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Identifying the fingerprint of antiferromagnetic

spin fluctuations in iron pnictide superconductors
M. P. Allan1,2, Kyungmin Lee1, A. W. Rost1,3,4, M. H. Fischer1, F. Massee1,2, K. Kihou5,6, C-H. Lee5,6,
A. Iyo5,6, H. Eisaki5,6, T-M. Chuang7, J. C. Davis1,2,3,8 and Eun-Ah Kim1*
Cooper pairing in the iron-based high-T c superconductors13
is often conjectured to involve bosonic fluctuations. Among
the candidates are antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations1,4,5
and d-orbital fluctuations amplified by phonons6,7 . Any such
electronboson interaction should alter the electrons selfenergy, and then become detectable through consequent
modifications in the energy dependence of the electrons
momentum and lifetime810 . Here we introduce a novel theoretical/experimental approach aimed at uniquely identifying
the relevant fluctuations of iron-based superconductors by
measuring effects of their self-energy. We use innovative
quasiparticle interference (QPI) imaging11 techniques in LiFeAs
to reveal strongly momentum-space anisotropic self-energy
signatures that are focused along the FeFe (interband
scattering) direction, where the spin fluctuations of LiFeAs
are concentrated. These effects coincide in energy with
perturbations to the density of states N() usually associated
with the Cooper pairing interaction. We show that all the
measured phenomena comprise the predicted QPI fingerprint
of a self-energy due to antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations,
thereby distinguishing them as the predominant electron
boson interaction.
The microscopic mechanism for Cooper pairing in iron-based
high-temperature superconductors has not been identified definitively13 . Among the complicating features in these superconductors is the multiband electronic structure (Fig. 1a). However, it
is believed widely that the proximity to spin order15 and/or orbital order6,7 plays a key role in the Cooper pairing. In particular, two leading proposals for fluctuation-exchange-pairing mechanisms focus on two distinct bosonic modes associated with
specific broken-symmetry states: antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations carrying momentum Q = (, )/a0 , and d-orbital fluctuations amplified by Eg -phonon lattice vibrations of the Fe ions.
No conclusive evidence that either fluctuation couples strongly
to electrons and is thus relevant to Fe-based superconductivity
has been achieved within the plethora of proposals about the
existing data1218 .
Each type of electronboson interaction should produce a
) representing its effect
characteristic electronic self-energy (k,
on every non-interacting electronic state |ki with momentum ~k
) is
and energy ~. Thus, the interacting Greens function G(k,
given by
)]1 = [G
0 (k, )]1 (k,

0 (k, ) represents non-interacting electrons and the detailed

where G
) encapsulates the Cooper pairing process. Here,
structure of (k,
a hat () denotes a matrix in particlehole space (Nambu space)
for Bogoliubov quasiparticles in the superconducting state. The

real part Re(k,

) then describes changes in the electrons

dispersion k() and the imaginary part Im(k,

) describes
changes in its inverse lifetime 1 (k, ). The simplest diagrammatic
representation of this electronboson interaction is shown in Fig. 1b.
One way to detect the experimental signature of such a self-energy
is to use angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) to
measure the spectral function A(k, ) ImG(k, ) of the states
with < 0. However, it has recently been realized that quasiparticle
interference imaging, which can access momentum-resolved
information of both filled and empty states with excellent energy
resolution ( < 0.35 meV at T = 1.2 K), might prove especially
advantageous for detecting self-energy effects19 . Our QPI data are
obtained by first visualizing scattering interference patterns in
real-space (r-space) images of the tipsample differential tunnelling
conductance dI /dV (r, = eV ) g (r, ) using spectroscopicimaging scanning tunnelling microscopy, and then Fourier
transforming g (r, ) to obtain the power spectral density g (q, )
(ref. 11). The g (q, ) can then be used to reveal the electron
dispersion k() because elastic scattering of electrons from k()
to +k() results in high intensity at q() = 2k() in g (q, ).
Sudden changes in the energy evolution k() due to (k, ) can
then be determined, in principle19 , using such data.
In a conventional single-band s-wave superconductor with
isotropic energy gap magnitude , it has been well established
that coupling to an optical phonon with frequency can
lead to a renormalization of the electronic spectra at energy
+ (~ = 1) due to a singularity in the momentum-independent
self-energy (k, ) = () at = + (ref. 20). This
classic case is illustrated in Fig. 1c,d through a model spectral
functionR A(k, ) ImG(k, ) and the associated density of states
N () = dkA(k, ). In Fig. 1c, the free dispersion of a hole-like
band is represented by the red dashed line, while the renormalized
dispersion k() due to () is highlighted by the locus of maxima
in A(k, ). These effects can be understood from the conservation of
energy and momentum during scattering processes (Fig. 1b), where
the flat dispersion of an optical phonon presents constraints only on
energy, without any momentum dependence.
In developing our new approach to fingerprinting different
electronboson interactions using QPI, we use the realization that
the kinematic constraints for a multiband electronic system coupled

