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Doc 9830


Advanced Surface
Movement Guidance
and Control Systems
(A-SMGCS) Manual

Approved by the Secretary General

and published under his authority

First Edition 2004

International Civil Aviation Organization

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Doc 9830

Advanced Surface
Movement Guidance
and Control Systems
(A-SMGCS) Manual

Approved by the Secretary General

and published under his authority

First Edition 2004

International Civil Aviation Organization

The issue of amendments is announced regularly in the ICAO Journal and in the
monthly Supplement to the Catalogue of ICAO Publications and Audio-visual
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is provided to keep a record of such amendments.





Entered by




Entered by



Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


3.5 Supplementary requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14

3.6 System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28

Acronyms, Abbreviations and Symbols . . . . . . . . .


Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 1.

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


1.1 Surface movement guidance and

control system (SMGCS) operations . . . . . .
1.2 Goals for improving SMGCS . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 A-SMGCS concept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 2.

Operational Requirements . . . . . . . .


General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System objectives and functions . . . . . . . . .
Division of responsibilities and functions . .
Implementation-related requirements. . . . . .
Basic functional requirements . . . . . . . . . . .
Supplementary requirements . . . . . . . . . . . .
System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 3. Guidance on the Application

of the Operational and Performance
Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.1 System objectives and functions . . . . . . . . .
3.2 Division of responsibilities
and functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3 Implementation-related requirements. . . . . .
3.4 Basic functional requirements . . . . . . . . . . .

Chapter 4.

Performance Requirements. . . . . . . .


System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surveillance requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Routing requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Guidance requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Control requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Chapter 5.

Implementation Issues . . . . . . . . . . . .



Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Capacity assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
Cost/benefit assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
Generic methodology for assessing
capabilities of specific systems to meet
A-SMGCS requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-9
5.5 Safety assessment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
5.6 Certification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-14
Appendix A.

A-SMGCS Categorization . . . . . . .


Appendix B. A-SMGCS Implementation

Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Appendix C. Equipment Evolution for

A-SMGCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Appendix D.

Target Level of Safety (TLS). . . . .


Appendix E.

A-SMGCS Research . . . . . . . . . . . .




to safety- or capacity-related problems that have been
identified up to this date. The A-SMGCS concept (see
Chapter 1), however, is expected to continue to evolve
as and when technology, systems and procedures are

The systems described in the ICAO Manual of Surface

Movement Guidance and Control Systems (SMGCS)
(Doc 9476) are not always capable of providing the
necessary support to aircraft operations in order to maintain
required capacity and safety levels, especially under low
visibility conditions. An advanced surface movement
guidance and control system (A-SMGCS), therefore, is
expected to provide adequate capacity and safety in
relation to specific weather conditions, traffic density and
aerodrome layout by making use of modern technologies
and a high level of integration between the various

The operational and performance requirements contained

herein (see Chapters 3 and 4) are considered to be
necessary for the selection, development and implementation of an A-SMGCS at an aerodrome where the current
SMGCS needs to be upgraded, or for the introduction of an
A-SMGCS at an aerodrome which currently has no
SMGCS, but where the traffic density and/or aerodrome
layout requires one.

Due to the availability and development of new technologies, including automation, it is possible to increase
aerodrome capacity in low visibility conditions and at
complex and high-density aerodromes. In order to avoid a
technology-driven approach, generic operational requirements were developed (see Chapter 2) which, irrespective
of the technology used, provide guidelines for the analysis
and development of local requirements.

This manual is intended as guidance to enable manufacturers and operators, as well as certifying authorities, to
develop and introduce A-SMGCS depending on local circumstances and taking into account global interoperability
requirements for international civil aviation operations.
Applicable ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices
(SARPs) should also be taken into consideration in the
development and implementation of A-SMGCS.

The performance requirements contained in this manual

(see Chapter 4) are intended to provide a possible solution


Acronyms and Abbreviations



Accident/Incident Data Reporting

Automatic dependent surveillance
Aerodrome reference point
Automated radar terminal system
Airport surface detection equipment
Advanced surface movement guidance
and control system(s)
Aerodrome surveillance radar
Air traffic control
Air traffic controller
Aerodrome target identification
Air traffic management
Air traffic services
Aerodrome visibility operational level
Capacity/demand balance
Central Flight Management Unit
Controller working position
Demonstration Facilities for
Aerodrome Movement Management
(European Commission)
Differential global navigation satellite
Data link manager
European Civil Aviation Conference
Estimated time of arrival
Estimated time of departure
European Organisation for the Safety
of Air Navigation
Federal Aviation Administration
Human-machine interface
International Civil Aviation



Instrument landing system

Local area augmentation system
Local area network
Loop sensor sub-system
Nautical mile
Notice to airmen
National Transportation Safety Board
Probability of detection
Probability of detection of an alert
Pilot/driver assistance system
Probability of false alert
Probability of false detection
Probability of false identification
Probability of identification
Runway Incursion Reduction
Programme (FAA)
Required navigation performance
Runway visual range
Standards and Recommended
Standard instrument departure
Surface movement guidance and
control system(s)
Surface movement radar
Surface surveillance data server
Standard instrument arrival
Time division multiple access
Time difference of arrival
Target level of safety
Visual docking guidance system
Visual flight rules
Very high frequency
World Geodetic System 1984

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual



Greater than
Less than



Per cent
Plus or minus

Note. Some terms provided below are taken from
existing ICAO documents, e.g. Annex 14.

Conflict. A situation where there is a risk for collision

between aircraft and/or vehicles.

Advanced surface movement guidance and control system

(A-SMGCS). A system providing routing, guidance and
surveillance for the control of aircraft and vehicles in
order to maintain the declared surface movement rate
under all weather conditions within the aerodrome
visibility operational level (AVOL) while maintaining
the required level of safety.

Identification. The correlation of a known aircraft or

vehicle call sign with the displayed target of that
aircraft or vehicle on the display of the surveillance
Incursion. Any occurrence at an aerodrome involving the
incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle or person on
the protected areas of a surface designated for the
landing, take-off, taxiing and parking of aircraft.

Aerodrome. A defined area on land or water (including any

buildings, installations and equipment) intended to be
used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure
and surface movement of aircraft.

Manoeuvring area. That part of an aerodrome to be used

for the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft,
excluding aprons.

Aerodrome visibility operational level (AVOL). The

minimum visibility at or above which the declared
movement rate can be sustained.

Movement area. That part of an aerodrome to be used for

the take-off, landing and taxiing of aircraft, consisting
of the manoeuvring area and apron(s).

Airport authority. The entity responsible for the operational

management of the airport.

Note. For A-SMGCS, the movement area does not

include passive stands, empty stands and those areas of the
apron(s) that are exclusively designated to vehicle movements.

Alert. An indication of an existing or pending situation

during aerodrome operations, or an indication of an
abnormal A-SMGCS operation, that requires attention
and/or action.

Obstacle. All fixed (whether temporary or permanent) and

mobile objects, or parts thereof, that are located on an
area intended for the surface movement of aircraft or
that extend above a defined surface intended to protect
aircraft in flight.

Note. The term alert covers warnings, cautions,

advisories and alarms reflecting different levels of urgency
or equipment performance.
Apron. A defined area, on a land aerodrome, intended to
accommodate aircraft for purposes of loading or
unloading passengers, mail or cargo, fuelling, parking
or maintenance.

Reversion time. Maximum time for reversion to manual

light control to be completed.
Road. An established surface route on the movement area
meant for the exclusive use of vehicles.

Apron management service. A service provided to regulate

the activities and the movement of aircraft and vehicles
on an apron.

Route. A track from a defined starting point to a defined

end point on the movement area.

A-SMGCS capacity. The maximum number of simultaneous movements of aircraft and vehicles that the
system can safely support with an acceptable delay
commensurate with the runway and taxiway capacity at
a particular aerodrome.

Runway incursion. Any occurrence at an aerodrome

involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle
or person on the protected area of a surface designated
for the landing and take-off of aircraft.

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

Stand. A designated area on an apron intended to be used
for the parking of an aircraft. Stands can be classified

System availability. The ability of an A-SMGCS to perform

a required function at the initiation of the intended
operation within an area covered by the A-SMGCS.

a) active stand a stand that is occupied by a stationary aircraft with engines operating, or on which an
aircraft is moving, or that is being approached by
an aircraft;

System continuity. The ability of an A-SMGCS to perform

its required function without non-scheduled interruption during the intended operation within an area
covered by the A-SMGCS.

b) passive stand a stand that is occupied by a

stationary aircraft with engines not operating; or

System integrity. System integrity relates to the trust which

can be placed in the correctness of the information
provided by an A-SMGCS. This includes the ability of
an A-SMGCS to provide timely and valid alerts to the
user(s) when the A-SMGCS must not be used for the
intended operation.

c) empty stand a stand that is vacant and not being

approached by an aircraft.
Surveillance. A function of the system which provides
identification and accurate position information on
aircraft, vehicles and obstacles within the designated
System accuracy. A degree of conformance between the
estimated or measured value and the true value.
Note. For A-SMGCS, this includes the position and
the speed.

System reliability. The ability of an A-SMGCS to perform

a required function under given conditions for a given
time interval.
Target. An aircraft, vehicle or obstacle that is displayed on
a surveillance display.
Target level of safety (TLS). The probability of an accident
(fatal or hull loss) during aircraft movement on the

Chapter 1

and signs, while in their most advanced and complex form,

they employ switched taxiway centre lines and stop bars.
All SMGCS provide guidance to aircraft from the landing
runway to the parking position on the apron and back to the
runway used for take-off, as well as for other movements
on the aerodrome surface such as from a maintenance area
to an apron, or from an apron to an apron. In addition,
SMGCS provide some guidance to vehicles. Normally,
control of the activities and the movement of aircraft and
vehicles rests with air traffic control (ATC) with respect to
the manoeuvring area. In the case of aprons, such
responsibility sometimes rests with the apron management.
Lastly, SMGCS may also provide guidance to, and control
or regulation of, personnel authorized to be on the
movement area of an aerodrome.


1.1.1 Current SMGCS procedures are based primarily
on the principle see and be seen to maintain spacing
between aircraft and/or vehicles on the aerodrome movement area. However, the number of accidents and incidents
during surface movements, including runway incursions, is
increasing. Contributing factors include the increasing
number of operations that take place in low visibility conditions,* the progressive increase in traffic, the complexity
of aerodrome layouts, and the proliferation of capacityenhancing techniques and procedures. Therefore, advanced
capabilities are needed to ensure spacing when visual
means are not adequate and to maintain aerodrome capacity
in all weather conditions.

1.1.4 For low visibility operations, plans of SMGCS

prescribe the operational procedures that must be followed
during surface movements. Procedures vary from aerodrome to aerodrome depending on factors such as the
regulations and policies of air traffic services (ATS), the
organizational responsibilities, and the aerodrome configuration and facilities.

1.1.2 Generally, operations at an aerodrome are

dependent on air traffic controllers, pilots and vehicle
drivers using visual observations to estimate the respective
relative positions of aircraft and vehicles. Pilots and vehicle
drivers rely on visual aids (lighting, markings and signage)
to guide them along their assigned routes and to identify
intersections and holding positions. During periods of low
visibility, controllers must rely on pilots reports and
surface movement radar to monitor spacing and to identify
potential conflicts. Under these conditions, pilots and
vehicle drivers find that their ability to operate see and be
seen is severely impaired. There are no prescribed separation minima, and controllers, pilots and vehicle drivers
share the responsibility that operations will not create a
collision hazard.

1.1.5 Low visibility SMGCS procedures are put into

effect when the runway visual range (RVR) decreases to a
predetermined value (usually between 400 m and 600 m).
Notifications are then issued to the aircraft operators,
and checklists are used to implement the low visibility
1.1.6 In low visibility, designated low visibility taxi
routes may be used and depicted on aerodrome charts
available to pilots and vehicle drivers. Lighting systems
such as stop bars and runway guard lights are used to assist
ATC in controlling access to active runways. Landing
aircraft exit the runway at specific taxiways and follow the
taxi instructions from the ground controller. Access of
ground vehicles is strictly controlled, and only essential
vehicles are permitted on the movement area.

1.1.3 All aerodromes have some form of SMGCS.

Commonly used systems that have been installed in the
past are described in the Manual of Surface Movement
Guidance and Control Systems (SMGCS) (Doc 9476). In
their simplest form, SMGCS consist of painted guidelines

See Appendix A for the definition of visibility

conditions used in this manual.

1.1.7 At present, procedures permit aircraft to land in

conditions down to zero visibility and to take off when the

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

RVR is reduced to approximately 75 m. Although some
States use sophisticated taxiway guidance systems with
stop bars to control movements, there are no ICAO
provisions for the operation of an SMGCS which can
provide for expedition and safety in all weather conditions.

i) automation and Human Factors engineering should

provide the linkage between the surface and the
terminal and between the terminal and the en-route
airspace to create seamless operations with reduced
controller and pilot workload;


j) SMGCS improvements should be developed in a

modular form to accommodate all aerodrome types;

The following high-level goals provide a basis for

considering what capabilities are required, and may be
useful in developing improvements for surface movement
a) controllers, pilots and vehicle drivers should be
provided with systems of the same level of
b) controllers, pilots and vehicle drivers should have
clearly defined roles and responsibilities that
eliminate procedural ambiguities which may lead to
operational errors and deviations;
c) improved means of providing situational awareness
should be available to controllers, pilots and vehicle
drivers, taking into consideration visibility conditions, traffic density and aerodrome layout;
d) improved means of surveillance should be in place;
e) delays in ground movements should be reduced,
and growth in operations, including runway
capacity, should be accommodated;
f) surface movement functions should be able to
accommodate all classes of aircraft and necessary
g) improved guidance and procedures should be in
place to allow:
1) safe surface operations on the aerodrome,
taking into consideration visibility, traffic
density and aerodrome layout; and
2) pilots and vehicle drivers to follow their
assigned routes in an unambiguous and reliable
h) improved aerodrome visual aids providing guidance
for surface movements should be an integrated
component of the system;

k) conflict prediction and/or detection, analysis, and

resolution should be provided.



1.3.1 An A-SMGCS differs from an SMGCS in that it

may provide a full individual service over a much wider
range of weather conditions, traffic density and aerodrome
layouts. A-SMGCS are to use common modules in all
circumstances. The modules to be used in any particular
circumstance are determined by the specific requirements
of each aerodrome.
1.3.2 The use of an A-SMGCS will lead to reallocation of responsibilities for various system functions. Less
reliance will need to be placed on the ability of the pilot or
control authority to provide visual surveillance. Some
functions will use automation to provide routing, guidance
and control.
1.3.3 The main benefits to be accrued from the
implementation of an A-SMGCS will be associated with,
but not limited to, low visibility surface operations.
Significant improvements in aerodrome capacity can also
be achieved under good visibility conditions.
1.3.4 The significant distinctions between the functions of a current SMGCS and an A-SMGCS are that the
latter should provide more precise guidance and control for
all aircraft and vehicles on the movement area, and should
also be able to ensure spacing between all moving aircraft
and vehicles, especially in conditions which prevent
spacing being maintained visually. It is therefore important
to recognize that, except where the total number of aircraft
and vehicles permitted to operate on the movement area at
any one time is kept very low, such tasks are beyond the
capability of a controller even if aided by conventional
surface movement radar (SMR). Therefore, an A-SMGCS
should provide situation awareness not only to ATC but
also to those aircraft and vehicles that are liable to come in
proximity to each other.

Chapter 1.



1.3.5 Complex traffic flows may require an

A-SMGCS to function as a surface management system by
providing for the planning and management of all aircraft
and authorized vehicles on the movement area while
interfacing with the air traffic management (ATM) system.

controller and surveillance inputs. Thus, the ground visual

aids will be set up for the runway configuration in use, and
runway/taxiway intersections will be controlled based on
precise knowledge of the location and movement of aircraft
and vehicles.

1.3.6 An A-SMGCS addresses future increases in

surface movement operations that would lead to increased
surface congestion and system delays unless new techniques were made available to the air traffic controller to
reduce workload. From the flight dispatch/apron management perspective, more sharing of information will be
needed to manage the availability of stands/parking areas,
thereby reducing taxi delays to a minimum.

1.3.12 Surface traffic planning automation functions

will be integrated with approach/departure operations. For
arrivals, the sequence for each runway and stand assignment will be used to make accurate estimates of arrival
times at the stands. This information will improve aircraft
handling and turn-around time. For departures, engine start
and push-back times can be coordinated and managed to
gain optimum departure sequencing, taking into account the
planned route. Also, aerodrome configuration changes will
be timed and implemented more efficiently, thereby
minimizing any impact on the aerodrome utilization rate.

1.3.7 An A-SMGCS will reduce voice communications, improve surface guidance aids and increase reliance
on avionics in the cockpit to help guide the pilot to and
from the runway. The ATC capability for surveillance by
electronic means will also improve. Automation will play a
greater role to assist in monitoring the surface operations.
1.3.8 Communications will migrate into a mix of
voice and data link capabilities, with automated data
communications between system components providing
situation information between the users, including from the
ground to the cockpit. Voice communications will continue
to be used where necessary.
1.3.9 Surface guidance will include improved visual
aids for automated guidance and control along the assigned
route. However, for low visibility conditions, the pilot may
need suitable avionics, such as a moving map, to monitor
progress and compliance with the assigned route. These
avionics may also be used to display surface traffic
1.3.10 Improved ATC surveillance will provide
accurate information on the position and identity of all
aircraft and vehicles operating on the movement area. This
will be used to enhance the automated functions associated
with conformance monitoring and conflict alert. Also, the
surveillance information will be useful in refining the
traffic planning functions associated with predicting taxi
throughput and arrival/departure times.
1.3.11 Automated functions will include the monitoring of conformance with taxi instructions and the detection
of potential conflicts and their resolution. Automation
will also be used to control ground visual aids based on

1.3.13 Development of complex systems and the

differing needs of users will require a modular development
and introduction of various elements (some of which are
already in place). The expected evolutionary development
of A-SMGCS and the varied needs of users will mean that
not all aerodromes will introduce all provisions described in
this manual. Additionally, this manual can only outline steps
in the continuing enhancement of aerodrome operations.
1.3.14 The technical standards implied in this manual
are recognized to be the most demanding for the most
critical conditions in terms of visibility, traffic density and
aerodrome layout. Implementation of facilities and procedures to these levels will, therefore, not be appropriate at
all aerodromes. Implementation of an A-SMGCS can only
take place after an assessment of cost/benefit studies and
consideration of evolving user requirements. There will be
a continuing need for dialogue between the suppliers of
services, the manufacturers and the users so that the
operational requirements can be translated into technical
1.3.15 An A-SMGCS needs to be related to the
operational conditions under which it is intended that the
aerodrome should operate. Failure to provide a system
appropriate to the demands placed on the aerodrome will
lead to a reduced movement rate or may affect safety. It is
important to recognize that complex systems are not
required and are not economical at aerodromes where
visibility, traffic density, aerodrome complexity and any
combination of these factors do not present a problem for
the ground movement of aircraft and vehicles.

Chapter 2


2.1.1 The operational requirements stated in this
manual refer to the most demanding conditions and are to
be applied depending upon visibility, traffic density,
aerodrome layout and other local circumstances. As
mentioned earlier, the visibility conditions used throughout
this manual are those described in Appendix A.


2.2.1 In order to support optimized gate-to-gate

operations, an A-SMGCS should be capable of assisting
authorized aircraft and vehicles to manoeuvre safely and
efficiently on the movement area. An A-SMGCS should
support the following primary functions:

2.1.2 For a particular aerodrome, an A-SMGCS is

intended to mean one integrated system providing
advanced surface movement guidance and control at that
aerodrome. The accountability for the safety of operations
associated with an A-SMGCS will ultimately lie with the
service provider, the airlines and the airport authority. In
this manual, the term responsibility applies only to the
person or system and a designated role or function within

a) surveillance;
b) routing;
c) guidance; and
d) control.
Note. Communication is considered to be an integral
part of each of the primary functions.

2.1.3 Airport authorities allocate their apron areas to

different control authorities. In some cases, ATC has
complete jurisdiction, and in others, there is some form of
apron or ramp control that exercises complete or partial
jurisdiction on behalf of the airport authority. Whichever
method of control is used, the level of service provided by
the A-SMGCS should be consistent from the runway to the
stand and vice versa.

