The Treasure of The Black Veils
The Treasure of The Black Veils
The Treasure of The Black Veils
of the Black
A short adventure for four
7th- to 9th-level player characters
Rob Lazzaretti
Web Production:
Julia Martin
Web Development:
Graphic Design:
Mark A. Jindra
Sean Glenn, Cynthia Fliege
2002 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved. Made in the U.S.A.
You, the Dungeon Master (DM), need a copy of the
Players Handbook, the DUNGEON MASTERs Guide, and
the MONSTER MANUAL to use this adventure.
Shaded text that appears throughout this adventure
is player information, which you may read aloud or paraphrase when appropriate. Monster and NPC statistics
are provided with each encounter in abbreviated form
or, where appropriate, the proper page in the MONSTER
MANUAL is referenced.
Fiore is the natural jumping-off point for any expedition to the abbey ruins.
c Fiore (Small Town): Conventional; AL N; 800 gp
limit; Assets 38,200 gp; Population 955; Mixed.
Authority Figure(s): Mayor Sayrin McLean, female
human Exp 8.
Important Characters: Guard Captain Cyril Bardson,
male human Ftr 7; Nymrel, female half-elf Drd 7.
Others: Guards (9), human and dwarf War5.
Notes: Fiore is a mixed community of farmers and
merchants. A few locals fish, hunt, and harvest other
goods from the neighboring fens, but all steer clear of
the abbey ruins. The town lies astride a major road and
receives a steady stream of visitors. Residents are a
hard-working lot, not apt to lose their heads over wild
tales of lost treasure. The story of the Band of the Black
Veils is well known. The period of the bandit raids is
regarded as a time of grave misfortune, and the townsfolk are glad it is well behind them.
Characters wishing to gain more information about the
Band of the Black Veils can do so in several ways.
The average citizen of Fiore can provide the following information in response to questions:
Everyone in the Band of the Black Veils has been
dead and gone for fifty years.
The leader of the bandits was Mollie McTynker.
She pretended to be a local girl, but she was probably some kind of demon spawn. Its a fact that
young men who gazed into her eyes would do anything for her.
Her whole family was cursed. Eventually we ran
em all outta town, cause we dont have no truck
with the likes of demons around here. Sure
enough, they all went out to the swamp to join her
Silly folks insist that theres still a treasure out
there in the abbey. She was the type to keep part of
her money secret even from her friends and family.
But no ones ever found anything out there except
snakes, biting flies, trolls, and corpses of stupid
treasure hunters.
Oh yes, her ghost is still out there. You can see her
eyes at night, hanging over the fen. The silly adventurers whove gone out there thinking theyll find
her treasure have all died cause they looked into
those eyes and she made em jump in the water and
drown themselves. The only way to get near those
eyes safely is to go up with your own eyes closed.
Gather Information
If the PCs spread around a little gold and make a successful Gather Information check (DC 15), they can
learn all of the above, plus they get an account of the
antics Puhrjans victims performed in town (as noted
earlier, the naga occasionally primes the pump by sending a charmed victim into town to talk about finding
The last folks that went out there looking for
Mollies treasure came back a day or so later claiming
theyd found it. They said it was right there where those
floating eyes of hers were looking, in a water-filled
chamber. They had some nice-looking gems with em,
as well as enough gold to keep a family alive for about a
year. Said they had to hire some horses and wagons to
get the rest, cause there was too much to carry out by
themselves. But they didnt come back . . . we havent
seen em for about three weeks now.
Bardic Knowledge
A successful Bardic Knowledge Check (DC 20) reveals
the following:
The local druid, Nymrel, can relate everything the
townspeople know. She also can add the following:
The fens are steadily reclaiming the site of
Ramshorn Abbey. This is not altogether a bad
thing, but visitors to the ruins should beware of
hunting packs of lizardfolk, trolls, and undead.
The lights over the abbey ruins are most likely
some kind of natural phenomenon. Marshlights are
seen all over the fens at different times of the year.
1. Belfry
This circular chamber is a collection of bare
beams and rafters, with nothing but empty space
below. An arcade of narrow, empty arches (each
no wider than a human boys shoulders) leaves
the chamber open to the elements, as do a few
holes in the roof here and there. One arch leads to
a spiral staircase of rain-slick stone curving down.
A rickety catwalk leads from the top of the
spiral staircase to the chambers center, where it
ends in midair. Above the catwalk, farther up
than a tall human can reach, is a structure of
exceptionally heavy beams radiating out from a
central hub like a colossal wagon wheel. Massive
bronze hangers, green with age, adorn the spokes
of the wheel. Chimes and small bells dangle from
some of the hangers, but most are empty.
Ivy growing on the towers exterior has invaded
this chamber, festooning the walls and beams
with leafy green.
This chamber once housed the bells for the abbeys
church. Most of the bells are long gone, stripped away
by the bandits who sacked the abbey.
