The document discusses potential energy savings from optimizing wastewater pumping systems in Portugal. It describes how pump costs are a major operating expense for utilities. Three wastewater pumping stations in Portugal were assessed for possible energy optimization plans. Analysis found the pumps were oversized and operating inefficiently below peak capacity much of the time. Implementing smaller "pony pumps" at one station could reduce energy consumption by 42% with an eight month payback period. Replacing impellers at two other stations, where pump efficiency had deteriorated by 50%, could save 20-30% on operating costs. Regular monitoring and reassessment is needed to ensure continued energy savings.
The document discusses potential energy savings from optimizing wastewater pumping systems in Portugal. It describes how pump costs are a major operating expense for utilities. Three wastewater pumping stations in Portugal were assessed for possible energy optimization plans. Analysis found the pumps were oversized and operating inefficiently below peak capacity much of the time. Implementing smaller "pony pumps" at one station could reduce energy consumption by 42% with an eight month payback period. Replacing impellers at two other stations, where pump efficiency had deteriorated by 50%, could save 20-30% on operating costs. Regular monitoring and reassessment is needed to ensure continued energy savings.
Original Description:
IWA_Water 21_Feb 2014
Potential for Energy Efficiency Optimization in WWPS
The document discusses potential energy savings from optimizing wastewater pumping systems in Portugal. It describes how pump costs are a major operating expense for utilities. Three wastewater pumping stations in Portugal were assessed for possible energy optimization plans. Analysis found the pumps were oversized and operating inefficiently below peak capacity much of the time. Implementing smaller "pony pumps" at one station could reduce energy consumption by 42% with an eight month payback period. Replacing impellers at two other stations, where pump efficiency had deteriorated by 50%, could save 20-30% on operating costs. Regular monitoring and reassessment is needed to ensure continued energy savings.
The document discusses potential energy savings from optimizing wastewater pumping systems in Portugal. It describes how pump costs are a major operating expense for utilities. Three wastewater pumping stations in Portugal were assessed for possible energy optimization plans. Analysis found the pumps were oversized and operating inefficiently below peak capacity much of the time. Implementing smaller "pony pumps" at one station could reduce energy consumption by 42% with an eight month payback period. Replacing impellers at two other stations, where pump efficiency had deteriorated by 50%, could save 20-30% on operating costs. Regular monitoring and reassessment is needed to ensure continued energy savings.
optimisation in wastewater pumping systems Pump costs are a signicant element of a utilitys operating budget, so optimising wastewater pumping can provide a major opportunity to reduce operating costs. EDUARDO VIVAS and PEDRO LEITE describe an assessment undertaken in Portugal that identied signicant savings. he cost of pumping often represents the single largest operating budget item in water and wastewater systems. Optimising energy use in wastewater pumping systems may provide an opportunity to reduce utilities operational costs and contribute to reducing their carbon footprint (HI & PSM, 2008;Ainger et al, 2009). For this reason, three main wastewater pumping stations in Portugal, operated by guas e Parque Biolgico de Gaia, EEM (Esprito Santo (175kW, 420 l/s),Valadares (41kW, 161 l/s) and Afurada (33kW, 246 l/s)) were assessed for the possible implementation of energy optimisation plans. At pump level, the efciency of the equipment may differ considerably from the theoretical information provided by manufacturers.This mainly happens because the pump may run below its best efciency, or because pump efciency signicantly deteriorates over time (EC, 2001). In this context continuous pump performance and efciency monitoring should be considered for the most critical and energy intensive pumps in any system. Nevertheless, the largest energy savings may be achieved at system level through better design and control of pumping systems (EC, 2001). In fact, global efciency mainly depends on
Afurada pumping station. The sytem showed signicant pump efciency deterioration, so the impellers were replaced.
the ability to cope with varying
inows, even if the installed pump has a reasonable level of efciency for the operating point. Utilities should, then, perform regular energy optimisation studies, based on hydraulic models and actual pump performance and efciency curves, to ensure that the best solution is being adopted. Wherever this is not the case, a nancial evaluation of possible energy optimisation solutions should be considered, such as variable speed drives, multiple parallel pumps, pony pumps (smaller capacity pumps), and so on. Energy optimisation plans A new assessment and design approach for overall energy costs is needed as a result of real operating conditions. Developing energy optimisation plans could be considered. For this, an estimation of the possible expected inows (a ow duration curve) at the pumping station must be obtained.With that
About the authors
Eduardo Vivas is an Invited Professor at Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Porto, Portugal. Email: Pedro Leite is a Civil Engineer at NORAQUA, Lda, Portugal. Email: pedro.leite@
The importance of energy management in wastewater treatment
The two major energy consumers in a wastewater system are the pumping systems and the treatment process, explains Eduardo Vivas. The [energy used by the] pumping systems may reach a third or more [of overall usage], but it varies widely since it depends on the number and size of the pumping systems, and also on the type of the existing treatment process. A new design and assessment approach was needed, he explains, as pumps are mainly chosen as being the most efcient pump for the worst expected conditions (highest ow) in the system. However, he says, systems where the pumping equipment is integrated normally have inferior pumping ow needs compared to the design ow, for a very long period of time. This situation means that during this low ow period the system will be operating at a higher power and, consequently, with a higher energy consumption than needed. Therefore, a different assessment approach [was needed] that could take into account the ow variability of the system (existing or expected) and adjust [pump operation] to meet the real needs.
data, it is possible to model system
behaviour and explore, through simulation, different pumping station congurations. Applying these plans can be divided into ve major stages: Overall urban system assessment: identify the systems potential critical points and guide the collection of data for infrastructures with high optimisation potential. Analysis of real operational conditions: continuously measure inows and undertake pump performance tests to evaluate system performance Assessment of optimisation solutions: simulate the actual behaviour of the pumping system, and test and evaluate efciency improvements with the optimisation solutions Financial analysis: evaluate potential investments through Life Cycle Cost analysis Follow up of optimisation results: measure the actual reduction in energy costs and check that the implemented solutions are adequate for the operating conditions Case studies Analysis of the real operating conditions in the Esprito Santo system showed that the existing pumps are oversized for the inows measured. Several possible optimisation solutions were tested, but installing a pony pump offered the highest reduction in energy consumption (up to 42%), with a payback of eight months. On the other hand, theValadares and Afurada systems showed signicant pump efciency deterioration (about 50%).Therefore, it was considered that the best optimisation solution was to replace the existing impellers at both stations, which could bring 20% and 30% savings in operating costs respectively. It should be stressed that a signicant reduction in impeller efciency during the initial period can derail these savings, which is why pump efciency must be regularly checked. References Ainger, C, Butler, D, Caffor, I, Crawford-Brown, D, Helm, D and Stephenson,T, (2009),A low carbon water industry in 2050, Report: SC070010/R3, Resource Efciency Programme, Evidence Directorate, EA, UK. EC (2001), Study on improving the energy efciency of pumps, European Commission, ETSU, CETIM,TFA, DavidT. Reeves Consultant, NESA, available on: HI, PSM (2008), Optimising pumping systems a guide for improved energy efciency, reliability and protability, Hydraulic Institute, Pump Systems Matter, 1st edition, USA.