2.2.2 In order to achieve the maximum benefits at

each level of A-SMGCS implementation, a supporting
planning function should be included.
2.2.3 An A-SMGCS should be capable of operating at
a specified movement rate in visibility conditions down to
the aerodrome visibility operational level (AVOL). When
visibility conditions are reduced to below AVOL, an
A-SMGCS should provide for a reduction of surface movements of aircraft and vehicles to a level acceptable for the
new situation.

2.1.4 In order to resolve the problem of vehicle

control/segregation on a specific stand, the concept is
introduced whereby the role of that stand may change from
active to passive and vice versa. Hence, the use of the term
movement area in this manual excludes passive stands,
empty stands and those areas of the apron(s) which are
exclusively designated to vehicle movements.

2.2.4 The system should integrate movements to

provide complete situational information to all users, and to
provide conflict prediction and resolution for aircraft and
vehicle movements.

2.1.5 An A-SMGCS, as described in this manual,

requires the development of an integrated human-machine
interface (HMI) that will lead to a reduced workload for
controllers, pilots and vehicle drivers by using computers
and automation but retaining a manual control capability.

2.2.5 A-SMGCS should be modular so that the

appropriate level of service can be provided to different
aerodromes as well as to different areas of an aerodrome.


Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual


to perform its functions, as well as operational procedures,

the identification of responsibilities, management functions
and system support facilities.


Although the responsibilities and functions may vary, they
should be clearly defined for all users of the system. An
A-SMGCS should be designed so that the responsibilities
and functions may be assigned to the following:
a) the automated system;

Note 2. The addition of modules or the upgrading of

existing modules will require an analysis to ensure that the
continued validity of the original certification is not
affected. Where the continued validity of the original
certification cannot be assured, a new certification of the
complete system will be required.

b) controllers;
c) pilots;


d) vehicle drivers;

Note. The interdependency of the primary A-SMGCS

functions needs to be taken into account in addressing the
requirements that follow.

e) marshallers;
f) emergency services;


g) airport authorities; The surveillance function of an A-SMGCS


h) regulatory authorities; and

i) security services.
Note. When using A-SMGCS, pilots
responsible for the safety and control of aircraft.



2.4.1 The design principle of an A-SMGCS should
permit modular enhancements. The A-SMGCS at each
aerodrome will comprise its own mix of modular components depending on the operational factors that are
categorized in Appendix A. For example, some modules of
an A-SMGCS will be required when one or more of the
following conditions exist:
a) visibility condition 2, 3 or 4; and/or
b) heavy traffic density; and/or
c) complex aerodrome layout.
2.4.2 The certification of an A-SMGCS should
address the total system.
Note 1. An A-SMGCS total system includes subsystems, equipment and other components necessary for it

a) provide accurate position information on all movements within the movement area;
b) provide identification and labelling of authorized
c) cope with moving and static aircraft and vehicles
within the coverage area of the surveillance
d) be capable of updating data needed for the guidance
and control requirements both in time and position
along the route; and
e) be unaffected by operationally significant effects
such as adverse weather and topographical conditions. The operational status of all surveillance
equipment should be monitored by the system, and alerts
should be provided as appropriate. All control authorities concerned should be
provided with surveillance data in the required area of the
aerodrome. Within the required area of the aerodrome,
surveillance should be provided up to an altitude so as
to cover missed approaches and low-level helicopter

Chapter 2.

Operational Requirements

2-3 Surveillance should be provided for aircraft

on approach to each runway at such a distance that inbound
aircraft can be integrated into an A-SMGCS operation so
that aerodrome movements, including aircraft departures or
aircraft crossing active runways, can be managed.

b) provide adequate information to enable manual

intervention in the event of a failure or at the
discretion of the control authority. A seamless transition should be provided

between the surveillance for an A-SMGCS and the surveillance of traffic in the vicinity of an aerodrome.

a) minimize taxi distances in accordance with the

most efficient operational configuration; The A-SMGCS should detect any incursion

into areas used for aircraft movement and the runway
strips, and within any designated protected area as required
by airport authorities. The surveillance system should also
continuously indicate the position of unauthorized aircraft,
vehicles and obstacles in the above areas. For aircraft and vehicles within the areas mentioned in, the surveillance function of an A-SMGCS
should continuously provide information required to detect
deviations from the assigned route, with an update rate that
is sufficient to ensure an adequate response of the system.

2.5.2 Routing Either manually or automatically, the routing
function of an A-SMGCS should:
a) be able to designate a route for each aircraft or
vehicle within the movement area;
b) allow for a change of destination at any time;
c) allow for a change of a route;
d) be capable of meeting the needs of dense traffic at
complex aerodromes; and
e) not constrain the pilots choice of a runway exit
following the landing. In a semi-automatic mode, the routing function should also provide the control authority with advisory
information on designated routes.
Note. In a semi-automatic mode, assignment of routes
is carried out by the control authority. In an automatic mode, the routing function
should also:
a) assign routes; and When assigning routes, an A-SMGCS should:

b) be interactive with the control function to minimize

crossing conflicts;
c) be responsive to operational changes (e.g. runway
changes, routes closed for maintenance, and temporary hazards or obstacles);
d) use standardized terminology or symbology;
e) be capable of providing routes as and when
required by all authorized users; and
f) provide a means of validating routes.



The guidance function of an A-SMGCS should:

a) provide guidance necessary for any authorized
movement and be available for all possible route
b) provide clear indications to pilots and vehicle
drivers to allow them to follow their assigned
c) enable all pilots and vehicle drivers to maintain
situational awareness of their positions on the
assigned routes;
d) be capable of accepting a change of route at any
e) be capable of indicating routes and areas that are
either restricted or not available for use;
f) allow monitoring of the operational status of all
guidance aids; and
g) provide online monitoring with alerts where guidance aids are selectively switched in response to
routing and control requirements.

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

Note. When visibility conditions permit a safe,
orderly and expeditious flow of authorized movements, the
guidance function will primarily be based on standardized
ground visual aids. If expeditious flow is restricted due to
reduced visibility, additional equipment or systems will be
required to supplement visual aids in order to maintain
flow rates.

j) keep controllers, pilots and vehicle drivers in the

decision loop;
k) control movements within a speed range so as to
cover the operations in all required situations,
taking into account the type of movement;
l) be capable of allowing operations to continue in all
visibility conditions down to the AVOL; and

2.5.4 Control The control function of an A-SMGCS should:

m) be capable of allocating priorities to control


a) have a capacity sufficient for the maximum

authorized movement rate (dynamic capacity); The control function of an A-SMGCS should

also provide for:

b) have a capacity sufficient for the aerodrome planning of requested movements for a period of up to
one hour (static capacity);

a) sequencing of aircraft after landing, or of departing

aircraft, to ensure minimum delay and maximum
utilization of the available capacity of the aerodrome;

c) detect conflicts and provide resolutions;

d) be able to provide longitudinal spacing to predetermined values of:
1) speeds;

b) segregation of support and maintenance vehicles

from operational activities as necessary;
c) spacing between aerodrome movements according
to the prescribed minima, taking into account:
1) wake turbulence;

2) relative directions;

2) jet blast and propeller/rotor wash;

3) aircraft dimensions;
3) aircraft dimensions; and
4) jet blast effects;
5) human and system response times; and

4) different locations and layouts (runway, taxiway, apron or aircraft stand);

d) separation of movements from obstacles; and

6) deceleration performances;
e) provide alerts for incursions onto runways and
activate protection devices (e.g. stop bars or

e) separation with a prescribed minimum of all aircraft

from an aircraft isolated for security reasons
(Annex 14 to the Convention on International Civil
Aviation Aerodromes, Volume I, Chapter 3).

f) provide alerts for incursions onto taxiways and

activate protection devices (e.g. stop bars or
alarms); The following short-term alerts should be

provided by the A-SMGCS within enough time to enable
the appropriate immediate action:

g) provide alerts for incursions into critical and

sensitive areas established for radionavigation aids;

a) short-term conflict alert: whereby an alert is

triggered when the predicted spacing will be below
preset/predefined minima;

h) provide alerts for incursions into emergency areas;

i) be capable of incorporating
management tools;


b) area penetration alert: whereby an alert is triggered

when a movement likely to enter a critical or
restricted area is detected;

Chapter 2.

Operational Requirements

c) deviation alert: whereby an alert is triggered when

the computed deviation will be more than the
preset/predefined maximum deviation;
d) runway incursion alert: whereby an alert is triggered when a movement likely to enter an active
runway (runway strip) is detected; and
e) taxiway (or an inactive runway being used as a
taxiway) or apron incursion alert: whereby an alert
is triggered when a movement likely to enter a
taxiway or apron in use, which does not belong to
its assigned route, is detected. Distinctive medium-term alerts should be
provided well in advance to enable the appropriate remedial
action to be taken with respect to:
a) conflict prediction;

2-5 Any authorized vehicle intended to be used on
the aerodrome in the vicinity of the manoeuvring area
should be equipped to inform an A-SMGCS of its position.


Speeds and orientation

The system should be capable of supporting operations of

aircraft and vehicles within the following parameters:
a) minimum and maximum speeds for aircraft on final
approach, missed approach and runways;
b) minimum and maximum speeds for aircraft on
c) minimum and maximum speeds for vehicles; and
d) any heading.

b) conflict detection; and



c) conflict resolution.
The system should not be affected by: Once a conflict has been detected, an
A-SMGCS should either automatically resolve the conflict
or, on request from the controller, provide the most suitable




Global risk factor

The introduction of an A-SMGCS should not result in an

overall level of risk in excess of the probability of one fatal
accident per 107 operations.

a) radio interference, including that produced by

navigation, telecommunications and radar facilities
(including airborne equipment);
b) signal reflections and shadowing caused by aircraft,
vehicles, buildings, snow banks or other raised
obstacles (fixed or temporary) in or near the aerodrome; and
c) meteorological conditions or any state of the
aerodrome resulting from adverse weather in which
operations would otherwise be possible.


Aircraft types

An A-SMGCS should support operations involving all

aircraft types and be capable of adaptation to cater for
future aircraft types.


Vehicles An A-SMGCS should be capable of being

used by appropriately equipped vehicles operating within
the movement area.

Reference system An A-SMGCS should be referenced to the

World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84). A common reference point on aircraft and
vehicles should be used in A-SMGCS.


Planning In order to support the primary functions

(surveillance, routing, guidance and control), the planning
facilities of an A-SMGCS should provide for:

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

a) strategic planning which will indicate the predicted
traffic situation for chosen times in excess of
20 minutes in advance;
b) pre-tactical planning which will indicate the predicted traffic situation at a chosen time up to
20 minutes in advance; and
c) tactical planning which will indicate the present
traffic situation. Planning facilities should include methods of
predicting an aerodrome capacity and indication of start-up
times for traffic to meet this capacity.
Note 1. The capacity assessment is to be based on
factors such as weather conditions, serviceability of equipment, and closure of sections of the movement area.
Note 2. Additional elements to be included in the
capacity assessment are the operational activity needs of
the movement area, such as surface inspections, friction
measurement, and snow clearance.
Note 3. The implementation of an A-SMGCS requires
the designation of routes that ensure the safe and efficient
movement of aircraft and vehicles. The route issued for any
movement will be dependent on strategic, pre-tactical and
tactical considerations that will be addressed within the
overall planning function.

The term fail-soft means that the system is so designed

that, even if equipment fails to the extent that loss of some
data occurs, sufficient data remain on the display to enable
the controller to continue operations. In case of a failure of an element of an
A-SMGCS, the effect should be such that the status is
always in the safe condition. All critical elements of the system should be
provided with timely audio and visual indications of
failure. An A-SMGCS should be self-restartable. The
recovery time should be a few seconds. The restart of an
A-SMGCS should include the restoration of pertinent
information on actual traffic and system performance.


Aerodrome considerations

An A-SMGCS should be capable of accommodating any

change in the layout of the aerodrome (runways, taxiways
and aprons).

2.6.11 Pilot considerations

Pilots should be provided with the following:
a) information on location and direction at all times;


Recording Selected data on the communications control

activity and display information should be recorded for
accident and incident investigation. There should be a function to provide direct
replay of recorded data within the operational system, as
part of the requirement for immediate checking of suspect
equipment and initial incident investigation.


System failures

b) continuous guidance and control during:

1) the landing roll-out;
2) taxiing to the parking position and from the
parking position to the runway-holding position;
3) lining up for an appointed take-off position; and
4) the take-off roll; Equipment that shows control data should be

both fail-safe and fail-soft.

c) indication of the route to be followed, including

changes in direction and indication of stops;

Note. The term fail-safe in this context means that

sufficient redundancy is provided to carry data to the
display equipment to permit some components of the equipment to fail without any resultant loss of data displayed.

d) guidance in parking, docking and holding areas;

e) indication of spacing from preceding aircraft,
including speed adjustments;

Chapter 2.

Operational Requirements

f) indication of spacing from all aircraft, vehicles and

obstacles in visibility condition 4;
g) indication of the required sequencing;
h) information to prevent the effects of jet blast and
propeller/rotor wash;
i) identification of areas to be avoided;
j) information to prevent collision with other aircraft,
vehicles and known obstacles;
k) information on system failures affecting safety;


Apron management considerations

The following information should be available to the apron

management services:
a) information on the identity, position and progress of
aircraft, including aircraft under tow;
b) information on the identity, position and progress of
vehicles whose movements might conflict with
aircraft movements;
c) information on the presence of obstacles or other

l) the location of active runways;

m) alert of incursions onto runways and taxiways; and
n) the extent of critical and sensitive areas.
Note. Most of the foregoing requirements may be
satisfied by using ground visual aids.

d) information on the operational status of system

elements; and
e) information on facilities appropriate to the control
to be exercised.

2.6.14 Automation

Vehicle driver considerations

Vehicle drivers should be provided with the

a) information on location and direction at all times;

b) indication of the route to be followed;
c) guidance along the route being followed or
guidance to remain within designated areas; Where automation is available, the automated systems should demonstrate an acceptable level of
HMI efficiency. The design of an A-SMGCS should make it
possible to make a distinction between the following
system elements and functions:
a) system assistance in the decision-making process;
b) system advice on the decisions taken; and

d) information, and control when and where appropriate, to prevent collision with aircraft, vehicles and
known obstacles; and
e) alert of incursions into unauthorized areas. In addition to, the drivers of
emergency and operational vehicles should be provided
a) the capability to locate the site of an emergency
within the displayed range of the system; and
b) information on special priority routes.
Note. Most of the foregoing requirements may be
satisfied by using ground visual aids.

c) system decisions provided directly to the users. Automated guidance should not be used by
the system if aircraft control, conflict detection and conflict
alert resolution are not available. If the system integrity degrades, the system
should automatically alert all users and have the capability
to transfer automated functions to the controllers in a safe
and easy way. Without automation, it may not be possible
to meet some operational requirements. Automation of
functions can be applied to various parts of an A-SMGCS
such as:

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

a) identification of aircraft and vehicles;
b) tracking and labelling of targets;
c) route assignment;
d) guidance and control;
e) runway incursion detection;
f) unauthorized intruder detection;
g) conflict prediction;
h) conflict detection; Account should be taken of the ability of the

flight crew and vehicle drivers to respond to the guidance
and control indications of the system. The system should provide pilots and vehicle
drivers with essential routing, guidance and control data in
a standardized form that at all times is conspicuous,
legible, comprehensible and credible. Guidance should be
implemented in such a way as to minimize the pilots/
vehicle drivers head down time, while maximizing the use
of visual cues. For control staff, the system should have
interfaces that allow them to manage the routing, guidance
and control functions in a safe and efficient manner.

i) conflict resolution;
2.6.16 Interfaces

j) alert indication;
k) indication of appropriate brightness setting for
visual aids; and
l) stand allocation.
Note. Automation validation processes are expected
to encompass all environmental and failure conditions
including a reversion to manual control. In order for all parties concerned to fully

benefit from an A-SMGCS, the system should be capable
of interfacing with the following:
a) air traffic management (ATM), including:
1) arrival and departure management;
2) arrival and departure coordination;


Human-machine interface (HMI) The operation of an A-SMGCS should not

interfere with other ATC responsibilities. The human-machine interface with an
A-SMGCS should:
a) maintain a balance between the human and the
machine functions;
b) permit the human to retain the power to make
decisions as to those functions for which the human
is responsible; and
c) provide for a balanced mix of visual, audio and
tactile inputs and responses.

3) optimized start-up sequence and times;

4) optimized push-back sequence and times; and
5) integrated initial flight plan processing system,
central flow management unit, etc.;
b) aerodrome management systems;
c) existing and future ATS systems;
d) meteorological systems;
e) visual aids;
f) existing and future avionics;
g) aerodrome handling systems; Input devices for the controllers should be

functionally simple involving the controllers in a minimum number of input actions.

h) aircraft operators; It should be possible to view displays and

indicators in all ambient light levels typical of an
aerodrome control tower environment.

j) police/security authorities; and

i) emergency authorities;

k) other customers or users.

Chapter 2.

Operational Requirements The data interchange between systems

should be made in a standardized format. An A-SMGCS should enable controllers,
pilots and vehicle drivers to interface and function
efficiently. These operators should also be capable of
interfacing with other systems.




Accuracy In specifying the positional accuracy parameters for an A-SMGCS, the requirements for the primary
functions and their interdependencies should be considered.

2-9 Validation of operationally significant data
should be timely and consistent with human perception
and/or response time.


Availability and continuity The availability of an A-SMGCS should be

sufficient to support the safe, orderly and expeditious flow
of traffic on the movement area of an aerodrome down to
its AVOL. An A-SMGCS should provide a continuous
service for all areas determined by the competent authorities. Any unscheduled break in operations should be
sufficiently short or rare so as not to affect the safety of
aircraft using the system. For the surveillance function, the allowable

error in the reported position should be consistent with the
requirements set by the guidance and control functions. Monitoring of the performance of an

A-SMGCS should be provided so that operationally
significant failures are detected and remedial action is
initiated to restore the service or provide a reduced level of
service. For the guidance function, the allowable

positional errors should be similar for visual and electronic
taxi guidance. However, in visibility conditions where
electronic guidance is required in specifying the allowable
errors, taxiway widths and aircraft main gear wheel tracks
should be considered. Automatic positive indication of the status of

the system or any operationally significant failure should be
given to any aircraft, vehicle or control facility that may be


Where appropriate, the update rate of an A-SMGCS

module should be adequate for the required operational



Update rate

Integrity The system design should preclude failures

that result in erroneous data for operationally significant
time periods. The system should have the ability to provide
continuous validation of data and timely alerts to the user
when the system must not be used for the intended operation. The validity of data should be assessed by the system
in accordance with the assigned priority given to these data. An A-SMGCS should be designed with an

appropriate level of redundancy and fault tolerance in
accordance with the safety requirements. A self-checking
system with failure alerts should be included in the system
design. A failure of equipment should not cause:
a) a reduction in safety (fail-soft); and
b) the loss of basic functions. The system should allow for a reversion to
adequate back-up procedures if failures in excess of the
operationally significant period occur. Operationally
significant failures in the system should be clearly indicated
to the control authority and any affected user.

Chapter 3

of certain functions will involve the responsibilities of

manufacturers and producers of software. A thorough and
ongoing review of the present division of responsibility is
required to see more clearly how new concepts will affect
existing arrangements.


The main objectives of an A-SMGCS (as stated in 2.2) may

be achieved by the following measures:
a) enhancing the surveillance function to ensure that
controllers receive all necessary information on all
aircraft and vehicles on the movement area (including their identification) down to the AVOL; The implementation of an A-SMGCS and its

associated procedures enables the introduction of a high
level of automation. This automation offers the possibility
of system management of safety-related tasks that are
normally performed by humans. Where there is a safety
risk associated with the role and responsibility afforded to
system functionality, a full risk assessment should be
carried out.

b) enhancing the situation awareness of pilots,

particularly in low visibility conditions when the
see and be seen principle is not applicable;
c) developing routing facilities in order to make full
use of aerodrome capacity. This will require the
provision of a tactical planning tool; It is a requirement for the design and use of an

A-SMGCS that the responsibilities for the safe operation of
the system be fully assigned. This assignment of responsibilities should be related to the operational conditions. In
low visibility conditions, particular attention should be paid
to this aspect of the design. Some of the principal areas of
responsibility are:

d) providing clear indications of assigned routes to

pilots and vehicle drivers in the movement area so
that they can follow the assigned routes down to the
AVOL; and
e) improving the control of runway and taxiing
operations by implementing incursion alerts and
tools to predict, detect and resolve conflicts.

a) the pilot of an aircraft is ultimately responsible for

the safety of the aircraft and will always remain in
control of the aircraft;
b) the controller concerned will have the primary
responsibility to operate and interpret the



c) a suitable A-SMGCS may be approved to automatically provide specific functions, such as identification, guidance and conflict detection, to
controllers, pilots and vehicle drivers; and

3.2.1 General The consideration of assigning responsibilities
within the operation of A-SMGCS will be a major factor
in the overall design of such systems. The design of
A-SMGCS should not be constrained by existing
allocations of responsibility. It should be recognized that
changes may be required to make use of new technology
and operational concepts. New elements will be introduced
as systems become more capable, and the correct operation

d) the pilot or vehicle driver will be responsible to

respond to an A-SMGCS instruction or alert, unless
specifically instructed otherwise by the controller. Conflict detection is an example of a
responsibility within A-SMGCS which may be delegated in
some circumstances to an automated system. The strategy

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

for dealing with any conflict must be clearly defined under
all circumstances. The proximity of two objects that is
deemed to constitute a conflict will be dependent on several
parameters (e.g. distance, speed and location).