1 LASSP, Department of Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA. 2 CMPMS Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New
York 11973, USA. 3 School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9SS, Scotland. 4 Department of Physics, The
University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan. 5 Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8568, Japan.
6 JST, Transformative Research-Project on Iron Pnictides (TRIP), Tokyo 102-0075, Japan. 7 Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei 11529,
Taiwan. 8 Kavli Institute at Cornell for Nanoscale Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA. These authors contributed equally to this work.




(Q, )

(k, ) (kQ, ) (k, )


1, 2


N( )

1, 2

Figure 1 | Electronic self-energy due to coupling to bosonic fluctuations. a, Electronic structure of the first Brillouin zone of FeAs superconductors; here
shown using parameters specific to LiFeAs (the inner hole pockets are omitted for clarity). The band surrounds the 0 point, the 1 and 2 bands are
hybridized surrounding the M point at the corner. The AFSF with Q = (, )/a0 (red arrow) can connect the hole-like bands surrounding the 0 point with
the electron-like bands surrounding the M point. b, Diagram of the lowest order self-energy contribution from electronboson interactions. c, Spectral
function A(k, ) ImG(k, ) of a superconducting hole-like band (with unrenormalized normal-state dispersion shown as a red dashed line) with the
superconducting gap and the dispersion renormalization at energy + (arrow) due to coupling to a phonon of frequency . d, Density of electronic
states spectrum N() associated with (c), showing a kink at energy + . e, Schematic view of the kinematic constraint in (k, )-space. We find that the

m ) with m = to satisfy the kinematic

self-energy features on the band can only appear at (k, k ) if there exists a partner point (k Q, kQ
constraint. The blue surface at the centre and the yellow surfaces at the corners of the Brillouin zone are defined by the hole-band and the
outer-electron-band dispersion. The red surface indicates the hole band displaced by the AFSF momentum Q = (, )/a0 (dark red arrow) and energy
(light red arrow). The points that satisfy the kinematic constraint (equation (1)) are defined by the intersection of the red and blue surfaces, and indicated
with a solid black line. These points are expected to exhibit the strongest self-energy effects due to coupling to AFSF. The anisotropy of the black line
demonstrates directly how the AFSF self-energy effects must exist at different in different k-space directions around a particular Fermi pocket (for
example, the band in a).

to resonant AFSF with a sharp momentum structure should result

in a strongly momentum-dependent (anisotropic) self-energy. This
is because, given a fermionic dispersion (k, kn ) for different bands
n and a spectrum of spin fluctuations whose intensity is strongly
concentrated at (Q, ), the renormalization due to the self-energy
at a point (k, kn ) will be most intense when that point can be
connected to another point (k Q, kQ
) on a different band m,
such that
kn = kQ


