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TEK 1-4 Glossary of Concrete Masonry Terms

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National Concrete Masonry Association

an information series from the national authority on concrete masonry technology

Keywords: definitions, glossary, terminology
A block: Hollow masonry unit with one end closed by a
cross web and the opposite end open or lacking an end cross
web. (See Open end block.)
Absorption: The difference in the amount of water contained
within a concrete masonry unit between saturated and ovendry conditions, expressed as weight of water per cubic foot
of concrete. [4]
Accelerator: A liquid or powder admixture added to a
cementitious paste to speed hydration and promote early
strength development. An example of an accelerator material
is calcium nitrite.
Adhesive anchor : An anchoring device that is placed in a
predrilled hole and secured using a chemical compound.
Admixture: Substance other than prescribed materials of
water, aggregate and cementitious materials added to
concrete, mortar or grout to improve one or more chemical
or physical properties. [3]
Aggregate: An inert granular or powdered material such as
natural sand, manufactured sand, gravel, crushed stone, slag,
fines and lightweight aggregate, which, when bound together
by a cementitious matrix forms concrete, grout or mortar. [3]
Air entraining: The capability of a material or process to
develop a system of uniformly distributed microscopic air
bubbles in a cementitious paste to increase the workability
or durability of the resulting product. Some admixtures act
as air entraining agents.
Anchor: Metal rod, tie, bolt or strap used to secure masonry
to other elements. May be cast, adhered, expanded or
fastened into masonry. [1]
Angle: A structural steel section that has two legs joined at 90
degrees to one another. Used as a lintel to support masonry
over openings such as doors or windows in lieu of a masonry
arch or reinforced masonry lintel. Also used as a shelf to
vertically support masonry veneer. Sometimes referred to
as a relieving angle.
Arch: A vertically curved compressive structural member
spanning openings or recesses. May also be built flat by
using special masonry shapes or specially placed units.
Area, gross cross-sectional: The area delineated by the out-toout dimensions of masonry in the plane under consideration.
This includes the total area of a section perpendicular to the
TEK 1-4 2004 National Concrete Masonry Association

TEK 1-4
Codes & Specs (2004)

direction of the load, including areas within cells and voids. [1]
Area, net cross-sectional: The area of masonry units, grout
and mortar crossed by the plane under consideration, based
on out-to-out dimensions and neglecting the area of all voids
such as ungrouted cores, open spaces, or any other area
devoid of masonry. [1]
Axial load: The load exerted on a wall or other structural
element and acting parallel to the elements axis. Axial loads
typically act in a vertical direction, but may be otherwise
depending on the type and orientation of the element.
Backing: The wall or surface to which veneer is secured. The
backing material may be concrete, masonry, steel framing or
wood framing. [1]
Beam: A structural member, typically horizontal, designed to
primarily resist flexure.
Burnished block: (See Ground face block.)
Bedded area: The surface area of a masonry unit that is in
contact with mortar in the plane of the mortar joint.
Blast furnace slag cement: A blended cement which
incorporates blast furnace slag.
Blended cement: Portland cement or air-entrained portland
cement combined through blending with such materials as
blast furnace slag or pozzolan, which is usually fly ash. May
be used as an alternative to portland cement in mortar.
Block: A solid or hollow unit larger than brick-sized units. (See
also Concrete block, concrete masonry unit, masonry unit)
Block machine: Equipment used to mold, consolidate and
compact shapes when manufacturing concrete masonry units.
Bond: (1) The arrangement of units to provide strength, stability
or a unique visual effect created by laying units in a prescribed
pattern. See reference 6 for illustrations and descriptions of
common masonry bond patterns. (2) The physical adhesive or
mechanical binding between masonry units, mortar, grout and
reinforcement. (3) To connect wythes or masonry units.
Bond beam: (1) The grouted course or courses of masonry
units reinforced with longitudinal bars and designed to take
the longitudinal flexural and tensile forces that may be
induced in a masonry wall. (2) A horizontal grouted element
within masonry in which reinforcement is embedded.
Bond beam block: A hollow unit with depressed webs or with
"knock-out" webs (which are removed prior to placement)
to accommodate horizontal reinforcement and grout.
Bond breaker: A material used to prevent adhesion between
two surfaces.

