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Mythological Lairs
Firebirds (Phoenix) Lair

Channeled by Andrea Chisara Baginski

Manual by Andrea Chisara Baginski
Layout by Andrea Chisara Baginski & Jens Seborg


Firebirds are found in many cultures and with different names, but
they all are firebirds.
In all legends the description of the Phoenix is identical in the
following points:
He has a red plumage, a multicoloured tail, a golden neck, is
majestic in flight and sings the most beautiful song. He looks like an
eagle, heron, pheasant or peacock, but is always bigger and more
colorful. The Phoenix is always in connection with fire, sun and
eternity. And at last, there is always only one Phoenix at a time.

1. Phoenix Greek / European

In the Greek legend,
legend the Phoenix
lived in Arabia. Every morning,
at the time when the sun is
rising, he immerses in the cool
water of the well and sings a
song, so sweet, that the sun god
stops his chariot and listened to
him. Every 500 years, some
sources tell 972 or 1461 years,
when his death approached, he
flew to Syria, buildt a nest of aromatic wood and spices and set it
on fire. The flames consumed the bird, but from the ashes, a new
Phoenix arose. He wraps up the ashes in a parcel of myrrh, flies
to Heliopolis, the City of Sun, in Egypt and deposits this parcel
on the altar of Ra, the Sun God.
The European legend told us about the Phoenix in the Roman
Empire. It is a continuation of the Greek mythology, but the
Firebird serves no longer as a symbol for a god. The Phoenix was
compared with the undying Rome. He served as a symbol of the
Eternal City in mosaics and was used on coins.
A lot of important writers and philosophers, for example Ovid,
Tacitus and Pliny the Elder, told us about the Phoenix as a
miraculous bird.
After the Roman Empire, the Phoenix was transferred in
Christianity to parts of the legend to Christian Symbolism. The
Phoenix served as a symbol for Christ. Also the symbolic meaning
of the herbs were taken over. Myrrh symbolised the coming of
death, Frankincense intercession.

2. Bennu Egypt
Bennu is the name of the Firebird in the
Egyptian mythology. His name means the
Ascending one. He represents the sun and
the rise of life and announced a new period of
fertility and prosperity. He also is portrayed
as a heron on the sarcophagi. Bennu is a
primordial God, who builds his nest on the
highest willow in the City of Sun, Iunu. He
serves as a symbol for the deities Kepera, Re,
Atum and Osiris and as a symbol for the
soul. So he also is called Ba of Re = The
Soul of Re.
In the Egyptian mythology we have differences from the other
legends. In no source the self-burning and age of Bennu is

3. Garuda South East Asia and India /Buddhist

In Buddhism, the Phoenix is
called Garuda, the Bird of
Life. Here we have the only
legend in which he is represented with a human body.
He has a golden body, white
face, a beak of an eagle and
scarlet wings. He is so large,
that he can cover the sun and
turn the day into the night.
He killed like every other predator but after a Buddhist prince
taught him religious values, he became beneficent and defended
friendly tribes and fought the enemies.
Garuda is seen as the mount of Vishnu.

4. Fenghuang / Si ling / Feng Chinese -

The Firebird equivalent is
known in the Chinese mythology as Fen-huang. He has
glorious plumage and sings a
beautiful song. He appears
when good fortune is due.
Feng means wind and
Huang means red. His
number is 5. The plumage
shines in 5 colors and his song
is the harmony of 5 tones, from
which was said that he
brought this traditional music
to the Chinese.
Fen Huang is the symbol of the empress, loyalty, honesty, the
south, the male Yang, elegance and beauty.

5. Zhar-Ptitsa / Firebird Russia

The Russia firebird only exists in fairy tales.
One story became famous in Igor Stravinskys ballet LOiseau de
Stravinsky's ballet centers on the
journey of its hero, Prince Ivan. Ivan
enters the magical realm of Kashchei
the Immortal. While wandering in the
garden, he sees and chases the Firebird.
The Firebird, once caught by Ivan, begs
for its life and ultimately agrees to
assist Ivan in exchange for eventual
Next, Prince Ivan sees thirteen
princesses, with whom he falls in love.
The next day, Ivan chooses to confront
Kashchei to ask to marry one of the
princesses; the two talk and eventually

begin quarreling. When Kashchei sends his magical creatures after Ivan, the
Firebird, true to its pledge, intervenes, bewitching the creatures and making
them dance an elaborate, energetic dance (the "Infernal Dance"). The creatures
and Kashchei then fall asleep; however, Kashchei awakens and is killed by
the Firebird. With Kashchei gone and his magic broken, the magical creatures
and the palace all disappear, and all of the "real" beings (including the
princesses) awaken and, with one final fleeting appearance from the Firebird,
celebrate their victory.
Source: Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Firebird

Another Fairytale tells us about a hunter who tried to kill

Phoenix. But the Firebird cried out when he was hit by
arrow. His cry was so loud that the oceans arose and
mountains tumbled. This was the reason why the noise of
wind becomes the music of the humans.


6. Roc / Rukh / Anqa / Simorgh Arabia

In the Islamic mythology, the
phoenix is a
mysterious bird,
created by Allah. He helps the people
but he was killed by a plague. He is
described as a red heron, sometimes
gigantic, sometimes with two horns.
We must know him from the
fairytales Thousand and One

7. Israel
Here the Phoenix is represented as a Cherub or Angel. When he
claps his wings it simulates the thunder. This was the thunder
which sounds like a volcanic explosion that destroyed the

8. Astrology
The Phoenix was considered as a higher form of the eagle. One of
the symbols of the constellation Scorpio. Phoenix is a small
constellation in the Southern Hemisphere and his brightest Star
was known as Nair al Zaurak, which means Bright one in the

Magical Correspondences
Fire with Earth
Astrologically associated with Leo and the Fifth House

The bright side:
Phoenix types are energetic, active,
ambitious but pragmatic, developers
and builders. They are much targeted
and must be able to see the results of
their work. They work hard and
independent and assertive they also
have a dramatic flair. They are
idealistic, have a strong sense of social
justice in association with religious
convictions and powerful moral. These
people are good at inspiring others to
put them into practice and have, by themselves, original ideas.
Firebird types need a high level of autonomy and are extremely

The dark side:

The shadow side of the firebird
types is intolerance, unforgiving
and laziness. They do not have
the will to change things for the
better. They need to feel special.
They may simply overindulge
or neglect themselves physically.
There is a passive aggression in
them and they are also prone to
apathy. Firebird types at their
dark side want to have control
over others and their logic is
faulty and self-defeating.

But here we want to use the bright energies of the Firebird, but we
also need the knowledge of the dark side otherwise we couldn't
recognize the bright side.

Take a moment for yourself, sit down and relax. Take some deep
breaths and think about these Qualities. Look deep inside yourself.
Are there some of these qualities in yourself?
Make a list with two columns and name them:
Bright Side

Dark Side

Write down everything that occurs to you. It isn't important how

long the list becomes. It is important you become acquainted with
Be honest with yourself, otherwise this whole exercise doesn't make
Work on the qualities consciously on the Dark Side and after that,
you can work with the qualities on the Bright Side.

You then learn to oversee situations and become high inspirations.

You are able to have an open mind and become curious about the
world again.

The Attunement Procedure

The attunement works by intention. You only have to say:
I ask my Higher Self to attune (name) at (time) on (date) in his/her
time zone for the energy of the Firebird (Phoenix).

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