How Markets Works 2008
How Markets Works 2008
How Markets Works 2008
Robert E. Prasch
Associate Professor of Economics, Middlebury College, USA
Edward Elgar
Cheltenham, UK Northampton, MA, USA
Lecture I
Lecture II
Lecture III
Lecture IV
Lecture V
Lecture VI
Lecture VII
Lecture VIII
Lecture IX
The following lectures have several sources. The most important,
although not always voluntary contributors, were the approximately
2000 Introductory Economics students whom I have been privileged
to teach at San Francisco State University, the University of Maine,
Vassar College, and now Middlebury College. I would like to thank
all of them for their patience and even interest as I developed my ideas
and pedagogy over the years. Particularly worthy of thanks are my
Economics 150 classes from the Fall of 2006 and 2007, who read
many of these chapters in an earlier form. All of my students, but
especially those from these last two fall semesters, have been an essential guide to what works pedagogically, and they have made a
material contribution to this book. I would like to thank those students who heard the rst lecture when I had occasion to present it at
one of my several alma maters, the University of Denver, in Spring
2000. I wish to thank two of my former professors, Tracy Mott and
David P. Levine, for that opportunity in addition to their inspiration
and support over many years.
With hindsight, it is evident that I was the beneciary of multiple
sources of inspiration as I worked through the ideas presented in this
book. One was a short paper that Professor Anne Mayhew encouraged, and saw t to publish, many years ago (Prasch, 1992). While
grievously mistitled, it represented an early eort to consider the
structures that distinguished one market from another. While I did
not know it at the time, Anne recognized that I was rediscovering
what serious thinkers within the American Institutionalist tradition
had previously understood. This is the proposition that not all
markets could or should be modeled on the basis of a narrow set
of abstract presuppositions and presumptively eternal verities. Later,
once I had done a lot more reading and thinking, I came to learn what
she already understood, which enabled me to complete several more
extended papers on the unique attributes of labor markets. I am
grateful to Anne Mayhew along with Professors Lonnie Golden,
Deborah Figart, Janet Knoedler, and Dell Champlin for soliciting,
Living in the center of these trends, todays economists may not have
noticed these changes, but by any external vantage point it is stating
the obvious to comment that in todays economics textbooks balance,
nuance, and respectful attention to counter-arguments, are marked
by their absence.1
In conversation, many professional economists have reminded me
that while these trends are indeed present, they have never been hegemonic in the realm of pure economic theory. Neither have they been
as hegemonic in the policy discussions of the higher learning as
exemplied in the professions academic journals. Of course, such
observations are contestable. But however such a discussion might
play out, it remains evident that professional economists strongly
favor market provisioning as the default position for a wide variety
of issues, and that their view is in contrast to that of much of the rest
of humanity.
Anticipating some objections to the previous paragraph, I wish to
immediately arm that yes, even as the profession was approaching
its apex of market fundamentalist modes of thinking around
the mid-1980s dissenting views were represented in the citadels of
the higher learning. Additionally, some of the work now routinely
invoked to criticize simple-minded applications of the venerable
theory of perfect competition were then being developed and discussed. Game theory, the economics of information, chaos theory,
and experimental economics were each getting some attention by the
mid-1980s, although they were then peripheral to the core curriculum presented to graduate students. Happily, since the late 1980s, professional economists have expanded the scope of what constitutes
accepted and acceptable modes of theorizing. Today, economists
remain opposed to the anything goes approach to science once promoted by the late Berkeley philosopher Paul Feyerabend. But it is
also evident that the theory of perfect competition no longer retains
unquestioned dominance over the journal literature or the education
of graduate students.
Despite these trends, market fundamentalism remains the perspective of virtually every introductory economics textbook. The reasons
for this will not be explored here as this introduction is not the place
to initiate a sociology of the economics profession although such a
study is clearly long overdue. What does need to be noted is that
despite the condence of market fundamentalists in the validity of
their favored theories and policies, most of the worlds citizens remain
Before starting it will be prudent to ward o some simple misunderstandings by presenting a brief methodological caveat. First, when I
state that there are several types of markets, each with a theory most
suited to it, I am not making the trivial claim that each market is
dierent in the sense that there are details of fact or circumstance
unique to each. In its form and content, broccoli clearly has properties that distinguish it from an automobile, a corporate bond, a
designer handbag, or manual labor. This is understood, but it is most
emphatically not my point.
Second, I am not making the trivial claim that abstraction is an illegitimate activity. Abstraction from the inessential aspects of any
problem is a necessary rst step to all theorizing: natural, social
scientic, philosophical, or literary. If I wish to count the number of
coins in my pocket, I can with condence abstract from knowing which
of them are quarters, dimes, nickels or pennies. To learn whether or not
these same coins will purchase a subway ticket, the previous abstraction would impede our understanding. In each of these examples, the
question is an important consideration in establishing an appropriate
abstraction. A similar claim can be made for the theory of markets.
As will be evident, it is my view that our understanding of markets
can be improved through the development and analysis of what I will
term, following Max Weber, ideal types. Readers will nd that each
of the ideal types of markets developed here shares many, even most,
of the qualities of the others. Yet, as will be seen, each ideal type also
features an idiosyncratic quality of decisive importance for analysis,
understanding, and policy evaluation. While parallels and analogies
can be made across several of these ideal types, substantive dierences
remain. As will be seen, these distinctions and similarities have critical consequences for each particular market, and the theories and
policies that most plausibly ow from the analysis. Teachers of economics, particularly those over the age of 50, will immediately recognize that my suggested approach is strongly at variance with the views
once advanced by the late Milton Friedman (Friedman, 1953).
the spheres of law and politics. Such a dubious supposition has consequences few of them good, and none of them enlightening.
Moreover, a rudimentary knowledge of the principles of property
and contract law opens our minds to their inherent complexity, contingency, and importance. This knowledge, in turn, illuminates some
of the strengths and weaknesses of markets as economic and social
Lectures II through VI develop several ideal types of markets.
Lecture II should be the most familiar. Indeed, readers with a background in conventional economics may wish to skip it. The ideal type
of market drawn in that lecture is for non-status goods used in everyday consumption, the essential properties of which can be discerned
through immediate inspection what in the pages of this book will
be termed commodities. It will be posited that these commodity
markets operate in the manner supposed in conventional introductions to economics. This exposition will be followed by successive lectures on the markets for credit, assets, and labor. In each instance it
will be demonstrated that when a critical element of the real world
is incorporated into the construction of the theorys core assumptions, the analysis must be modied. Readers will nd that these
modications arm what our personal and collective experience have
previously demonstrated. In this sense, these lectures are consistent
with our understanding of the institutions and practices of our
world. This is in contrast to the rhetoric of market fundamentalism,
which tends to hide its radical agenda for privatization and deregulation under a shroud of objective social science.
Each of the presentations of non-commodity markets credit,
assets, and labor will be analysed through a modied Supply and
Demand framework. I am aware that this depiction can, in itself, be
criticized. But such considerations and reservations will not be
addressed here. In this book it will be supposed that the Supply and
Demand framework can be generalized if it is done with care. But
full disclosure mandates that readers know that this venerable theory
has been subjected to important, if advanced and technical, criticisms. That said, I believe that it retains an important place in expositions of elementary economics. This, ultimately, is the reason that I
continue to believe that the best course is to restructure and reposition this theory, rather than to simply discard it.
From their number it is evident that labor markets are at the core of
the following lectures (numbers V through VIII). This is appropriate
for several reasons. First, most people earn their living by selling their
ability and willingness to work. Second, the object exchanged in such
a market, labor, can not be alienated from its possessor: its essence is
our time, our selves, in an important sense our very lives and persons.
Due to labors importance, and its unique personal and ethical qualities, a clear understanding of this market is central to any coherent
reformulation of the elements of economic theory.
Two lectures on discrimination, a specialized subject within the
larger theory of labor economics, are included as this issue has substantial political and economic consequence. Additionally, I believe
that this inclusion is important as economic arguments have held a
prominent place in the rhetoric of those opposed to addressing discriminatory practices through legislation. For these reasons clarity on
this sensitive subject is essential.
The last lecture makes a relatively simple point, but in light of the
hegemony of market fundamentalist thinking it needs restating. With
the market now dominating so many personal, political, and even
ethical discussions, it is ever-more essential to retain and rearticulate
the distinction between moral values and market prices. It may be
interesting to know that this lecture was originally presented on the
nal day of the Fall semester of 2001. Its inspiration was the following reection: in 2001, the starting wage of a New York City reghter was less than $40,000. Some of the last people to escape the
North Tower of the World Trade Center (the second to fall), told
interviewers that many of the reghters still inside the building knew
that the other tower had collapsed. Hence they must have known that
the tower they were in would, in all probability, soon do the same.
What, then, kept these brave persons at their stations? Clearly, it was
a sense of duty the immemorial duty of all reghters to rescue
people from burning buildings and other disasters. Sadly, the rhetoric
of economics, which has a tendency to conate values and market
prices, precludes ideas such as duty or identity. The unfortunate
spread of this conation into discussions of public policy arms that
a restatement of this distinction is essential. It may be the single most
important task of these lectures.
In hindsight, it was especially poignant that this reminder of the
existence of duties, duties beyond that of performing contracted-for
services for remuneration, took place in New York City. Let us recall
that this city had just been at the epicenter of a stock market bubble
in which legions of professionals who also had an obligation to
1. A simple way to trace these trends is to compare earlier and more recent editions
of Paul Samuelsons Principles of Economics, a text that played an enormous role
in economics instruction from the early 1950s to the late 1970s. Indeed, one reason
for the decline in the hegemony of Samuelsons text was its identication with the
postwar Keynesian consensus and hence its inability, despite revisions, to fully
identify with the market fundamentalism that became so pronounced in the 1980s.
2. This latter term reects the long-standing and powerful consensus between the
World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the United States Treasury on
how Third World economies should be managed. A consequence of their collective economic power, especially in public and private credit markets, is that most
nations believe that they had little choice but to follow the dictates of these institutions. In this sense, what Americans have learned to call globalization is anything but inevitable. But this is the subject for another essay.
society in which they are embedded, property and contract law are constantly, and necessarily, in ux. Moreover, their specic manifestation
has a complex and potentially important impact on the performance of
markets, the productivity of the economy, the outcome of exchanges,
and the distribution of wealth and income that can be expected to
follow from economic activities (North, 1990; Lazonick, 1991).
What may be owned, and thereby exchanged, is contingent upon the
law of property. While complex in practice, property law is simple in
its conception. Traditionally, the law recognizes a property relation
when an object, promise, service, or privilege is thought to be owned
free and clear. The underlying principle at work, one that dates
back to the time of the famous legal scholar William Blackstone, is
that a property claim indicates that someone has a right of exclusive
disposal over the object in question. The importance of this denition, and its long-standing status, is evident in the following quotations by several prominent economists well-versed in the legal
foundations of market processes:
The institution of property, when limited to its essential elements, consists
in the recognition, in each person, of a right to exclusive disposal of what
he or she have [sic] produced by their own exertions, or received either by
gift or fair agreement, without force or fraud, from those who produced
it. (Mill, 1904, p. 278)
For our present purpose we may dene private property as the exclusive
control over valuable things by private persons. It is to be distinguished
from mere possession. The possessor has the use of the thing for the time
being, but unless he is at the same time the owner, he is dependent upon
the will of another for the use of it. Ownership implies the right of excluding other persons from the enjoyment of a thing. (Ely et al., 1914, p. 20)
The appropriation found in property is exclusive in its nature, and carries
with it as an attribute the right of the proprietor to control the action of
others in respect to the objects of property. (Ely, 1914, p. 132, emphasis in
the original)
of the states police powers. This must be the case if property rights
are to be founded upon law rather than superior force. This latter
point is a core aspect of the denition of property:
The exclusive right must be recognized and guaranteed eectively by third
parties. If I defend my exclusive right of control over some valuable thing
against your claim simply by the strength of my right arm, I have not
thereby established the right of private property. My exclusive right of
control must be recognized by others and must be maintained by them.
