Barbosa 09 Is Robot Net

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ISROBOT N ET: A Testbed for Sensor and Robot Network Systems

Marco Barbosa, Alexandre Bernardino, Dario Figueira,

Jose Gaspar, Nelson Goncalves, Pedro U. Lima,
Plinio Moreno, Abdolkarim Pahliani, Jose Santos-Victor, Matthijs T. J. Spaan, Joao Sequeira

Abstract This paper introduces a testbed for sensor and

robot network systems, currently composed of 10 cameras
and 5 mobile wheeled robots equipped with several sensors
for self-localization, obstacle avoidance and vision cameras,
and wireless communications. The testbed includes a serviceoriented middleware to enable fast prototyping and implementation of algorithms previously tested in simulation, as well as
to simplify integration of subsystems developed by different
partners. We survey an integrated approach to human-robot
interaction that has been developed supported by the testbed
under an European research project. The application integrates
innovative methods and algorithms for people tracking and
waving detection, cooperative perception among static and
mobile cameras to improve people tracking accuracy, as well
as decision-theoretical approaches to sensor selection and task
allocation within the sensor network.

Since the mid-90s, the dissemination of low cost networking media is extending the domains of Robotics applications.
The ubiquity of the internet and the huge amount of work
on intelligent systems and robotics has further pushed the
research on networked robot systems (NRS) to embrace
also the topic of human-robot interaction. This induces the
development of test tools where different techniques can be
assessed in real, and controlled, conditions.
NRS call for the integration of several research and
development topics: perception, ubiquitous computing, network communications, decision-making under uncertainty, as
well as robot localization, navigation, and world modeling.
Furthermore, cooperative techniques that take advantage of
the distributed nature of NRS can also be used for perception,
navigation and decision-making.
The European URUS project, started December 2007,
aims at deploying a NRS in real urban scenarios in the
city of Barcelona, Spain. The system is composed by a
set of cameras, connected through internet, and multiple
heterogeneous robots with onboard computational power,
odometry, sonars, GPS, and laser range finder sensors [1].
Experiments on urban surveillance, and transportation and
guidance of people and goods are scheduled within the
project. The aim is to demonstrate that networked robots can
This work is supported by the European Project FP6-2005-IST-6-045062URUS and by Fundaca o para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (ISR/IST pluriannual
funding) through the POS Conhecimento Program that includes FEDER
funds, and by grants PTDC/EEA-ACR/73266/2006,SFRH/BD/23804/2005
and SFRH/BD/30957/2006
All the authors are with the Institute for Systems and Robotics at
Instituto Superior Tecnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal.
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interact naturally with people in urban environments, going

beyond usability aspects traditionally considered in humancomputer interaction.
Within URUS, the Institute for Systems and Robotics
(ISR) at Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST), in Lisbon, has developed a testbed for NRS, the Intelligent Sensor and Robot
Network (ISROBOT N ET), that enables testing a wide range
of (possibly cooperative) perception and robot navigation
techniques (e.g., cooperative localization and navigation, cooperative environment perception, cooperative map building),
as well as human robot-interaction, distributed decision making, and task and resource allocation. Such a testbed enables
fast integration of the heterogeneous subsystems involved in
a NRS, in a fairly controlled environment. This way, later
stages of testing in real urban scenarios benefit of the fact that
integration is already fully functional, and the focus can then
be turned to the decision-making, task allocation, humanrobot interaction, perception and navigation subsystems.
Deploying a NRS requires an additional component to
integrate all the subsystems involved. This integration component interfaces the mobile and static sensor and actuator
components with the physical devices, and has similarities
to a standard information system, namely concerning the
involved requirements, e.g., flexibility, scalability, platform
independence, development process simplification, real-time
performance, integration with existing infrastructure, promoting software reuse, programming language independence,
and robustness. ISROBOT N ET is built around the kernel of
a service-oriented architecture (MeRMaID) originally developed for ISRs RoboCup Middle Size League (MSL) robot
team [2], and extended to use the YARP networking software [3]. The resulting research environment is being used
to test a myriad of heterogeneous subsystems independently
developed by the different groups in the project team.
Design options for the testbed build upon the similarity
between architectures for the integration of different components in multiple domains. Among the most representative
examples of NRS architectures, we have selected just a few
that identify interesting concepts.
The DAMN architecture [4] is a collection of independently operating modules implementing a group of distributed behaviors. These communicate with a centralized
arbiter which is responsible for combining the behaviors such
that the resulting action reflects their objectives and priorities.
A networking concept for robots based on the LACOS
context manager was proposed in [5]. Each node in the
network is composed of a robot and a LACOS interface to the