Bond, running: The placement of masonry units such that head

joints in successive courses are horizontally offset at least onequarter the unit length. [1] Centering head joints over the unit
below, called center or half bond, is the most common form of
running bond. A horizontal offset between head joints in
successive courses of one-third and one-quarter the unit length
is called third bond and quarter bond, respectively.
Bond, stack: For structural design purposes, Building Code
Requirements for Masonry Structures considers all masonry not
laid in running bond as stack bond. [1] In common use, stack bond
typically refers to masonry laid so head joints in successive courses
are vertically aligned. Also called plumb joint bond, straight stack,
jack bond, jack-on-jack and checkerboard bond.
Bond strength: The resistance to separation of mortar from
masonry units and of mortar and grout from reinforcing steel
and other materials with which it is in contact.
Brick: A solid or hollow manufactured masonry unit of either
concrete, clay or stone.
Cantilever: A member structurally supported at only one end
through a fixed connection. The opposite end has no structural
Cap block: A solid slab used as a coping unit. May contain
ridges, bevels or slopes to facilitate drainage. (See also
Coping block.)
Cavity: A continuous air space between wythes of masonry or
between masonry and its backup system. Typically greater
than 2 in. (51 mm) in thickness. (See Collar joint.)
Cell: The hollow space within a concrete masonry unit formed
by the face shells and webs. Also called core.
Cementitious material: A generic term for any inorganic material
including cement, pozzolanic or other finely divided mineral
admixtures or other reactive admixtures, or a mixture of such
materials that sets and develops strength by chemical reaction with
water. In general, the following are considered cementitious
materials: portland cement, hydraulic cements, lime putty, hydrated
lime, pozzolans and ground granulated blast furnace slag. [3]
Cleanout/cleanout hole: An opening of sufficient size and
spacing so as to allow removal of debris from the bottom of
the grout space. Typically located in the first course of
masonry. [2]
Cold weather construction: Procedures used to construct
masonry when ambient air temperature or masonry unit
temperature is below 40F (4.4C).
Collar joint: A vertical longitudinal space between wythes of
masonry or between masonry wythe and backup construction,
sometimes filled with mortar or grout. Typically less than 2
in. (51 mm) in thickness. [1] (See also Cavity.)
Color (pigment): A compatible, color fast, chemically stable
admixture that gives a cementitious matrix its coloring.
Column: (1) In structures, a relatively long, slender structural
compression member such as a post, pillar, or strut. Usually
vertical, a column supports loads that act primarily in the
direction of its longitudinal axis. (2) For the purposes of design,
an isolated vertical member whose horizontal dimension measured
at right angles to the thickness does not exceed 3 times its thickness
and whose height is greater than 4 times it thickness. [1]
Composite action: Transfer of stress between components of
a member designed so that in resisting loads, the combined
components act together as a single member. [1]
Compressive strength: The maximum compressive load that
a specimen will support divided by the net cross-sectional
area of the specimen.

Compressive strength of masonry: Maximum compressive

force resisted per unit of net cross-sectional area of masonry,
determined by testing masonry prisms or as a function of
individual masonry units, mortar and grout in accordance
with ref. 2. [2] (See also Specified compressive strength of
Concrete: A composite material that consists of a water reactive
binding medium, water and aggregate (usually a combination
of fine aggregate and coarse aggregate) with or without
admixtures. In portland cement concrete, the binder is a
mixture of portland cement, water and may contain admixtures.
Concrete block: A hollow or solid concrete masonry unit.
Larger in size than a concrete brick.
Concrete brick: A concrete hollow or solid unit smaller in
size than a concrete block.
Concrete masonry unit: Hollow or solid masonry unit,
manufactured using low frequency, high amplitude vibration
to consolidate concrete of stiff or extremely dry consistency.
Connector: A mechanical device for securing two or more
pieces, parts or members together; includes anchors, wall ties
and fasteners. May be either structural or nonstructural. [1]
Connector, tie: A metal device used to join wythes of masonry
in a multiwythe wall or to attach a masonry veneer to its
backing. [1] (See also Anchor.)
Control joint: A continuous unbonded masonry joint that is
formed, sawed or tooled in a masonry structure to regulate
the location and amount of cracking and separation resulting
from dimensional changes of different parts of the structure,
thereby avoiding the development of high stresses.
Coping: The materials or masonry units used to form the
finished top of a wall, pier, chimney or pilaster to protect the
masonry below from water penetration.
Coping block: A solid concrete masonry unit intended for use
as the top finished course in wall construction.
Corbel: A projection of successive courses from the face of
masonry. [1]
Core: (See Cell.)
Corrosion resistant: A material that is treated or coated to
retard corrosive action. An example is steel that is galvanized
after fabrication.
Course: A horizontal layer of masonry units in a wall or, much
less commonly, curved over an arch.
Crack control: Methods used to control the extent, size and
location of cracking in masonry including reinforcing steel,
control joints and dimensional stability of masonry materials.
Cull: A masonry unit that does not meet the standards or
specifications and therefore has been rejected.
Curing: (1) The maintenance of proper conditions of moisture
and temperature during initial set to develop a required
strength and reduce shrinkage in products containing portland
cement. (2) The initial time period during which cementitious
materials gain strength.
Damp-proofing: The treatment of masonry to retard the
passage or absorption of water or water vapor, either by
application of a suitable coating or membrane to exposed
surfaces or by use of a suitable admixture or treated cement.
Damp check: An impervious horizontal layer to prevent
vertical penetration of water in a wall or other masonry
element. A damp check consists of either a course of solid
masonry, metal or a thin layer of asphaltic or bituminous
material. It is generally placed near grade to prevent upward
migration of moisture by capillary action.

