Online Advertising Word Document
Online Advertising Word Document
Online Advertising Word Document
Online advertisement
Online advertising is a form of advertising that uses the
Internet and World Wide Web in order to deliver marketing
messages and attract customers. Online advertising is a form of
promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web for the
expressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract
customers. Examples of online advertising include contextual ads
on search engine results pages, banner ads, Rich Media Ads,
Social network advertising, online classified advertising,
advertising networks and e-mail marketing, including e-mail spam
3. Targeting:
You can target your audience effectively. The trick is to place your
ad where the right customers can see it. Think like one of your own
customers by trying to imagine which sites they're likely to visit. Those sites
are where to place your ad.
8. Budget:
Everything you really need is a PC, some knowledge and ideas for
designing your site, then search for the best Internet ad package for your
advertising needs and budgets, choose from a variety of advertisement ways
like Banner Ads, text ads, etc. All from the comfort of your home.
13. The ad works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year:
It's always nice to know your advertising is working for you around
the clock and around the world, so that your customers can view it at their
convenience rather than any specific time.
15. Your customers can see your ad, shop, and buy, (if you sell
your goods online) all without leaving home: It's hard to beat
that sort of convenience.
1: Scope:
2: Additional costs:
You can gather more statistics than a baseball team. Worse, some
of the click-through rates are low - often 1 or 2 percent or even less. That
means hardly anyone who sees your ad clicks on it and visits your Web site
- or buys your product. Online advertising is still in its infancy.
Even with its disadvantages, the Internet is turning into a tool that
surpasses the wildest dreams of ad execs. The radio took 38 years to reach
50 million users. Television took 13 years to reach 50 million viewers. And
the Internet took just 5 years to reach the same number of users - a
stupendous achievement.
➢ VIDEO ADS: With the popularity of online video watching, video ads have
become a viable means of distributing rich advertising content. Currently
video ads can either be content created entirely by the advertiser, or “in
video” ads that will show your ad within a video. Major search properties
like Google (through You Tube), MSN, Yahoo, and AOL all offer
advertising on their video websites.
Focus on conversion:
There must be clear objectives for online e advertising. Advertising may have
many purposes, so identify a specific objective for a specific online advertising.
Advertising may be designed to do the following:
Again, there should be clear in advance how much is dependent on advertising and
how much is dependent on other aspects of your marketing effort, such as the sales
Raise Awareness
Awareness on its own will not sell products, however; if this is your objective, you
must integrate your campaign with other elements of your marketing. Likewise,
awareness among the general public is very different from awareness in a small,
specialized market, so you should be clear about whom you are trying to reach.
Communicate Benefits
For example, if research shows that your company’s products are perceived as old-
fashioned or poor value for the money, you need to take action to communicate the
real benefits of your products. The phrase “perception is reality” definitely applies
in advertising.
Generate Leads
The purpose of some types of advertising is to provide leads that can be followed
up by a field sales force or telemarketing team. Sometimes, customers or prospects
have a complex decision- making structure and you cannot identify the decision
makers. Advertising that generates inquiries can identify the right people and open
In the personal computer market, for example, products have become increasingly
regarded as commodities, and the resulting price competition put pressure on
margins. Manufacturers found that businesses and individuals were willing to buy
personal computers “off the page” or via the Internet. The result was a
considerable growth in the level of direct sales, and manufacturers could reduce
prices by avoiding the cost of selling through retail outlets.
This type of advertising helps to build traffic for your special event and insures that
the event attracts the right prospects. For example, a company that sponsors senior
Advertising can help to drive business to retail outlets and can improve the
performance of your distribution network by showing the range of services
available from the outlets. It can also counter competitive action, if, for example,
customers are using other distributors to obtain spare parts and service. In this
case, advertising should show locations of retail outlets and explain why the
authorized distributor should be the first choice for customers.
Because of the lack of such information, many advertisers were faced with a
difficulty in allocating budgets for online advertising. The use of online
There are online advertising companies that market various tools such as pop-up
ads, banner ads, traffic exchanges etc, With the advent of heavy competition in
various businesses, online advertising has become a necessity.
You can achieve very good exposure of your website through Online advertising.
The very effective tools are SEO (search engine optimization), classified
advertisements, viral marketing, classified ads, email marketing and many more
free and paid forms of advertising.