Responsibilities The area of responsibility for ATC on an

aerodrome is normally the manoeuvring area. Services on
the aerodrome aprons are known as apron management
services. Some States authorize a separate apron management unit, while in other States, ATC provides apron
management services. Those responsible for operations on the aerodrome surface can be broadly categorized into five groups,
each with distinct functions: aerodrome management, apron
management, ATC, pilots and vehicle drivers. Personnel monitoring and operating the
A-SMGCS equipment will have some responsibility for
ensuring that it functions correctly; however, human operators can have no responsibility for automated functions for
which they have no input. Primary responsibility for the tactical operation of an A-SMGCS will be vested in the controller
through the A-SMGCS, which may include:
a) guidance being provided by the system;

maintain visual spacing under some circumstances, but

there will also be operational conditions when pilots will
not be able to see conflicting traffic and obstructions. The nature of the conditions under which an
A-SMGCS will operate requires that the pilot rely on the
guidance and control that the system is providing. This
guidance and control needs to extend from the runway to
the parking stand and vice versa. The areas used by service
vehicles which are not participating in the A-SMGCS will
be strictly segregated from areas used for aircraft movements. Additionally, with the highly complex working
environment and sophisticated HMI required for an
A-SMGCS, training is necessary, with a licensing requirement, to ensure the continued competence of operating
staff. Responsibility for control needs to be allocated in
such a way that the same level of service is provided to
aircraft and vehicles throughout the movement area. ATC controls both aircraft and vehicles on the
manoeuvring areas, giving aircraft priority. To do this, ATC
must use standardized radiotelephony communications with
regard to phraseology, procedures and language. In lower
visibility conditions, when the responsibility for avoidance
of collisions on the ground becomes increasingly that of the
ATC unit, controllers may have to restrict the number of
aircraft and/or vehicle movements on the manoeuvring
area. To enable ATC to carry out the above responsibilities, an A-SMGCS should be designed to at least assist
in the prevention of:

b) routing as assigned by the control authority;

c) conflict detection by the system and/or the controller; and
d) conflict resolution involving cooperation between
the system, controller, pilot and vehicle driver. Vehicle drivers must comply with aerodrome
regulations, the A-SMGCS, and ATC instructions. They are
always responsible for exercising due care and attention so
as to avoid collisions between their vehicles and aircraft
and other related hazards. Vehicle drivers should be provided with the training necessary for them to understand
their duties and to permit them to comply with aerodrome,
A-SMGCS and ATC procedures. Under the conditions envisaged for the operation of an A-SMGCS, the system and its operators will be
required to accept a high level of responsibility for spacing
between aircraft. There will still be options for the pilot to

a) incursions of aircraft and vehicles onto runways

and taxiways in all visibility conditions; and
b) collisions between:
1) aircraft operating on the manoeuvring area in
all visibility conditions;
2) aircraft and vehicles operating on the manoeuvring area in all visibility conditions;
3) aircraft operating on the manoeuvring area and
obstructions on that area in all visibility conditions;
4) vehicles operating on the manoeuvring area in
visibility condition 4; and
5) vehicles operating on the manoeuvring area
and obstructions on that area in visibility
condition 4.

Chapter 3. Guidance on the Application of the

Operational and Performance Requirements

3-3 To enable the apron management unit to

carry out its responsibilities, an A-SMGCS should be
designed to assist on the apron in the prevention of:

operational and economic considerations at each individual

aerodrome. Appendix B lists criteria for determining
A-SMGCS implementation levels.

a) incursions of aircraft, vehicles and unauthorized

personnel onto designated areas and routes in all
visibility conditions; and In general, an A-SMGCS should evolve from

the installed SMGCS by progressive enhancements to
existing ground equipment to match the desired level of
operations. The extent to which this should be done at an
individual aerodrome should be consistent with the levels
of traffic, the operating conditions and the configuration at
that aerodrome. Components can be added to an existing
SMGCS when traffic requirements justify an expansion.
The A-SMGCS solution for an aerodrome, therefore, will
be matched to its specific operational requirements and
physical characteristics. This evolutionary process is illustrated in Appendix C.

b) collisions in visibility conditions 3 and 4 between:

1) aircraft;
2) aircraft and vehicles;
3) aircraft and obstructions;
4) controlled vehicles; and
5) controlled vehicles and obstructions. An interface should be provided between the
apron management services and the aerodrome control
services. The apron management services may be responsible for aircraft stand allocation and the dissemination of
movement information to aircraft operators and could
achieve this by monitoring ATC frequencies and updating
basic information on aircraft arrival, landing and take-off
times. The aerodrome management is responsible
for the regular inspection of the manoeuvring area and
aprons of the airport to ensure that all lighting, markings
and signage are kept serviceable and not obscured by
contaminants such as snow and ice. In addition, aerodrome
management must designate standard taxi routes and
vehicle operating lanes, control access to the movement
area, and train and motivate the aerodrome personnel.




Evolutionary implementation It is not envisaged that the existence of operational requirements for an A-SMGCS will immediately
result in a current SMGCS becoming obsolete. The strategy
that underlies the requirements for an A-SMGCS assumes
that the development and implementation of the system
will proceed at a pace that is primarily determined by

3.3.2 Standardization and certification A certification process, which is universally
applied, is in place for aircraft, their operations and the avionics systems installed on board. It has agreed regulatory
objectives and common procedures. This process is not
normally adopted for ATS systems. Ground system service
providers often specify the system taking into account current Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) but
will commission the system without independently agreed
and harmonized safety objectives. With the implementation
of an A-SMGCS, there is a need to adopt a certification
process that addresses the safety aspects of the system or
services in total. This approach is proposed for all new ATS
systems where there is an integration of new technology in
the airborne and ground elements, and where there is
utilization of advanced automation techniques. System certification would consider, and provide proof of compliance with, safety requirements for each
functional domain within an A-SMGCS, and safety objectives for the procedures. Furthermore, safety and quality
management infrastructures within the organizations providing or using an A-SMGCS will need to demonstrate
adequacy and be subject to continuous compliance monitoring. The meeting of the certification criteria should lead
to the granting of an approval for operational use of the
A-SMGCS and for participating aircraft operators. The use of the safety case methodology is one
means of demonstrating the safety of an A-SMGCS. This
method provides reasoned arguments for the acceptability
of the safety of the system. It also provides mechanisms
whereby the safety of operations is continuously monitored
and, if necessary, improved.

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

3-4 Certification should be a team effort. The
team could comprise the A-SMGCS provider, the ATS
provider, the aerodrome authority, the participating aircraft
operators, and the certification authorities. Certification
authorities should preferably be autonomous. International standards and specifications
should be used in the design of an A-SMGCS to enable
interoperability and open systems modularity. Interoperability should ensure that aircraft systems are compatible
with any A-SMGCS throughout the world. For a component to comply with interoperability requirements, industry standards are required. These
standards would define the minimum functional and
performance requirements. Substantiation of the interoperability requirements would also require a safety analysis of
the functional performance of the component to determine
that no additional hazards are introduced. This would lead
to the issuance of a type approval for that component and
would alleviate the need to re-certify all or a major part of
an A-SMGCS. One aspect that should be considered when
modifying a part of a certified system would be the impact
of the modification on the operational use of the system.
For example, before exchanging an A-SMGCS component
of one brand with another brand, it must be demonstrated
that the new component has the same functional characteristics as the original and that no safety requirements are

a) surveillance:
1) at present, aerodrome control procedures
require visual confirmation to maintain safety
levels. In reduced visibility conditions this
ability is impaired. Surveillance aids may be
upgraded to provide target identification and
classification; and
2) surveillance tools may provide data for conflict
prediction, detection and resolution;
b) communications:
1) radiotelephony should be retained for use at all
aerodromes as the primary means to issue
tactical instructions; and
2) data link may be used to supplement radiotelephony. It will be particularly useful to
provide clearances and routings that are not
subject to time critical transmission and that do
not require instantaneous action. The format of
data link messages and particularly the actual
display on the flight deck of such messages
require standardization. There is an important
distinction between acknowledging the receipt
of a data link message and actually understanding its meaning. To initiate free text data link
messages from the flight deck may cause
disproportionately high workloads; and
c) guidance and control:


Introduction of new technologies In general, the introduction of new technology

for A-SMGCS should conform with international standards. The implementation of new technologies should be
subject to the approval of the competent authority concerned.

1) current SMGCS already provide visual references as well as lighting, markings and signage.
In the medium term, these references may be
further enhanced by switched centre line and
stop bar lights. In conditions of great complexity or reduced visibility, additional facilities
may be required such as: For security and maintenance reasons, it is

highly desirable that all ground-based modules of an
A-SMGCS are sited within the aerodrome boundary.

i) electronic displays; While it is beyond the scope of an operational

requirement to specify technological solutions, there are
certain factors that affect the efficiency of operations that
need to be taken into account when considering the
technology to be used and the impact it may have on
system performance. The following are the principal

iii) satellite-derived data; and

ii) enhanced vision systems; and

2) whatever precise guidance is provided to aircraft on taxiways and aprons whether by

enhanced lighting or by more sophisticated
techniques the command of the aircraft
remains with the pilot.

Chapter 3. Guidance on the Application of the

Operational and Performance Requirements It will be important to achieve total international standardization of:
a) visual guidance and aeronautical ground lighting

2) visibility/RVR, including, where applicable, on
aprons and taxiways;
3) ceiling;
4) wind speed and direction;

b) avionics display formats;

5) atmospheric pressure; and
c) enhanced vision systems; and
6) temperature and dewpoint; and
d) non-visual guidance systems.
c) flight operational information: For wide-body aircraft, the large area ahead of
the aircraft that is obscured by the cockpit cut-off results in
increased intensities being required to enable an adequate
pattern of taxiway lights to be seen when the RVR is less
than 75 m. Annex 14, Volume I, contains details of the
minimum light intensities needed for different values of
AVOL. An A-SMGCS may be used to increase the
capacity of high-density and/or complex aerodromes by
improving the planning and monitoring of ground movement in all weather conditions, or by improving guidance,
while maintaining safety. An A-SMGCS requires certain data that can
only be provided by external sources. Essentially this is
anything that could have an operational impact on the
A-SMGCS and may include, but is not exclusive to, the
a) aerodrome information:

1) AVOL;
2) wake turbulence; and
3) standard instrument departure (SID) and standard instrument arrival (STAR) routes, including noise preferential routes. Prior to updating an A-SMGCS, new data
should be validated. For example, new data should be
checked for inconsistency and unlikely variation from
previous data, and for being out of tolerance. All data provided by an A-SMGCS should be
given a date and time of issue and period of validity. The
A-SMGCS function or element, according to the datas use,
may determine the validity of the data. Information
received from a source external to the A-SMGCS that does
not have a date, time and period of validity should be
regarded as invalid. Old and invalid data should not be

1) physical characteristics/layout;
2) runway(s) in use, including whether the runway
is exclusively used for landing or departing
3) the demarcation of safety-significant areas, e.g.
runway-holding positions, and navigational aid
protection areas;


Note. The functional operation of an A-SMGCS as a
whole will consider the interdependency of the functions.
Interdependency may change depending on the concept of
an A-SMGCS whether part or all of a functionality will be
served by another function.

4) runway and taxiway availability; and



5) work in progress;
b) meteorological information:
1) the prevailing and expected meteorological
conditions at the aerodrome; Surveillance is an essential element of any

SMGCS as well as any A-SMGCS. A combination of
visual surveillance, SMR and radiotelephony is currently

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

used by controllers to monitor movements. The monitoring
of other aircraft and vehicles is also a significant function
performed by pilots and vehicle drivers. As visibility is
gradually reduced, the ability of controllers and pilots
to carry out visual surveillance becomes increasingly
impaired. Problems for controllers become significant
when the manoeuvring area cannot be adequately observed
from the control tower. When the visibility falls below
400 m, the ability of pilots and vehicle drivers to visually
observe becomes seriously impaired. Improvement of the surveillance function to
overcome the above-mentioned problems down to the
AVOL is one of the key requirements of an A-SMGCS. The
surveillance function therefore should provide identification of, and accurate positional information on, all movements on the movement area including the runway strip. It is expected that more than one type of
sensor and a data fusion unit may be needed to meet the
requirements specified below. The surveillance coverage area requirements

should apply to operations in all visibility conditions. The vertical surveillance coverage of an
A-SMGCS should include all relevant non-surface operations that take place at the aerodrome. Information, including call sign and estimated
time of arrival (ETA), on inbound aircraft should be provided at least 5 minutes before touchdown or not less than
10 NM from the aerodrome. The source of this information
may not be part of the A-SMGCS. The information may be
provided by an external system.

Identification The surveillance function should, within the
specified coverage areas, identify and provide the call sign
of each aircraft and vehicle and correlate the call sign with
its position. The type of aircraft, including any variety,
should be identified and verified. The position of obstacles
should be appropriately marked.

Reliability In order to determine the reliability of the
A-SMGCS surveillance function, the following parameters
should be considered in the specification of surveillance
a) probability of detection (PD) the probability that
an aircraft, vehicle or object is detected and
b) probability of false detection (PFD) the probability that anything other than an aircraft, vehicle
or object is detected and displayed;
c) probability of identification (PID) the probability that the correct identity of an aircraft, vehicle or
object is displayed; and
d) probability of false identification (PFID) the
probability that the displayed identity of the aircraft, vehicle or object is not correct.

Longitudinal accuracy The accuracy requirement is based on the
effect of the surveillance accuracy on the ability to detect
loss of required spacing and potential traffic conflicts or runway incursions. Two scenarios were analysed: i) a runway
incursion where the aircraft crosses the runway-holding
position; and ii) the loss of longitudinal spacing between two
aircraft. The runway incursion scenario was designed to
determine the warning time required of the surveillance
system to the potential incursion, and to prevent the aircraft
from proceeding onto the runway (see Figure 3-1). The
geometry depicted is for airports where the runway-holding
position is 75 m from the runway centre line. Based on this scenario and a sensitivity
analysis of the effect of accuracy, it was determined that
20 m would allow time (with some margin) for detection of
an incursion and stopping of the aircraft prior to entering
the runway. This is based on the pilot being provided with
conflict information directly.

Coverage The surveillance function should, depending
on the procedures in use, be capable of determining the
position and identification of aircraft and vehicles on the
movement area, including obstacle-free zones and protected
areas. In the case where an air traffic controller

must be alerted and then must issue instructions to the pilot,
all accuracy values result in an excessive time delay, resulting in an inability to prevent the aircraft from entering the
runway. However, in general, a surveillance accuracy better
than 20 m can result in significant improvements in system

Chapter 3. Guidance on the Application of the

Operational and Performance Requirements



75 m
Hold line

45 m

52 m

Pilot initiates

Figure 3-1. Runway incursion detection scenario

performance and allow more time for reaction to avoid a

conflict. The longitudinal accuracy is recommended to be
6 m. For data latency, one second was chosen as a

reasonable upper value for the time between when the
target position is determined and its use in detecting loss of
spacing or conflicts.

Lateral accuracy The required position accuracy is based on
the most demanding ICAO provisions to ensure a 3 m
minimum clearance between an aircraft on the stand and
any adjacent building, aircraft on another stand and other

Data update rate and latency An update rate of one second is required in
order to minimize time delays in detecting a loss of
required spacing and potential conflicts. With spacings and
time intervals being so short on the aerodrome, minimizing
this time is critical. A limit on the variation in the update rate is
necessary primarily for Human Factors reasons. If the
update rate varied significantly, the rate of movement of
targets would make it difficult to use judgement to determine the motion of an aircraft or vehicle. Minimizing this
improves the confidence of the air traffic controllers and
pilots in the reliability of the information presented to them.
Ten per cent is a suitable limitation on this variation.

3.4.2 Routing A routing function should enhance efficiency,
particularly at complex aerodromes. In these situations, and
when traffic density is heavy, some form of routing function automation may be needed.

Coverage The routing function should be capable of
providing routing information for aircraft and vehicles on
the movement area and, where necessary, other areas used
by vehicles. The routing function should provide an
optimized route for each participating aircraft and vehicle.
It should consider the overall time for an aircraft or vehicle
to complete the route in all visibility conditions. The routing function should optimize the
traffic flow of aircraft and vehicle surface movements,
including aircraft under tow, with respect to:

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

a) reducing delay when planning a route, an effort
should be made to permit an aircraft to meet its
assigned take-off time or reach its allocated gate on
b) potential conflict the wing-tip to wing-tip
spacing between certain types of aircraft on parallel
taxiways should be taken into account;
c) longitudinal spacing when visibility becomes a
factor, including jet blast and propeller/rotor wash;
d) obstructed, unavailable or temporarily closed parts
of the movement area; and
e) taxi speeds (to reduce braking and acceleration, and
fuel burn). The routing function should be able to handle
predefined or user-defined intermediate waypoints (e.g.
routing through de-icing stations). An alternative route should always be available on request. By human-initiated means, or as a result of a
conflict, it should be possible to immediately cancel or
change an existing and used route. In the event that a route
is cancelled, a new route to continue should be provided.
Time to process route requests To allow one second each for processing and
transmission means that the route would be available to the
pilot within a few seconds (including controller response
time), which should not have a significant impact on operations provided that the route is determined prior to the
movement. The processing capacity is related to how
many routes can be requested at any one time. The assumption made is that the route request process is random; therefore, over any one-second period, only a small number of
routes could be requested. The largest demand will be when
there is a large number of scheduled departures closely
spaced in time.


guidance function will primarily be based on standardized

ground visual aids including lighting, markings and
signage. When visibility conditions are sufficient for
the pilot to taxi by visual guidance only, but the sole use of
visual guidance restricts the expeditious flow of authorized
movements, additional equipment or systems may be
needed to support the guidance function. When visibility conditions are insufficient for
the pilot to taxi by visual guidance only, the aerodrome
itself, as well as aircraft manoeuvring on the movement
area and authorized vehicles, should be appropriately
equipped to comply with the guidance function (when
operations in these visibility conditions are permitted). Once a route has been assigned, the pilot or
vehicle driver requires adequate information to follow that
route. Guidance aids indicate where on the taxiway or
apron the aircraft or vehicle can be manoeuvred safely.
Switched centre line lights and/or addressable signs enable
routes to be uniquely designated.

Reliability The following parameters should be considered in the specification of guidance reliability requirements:
a) probability of actuation the probability that the
guidance aid will respond correctly to the command
issued; and
b) probability of false actuation the probability of
unsolicited actuation of a guidance aid.

Coverage As a minimum, guidance should be provided
on the airport movement area. The following phases of a flight should be
considered in the determination of the A-SMGCS coverage

a) arrivals:

1) landing flare and landing roll begins; When visibility conditions permit a safe,
orderly and expeditious flow of authorized movements, the

2) high speed taxi;

Chapter 3. Guidance on the Application of the

Operational and Performance Requirements
3) landing roll ends, taxi begins or, for a rapid exit
taxiway, high speed taxi ends, taxi begins;

Failure of visual aids

6) stand ends, docking begins; and In the event of a failure (other than a total

power failure) of an automatic visual aids management
system, the A-SMGCS should be designed to switch on all
the runway guard bars at runway access points, and switch
off all taxiway centre line lights and intermediate stop bars.
Manual selection and de-selection of the taxi guidance
visual aids should be provided.