Diaphragm: A roof or floor system designed to transmit

lateral forces to shear walls or other lateral load resisting
elements. [1]
Dimension, actual: The measured size of a concrete masonry
unit or assemblage.
Dimension, nominal: The specified dimension plus an
allowance for mortar joints, typically 3/8 in. (9.5 mm).
Nominal dimensions are usually stated in whole numbers.
Width (thickness) is given first, followed by height and then
length. [1]
Dimension, specified: The dimensions specified for the
manufacture or construction of a unit, joint or element.
Unless otherwise stated, all calculations are based on
specified dimensions. Actual dimensions may vary from
specified dimensions by permissible variations. [1]
Dowel: A metal reinforcing bar used to connect masonry to
masonry or to concrete.
Drip: A groove or slot cut beneath and slightly behind the
forward edge of a projecting unit or element, such as a sill,
lintel or coping, to cause rainwater to drip off and prevent it
from penetrating the wall.
Drying shrinkage: The change in linear dimension of a
concrete masonry wall or unit due to drying.
Dry stack: Masonry work laid without mortar.
Eccentricity: The distance between the resultant of an applied
load and the centroidal axis of the masonry element under
Effective height: Clear height of a braced member between
lateral supports and used for calculating the slenderness
ratio of the member. [1]
Effective thickness: The assumed thickness of a member used
to calculate the slenderness ratio.
Efflorescence: A deposit or encrustation of soluble salts (generally
white), that may form on the surface of stone, brick, concrete
or mortar when moisture moves through the masonry materials
and evaporates on the surface. In new construction, sometimes
referred to as new building bloom. Once the structure dries, the
bloom normally disappears or is removed with water.
Equivalent thickness: The solid thickness to which a hollow
unit would be reduced if the material in the unit were recast
into a unit with the same face dimensions (height and length)
but without voids. The equivalent thickness of a 100% solid
unit is equal to the actual thickness. Used primarily to
determine masonry fire resistance ratings.
Expansion anchor: An anchoring device (based on a friction
grip) in which an expandable socket expands, causing a
wedge action, as a bolt is tightened into it.
Face: (1) The surface of a wall or masonry unit. (2) The
surface of a unit designed to be exposed in the finished
Face shell: The outer wall of a hollow concrete masonry unit. [5]
Face shell mortar bedding: Hollow masonry unit construction
where mortar is applied only to the horizontal surface of the
unit face shells and the head joints to a depth equal to the
thickness of the face shell. No mortar is applied to the unit
cross webs. (See also Full mortar bedding.)
Facing: Any material forming a part of a wall and used as a
finished surface.
Fastener: A device used to attach components to masonry,
typically nonstructural in nature.
Fire resistance: A rating assigned to walls indicating the
length of time a wall performs as a barrier to the passage of