(Ely et al., 1914, p. 20)
property raise a host of new legal issues, many of which lack obvious
answers (cf. Lessing, 2001, 2004). A recent, and legally complex,
dilemma concerns the use of cell phones that can take photographs
which may then be loaded onto the internet. What restrictions can or
should be placed on this technology? What reasonable expectation
of privacy does one have when in public? At the beach or a public
pool? In a public changing room at that same pool? All of these questions will be addressed, sooner of later, by legislation, case law, and
Decisions over the extensive and intensive margins of ownership
will always and, in the light of changing technological and social conditions, necessarily be the subject of ongoing political debate. This
debate will be inuenced by the actual qualities of the technologies
themselves in addition to the political and economic decisions of
large numbers of people. Throughout American history, judge-made
or common law has been concerned with expanding, contracting, and
adjudicating the domain of property rights in such a manner that,
ideally, is consistent with previous decisions while allowing for the
modications of rights and protections to account for changing
realities. Good, and lasting, decisions are typically those consistent
with the social practices, values, and welfare of the larger society
(Cardozo, 1922). But important exceptions to this principle can
readily be identied.1
It should be no surprise that some people, people with competing
interests, will be displeased with some of the decisions that emerge as
the laws of property evolve. One reason is that in almost every
instance a modication in the law of property results in a redistribution of wealth and opportunity. Even in the event that a decision is in
the overall interest of society, some persons will gain at the real or
perceived expense of others. Environmental laws are notoriously of
this quality. Restrictions that apply to building on wetlands or ban
clear-cuts on privately-owned woodlots, often reduce the wealth of
those rms or individuals who currently own claims on the lands in
Consider, as a particularly dramatic example, the decision to emancipate the slaves. Two prominent economic historians have estimated
that at the beginning of the Civil War slaves represented 45.8% of the
total wealth of all the free residents of the ve primary cottongrowing Southern states. Clearly emancipation represented a tremendous loss for Southern slaveholders (Ransom and Sutch, 1977,
pp. 523). This being the case, it would have been surprising if
Southern planters did not vigorously resist the changing denition of
property law proposed by ante-bellum abolitionists.2
Another area of diculty concerns the ownership of ones own
body. Is it inalienable? Can one sell it, that is to say voluntarily enter
into a slavery contract? Can it be rented, as in the case of prostitution? If the answer to this last question is no, the implication is that
we do not have an absolute property claim in our own sexuality
(although under current law, one does in several Nevada counties).
By contrast to current practice, can individuals make a constitutional
claim to the absolute ownership of their own bodies in all jurisdictions and under all circumstances? Finally, if social norms and the
consequent rules of property and contract are to change, who is to be
assigned the task of formalizing these changes into law? Every society
must address such questions.
Some libertarian philosophers, such as Robert Nozick, argue that
property rights should be organized so as to allow individuals
maximum freedom dened as their ability to enter into binding contractual relations (Nozick, 1974). One of his most controversial positions is his argument that individuals should be allowed to sell
themselves into slavery. Nozick argues that this possibility would necessarily enhance freedom because it provides people with an additional choice. Such an argument presents us with an interesting
conundrum: are we more free if we can choose to become slaves? If
this seems self-contradictory and for that reason absurd, how about
self-enslavement for a limited period of time such as indentured
servitude? Technically, such contracts are no longer legal, but was it
not revived when we developed a volunteer Army? After all, signing
a contract with the Army is not like agreeing to work at a restaurant
or accepting a contract to teach economics at Middlebury College.
You cannot quit the Army if you decide that you no longer like your
platoon sergeant or are subjected to sustained enemy re. To muddle
things further, the militarys ability to unilaterally extend enlistments
through stop-loss orders, as the Bush administration did to sta its
adventure in Iraq, enhances the problematic qualities of these contracts (Hockstader, 2004).
Nozicks position can be refuted in the event that we advance what
is called a substantivist understanding of freedom. According to this
view rights, as opposed to privileges, are inalienable. Substantivists
would argue that the maintenance of each individuals capability to live
a full life, including his or her ability to enter into future contracts, is
fundamental to the states commitment to protect life, liberty, and
property (Mill, 1859; Pound, 1909; Nussbaum, 2000). It follows that a
persons liberty is absolute, or inalienable, and for that reason supersedes their decision to sell themselves into slavery.3 On the other hand,
services or privileges can be alienated. For this reason I can enter into
a contract to wash the car of my Dean, or extend to my students the
privilege of stopping by my oce, without compromising my inalienable liberties.4
According to libertarian political theorists, such as Nozick, the
States role should be limited to the protection of life, property, and
the orderly maintenance of freely negotiated contracts (Nozick,
1974). While it is clear that the protection of life and property are the
foundation of freedom dened in the negative sense of freedom
from the issue is more complex when we consider the law of contract. In a society such as ours, where markets are ubiquitous and the
notion of private property is widespread, it is evident that our personal development is dependent upon the acquisition and consumption of a certain mix of objects, promises, services, and privileges that
we collectively call property (Levine, 1988, 1995). Since we obtain
property through inheritance, transfer, creating it ourselves, or contract, it follows that the exchanges governed by contract law are at the
foundation of our ability to be free in the positive or substantive sense
of freedom to be.
This freedom to be enables us to have some control over who and
what we are. This is a personal and fundamental element of freedom
for each of us. This positive notion of freedom is more complex than
the simpler idea of the state defending our liberties from itself and
other individuals. This dual sense of freedom, freedom from and
freedom to be, is one of the factors that has made the law of contract so complex over the years.
In its simplest denition, contract law governs the conditions under
which property may be exchanged. Our everyday experience conrms
that most of the contracts that we enter into are implicit meaning
that they are neither negotiated nor written down. At most a receipt
will be oered to mark its completion. That said, many of our most
New York was infringing on bakery employees constitutionally protected Liberty of Contract when it enacted a law limiting their
working day to 10 hours (Lochner vs. New York, 198 U.S. 45 (1905)).
The court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution
guaranteed that life, liberty, and property could not be taken
without due process of law. This decision was based upon an
expansive interpretation the Fourteenth Amendment, an amendment
originally passed to protect the rights of recently emancipated slaves.
As Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes argued in his dissent to the courts
majority, The Fourteenth Amendment does not enact Mr. Herbert
Spencers Social Statics . . . a constitution is not intended to embody
a particular economic theory, whether of paternalism and the organic
relation of the citizen to the State or of laissez-faire (Holmes, dissent
in Lochner, op. cit.). Nevertheless, the courts majority held that an
absolute liberty of contract was the relevant legal principle in this
case. Again, can a freely negotiated contract between a party that is
economically desperate, and another that is not, be coercive? After
all, the bakery owners were not forcing their employees to accept
onerous terms. These employees, according to the majority opinion
of the court, were free adult males who had freely contracted with
bakery owners. Employers could also, with reason, argue that they
were not responsible for the preexisting poverty, dicult circumstances, and reduced bargaining power of their employees. The claim
that the State of New York made, but failed to sustain in this case,
was that a labor market could be coercive even when the terms of
employment are the outcome of a formally free and fair negotiation.
Since the 1930s, legislatures and the courts have generally found
that an unequal bargain, with a detrimental result, can occur even
in the event of an otherwise freely negotiated labor contract.
Furthermore, they have held that the state, in its role as societys guarantor of its citizens liberties, can proscribe contracts that are
deemed, a priori, to be detrimental to the health and welfare of individuals and the market system considered as a whole. For this reason
protective labor laws, such as the minimum wage, have been upheld
(Paulsen, 1996; Nordlund, 1997).
By contrast with the dominant perspective of the American public
and the legal profession, over the past 50 years American economists
have generally rejected the proposition that systematically unequal
exchanges can occur in a free and fair market. Given their prior commitment to models of the market made up of free, autonomous, and
As is evident from the above, the social institution that we term the
market is a complex construction, based on an evolving system of
rights, property law, and contract law. While often overlooked, one
could plausibly argue that economic progress is as much the consequence of advances in the formation of the social institutions that
support the division of labor and exchange, including the law of
property and contract, as it is a consequence of technology or the
sum of individual or collective enterprising activities (Commons,
1924; Chandler, 1977; North, 1990; Lazonick, 1991; Steinfeld, 2001).
In this sense, the study of market relations properly begins with an
understanding of these laws and institutions. It follows that economic
policy and economic change should be at least as concerned with
getting institutions right, or getting the legal framework right.
An analysis of economic aairs necessarily begins with a study of
economic institutions the most important being the foundational
structures of the market itself property and contract law. It is also
evident that the social scientic and policy question is not whether the
law or the state is involved in the market. Rather the correct question
is just how it should be involved, and what laws and regulations make
the most sense. In short, regulation is not necessarily in conict
with the market. On the contrary, the social arrangement that is
conventionally called a free market has been built upon a long and
evolving tradition of legally framed rights, distinctions, and prohibitions that is continually interacting with an equally long history of
evolving ideas, legislation, and court rulings on property and contract
1. An interesting instance of these considerations taking place as I write is the eort
to convince Americans and the world that the use of le-sharing software to transfer music or movies is theft, even piracy! In this instance, technology has
created new possibilities for human behavior and action. For obvious reasons, the
lm and movie industries desire to control this process and have used their considerable inuence to achieve this result. Rhetorically, they have brought the
language of theft, against which there is a strong and lasting association with
immorality, to an issue which is really one in which new technologies have created
a legal vacuum. As a legal and social issue, this ongoing process is similar to that
of the colonial era in the United States when the new settlers found that they had
easy access to large stands of old-growth timber, including many trees with long,
straight trunks. The English crown claimed prior ownership of all such trees as
they were valuable for the masts of ships. The colonists valued them for building
homes and fences. Since the felling of trees on what settlers took to be unclaimed
land was something that colonists could readily do, and since the Crown had a
limited ability to enforce its claim, it is not surprising that many colonists harvested
these tall straight trees for their own use.
2. Adam Smith thought that such considerations were paramount even in relatively
pious societies: The late resolution of the Quakers in Pennsylvania to set at liberty
all their negro slaves, may satisfy us that their number cannot be very great (Smith,
1776 [1937], p. 366).
3. In Germany a person entered into a fully voluntary agreement to be killed and cannibalized. Later his killer presented overwhelming proof to the court that this individuals death was part of voluntary contract. The court nevertheless set aside
these agreements and found the defendant guilty of manslaughter (Landler, 2004).
4. Not everyone would agree with this sentence. Several economists have argued that
the labor contract is inherently a violation of a workers freedom, and that the
nations workplaces should be reorganized as worker-owned cooperatives to eliminate the need for them (Ellerman, 1990, 1992; Lutz, 1999).