7) stand becomes passive;

Taxiway centre line light parameters

4) taxi ends, stand taxilane begins;

5) stand taxilane ends, stand begins (empty stand
becomes active);

b) departures:
1) passive stand becomes active;
2) stand taxilane begins (stand becomes empty);
3) stand taxilane ends, taxi begins;
4) taxi ends, take-off roll begins; and
5) take-off roll ends; and
c) apron movements, such as towing, and maintenance

Visual aids The current provisions for visual aids and
other guidance provided are adequate for most aerodrome
operations. With the possible exception of visibility
condition 4, additional equipment to that specified in
Annex 14 should not be required. Annex 14 contains photometric requirements
for taxi guidance visual aids, including taxiway centre line
lighting, runway and taxiway intersection guard bars, and
addressable signs, that are intended to support A-SMGCS
operations. Fixed block lights The length is established by longitudinal spacing between initial and final
block stop bars. For safety reasons, one block should be
left free between aircraft, although this can limit taxiway
capacity. Variable block lights The length of the
block in front of aircraft may vary according to the visual
range from two to six switched-on lights. Depending on the
visual range, up to three lights may be left switched off
between the intersection of the cockpit cut-off area with the
taxiway centre line and the first switched-on centre line
light in order to facilitate pilot adaptation to be guided by
switchable centre line lights. Visual aid instructions Green lights in
front mean follow. Where the pilot is instructed to follow
the green lights, the absence of such lights indicates that the
pilot or vehicle driver should stop. Red lights mean stop,
and yellow or flashing lights mean caution.
Automatic light control by surveillance information It should be feasible to design a guidance
system to be controlled automatically, if only in part, by the
surveillance function in conjunction with the routing
function. In this respect, taxiway lighting could be automatically switched on or off along the required route. This
is a system development that might be explored in the
future, as well as the automation of other visual aids.

Visual docking guidance system (VDGS) When using a speed of 55 km/h (30 kt), the
distance covered by an aircraft or vehicle in two seconds is
approximately 30 m, which is the normal distance in
straight sections between two centre line lights. Two
seconds should then be the maximum time to activate the
on/off commands when guiding aircraft or vehicles with
centre line lights. Conventional visual markings for stand

entrance and parking are being replaced by more complex
VDGSs. These systems are able to give precise information
on alignment and distance to go to flight crew members.
Some are able to detect the type of aircraft. Such VDGSs
should be integrated within the A-SMGCS.

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual


Longitudinal spacing

3.4.4 Control Substantial research work will be required to

establish longitudinal separation requirements for ground
movement. In order to calculate the required longitudinal
spacing, the following parameters should be considered:

General The design of any control system should take
into account the requirements for safety and efficiency. It
should also take into account the taxi performance and
limitations of all relevant aircraft and vehicles. The control function should be able to handle:

a) the distance covered by the following aircraft

during the total time required for the pilot, controller and A-SMGCS to react;

a) deviations from assigned routes;

b) the distance needed for an aircraft to stop;

b) operational changes (e.g. runway changes, routes

closed for maintenance, and temporary hazards or

c) the minimum distance to be maintained between

two aircraft at all times excluding jet blast effects;

c) priority routes designated to drivers of emergency

and operational vehicles; and

d) the sum of the aircraft length and the distance

behind the aircraft that must be kept clear to avoid
jet blast effects.

d) different groups of participants which can affect

safety, including aircraft, authorized airport
vehicles, other airport vehicles (without any communication) and intruder vehicles.

Longitudinal spacing = a) + b) + c) + d) = St
Note. The parameters are illustrated in Figure 3-2.

St = Minimum longitudinal spacing

Aircraft B

Aircraft A


Figure 3-2.


Safety Jet blast
margin margin

Longitudinal spacing parameters

Sp = Lj + La

Chapter 3. Guidance on the Application of the

Operational and Performance Requirements Other parameters that should be specified to
enable longitudinal spacing to be calculated are:
a) Va the initial speed of aircraft A (km/h);
b) Vb the initial speed of aircraft B (km/h);
c) Aa the deceleration of aircraft A (m/s2);
d) Ab the deceleration of aircraft B (m/s2);
e) Pir pilot reaction time (s);
f) Cor controller reaction time (s);
g) Syr system reaction time (s); and
h) Sar safety reaction time (s).
Total time = e) + f) + g) + h) = Ts

Reliability The following parameters should be considered in the specification of control reliability requirements:
a) probability of detection of an alert (PDA) situation
the number of correct alert reports generated by
the A-SMGCS over a given period of time,
expressed as a percentage of the total number of
alert situations arising over the same period of time;
b) probability of false alert (PFA) the number of
false alert reports generated by the A-SMGCS over
a given period of time, expressed as a percentage of
the total number of alert reports recorded over the
same period of time.

3.4.5 Conflict alert The objective of the control, guidance and
routing functions should be to prevent a collision between
aircraft, vehicles and other objects on the manoeuvring
area. This objective could extend to the prevention of a
conflict. The control function should be able to handle:
a) deviations from assigned routes;

b) events that impose operational changes (e.g.
runway changes, routes closed for maintenance,
and temporary hazards or obstacles);
c) priority routes designated to drivers
emergency and operational vehicles; and


d) different groups of participants which can affect

safety, including aircraft, authorized airport
vehicles, other airport vehicles (without any
communication) and intruder vehicles. The surveillance function contributes to situational awareness and enables a continuous monitoring and
assessment of conformance with the intended movements. Once detected or predicted, a conflict should
be resolved according to its severity. There should be
sufficient time to resolve a predicted conflict through the
planning process. However, an actual conflict requires
immediate action, which may be a system- or humaninitiated resolution. During visibility conditions when the see and
be seen principle can be applied without reducing aerodrome capacity, the longitudinal spacing facility of an
A-SMGCS may only be required to detect possible conflicts. An important aspect in conflict alert is the differentiation between detected and predicted conflicts (see
Figure 3-3). A detected conflict, which requires immediate
action to prevent a collision, should be given priority over
a predicted conflict, which requires expeditious action to
avoid the development of an imminent situation. The alerting system should indicate this difference by providing a
different set of alerts to the users of the system. Every aerodrome has site-specific parameters
and situations to be addressed. The following list provides
some of the possible conflict alert scenarios that should be
both predictable and detectable by the A-SMGCS:
a) runway conflicts:
1) aircraft arriving to, or departing aircraft on, a
closed runway;
2) arriving or departing aircraft with traffic on the
runway (including aircraft beyond the runwayholding positions);
3) arriving or departing aircraft with moving
traffic to or on a converging or intersecting

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual






Real-time data






Conflict alert



Figure 3-3.

Conflict alert




Chapter 3. Guidance on the Application of the

Operational and Performance Requirements


4) arriving or departing aircraft with opposite

direction arrival to the runway;

3) aircraft exiting the apron/stand/gate area at

unintended or non-approved locations; and

5) arriving or departing aircraft with traffic crossing the runway;

4) unidentified traffic in the apron/stand/gate area.

6) arriving or departing aircraft with taxiing traffic

approaching the runway (predicted to cross the
runway-holding position);
7) arriving aircraft exiting runway at high speed
with converging taxiway traffic;
8) arriving aircraft with traffic in the sensitive area
(when protected);
9) aircraft exiting the runway at unintended or
non-approved locations;
10) unauthorized traffic approaching the runway;
11) unidentified traffic approaching the runway;
b) taxiway conflicts:
1) aircraft on a closed taxiway;
2) aircraft approaching stationary traffic;
3) aircraft overtaking same direction traffic;
4) aircraft with opposite direction traffic;
5) aircraft approaching taxiway intersections with
converging traffic;
6) aircraft taxiing with excessive speed;
7) aircraft exiting the taxiway at unintended or
non-approved locations;
8) unauthorized traffic on the taxiways;
9) unidentified traffic on the taxiways; and
10) crossing of a lit stop bar; and
c) apron/stand/gate conflicts:
1) aircraft movement with conflicting traffic;
2) aircraft movement with conflicting stationary

Vehicle movements should also be considered in all the

alert scenarios above. An alert associated with a detected conflict
should be provided within an adequate time and brought to
the attention of the controller and pilot and/or vehicle
driver involved. An alert associated with a predicted
conflict (a warning) should also be provided. The design of the conflict alert system should
deploy algorithms that follow a set of specific rules. These
rules should consider the effect of:
a) the type of traffic;
b) the speed and direction of the traffic (linear and
non-linear track prediction);
c) the speed and braking performance;
d) the proximity to certain areas of the movement area
where the risk of a conflict is high (e.g. runwayholding positions and runway intersections); and
e) dynamic scenarios (e.g. when a taxi route deviation
occurs). Advanced ground surveillance systems that
contain conflict alerting logic must constantly analyse large
amounts of data for aircraft and vehicle track position and
prediction. System limitations may dictate that only a finite
number of aircraft can be processed at an acceptable update
rate, or that all aircraft can be processed at a reduced update
rate. While it is agreed that a robust system should process
all aircraft and vehicles at an acceptable rate, priorities
should be established so as to ensure that system logic performs efficiently. The runway represents the area with the
highest risk of a catastrophic event. Therefore, the detection
and prediction of conflicts in this area should be addressed
first. Conflict alerting priorities should be as follows:
1. runway conflicts;
2. taxiway conflicts; and
3. apron/stand/gate conflicts.

3-14 The area monitored should be the runway
strip or the protection area needed for the precision
approach and landing aid in use, whichever is the most
restrictive. When an aircraft is within 30 seconds from
touchdown, the monitored area should be checked for the
presence of targets. If a target is found that meets the alert
criteria, the attention of the controller should be raised. When the aircraft is within 15 seconds from
touchdown, an alarm to the controller should be initiated if
the presence of a target is detected within the monitored
area. The controller should be able to acknowledge the
alarm and take the necessary action. Conflict information should be unambiguously displayed on a surveillance display or by other appropriate means. The information should be displayed
continuously while the conflict is present. In visibility condition 4, the conflict information should be presented to the
pilots concerned as well as the controller. In addition, it is
desirable that this information be made available to pilots
in other visibility conditions. The criteria used to determine whether an
alert should be raised depends on a comparison of the speed
and course of the arriving aircraft with that of the target on
the ground and the calculation of the time at which they
will be closest. It is important to reduce the number of false
or nuisance alerts, especially in good visibility conditions.
When a departure is closely followed by an arrival on the
same runway, no alert should be raised if the departure is
moving at a relatively high speed and the distance between
the two is increasing. For departures where two or more targets are
detected within the monitored area at the same time, an
alert should be raised to remind controllers that more than
one aircraft or vehicle occupies the runway. The alert
should remain until only one target is on the runway, or
when one target reaches a predefined speed and it can be
assumed that it is taking off. In this case, the area in front
of the departure should be monitored and any target found
should generate an alert. Taxiways and aprons should be monitored
and an alert raised to the controller and pilot and/or vehicle
driver for the following potential conflicts:
a) loss of wing-tip spacing due to manoeuvring;

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual
b) head-on conflicts;
c) incursions (unauthorized entry onto a taxiway or
apron, or failure to comply with an instruction to
hold or give way); and
d) route conflicts (i.e. where two or more given routes
provide a collision risk).



Global risk factor With the employment of new procedures and

increased movement rates in all types of conditions, the use
of an A-SMGCS should maintain and, where possible,
increase the safety of aerodrome operations. It is stated in Doc 9476 that the risk of a fatal
accident should not exceed one in 107 operations. The same
figure for overall level of safety should be used in reviewing the performance of an A-SMGCS. This figure represents the safety objective or
target level of safety (TLS) for the entire flight operation,
including take-off, climb, cruise, approach, landing and
taxi. It is applied to the combination of the various systems,
procedures and tools in use at an aerodrome, including
aircraft operational aspects. The TLS for aerodrome surface
operations, including the contribution of an A-SMGCS, has
been determined from an analysis of accident data from
European and United States sources. The analyses are
summarized in Appendix D. Different areas on the aerodrome may require
or allow different safety requirements. Therefore, A-SMGCS
at different aerodromes may have unique sets of safety
requirements. However, the level of safety afforded by using
an A-SMGCS in combination with other systems and
procedures at an aerodrome or within the ATM system will
need to meet the overall TLS. The level of safety at the aerodrome should be
continuously measured and monitored. Any occurrence that
results in an actual or perceived reduction in safety below
the target level should be investigated, and if necessary,
remedial action should be taken to improve safety and
prevent a reoccurrence.

Chapter 3. Guidance on the Application of the

Operational and Performance Requirements

Aircraft types

A-SMGCS should be usable by all aircraft types that are

equipped to operate under all weather operations procedures. In principle, this involves all commercial air transport operations, and a high proportion of general aviation
and military transport aircraft.


Vehicles The number of vehicles permitted on the

manoeuvring area should be kept to a minimum. In very
low visibility conditions, it should be limited to those
essential for the support of operations. The following principles should normally
a) access to all parts of the manoeuvring area should
be strictly controlled and limited to:
1) emergency vehicles; and
2) ATS or aerodrome operational (e.g. runway
inspection) vehicles;
b) additional vehicles which may require access to
runways or taxiways include:
1) runway maintenance vehicles or sweepers;

In low visibility conditions, the movement of vehicles as
indicated above needs strict control by the control authority.


Speeds and orientation In good visibility, aircraft exit runways at

speeds of up to approximately 90 km/h (50 kt) and taxi at
speeds of up to approximately 55 km/h (30 kt) on straight
sections of taxiways; they reduce speed to about 20 km/h
(10 kt) on curves and on complex taxiway configurations.
Helicopters may air taxi at higher speeds. In low visibility conditions, lower speeds may
be more prudent; however, if runway capacities are to be
maintained and taxiways are not to become congested with
aircraft, it will be important to maintain speeds similar to
those normally used in good visibility. Constant stopping
and starting should be avoided. The ability to follow a
preceding aircraft at a fixed distance at a fixed speed will
be important. It will be even more important for the
A-SMGCS to incorporate known taxiing times so that
aircraft can arrive at the runway-holding position in the
correct time to meet their approved departure time. The A-SMGCS might require information on
movements that are not on the surface and/or are outside
the aerodrome boundary. Therefore, an altitude requirement
should be specified. In addition, altitude information would
provide important data for the determination of wake
turbulence, rotor wash and other similar hazards.

2) snow clearance vehicles; and

3) aircraft tugs;
c) to the extent practicable, vehicles authorized to
operate on the manoeuvring area should be
equipped to meet the appropriate A-SMGCS
requirements and should be subject to similar
control procedures as aircraft; and
d) on aprons, in addition to the vehicles specified
above, a large number of vehicles require access to
service aircraft and would normally be strictly
segregated. A limited number of service vehicles
and/or tugs require access to areas of the apron
which are also used by aircraft and would need to
be equipped for A-SMGCS in low visibility conditions. A larger number of service vehicles can
primarily be contained within designated areas of
each apron, immediately adjacent to, but not
obstructing, the parking of aircraft that they serve. The A-SMGCS should, where appropriate,

include helicopter operations that may not adhere to the
same arrival, departure and taxi routes used by fixed-wing



The designer of the A-SMGCS should consider factors

such as:
a) electrical immunity from other systems at the aerodrome; and
b) the specific requirements and limitations existing at
the aerodrome. These may include:
1) the area to be covered by the A-SMGCS, and
the number and location of runways, taxiways,
aprons, etc.;

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

2) the position and view from the control tower or
any other location from where part or all of the
aerodrome control service will be provided;

a) thresholds;

3) the location of buildings and other obstructions;

c) holding positions;

4) the location of external or remote components

of the A-SMGCS, including their availability
and maintainability; and

d) stop bars;

5) the effect of meteorological conditions on the

performance of the A-SMGCS.


Reference system The adoption of WGS-84 may require

significant efforts in order to cover every aerodrome and its
facilities. The use of advanced navigational techniques or
guidance will necessitate that a universal and correct
standard be employed, in particular, where the autonomous
ability of aircraft avionics is used. The following points on the aerodrome should
be provided:
a) the aerodrome reference point (ARP);
b) a topography representation; and
c) a topology representation. The ARP, given in WGS-84 coordinates,
should be used by the A-SMGCS as the origin of an x-y
grid, with the x-axis oriented east/west and the y-axis north/
south. For A-SMGCS internal calculation, any other point
of the aerodrome will be referenced to the ARP in metres
using the x-y-z grid. In order to correlate the aerodrome relevant
points to the ARP, all the calculations will derive from the
WGS-84 coordinates of the different points obtained in
accordance with the World Geodetic System 1984
(WGS-84) Manual (Doc 9674). The topography representation will be the
numerical representation of topopoints and toposhapes
within the aerodrome and its surrounding area. A map with information on topopoints, given
by the coordinates and height of points, should be provided
for, inter alia, the following geographical points:

b) runway limits;

e) runway exits;
f) taxiway intersections;
g) intersection limits;
h) switchable centre line light block limits;
i) parking positions; and
j) building corners.
Each point should have a unique identifier. The toposhape structure should describe the
three-dimensional shape of an object. It should have a
unique identification and a list of associated topopoints.
Topopoints survey requirements Figure 3-4 shows the topography points for
thresholds. For surveying purposes, the threshold topopoint
should be taken as the centre of the runway at the beginning of the runway portion usable for landing. Where the
edge of the runway is irregular or connected to a taxiway,
an appropriate theoretical line, which best identifies the
probable edge of the runway, should be selected. When the
threshold is displaced, the topopoint should be the centre of
the threshold mark. The distance from the point surveyed as the
threshold to the end of the paved surface at the near end of
the runway should be determined to an accuracy of 10 cm. Where the threshold is displaced, the runway
limit topopoint should be given as the centre of the runway
at the end of the paved surface. The holding position topopoint should be
surveyed at the intersection of the holding position marking
and the taxiway centre line (see Figure 3-5). Where different holding positions are in use according to visibility
conditions, all should be surveyed. The stop bar topopoint should be surveyed at
the intersection of the stop bar and the taxiway centre line.

Chapter 3. Guidance on the Application of the

Operational and Performance Requirements


1/2 W

1/2 W

1/2 W

1/2 W

1/2 W

1/2 W

D = Threshold topopoint

Figure 3-4. Topography points thresholds

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual



Runway holding points (B), runway exits (E),

taxiway intersections (C) and intersection limits (A)

Figure 3-5. Topography points holding positions,

runway exits and taxiway intersections The runway exit topopoint should be surveyed at the intersection of the runway centre line and the
extension of the nearest straight section of the taxiway
centre line (see Figure 3-5). The centre line light block topopoints should

be surveyed on the centre line at the centre of two consecutive centre line lights, each of which belongs to a different
block (see Figure 3-7). Taxiway intersections should be given by the

intersection of taxiway centre lines or of the extension of
the nearest straight section of the taxiway centre line (see
Figures 3-5 and 3-6). The following points related to parking

positions should be surveyed: The intersection limits should be given by

the intersection of the taxiway centre line and the intersection indication. Where centre line lights are installed, this
point should be the same as the beginning of the intersection switchable centre line light blocks (see Figures 3-5
and 3-6).

a) the point where the taxiway centre line intersects

the limit of the stand; and
b) the point on the axis of the stand where the front
wheel or the pilot position is expected to be when
the aircraft is stopped. If several points are available, the farthest one from the point indicated in a)
should be surveyed.

Chapter 3. Guidance on the Application of the

Operational and Performance Requirements



Intersection limits (A) and taxiway intersections (C)

Figure 3-6.

Topography points taxiway intersections





F = centre line light block topopoint

Figure 3-7.

Topography points taxiway blocks

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

3-20 For A-SMGCS purposes, Table 3-1 lists the
accuracy of the WGS-84 coordinates for the different
aerodrome points. The topology representation should be the
logical representation of the aerodrome layout as used by
pilots and controllers (see Figure 3-8). A network of lines, each of which should be
given between two topopoints, should represent runways,
taxiways and apron taxiways. These lines should be called
links or transitions (TL), and their ends, nodes or
junctions (TN). Runways, taxiways and aprons should be
divided into blocks, or sections and intersections (B)
according to the switchable centre line light blocks capability. They should be identified by the same identification
as used by the aerodrome for the centre line light blocks.