This is the constraint from conservation of both energy and

momentum in the electronAFSF interaction and its consequence
is shown schematically in Fig. 1e. Here the blue (yellow)
surfaces represent the hole (electron) bands. The transfer of
momentum Q = ( , )/a0 and energy necessary for the resonant
antiferromagnetic fluctuation to couple these bands can be analysed
by shifting the electron-pocket-dispersion surface (horizontally) by
Q and (vertically) by in the k space, to obtain the transparent
red surface. The black curve, showing the intersection of this red
surface with the central -band dispersion (blue), is where the
kinematic constraint of equation (1) can be satisfied and thus
where the strongest self-energy effect due to coupling to AFSF is
predicted. The resulting strongly anisotropic renormalization due
to electronAFSF coupling is in strong contrast to what is expected
as a consequence of the electronphonon coupling case discussed
in the previous paragraph.
Here we study the representative iron-based superconductor
LiFeAs as a concrete example for which it should be possible
to make a clear theoretical distinction between the self-energy
effects driven by different types of bosonic fluctuations. We assume
that BCS theory adequately describes the superconductor deep
in the superconducting phase. Hence, the non-interacting Greens
function is given by
0 (k, )]1 = 0 k 1 Hk0 3

where 0 and i are the identity and the Pauli matrices in

Nambu space, respectively. The superconducting gap structure k
and the band structure Hk0 are taken from experiments11,12,17 and
ab-initio calculations21 (Supplementary Section I). We then study
the lowest order self-energy due to the coupling between Bogoliubov
quasiparticles and two bosonic modes: a resonant AFSF (refs 22,23)
and an optical phonon of the type driving orbital fluctuations due
to in-plane lattice vibrations of the Fe ions with Eg symmetry (Fe-Eg
phonon). It is the coupling of this Fe-Eg phonon to electrons that
is proposed to enhance the d-orbital fluctuations which mediate
Cooper pairing in the orbital fluctuation mechanism6,7 . We take a
perturbative approach of computing the self-energy to the lowest
order9 (Supplementary Section II):
0ll 0 (k q, )g l 0 n
(k, ) = dqdD(q, )g ml G
where the repeated indices are summed over. Given independent
quantitative knowledge of the gap structure, such a perturbative
treatment can accurately capture the salient features of
renormalization due to electronboson coupling (Supplementary
Section III). In equation (2), the bosonic Greens function D(q, )
is sharply peaked around Q = ( , )/a0 with the characteristic
energy of 6 meV to model the resonant AFSF of LiFeAs
(refs 22,23), whereas it is nearly momentum-independent for the
optical Eg phonon20 . We focus on the self-energy effects on the
band (Fig. 1a,e) in the rest of this paper as its nearly uniform
orbital character (dxy ) greatly simplifies the theoretical study
(Supplementary Section III) while at the same time being readily
accessible to QPI studies11 . Given the geometry of the Fermi
surfaces, the kinematic constraint for coupling to resonant AFSF
with momentum Q and energy (red arrows in Fig. 1e) connects
a given k, k on the band (blue surface in Fig. 1e) to a point with
momentum k Q on one of the two electron-like bands (yellow
surfaces in Fig. 1e). Thus, the distinct anisotropic dispersions of
each band mean that resonant AFSF should result in self-energy



(1/2, 1/2)2 /a0



(1/2, 1/2)2 /a0



3 meV

90 90 nm2


3 meV


1.5 nS


3 meV

2.6 nS

2.1 nS

7.5 meV

7.5 meV

7.5 meV

3.3 nS

5.1 nS

15 meV

15 meV

15 meV

8.9 nS



22.5 meV

7.4 nS

22.5 meV

22.5 meV

12 nS

Figure 2 | Comparison between scattering interference theory with AFSF-driven self-energy effects and the experiments. ad, Theoretically predicted
QPI patterns g(q, ) for LiFeAs with Greens function including the self-energy effect due to the coupling between electrons and resonant AFSF
fluctuations, as described in Supplementary Section II. In these simulations, we suppressed the interband scattering visible in the data to highlight the QPI
of the band that are the focus of this study. Note, in c,d the strong anisotropy induced by the kinematic constraint (equation (1)) with clear suppression of
g(q, ) for q along the FeFe direction, which is strikingly different from the strong gap anisotropy that dictates the pattern in a. eh, Measured QPI patterns
g(q, ) (obtained from g(r, ) of LiFeAs). e, QPI signature of anisotropic energy gaps. f, Expected isotropic signature of the complete Fermi surface of the
band. g,h, Transition to a strongly anisotropic g(q, ). Note the suppression of g(q, ) occurring along the FeFe direction. il, Real-space images of g(r, )
from which eh were obtained. The insets show a zoom-in onto a particular impurity, revealing the real-space standing waves from QPI.