Commodity markets
Figure II.1
Figure II.2 Shift in demand (D1 to D2) vs. change in the quantity
demanded (A to B)
point B. By contrast, what is termed an increase in demand is graphically signied by shifting the entire schedule to the right. This is illustrated in Figure II.2 by a shift in the entire demand schedule from D1
to D2. To review, then, price changes induce changes in the quantity
demanded and are illustrated by movements along a xed demand
schedule. Changes in the level of demand from any cause other than
the price of the commodity are illustrated by shifting the entire schedule either outward to the right (for increases) or inward to the left (for
The core principle underlying the theory of demand is the idea of
substitution. Customers are thought to be, explicitly or implicitly,
comparing and contrasting the price and qualities of this and other
commodities with the size of their budget and the intensity of the
wants or needs they are hoping to satisfy. Should it turn out that,
after all relevant prices are considered, a rival good with similar qualities would more completely satisfy the consumers wants, or satisfy
them more cheaply, then the customer will purchase in that other
It is this all-important principle, called The Substitution Eect,
that accounts for the slope of the demand curve. The slope of the line,
moving downward to the right, graphically illustrates the idea of an
inverse relationship between price and the quantity demanded when
one rises, the other falls, and vice versa. The substitution eect is the
fundamental explanation for why quantity demanded declines as the
price of a commodity increases. When the market price rises, consumers less committed to this specic item will seek out cheaper
In this sense, high prices ration goods across all those who might
desire to have it. Markets, of course, do not ration by edict. Rather,
rationing occurs in accordance with both the willingness and, equally
importantly, the ability, to pay. This fact explains why this mode of
rationing ability to pay in the market is favored by people whose
incomes are plentiful relative to their leisure time that is to say
people with high incomes or substantial wealth. Stated simply, in a
market economy, desire, in the absence of cash, is exclusively a hope,
a wish, or a prayer. Adam Smith summarized the situation long ago,
A very poor man may be said in some sense to have a demand for a
coach and six; he might like to have it; but his demand is not an
eectual demand, as the commodity can never be brought to market
in order to satisfy it (Smith 1776 [1937], p. 63).
Commodity markets
Understanding the broad causal relationships between price and
demand is often inadequate for business and public policy discussions. In addition to Which way? one often requires an answer, or
at least a defensible guess, as to How much? In the event that a rm
were to reduce the price of its goods, by how much can they expect
the quantity demanded to rise? This issue is addressed by a concept
called elasticity.
The conventional formula for elasticity, given below, is relatively
simple. The elasticity of demand (Ed) is the absolute value of the percentage change in the quantity demanded (%Qd) induced by a
1 percent change in price (%P). If, for convenience, we leave out the
signs for absolute value, the formula is as follows:
Ed %Qd / % P
Elasticity is the standard measure of the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price. In plain English, elasticity is the
Commodity markets
Commodity markets
Figure II.3
The eects of successful advertising on demand
Figure II.4
The supply schedule
Commodity markets
Changes in technology;
Changes in the unit cost of inputs into the production process;
Changing prices in related markets that rms could readily
Changes in the availability and price of business credit;
Changing expectations of future market prices and available supplies.
Figure II.5
Changes in supply
Commodity markets
Commodity markets
Figure II.6
The spot market for a commodity
Commodity markets
price, now nd that they cannot purchase enough of this good. But,
whatever the plight of some individuals, the theory does suggest that
the market is ecient in the sense that, given the assumptions, customers are receiving the greatest quantity of supply at the lowest
possible price. This conclusion can be derived from the previously
summarized assumptions and the proposition that the market price is
equal to the marginal cost in equilibrium. This is the basis of the conventional claim that the free market is ecient and that any deviation from market prices, even deviations that may be valid for political
or humanitarian reasons, are ipso facto inecient. This is a powerful
normative claim, one with tremendous importance for the many economists who insist that laissez faire market policies should be given the
broadest possible application.
the environment is warm again. When functioning properly, the internal temperature of the house uctuates within a comfortable range.
In commodity markets, negative feedback is thought to operate in
an analogous manner. No matter what the initial price, the commodity market is thought to be self-correcting in the sense that market
forces induce, independently of any government directive, suppliers
and buyers to make decisions that collectively contribute to reestablishing and thereby sustaining the market equilibrium. If the price
is too high, surplus inventory will build up and rms will trim prices.
If the initial price is too low, inventories will fall and customers will
evince a willingness to pay higher prices thereby inducing rms to
raise prices and the quantity supplied.
Commodity markets, thanks to these negative feedback mechanisms, are depicted as being able to achieve a state of rest or market
equilibrium that is both unique and sustainable in the absence of any
new disturbance. That commodity markets are believed to have such
a strong self-equilibrating mechanism, one that requires a minimum
of information and overt coordination among and between its many
individual actors, is a crucial element of the argument for allowing
markets to distribute goods (Hayek, 1945; Friedman, 1962).
To further instantiate the role and importance of negative feedbacks in commodity markets, let us briey consider the opposite
proposition. This is a system (or market) that exhibits positive feedback. In a positive feedback system disturbances are thought to be
self-reinforcing and for that reason self-sustaining. When such a
system is disturbed from its initial equilibrium point, it continues to
move ever further away in a process that is self-reinforcing. In the
absence of any outside force that can reestablish and reinforce the
initial equilibrium, the inevitable consequence of a disturbance to a
positive feedback system is a cumulative process.
In the presence of a positive feedback mechanism, almost any disturbance of the system will continue until a structural transformation
occurs. In social, natural, and engineering settings, this almost invariably means that we can expect some sort of disaster. Returning to the
above analogy of the thermostat, in the event of a positive feedback
mechanism, a house that is too warm would become increasingly
hotter, and a chilly house would become increasingly cold. In either
case, such a positive feedback mechanism would cause signicant
damage to the house, damage that would become irreversible if it continued long enough (i.e. a house re or frozen pipes would result).
Commodity markets
explain short-term changes in the prices and quantities of commodities in the event of changes in the larger economic environment.
Problems, such as they are, are not so much with the theory itself, or
with what it sets out to accomplish. On the contrary, the problem is
that this theory, which was developed to understand markets for
simple consumer goods, is often deployed to explain and validate the
market price of virtually anything bought or sold in almost any kind
of market and almost any kind of circumstance. Such eorts are erroneous applications of this theory that merit the criticism they have
drawn from economists and the public.
The primary economic argument for deregulation, privatization,
and commodication has been the often-repeated mantra that the
free market has been proven to be an ecient means to allocate
goods and services.12 Clearly such a claim is closely linked to the
idea again, one initially borrowed from engineering that negative
feedbacks are ubiquitous in free markets. When American economists or opinion page writers tell us that they believe in the market,
what they are asserting is a belief that negative feedback systems are
close to ubiquitous in social and economic systems.13 Such an assertion is, of course, interesting and important. But it is also one that is,
or should be, subject to examination, discussion, and refutation.
Commodity markets
the rst, and the average cost of supplying additional units of the
item to the market decreases as the quantity supplied increases. In
graphical terms the supply curve will not look like the one drawn in
the gures above, rather it will slope downward to the right. This case,
while not developed here, is important because it represents a situation wherein an early entrant to the market can stake out a commanding position. The reason is that the costs of the rst rm in this
market will fall rapidly. These early rms will have the advantage of
working with average costs substantially lower than any market
entrant can hope to achieve for some time. In business schools and on
Wall Street, this is called a rst-mover advantage. When the production process of a commodity exhibits such a cost structure, and
many do, new entrants will face substantial costs and risks which are
at variance with the zero entry costs conventionally assumed for a
perfectly competitive market. New entrants will be discouraged
unless they, and the banks backing them, can aord large upfront
expenses. These expenses must include what can reasonably be
assumed to be substantial losses for an extended period.
When the conditions of supply resemble this case, the industry is
said to feature a natural monopoly. This would be an unimportant
addendum to the theory of commodity markets, except that we often
nd such cost structures in critical sectors such as transportation or
communications. In these industries, the existence of natural monopoly was once, some decades ago, considered a prima facie case for
either public ownership or their treatment as public utilities subject
to price regulation. By contrast with the political economy of the
Progressive Era, over the last 30 years the United States has been
remarkably tolerant of such monopolies (Lynn, 2006). Our collective
experience with deregulated electricity, airlines, and telecommunications all suggest that we need to rethink our current policies.
Commodity markets
Credit markets
Credit markets
Figure III.1
Interest rate
Credit markets
Rate of interest
Supply of credit
Quantity of credit
Figure III.2
business elsewhere. Alternatively, they will forgo the project that was
motivating their desire to borrow. Either decision is most sensible. But
the explanation is not yet complete. From the perspective of the bank,
and that banks regulator, it is necessary to reect on the qualities of
those persons and businesses that remain in the pool of potential borrowers. Introspection and experience each suggest that those who are
dishonest, desperate, or overly optimistic, are less likely than their
peers to drop out of the loan market as interest rates rise. Each of
these borrowers represent a poor credit risk.
Let us consider, in turn, each variety of potential borrower. If they
are dishonest, that is to say they are frauds, they are planning to skip
town with the money soon after the loan is made. Perhaps it is
obvious, but it needs to be stated, that high rates of interest will fail
to discourage fraudulent borrowers. The second category is made up
of borrowers who are honest and well intentioned, but desperate. By
denition desperate people lack good choices. People without good
choices are, sad to say, likely to be poor credit risks (There is an old
banking adage that says, Do not lend to anyone who needs the
money). Finally, we have that subset of potential borrowers who are
Credit markets
Interest rate
Quantity of credit
Figure III.3 The credit market with an increase in the demand for
increases the revenues accruing to banks, but it is also consistent with
a modest reduction in the volume of loans outstanding. However, we
would need to know more about projected bankruptcy rates, the overhead costs of banks, and the cost of funds, to know if the banks were
eventually better or worse o for this experience.
Unfortunately, even prudent business decisions on the part of
banks can have detrimental eects on the larger economy. Consider
what occurs when the real economy of this region or nation is
having diculties whatever its ultimate cause. With a recession,
the protability of the system as a whole is brought into question.
Prudent banks may experience an increased demand for loans on the
part of nervous or struggling rms. Yet, the weakened condition of
rms may induce prudent banks to deny loans, even to customers
who were previously judged to be eligible borrowers.4 Such a situation, conventionally known as a credit crunch, places additional
pressure on the economic system by diminishing the amount of cash
and loan credit available for business purposes. By denying credit to
businesses, prudent nancial sector decisions may amplify problems
in the larger economy with detrimental and even lasting real eects.
Many economists and bankers have attributed the severity of the
1991 recession to such dynamics.
1. For several studies into the eects on a banks long-term protability from building a large, trusting, customer base in the market for credit cards see the several
articles by Frederick F. Reichheld (Reichheld and Sasser, 1990; Reichheld, 1993).
2. While this is not the place to develop this point at any length, one of the more striking trends of contemporary business practice has been to enter into relational contracts with customers and then aggressively pursue short-term strategies with the
aim of maximizing short-term prots. Thirty years ago business, especially larger
businesses, placed a higher value on longer-term strategies directed at growth and
market share, and for that reason made signicant investments in customer service.
After three decades of emphasis on shareholder value and quarterly targets
short-term prot maximization is virtually the only consideration. Such a
reconguration of business practice brings to mind an earlier and once-eclipsed
variety of capitalism one that was so ably described by Thorstein Veblen over one
hundred years ago (1904). Personally, I nd the term Got-ya capitalism to be
useful for describing the increasingly-conventional business practice of punishing
trusting or otherwise naive customers.