3.5.7 Reference point A common reference point on aircraft and
vehicles should be established for use in A-SMGCS. Any
of the following points may be considered:
a) the mid-point of the longitudinal axis of the aircraft
or vehicle; or
b) the pilot or vehicle driver eye reference position; or
c) the nose wheel of an aircraft or a front wheel of a
vehicle; or

take-off directions. Additionally, unserviceable equipment

and movement surfaces may require the use of non-routine
procedures and routing. Closures of sections of the movement area for maintenance or snow clearance may exceed
the allocated expected time. Planning activities will include prediction of
aerodrome capacities, gate allocation and ground movement plans for departures and arrivals. The ground movement planning will calculate different possible routes for
each aircraft and vehicle taking into account the predicted
capacities, gate/slot allocation, minimum taxi times and
delays. These plans will be modified steadily reducing
time horizons down to pre-tactical planning (typically
20 minutes in advance). From that moment, the automated
routing function, or the aerodrome controller in the event of
an automated routing function not being available, will be
tasked to assign an appropriate route for each aircraft and
vehicle. The route will be chosen from those proposed by
the tactical plan, if available, or from predetermined routes,
or if none of these selections suit the actual needs of the
ground movement situation, the route will then be calculated by the system. The route assigned will depend solely
on the ground movement situation that exists at the time
when the route is issued.

3.5.9 Recordings
To enable an accurate reconstruction of the aerodrome
operations, including operator inputs, all data should be
recorded at several locations within the A-SMGCS, including on board aircraft. It is desirable that any recorded data
can be accessed and replayed without the need for
specialized software/hardware tools and knowledge.

d) the nose of the aircraft. For the purpose of providing accurate position, vector and identification information, it is desirable
that a single reference point be established for all systems.


Planning It is critical to the efficient and flexible operation of any aerodrome that planning elements can be
tactically adjusted to meet changing circumstances. Aerodrome operations are vulnerable to many
factors which must be taken into account in planning operations. These factors include weather conditions that may
require an adjustment of movement rates or landing and


System failures The A-SMGCS should have sufficient

redundancy, fault tolerance or failure mitigation to enable
operations to continue or be downgraded without affecting
the required level of safety. This applies to both hardware
and software failures that cause an interruption or loss of an
A-SMGCS function. A back-up procedure should be
provided for any known potential failure. The possibility of an unpredictable and
catastrophic failure should be considered. In the event of
such a failure, procedures should be provided whereby
dependence on the system (which may be the entire
A-SMGCS) can be removed.

Chapter 3. Guidance on the Application of the

Operational and Performance Requirements
Table 3-1.


Accuracy requirements for reference points

Aerodrome point

Runway limits
Holding positions
Stop bars
Runway exits
Taxiway intersections
Intersection limits
Switchable centre line light block limits
Parking positions


0.5 m
0.5 m
0.5 m
0.5 m
0.5 m
2.5 m
0.5 m











Figure 3-8. Topology points

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual


Start up and restart

When switching on any part of the A-SMGCS, the equipment should perform an internal system check, including a
check of the accuracy of any data, and then be capable of
providing operational service with minimum intervention
by the user.


of new larger aircraft, which will result in restrictions as to

which taxiways certain aircraft can use, introducing a
greater need for flexibility. With the introduction of an A-SMGCS at an
aerodrome, ATC will be responsible for the management
and overall operation of the system; however, certain
functions will be delegated to automated elements of the

Aerodrome considerations The siting considerations for A-SMGCS

equipment at an aerodrome should not differ from those of
existing SMGCS. Many requirements for SMGCS are contained in Annex 14, Volume I. An A-SMGCS should be designed so that,
wherever possible, changes to the aerodrome will not
require a major reconfiguration of the A-SMGCS or its
components. A means of system expansion that upgrades
the service and allows the augmentation of extra facilities
should be incorporated. The effect of an A-SMGCS on aerodrome
operations should be considered in the following areas:
a) the utilization of the movement area in all proposed
operational conditions;
b) instrument landing system (ILS) critical and sensitive area protection (if applicable);
c) ATC procedures (especially in low visibility conditions);
d) fire and rescue vehicle operations (especially in low
visibility conditions);
e) other ground vehicle operations;
f) existing lighting, markings and signage; and
g) existing structures and their illumination.


ATC considerations A different division of functions among the

control personnel may be necessary and may vary as a
result of a possible change in procedures caused by automation. The allocation of functions and/or responsibilities
might differ depending on the visibility condition, level of
automation and level of implementation of an A-SMGCS.
Part or all of the decision-making process of some
functions may have to be allocated to the system itself. Automation should be introduced in a
modular form, and each element should be independent
(capable of operating when other elements have become
unserviceable). Interfaces should be provided to enable
controllers to take over the operation of failed elements.
These interfaces should also make it possible for staff to
adjust the functioning of automated elements during normal
operation when inappropriate system function or unplanned
events require amendments to the operation. For example,
there may be occasions when equipment failure or weather
conditions require that an automated planning element be
adjusted to reduce the start-up rate of departures. HMI and automation concepts will require a
careful balance in design. While it is recognized that a
proliferation of displays and input devices must be avoided,
there must also be sufficient duplication to provide back-up
services. The search for the correct balance of equipment
integrated into the controller workstation will be one of the
major tasks in the system design. Training aids should be provided to ensure
that staff are able to operate the equipment, and that they
are fully trained in situations where automated functions
need to be taken over after a failure. This training should
not end in the initial phases of introduction, but be continuous to maintain staff competency.

Automation in ATC Few aerodromes have an ideal layout; most
have been extended and adapted over time and, therefore,
have a varied and complex structure. Few have been constructed with automatic operations taken into account in
their design. This is further complicated by the introduction

ATC functional requirements For surveillance, the controller should be
provided with a situation display of the area of responsibility of the ATC unit, showing the position and identification

Chapter 3. Guidance on the Application of the

Operational and Performance Requirements
of aircraft and vehicles under the control of that unit.
Unauthorized targets which enter the area of responsibility,
especially the active runway strips, should also be displayed. When required, the system must allow for
manual input by ATC to select alternative routes to support
a particular operational need. The methods of manually
indicating routing instructions should be simple to operate
so as not to detract from other primary tasks. ATC must be able to monitor routing instructions that are automatically allocated and be able to intervene with re-routing instructions. Where applicable, all control authorities
concerned should be provided with methods of guiding aircraft and vehicles on the movement area from their current
positions to their intended destinations, including guidance
to any intermediate positions that may be required. Voice
communication will remain a primary method of providing
guidance. An A-SMGCS should provide additional
control capacity and redundancy to enable ATC to continuously control situations which may have progressed beyond
the standard operations initially anticipated.

ATC and human-machine interface (HMI) Actual traffic flows are not merely a
progression from stand to runway and vice versa. There
will be a great need for flexibility as aircraft may be unable
to depart in the established sequence, e.g. when changing
weather conditions fall below the operating minima of
some operators. Technical failures may require aircraft to
return to the stand at any time right up to and including
the take-off roll. The effective integration of the human
element into the system design can help to provide this
flexibility. If human operators are to provide any
meaningful contribution to the operation of an A-SMGCS,
even if only in a monitoring role and providing backup in
the event of system failure, they should be involved in the
executive functions of the system. Humans are poor monitors. When performing monitoring tasks, humans may be
unable to take over the functions of a system if they have
not been involved in its operation. Human error is a major cause of failure in
current systems. Automation should be deployed in such a

way as to create an environment that will enable staff to
maximize their flexibility and have the ability to deal with
unexpected situations, while minimizing the opportunities
for error.

3.5.14 Pilot considerations The safety of aircraft must be protected at all
times. Therefore, the pilot of each aircraft should be
provided with adequate information to safely taxi the aircraft in all operational conditions, with the knowledge that
the system will prevent collisions with other aircraft or
vehicles. Specific positive measures should be provided to prevent runway incursion by aircraft or vehicles
under any visibility conditions. The system should provide the capacity for
aircraft and essential vehicles on the movement area commensurate with the runway capacity. It should also enable
predetermined taxiing speeds to be maintained to ensure
timely arrival on stands and at the runway-holding position. In order to achieve the above, the pilot
should in all operational conditions be provided with:
a) information on the aircrafts location and direction
at all times;
b) continuous guidance and control during:
1) the landing roll-out;
2) taxiing to the parking position and from the
parking position to the runway-holding position;
3) lining up for an appointed take-off position; and
4) the take-off roll;
c) indication of the route to be followed, including
changes in direction and indication of stops;
d) guidance in parking, docking and holding areas;
e) indication of spacing from preceding aircraft,
including speed adjustments;
f) indication of spacing from other aircraft, vehicles
and obstacles in visibility condition 4;

g) indication of the required sequencing;
h) information to prevent effects of jet blast or
propeller/rotor wash;
i) identification of areas to be avoided;
j) information to prevent collision with other aircraft,
vehicles or known obstacles;
k) information on system failures affecting safety;
l) the location of active runways;
m) alert of incursion onto runways and taxiways; and
n) the extent of critical and sensitive areas.
Note. Most of the foregoing requirements may be
satisfied by using ground visual aids. Any technological solution to achieving situational awareness should be fully compatible with developments in avionics and other technologies, e.g. enhanced
vision systems that are being considered for other modes of
all weather operations. The operational procedures of A-SMGCS
should be standardized, with no significant variations, at all
aerodromes where all weather operations are conducted. Upon touching down on the runway, pilots
require precise guidance to assist them in their deceleration,
to identify and locate the designated rapid exit taxiway, and
then to follow an unambiguous route on the taxiway to the
assigned stand. When leaving the stand, they again require
guidance to follow an unambiguous route to the designated
holding position for the assigned runway, as well as
guidance to line up on the centre line of the runway.

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual
prevent an aircraft from catching up to another aircraft is
likely to restrict capacity, and the resulting stop/start
procedures are uneconomical. Supplementary or alternative technical solutions to provide more precise guidance may be operationally acceptable if they can be economically justified and
not result in significantly different visual presentations to
pilots from one aerodrome to another. The system may need to be augmented by
equipment in the aircraft or vehicle for operations in
visibility condition 4. Pilots require unambiguous and direct
conflict-free routings between the runway and the stands.
The selection of these routes will be a control authority
responsibility. To achieve adequate capacity, it may be
necessary to implement unidirectional routes to and from
the runway. If data link is used, it should satisfy the pilots
requirements for the receipt and display of routing,
situational awareness and conflict detection and resolution. The detection and resolution of conflicts
will mainly be a system function. The pilots of the aircraft
concerned and/or the drivers of the vehicles concerned
should be advised of all relevant conflicts. The following
situations may require action:
a) active runway ahead;
b) crossing or stationary aircraft/vehicle ahead or
close to one side;
c) preceding or diverging, slower-moving aircraft/
d) converging aircraft/vehicle; and
e) head-on conflict. The guidance at holding positions and on the

apron should be adequate for aircraft to be manoeuvred in
the same close proximity as in unrestricted visibility. The
guidance on taxiways should be adequate for the aircraft to
follow the taxiway centre line. It should incorporate positive measures to prevent erroneous routing and specifically
to prevent unauthorized entry (incursion) onto an active
runway. Current systems of high-intensity green centre line
lighting are generally adequate for all but the lowest
visibility. Systems that can be switched to indicate the designated route and that use stop bars to control conflicting
traffic from converging routes are advantageous. The use of
additional stop bars at intervals along a designated route to At an aerodrome with a high traffic density,

there are likely to be a number of conflicts arising simultaneously. These will be beyond the capability of a single
controller to resolve. The system will need to detect and
display the situation and the resolution either to the control
authority or to the pilot in such terms as:
a) stop or reduce speed;
b) wait until detected visually;
c) re-route via ...;

Chapter 3. Guidance on the Application of the

Operational and Performance Requirements
d) wait until situation resolved; and
e) go around. To maintain capacity, the control authority
may deliberately route aircraft or vehicles in close proximity to each other. In low visibility conditions, visual detection alone may not be adequate. In these cases, the system
should provide adequate spacing between the aircraft/
vehicles involved. The pilot requirements for this are:
a) to be advised of the relative location of proximate
aircraft, vehicles or obstructions;
b) to be instructed by the control authority on the
action to take; and
c) to be provided with adequate guidance to maintain
the required spacing from aircraft or vehicles in
close proximity. In very low visibility conditions, these
actions may require additional equipment on the aircraft to
enable manoeuvres such as:
a) to follow a preceding aircraft along a taxiway at a
predetermined distance; and
b) to pass by another aircraft or vehicle at close range.


Vehicle driver considerations A vehicle driver operating on the movement

area, with the exception of passive and empty stands and
controlled taxiway road crossings, should be provided with
radiotelephony capability and adequate information to
enable the driver to operate the vehicle in all operational
conditions, with the knowledge that the system will prevent
a collision with aircraft and vehicles. Specific positive measures should be provided to prevent incursion by vehicles onto an active
runway under any visibility conditions. Specific positive measures should be provided to prevent incursion by unauthorized vehicles onto
the movement area. The system should provide guidance and
control for rescue and fire fighting vehicles in order for
them to reach any point on the movement area within the
required response time. The system should also provide for

operational vehicles that carry out essential duties on the
movement area, e.g. surface inspections, bird control,
de-icing and snow clearance. Authorized vehicles permitted only on apron
roads (including controlled and uncontrolled crossings),
and passive and empty stands should not be subject to
control by an A-SMGCS. Facilities should be provided for the drivers
of all vehicles to be aware of their proximity to the movement area. Additionally, facilities should be provided for
the driver of each controlled vehicle to be aware of:
a) the location and direction of the vehicle on the
movement area;
b) the assigned route to follow, in particular, when that
route includes taxiways and/or runways;
c) the relative proximity of any possible conflict on
the movement area;
d) the location of any active runway;
e) the extent of runway clear and graded area and
strip; and
f) the extent of navigation aid critical and sensitive
areas. In most circumstances, situational awareness
could be provided by the use of standard lighting, markings
and signage. All vehicle drivers who are required to drive
on the movement area should receive formal training and
certification that they are qualified to drive the types of
vehicles or equipment which they will operate. Such
training should include all rules and procedures applicable
to the aerodrome and knowledge of those aspects of an
A-SMGCS which apply to vehicle drivers, including the
use of radiotelephony, when applicable. All vehicle drivers who are required to drive
on the movement area need to be tested to ensure that they
meet the necessary medical requirements, including hearing
and colour vision.
3.5.16 Apron management/airport
authority considerations At aerodromes operating an A-SMGCS, all
vehicles required to move on the movement area should be

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

equipped to use the system. However, to be so equipped is
unnecessary and uneconomical for those vehicles that
service aircraft on the stand only because they only move
onto the stand once the aircraft has parked. An active stand is included in the
movement area while a passive stand is not. A vacant
stand is defined as an empty stand and is excluded from
the movement area. Therefore, the status of stands is as
a) active stand a stand that is occupied by a stationary aircraft with engines operating, or on which an
aircraft is moving, or which is being approached by
an aircraft. When an aircraft is being pushed back
or is under tow, the stand is also active. When a
stand is active, all vehicles must remain clear of
that stand or within designated areas on the stand;
b) passive stand a stand that is occupied by a
stationary aircraft with engines not operating. At
this time, vehicles not under individual control may
leave designated roadways and parking areas and
move in the proximity of the aircraft to perform
servicing tasks; and
c) empty stand a vacant stand not being
approached by an aircraft. This stand is available
for allocation to incoming aircraft; until then, the
movement of vehicles on the stand is not restricted. It is not practicable to exercise total control
over all traffic on the movement area. On the apron, an
A-SMGCS applies only to those areas where manoeuvring
aircraft may come into conflict with each other or with
vehicles. Therefore, one requirement is to restrict the movement of vehicles on the apron to designated areas and
routes. It is also necessary to keep service vehicles away
from an active stand. This can be achieved by having
painted lines that outline the areas to be left clear when a
stand is active. Alternate means of protecting an active
stand might become available as a result of technology. It
is important that any new solutions retain flexibility to
enable an A-SMGCS to operate fully during aircraft movements and, in addition, permit service vehicles access to the
stand once the aircraft has parked. Authority to change the status of each stand
to match its activity will normally be vested in the appropriate control authority. It may be necessary to introduce
distinctive coloured light signals at each stand to indicate
its status. At aerodromes where the movements of

aircraft and vehicles are authorized in conditions of very
low visibility conditions (<75 m RVR), conventionally
painted demarcation lines in the vicinity of stands may
require additional fixed (selectable) lighting to ensure
segregation between aircraft and vehicles. When adequate visibility permits the see
and be seen principle to be applied, it may not be
necessary to strictly enforce the declaration and updating of
the status of each stand. However, at least at aerodromes
where the procedure is implemented in low visibility
conditions, it may be considered good operating practice to
continue to apply the procedure in all visibility conditions. The A-SMGCS functions established for the
apron should be compatible with those for all other areas to
ensure the safe and orderly transition of aircraft and
vehicles from the apron to other areas.

3.5.17 Automation The use of automation is one of the main
differences between SMGCS and A-SMGCS. SMGCS will
evolve to include elements of the functions of A-SMGCS,
such as control, guidance and route assignment. The
evolution to an automated system will mean a safer and
more efficient operational environment but at the same
time, it may mean a more complex environment for human
interaction. Any automation should undergo a thorough
validation process to ensure that the operational requirements are met. The validation process needs to encompass
all environmental and failure conditions, including the
reversion to manual control.


Human-machine interface (HMI) Although they do not specifically address

A-SMGCS, the contents of the ICAO Human Factors
Digests are applicable to the various stages of development,
introduction, management, training, etc. of advanced technologies. At least for the foreseeable future, there is a
requirement for pilots to continue to operate their aircraft
with no external steering or control facilities during normal
taxi operations. The guidance and control elements of
A-SMGCS should, therefore, be optimized for use by the

Chapter 3. Guidance on the Application of the

Operational and Performance Requirements


pilots. Additionally, if the flexibility of human operators

within A-SMGCS is to be maximized, then Human Factors
issues are equally important.

handle the generated air traffic. There should be a seamless

exchange of information between the A-SMGCS and ATM
systems. The basic limitation and a primary design

factor is the ability of pilots, vehicle drivers and system
operators to interpret the guidance and control elements of
A-SMGCS and to carry out their respective responsibilities. There are three prime users of A-SMGCS:

controllers, pilots and vehicle drivers. Each of them needs
to be able to interface with the system. Additionally, the
system will need to interface with other systems. The flight deck tasks are composed of a

sequence of visual, audio and tactile operations. Care
should be taken in the balance of these actions to ensure
that there is not an overload in any one area. The need for
the crew to retain control of the aircraft has already been
stated. The difficulty of navigating in low visibility conditions will place a high workload in the visual area, with
a high degree of concentration required. Care should be
taken that no one factor is used to the limit. System interface with pilots and vehicle

drivers should, in principle, be based on visual aids and
radiotelephony with the possibility in the future of augmentation with on-board displays and air-ground data links. The factors mentioned in apply

equally to the tasks of the staff operating the system.
Although direct observation is restricted during times of
low visibility, it does not remove the need for this task. It
is envisaged that A-SMGCS will not only be in operation
during times of low visibility conditions, but also in all
weather conditions to maximize the capacity of the aerodrome. At the very least, there will be situations during
transition to and from low visibility conditions when visual
observations will be possible and will be a necessary part
of the operation. ATC should always have the capability to
observe the aerodrome activity. Speech and audio input
enable the operator to carry out other tasks, including
observation, while keyboard and message displays require
a higher level of visual concentration and tactile actions.
Advanced technology will require the use of such interfaces, but their use should be balanced so as not to detract
from other essential tasks. It is recommended that users and operators
of systems be involved in the design of relevant system
elements at an early stage so that operational functions can
be optimized for their use. This will be critical to the
efficiency and effectiveness of the system. Information required by the A-SMGCS from

other systems includes, but is not restricted to, the
a) runway allocation;
b) arrival/departure sequence;
c) aircraft type;
d) aircraft identification;
e) estimated time of arrival (ETA) and estimated time
of departure (ETD);
f) stand allocation (if done by a different system);
g) meteorological data;
h) emergency situations;
i) priorities;
j) slot allocation; and
k) infrastructure limits (e.g. maintenance purposes and
aircraft de-icing). Information required to be transmitted by an
A-SMGCS to other systems includes, but is not restricted
to, the following:
a) actual time of arrival/departure;


Interfaces The aerodrome operation is an integral part

of the overall ATM system. Aerodrome capacity should be
matched to the ability of the surrounding airspace system to

b) data to enable actual aerodrome capacity to be

c) aerodrome equipment, services and procedures

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

d) aeronautical ground light status;
e) surface movement emergency situations;
f) real time of stand allocation;
g) estimated early stand arrival; and
h) aborted take-off situations. The need to automatically register all communication data affecting operations should be studied.




