Native American Creation Stories
Native American Creation Stories
Native American Creation Stories
What are Native American Creation Stories? A way to teach the people about
who they were, where their ancestors had come from and how the world came to
be. They offer perspectives on what life is and how to understand it, much like
<Christian stories that we have come in the Bible. All native people have stories
from the earliest times, and today we will talk about the Iroquois from the Northeast
and Pima from southwest.
We cannot say for certain which one of the two is more ancient and more
authentic, but of course they are equally significant for native cultures. These
stories were narrated by male and female doctors, some call them Shamans, who
were the second most important people in the tribes. When they died, the original
stories died as well.
Now, what happened thru history? These tribes encountered Christian
missionaries and explorers. Why are they important for us? There are no original
writings, because the stories were a part of oral tradition and not gathered in a
sacred testament or a book (as it is the case with Christian civilizations). In the
second half of the 19th century Christians developed linguistic skills to understand
their language and stories they told. However, what they wrote are only sketches of
original stories. These are only Christian attempts of understanding and translating.
Of course, these stories ended up affected with Christian beliefs, for example in the
Pima story of flood, when the narrator omitted a part of the story on purpose
because he did not want to talk about a man who had many women and children,
but more about that later.
Today we are going to discuss three stories that we have in our readers, Iroquoi
creation story, Pima story of the creation and the story of the flood. This last one I
mentioned, The story of flood is one among the fifteen pre-Colmbian tales
catalogued in Mexico, Central America and the American southwest. Pima version
shows no particular European influence. It is important as a foundational narrative,
it tells of re-creation, re-establishment, re-birth of divine, natural and social orders.
It also tells of the location of the so-called middle of the earth where Pima believed
to live.
Main themes are creation of the world and mankind, elements of good and evil as
binary oppositions. The main points of this presentation will be: the comparison
between Iroquoi and Pima creation stories, because even though they are both
Native American tribes, there are some differences that are worth mentioning; then
the significance of a woman and her position in this matriarchal society, and it is
realy interesting because we know they are really rare; and in the end we will
mention the main differences between Christian and Native American creation
In the NA story of the Flood creators are affected by the flood, they are a part
of this world and want to save what they had created, whereas in the Bible
God causes the flood and he is not affected by it.
There are different versions of creation of the world in NA, not just one. And
theyve been orally transmitted, while in Christianity there is only one version
of the creation.
Important is the position of women in Native American society. Matriarchy is a
society in which females, especially mothers, have the central roles of political
leadership, moral authority, and control of property. We can see in these tales that
men are absent at the beginning of the tale (quotation from Iroquois story of
creation: There was a woman conceived.). The woman is a goddess, the one that
gives life, and children inherited mothers name, unlike in Christian societies. This is
a very different approach to women than the Christian one because there Eve has
committed the original sin, thus announcing the fall of humanity. Also, Eve was
created from Adams rib, which instantly makes her subordinate to him, which is not
the case with Native American view of women. In the Pima legend a young man
turns into a woman and even gives birth to a child this interchangeability would
never happen in a Christian world. Also, Virgin Mary was not as important in Bible as
the woman giving birth to twins in Iroquois story is. Mary was mentioned only in few