This chamber originally served as the bell-ringing chamber. Many ropes and cords hung down from the belfry,
40 feet above, through a false ceiling, and dangled here.
When Mollie McTynkers bandits took over the
abbey, they broke loose the larger bells and let them
fall, destroying the ceiling here. They sold most of the
smaller bells and broke up the larger ones for scrap.
Today, one can look from here all the way up into
the belfry (area 1). At night, light comes from the willo-wisps in the belfry. By day, sunlight shines down
through the open ceiling.
Trap: This chamber is not as innocent as it seems at
first glance. Puhrjan has used the labor of many
charmed victims to excavate the floor, leaving it open
to the flooded crypt below (area 2A) A lattice of ivy
branches covered with dead leaves and small bits of
debris from the ruins has converted the chamber floor
into a pit trap
C o v e r e d P i t : CR 2; mechanical; location trigger;
repair reset; Reflex saving throw (DC 20) avoids; 20 ft.
deep (2d6 subdual, fall); multiple targets (all in chamber); pit bottom trap; Search (DC 20); Disable Device
(DC 20). Market Price: 1,600 gp.
Notes: Any weight of 15 lb. or more collapses the
cover, dumping the victims 20 feet into area 2A. The fall
inflicts 2d6 points of subdual damage, but the victim
plummets into the deep water in area 2A. Characters
already entangled in the net (see area 1) when they fall
into this pit are not entitled to saving throws to avoid it.
Creatures: No creatures live here, but the will-owisps in area 1 keep watch.
Tactics: The will-o-wisps drop the net in area 1 onto
anyone they notice poking around below. Characters in
this chamber when the net falls must success at Reflex
saves (DC 20) or become entangled in the net, which
drags them into the pit. The impact of the net and the
fall inflict a total of 3d6 points of subdual damage.
Development: If the will-o-wisps in area 1 notice anything going on down here, they signal Puhrjan in area 5
by blinking or by ringing the chimes in the belfry.
3. Large Sinkholes
Gaping holes mark places where the upper works of
the old abbey church have collapsed into the flooded
crypts below. The three sinkholes drop 20 feet to an
underground pool that is connected to the surrounding
fens. Theres nothing here now, but a Search check (DC
20) reveals a few slimy footprints.
The bog mummies from area 4 made the footprints.
They use the sinkholes to move between the ruins and
the fens. Once the group locates these prints, characters with the Track feat can follow the trail to area 4
(Wilderness Lore check DC 20).
4. Ruined Altar
The remains of the churchs altar, despoiled when
Mollie McTynkers bandits took over the abbey, still
stand on a dais here. The altar itself has been thoroughly smashed, and its shards are now festooned with
toadstools. The roof overhead is largely intact.
Creatures: Several bog mummies always lurk near
the altar. They are the remnants of brothers of the
abbey killed during the bandit attack and thrown into
the fens. One of Mollys henchmen later exhumed the
bodies and turned them into undead.
d Bog Mummies (4): hp 45, 42, 41, 40. These creatures
are identical to the mummies described in the MONSTER M ANUAL , except that they are immune to fire
rather than vulnerable to fire. (Assume a CR of 4.)
Tactics: The mummies usually lurk behind (east) of
the altar and shamble out to attack anyone who comes
within 20 feet, except for Puhrjan, the naga from area 5.
5. Puhrjans Chambers
These areas once served as the abbots lodgings and
later as quarters for Mollie McTynker and her lieutenants. The rooms are roofless today (except for area
5B), with floors covered with rubble and ivy vines.
6. Library
The walls of this roofless, circular chamber are
lined with empty shelves. Empty scrollcases litter
the floor along with leaves, scraps of paper, and a
few rotting books. A huge fireplace dominates
the southeast wall. In front of the fireplace stand
two sections of a fireplace screen, separated by
about a foot. The screen consists of two curtains
of black iron mesh (now very rusty) held in blackened metal frames of unusual design.
Though the chamber seems empty, the treasure of
Mollie McTynker lies here.
Treasure: When positioned together, the metalwork
designs on the fireplace screen resemble the top half of
a womans face. The metal sockets where the eyes
should be are empty. The mesh curtains resemble a veil
covering the lower half of the womans face.
Each eye socket of this fireplace screen once held a
diamond. When properly assembled and placed in
front of a roaring fire, these gems concentrated the firelight into two beams that converged on a flagstone on
the floor. Tripping the hidden catch (Search DC 25) on
this stone opens it and reveals Mollie McTynkers treasure vault. Without the converging beams of light, its
next to impossible to find the correct flagstone (Search
DC 50).
The diamonds are currently in the possession of
Puhrjan, who took them from Mollies lieutenant. The
naga keeps them hidden in area 5B. No other gems produce the desired effect, since these two were cut especially to focus light. The sockets in the screen are made
to hold the gems at a slight downward angle.