Accuracy The term accuracy generally describes the

degree of conformance between a true position and speed,
and its estimated position and speed. The accuracy requirement of an A-SMGCS
will depend on several factors including:
a) the category of the aerodrome;
b) the functional complexity of the A-SMGCS design;
c) the level of dependency on automation. The true value of the accuracy requirement of
an A-SMGCS should be determined by a safety assessment
carried out for the specific aerodrome.

a) determination of the integrity risk the probability

of an undetected failure, event or occurrence within
a given time interval should be ascertained;
b) error identification an error detection process
should be deployed that will maintain the required
level of integrity;
c) error classification each detected error should be
analysed and a corrective or error-processing
method should be initiated within a specified time;
d) error handling the number of attempts or retries
allowed within a given time period to complete an
error-free function, transaction or process before a
failure is declared should be specified;
e) data integrity and validation latent data within
an A-SMGCS should be continuously checked for
its integrity. This includes data that have a specified
life cycle and that are contained within databases;
f) information errors the propagation of hazardous
or misleading information should be prevented. Access to an A-SMGCS and the ability to
perform certain functions (such as system configuration)
should be restricted to authorized personnel only. The service providers should ensure that an A-SMGCSs integrity
level addresses the hazards posed by unlawful, accidental
or other unauthorized access. Procedures should be in place
for the detection of access violations and the consequences
of such actions.


Integrity Integrity relates to the trust which can be

placed in the correctness of the information provided by an
A-SMGCS. Integrity includes the ability of an A-SMGCS
to provide timely and valid alerts to the users when the
A-SMGCS should not be used. In the event of any failure, an appropriate alert
including the operational significance of the failure should
be provided. A safety assessment should be carried out on
the level of integrity and should be directly related to the
TLS. Other integrity requirements include:

Availability In case of a system failure that has a long-term

effect on the availability of the A-SMGCS, appropriate
action (e.g. promulgation of NOTAM) should be taken to
notify all users of the system status. An A-SMGCS is an integral part of the overall aerodrome operations and a significant part of the ATM
system. The required level of availability should therefore
be equal to or better than that of other integral systems
within the aerodrome or the ATM system. During essential maintenance, the availability
of all the functions within an A-SMGCS should not
be affected at the same time. Fault tolerance and

Chapter 3. Guidance on the Application of the

Operational and Performance Requirements
maintainability should be maximized so that an A-SMGCS
with reduced capability would still be able to offer a safe
and efficient level of service. When an A-SMGCS is designed with one or
more of its functionalities dependent on on-board equipment, the system should have the ability to safely handle
aircraft with unserviceable equipment. The operational needs of an individual aerodrome include:
a) weather conditions under which take-off and landing can be performed;
b) necessity for improved surveillance, routing, guidance or control capabilities that are not achievable
with conventional SMGCS;

3-29 In accordance with the system performance
and safety requirements, an A-SMGCS should be designed
such that the probability of an interruption during the
performance of a critical function or service will not exceed
the acceptable limit.


Reliability There is a very close link between the

required integrity of an A-SMGCS and the reliability of the
system. In order to get a highly reliable system with high
integrity, it is sometimes necessary to duplicate or even
triple components, thereby increasing the cost and
complexity. Also, at some point there is usually a failure
transfer mechanism which, being a common mode failure
point, could be detrimental to the reliability. Often a
compromise is reached depending on the criticality of the
component and its functionality.

c) any safety aspects under any weather condition; Important reliability aspects to consider are:

d) consideration of interrelation between functions;


a) the criticality of a system component with regard to

the functionality;

e) consideration of interrelation between functions on

destination and alternate.

b) how a failure is detected;


Continuity Continuity is the ability of an A-SMGCS to

perform its required function without non-scheduled interruption during the intended operation.

c) that all critical failures will be detected;

d) how a failure impacts upon the system functionality;
e) how a failure is contained or handled; and
f) how the user is notified of the failure.

Chapter 4


assumed peak traffic at the aerodrome. The A-SMGCS

capacity should be sufficient to cater for increased capacity,
and it should be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that
it is sufficient.


4.1.1 General Prior to the implementation of an A-SMGCS,
the system performance and functional requirements should
be demonstrated in order to ensure that the design specifications or requirements have been met.

Speeds The A-SMGCS should accommodate all aircraft and vehicle speeds that will be used within the coverage area with sufficient accuracy.

Safety The A-SMGCS should be able to accommodate

the following speeds determined to within 2 km/h (1 kt): The A-SMGCS target level of safety (TLS)

should be 1 10-8 collisions per operation involving
aircraft on the ground. The function risk has been estimated as:

a) 0 to 93 km/h (50 kt) for aircraft on straight


a) guidance: 3 10-9 per operation;

b) 0 to 36 km/h (20 kt) for aircraft on taxiway curves;

b) surveillance: 3 10-9 per operation;

c) 0 to 150 km/h (80 kt) for aircraft on runway exits;

c) control: 3 10-9 per operation; and

d) 0 to 460 km/h (250 kt) for aircraft on final

approach, missed approach and runways;

d) routing: 1 10-9 per operation.

e) 0 to 150 km/h (80 kt) for vehicles on the movement

area; and


f) 0 to 20 km/h (10 kt) for aircraft and vehicles on

stands and stand taxilanes. The A-SMGCS should cover at least the

movement area of the aerodrome as well as aircraft on
approach to each runway at such a distance that inbound
aircraft can be integrated into the A-SMGCS operations. For all aircraft and vehicles moving at speeds

within the ranges described above, the A-SMGCS should
be able to perform the surveillance and guidance functions
in accordance with, and without degradation of, the control
and routing functions. This is particularly relevant to the
switching of visual aids and human-related functions.

Capacity The A-SMGCS should be able to handle all
aircraft and vehicles that are on the movement area at any
time. The A-SMGCS should determine the direction of movement in terms of the magnetic heading of each
participating aircraft and vehicle to within 1. The determination of the maximum number of

aircraft on the manoeuvring area should be based on the

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual



Note. It is expected that more than one type of

surveillance sensor will be needed to meet the surveillance
4.2.1 The surveillance function should be capable of
detecting aircraft, vehicles and obstacles. Methods should
be employed to reduce adverse effects such as signal
reflections and shadowing to a minimum.
4.2.2 A reference point on aircraft and vehicles is
required to enable the A-SMGCS to determine their
positions. Although this requirement applies to the surveillance function, it is used predominantly in the control and
guidance functions.
4.2.3 The actual position of an aircraft, vehicle or
obstacle on the surface should be determined within a
radius of 7.5 m. Where airborne traffic participates in the
A-SMGCS, the level of an aircraft when airborne should be
determined to within 10 m.

4.3.2 The time taken to process an initial route should

not exceed 10 seconds. Reprocessing to account for tactical
changes once the aircraft or vehicle is in motion should not
exceed 1 second.
4.3.3 In the processing of optimized routes, the length
of taxi distances should be computed to a resolution better
than 10 m, and timing to a resolution better than 1 second.


4.4.1 The overall response time of initiation of the

guidance to verification that the correct route or information has been provided should not exceed 2 seconds.
4.4.2 The reversion time should be a maximum of
0.5 second.

4.2.4 The position and identification data of aircraft
and vehicles should be updated at least once per second.
4.2.5 The latency and validation of surveillance
position data for aircraft and vehicles should not exceed
1 second. The latency and validation of identification data
for aircraft and vehicles should not exceed 3 seconds.



4.5.1 The probability of detection of an alert (PDA)

situation should be greater than 99.9 per cent. The
probability of false alert (PFA) should be less than 103.
4.5.2 The response time of any control function
should be less than 0.5 second.
4.5.3 Longitudinal spacing (see Figure 3-2) should be
based on the following typical numerical values:


a) Va = 55 km/h (30 kt);

4.3.1 The requirements listed in Table 4-1 should be

used in the design of the routing function.

Table 4-1.

b) Vb = 55 km/h (30 kt);

Routing maximum failure rate requirements

Visibility condition

(Failures per hour)



Chapter 4.

Performance Requirements


c) Aa = 1 to 2 m/s2 (depending on aircraft weight,

friction coefficient, etc.);

4.5.4 On the basis of calculations using the above

data, it can be concluded that:

d) Ab = 1 to 2 m/s2 (depending on aircraft weight,

friction coefficient, etc.);

a) a design taxi speed of 55 km/h (30 kt) is practicable;

e) Pir = 1 s;

b) a longitudinal spacing (St) of approximately 200 m,

with aircraft taxiing in trail, will be required to
achieve the minima specified below; and

f) Cor = 1 s;
g) Syr = 2 s; and
h) Sar = 1 s.

c) a minimum spacing when the aircraft have stopped

(Ss + Lj) of approximately 60 to 15 m can be
provided by the system, with the lower figure
applying to holding positions.

Chapter 5

3) runway capacity maximum number of

runway movements per hour; and

The following paragraphs outline some of the steps that
might be taken prior to and during the design and
implementation of an A-SMGCS, particularly with respect
to the assurance that the A-SMGCS will meet the requirements of the aerodrome and provide a solution to the safety
and/or capacity problems at the aerodrome.


4) approach capacity maximum number of

transfers between the aerodrome controller and
approach controller.
Each of the above-mentioned capacities should be
calculated using both design and operational values, and
they should be referred to in predetermined units of time.


b) downgraded capacity aerodrome capacity that is

derived from the theoretical capacity which has
been reduced due to facility limitations (failures,
maintenance, weather conditions, local regulations,
etc.). The different values should be calculated
taking into account the following:

5.2.1 General It should be ensured that the system will
always have sufficient capacity to accommodate the aerodrome traffic demand while maintaining a predetermined
capacity margin, i.e. to ensure a correct capacity/demand
balance (CDB).

1) long term activities related to stored

flight plan arrivals and departures;
2) short term activities related to en-route,
inbound or pre-departure aircraft; and The CDB should also be used to alert those

concerned when demand drops below capacity so that
measures can be taken to save resources.


3) real time activities related to actual

aircraft movements on and in the vicinity of
the aerodrome.

Capacity management

The following different capacities should be taken into


5.2.3 Demand management As for capacity, the demand should be
allocated to the different aerodrome areas (apron, taxiway
and runway), taking into consideration arriving, departing
and parked aircraft.

a) theoretical capacity capacity that is calculated

for existing facilities (layouts, systems, etc.) and
1) apron capacity maximum number of aircraft
(with indication of types) that can be parked; To obtain the different demand values

throughout the complete time horizon, the system should
take into account not only the flight plans and aircrew or
airline requests, but also temporary constraints as well as
unusual traffic peaks and unexpected arrivals due to
restrictions at other aerodromes.

2) taxiway capacity maximum number of

aircraft that can be operated on the taxiways at
the same time;

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

5.2.4 Mechanisms for balancing demand and capacity Problems will arise whenever the ratio
between capacity and demand gets closer to one. The value of the predetermined margin, which
will reflect the uncertainties in assessments of demand and
capacity, must be given to the system in the implementation
phase. It should be modified later to reflect experience
gained. The time available for anticipating problems
is a key factor in determining which actions should be
taken. The further in advance predictions can be made, the
wider the range of options which can be applied. Depending on the time horizons, i.e. from
months in advance to the actual situation, different actions
can be taken to either modify the demand or the capacity.
The following present some of the possible actions:
a) for the long term:
1) increase capacity of the critical (bottleneck)
resource; and/or
2) reduce demand for that resource by modification of stored flight plans (only after
confirmation that there is no other solution);
b) for the short term:
1) modify flight plans of en-route, inbound or
departing aircraft; and/or
2) divert arriving aircraft to other aerodromes
(only after confirmation that there is no other
solution); and
c) for real time:
1) reallocate slots for departing aircraft.



surface movement increases as visibility decreases, the

benefits may accrue in increments not directly related to
visibility. For example, if the sharing of information on
take-off delays can produce efficiencies in air traffic
management, this benefit could be realized in any visibility
condition. Those aerodromes developing A-SMGCS
capabilities should consider visibility conditions in their
cost/benefit analyses, but not as the only factor. Risk analyses can measure the improvements
expected through changes in procedures or addition of
technology. Risk analyses produce a probability of an event
(i.e. runway incursion, surface collision, etc.). An improvement proposed for an aerodrome should show a reduction
in risk. Benefits expressed in terms of cost avoidance,
aircraft loss, loss of life, disruption to aerodrome services,
cost of investigation, etc. can be used to turn risk reduction
into a quantitative value. However, because surface
accidents are rare, these cost avoidance savings may be
soft savings, meaning that they may or may not be
realized. Quantifiable benefits tied to efficiency can be
determined, and improvements assessed against these
benefits. Savings expected can be measured after the
procedural change or addition of technology. The aerodrome users can validate expected savings in terms of
reduced delay, taxi-in and taxi-out time, aircraft turnaround time at the gate, improved aircraft servicing,
improved aerodrome capacity (in terms of throughput
expressed as operations per hour), or reduced operating
costs. Efficiency benefits accrue with every operation,
while safety benefits may remain unseen. Regarding safety
benefits, there are no guarantees that an accident will not
occur, even though risk is reduced. The conduct of cost/benefit analyses will vary
with standard economic practices of States and aerodromes.
The assessment should provide the basis for modifying the
approach to fit the needs. Those doing cost/benefit analyses
can vary from the assessment methodology proposed
provided the ground rules, assumptions and data are made
available. This will allow aerodrome users and others to
apply their own methodology to determine the benefit for
their operations.

5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Cost/benefit guidelines The use of cost/benefit analyses helps
decision makers to determine the best alternative to system
development and deployment of equipment and services
supporting A-SMGCS. While the complexity of aerodrome

The primary benefits for operators are related to improved

operating efficiencies. Aerodrome and air traffic control
benefits include both safety and efficiency. Safety and

Chapter 5.

Implementation Issues

efficiency benefits should be segregated in the analyses to

facilitate decision making. Guidelines for conducting a
cost/benefit analysis are listed below:

Define and provide measures of changes in capacity to

the maximum extent possible. This will allow the
aerodrome user to determine whether the capacity gain
warrants improved aircraft equipage.

Consider benefits which may occur due to avoidance of

costs associated with diversions and cancellations,
including the cost of getting passengers to their final

Identify hourly costs of taxi time, which may be different from hourly block time costs traditionally used in
cost/benefit analyses. The taxi time cost is more
representative of surface operations cost.

Consider benefits which may occur due to improved

command and control, not just air traffic management
improvements. The sharing of surveillance information
can provide command and control benefits for the
aerodrome operator and service providers on the

Use aerodrome traffic growth forecasts or national

growth forecasts to estimate future demand.

Use historical weather data for projected operating

hours in visibility conditions 1 through 4.

Wherever possible, incremental analyses should be

undertaken so that only the additional benefits of a new
initiative, net of any previous initiatives, can be determined. Modular addition of capabilities to improve
services is the basis of any A-SMGCS implementation.
Cost/benefit analyses should be modular also to capture
incremental improvements.

Use current and projected costs and determine overall

cost using life-cycle costing. A life-cycle cost estimate
includes the cost of research, engineering and development, acquisition, operation, decommissioning and
disposal. In the event that an alternative solution or
project requires user equipage, these costs must be
included. Both non-recurring and recurring costs should
be considered. The source of the cost data should be
explained for each major cost element.

The method of computing cost and benefit values

should be explained, including discounting, proportional distribution of benefits, yearly distribution of
costs and benefits, and timing for realizing benefits or
incurring costs.


A module in an A-SMGCS may have value for

operations beyond surface movement. Therefore,
analyses should define how benefit and cost segments
are attributed to surface applications.

Previously procured systems have already been justified based on their own merits. The cost of sustaining
an existing system such as an operational surface movement radar should not be charged against an A-SMGCS
unless a new radar with improved performance would
be required. In this case, a replacement system should
be considered as one of the modules for cost/benefit

Non-personnel-related cost avoidance should be

considered, which may include maintenance savings,
reduced telecommunications costs, leases, rents,
utilities, and the deferral or elimination of the need to
make a capital investment.

Secondary user benefits should be identified. An

A-SMGCS produces information as a product. Whether
it be improved surface surveillance, scheduling information, gate allocations, etc., this information has value
to service providers beyond air traffic control, the
aerodrome users and the aerodrome operator.

System performance trade-offs should be considered in

balancing cost and benefit. There may be opportunities
to meet the goals of an A-SMGCS through trade-offs
in technology and procedures. A good cost/benefit
analysis will consider each alternative and the modules
defined within the envisioned system. These trade-offs
should be clearly defined so that others reviewing the
analysis and the decision makers can consider them.


Identifying benefits Benefits are improvements realized over the

existing baseline capability. Starting with the operational
requirements given in this manual, add local, site-specific
user and aerodrome requirements. Compare the existing
baseline operating capabilities to those proposed in the new
operational requirements for an A-SMGCS. Define who
gets the benefits. This allocation of benefits will help in
quantifying both the benefits and the costs. The allocation
will also help in developing the assumptions that will be
used in the analyses. Table 5-1 provides a representative breakdown of benefits. This table should be modified, as
necessary, for each particular aerodrome.

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

Table 5-1. Benefits breakdown

Service provider benefits

ATM service providers

Controller productivity
Maintenance productivity
Leased communications savings
Rent, utility, other savings
Liability cost savings
Future capital cost avoidance

Other air navigation service


Maintenance productivity
Leased communications savings
Rent, utility, other savings
Liability cost savings
Future capital cost avoidance
Reduced service cost to user

Aerodrome service providers

Increased capacity (operations per hour)

Operations productivity
Maintenance productivity
Improved passenger handling
Improved rescue response
Reduced time when runway(s) unusable

User benefits
Delay savings

Air carrier

Aircraft operating cost savings

Diversion avoidance
Reduced flight cancellations

Commuter and air taxi

Aircraft operating cost savings

Diversion avoidance
Reduced flight cancellations

General aviation

Aircraft operating cost savings

Military aviation

Aircraft operating cost savings

Improved all weather capability

Chapter 5.

Implementation Issues


User benefits

Fatalities avoided
Injuries avoided
Aircraft losses avoided
Aircraft damage avoided
Ground vehicle damages avoided


Air carrier

Aircraft operating cost savings

Aircraft turn-around time reduced
Personnel savings
Maintenance savings
Avoided capital investment cost

Commuter and air taxi

Aircraft operating cost savings

Aircraft turn-around time reduced
Personnel savings
Training savings
Maintenance savings
Avoided capital investment cost

General aviation

Aircraft operating cost savings

Aircraft turn-around time reduced


Aircraft operating cost savings

Aircraft turn-around time reduced
Personnel savings
Maintenance savings
Avoided capital investment cost

user efficiencies

Improvements in command and control

Improved level of service
Personnel savings
Training savings
Maintenance savings
Aircraft turn-around time reduced
Passenger/cargo throughput improvements

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

5-6 Table 5-2 provides a listing of potential users
of information provided by A-SMGCS. The table was
developed to identify primary and secondary users of
information. Some aerodrome authorities may restrict the
access to information provided by an A-SMGCS.

Identifying cost Cost should be defined as life-cycle cost. In

the past, air traffic control systems were developed with an

Table 5-2.

expected life cycle of 20 years. This trend is changing with

the introduction of improved, cost-effective automation and
reliance on commercial products. An air traffic control
hardware life of 5 to 10 years is becoming more common.
Commercial airlines expect a 20-year life cycle for equipment installed by the aircraft manufacturer. For equipment
installed by the airline, the life cycle is in the order of 5 to
7 years for avionics, while the cost recovery for avionics is
typically 3 to 5 years.

Information users



Flight plan data

Air traffic control

Apron management

Operations (airline)

Operations (aerodrome)


Maintenance aerodrome
Snow removal team

Rescue and fire fighting

Noise monitoring

Arrival data list


Finance (landing fees)

Flight information
display systems

Ground transportation

Baggage handling



Customs and immigration

Lodging facilities

Note 1. Terminal surveillance allows position and time to be reported for aircraft in the terminal area.
Note 2. Surface surveillance reports position of aircraft and vehicles in the manoeuvring areas. If surveillance coverage
is extended to the ramp area, then surface surveillance will have increased value for control.
Note 3. Flight plan data provides departure information with gate/stand identified.
Note 4. Arrival data list contains the expected landing time and gate/stand arrival time, with gate identified.

Chapter 5.

Implementation Issues

5-7 Table 5-3 contains the user cost breakdown.