effects with a strong directional dependence (black curve on the

band in Fig. 1e). Similarly, for the Fe-Eg phonons with a weak
momentum dependence7 , the self-energy effect for the band
(which consists almost entirely of dxy orbitals24 ) is predicted to be
angle-independent (Supplementary Section IV).
In Fig. 2ad we present the predictions from equation (2) for
g (q, ) in LiFeAs, in the presence of self-energy effects due to
coupling to AFSF (Suplementary Sections IV and V). Just below the
maximum gap value on the band of 3 meV (Fig. 2a), the highintensity region around q 2kF shows an anisotropy dictated by the
gap anisotropy11,17,25 , with the QPI intensity suppressed along the gap

maximum (FeAs) direction. At energies exceeding the maximum

gap values, the predicted g (q, ) at first becomes isotropic (Fig. 2b)
as one might expect from the fact that the Bogoliubov energy is
dominated by the kinetic energy over the gap at high energies.
However, at energies 12 meV the predicted self-energy effects
for the AFSF self-energy (Fig. 2c,d) are seen and, in fact, strongly
suppress the g (q, ) intensity in the FeFe direction relative to the
FeAs direction. The complete predicted evolution of g (q, ), from
being dominated by the anisotropic gap structure11 to the new effects
of the AFSF-driven (k, ) introduced here, is shown in the left
panels of the Supplementary Movie 1.



(1/2, 1/2)2 /a0





15 meV

Normalized conductance


0.48 0.50

7 meV



15 meV



0.40 0.45 0.50

0.40 0.45 0.50

q (2 /a0)

0.40 0.45 0.50

Normalized conductance

7 meV



0.48 0.50 0.52 0.48 0.50 0.52

q (2 /a0)

Re (10 meV) (meV)



Optical phonon





Angle ()





Figure 3 | Fingerprint distinguishing antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations from phonon generated orbital fluctuations in LiFeAs. ac, Predicted QPI
response calculated with self-energy driven by the Fe-Eg phonon. a,b, Sequential images of g(q, ) for two different , one below and one near the coupling
energy. c, Predicted g(q, ) in three different directions in q-space, corresponding to the FeAs direction (left), the FeFe direction (right) and an
intermediate direction (centre). Different grey lines correspond to different , with a 1 meV increase between each neighbouring pair, starting from the
lowest bias = 0 at the bottom. The plots are offset for clarity, and the red dots indicate the maxima. The g(q, ) on the band remains virtually isotropic,
despite the momentum dependence of the electronphonon coupling in our simulations. df, Predicted QPI response calculated with self-energy driven by
resonant AFSF. d,e, Predicted g(q, ) for the same energies as in a,b. f, Predicted g(q, ) in three different directions in q-space, as in c. g(q, ) on the
band is predicted to be highly anisotropic. g, Predicted Re(k(, ), ) at fixed energy = 10 meV calculated with self-energy driven by resonant AFSF
(blue) and the Fe-Eg phonon (red) as a function of the angle (as defined in b,e) around the band.

The experimental search for such signatures of (k, ) in

QPI data consists of imaging g (r, ) at T = 1.2 K with 0.35 meV
energy resolution on LiFeAs samples exhibiting Tc 15 K and with
the superconducting energy gap maximum |max | = 6.5 0.1 meV.
Clean and flat Li-termination surfaces (LiLi unit cell a0 = 0.38 nm)
allowed our atomic resolution/register g (r, ) measurements to be
carried out over the energy range || < 30 meV (Supplementary
Section VI). We then derive the g (q, ) in Fig. 2eh from the
measured g (r, ) at each energy, as shown in Fig. 2il. In Fig. 2e
we see the expected QPI signature of the anisotropic energy gaps on
multiple bands (compare Fig. 2a). Figure 2f shows the characteristic
signature of the complete Fermi surface of the band of LiFeAs at
just outside the superconducting gap edge on that band (compare
Fig. 2b). If none of the electronboson self-energy phenomena
intervened one would expect this closed contour (Fig. 2f) to evolve
continuously to smaller and smaller q-radius with increasing until
the top of this hole-like band is reached. Instead, Fig. 2g shows
the beginning of a very different evolution. Above 12 meV,
the q-space features become strongly anisotropic in a fashion
highly unexpected for unrenormalized states. Indeed, the strongly
suppressed g (q, ) intensity in the FeFe direction relative to the

