are various existing techniques for ontology
integration, in this paper an approach is proposed for the ontology integration using match values
based on the edit distance & n-gram. Edit distance determines match values among pair of
concepts based on the changes required in participating concepts, in order to align them. In case
of n-gram method, the matches are the count of n-length substrings of participating ontology are
International Journal of Database Management Systems ( IJDMS ) Vol.6, No.6, December 2014
matching. Concept integration using both methods are implemented on wide range of input
document/text. The performance comparison is through over the existing method, Semantic
similarity based with edit distance and n-grams method is done. The ontology length has
proportional effect on overall efficiency of the techniques, as ontology of length 6 to 8 edit
distances outperform all other integration techniques while for smaller length of ontology n-gram
& semantic similarity perform better. Few conclusion from the experimental analysis is drawn
like, edit distance perform better than n-gram & semantic similarity based integration techniques
for different size of ontology. The edit distance technique performs better and shows potential to
carry good values of all quality parameters, which affects the quality of results during processing.
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