flame, hot gases and heat when subjected to a standardized

fire and hose stream test. For masonry, fire resistance is most
often determined based on the masonrys equivalent thickness
and aggregate type.
Flashing: A thin impervious material placed in mortar joints
and through air spaces in masonry to prevent water penetration
and to facilitate water drainage.
Fly ash: The finely divided residue resulting from the
combustion of ground or powdered coal.
Footing: A structural element that transmits loads directly to
the soil.
Freeze-thaw durability: The ability to resist damage from
the cyclic freezing and thawing of moisture in materials and
the resultant expansion and contraction.
Full mortar bedding: Masonry construction where mortar is
applied to the entire horizontal surface of the masonry unit
and the head joints to a depth equal to the thickness of the
face shell. (See also Face shell mortar bedding.)
Glass unit masonry: Masonry composed of glass units
bonded by mortar. [1]
Glazed block: A concrete masonry unit with a permanent
smooth resinous tile facing applied during manufacture.
Also called prefaced block.
Ground face block: A concrete masonry unit in which the
surface is ground to a smooth finish exposing the internal
matrix and aggregate of the unit. Also called burnished or
honed block.
Grout: (1) A plastic mixture of cementitious materials,
aggregates, water, with or without admixtures initially
produced to pouring consistency without segregation of the
constituents during placement. [3] (2) The hardened
equivalent of such mixtures.
Grout, prestressing: A cementitious mixture used to
encapsulate bonded prestressing tendons. [2]
Grout, self-consolidating: Highly fluid and stable grout used
in high lift and low lift grouting that does not require
consolidation or reconsolidation.
Grout lift: An increment of grout height within a total grout
pour. A grout pour consists of one or more grout lifts. [2]
Grout pour: The total height of masonry to be grouted prior
to erection of additional masonry. A grout pour consists of
one or more grout lifts. [2]
Grouted masonry: (1) Masonry construction of hollow units
where hollow cells are filled with grout, or multiwythe
construction in which the space between wythes is solidly
filled with grout. (2) Masonry construction using solid
masonry units where the interior joints and voids are filled
with grout.
Grouting, high lift: The technique of grouting masonry in lifts
for the full height of the wall.
Grouting, low lift: The technique of grouting as the wall is
constructed, usually to scaffold or bond beam height, but not
greater than 4 to 6 ft (1,219 to 1,829 mm), depending on code
H block: Hollow masonry unit lacking cross webs at both
ends forming an H in cross section. Used with reinforced
masonry construction. (See also Open end block.)
Header: A masonry unit that connects two or more adjacent
wythes of masonry. Also called a bonder. [1]
Height of wall: (1) The vertical distance from the foundation
wall or other similar intermediate support to the top of the
wall. (2) The vertical distance between intermediate supports.

Height-to-thickness ratio: The height of a masonry wall

divided by its nominal thickness. The thickness of cavity
walls is taken as the overall thickness minus the width of the
High lift grouting: (See Grouting, high lift.)
Hollow masonry unit: A unit whose net cross-sectional area
in any plane parallel to the bearing surface is less than 75 %
of its gross cross-sectional area measured in the same plane.
Honed block: (See Ground face block.)
Hot weather construction: Procedures used to construct
masonry when ambient air temperature exceeds 100F
(37.8C) or temperature exceeds 90F (32.2C) with a wind
speed greater than 8 mph (13 km/h).
Inspection: The observations to verify that the masonry
construction meets the requirements of the applicable design
standards and contract documents.
Jamb block: A block specially formed for the jamb of windows
or doors, generally with a vertical slot to receive window
frames, etc. Also called sash block.
Joint: The surface at which two members join or abut. If they
are held together by mortar, the mortar-filled volume is the
Joint reinforcement: Steel wires placed in mortar bed joints
(over the face shells in hollow masonry). Multi-wire joint
reinforcement assemblies have cross wires welded between
the longitudinal wires at regular intervals.
Lap: (1) The distance two bars overlap when forming a splice.
(2) The distance one masonry unit extends over another.
Lap splice: The connection between reinforcing steel generated
by overlapping the ends of the reinforcement.
Lateral support: The means of bracing structural members in
the horizontal span by columns, buttresses, pilasters or cross
walls, or in the vertical span by beams, floors, foundations,
or roofs.
Lightweight aggregate: Natural or manufactured aggregate
of low density, such as expanded or sintered clay, shale,
slate, diatomaceous shale, perlite, vermiculite, slag, natural
pumice, volcanic cinders, diatomite, sintered fly ash or
industrial cinders.
Lightweight concrete masonry unit: A unit whose oven-dry
density is less than 105 lb/ft3 (1,680 kg/m3). [4]
Lime: Calcium oxide (CaO), a general term for the various
chemical and physical forms of quicklime, hydrated lime
and hydraulic hydrated lime.
Lintel: A beam placed or constructed over a wall opening to
carry the superimposed load.
Lintel block: A U-shaped masonry unit, placed with the open
side up to accommodate horizontal reinforcement and grout
to form a continuous beam. Also called channel block.
Loadbearing: (See Wall, loadbearing.)
Low lift grouting: (See Grouting, low lift.)
Manufactured masonry unit: A man-made noncombustible
building product intended to be laid by hand and joined by
mortar, grout or other methods. [5]
Masonry: An assemblage of masonry units, joined with
mortar, grout or other accepted methods. [5]
Masonry cement: (1) A mill-mixed cementitious material to
which sand and water is added to make mortar. (2) Hydraulic
cement produced for use in mortars for masonry construction.
Medium weight concrete masonry unit: A unit whose ovendry density is at least 105 lb/ft3 (1,680 kg/m3) but less than