FeAs direction is very similar to the predictions for (k, ) due to

AFSF (FeFe direction Fig. 2d).
We compare these results to the predicted g (q, ) signatures of
a self-energy (k, ) due to phonons whose strong coupling to
electrons is a central premise for the orbital fluctuation scenario
(Supplementary Section III). Clearly, comparison of predictions due
to the two different boson couplings presented in Fig. 3 through the
and |q| dependence of g (q, ) for the Fe-Eg phonon (Fig. 3ac)
and AFSF (Fig. 3df) can provide a distinguishing fingerprint of
AFSF-driven effects. The AFSF cause maximum renormalization
(peaks of the blue curve) in relatively narrow beams in the
FeFe directions, precisely where the resonant spin fluctuations are
concentrated owing to interband scattering (see Fig. 3g). By contrast
the electronEg -phonon interaction is predicted to yield isotropic
self-energy signatures (red curve) in QPI data.
In Fig. 4a we show a complete representation of our measured data using a combined q presentation of g (q, ) for
0 < < 30 meV (0X and 0M k-space directions are shown in
q-space); these data are most clearly demonstrated in Supplementary Movie 1. (Data above Tc and for 0 < < 30 meV are shown
in Supplementary Section VII.) Most striking in the g (q, ) are the






(0, 0)
(0, 0.5) 2 /a0





q (2 /a0)

0.2 0.5
q (2 /a0)

(0.5, 0.5) 2 /a0




1.2 K
4.2 K
12 K
16 K
Energy (meV)




q (2 /a0)



q (2 /a0)

Energy (meV)



E (meV)


0.35 0.40 0.45








q (2/a0)



Angle ()





Figure 4 | QPI measurements of anisotropic renormalization of dispersion

due to self-energy in LiFeAs. a, Measured g(q, ) represented in q space
for 0 < < 30 meV, with the (0, 1) and (1, 1) directions highlighted. The
inset shows the measured data up to = 60 meV. Red arrow indicates the
energy 12 meV at which sudden changes in dispersion and isotropy of
g(q, ) are observed. See Supplementary Movie 1, in which this effect is
vivid. b, The N() measured simultaneously with g(q, ) and normalized by
N() at T = 16 K. Vertical red arrows indicate the energy 12 meV at
which features associated with Cooper pairing are observed. The inset
shows the original N() dI/dV(). ce, Lineplots of measured g(q, )
data for different energies along the FeAs direction (left), the FeFe
direction (right) and an intermediate direction (centre). The data at
different are offset vertically for clarity. The angle indicated is measured
from the FeAs direction. The red lines represent fits as discussed in
Supplementary Section VIII. f, Dispersion of the maxima in g(q, )
extracted from line cuts as in ce (Supplementary Section VIII). The angle
indicated is measured from the FeAs direction. These dispersions are to
be compared with the predictions in Fig. 3ac or Fig. 3df. g, Measured 1E,
the departure of the dispersion of the maxima in g(q, ) from a model with
no self-energy effect, as a function of the angle around the band of
LiFeAs. This is to be compared with the theoretical prediction in Fig. 3g.