network bus. The LACOS interface contains an application

interface, a query issue engine, a result collector and a
context database and corresponding manager. A three tier
architecture with application, infrastructure and middleware
layers was proposed in [6]. The application layer contains
the functional blocks related to single robot activities, e.g.,
path planning. The infrastructure layer provides the network
services. The middleware layer handles the communication
among services. The Distributed Field Robot Architecture
(DFRA) has been applied to a simulated demining task [7].
It is a behavioral architecture that implements a standard
perception-to-actuation scheme with additional blocks for
map building and sensor and actuator management.
Despite the numerous NRS proposals, implemented flexible NRS testbeds are not common. After a section describing
the ISROBOT N ET testbed in detail, this paper describes
multi-disciplinary research work, where innovative methods
have been ported from typical research simulation tools
to a real NRS environment with minimal effort, using the
ISROBOT N ET facilities.
Currently, the ISROBOT N ET testbed is composed of an
indoor area of around 160 m2 with 10 webcams placed
at the ceiling such that some of the fields of view do not
overlap. The cameras are distributed in 4 groups, each of
which is managed its by its own computer, namely for image
acquisition. The managing computers are connected to the
ISR/IST network and can be accessed by duly authorized
external parties. Ongoing work will extend the number of
cameras and the usable indoor space to include multiple
floors. Robots will use the same elevators as ordinary people
to move between floors. Besides the camera sensors, four
Pioneer AT and one ATRV-Jr robots are available. Each of
the robots is equipped with sonars, onboard cameras, laser
range finder and is Wi-Fi connected to the network. Figure
1 shows one of the floors at ISR/IST where the testbed is
implemented and a map with the cameras field-of-view.
The testbed can be used to demonstrate both the individual
and integrated operation of NRS subsystems. The use of the
YARP networking software (extending MeRMaID) creates
the basis network transparent layer over which a wide variety of integration architectures can be deployed. Arbitrary
computational resources can be distributed over the network.
The integration architecture (see Section III) allows a fully
decentralized use of these resources.
In addition to the specific integration infrastructure, basic
services such as robot teleoperation and direct image acquisition and recording from the camera network, as well as
event logging, are also available.
A. Service-Oriented Architecture
The URUS project includes 11 partners, from different
institutions (universities, research centers and companies)

and countries, working on different aspects of what should be

seen by the user as an integrated system. Therefore, special
attention was focused on the integration approach. The initial
requirements for the integration platform were:

minimize the effort required from each individual developer that is concerned with only a very limited portion
of the system, by providing a simple light-weight
integration setup both in terms of technology used and
effort required to integrate existing code;
avoid constraining the ability to build a system that is
able to cope with the projects requirements while constraining the developers options in integration-critical
aspects of the system;
enforce a non-fixed initial structure for the system since
specific capabilities to be developed by the partners
were not completely defined in the beginning.

To fulfill the previous general requirements, the serviceoriented architectural style was chosen as the general framework through which the problem of connecting needs to
capabilities is viewed. The OASIS groups Reference Model
for Service Oriented Architecture [8] provided all the basic
concepts and terminology that are used project-wide by the
several partners. Within this model, a Service is viewed as a
software artifact that has some kind of internal dynamics.
Therefore, a Services internal state may change through
time. This artifact exists with the purpose of providing a
certain capability which it controls. This capability may be,
for instance, some kind of robot navigation algorithm, a highlevel coordination mechanism or even some non-functional
capability like data logging and display. Each Service exists
and runs by itself, having well-defined mechanisms through
which interaction with other Services may be made.
B. Service Interaction Mechanisms
A fundamental aspects of Services is that they need to
interact with each other in order to, cooperatively, enable
the whole system to behave as expected. Integration-wise
it is important to have standard mechanisms through which
Services interact. This constrains the developers options but
allows more control over how Services are used. In order to
establish well-defined mechanisms through which Services
may interact, two types of interactions where defined:
a) Service Request: a polling mechanism through
which a request from a Requester Service is sent to a
Target Services Service Interface. Upon reception, the Target
Service is supposed to process that request according to
the rules stipulated for requests sent to one of its Service
Interfaces. After processing is finished, the Target Service is
expected to send a reply back to the Requester Service. This
is the preferred mechanism for single-shot interactions.
b) Data Feed: a data push mechanism through which
data generated by a Writer Service is made available to
the rest of the system. Any other Service interested in the
data may simply read it (named a Reader Service in the
context of this interaction). This is the preferred mechanism
for continued interactions.

