Morris Cerrulo Ç
Morris Cerrulo Ç
Morris Cerrulo Ç
Morris Cerullo
How to Pray
You Can Have a New Beginning
21 Days to Your Total Healing
Spir itual Fir epower
This book is lovingly dedicated to Partners of World Evangelism
who have become members of Gods Victorious Army and share the
vision God has given me to reach the world for Jesus Christ in these
end times.
My prayer is that each of you will rise up with the greatest new
anointing of Gods power and spiritual breakthrough that you have
ever knownthat very same anointing that opens blind eyes, causes
the deaf to hear and the lame to walk. Remember, greater is He
that is in you, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). If the enemy
tries to come in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord God will raise up
a standard against him (see Isaiah 59:19).
All my love and prayers.
Gods servant,
Dr. Morris Cerullo
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3: Can a Christian Be
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7: Winning the War Versus
Winning the Battle................................... 59
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10: The Worlds Great Needs
Can They Be Met?.....................................81
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 25:
Chapter 26:
Spiritual Firepower..................................231
Chapter 27:
Could a Demon Be
Controlling Your Life?
Demonic power is real. Do you believe it? I know you say that
you do, but do you really believe that Satans demons could be controlling your life right now?
Im beginning to discover that even very dedicated Christians
dont really understand what is happening to them in the spirit world.
The other day I was deeply concerned when one of my most fervent
ministry partners said to an associate of mine, Theres something
about spiritual warfare that I just dont understand.
Whats that? my associate replied.
Well, Brother Cerullo says that, There is no total victory in
spiritual war until we (as Christians) conquer our enemy who has
already been defeated. Now, I know that Satan is our enemy, and
that demons do exist; but if Jesus already defeated them at Calvary
two thousand years ago, why do we have to conquer them all over
again? How could Satan have any real power over Christians if Jesus
has already won?
Unfortunately, this thinking is very common. On one hand,
Christians are living lives of torment, walking in bondage and defeat
with no real spiritual power. On the other hand, they know Gods
Word and have been trained in spiritual warfare, but they have little
idea of the power and the seriousness of the war they are in. The bottom line of all their thinking is, Satan has already been stripped of his
power. Im safe because Im in Jesuss hands.
Beloved, if this is what you have been telling yourself, then you,
too, have been blinded by one of the enemys most brutal deceptions.
Somehow, he has convinced you that all of the problems, illnesses,
defeats, depressions, and anxieties in your life have nothing to do
with demonic powers. He makes you think that they are all caused
by circumstances, your in-laws, the wrong vitamins, a bad childhood, or anything else you can think of!
The fact is that demonic oppression is very real in the Church
There is one demon spirit that controls, dominates, possesses,
oppresses, vexes, and torments eight out of ten people in the world
today, including born-again Christians!
Right now there is an 80 percent chance that this demon spirit
is secretly pulling you away from God, destroying your witness for
Christ, and choking your growth in the Holy Spirit, and you dont
even know it. Can you believe it?
I intend to prove it to you. Let us now turn to the Word of God,
for Gods infallible Word is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
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Chapter 1
Many people in this modern, sophisticated twenty-first century would say, The poor man probably had a severe hormonal
imbalance. Or, I know that that kind of behavior is the result of
a traumatic childhood. Or, I guess he was just born a bad seed.
Thats not what the Bible says. The Bible says it was the work of
demon spirits, pure and simple. The Word of God proves that this
man was not just a bad seed or someone with a chemical problem,
because when he was delivered of all of those foul spirits, he immediately became an outstanding evangelist (see Luke 8:33-39).
We could go on and on, proving in case after case that demonic
power was real in Jesuss day. Not only was it real, but it severely
tormented, oppressed, possessed, vexed, and controlled many people
of biblical times. Demons caused deafness, blindness, and countless
other ailments that destroyed the minds and bodies not only of the
heathen, but of Gods very own people.
Urgent Alarm!
Today the Lord is urgently sounding the alarm, trying to
make us see that many people in the Church who have assumed
that they will be part of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb could
instead be cast out of His Kingdom if they insist on living with
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the oppressive forces that are binding them and destroying Christs
Church. These oppressive forces are making you, as a Christian,
both helpless and useless.
I want to read to you one of the most chilling stories in the Word
of God. It is a story that haunts me day and nighta story that
keeps me awake, grieving for Gods blinded, oppressed, dominated,
and controlled people.
I know of nothing that shows how a Christian can be rendered
helpless, uselessly bound by Satan, more than the story Jesus Himself tells in Matthew 25:14-30. Open your Bible with me now as the
Lord reveals to us the horrifying truth of how Satan oppresses Gods
people in the Church.