125 lb/ft3 (2,000 kg/m3). [4]

Metric: The Systeme Internationale (SI), the standard
international system of measurement. Hard metric refers to
products or materials manufactured to metric specified
dimensions. Soft metric refers to products or materials
manufactured to English specified dimensions, then
converted into metric dimensions.
Mix design: The proportions of materials used to produce
mortar, grout or concrete.
Modular coordination: The designation of masonry units,
door and window frames, and other construction components
that fit together during construction without customization.
Modular design: Construction with standardized units or
dimensions for flexibility and variety in use.
Moisture content: The amount of water contained within a
unit at the time of sampling expressed as a percentage of the
total amount of water in the unit when saturated. [4]
Mortar: (1) A mixture of cementitious materials, fine aggregate
water, with or without admixtures, used to construct unit
masonry assemblages. [3] (2) The hardened equivalent of
such mixtures.
Mortar bed: A horizontal layer of mortar used to seat a
masonry unit.
Mortar bond: (See Bond.)
Mortar joint, bed: The horizontal layer of mortar between
masonry units. [1]
Mortar joint, head: The vertical mortar joint placed between
masonry units within the wythe. [1]
Mortar joint profile: The finished shape of the exposed
portion of the mortar joint. Common profiles include:
Concave: Produced with a rounded jointer, this is the standard
mortar joint unless otherwise specified. Recommended for
exterior walls because it easily sheds water.
Raked: A joint where 1/4 to 1/2 in. (6.4 to 13 mm) is removed
from the outside of the joint.
Struck: An approximately flush joint. See also Strike.
Net section: The minimum cross section of the member under
Nonloadbearing: (See Wall, nonloadbearing.)
Normal weight concrete masonry unit: A unit whose ovendry density is 125 lb/ft3 (2000 kg/m3) or greater. [4]
Open end block: A hollow unit, with one or both ends open.
Used primarily with reinforced masonry construction. (See
A block and H block.)
Parging: (1) A coating of mortar, which may contain dampproofing ingredients, over a surface. (2) The process of
applying such a coating.
Pier: An isolated column of masonry or a bearing wall not
bonded at the sides to associated masonry. For design, a
vertical member whose horizontal dimension measured at
right angles to its thickness is not less than three times its
thickness nor greater than six times its thickness and whose
height is less than five times its length. [1]
Pigment: (See Color.)
Pilaster: A bonded or keyed column of masonry built as part
of a wall. It may be flush or project from either or both wall
surfaces. It has a uniform cross section throughout its height
and serves as a vertical beam, a column or both.
Pilaster block: Concrete masonry units designed for use in the
construction of plain or reinforced concrete masonry pilasters
and columns.
Plain masonry: (See Unreinforced masonry.)

Plaster: (See "Stucco.")