Fig. 1. Left: Partial view of the ISROBOT N ET testbed, showing most of the cameras in the ceiling and the mobile robots equipped with several sensors.
Center: Diagram of the connectivity links between cameras and robots, which have to share the limited network bandwidth. Right: The map of the
environment showing the cameras field-of-view and a picture taken from camera 3.

The implementation of these interaction mechanisms was

defined to use YARP [3] as a communication library. YARP
was chosen given its capability to work in several platforms,
its simple Port concept for communication endpoints and
usage experience within the URUS consortium.
C. System Description Files
Besides knowing how a Service may interact with another
Service the developer also needs to know which other
Services exist, what capabilities do they offer, under which
interaction mechanism are they offered and what is the
structure of all the data exchanged between Services. It was
decided that a full specification of all these issues was needed
in order to successfully integrate software, in the form of
description files written in XML.
These description files are used to describe the structure
of the whole system and also to validate syntactically, during
run-time, all the interactions between Services. This way it
is possible to validate that all the data exchanged between
Services is correctly formatted and that the interaction mechanisms being used are valid. It is expected that each Service
should validate semantically all the interactions it is part of,
and act accordingly.
Although one of the objectives while defining the integration framework was to keep it as simple as possible,
it still would require a fairly strong effort from each individual developer if he were to design, implement, test
and deploy his/her own instance of all of issues covered by
the integration framework. Therefore we chose to adapt and
extend our available middleware MeRMaID (Multiple Robot
Middleware for Intelligent Decision-making) to comply with
all the integration rules that have been specified. For the
URUS project, only MeRMaIDs low-level layer, designated
as MeRMaID::support, was used.
Unlike other middleware projects, for instance, MIRO
[9] and OROCOS [10], the emphasis was not put in the
development of the software middleware itself. The main
issues that were addressed were the definition of systemwide concepts (such as those of Service and the interaction
mechanisms) and their low-level implementation (e.g., usage
of YARP as a communications library). After this was all
defined, a natural next step was to develop a software package that forces the developed solution to take into account

User Code

System XML




Operating System

Fig. 2.
URUS integration stack in dark blue with optional
MeRMaID::support middleware in light blue. Usage of
MeRMaID::support forces the user to follow all integration

all of the requirements of the overall integration framework.

As a result, integration can both be accomplished with or
without the usage of MeRMaID::support, as long as all
of the integration requirements are followed. A diagram of
the URUS integration stack is shown in Figure 2.
All the work described in the remainder of the paper was
implemented using the above service-oriented architecture
and, in some cases, MeRMaID::support as well.
A. Human-Robot Detection and Localization
A key element in NRS is the ability to detect and locate
items of interest in the environment. In ISROBOT N ET, this
ability is provided by the fixed camera network, through the
use of real-time algorithms for the detection and localization
of persons and robots the main entities of interest in
the considered scenarios. We assume a calibrated camera
network (homography transformations relate the cameras
image planes to the ground plane), allowing us to describe
the location of objects in a unified world coordinate system,
representing the area under surveillance. We compute the
uncertainty of the measurements in world coordinates, which
constitutes an essential input for data fusion in the higher
level temporal tracking and cooperative localization algorithms. Despite the numerous works on fixed camera methods
for detection, object identification and uncertainty modeling,
ours contributes to the state-of-the-art in the addition of 3D

Fig. 3. Diagram of the person-robot detection, classification and localization algorithm.