3. I cannot pass by this issue without observing that it is the height of arrogance that
the agencies that rate individuals will allow us, often for a fee, to access our own
credit reports for the purposes of correcting them! In this manner they charge us
to do their clerical work. Since few of us have ever granted permission, or
expressed a desire, to have these private sector rms gather sensitive and personal
information about each of us, I do not believe that it would be overly onerous to
place the burden of accuracy back upon them. To achieve this, consider a law
requiring them to pay $100.00 for every error on every credit report they send out
and for every instance of unauthorized access. Since a threat to their protability
is the only morality they acknowledge, such a law will likely dramatically enhance
their interest in the accuracy and accountability of their work. If it turns out that
these rms cannot comply with such a law and stay in business, I would conjecture
that few of us would miss their services. Perhaps we could return to the older
(and recently-revived) practice where only our government spied on us?
4. Some depictions of this process have banks maintaining a below-market rate of
interest and simply turning away a large number of applicants. The eect is an
excess demand for loans at this below-market rate. The graph in the text presumes that the cost of funds to the bank has also risen, and that they are following a simple mark-up rule in determining the rates they charge their customers,
but the backward-bending supply schedule indicates that they are extending
fewer loans.
As the reader may have already surmised, the problem is that our
assessment of an assets value is based on a number of uncertain
factors, including the interactions between the collective expectations
and the most probable actions of other market actors. The inherent
uncertainty of the future, conjoined with the inherent uncertainty of
human behavior, especially when acting in crowds, ensures that
this uncertainty will always be present. This reality reduces the predictability of asset markets, thereby raising the question as to how
eective these markets are at their socially-sanctioned tasks. This is
particularly the case if an otherwise meaningless change in some
minor circumstance or condition induces a cascade of actions that,
through a positive feedback mechanism, modies the structure and
stability of market expectations. This, in turn, can recongure the
quantity and allocation of nance and ownership claims across the
society. If this is the case, even a relatively meaningless event can substantially revalue an entire class of assets such as stocks, bonds, or a
nations currency.
Asset markets
Asset markets
Asset markets
Figure IV.1
Quantity of euros
The market for euros
The supply curve represents the potential supply of Euros that will be
oered by holders of euros at a given hypothetical price (in US$) over
a given period of time. As is the case with demand, the supply curve
is subject to changing market conditions. Phenomena that will induce
shifts in this schedule include:
Asset markets
(Eichengreen and Wyplosz, 1996). These tendencies are exacerbated by other factors that have not yet been discussed: the role
of speculation, and the role of low transaction and carrying
Asset markets
Asset markets
1. In the polite language so emblematic of the Internet Bubble of the 1990s, such
traders were called momentum investors, as opposed to followers of the
herd. Remarkably, rms with names such as Momentum Securities emerged at
this time. Apparently this choice of name reinforces the message that investors
may be assured that the rms managers would studiously follow the herd. Suce
it to say that the nomenclature of American nancial markets, dominated as they
are by the rhetoric of salesmanship, is a subject unto itself (Frank, 2000; Cassidy,
2. This, in essence, was the problem with portfolio insurance, that became so widespread in the mid-1980s. Since so many rms had computers programmed to sell
under similar conditions, a minor downturn had the potential to become strongly
self-reinforcing. On October 19, 1987, it was.
3. The politics of our era discourages persons of good reputation from admitting this
reality in public forums (unless a crisis is undeniably underway). For this reason
signicant asset-price adjustments must always be attributed to some external
cause no matter how implausible. Hence the October 1987 crash was blamed
on a modest rise in the interest rate that took place a week or so earlier. What is at
stake, of course, is the publics faith in the rationality of the stock and other asset
markets, and thereby the suitability of these markets for the ecient allocation of
scarce investment capital. If the social value of these otherwise remarkably expensive set of institutions were to be widely questioned, or the whole process came to
be thought of as the by-product of a casino (Keynes, 1936 [1964], ch. 12), some
political pressure aimed at regulating or circumscribing their activities might
emerge. Even worse, people might begin to question the legitimacy of the large
incomes routinely commanded by the stars of Wall Street investment houses,
and the wisdom of having the agendas of the nations major corporations set
almost exclusively with an eye to next quarters stock market price (Lazonick and
OSullivan, 2000). Since such eventualities are too terrible to contemplate, they
remain beyond the pale of accepted and acceptable political discourse. Hence
ascribing rationality to the stock market remains an important, albeit intensely
ideological and political, act.
4. Of the maxims of orthodox nance none, surely, is more anti-social than the
fetish of liquidity, the doctrine that it is a positive virtue on the part of investment
institutions to concentrate their resources upon the holding of liquid securities.
It forgets that there is no such thing as liquidity of investment for the community
as a whole (Keynes, 1936 [1964], p. 155).
5. While this chapter cannot accommodate an explanation, I would argue that this
change in the conventional wisdom reects the recent hegemony of the nancial
sector over the real goods sector of the world economy. While these two sectors are
not necessarily in conict, they do not have identical interests either.
6. Other scholars have argued that the problem of adverse speculation is so powerful
that a good case can be made for more extensive controls over foreign exchange to
even more substantially reduce speculation and further enhance central bank
independence, but the issues involved are beyond an introductory book (Crotty
and Epstein, 1996; Davidson, 1997).
Labor markets
Labor markets
attitudes and ideas about how I have been treated, or what I have been
asked to do. These attitudes and ideas may or may not correspond to
those of my boss. Clearly such reections are beyond the capacity of
a clove of garlic. If left by a sunny window garlic will spoil, but it is
unlikely to develop a sense of outrage at such negligent treatment.
Additionally, while it is the case that we can purchase the labor
power of an individual or individuals, it is another matter entirely to
motivate and inspire them to work at a high level, and perhaps even
be open to learning new approaches to doing things new approaches
that may, or may not, be usefully deployed elsewhere. In the event that
these learned skills can be deployed elsewhere, I may nd that I have
inadvertently contributed to the capabilities of one of my competitors employees if my employee is then hired away.
It should now be evident that labor is dierent from a simple consumer good, such as a clove of garlic, in several meaningful ways.
These are qualities that can, or should, matter for economic analysis.
This lecture will address only one of these meaningful dierences
the role that needs play for the theory of labor supply. The next
lecture will address the importance of reection or self-consciousness
in the supply of labor. While other issues exist, they are addressed in
more specialized writings (Fine, 1998; Prasch, 2004b).
We begin with a fairly banal observation. This is that labor is necessarily contributed by human beings, and that all human beings can be
presumed to have needs. While this analysis is not dependent on any
particular list of needs, one might reasonably surmise that such a list
would include food, shelter, basic medicine, potable water, etc. But, as
will be seen, much follows from this seemingly innocuous assumption. At a minimum, it will become evident that the market for labor
must be its own ideal type.
The crucial distinction is as follows. When the price of a consumer
good or commodity falls, the theory of supply maintains that suppliers will substitute out of the business of providing that particular
item, and devote more of their productive capacity to the provision
of some other item. Broadly speaking such an assumption is both reasonable and plausible, although we can quibble over the size of the
adjustment costs. For example, a low price for minivans relative to
other large vehicles will induce automobile manufacturers to apply
more of their productive capacity to the manufacturing of substitutes, perhaps light trucks or sedans. But can such a line of reasoning
be applied to the aggregate labor market without modication?
The stylized fact upon which the following analysis turns is that
most of us depend upon the sale of our labor for the bulk, if not all,
of our income. Stated simply, our livelihoods depend on our labor
market earnings. In light of this fact, can we plausibly conclude that
lower wages will induce people to substitute into leisure and
thereby reduce their eort to earn a living? After all, how many
people can live o the bounty of the land, depend upon their savings,
or count on the benecence of family, friends, or the welfare state to
meet their day-to-day needs? Yet, such a choice is implicit in conventional depiction of the labor supply curve.1 For the above reason, I
would argue that presenting the supply of labor schedule as if it were
the supply of any other commodity is an implausible representation
of the decision faced by the overwhelming majority of people in the
American labor market. It even more completely misrepresents conditions in the Third World. Happily, a more substantive and defensible specication of the relationship between income and labor supply
can be constructed without losing the foremost merit of the conventional model its analytic and pedagogical simplicity.
Labor markets
W (Real wage)
Q (Labor)
Figure V.1
Labor markets
Labor markets
W (Wage)
Figure V.2
Q (Labor)
W (Wage)
A (Unstable)
B (Stable)
Q (Labor)
Figure V.3
Labor markets
greater than the quantity demanded, the real wage will fall. Likewise,
when the quantity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied,
the real wage will rise. With this in mind, and turning once again to
Figure V.3, it can be seen that when the market wage is higher than
Wa, competitive pressures will induce it to rise. When the real wage is
just below Wa, competitive pressures will force it to decline until a new
equilibrium is established at point B. It follows that point A is an
unstable equilibrium.
Between points B and C, the wage will tend to rise until it is consistent with the equilibrium at point B. It follows that point B is a locally
stable equilibrium. Given the stability of the equilibrium at point B,
the range of wages between Ws and Wa is consistent with the selfregulating labor market of the textbooks and the laissez-faire policy
recommendations that typically follow from those presentations. This
explains why the range of wages between Ws and Wa is emphasized in
conventional presentations of the labor supply schedule.
Wages below Ws are interesting since they capture some of the novel
aspects of the revised labor supply curve. As wages fall below a level
consistent with subsistence, continued declines induce a higher quantity of labor supplied as people struggle to maintain a standard of
living consistent with the norms and values of their society. However,
so long as we remain above the unstable equilibria at point C, the
quantity demanded of labor is continually greater than the quantity
supplied and there are pressures in the system to return it to the higher
wage equilibria at point B. However, at wage levels below Wc, these
countervailing tendencies are defeated. The quantity supplied of labor
is now greater than the quantity demanded and for this reason market
forces will now press wages even lower as people strive to supply everincreasing labor hours in an eort to sustain a minimally acceptable
standard of living. The graph suggests that these eorts will result in
a tragically perverse outcome. The willingness of downwardly mobile
people to work additional hours places additional pressures on the
market wage which continues to fall thereby inducing even greater
work eort. This process continues until the market achieves another
locally stable equilibrium at point D.
Just above the stable equilibria of point D, the market registers its
greatest quantity of labor supplied at a wage of Wu. Here the total
number of labor hours supplied in the eort to maintain subsistence
reaches a level that is unsustainable. Fatigue, disease, despair, and disrepair place an inescapable upper boundary on hours of work. With
only 24 hours in a day, the human body can only sustain so much eort.
At wages below Wu, people are defeated by their physical and mental
limitations. It follows that they are forced to surrender their eort to
maintain a subsistence standard of living. The family in question then
cuts back on its labor supply. This conception is consistent, to put it
dramatically, with dropping out of the workforce. In a country with a
welfare state it may be supposed that they turn to its programs for
support. Absent formal or informal support, they become indigent and
live outside of the structure of society. As mentioned above, they
become homeless, petty criminals, beggars, or simply die o.
The larger lesson is that in a free market setting, where people must
depend upon their labor to meet their needs, inordinately low wages
can continue to decline as a consequence of their previously low level.
In such a market, featuring as it does a system of cumulative causation, low incomes lead to even lower incomes. Stated simply, in a
free labor market poverty can induce even greater poverty.
Such a theory of labor market dynamics, by contrast with the
received view, provides a dierent perspective on some long-standing
labor market interventions, including laws over child-labor, maximum
hours, and minimum wages. The concern is to avoid the low-level equilibria, what was once termed a poverty trap. Prior to our own era,
such concerns were better understood. Consider the following observation made almost one hundred years ago by Henry Rogers Seager,
a founder of the American Association of Labor Legislation and an
economics professor at Columbia University. Under these circumstances, as our experience abundantly proves, the free play of economic forces results in starvation wages for thousands and hundreds
of thousands of workers, and these starvation wages persist year after
year, with little or no sign of improvement (Seager, 1913, pp. 823).