The story begins as Matthew tells of how the Master, Jesus, went
away on a far journey. Before He left, He invested in His servants,
entrusting them with all that He had.
Read this dramatic passage of Scripture with me now:
For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far
country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto
them his goods.
And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to
another one; to every man according to his several ability;
and straightway took his journey.
Then he that had received the five talents went and traded
with the same, and made them other five talents.
And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other
But he that had received one went and digged in the earth,
and hid his lords money.
After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.
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Fear Is a Spirit!
The apostle Paul warned Timothy, For God hath not given us
the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind
(2 Timothy 1:7). The Word also tells us that, fear hath torment
(1 John 4:18). Therefore, since fear is a tormenting spirit, we know
that it does not come from God. And if it does not come from
God, there is only one other source fear can come from, and that
is from Satan!
It is the devils goal to keep you oppressed by fear, to prevent you
from doing the will of God, and to keep you from being used by
God in the gifts of the Spirit. Fear is one way that Satan keeps us in
bondage to self. When God gives you a gift of His Spirit to give to
others, Satan uses fear to make you think: This might not be God. Its
probably just me, and I ll make a fool of myself. I d better hold back.
Fear is also the devils tool to keep us in bondage to the opinions
of man. We are afraid of what people will think or say about us. We
become afraid that we might not be accepted in our denomination
if we go all the way for God.
I know of nothing that binds, vexes, torments, and keeps us
from doing Gods will more than fear. When we attend a spiritual
meeting, God moves upon our heart to give money to reach the
lost. As soon as we get home, Satan attacks: You cant give that
amount. Its too much. You were just being emotional. What will happen if you get cancer or lose your job? You have so little money in the
bank. Fear strikes, and God is robbed. Satan has won the victory.
The door is now open for the enemy to come in and hinder the
glorious promises of God. The unholy spirit of fear takes control.
The Kingdom suffers.
Remember that judgment begins in the house of God (see 1 Peter
4:17). If you go down to defeat because of giving in to the spirit of
fear, what will you say when you stand before God?
Friend, if you have ever made a pledge to God and not fulfilled
that vow, I urge you to do so before you go one step further. I dont
want you to stand before the Master and hear what the unprofitable
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servant heard. Jesus told him, Depart from me, and he was cast
into outer darkness (see Luke 13:27).
We are to be ruled by love for our Lord, never by fear! The Book
of Ecclesiastes tells us:
When you vow a vow or make a pledge to God, do not put
off paying it; for God has no pleasure in fools (those who witlessly mock Him). Pay what you vow. [See Proverbs 20:25;
Acts 5:4.] It is better that you should not vow than that you
should vow and not pay [See Psalm 50:14; 66:13-14; 76:11.]
(Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 AMP).
Let us each determine today to overcome all fear so that we
might glorify God by triumphantly saying to Him, Praise waiteth
for thee, O God, in Sion: and unto thee shall the vow be performed
(Psalm 65:1).
Beloved, its harvest time! This is not a fire drill! Its the real
thing! Jesus is coming! Let us all get our house in order quickly and,
using all of the resources at our disposal, move on to total victory
in Him.
Now listen to the way Satan has another dear Christian so paralyzed by fear that she is totally useless in fulfilling Gods will for her
life. She pleads:
Dear Brother Cerullo and Theresa, please help me. I
cant cope with this three-year-old problem that seems to
be getting worse. I really need help.
Why is it that I have the most difficult time maintaining
eye contact with anyone? On account of it, I fear people.
I find it so difficult to fellowship with anyone. Even my
relationship with my husband is shaky, and I have problems trying to communicate with my child.
I dont have any friends. There are people who want my
friendship, but it seems that I cant let them. I retreat
from them with a sort of weird look in my eyes, and with
a fearful and timid attitude.
Its such a helpless feeling that overwhelms me. I almost
have to force myself to go anywhere.
I asked God not long ago to give me a burden for people so that I could reach out to them and give myself to
Well, praise God, the burden is there, but the problem is
that whenever theres a need for me to reach out, I panic.
I get frightened and find it difficult to even face them.
What is this? I know that God did not create me this
way. There are people in need everywhere, and here I am,
just wasting my life.
I hope your heart is breaking as you see the desperation in this
life. These same fears may be yours. Yet Gods Word commands that
we must (and can) rise up and overcome all of our fears. Those who
do not overcome fear will be cast into the lake of fire, right along
with all of the other unprofitable agents of Satan.
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Discussion Questions
1. Do you personally know someone who struggles with
persistent fears?
2. Can you think of an occasion when you acted (or did not
act) based on a fear?
3. In what part of your life does the spirit of fear usually
attack you?
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Other Books by
Dr. Morris Cerullo
The Prophets Mantle
Christ, Your Healer
How to Break Satans Cycle of Defeat