Fig. 4.
Waving detection, considering very different scenarios, image
resolutions and human postures.

features to the person-robot discrimination methods and a

context-dependent characterization of image measurement
noise arising in the detection phase.
A diagram of the detection, categorization and localization
algorithms is provided in Figure 3. The first step consists of
detecting moving objects in the images using the LOTS [11]
adaptive background differencing algorithm. This process
provides a list of image blobs that potentially correspond
to objects of interest in the scenario. The next step consists
of extracting features from the image blobs to support their
discrimination into persons, robots or other objects. 2D
features are extracted directly from the images: blobs area,
bounding box aspect ratio, occupancy ratio (blobs area over
bounding box area). 3D features include the blobs location
and height in world coordinates and requires the use of the
camera calibration homographies. The blobs location is used
to discard objects that are outside the valid ground plane
region. The remaining features are used to classify the blobs
in persons, robots or other. The classifier is currently a simple
decision tree with fixed structure.
After targets have been categorized, we compute their
location and associated uncertainty in world coordinates. To
localize the targets position in world coordinates we first
select an image point corresponding the contact point on
the ground floor. This point is selected as a fraction of the
bounding box height. Depending on the targets class (persons or robots), the mean and covariance of this computation
was assessed with manually defined ground truth data. The
mean corrected point is then projected to the ground plane
coordinates via the camera calibration homography. Also the
image error covariance ellipse is projected on the ground
plane through the Unscented Transform [12], in order to
compute the world plane uncertainty. Further details about
the described algorithms can be checked in [13].

requiring the (time-consuming) pose reconstruction of parts

of the human body. We use focus of attention (FOA) features
[15] which compute optical flow statistics with respect to the
targets centroid. In order to detect waving activities at every
frame, a boosting algorithm uses labeled samples of FOA
features in a binary classification problem: waving vs not
waving. We use the Temporal Gentleboost algorithm [16]
which improves boosting performance by adding a (shortterm) temporal support to the features. Noise robustness is
further improved by defining a waving event, which imposes
the occurrence of a minimum number of single-frame waving
classifications in a suitably defined temporal window.
From the person-robot detection algorithm, each bounding
box classified as a person is tested by the waving detector. A
rudimentary form of tracking is provided by data association
based on the distance between bounding box positions in
consecutive time frames (nearest neighbor or Hungarian
assignment [17]), which allow us to cope with moving
targets. In the image regions corresponding to the detected
targets, we compute FOA features based on a dense optical
flow algorithm [18]. The optical flow algorithm is based
on a new metric for intensity matching, which removes
noisy flow vectors with a low computational load. It allows
high frame rate performance (up to 20fps) and low false
positive rate. In addition, the method is able to detect waving
patterns in low resolution targets, which is frequently the
case in cameras with wide field of view in surveillance
infrastructures. In [19], the robustness of the waving model
(FOA and GentleBoost) is tested on the KTH action database
and compared to the state-of-the-art results in both indoors
and outdoors datasets. In Figure 4 we show both indoor and
outdoor examples of waving detection. In one case, despite
the person being in a lateral posture, the method is able to
successfully detect the gesture.

B. Waving Recognition

C. Active Cooperative Perception

As a part of the EU project CAVIAR [14], ISR has

addressed the recognition of activities in a surveillance scenario, detecting events such as left luggageand people fighting, using qualitative representations of body parts movements. We apply this type of representations to model the
waving gesture, a universal mechanism whereby people call
for attention and signal emergency situations. We develop
a real-time waving detector that can be applied to indoor
and outdoor scenarios. Our model relies on a qualitative
representation of body parts movements. Waving patterns
are represented by simple motion statistics information, not

One of the advantages of adding mobile sensors to static

sensor networks is the ability to actively change some of
the sensors vantage points, so as to improve the quality of
perception, as obtained by fusing (some of) the sensors estimates. An active cooperative perception (ACP) network [20]
is able to improve the quality of its fused estimates by taking
actions (e.g., moving robots with onboard cameras) that
change network topology to minimize a given cost function.
In ISROBOT N ET, people tracking can be improved by
fusing the information from the static cameras with sensor
readings provided by cameras onboard mobile robots. Mobile

Fig. 5.

Scenario where a mobile robot can take several paths.