anisotropic kinks in q() indicated by red arrows. Figure 4b shows

the simultaneously measured normalized conductance (density of
states N ()), with the characteristic features of pairing interactions
indicated by red arrows; these occur within the energy range of
the kinks in q(). Figure 4ce show plots of g (q, ) data along
different directions. Figure 4f shows the measured dispersion of
the maxima of these g (q, ) (Supplementary Section VIII). The
inflection points of the g (q, ) dispersion seen in Fig. 4a,f, which
are directly related to the band renormalization from Re(k, ),

are obviously strongly anisotropic in q-space and strongest in the

FeFe direction. Finally, Fig. 4g shows measured values of 1E, the
departure of the dispersion of the maxima in g (q, ) from a model
with no self-energy effect, versus the angle around the band. This
is to be compared with the theoretical prediction in Fig. 3g. The good
correspondences between our theoretical prediction for Re(k, )
effects from coupling to AFSF (Fig. 3g) and the QPI measurements
(Fig. 2eh) are evident. If the optical phonon conjectured to exist in
the same energy range is strongly coupling to electrons, a far more
isotropic dependence would be expected.
Although evidence that self-energy effects due to electron
boson-coupling phenomena are occurring in iron-based materials
abounds18,2632 , a direct comparison between a theoretical prediction
with realistic band/gap structure that distinguishes effects of
coupling to AFSF from those due to coupling to Eg -phonons
generating the orbital fluctuations, has not been achieved. Here,
by combining new theoretical insight into QPI discrimination
between (k, ) from resonant AFSF and (k, ) due to
alternative scenarios, together with novel QPI techniques designed
to visualize the (k, ) signatures19 , we demonstrate that scattering
interference at > max on the band of LiFeAs is highly consistent
with expected effects due to AFSF-driven (k, ). Crucially the
apparent changes in the dispersion (Figs 2 and 4) show a strong
directional dependence, being focused along the FeFe direction
where the spin fluctuations of LiFeAs are concentrated23,33 . This
is in excellent qualitative agreement with our predictions based
on measured band/gap structures of LiFeAs for resonant-AFSFdriven (k, ) effects (Figs 2ad and 3 and Supplementary
Section IV). Further, we demonstrate that such anisotropic
(k, ) effects studied here cannot be caused by a Fe-Eg phonon
(Fig. 3ac and Supplementary Section IV). Thus, our combined
theoretical/experimental approach to fingerprinting the electronic
self-energy (k, ) discriminates directly between different types
of bosonic fluctuations proposed to mediate pairing. In analogy to
phonon-based superconductors, this novel approach may lead to a
definite identification of the Cooper pairing mechanism of ironbased superconductivitywith the present result pointing strongly
to antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations.
Received 15 January 2014; accepted 12 November 2014;
published online 22 December 2014

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We are especially grateful to A. P. Mackenzie and D. J. Scalapino for key guidance with
this project. We acknowledge and thank D. H. Lee, A. Chubukov, P. J. Hirschfeld,
M. Norman and J. Schmalian for helpful discussions and communications. Theoretical
studies are supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences,
Division of Materials Science and Engineering under Award DE-SC0010313 (K.L. and
E-A.K.); NSF DMR-1120296 to the Cornell Center for Materials Research and NSF
CAREER grant DMR-0955822 (M.H.F.). Experimental studies are supported by the
Center for Emergent Superconductivity, an Energy Frontier Research Center,
headquartered at Brookhaven National Laboratory and funded by the US Department of
Energy, under DE-2009-BNL-PM015; by the UK EPSRC; by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
Research C (No. 22540380) from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. T-M.C.
acknowledges support by NSC101-2112-M-001-029-MY3.

Author contributions
M.P.A., A.W.R., F.M. and T-M.C. performed the experiments and analysed the data; K.K.,
A.I., C-H.L. and H.E. synthesized the samples; K.L. and M.H.F. performed the theoretical
calculations of the self-energy and simulation of quasiparticle interference. This project
was initiated by the experimental discovery of the strongly anisotropic QPI features in
the electronboson energy range (A.W.R.) and by the resulting hypothesis that they are
self-energy effects; J.C.D. and E-A.K. supervised the investigation and wrote the paper
with contributions from M.P.A., A.W.R., F.M., K.L. and M.H.F. The manuscript reflects
the contributions of all authors.

Additional information
Supplementary information is available in the online version of the paper. Reprints and
permissions information is available online at
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to E-A.K.

Competing financial interests

The authors declare no competing financial interests.


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