In the terms introduced earlier in these lectures, these low-wage
dynamics are an example of a positive feedback system, or vicious
circle, at work in the economy (Prasch, 1998a). According to the
revised labor supply schedule, market processes can push a perversely
low wage rate ever further from the range consistent with a selfregulating market. Wages are relentlessly pressed into a range featuring destructive competition among those who must earn their
living exclusively from supplying their labor. (Destructive competition was the early twentieth century term for those varieties of competition based on shifting the legitimate costs of production onto
others through degradation of the environment, the labor force, etc.
Labor markets
Labor markets
1. During the years I was in college in Boulder, Colorado, an individual gained some
local notoriety by claiming to be a breath-airian. As such, he claimed that he
could survive and be nourished by air alone. To prove his claim, he oered to sit
upon a local mountain top in a position of deep meditation for an extended
period. Whatever the physiological merits of his claim, it did have the potential to
overturn one of the particularities of labor that is critical to this lecture he had
no needs. On the other hand, it might be pointed out that to eliminate needs he
had to rst achieve a trance-like level of meditation. This implies that he would
not have been a particularly useful employee, so maybe even his example does not
rescue the conventional approach to labor markets with its presumption that
Labor markets
labor has the ability to fully constitute itself prior to, and independently of,
market relations.
2. Presenting the aggregate supply curve of labor as a simple summary of individual choices is problematic for a number of reasons. In keeping with the introductory nature of this book, these will be ignored.
3. The Reswitching Controversy of the 1950s and 1960s demonstrated that there is
no a priori reason to believe that the labor demand schedule has this shape. Readers
interested in an in-depth discussion of the issues associated with this debate
should consult, among others, articles by Georey Harcourt (1972), Pierangelo
Garegnani (1990), and Heinz Kurz (1990).
4. I note that it is merely consistent, since this market is institutionally complex. A
partial development of the authors views on this subject have been presented elsewhere (Prasch, 1998c).
Labor markets
Labor markets
equal pay for equal work for all employees of any given establishment. By contrast, a machine or a mule would not object to receiving
less compensation for its services than another, identical, machine or
mule. People, experience shows, are typically oended by such treatment unless a compelling reason can be presented to satisfy their
sense of fair play. For example seniority, additional education, or
superior skill are widely considered valid reasons to pay one person
more than another even if they work in similar jobs.4
Drawing upon such considerations, prominent economists from
John Maynard Keynes to Clark Kerr, Frank Pierson, and John
Dunlop have emphasized the importance that employees place on
their wage relative to others at the same workplace or in the same
industry (Taylor, 1957, pp. 3-31; Keynes, 1936 [1964], pp. 4-22;
Kaufman 1993, pp. 75-102). These economists built upon the observation that whether or not a persons compensation is deemed
satisfactory or unsatisfactory often depends upon the perceived legitimacy of the bargaining process and how much comparable workers
are paid. As professional arbitrators and other labor relations experts
know, within every rm and even industry there is not simply a wage
or an average wage, but a wage hierarchy. This hierarchy, be it formal
or informal, simultaneously draws upon, reinforces, and legitimates
employee wage expectations. John Dunlop developed his famous
ideas concerning job clusters and wage contours to illuminate
these issues (Dunlop 1957). Smart managers know they should avoid
disturbing or upending these hierarchies and their associated expectations without presenting their employees with a clear and compelling reason. Arbitrary wage adjustments that ignore the social
and rm-level values implicit in an established wage structure can
signicantly decrease morale. Such a decline, if widely shared, can
disrupt the smooth operation of a business. Taken to the extreme, it
can lead to work disruptions or stoppages due to deliberate slowdowns, strikes, or other job actions.
The idea that people are beings with a capacity for reection, and
consequently are concerned with their treatment and status at their
place of work, suggests a critical role for eective organization and
management in economic production. This insight, combined with
frustration with then-conventional labor economics as a eld of
research, contributed to the development of industrial relations as an
independent area of scholarship (Kaufman, 1993, pp. 75102). These
insights have also been the basis for pathbreaking studies into the role
Quantity of labor
Labor markets
lowest prices, found the best caterer at the most competitive price, the
most tasty cake, a sober and suitably profound minister or priest, etc.?
To an important extent, the couple must place a degree of trust in the
proposition that their wedding planner is working as hard as can reasonably be expected.
This leads us to the following interesting possibility. For some types
of labor there is an incentive to pay more than necessary, in this case
the equilibrium or market wage, in an eort to induce employees to
value or appreciate their job and, as a consequence, contribute
a more substantial eort. This tendency, which was once wellunderstood by economists, was rediscovered a couple of decades ago.
Today it is known as eciency-wage theory and has received some
degree of recognition (Akerlof, 1982; Shapiro and Stiglitz, 1984;
Bowles, 1985). This nomenclature is explicitly designed to evoke the
idea that some rms may deliberately overpay some or all of its
employees in order to enhance eciency, and thereby lower labor
costs per unit of output. In general those who are most likely to
receive such a wage premium are employed at tasks where performance or eort is inherently dicult to measure or otherwise ascertain.
It follows that paying such a wage premium is not an intrinsically generous act, but rather part of a broader plan to induce greater eort
from dicult-to-monitor employees. Again, the presumption is that
paying above the existing market wage will induce greater workplace
eort and thereby support the rms most consistent goal the lowest
cost of labor per unit of work accomplished.
While the professional literature advances a host of reasons as to
why such a compensation strategy might be successful, only two will
be explored here.5 First, someone paid more than a market wage is
earning more and therefore has an interest in keeping such a desirable
job. Their self-interest will incline them to more diligently pursue
their assigned tasks so as to avoid being caught shirking (while these
jobs are dicult to monitor, the probability of being caught is still
greater than zero). Second, anthropologists have argued for the existence of a trans-cultural tendency to repay kindness with kindness.
For this reason employees who feel trusted and well-compensated are
inclined to reciprocate with greater loyalty and eort. The rm
wins by gaining the benet of greater eort with lower turnover
and training costs. Additional benets might include a willingness to
stay late or come in at weekends to assist in meeting big deadlines
(Akerlof, 1982).
Labor markets
Figure VI.2
Quantity of labor
hired. The rms decision not to hire more people at a lower wage
arms that they believe that they have a compelling reason for not
doing so. This is, according to the eciency-wage theory discussed
above, that this task may be more eectively and cheaply accomplished by taking account of employee motivation.
With many otherwise qualied workers now shut out of the
primary labor market, additional numbers of persons will be
seeking, and accepting, positions in the secondary labor market.
(In keeping with a long-standing convention in the economics literature, we will hereafter term the high wage market the primary
labor market and the low wage market the secondary labor
market.) Keep in mind that this secondary labor market is exclusively
distinguished from the primary market by the existence of a low cost
to monitoring employee performance. It follows that paying a wage
premium is unnecessary in this secondary market. Given the facts of
competitive prot-seeking and rivalry between rms, we can deduce
that the market wage will be paid for labor applied to this latter task.
This being the case, and in the presence of a now-increased supply of
workers seeking work in this secondary labor market, we expect a
decline in that markets equilibrium wage. This is illustrated in
Figure VI.3.
The increased quantity of labor supplied to the secondary labor
market is represented by an outward shift in the supply of labor
schedule from S to S1. Again, let me reemphasize that in Figures VI.2
and VI.3 we are assuming homogeneous labor that is to say we
are assuming that every current and potential employee has equal
skills and ability. Nevertheless, in the presence of unequal monitoring costs, the decisions of prot-seeking rms will create a situation
of unequal wages and hence a dual labor market. To reiterate, the
labor market described above is divided not according to the inherent
ability, capabilities, education, or a superior work ethic of one subgroup of employees contrasted with another. On the contrary, the
specic qualities of the task assigned are driving the divergence of
The above exposition can assist us in at least partially resolving an
apparent conundrum. Why is it that those jobs featuring the best
work conditions tend to pay more? In the simple example presented
in this lecture, these are the jobs with less direct monitoring. Given
that most people do not like to be closely monitored, why is it that
in the real world additional or even overbearing monitoring is
Labor markets
Figure VI.3
Quantity of labor
The secondary labor market
experience demonstrate that nepotism, racism, sexism, age discrimination, political aliation, even a willingness to have sex with the
boss, have each and severally been criteria used to select from among
a surplus of equally-capable job applicants. Again, with a substantial
surplus of eligible applicants, there is no economic cost or
penalty for bosses or their managers to indulge such whims or
Workers, who are all too aware that the better-compensated jobs
are scarce, know that rewards come from investing in any sort of
signal that might appeal to the moods, whims, or vanities of those
employers paying eciency wages. Sometimes this is close to impossible. Few of us can change our race or gender to suit a prejudiced
boss. But other signals, some of which enjoy wide social approval,
do exist. We could, for example, pursue a college education. Selection
by such a criteria is acceptable to employers, and upheld by the norms
and laws of our society. Given the assumptions of the above model,
a college education will have no eect on workplace productivity, but
it does provide employers with a non-trivial, but socially and judicially approved, means to select among the surplus of job applicants.
Not too long ago, most of the country accepted race and gender as
reasonable criteria for selecting from among potential employees
for positions in the primary labor market. When such criteria are
widely adopted, dual labor markets serve to reinforce and validate,
rather than undermine, pre-existing social prejudices. Today we term
such prejudices, when applied to markets, discrimination. This the
subject of the next two lectures.
1. This is the origin of the legendary story that had Marie Antoinette exclaiming Let
them eat cake when she was initially informed that French peasants were without
bread. Such a solution would, of course, be plausible for her and everyone in her
social circle.
2. Given my seemingly chronic mishaps, I periodically imagine that computers also
have a capacity for independent reection and decision-making.
3. Indeed, it is precisely because children are thought to be lacking a sense of context
and a developed capacity for reection that we do not grant them the legal rights
and responsibilities that we conventionally extend to adults.
4. As is well known, for much of American labor history gender or race were widely
taken to be valid reasons for discrepancies in opportunity or pay within the same
workplace. Happily, these awed conventions have become less legitimate over the
past century (Figart et al., 2002, pp. 1633).
Labor markets
5. Labor economists will note that in this text I am presenting only two stories to
motivate this theory. As they undoubtedly know, the literature on eciency wage
embodies several variants, such as the lowering of turnover and retraining costs,
the health and stamina of employees, etc. Since this book is presenting the elements of economics, and in no way presumes to present a more complete account
of eciency wage theory, these two arguments will have to suce.
The markets for labor and products feature many small rms,
none of which have the capacity to modify wages, prices, or the
structure of these markets.
An assumption of standardized literally homogeneous inputs
and nal products. For this reason, all current and potential
employees are presumed to be identical in every aspect of their
ability and motivation. For the purposes of this lecture they can
only, and exclusively, be distinguished by their race. (To examine
other forms of discrimination, gender, religion, caste, etc., are
substituted for race.) It will be assumed that a workers race can
be immediately and costlessly ascertained by everyone in the
Free and costless entry and exit from each and every market on
the part of all rms and employees.
Free and costless movement of all other productive resources,
including technologies and capital, across all rms currently or
potentially in the economy. This implies a perfectly knowledgeable and uid market in credit. (A critical implication is that
everyone, of all races, can borrow money on the same terms at
the same rate of interest.)
All actual and potential market participants have perfectly and
costlessly acquired information concerning all prices and production processes, including the location and quality of all competing opportunities.
the lowest wage will have less prots with which to expand their enterprises. By indulging their prejudices rather than attending to the
bottom line these rms are penalized by market forces. The Chicago
School of economists is condent that the penalty to indulging
ones taste for discrimination is as substantial as it is inevitable.