robots can get closer to the person and improve the accuracy of its localization over time. The vision-based people
tracking system described in Section IV provides means and
covariances of people locations so that these can be used in
the (active) sensor fusion process.
To reach closer to the person location, a robot can initially
take different paths. A path can be longer than others but
might be faster to take, or require less energy, e.g., due to
less changes in robot orientation. Additionally, alternative
paths will be covered differently by the camera network.
Since sensor fusion requires estimates to be transformed to
a common global frame, the uncertainty about the mobile
sensors (robots) location matters. If one uses the camera
network to improve the robots localization, paths better
covered by the camera network will reduce people tracking
uncertainty. Therefore, several factors influence the decision
of whether to move a robot or not to improve people tracking,
and which path should the robot take [21].
Consider the scenario depicted in Figure 5 with 2 static
cameras and a mobile robot that can take different paths L1 ,
L2 and L3 to approach object O and estimate its location.
The object is within the field of view of camera 2. Camera 1
covers part of the environment but can not see the object.
However, camera 1 field of view can be used by the robot to
improve its own localization uncertainty. The shortest path
to reach the object is L2 . L1 might be a good alternative
candidate, but a wall obstacle on the way to the object
requires some maneuvering, increasing the spent energy. On
the other hand, the apparently longer-than-necessary path L1
may have a reduced cost, as the robot will be observed by
camera 1 on its way to object O, therefore improving its own
localization uncertainty. As for path L3 , it takes a detour to
observe closer another object of potential interest, A. If the
network goal includes getting additional information on this
object, this should be considered as well.
We use a Markov Decision Process (MDP) framework to
determine the best path, in the sense of minimizing a path
cost which includes the energy spent, and uncertainties about
object and mobile sensor localization as penalties, and the
relevance of visiting some extra objects, as rewards.
A. Sensor Selection
Besides the classical surveillance setup in which a human
operator monitors video streams, we have been working on

automating this task as demonstrated in Section IV. However,

given the large bandwidth and computing power demands
of imaging sensors, processing the video streams of a large
number of cameras simultaneously might not be feasible.
For instance, state-of-the-art human activity recognition algorithms such as the one presented in Section IV-B, require
high-resolution video streams at a high frame rate, as well as
significant computational resources. The bandwidth problem
becomes even more prominent given the growing popularity
of so-called IP-cameras, which are connected directly to a
(local area) network, and need to share this medium.
Given these constraints and a set of sensors, we study
the problem of selecting a subset that can be active at any
point in time. The goal of the system is to optimize a userdefined objective. We consider several possible objectives,
for instance maximizing coverage or minimizing uncertainty
when tracking people [22]. Related problems have been
studied in the wireless sensor network literature [23], where
the resource constraint considered typically is energy, given
each sensors limited battery life. We focus on developing
dynamic sensor selection methods, which can change the
active subset of sensors over time. In this way, the system can
react to the observed state of its environment, significantly
improving the systems performance.
In particular, we consider a decision-theoretic approach to
dynamic sensor selection [22]. We propose to use Partially
Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) [24], as
they form a strong methodological framework for sequential
decision-making under uncertainty. We model the problem of
tracking a person using n cameras as a POMDP, under the
constraint that only k cameras can emit observations at any
point in time, with k  n. This resource constraint forms a
general way to model restrictions in available bandwidth or
computing power. Now, the POMDPs actions are defined as
selecting the k sensors to be active in the next time frame.
As the POMDPs belief state forms a sufficient statistic for
the decision-making problem, the system incorporates all
observations made in the past. We show how, by changing
the POMDPs reward function, we can change the systems
behavior in a straightforward manner, fulfilling the users
chosen objective. We have demonstrated our techniques on
the ISROBOT N ET network of 10 cameras, illustrating the
rich set of behaviors we can achieve [22].
B. Task Allocation
In ISROBOT N ET, the tasks that the mobile robots can
provide are related to navigation, cooperative perception
(with the camera network) and human-robot interaction. The
requests to execute tasks originate from multiple sources,
such as the camera network or the human system operators
In general, the number of tasks to be executed at some
time instant is not equal to the number of mobile robots.
Furthermore, the mobile robots are heterogeneous and the
order in which tasks will be requested is not known in
advance. Under these conditions, the problem of computing
an optimal allocation solution is NP-Hard [25].