The project cost breakdown of ground equipment is
provided in Table 5-4. These cost tables show examples of
potential sources of cost. Each A-SMGCS may produce
different cost sources. The primary objective is to develop
a list of applicable cost sources early in the analyses. As in
the benefit analyses, it is important to solicit participation
from all affected service providers and users early in the
process. Another metric for economic justification is
net present value the discounted value of expected net
benefits (i.e. benefits minus costs). In order to compute net
present value, benefit and cost streams are discounted by a
specified rate. This discount rate may vary with each State.
The rate also differs within the user community.

Table 5-3.


Recommended outline for a cost/benefit

analysis and report

It is recommended that an outline for a cost/benefit analysis

and report contain:

A brief summary of objectives, costs, alternatives

investigated, methodology, and benefits and costs

Discussion of any historical data that helps to define the

shortfall in capabilities and application of any previous
cost/benefit studies which will be used;

A description of the current baseline, shortfalls in the

existing system, and proposed solutions to overcoming
these shortfalls;

User cost breakdown


Sources of costs


Opportunity (out-of-service) costs
Testing and certification
Training development
Cost of funding


Leased communications


Out-of-service cost
Test equipment
Maintenance management

Information users

Leased communications
System maintenance

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

Table 5-4.

Project cost breakdown of ground equipment

Service providers

Sources of costs

Project management

Management efforts
Financial management
Planning and scheduling
Contract management
Data management

Systems engineering

Engineering management
Interface management
Configuration management
Quality assurance
Production management
Transition management
Technical monitoring
Operational requirements
System design


Proof of concept
Prototype development
Deployment costs

Prime mission equipment


Test programme
Developmental testing and evaluation
Operational test and evaluation


Technical manuals
Engineering data
Data depository
Other documentation


Training requirements analysis

Training manuals
Course development
Course delivery

Integrated logistics

Logistics management
Support equipment
Facility requirements

Site activation

Site procurement
Site survey
Environmental assessments
Site preparation
Site installation and checkout


Chapter 5.

Implementation Issues


Service providers

Sources of costs

Operational support

Contractor maintenance
Direct work maintenance
Supply support
Support equipment
Training and training support
Leased communications
Periodic inspection and/or certification


Disposal management
Environmental audits
Hazardous waste management
Facility construction or conversion
Site restoration
Salvage value recovery

Technical and procedural alternatives that can fulfil the

mission needs, the characteristics of each alternative,
and whether each alternative meets all or a portion of
the mission needs;

A description of each ground rule and assumption used

in identifying costs and benefits, including factors used
to discount values;

A description of methods used to estimate benefits and

costs, equations used, and data sources referenced;

An assessment of life-cycle costs consistent with the

ground rules and assumptions used. Parametric, vendor
quotes, and analogy methods should be used to estimate
life-cycle costs and extrapolate costs over the life cycle;

A description of benefits identified, presented in a

modular fashion so that incremental benefits can be

A comparison of benefits and costs for each alternative

with a ranking in terms of the most benefit for the least
cost; and

Levels of confidence of benefit and cost information as

determined by probabilistic analysis. The effects of
varying the values of key assumptions should also be





Introduction The assessment of specific technologies

should preferably use a standardized methodology so as to
have a baseline reference for each technology that will be
assessed. The assessment is an iterative process, which
should take place in close cooperation between those
involved, i.e. authorities, service providers, operators and
manufacturers. The feasibility of application of various
technologies and systems should be proven by a feasibility
assessment, which determines whether a selected technology meets the requirements. This feasibility assessment
could comprise various techniques, such as theoretical
analysis, simulation or, simply, data collection. If the assessment takes place according to a
standardized methodology, the documented results of the
assessment could serve as an element of a certification
process and as evidence of the performance of the system
or part thereof up to the operational requirement.

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual


Generic technology assessment

methodology The information flow in the assessment

process is illustrated in Figure 5-1. Important first steps
include the definition of the technology to be assessed, the
specific architecture of this technology, and the role (e.g.
the guidance function) that this technology is proposed to
fulfil in the A-SMGCS. It is possible that this architecture
may change during the assessment process as difficulties in
satisfying certain requirements become apparent. When
such a change occurs, it is important to document the
revised architecture completely and restart the assessment
process from the beginning. In documenting the technology, architecture
and role in the A-SMGCS to be assessed, a tabular format
may be useful to support the text.


Generic assessment parameters

The operational and performance requirements for the

A-SMGCS should be broken down into quantitative
performance parameters and qualitative design guidelines.
Where available, a metric has been associated with each
performance parameter. The resulting generic matrix is
intended to provide the basis for assessing a technology
which is proposed for application in the A-SMGCS.



Introduction Before an A-SMGCS is declared operational,

a safety assessment should be made in order to understand
the safety impact caused by the application of the system
and also the safety impact in case of failure of elements of
the system. The safety assessment should be supported by
relevant documentation, which should be in a format that
enables easy updating after system modification. The
documentation should clearly indicate against which safety
objectives the assessment took place and if these objectives
were fully met. The safety assessment is not only meant to
convince the authority of the safety of the system but also
to clearly indicate aspects like training and controls upon
which the safety depends so that the required safety level
can be maintained.


System description

In order to perform a safety assessment, a portrayal of the

total system is required. This portrayal starts with a
description of the system to be assessed. This description
should include:
a) the intended functions of the system including its
modes of operation;
b) the system performance parameters and their
allowable limits (e.g. what constitutes a failure);
c) the functional and physical boundaries of the
system and its components;
d) the environmental conditions which the system
needs to withstand;
e) the interfaces with other systems and with human
operators (controllers, pilots and vehicle drivers);
f) functional block diagrams of the system and its

5.5.3 Hazard analysis The hazard analysis should indicate what
constitutes a failure condition of the system. The hazard
analysis should focus on the functions and vulnerabilities of
the system and include:
a) the consequences of a failure of an A-SMGCS or a
part thereof to function within its specified
performance limits;
b) the consequences of other possible malfunctions of
the system and their effects on other systems;
c) the consequences to an A-SMGCS of failures in
other systems;
d) the identification of possible common-mode or
cascade failures (e.g. a failure of a guidance system
that causes several aircraft to loose their guidance);
e) the identification of possible sources for errors by
human operators. The result of the hazard analysis may well be
an indication of the need for a system (or part thereof)

Chapter 5.

Implementation Issues

role of technology
operational requirement




numerical value

Feasability assessment:
Theoretical analysis:
Failure mode analysis
Hazard analysis
Monte Carlo technique
Real time
Fast time
Data collection:
Actual operation simulated



Is the performance

system for this
function and
operational requirement

system for this
function and
operational requirement

All functions and

operational requirements



Figure 5-1. Flow diagram of generic technology assessment methodology

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual


Failure mode analysis

A failure analysis of the total system is needed to

demonstrate compliance with the operational requirements.


Risk allocation

It is necessary to indicate the probability of failure of each

element of the A-SMGCS in order to ensure a proper
assessment of the overall safety of the system.

a) identify possible safety hazards that could arise,

including the failure of any relevant procedure,
system or equipment;
b) classify the risk of the identified safety hazard in
terms of probability of occurrence and the
criticality of effect on aircraft;
c) assess if the risk of the identified safety hazard is
tolerable; and
d) if the risk is not tolerable, establish mitigating

5.5.6 Example of safety assessment

methodology Each procedure developed for use with an
A-SMGCS should undergo a generic safety or risk assessment. However, the implementation of the procedures at an
aerodrome should require a site-specific risk assessment to
ensure that all local safety issues are addressed. One
method of conducting such a risk assessment is described
in the following paragraphs. Risk assessments should be performed prior to
a change to an existing procedure or the introduction of a
new procedure, system or type of equipment. The risk
assessment should assess all functions and systems, and
changes to them, for their safety significance. Any risks
identified during system introduction should be consistent
with the level of safety established for that procedure,
system or equipment. The methodology used and the
results should be fully documented and preferably
presented by the service provider to the safety regulator for
approval. The level of risk for any failure in a function
can be derived from, and associated with, maximum
allowable rates of occurrence. The final step is to identify
the tools or techniques that need to be applied to the
specification, design and testing of the procedures or
systems to provide the required safety assurance. To tolerate a risk means that it is not regarded
as negligible or something that might be ignored, but rather
as something that needs to be monitored and reduced if

Risk assessment process The generic risk assessment process is as
follows: The methodology used and the results of the

risk assessment process should be compiled in a report,
which should also describe the new system, procedure or
amendment. For each significant risk that is determined, a
rationale or argument for the tolerability of the risk, and
the details of any mitigation used should be provided. The
report should also outline the management process whereby
safety is monitored and managed. The report should be
submitted to the safety regulator for assessment/approval.

Risk classification In order to ensure that the risk assessment is
valid, it is necessary to have a set of appropriate and
consistently applied definitions of probability of occurrence
and criticality. Risk classification models are already in use
in many safety-related industries. Probability of occurrence
definitions and safety criticality categories used by some
States are presented in Table 5-5 and Table 5-6 respectively.
Other models may be used with the agreement of the safety
Note 1. Some risks are dependent on the number of
hours that an aircraft is exposed to risk (per flight hour),
and the duration of a flight has an effect on the risk. Thus,
the term per hour is employed. For aerodrome operations, it is usually more appropriate to use per operation
as system functionality is normally not time-dependent.
Note 2. The probability of occurrence is defined in
both qualitative and quantitative terms. In certain
applications a numerical analysis may not be practical, e.g.
the rate of failure of a human cannot be expressed
numerically with confidence. Also, qualitative assessment
may be sufficient for events classified as minor or major.

Chapter 5.

Implementation Issues

Table 5-5.

Probability of

Probability of occurrence definitions

Extremely improbable

Extremely remote




< 10-9 per flight hour

10-7 to 10-9 per

flight hour

10-5 to 10-7 per

flight hour

1 to 10-5 per
flight hour


Should virtually never Unlikely to occur when

occur in the whole fleet considering several
systems of the same
type but, nevertheless,
has to be considered as
being possible

Table 5-6.


Results in one or
more of the
following effects

Safety criticality classification



The loss of the


A large reduction in
safety margins

Multiple fatalities

Physical distress or
a workload such
that the flight crew
cannot be relied on
to perform their
tasks accurately or

May occur once or

Unlikely to occur
during total operational several times during
life of each system but operational life
may occur several
times when
considering several
systems of the same

Serious injury or
death of a relatively
small proportion of
the occupants

A significant
reduction in safety
A reduction in the
ability of the flight
crew to cope with
adverse operating
conditions as a result
of increase in
workload or as a
result of conditions
impairing their
Injury to occupants





Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual


5.6.3 All software used for an A-SMGCS should be

certified through a standard software certification procedure.

Risk tolerability matrix A risk tolerability matrix defines the
maximum rate of occurrence allowed for any particular
effect or event. An example is shown in Table 5-7.

5.6.4 Any new application or change to an A-SMGCS

should be evaluated by the regulatory authority for
compliance of the system with the operational requirements. The evaluation should be followed by a formal
approval. Additional requirements or limitations of the
operational use could be stated.

Note 1. Minor effects are not usually a concern in

certification but may well be unacceptable commercially or
Note 2. Table 5-7 shows the minimum safety
performance standards that may be applied.


5.6.5 The aerodrome operator and the ATC service

provider are responsible for the training and maintenance
procedures for personnel and equipment under their
jurisdiction. In the certification process, they should be able
to demonstrate that they can perform all tasks required for
the proper functioning of an A-SMGCS.


5.6.1 All ground equipment that forms an essential

element of an A-SMGCS should be certified for its use and
be regularly inspected or reviewed. The aerodrome operator
should have certified maintenance procedures established
for the ground equipment that is essential to the performance of an A-SMGCS.

5.6.6 The manufacturer of an A-SMGCS is responsible for the proper documentation of the system concept
and design. Furthermore, evidence of system capabilities
should be provided. Depending on the local situation, the
manufacturer could have to deal with either the regulatory
authority or the purchasing organization.

5.6.2 The certification of airborne equipment should

be covered by aircraft certification procedures.

Table 5-7.
Quantitative probability
of occurrence
JAR 25
Qualitative probability
of occurrence
Classification of effect


Risk tolerability matrix

















Appendix A


c) Visibility condition 3:


1.1 For guidance on what level of A-SMGCS is

appropriate to a specific aerodrome, it is necessary to

Visibility sufficient for the pilot to taxi but

insufficient for the pilot to avoid collision with
other traffic on taxiways and at intersections by
visual reference, and insufficient for personnel of
control units to exercise control over all traffic on
the basis of visual surveillance. For taxiing, this is
normally taken as visibilities equivalent to an RVR
of less than 400 m but more than 75 m; and

a) visibility conditions;
b) traffic density; and
c) aerodrome layout.

d) Visibility condition 4:

1.2 The criteria proposed for visibility conditions and

traffic density are based on the Manual of Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems (SMGCS) (Doc 9476).

Visibility insufficient for the pilot to taxi by visual

guidance only. This is normally taken as an RVR of
75 m or less.
Note. The above visibility conditions apply for both
day and night operations.

2.1 Whereas Doc 9476 (Chapter 2) lists three
visibility conditions for the purpose of discussing SMGCS,
a further breakdown of low visibility conditions has been
included here. For the purpose of this manual, visibility
conditions are subdivided and defined as follows:

2.2 When selecting A-SMGCS modules for a particular aerodrome, in addition to the main criteria described
above, effects of short-term transitory factors, such as low
angle sun glare, twilight, and differing day and night viewing conditions, should be considered.

a) Visibility condition 1:

2.3 Aerodrome movement rates may include shortterm peak loads in excess of normal movement rates. This
may result in difficulties for ATC to maintain awareness of
the traffic situation by visual means alone.

Visibility sufficient for the pilot to taxi and to avoid

collision with other traffic on taxiways and at intersections by visual reference, and for personnel of
control units to exercise control over all traffic on
the basis of visual surveillance;
b) Visibility condition 2:


Visibility sufficient for the pilot to taxi and to avoid

collision with other traffic on taxiways and at intersections by visual reference, but insufficient for
personnel of control units to exercise control over
all traffic on the basis of visual surveillance;


3.1 Traffic density is measured from the mean busy

hour independent of visibility condition.


Traffic density is divided into three categories:

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

a) Light (L):

b) Simple (S):

No more than 15 movements per runway or

typically less than 20 total aerodrome movements;

An aerodrome with one runway, having more than

one taxiway to one or more apron areas; and

b) Medium (M):

c) Complex (C):

16 to 25 movements per runway or typically

between 20 to 35 total aerodrome movements; and

An aerodrome with more than one runway, having

many taxiways to one or more apron areas.

c) Heavy (H):
26 or more movements per runway or typically
more than 35 total aerodrome movements.



5.1 By identifying each of the appropriate criteria, it

is possible to determine the necessary SMGCS or
A-SMGCS modules to support the operational requirements at a specific aerodrome based on the intended
minimum visibility for operations.


For aerodrome layout, three levels have been established as


5.2 Considering the criteria at 2.1, 3.2 and 4 in this

appendix, there are 36 combinations which may be related
to an aerodrome type. These can be grouped for each
visibility condition as shown in Table A-1.

a) Basic (B):
An aerodrome with one runway, having one
taxiway to one apron area;

Table A-1.




Combination of aerodrome types




Note. Appendix B shows a grouping of the aerodrome types appropriate to the level of implementation of A-SMGCS
after considering the necessary functional requirements to maintain A-SMGCS capacity.

Appendix B

anyone tasked with defining the level of implementation

that is appropriate for a given aerodrome. Table B-1 is an
example of one means of grouping A-SMGCS implementation into 5 levels that together cover all cases. The table
shows that the 4 basic functions are provided at all levels.
Within the table, the role played by automation and avionics increases progressively through the levels. Level V
corresponds to the most demanding aerodrome requirements where the level of automation is the highest.

Criteria for the categorization of aerodromes on the basis of

visibility conditions, traffic density and aerodrome layout
are given in Appendix A. The appropriate level of functional implementation of an A-SMGCS at a particular
aerodrome can be determined by identifying the criteria
that apply. There are 36 possible aerodrome type criteria
combinations, 4 functional criteria (surveillance, control,
routing and guidance) and 3 user groups (controller, pilot/
vehicle driver and system) to consider. Overall, the number
of options is too large to be of practical assistance to

Table B-1.


Criteria for determining A-SMGCS implementation levels


















T-5: 1:(S)(M)
T-6: 1:(S)(H)
T-7: 1:(C)(L)
T-10: 2:(B)(L)
T-11: 2:(B)(M)
T-13: 2:(S)(L)





Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual









T-8: 1:(C)(M)
T-12: 2:(B)(H)
T-14: 2:(S)(M)
T-16: 2:(C)(L)
T-19: 3:(B)(L)
T-20: 3:(B)(M)
T-22: 3:(S)(L)









T-9: 1:(C)(H)
T-15: 2:(S)(H)
T-17: 2:(C)(M)
T-18: 2:(C)(H)
T-21: 3:(B)(H)
T-23: 3:(S)(M)
T-24: 3:(S)(H)
T-25: 3:(C)(L)
T-26: 3:(C)(M)
T-27: 3:(C)(H)















Painted centre line and taxiway guidance signs

Fixed centre line lights
Manual switched centre line lights
Automatic switched centre line lights



Note 1. Does not apply in visibility condition 3.

Appendix C

equipment has been developed, its technical performance

has been demonstrated, and it may soon be in service. In
yet other cases, equipment research and development are at
early stages. It is important to recognize that equipment
evolution and operational procedures for A-SMGCS will be
strongly influenced by the need for operational safety and
efficiency, and the results of tests and evaluations that are
currently in hand or planned for the future. Table C-1 is
provided purely for illustrative purposes.

Since A-SMGCS are in the early stages of their research

and development, the material in this appendix should only
be used as a guide. It should not be used to justify technical
specifications. For each of the possible 36 aerodrome types,
Table C-1 indicates the types of equipment that may be
needed to provide the required level of service for each of
the 4 basic A-SMGCS functionalities. For some of the
requirements, equipment has already been fully developed
and is in service. In other cases, potentially suitable


Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual


Control system


















































Restricted area

Situation awareness


Route planning

Visual aids


Traffic level







Approach Manoeuvring area



Surveillance system



Equipment evolution for A-SMGCS


Table C-1.






















































































































,E ,E







,E ,E



28-36 All All






,E ,E




B = Basic
S = Simple
C = Complex
L = Light
M = Medium
H = Heavy



Approach radar
Surface movement radar 1)
Painted centre line with/without lights 1)
Manually switched (block of) centre line lights
Automatic switched centre line lights
Aerodrome chart and signs 1)
Holding position marking 1)
Runway guard lights 1)

Note 1. For details see Table 2-2 of Doc 9476.





Switched stop bar 1)

Traffic lights
Air traffic controller
New development required
New development desirable
Enhanced cockpit display

Appendix D


was applied to the total number of aircraft movements to

take into consideration the traffic at non-principal aerodromes. This gives a total number of movements of
165 674 182.


This appendix provides details on the background information that was used to determine the A-SMGCS target
level of safety (TLS). It is necessary to allocate a portion of
the TLS for an entire flight (one accident per 107
operations) to the A-SMGCS taxi phase. The method
chosen to determine an appropriate TLS for an operation
was to base it on the historical accident and movement rates
within the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC)
area. A similar exercise conducted in the United States is
also outlined. Both produce comparable results.


2.4 The above data give an ECAC-wide taxi accident

rate of 2/165 674 182 = 1.2 10-8 per operation. If we
consider that the average taxi time of an aircraft does not
exceed 6 minutes, the risk per hour will be 1.2 10-6 per
hour. This value compares with a similar analysis,
conducted in the United States for A-SMGCS TLS using
worldwide and United States accident data, which is
outlined below.



2.1 The ECAC study was based on the ICAO

Accident/Incident Data Reporting (ADREP) system database and the number of movements on ECAC aerodromes
extracted from ICAO statistics yearbooks (Civil Aviation
Statistics of the World (Doc 9180)). Flight data from the
EUROCONTROL Central Flight Management Unit
(CFMU) were used to analyse the number of movements
but, since this information refers to flights since 1992, it
was only used as reference information.