An extension of the above analysis is the proposition that, in the
event that the discriminating rm is owned by prot-seeking shareholders, that is to say that it is a private corporation, minorities
will be in an even more favorable position. The reason is that selfinterested shareholders have every incentive to replace discriminating executives and managers. After all, shareholders stand to earn
higher levels of prot per share if they operate their company with
non-discriminating executives and managers. Even if the shareholders are themselves prejudiced, they will not be themselves obliged to
work with the outcast group, and their self-interest will constrain
managers who might otherwise exhibit a taste for discrimination.
Extending the Chicago School perspective, Thomas Sowell has
argued that for-prot corporations are less likely to discriminate
than non-prot entities such as museums or universities. For similar
reasons he claims that monopolies, since they are protected from
competition, also retain the ability to indulge a taste for discrimination over time (Sowell, 1981a, ch. 3).
Sowells argument is along the following lines. Imagine an isolated
community whose economy is dominated by a large employer. Let us
further suppose that this prominent employer is organized by an
equally prominent union that has negotiated for a wage higher than
the prevailing market wage. All workers not employed by this dominant rm must work for another of the towns employers. These
latter rms are smaller and pay the prevailing market wage. In such a
case, the owners or managers of the dominant rm may freely indulge
their proclivity toward discrimination because they have the luxury of
selecting from among a surplus of applicants for whatever qualities
they, for whatever reasons, may prefer. This may be employees who
are white, male, or straight. They may select all of the above, none of
the above, or even their inverse. If enough applicants of the favored
group are available to ll all the jobs at this dominant rm, the workplace will be completely segregated. Moreover, this condition may be
sustainable for an extended period.3
The larger lesson of the above analysis is that the solution to discrimination is to eliminate any and all limitations on the scope and
School theory of the economics of discrimination to be broadly accurate, then we must conclude that the remaining dierentials in economic attainment must be attributed to some existing and persisting
extra-market condition or constraint.
Hypothetically, suppose we were to accept the above theory.
Suppose that we also accepted the proposition that labor markets
have been reasonably competitive for a substantial period of time.
Jointly, these require us to consider an important question. How is it
that substantial dierentials in employment and compensation continue to exist and even persist between any two populations (or
genders, or castes, etc.)? Again, if we accept the arguments summarized in this lecture, logic dictates that the lower remuneration of any
particular minority group must occur because our assumption of
equally capable workers is inaccurate.
This last conclusion bears repeating since the implications are substantial. If one believes that: (1) The Chicago School theory of discrimination is accurate and (2) That dierential levels of employment
compensation and opportunity remain and persist across two distinct
social groups, then it follows that there must be substantive and
lasting dierences between the average ability or disposition of
employees between the populations one is studying.
This conclusion follows directly from the structure of the theory,
as there is no other explanation for the sustained dierences in compensation. If a social scientist, citizen, or politician remains concerned about this persistent inequality, and wishes to address it, the
set of workable solutions is both revealed and constrained by the
structure of the analysis. It must be to identify and reduce any premarket or extra-market characteristics responsible for dierences in
productivity between groups. With such an end in mind, several
explanations have been advanced to reconcile the existence of continuing economic inequality with the presumptive competitiveness of
the American economy and the presumed veracity of the Chicago
School theory of discrimination.
First, is the proposition that an anti-market culture or some
otherwise dysfunctional prevailing attitude allegedly adopted by
some social groups is limiting their assimilation and thereby economic achievement (Steele, 1990; DSouza, 1995). In one of the more
thoughtful books of this genre, Thomas Sowell argues that immigrant
groups emerging from peasant backgrounds take longer to adjust to
the norms and values of capitalist markets relative to immigrant
cannot be an independent cause or contributor to the social pathology of racism (or sexism, or discrimination by caste, religion, sexual
preference, etc.).
The Chicago School theory, it should be clear by now, is distinctive
for its position that the market mechanism, if given full reign, will
quickly and eectively undermine unprotable prejudices and institutions. This includes discrimination. Chicago School economists
such as Milton Friedman, Gary Becker, and Thomas Sowell have persistently maintained that the more competitive the market, the
stronger these ameliorative forces will be. The reason, as we have seen,
is not the altruism or superior moral conduct of private employers.
On the contrary, with rms seeking only their own self-interest in
competitive markets, we can expect to see a relatively rapid convergence of economic opportunities across all social divisions: racial,
ethnic, religious, gender, etc. As mentioned, this conclusion follows
so long as the underlying productivity of minority groups is identical
to that of the privileged group or groups. This theory does allow
for exceptions. As discussed above all organizations insulated from
market forces, including non-prot institutions and for-prot monopolies, can stave o pressures to integrate. Finally, these authors
contend that government regulation of the labor market, no matter
how well intentioned, will diminish the markets ability to erode discriminatory practices.
1. I am aware that there have been analytically important dierences in the form and
meaning of discrimination over the course of history. For this reason I will remind
the reader that this and the next lecture are not to be taken as a comprehensive
treatment of discrimination. They are designed to be part of an introduction to
economics, and specically to illustrate that when conditions change in a market,
the assumptions and analysis may also change. Those looking for more detailed,
but readable treatments of the economics of race and discrimination should
consult Andrews (1999) or Loury (1998, 2002). For a more historical treatment,
see Colander et al. (2004).
2. Alternatively, they could accept harsher or more onerous workplace conditions.
For example, minority workers might be crowded into undesirable shifts or asked
to perform more demanding tasks. Thomas Maloney and Warren C. Whatley have
found that this was the case at the Ford Motor Company (Maloney and Whatley,
1995). In the case of gender discrimination, the issues are familiar. Leaving more
overt sexual demands to one side, less frightening, but nevertheless unpleasant
forms of what we would now term sexual harassment have long typied the
American workplace. For example, in the 1970s one prominent Georgia law rm
expected, all in good fun of course, its young women interns and associates to
entertain their colleagues at the rms annual summer retreat with a wet-T-shirt
performance. More mundanely and conventionally, the oce culture of a rm
might pressure women workers to perform minor, but gender-reinforcing, tasks for
the boss and the men of the workplace. Examples have long included making the
coee before sta or client meetings, cleaning up after such meetings, watering the
plants in the oce, etc. In short, jobs that no one would expect male employees to
3. Historically, things rarely work this way. What appears to be desired is not segregation per se, but the recognition and armation of a certain hierarchy at the
workplace. For example, management may be all college-educated Protestant
white males. The factory oor may be dominated by white men of a dierent ethnic
or religious background (say, Irish Catholic immigrants). The cleaning sta may
be all black men, and the kitchen staed exclusively by women, perhaps with white
women in managerial positions. Gays and lesbians will conceal their identities. The
point is that mixed ethnicity and gender workplaces have been common in
American history, even under conditions of extreme and unabashed prejudice. The
issue is more frequently over the comparative status of their jobs and how much
dierent groups are paid.
4. Readers may have already discerned that an unargued subtext of this theory of discrimination is that short period harms have few lasting eects. As with the theory
itself, this can and has been challenged.
5. For an accessible discussion and criticism of the revival of biological theories of
race in our era, see Graves, 2001.
The previous paragraph suggests that free entry and exit may be
neither an inherent quality nor spontaneous consequence of market
processes. On the contrary, American economic, legal, and social
history collectively arms that classication and exclusion along the
lines of race, gender, national origin, religion or sexual orientation
can readily co-exist with free markets. History suggests that formal
equality and inclusiveness typically have to be mandated and
enforced by law.1 To consider what a theory of discrimination would
look like if it embodied such contrary premises, this lecture will
present what I will call a structural theory of labor market discrimination. But it must be noted that what follows is far from the
only structural theory of discrimination in markets. Its advantage
is that it is historically important and relatively straightforward to
learn. For these reasons it is most suited to a book on elementary
The essential stylized fact of the structural theory of discrimination is the proposition that for some reason a reason that can and
does vary the labor market is segmented. This division can occur
along the lines of race, gender, religion, caste, or sexual orientation.
The origin of this division could follow from a variety of causes.
Formal legal restrictions, widely accepted social norms, or conventional social practices and biases could each or severally be responsible. An example would be the expectations, real or perceived, of a
rms current labor force. In a racist or sexist society a person might
be, or believe they might be, stigmatized or dishonored if they work
with a person of the wrong race or gender. Customer expectations
constitute another, distinct, and historically important constraint on
a rms hiring practices.
To the above considerations, let us also add the observation, one
that holds across a substantial swath of the economy, that qualications are important for entry-level positions only to the extent that
rms need their new hires to meet a competence threshold. Stated
simply, most employers do not expect their new hires to know the job.
What they do require are employees who show signs of being willing
and able to learn and t in.
To illustrate the importance of these generalizations, consider
Barbara Bergmanns (1974) discussion of how the sta of dierent
qualities of restaurants come to be entirely of one or another gender.
It is evident that this gendering of restaurants is not a matter of
innate skill or ability, as table service is almost always learned on the
job. Yet for a long time it was conventionally understood that only
men should serve customers at upscale restaurants. Equally widelyheld was the convention that only women should serve customers at
diners or downscale restaurants. Yet the skills drawn upon to
perform each of these jobs are similar and it is not inherently harder
to learn the particular practices of one venue over the other. No qualities mark one or the other kind of restaurant as clearly and exclusively the domain of a particular gender.3
Despite the clear absence of an underlying logic, when gendered
hiring practices exist over a substantial period of time they became
naturalized. That is to say that they become the norm in the public
mind. Once this naturalization has occurred, customers will come, at
least in part, to associate the quality of their dining experience with
the meeting of their expectations as to what now constitutes a
normal or reasonable practice. Being more concerned for prots
than social justice or equality of opportunity, rms will be loath to
challenge or violate these expectations. On the contrary, it is likely
that they share these norms in addition to feeling an obligation, dictated by their customers, to follow them. Of course, when rms
choose to conform to these expectations, their decision further reinforces them in the public mind. Consequently the naturalization of
the gendered hiring practice is even further advanced. Even those
employers who privately disapprove of this now-widely established
social norm will feel compelled, socially and economically, to respect
these entrenched expectations.4 A failure to respect widely-held social
conventions means that the innovative employer will be jeopardizing
their all-important bottom line (Bergmann, 1996, ch. 3). They also
risk losing their credit-worthiness, as they are also putting their
banker at risk. If the bank responds by not renewing their line of
credit, the viability of the rm will certainly be threatened. To sum
up, any widely-held attitude, norm, social convention, or practice can
constitute the foundation of a structural theory of discrimination.5
Historians, sociologists, and psychologists tell us that discrimination
is usually the consequence of a multitude of preconceptions, fears,
anticipations and experiences interacting in a given situation. Issues of
identity, good repute in the community, perceptions of decency or
modesty each and severally interact in the formation of some activity or practice that constitutes prejudice or discrimination in hiring.
But peoples response to discrimination is not simply passive. It is
well known that members of discriminated-against groups can, upon
occasion, act in a manner that may even appear to validate conventional expectations or biases. An important reason for the latter
response is, of course, prudence. Another is that a socially-accepted
convention or norm, even those that are generally oppressive, can be
permissible in some, albeit highly circumscribed, ways. To more fully
grasp these points let us illustrate the theory of structural discrimination with an example from American history.
At the beginning of the twentieth century it was considered indecent for a young woman to work at a bar or a saloon owned by
anyone other than her father or husband. The reason was that any
unattached women in a bar was presumed to be a prostitute.