Plasticizer: An ingredient such as an admixture incorporated
into a cementitious material to increase its workability,
flexibility or extensibility.
Post-tensioning: A method of prestressing in which
prestressing tendons are tensioned after the masonry has
been placed. [1] See also Wall, prestressed.
Prestressing tendon: Steel element such as wire, bar or
strand, used to impart prestress to masonry. [1]
Prism: A small assemblage made with masonry units and mortar
and sometimes grout. Primarily used for quality control purposes
to assess the strength of full-scale masonry members.
Prism strength: Maximum compressive force resisted per
unit of net cross-sectional area of masonry, determined by
testing masonry prisms.
Project specifications: The written documents that specify
project requirements in accordance with the service
parameters and other specific criteria established by the
owner or owners agent.
Quality assurance: The administrative and procedural
requirements established by the contract documents and by
code to assure that constructed masonry is in compliance
with the contract documents. [1]
Quality control: The planned system of activities used to
provide a level of quality that meets the needs of the users
and the use of such a system. The objective of quality control
is to provide a system that is safe, adequate, dependable and
economic. The overall program involves integrating factors
including: the proper specification; production to meet the
full intent of the specification; inspection to determine
whether the resulting material, product and service is in
accordance with the specifications; and review of usage to
determine any necessary revisions to the specifications.
Reinforced masonry: (1) Masonry containing reinforcement
in the mortar joints or grouted cores used to resist stresses.
(2) Unit masonry in which reinforcement is embedded in
such a manner that the component materials act together to
resist applied forces.
Reinforcing steel: Steel embedded in masonry in such a
manner that the two materials act together to resist forces.
Retarding agent: An ingredient or admixture in mortar that
slows setting or hardening, most commonly in the form of
finely ground gypsum.
Ribbed block: A block with projecting ribs (with either a
rectangular or circular profile) on the face for aesthetic
purposes. Also called fluted.
Sash block: (See Jamb block.)
Scored block: A block with grooves on the face for aesthetic
purposes. For example, the grooves may simulate raked joints.
Screen block: An open-faced masonry unit used for decorative
purposes or to partially screen areas from the sun or from view.
Shell: (See Face shell.)
Shoring and bracing: The props or posts used to temporarily
support members during construction.
Shrinkage: The decrease in volume due to moisture loss, decrease
in temperature or carbonation of a cementitious material.
Sill: A flat or slightly beveled unit set horizontally at the base
of an opening in a wall.
Simply supported: A member structurally supported at top
and bottom or both sides through a pin-type connection,
which assumes no moment transfer.
Slenderness ratio: (1) The ratio of a members effective

height to radius of gyration. (2) The ratio of a member's

height to thickness.
Slump: (1) The drop in the height of a cementitious material
from its original shape when in a plastic state. (2) A
standardized measurement of a plastic cementitious material
to determine its flow and workability.
Slump block: A concrete masonry unit produced so that it
slumps or sags in irregular fashion before it hardens.
Slushed joint: A mortar joint filled after units are laid by
throwing mortar in with the edge of a trowel.
Solid masonry unit: A unit whose net cross-sectional area in
every plane parallel to the bearing surface is 75 percent or more
of its gross cross-sectional area measured in the same plane. [4]
Note that Canadian standards define a solid unit as 100% solid.
Spall: To flake or split away due to internal or external forces
such as frost action, pressure, dimensional changes after
installation, vibration, impact, or some combination.
Specified dimensions: (See Dimension, specified.)
Specified compressive strength of masonry, f'm: Minimum
masonry compressive strength required by contract
documents, upon which the project design is based (expressed
in terms of force per unit of net cross-sectional area). [1]
Split block: A concrete masonry unit with one or more faces
purposely fractured to produce a rough texture for aesthetic
purposes. Also called a split-faced or rock-faced block.
Stirrup: Shear reinforcement in a flexural member. [1]
Strike: To finish a mortar joint with a stroke of the trowel or
special tool, simultaneously removing extruded mortar and
smoothing the surface of the mortar remaining in the joint.
Stucco: A combination of cement and aggregate mixed with a
suitable amount of water to form a plastic mixture that will
adhere to a surface and preserve the texture imposed on it.
Temper: To moisten and mix mortar to a proper consistency.
Thermal movement: Dimension change due to temperature
Tie: (See Connector, tie.)
Tolerance: The specified allowance in variation from a
specified size, location, or placement.
Tooling: Compressing and shaping the face of a mortar joint
with a tool other than a trowel. See "Mortar joint profile" for
definitions of common joints.
Unreinforced masonry: Masonry in which the tensile
resistance of the masonry is taken into consideration and the
resistance of reinforcement, if present, is neglected. Also
called plain masonry. [1]
Veneer, adhered: Masonry veneer secured to and supported
by the backing through adhesion. [2]
Veneer, anchored: Masonry veneer secured to and supported
laterally by the backing through anchors and supported
vertically by the foundation or other structural elements.
Veneer, masonry: A masonry wythe that provides the finish
of a wall system and transfers out-of-plane loads directly to
a backing, but is not considered to add load resisting
capacity to the wall system. [1]
Wall, bonded: A masonry wall in which two or more wythes
are bonded to act as a composite structural unit.
Wall, cavity: A multiwythe noncomposite masonry wall with
a continuous air space within the wall (with or without
insulation), which is tied together with metal ties. [1]
Wall, composite: A multiwythe wall where the individual
masonry wythes act together to resist applied loads. (See
also Composite action.)