3.1 An analysis to determine a TLS for A-SMGCS

that was performed by a sub-group of the ICAO All
Weather Operations Panel in 1997 considered accident data
for the landing and taxi phases of flight and compared the
calculated risk of a fatal accident within the global
aerodrome operations TLS of 107.
3.2 An analysis of worldwide accident data from
1985 to 1994 revealed that the fatal accident rate was
1.8 10-6 per operation and that taxi accidents accounted
for 5 per cent of fatal accidents. Therefore, the worldwide
fatal taxi accident rate was 9.0 10-8 per operation.

2.2 The ADREP database was used to collect the

number and characteristics of ground movement accidents
in ECAC member States from 1980 to 1999. During this
time period, there were 627 recorded accidents from
27 ECAC States; of which 52 accidents were fatal or
caused total aircraft destruction. The other 575 accidents,
even if they had serious consequences or were nearmisses, were not included in the study. Of the 52 fatal or
hull-loss accidents, 2 occurred as a result of taxi or runway

3.3 An analysis of National Transportation Safety

Board (NTSB) data from 1985 to 1994 revealed that the
fatal accident rate was 0.56 10-6 per operation and that
fatal taxi accidents accounted for 11 per cent of all fatal
accidents. Therefore, the United States fatal taxi accident
rate was 6.2 10-8 per operation.

2.3 From 1980 to 1996, there were 150 612 893

movements in the ECAC area. However, data have yet to
be published for the period 1997 to 1999; therefore, an
annual growth of 5 per cent was estimated. Since the data
refers to principal aerodromes only, a factor of 10 per cent

3.4 The total TLS defined in developing the approach

and landing required navigation performance (RNP) was
1.5 10-7 per mission. The final approach and landing
allocation was 1.0 10-8 per operation.

3.5 The TLS for A-SMGCS, encompassing the taxi
phase of the total flight operations, must fit within this
overall mission TLS. Another factor is that the accident
data reflect accidents due to all causes, whereas
A-SMGCS-related accidents would constitute only a
portion of taxi accidents. Therefore, the A-SMGCS TLS
should not receive the entire allocation of risk related to the
taxi phase of operation.
3.6 As can be seen from the worldwide accident
data and the NTSB data for aircraft operations in the
United States, the fatal taxi accident rates are similar
(9.0 vs. 6.2 10-8 per operation). As stated before, the

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual
total mission TLS is targeted to be 1.0 10-7. The final
approach and landing phase was allocated at 1.0 10-8.
Similarly, the other phases of flight have allocations that
use only a small portion of the overall TLS. Therefore, the
taxi phase should be allocated a comparable portion.
Based on the above considerations, the A-SMGCS TLS is
1.0 10-8 per operation. Although the data used in the
evaluation were collected during the same time period, it
was considered that the margin of 6 to 9 over the
historical accident rate is in line with the allocations of
TLS to the various phases of flight used for the approach
and landing RNP and, therefore, may be considered a fair

Appendix E


A-SMGCS could be profitably embedded in different

environments with a variety of aerodrome facilities and
topological constraints. A further advantage was the ability
to use several independent test environments for systems
such as positioning reference and digitized aerodrome


1.1 This appendix looks at some of the A-SMGCS

that have been the subject of research projects or
operational trials in Europe and the United States.
1.2 The purpose of this appendix is not only to
describe A-SMGCS but to provide some information on the
type of components or sub-systems that may be used to
develop an A-SMGCS suitable for an individual aerodrome.

2.3 DEFAMM functional demonstration

Surveillance function
2.3.1 As the architecture in Figure E-1 shows, the
surveillance function was realized by two non-cooperative
sensors and two cooperative sensors. The two noncooperative sensors were the existing surface movement
radar (SMR) with the new radar data extractor electronic
scanning radar directly delivering digital target reports. The
two cooperative sensors comprised the prototype Mode S
multilateration system with a Mode S central station
(mainly for aircraft detection and identification) and a
differential global navigation satellite system (D-GNSS)
sub-system with a D-GNSS central station (mainly for
vehicles). A cooperative sensor for vehicles was also
demonstrated to enhance the surveillance capabilities.


2.1 The Demonstration Facilities for Aerodrome
Movement Management (DEFAMM) was a research
project that was carried out by fifteen European partners
from industry, research institutes, and aerodrome and ATC
authorities, and was sponsored by the European Commission1. In DEFAMM, various prototype sub-systems
covering all the main functions of an A-SMGCS were
demonstrated in operational environments, including four
European aerodromes. This was the first large-scale
integrated system demonstration for aerodrome surface
traffic management on a European level. The project
commenced on 1 December 1995 and ended on 31 March

2.3.2 The sensor data fusion was implemented on the

sensor data processing, which combined the four sensor
types and used data from the aerodrome surveillance radar
(ASR) to deliver a unique picture of the traffic situation.
The sensor data fusion is a software product, and its task is
to track and filter the surveillance data, to provide
identification information of controlled vehicles and to
monitor the traffic situation.

2.2 Four aerodromes participated in the demonstration of the A-SMGCS. Not all of the functions were
implemented at each demonstration site. This was because
the total range of the DEFAMM functions formed a
complex system, and a single test site, being also an
operational aerodrome, would have been completely overloaded. Furthermore, it was desirable to demonstrate that an


Control function
2.3.3 The sub-system for conflict handling was
realized on a workstation of the sensor data processing
computers. The main functions implemented were the
detection and handling of:

European Commission DG VII: Air Transport/Airports/Task



Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual




Data Fusion





Mode S



Data Base
Data Store



Visual Aids


Sys Control

Sys Control

Air Traffic Services
Airport Systems
Airline Systems

Pilot / Driver
Assistant Systems




Figure E-1.

DEFAMM functional architecture

a) area violation and intrusion;

b) the means to edit and modify the plans at any time

in terms of:

b) runway incursion;
1) route change for new destination;
c) crossing conflicts;
2) route change for the same destination; and
d) roll-up and opposite traffic conflicts;
3) change of plans with respect to new time slots;
e) deviation from assigned route; and
f) deviation from assigned time slots.

c) the means to negotiate the plans with the controller,

1) issue plan proposals to the HMI;

Planning function
2.3.4 The following basic planning functions were
a) proposed movement plans (routes and time slots)
provided to the controller for:

2) change status when the plan is accepted by the

controller; and
3) change status when the plan is cleared by the
controller; and
d) cleared plans to the guidance processing function.

1) arriving aircraft when at final approach;

2) departing aircraft after start-up request; and
3) selected aircraft or vehicle on request;

Guidance function
2.3.5 The guidance processor permitted:

Appendix E.

A-SMGCS Research

a) manual or automated switching of centre line light

segments and stop bars according to the taxi plan
and the current situation of the aircraft or vehicles;
b) clearance negotiation and automated transmission
of taxi plan and guidance commands via data link
and the on-board display system.
2.3.6 Guidance with the aerodrome ground lighting
was implemented to:
a) guide the aircraft or vehicles according to the route
of the cleared plan with selectively switchable
taxiway centre line lights;
b) allow manual switching of the taxiway centre line
lights; and
c) allow manual switching of the stop bars.

c) display the cleared movement plan (e.g. taxi route
and time slots).
2.3.8 An addressable sign that was able to visually
display the correct route was tested at a complex junction
where six taxiways converged. At this junction, some pilots
would slow down or stop in order to find their taxi route.
The aim of the addressable sign was to improve the taxiing
efficiency. The signs were remotely controlled by ATC via
the A-SMGCS. The aircrafts call sign and the parking
destination were displayed on the left screen while the
intended taxi route was displayed graphically on the right
display (see Figure E-2).

Communication function
2.3.9 The communication function comprised a time
division multiple access (TDMA) VHF data link subnetwork and performed the following three main tasks:

2.3.7 Guidance with the on-board display (pilot/driver

assistance system) was implemented to:

1. Every second, it transmitted the D-GNSS position

reports of the equipped aircraft or vehicles to the
surveillance function;

a) display the aircrafts/vehicles own position on the

aerodrome with respect to the assigned route;

2. It distributed the D-GNSS correction information to

the aircraft or vehicles; and

b) support the negotiation of taxi plans (e.g. request

clearance, receive clearance and accept clearance);

3. It exchanged data for the on-board guidance (i.e.

clearance negotiation and transmission of cleared
movement plans).

Figure E-2.

Addressable sign on test during the DEFAMM functional demonstration

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual


vehicle and other equipped aircraft or vehicles were also

displayed on the PDAS screen.

Human-machine interface (HMI)

2.3.10 Two different types of HMIs were provided: a
controller working position (CWP) and the HMI of the
pilot/driver assistance system (PDAS). The CWP consisted
of two visual display units that displayed the current traffic
situation. One screen was used to enlarge a particular
portion of the surveyed area.
2.3.11 The negotiation of taxi plans was supported by
entering a clearance request via predefined keys on an
on-board display, which was then transmitted via data link
to the ground system. The received clearances were
displayed on the screen of the PDAS. Approved movement
plans were displayed on the screen as a taxi route, with
time slots at waypoints. The positions of the aircraft or

Non-cooperative sensors


3.1 The BETA project was also funded by the European Commission from 2000 to 2001. The project involved
the operational testing of system components (based on
early drafts of this manual) installed at three European
airports. The systems comprised surveillance sensor equipment and computers from different manufacturers
integrated with the existing airport and ATC equipment and
infrastructure to provide the first full-scale implementation
of A-SMGCS within Europe (see Figure E-3).

Surveillance and alerting



Surveillance data

Surface movement
planning system





Cooperative sensors
Mode S /

Data link




Data link
Loocal area network
information systems

control and



System management

Figure E-3.

BETA functional architecture

Controller HMI


Appendix E.

A-SMGCS Research

e) controller HMI:

The system testing covered the following aspects:

1) traffic situation display; and

a) surveillance:
1) detection and presentation of traffic and obstacles on the aerodrome movement area and
2) automatic identification of suitably equipped
cooperating traffic, including arriving aircraft;

2) planning display.
3.3 The BETA equipment was provided in a
non-redundant configuration, focusing on data integrity,
accuracy and usability.

3) departing aircraft, if equipped with active

Mode S transponders;
4) participating vehicles (data link equipped test
vans and service vehicles); and
5) manual identification of other targets;


4.1 In 2000, trials started in the United States under
the FAA Runway Incursion Reduction Programme (RIRP)2
to evaluate new technologies for A-SMGCS.

b) alerting:
4.2 RIRP surveillance system
1) runway occupied/runway incursion alerting for
arrivals and departures;
2) restricted area intrusion alerting;
3) crossed stop bar alerting; and
4) route deviation alerting;
c) planning:
1) flight plan presentation;
2) creation, modification and editing of flight
plans (including VFR and vehicles);
3) electronic flight strips;

Figure E-4 shows a block diagram of the RIRP surveillance

system. At the heart of the system is the surface surveillance data server (SSDS). The SSDS receives surveillance
and flight plan information from a variety of sources and
fuses the information into one optimal report for user
display. The surveillance information comes from a variety
of cooperative and non-cooperative sensors, including
terminal and surface radar, inductive loops, automatic
dependent surveillance broadcast (ADS-B), and multilateration. The flight plan information is received from the
local automation system, an automated radar terminal
system (ARTS), via the flight plan unit. The majority of
information is passed between sub-systems over the LAN.
It is expected that the system will be modular to meet the
surveillance requirements of various aerodromes in the
United States.

4) handover;
4.3 Sensor inputs

5) departure sequence proposal; and

6) selection of taxiway route;

The RIRP prototype demonstration system will accept

various surveillance inputs, including the following:

d) guidance:

a) ASDE-3: The ASDE-3 is a primary radar intended

for aerodrome surface surveillance. It maintains a

1) stop bars;
2) on-board guidance;
3) clearance delivery; and
4) route indication; and


1998 Airport Surface Operations Safety Plan to Prevent

Runway Incursions and Improve Surface Operations,
Runway Incursion Program Office (ATO-102), FAA; 1998.

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual

Existing equipment




Flight plan
(arrival &

DGPS correction, alerts,

situational awareness,
position & ID

Flight ID

DGPS corrections

Data link manager

Terminal Automation
Interface Unit (TAIU)

Flight identification,
& flight ID
(arrival only) flight plan &
arrival position







Vehicle ADS-B

Aircraft display

Position, ID
& alerts
Position, ID
& alerts

Engineering display

Position & identification

Position (blind spot)

Figure E-4.

RIRP system block diagram

one-second update rate and will provide the SSDS

with raw digitized video. The raw video will be
processed within the SSDS and position reports will
be provided for fusion.
b) ASR-9: The ASR-9 is a terminal radar system that
covers a 110 km (60 NM) range. The ASR-9 maintains an approximate five-second update rate. The
RIRP system will utilize position data on arriving
aircraft from the ASR-9.
c) Aerodrome target identification system (ATIDS):
ATIDS is a multilateration system designed to track
and provide identification of aircraft in the covered
area of the aerodrome surface. This includes the
complete surface movement area (taxiways and
runways), plus 3 km arrival corridors up to 90 m
(300 ft) above the surface. Mode S transponderequipped aircraft are tracked using the squitters
periodically transmitted from the aircraft. Transmissions are then received by receivers/transmitters
located around the aerodrome. Time difference of
arrival (TDOA) calculations are performed on the
receptions to produce a position report. Additionally, ATIDS can receive ADS-B transmissions on

the 1 090 MHz frequency to attain position and

other information contained in the aircraft transmissions.
d) Loop technology: The RIRP system also utilizes
loop technology in the loop sensor sub-system
(LSS) to aid in the reduction of gaps in coverage.
Inductive loops, similar to those used in automotive
traffic systems (e.g. traffic light triggering), are
placed in the taxiway. An aircraft or vehicle passing
over a loop produces nose and tail detection that
can be processed into position reports by the
surveillance server.
e) Vehicle ADS-B: The vehicle ADS-B system
utilizes ADS-B concepts to provide surveillance of
aerodrome surface vehicles to controllers as well as
to provide situational awareness to vehicle operators. Each equipped vehicle determines its own
position utilizing D-GNSS technology and broadcasts the vehicle position and its identification to
three base stations covering the aerodrome. A
master base station that interfaces with the RIRP
LAN via the data link manager gathers this position
and identification information.

Appendix E.

A-SMGCS Research


f) ARTS-IIIE: The ARTS-IIIE automation system

provides flight plan information for arriving and
departing aircraft.
g) Local area augmentation system (LAAS): A LAAS
ground station provides D-GNSS corrections.
These corrections will be available on the LAN
through the data link manager for various systems
to up-link them to aircraft and vehicles.

a) Aircraft displays: Traffic and safety alerts can be

up-linked, via the data link manager utilizing the
vehicle ADS-B system, from the SSDS to developmental displays in aircraft. Figures E-5 and E-6
illustrate two moving map displays for use in
aircraft or vehicles to indicate routing and conflict
alert information.

4.4 Outputs

b) Controller displays: The SSDS will provide a

colour display for ATC. For each aircraft, the
display will show an optimal position report and
identification. Additionally, the display will show
incursion alerts and holding position information.

The system also has the capability to provide situational

awareness of aircraft and other targets from the SSDS, as
well as runway hold bar information, to users, including the

c) Data link manager (DLM): The DLM serves as a

gateway between the RIRP LAN and external
systems. These systems include the vehicle ADS-B
system, the LAAS ground station, and future data

Figure E-5. Cockpit arrival moving map display

Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and

Control Systems (A-SMGCS) Manual


Figure E-6. Cockpit departure moving map display

link communication projects. The DLM provides an

interface for target reports to be exchanged between
the vehicle ADS-B system and the RIRP LAN, as
well as providing the safety alerts from the RIRP
system to be up-linked to vehicles and aircraft.
d) Vehicle operator displays: As previously mentioned, the vehicle ADS-B system will provide
position, identification and safety alert information
to vehicle operators.

4.5 On-board guidance

4.5.1 The RIRP system trials included the ability of
an aircraft (or vehicle) to perform and maintain a taxi route
in visibility conditions of 75 m RVR or less.
4.5.2 In visibility condition 4, the operational and
performance requirements for the surveillance, routing and

control functions should account for the ability of an

aircraft to self-navigate on the movement area. These
functions may be wholly contained within the avionics or
provided by data link from an aerodrome A-SMGCS.
4.5.3 Position estimation error values, as outlined in
Table E-1, are based on an allocation of the total system
errors relative to minimum aerodrome runway, taxiway
and apron design requirements specified in Annex 14,
Volume I.
4.5.4 The allocations are made to accommodate
sufficient path steering errors for various aircraft types, and
they are based on operational and simulator performance
4.5.5 The longitudinal position estimation errors
assigned in Table E-1 are based on the assumption that the
guidance sensor achieves the same level of performance in
all horizontal directions.

Appendix E.

A-SMGCS Research


4.5.6 As an example, Figure E-7 illustrates the key

taxiway design standards for aerodrome reference code
letter E, which gives a margin of 15.5 m between the wing
tips and any objects, including the wings of aircraft on
parallel taxiways. The minimum margin between the main
wheels and taxiway edge is 4.5 m. The standards also
recommend a shoulder of 10.5 m, thus yielding a margin of
15 m between the wheels and outer edge of the shoulder.
Table E-1.

The result is that the aircraft can deviate by 15 m from the

taxiway centre line before there is risk of an incident, and
therefore the containment limit is defined to be this value.
4.5.7 The containment limit of 15 m is applicable
only to aerodromes of codes D and E. Since the margin is
less for aerodromes of codes A, B and C, the containment
limit for those cases is accordingly defined to be 8 m.

Lateral and longitudinal position estimation errors required for on-board guidance
Lateral and longitudinal position estimation errors (95% in metres)

Aerodrome code

Rapid exit,
normal and apron

Stand taxilane

















Wing span = 65 m, Wheel span = 14 m

Wing tip to object
safety margin = 15.5 m
Taxiway width = 23 m

Outer wheels taxiway edge

safety margin = 4.5 m

Taxiway center line

(desired path)

Containment region =
object free area (OFA) = 47.5 m
Containment limit

Taxiway shoulder width = 10.5 m

Figure E-7.

Outer wheels to shoulder

safety margin = 15 m

Taxiway design standards for aerodrome code letter E aircraft



The following summary gives the status, and also

describes in general terms the contents of the various
series of technical publications issued by the
International Civil Aviation Organization. It does not
include specialized publications that do not fall
specifically within one of the series, such as the
Aeronautical Chart Catalogue or the Meteorological
Tables for International Air Navigation.
International Standards and Recommended
Practices are adopted by the Council in accordance with
Articles 54, 37 and 90 of the Convention on
International Civil Aviation and are designated, for
convenience, as Annexes to the Convention. The
uniform application by Contracting States of the
specifications contained in the International Standards is
recognized as necessary for the safety or regularity of
international air navigation while the uniform
application of the specifications in the Recommended
Practices is regarded as desirable in the interest of
safety, regularity or efficiency of international air
navigation. Knowledge of any differences between the
national regulations or practices of a State and those
established by an International Standard is essential to
the safety or regularity of international air navigation. In
the event of non-compliance with an International
Standard, a State has, in fact, an obligation, under
Article 38 of the Convention, to notify the Council of
any differences. Knowledge of differences from
Recommended Practices may also be important for the
safety of air navigation and, although the Convention
does not impose any obligation with regard thereto, the
Council has invited Contracting States to notify such
differences in addition to those relating to International
Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS)
are approved by the Council for worldwide application.
They contain, for the most part, operating procedures
regarded as not yet having attained a sufficient degree of

maturity for adoption as International Standards and

Recommended Practices, as well as material of a more
permanent character which is considered too detailed for
incorporation in an Annex, or is susceptible to frequent
amendment, for which the processes of the Convention
would be too cumbersome.
Regional Supplementary Procedures (SUPPS)
have a status similar to that of PANS in that they are
approved by the Council, but only for application in the
respective regions. They are prepared in consolidated
form, since certain of the procedures apply to
overlapping regions or are common to two or more

The following publications are prepared by authority

of the Secretary General in accordance with the
principles and policies approved by the Council.
Technical Manuals provide guidance and
information in amplification of the International
Standards, Recommended Practices and PANS, the
implementation of which they are designed to facilitate.
Air Navigation Plans detail requirements for
facilities and services for international air navigation in
the respective ICAO Air Navigation Regions. They are
prepared on the authority of the Secretary General on
the basis of recommendations of regional air navigation
meetings and of the Council action thereon. The plans
are amended periodically to reflect changes in
requirements and in the status of implementation of the
recommended facilities and services.
ICAO Circulars make available specialized
information of interest to Contracting States. This
includes studies on technical subjects.

ICAO 2004
6/04, E/P1/1640
Order No. 9830
Printed in ICAO

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