Consequently those men who were concerned with their standing in
the community would avoid drinking establishments where prostitution might be taking place, and where disreputable individuals, men
or women, might be found. This interaction of variables created, in
eect, a self-fullling prophesy in which taverns that employed
women would nd themselves catering to down-scale clienteles.
That is to say its patrons would be disproportionately made up of
men whose reputations were not at risk if they were thought to be
associating with prostitutes. The preponderance of such patrons
usually discouraged women from seeking employment in such establishments, unless they were in fact prostitutes or otherwise indierent
to their social reputations. In eect, the dynamics of the marketplace
reinforced a widely-held social belief. As a consequence of the interaction of strongly-held expectations and market forces, respectable
women would avoid taverns as employees or patrons.
The considerations described above were not the only obstacle to
the employment of women in taverns. Owners of taverns that
employed women were at risk of having town or city ocials revoke
their liquor licenses or take a disproportionate interest in penalizing
relatively minor infractions, etc. Safety and the inconsistent protection of the law were also barriers to womens employment in this
industry. Reecting the widespread expectations described above, if
a woman employed in a tavern were to be mistreated, she would be
less likely to receive a sympathetic hearing from the police, the courts,
or public opinion. The reason, of course, was that most people would
be inclined to share the conventional perspective on her presumed
lack of virtue and for that reason tend to blame her for the incident. Should they come to believe that she actually was a legitimate
bartender or waitress who was the victim of an assault, they might
still play down her grievance, proclaiming Well, what did she
Of course, social scientists have long understood that economic
interest plays an important role in the shaping of norms and conventions. At a minimum, individuals and rms come to have a vested
interest in the continuation of those norms and conventions of
which they are the direct beneciaries. Of interest here is the proposition that labor market discrimination can persist when an important group obtains, and is able to sustain, an economic advantage
from it. It follows that a privileged group, one with political
inuence, may have a direct interest in sustaining a social practice
that results in labor market segmentation if this is to their collective benet.
To move to a more analytical plane, consider an economy, let us call
it a city, featuring two broad classications of jobs. The rst we will
call the industrial or primary sector. The second will be called the
services or secondary sector. Let us further assume that the skills
required for an entry-level position in either sector are identical.
However, once hired, on-the-job-training (OJT) provides the
employees of each sector with unique job-specic skills that are not
readily transferable. As a consequence, anyone wishing to change
sectors in mid-career has to begin anew. This arms that it is costly
for workers to switch sectors after acquiring some seniority.
Now, let us suppose that those who work in the industrial sector
have successfully restricted their numbers by excluding workers of
some readily ascertainable quality (such as race or gender). It follows
that the quantity of labor supplied to the industrial sector would
be reduced and wages would be higher than if the citys labor market
were characterized by free entry and exit.
In Figure VIII.1 the restricted supply of labor to the industrial
sector is illustrated by the leftward shift in the labor supply schedule
(from Sw1 to Sw2). Recall, once more, that these graphs are read from
left to right, so that a shift to the left signals a reduced supply, that is
to say a reduced quantity of labor supplied at each and every wage
level, ceteris paribus.
The horizontal axis, which tracks the quantity of labor, arms that
after adjusting to the restriction, the industrial sector will employ
fewer workers. The vertical axis on Figure VIII.1, which displays
wage levels, arms that the workers remaining will earn higher wages.
(This should be interpreted as an average wage paid in this sector
Figure VIII.1
Quantity of Labor
Employment in the Primary Sector
Real wage
Figure VIII.2
Quantity of labor
Employment in the secondary sector
average wage in the industrial or primary sector is, and will remain,
higher than average wages in the secondary or services sector. This
wage gap is, to reiterate, unrelated to the abilities, skills, education, or
motivation of the workers employed in each sector.
From the above, it is evident that the labor force of the services
sector is made up of two groups: (1) Members of the privileged group
not fortunate enough to obtain employment in the primary sector,
and (2) All discriminated-against workers.7 It is evident that the
supply of labor to this sector is larger, and wages are lower, than if
discriminatory hiring practices did not occur. We will return to this
crucial point.
An important inference we can draw from a societal point of
view, that is to say from the perspective of maximum output, is that
labor is being allocated ineciently. In the presence of discrimination it is evident that there is underproduction in the industrial sector
while there is overproduction in the services sector. The size of
this imbalance of productive eort depends upon a variety of conditions beyond the scope of an introductory book. But, independently of the size and value of this misdirection of productive eort,
and the reader should know that many economists, especially those
inuenced by the Chicago School, do not believe that such conditions
can exist for long if mutually-advantageous trades can be made. That
said, let us enumerate a few possibilities, even as we acknowledge that
every situation of discrimination is unique and has its own particularities in addition to enabling myths to support it.
One possibility is that primary market employers might forgo
hiring workers out of the secondary labor market if they believed that
the losses they incurred by paying premium wages were small relative
to the direct and indirect costs of challenging a widespread norm of
discrimination. This would be plausible if they were confronted with
a well-organized primary-sector craft union with a proven ability to
strike. Another obstacle could be strongly entrenched prejudices on
the part of the rms customers or suppliers. In such cases the cost of
challenging entrenched labor market practices could be high relative
to the savings that would accrue from lower wage costs.
Under such conditions, even unprejudiced but prot-maximizing
employers might be reluctant to hire secondary market workers.
Finding no employers to contract with, secondary market workers
would have to remain in their current positions. This would be true
independently of any desire on their part to improve their individual
or collective situation. It takes two parties to achieve a contract and
primary sector employers have decided that the costs of challenging
the status quo are not worth it.
We can complete our story by taking a closer look at the situation
of secondary market workers. Are they rational economic agents
freely seeking the highest wage, or can we suppose that they also face
barriers to independent action? Drawing upon history, we nd a multitude of instances wherein the losses experienced by workers crowded
into secondary labor markets fail to be registered as legitimate economic or political grievances. This occurs when such workers are
politically disenfranchised and thereby subject to random acts of violence. In such cases, it could be personally hazardous to seek to
improve ones economic condition as one might nd that both the
larger community and its system of justice are unwilling to validate
or protect such an action. Another contributing factor is learned passivity. Economists tend to eschew social psychological arguments, but
we know of many historical situations in which oppressed people
come to accept their situation as natural, normal, or consistent
with Gods Will.10 Even if a discriminated-against population is
Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States 379 U.S. 241 (hotel accommodations);
Katzenbach v. McClung 379 U.S. 294 (patronage of restaurants); Diaz v. Pan
American World Airways, Inc. 442, F. 2nd 385 (5th Cir. 1971) (male cabin
Structural theories are a large and heterogeneous category. Early contributions
include Anne Krueger (1963), Lester Thurow (1969), and Barbara Bergmann
(1974). A similar theory can be deployed to illustrate structural discrimination in
consumption markets.
While he did not write on this specic subject, Veblen did observe that being served
by men, especially in the performance of largely servile and deferential tasks, is
particularly gratifying to those who wish to enhance the experience (and cost) of
personal service with conspicuous leisure. Clearly (low wage) women working
eciently to provide the best dinner at the lowest price eliminates the conspicuous
leisure component of the meal and thereby the subjective value of the experience
to those for whom such performances are vital (Veblen, 1899, ch. 3).
Such a generalization would seem to apply to some of the employees of Ollies
Barbecue, who were themselves African-American.
Of course, an important dierence remains between a distinction and a discrimination. The former represents an instance where one kind of person is
dierentiated from another for a reason germane to the process or activity at
hand. For example, selecting the best performers to sta an orchestra is, or should
be, a procedure designed to make a distinction. Discrimination occurs when an
dierence that is arbitrary with regard to the task at hand is the basis of selection.
I trust that it is clear that none of the attitudes being described here are those of
the author, but that this paragraph is simply a summary of attitudes that were
widely-held from the nations founding until rather recently.
It would be relatively easy to extend this theory in a manner that would reect
even more realism. Suppose that to merit a position in the primary labor
market one had to undergo some expensive and/or onerous activity such as
additional schooling, the purchase of a suit, etc. Assuming, again, homogeneous
Reduced to its simplest form, a price is the ratio at which things
exchange for one another. Consider the theory of price now dominant in American economics (the theory of commodity prices
described earlier). Its assumptions of perfect competition full and
free information, many competing buyers and sellers, free entry and
exit, and homogeneous products collectively imply costless arbitrage across the market. Drawing upon this theory, it is often inferred
that the market price prevailing at any given time represents the summation of individual choices made by the numerous independent
individual decision-makers that collectively make up the marketplace.2
If we assume that we are dealing with a moment in time and
thereby ignore discounting the future (nothing important changes in
say that such a choice is irrational even criminal. The absurdity built
into the example is that it places on a single scale two goods that,
for most people, exist on dierent planes or spheres of importance or
priority. Philosophers say that such goods or choices are an instance
of incommensurability (Chang, 1997). One of the goods, beer, is for
most of us a moderate intoxicant used exclusively for recreational
purposes. The second, sisters medicine, is about the life and death of
a loved one. Most sane people consider the life of their sister to be a
priority over the momentary pleasure of drinking beer, and for this
reason would take the above to represent a false choice. This is
exactly my point it is a false choice.
The above example suggests that if the conventional theory of
choice is to make sense, it must be restricted to considering the more
banal decisions of life. In other words, a choice between corn or peas
for dinner, or buying a navy blue or tweed jacket to wear to an economics conference, are the sort of choices best suited to consideration within this framework. The reason is that nothing fundamental
is at stake so a model of choice suggesting parameters such as preferences, relative prices, and budget constraints is plausible. If
peas and a navy blue jacket are relatively expensive, I will purchase
corn and a tweed jacket.
No one is surprised, or should be surprised, to nd that a model
designed to explain the banal choices of life is lacking when something more fundamental is at stake. The limitations of this approach
will become evident in two broad classes of choice discussed below.
The rst I will label moral choices, the second I will label identity
they were wrong. For the audience, the interest and dramatic tension
of the movie turned on the fact that incommensurable goods were
being exchanged.
Somewhere between the set of neoclassical choices (calculations) and
moral choices (duties, obligations) exists a third set of choices that are
neither moral choices nor simple calculations. I will term this category identity choices. To motivate this set of choices, consider the
fact that anthropologists, sociologists, and marketing professionals
do not think of consumption choices as taking place in a series of discrete settings by individuals who are existentially alone (ie. according
to the rules of what is called methodological individualism).
Rather, most of the non-economic literature understands that consumption plays a role in shaping a persons sense of themselves and
their place in those complex spaces that we call society. In short,
consumption serves to simultaneously identify and distinguish a particular person with and from their fellows (Goman, 1959; Lutz and
Lux, 1979, chs. 13; Levine, 1988, ch. 1; Douglas, 1992).
These identity choices, which often appear to be arbitrary when
viewed from a distance, eectively circumscribe the everyday consumption decisions of most people. That is to say their choices are not
based upon an accidental conguration of preferences, relative prices,
and budget constraints. Yet it would be equally incorrect to think of
identity choices as moral choices, although this generalization has
exceptions or at least a gray area. Depending on the specics of a
given culture or situation, a persons choice of food and clothing can
come close to representing a moral choice. For example, during the
German occupation of France in the 1940s, patriotic women wore
long and owing skirts to signal their non-compliance with the
German and Vichy governments request to spare cloth in support of
the war eort.
In general, a persons choice of clothing or food is a decision that
they, and their peers, feel strongly about even in the absence of a clear
moral basis. In short, there is a reason, beyond a calculation based on
preferences and relative prices, that I did not present this lecture to
my classes while wearing a swimsuit and sunglasses. While it would
not have been illegal or immoral to have done so, my choice was
reason dictate to be ends in themselves and are, for that reason, not
to be surrendered for nancial considerations.