Wall, curtain: (1) A nonloadbearing wall between columns or

piers. (2) A nonloadbearing exterior wall vertically supported
only at its base, or having bearing support at prescribed
vertical intervals. (3) An exterior nonloadbearing wall in
skeleton frame construction. Such walls may be anchored to
columns, spandrel beams or floors, but not
Wall, foundation: A wall below the floor nearest grade serving
as a support for a wall, pier, column or other structural part of
a building and in turn supported by a footing.
Wall, loadbearing: Wall that supports vertical load in addition
to its own weight. By code, a wall carrying vertical loads
greater than 200 lb/ft (2.9 kN/m) in addition to its own weight. [1]
Wall, multiwythe: Wall composed of 2 or more masonry
Wall, nonloadbearing: A wall that supports no vertical load
other than its own weight. By code, a wall carrying vertical
loads less than 200 lb/ft (2.9 kN/m) in addition to its own
weight. [1]
Wall, panel: (1) An exterior nonloadbearing wall in skeleton
frame construction, wholly supported at each story. (2) A
nonloadbearing exterior masonry wall having bearing support
at each story.
Wall, partition: An interior wall without structural function. [2]
Wall, prestressed: A masonry wall in which internal
compressive stresses have been introduced to counteract
stresses resulting from applied loads. [1]
Wall, reinforced: (1) A masonry wall reinforced with steel
embedded so that the two materials act together in resisting
forces. (2) A wall containing reinforcement used to resist
shear and tensile stresses.
Wall, retaining: A wall designed to prevent the movement of
soils and structures placed behind the wall.
Wall, screen: A masonry wall constructed with more than
25% open area intended for decorative purposes, typically
to partially screen an area from the sun or from view.
Wall, shear: A wall, bearing or nonbearing, designed to resist
lateral forces acting in the plane of the wall. [1]
Wall, single wythe: A wall of one masonry unit thickness.

Wall, solid masonry: A wall either built of solid masonry

units or built of hollow units and grouted solid.
Wall tie: A metal connector that connects wythes of masonry.
Wall tie, veneer: A wall tie used to connect a facing veneer to
the backing.
Water permeance: The ability of water to penetrate through
a substance such as mortar or brick.
Waterproofing: (1) The methods used to prevent moisture
flow through masonry. (2) The materials used to prevent
moisture flow through masonry.
Water repellency: The reduction of absorption.
Water repellent: Material added to the masonry to increase
resistance to water penetration. Can be a surface treatment
or integral water repellent admixture.
Web: The portion of a hollow concrete masonry unit connecting
the face shells.
Weep hole: An opening left (or cut) in mortar joints or
masonry face shells to allow moisture to exit the wall.
Usually located immediately above flashing.
Workability: The ability of mortar or grout to be easily placed
and spread.
Wythe: Each continuous vertical section of a wall, one masonry
unit in thickness. [1]
1. Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures, ACI 53002/ASCE 5-02/TMS 402-02. Reported by the Masonry Standards
Joint Committee, 2002.
2. Specification for Masonry Structures, ACI 530.1-02/ASCE 6-02/
TMS 602-02. Reported by the Masonry Standards Joint Committee, 2002.
3. Standard Terminology of Mortar and Grout for Unit Masonry,
ASTM C 1180-03. ASTM International, 2003.
4. Standard Terminology of Concrete Masonry Units and Related
Units, ASTM C 1209-01a. ASTM International, 2001.
5. Standard Terminology of Masonry, ASTM C 1232-02. ASTM
International, 2002.
6. Concrete Masonry Bond Patterns, TEK 14-6. National Concrete
Masonry Association, 1999.

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does not assume responsibility for errors or omissions resulting from the use of this TEK.
13750 Sunrise Valley Drive, Herndon, Virginia 20171

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