An auction protocol is employed for the allocation of tasks

in ISROBOT N ET. The mobile robot tasks to are first collected
at a central node, denoted the auctioneer. The tasks can
arrive at any instant, but are announced to the robots only at
regular intervals. The robots then reply with their individual
estimated fitness (see below) for the execution of each task.
This information is used to formulate a linear assignment
problem of tasks to robots, which is solved efficiently using
the Hungarian algorithm, [17]. In some applications, tasks
may have distinct assignment priorities. This is implemented
at the auctioneer level, where the optimization cost functional
is modified accordingly.
The main advantage of this protocol is that the auctioneer
is not required to know the state of each robot. The protocol
is also robust to communication failures: tasks are allocated
if only some of the robot replies are received.
The synthesis of controllers for the execution of tasks
by the mobile robots is accomplished using a Partially
Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) [26]. For
each task, suitable models of the robots rewards, actions
and observations are determined. The resulting POMDPs are
solved off-line to obtain an execution policy and the expected
discounted reward at each belief state. The latter is identified
with the fitness of the mobile robot to execute the task.
Combining POMDPs and auction protocols for task allocation is a natural solution. The performance of auction
protocols is dependent on the correct estimation of each
robot fitness [27], which is readilly obtained from expected
discounted reward value of each task controller. Another
advantage is that the fitness for tasks using different action
sets can be compared.
A POMDP-based solution for task allocation can only
be approximated for problems with modest dimensions.
However, since coordination among the system components
is implicitly provided in the auction protocol, the POMDPs
for each task need not account for other robots. As a results,
the dimension of the POMDPs are smaller than if the states
and actions of all robots where to be considered in a single
assignment problem.
In this section we show an experiment integrating several
of the existing functionalities of the described setup. The
experiment illustrates a rendezvous scenario where a service
robot meets a person detected by the camera network.
As explained in Section IV, each camera detecting persons
and robots associates an uncertainty measure (covariance
matrix) to localization information in world coordinates.
When targets are observed by more than one camera, a
Bayesian data fusion process joins the information from
the several cameras and provides the POMDP with the
a posteriori distribution of the data, assuming Gaussian
uncertainties. This process is illustrated in Figure 6. Two
cameras observe the same target and each one provides an
independent location measure with high uncertainty. After
the fusion process, the uncertainty is significantly reduced.


Fig. 6. Detail of the uncertainty models of cameras 3,8 and their fusion.
Refer to Figure 1 for the cameras locations.

Figure 7 shows (i) the detections provided by the camera

network; (ii) the person and robot positions displayed in the
2D world map and and (ii) the environment discrete cells of
a POMDP. All cameras are working but we display only two
of them at each time: one that shows the persons detection
and the other to show the robots detection. In the maps
we plot the trajectories of persons and robots obtained by
gathering information from all the cameras. There are some
outlying detections: sometimes a person is mis-detected as
a robot due, mainly, to occlusions in the field of view of
the cameras, but the false detection rate is very low and
does not influence the probabilistic localization methods. The
POMDP map represents the likelihood of person and robot
positions (the darker the cell, the higher the likelihood) and
the blue circle shows the selected cell for commanding the
next robot position, determined by the decision process.
In this paper we introduced a testbed for sensor and
robot network systems, describing its hardware and serviceoriented middleware, as well as some of the research whose
development it has supported so far. The main benefit of
the testbed is that it has enabled fast integration, using
systematic principles, and fairly simple rules, of considerably
diverse subsystems (e.g., vision-based people tracking and
waving recognition, cooperative perception among static and
mobile cameras, decision-theoretical camera selection and
task allocation) in a coherent manner. Furthermore, this is
accomplished in a fairly realistic but controlled scenario,
thus focusing on the integration aspects, in such a way that
the testbed can act as a first step towards more demanding
applications, e.g., in outdoor scenarios.
Future work will consist of continuous improvements on
the middleware (a new version is almost ready, and also
ported to the RoboCup MSL team) and current algorithms, as
well as the implementation of new ones, including the more
ambitious integration of several subsystems on a building
evacuation mission, where the network must detect several
different events, with different priorities and detection level
of confidence, such as robot needing recharge, eruption of
fire bursts, people intrusion, people asking for support, or
people moving towards the wrong exit, and take cooperative
decisions on the mobile robots paths, so as to guide people
towards safe exits. This will enable further development
of theoretical research on the involved enabling disciplines
(computer vision, decision-making under uncertainty, cooperative perception, task allocation), driven by the practical
challenges posed by a realistic implementation.

Fig. 7. The rendezvous experiment. We show two meeting points: one at the center of the map (left figures) and another at one of the extremes (right
figures). At each time step the location of person and robot is determined by the camera network, displayed by red and green markers in the map,
respectively. The POMDP spatially fuses the temporally fused detections provided by the camera network and computes the likelihood of person and robot
locations in a discrete cell based map. Periodically, the POMDP computes the best action to apply to the robot in order to follow the person (shown as a
blue circle in the figures).

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