C.I. Almanac
2005 50,600,0 1,112,225, 4.5 %
00 812
2006 40,000,0 1,112,225, 3.6 % Iamai
00 812
2007 42,000,0 1,129,667, 3.7 % AWS
00 528
Online advertising is steadily robbing the market share from traditional media
advertising. Given the potential of growth and increasing Internet penetration in
India, online advertising is set to explode in coming years. The 38.5 million Indian
Internet users, according to an IAMAI study, have become the prime target for
numerous advertisers clouding the web.
Solutions to both publishers and advertisers include Komli premium network and
Komli performance network. Komli premium network offers publishers tons of
advertising formats using the newest web technologies, as well as many top
brands, and provides advertisers with rich, targeted ways to connect with
Komli last year got $7 million funding from 3 VCs namely Nexus India Capital
along with Draper Fisher Jurvetson and Helion Ventures.
Pubmatic optimises the Ads for publishers by offering the ad real estate to the
network that maximizes your earning opportunities.
Internet company Yahoo picked up at least 35% stake in Tyroo for an undisclosed
amount in July 2007. Incubated by Delhi-based digital media company Smile
Interactive Technologies Group, Tyroo was voted as one of the 10 most interesting
startups by Business daily Mint, a part of the HT Media group.
dgm India: dgm India claims to be the largest performance based affiliate ad
network in the country. dgm India is a wholly owned subsidiary of Deal Group
dgm India offers to its advertisers affiliate program to develop a virtual sales force
using one of their turnkey affiliate marketing products, whereby advertisers
promote their products via relevant and top performing affiliates /publishers.
For publishers, DGM India will optimize their online inventory, monitor and
evaluate performance and provide with attractive deals from all the advertisers.
I am really surprised that being into online advertising space they themselves do
not have much to show on their website.
Along with online Internet advertising, PayPod has also launched mobile
advertising solutions for publishers in India.
IndiAds offers ad serving services for websites with traffic over 20,000,000
pageviews per month. With ability to precisely target ads to any geographic
location, with greater flexibility in campaign settings, publishers are able to
acquire new advertisers and provide better results for their existing clients.
Sulekha Ad Network has a network of 600+ websites serving Indians and NRIs.
Sulekha Ad Network influences consumer behaviour and lead to brand awareness,
lead generation and online sales by leveraging the LARGEST ad network serving
NRIs and Indians.
Google ad sense: Although not Indian, it is the most popular Ad network not only
in India but worldwide. More than 5 publishers mentioned above claim to be the
largest Ad network in India. I wonder how that can be with more than 75% market
share is with Google alone!
• The video ad
• The web banner ad
• The single text ad
Video ad:
Purchasing variations:
• CPA.
CPM (Cost Per Impression)
CPV (Cost Per Visitor) or (Cost per View in the case of Pop
Ups and Under)
Also known as Pay per click (PPC). Advertisers pay each time
a user clicks on their listing and is redirected to their website.
They do not actually pay for the listing, but only when the listing
is clicked on. This system allows advertising specialists to refine
searches and gain information about their market. Under the Pay
per click pricing system, advertisers pay for the right to be listed
under a series of target rich words that direct relevant traffic to
their website, and pay only when someone clicks on their listing
which links directly to their website. CPC differs from CPV in that
each click is paid for regardless of whether the user makes it to
the target site.
But it's not just the ads which help influence its value. Sure it
makes most of its money from the ads, but Google's share price is
also strong and has been since it went public. Google's shares are
And remember that the ads you see on Google are not only
on Google.
AdWords is Google's flagship advertising product and main
source of revenue ($16.4 billion in 2007). AdWords offers pay-per-
click (PPC) advertising, and site-targeted advertising for both text
and banner ads. The AdWords program includes local, national,
and international distribution. Google's text advertisements are
short, consisting of one title line and two content text lines. Image
ads can be one of several different Interactive Advertising Bureau
(IAB) standard sizes.
The auction mechanism that determines the order of the ads has
been described as a Generalized second-price auction. This is
claimed to have the property that the participants do not
necessarily fare best when they truthfully reveal any private
information asked for by the auction mechanism (in this case, the
value of the keyword to them, in the form of a "truthful" bid).
Google's strict code of secrecy calls for extra silence when the
subject is AdWords, the epic money-making machine fueling the
company's drive towards world domination. But sometimes, the
truth slips out.
With Ad Words, you arrange for your very own text ads to appear
in response to Google keyword searches. The program is billed as
an auction. You bid for a particular term or collection of terms -
"chia pet," say, or "suppositories" - and if you bid high enough,
your ad will turn up each time a web surfer searches on those
words. And each time someone clicks on your ad, you pay Google
a fee somewhere beneath your bid - until you reach your daily