Now, as a matter of experience, we know that some people can be
bought (how cheaply can be a disturbing surprise). In the case of an
identity choice, buying someone is often, and ought to be, easier
than in the case of a moral choice. For example, we have reality television shows that reward people for violating certain norms associated with identity, such as our resistance to eating exotic bugs. So far
we seem to be spared shows in which moral choices are violated for
money prizes, although Temptation Island comes close.5
Keeping the above distinctions in mind can be of assistance when
we examine the arguments of economists who wish to expand the
logic of markets into every investigation of social life. What they fail
to understand or appreciate are the distinctions at the core of the
moral systems that philosophers, theologians, and most thinking
people uphold. This explains why it is that when economists argue
that Christmas gifts are inecient, or that the adoption of children
could be more eciently conducted through the market, they are
thought to be missing the point, if not being amoral or even immoral.
A failure to distinguish values from prices can become distressing
when economists participate in debates over social policy. When
assessing the value of a clean environment or the proper level of a legislated minimum wage, most people place signicant weight on moral
considerations. When economists insist that these questions should
be exclusively decided upon the criteria of costbenet analysis they
are, not too surprisingly, discouraged to see that they have lost their
It is now evident that George Stigler was in error when he observed
that the publics support of the minimum wage demonstrated that the
mass of people are ignorant of the insights that economists can contribute (Stigler, 1982, p. 57). It is unnecessary to share Stiglers perspective on the economics of the minimum wage to grasp the reason
why his perspective has been rejected to most Americans he simply
failed to address the point. When considering a legislated minimum
wage, most people wish to uphold a long-standing social and even
religious norm that maintains that a person of able mind and body
who plays by the rules should be able to live by their labor. As with
many strongly-held values, this norm has come to be embodied in law.
In other words, most Americans take the minimum wage to be an
ethical, rather than an economic, issue. When the issue is examined
Most of us have heard the quip that An economist is someone who
knows the price of everything and the value of nothing. This joke is
amusing because it embodies an element of truth. Having a developed theory of price, and a method for estimating and contrasting
probable outcomes, economists have come to invest the results that
follow from such analyses with more importance than they merit.
Recently, Amartya Sen summed up the essential problem, Since
the preference for market-price-based evaluation is quite strong
among many economists, it is also important to point out that all
variables other than commodity holdings (important matters such as
mortality, morbidity, education, liberties and recognized rights) get
implicitly a zero direct weight in evaluations based exclusively on
the real-income approach (Sen, 1999, p. 80). At times this bias has
left economists on the periphery of public discussions of social, and
sometimes even economic, policy. It will continue to do so until economists come to appreciate the meaning of incommensurability and
what it implies for their theory of choice.
1. When policy researchers ask themselves if, hypothetically, those who gain from a
proposed policy would be able, in principle, to compensate the losers from such a
policy, then the policy is said to have passed the HicksKaldor Compensation
test. Notice that this test includes no plan or proposal to actually make such compensation occur; it only demands that the gains be adequate to do so in principle.
2. Of course several other coherent, viable, and applicable theories of price exist, but
since they are no longer part of the training or knowledge base of American economists their implications for the subject of this lecture will not be considered. For
a survey of some of these other theories see Arestis (1992, ch. 6) or Lavoie (1992,
ch. 3).
3. The reception accorded this paper by Becker and Stigler will someday be the basis
of a fascinating history. Essentially, it announced a set of rules for theoretical
work rules that were neither plausible nor adequately defended that in turn
became a parameter of research and hallmark of professional conduct for a generation of economists. For a critique, along with the sketch of a viable alternative,
see a recent paper by Georey Hodgson (Hodgson, 2003).
the product is what it claims to be, and that it will function as it is supposed to do. This is what a strong system of regulation provides.
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ability to pay 32
abstraction 7
adverse selection 59
advertising 36
and baseball 133
productivity of 120
refugees 120
age discrimination 107
aggression from racists 134
airline companies, maintenance
practice 148
airspace over a building, New York
allocation of labor, inecient 130
altruism of employers 121
amorality of economists 137, 144
animal products, secret use of, in
food 141
An Indecent Proposal (lm) 1412
anti-market culture 119
arbitrage 73
arson 58
assembly tasks 102
markets 6578
valuation 150
avalanche analogy 47
Bakers Case, The 234
bank borrowing 613
bank loans
and banks 59
to rms 63
to individuals 61, 62, 63
banning items 151
baseball, prohibition of
playing 1334
bonds 65, 66
in compensation 119
in economic opportunity 118, 119
in employment 119
in remuneration 118
discrimination 131, 132
economic consequences 107,
of Eastern Europeans 129
in hiring 11215
of Irish 129
and market mechanism 121
divorce of risk from reward 150
down-scale clienteles 126
dual labor markets 95, 105
dual wage structure 114
duties 142
earnings gaps 120
economic coercion 23
economic interest and normshaping 126
economic opportunities 121
gaps in 120
economic policy and wage levels
economic remuneration, low 120
economic stratication 97
educational level 107
education dierentials 120
education, failure of, in schools
eciency-wage theory 103, 104, 105
elasticity of demand 347
employee distribution eect 113
employee loyalty 98
African-American 120
employment in the primary
sector 127, 128
enabling myths 128, 129
environment 152
clean 144
degradation of 91
environmental laws 18
equal opportunity laws 116, 124,
equal pay for equal work 100
equilibria in labor market 89
equilibrium hours 93, 94
equilibrium wage 105
consideration in economics
implications in choice 140
reasoning 137
values 143
ethnic divisions 121
euros, market for 713
exchange and prices 138
exchange of property 20
exchange rate 77
exchange theory 1328
exclusion 124
exclusive disposal 16
experience goods 30, 147
fairness of treatment 98
fair play 98
falling markets 67
false choice 140
Federal Reserve System 69
nancial assets 65
re starting, deliberate 58
discriminating 114, 115
non-discriminating 114, 115
penalization of 148
prejudiced and unprejudiced
rst mover advantage 49
xed exchange rates 75
food, choice of 142
foreign exchange 6970
holdings 65, 66
markets, characteristics 7073
for-prot corporations 117
for-prot monopolies 121
Fourteenth Amendment 24
fraud 58
freedom to be 20
free entry and exit, 123, 124
free exchange 149
free market 3, 4,11, 27, 115
free time, value of 87
Friedman, Milton 8
intellectual property 18
interest rate rises 59, 60, 62
International Monetary Fund 70
investments, xed 48
Irish refugees of Great Famine
Italian Maa 26
labor law 214
labor market 21, 8196, 120
discrimination 111, 112, 123
dynamics 91, 97108
earnings from 149
segmentation 124
segregation 129
labor supply
on credit 41, 42
high 131
rising of 88
labor supply curve 83, 84
labor supply schedule 835, 94, 95
labourers wage, case 23
laissez faire policy 4 24, 90
land, restrictions on use 17
Law of One Price 102, 114
law of property rights 16
Law, Marc 148
law, protection by 126
learned passivity of workers 1323
least-cost approach 106
legal restrictions 124, 133
leisure and income 867
leisure purchasing 84, 86
leverage of holdings 679
liberal explanation 120
libertarian philosophers 19
Liberty of Contract, The
Bakers Case 234
liquidity, high 66, 67
liquor license, revocation of 126
literature, choice in 140
loan contract 55
losses, small 132
low-wage dynamics 91
low wage labor markets 95, 978
low wage market see secondary
labor market
loyalty to rm 103
macroeconomics, theory of 147
management as art 99
marginal cost 389
marijuana, banning of 151
deregulation of 3
privatization of 3
as realm of choice 139
market-clearing price 43
market competition 116
market economy and discrimination
market equilibrium 438, 94
market uctuations 68, 69
market fundamentalism 312, 69
marketization 149
market mechanism, and prejudices
market price 11, 39, 1012
and market stability 69, 150
prevailing 138
market-price-based evaluation
markets, illegal 26
market theory 1315
market trading 74
market values, political trend
maximum hours laws 91, 116
maximum wage legislation 95
McDonalds Corporation,
admission of guilt 141
military-graded weapons 151
minimum wage 91, 94, 95, 116
ethical issue 144
minorities 117
minority employees 113
minority wage 114
modesty 125
monitoring at work 1056
moral choices 14042, 144
and price considerations 1412
morale decreasing 100
moral hazard 58, 59
morality 143
mortgage contracts 43
motivation and labor market
dynamics 97108
natural monopoly 489
Nazi victim with choice 141
needs and wants 35, 36
negative feedback eects 458
Negro League teams, baseball 134
Neoclassical theory of choice 140,
nepotism 107
New York Giants 134
New York Yankees 134
no coercion 225
non-commodity markets 9
non-prot institutions 117, 121
Nozick, Robert 19, 20
obligations 142
on-the-job-training (OJT) 127
orderly foreign exchange markets
overpaying 103
overproduction 130
overseas trade, increased costs 75
ownership of own body 19
paternalism 24
peasant backgrounds 119
penalties for discriminating rms
116, 117
perfect competition 4, 113, 138
performance monitoring 102
photographs on internet 18
place in society 142
points of stability 47
political aliation 107
political inuence 126
poor of world 152
positive feedback in nature 46, 47
positivist tradition 95
poverty in free labor market 91
poverty trap 92, 149
preference choice 140
of baseball fans 134
of rms customers 132
in hiring 106
premium wages 132
price and demand, relationship 34
price changes 41, 735
sexism 107
sexual orientation 124
shareholders 117
shoppers, prejudiced 118
short-term prot maximization 64
slave emancipation 1819
slavery 151
small rms 112
Smith, Adam 59
social costs 149
social divisions 97, 121, 143
social meanings of clothing choice
social norms 124, 125
on racism, thaw in 134
social pathology 121
social practices 133
social scientist 119
social welfare function 138
societys economic interests 133
software 17
Sophies Choice 14041
Southern slaveholders, loss 18
in foreign exchange market 73
reduction 75
role of 73
speculative exchange rate
movements 757
spot market 425, 55
spot transactions 55
stability of market equilibrium 44,
stable equilibrium in labor market
starvation wages 91
Stigler, George, on minimum wage
Stiglitz, Joseph 3
stocks 65, 66
striking unions 132
structural theory of discrimination
Styron, William 14041
subsistence wage 87, 90, 91
substitution eect 32, 85
suburban yard sale example 55
Summers, Lawrence 137, 138
superior skill 100
supply and demand of labor 101,
supply of credit 60
supply schedule 38
supply, limitation of 37
taboos 143
talent of baseball players 134
tax on foreign exchange 76, 77
technology and legal vacuum 27
The Bakers Case 234
theory of supply 82
third party impact 138
threat 22
toxic waste dumping controversy
trade disruptions 75
trading 143
tragic choices 140
transaction costs 745
turnover tax 76
uncertainty in volatile markets 74
underproduction 130
unions 132
uniqueness of market equilibrium
44, 45
unit costs 48
of production inputs, changes
unstable equilibrium in labor
market 8991
urbanization 149
utility functions 139
value of each life 137
values and prices 13752
confusion 137, 138
values of ethics 143
values, reassessment of 140
vegetarianism, moral choice 141
vested interests 152
violence 26
volunteer army 19
wage adjustments 100
wage discounts 116, 118
wage hierarchy 100
wage premium 105, 106
for white employees 129
wage, real and subsistence 88, 90, 91
higher 84, 85
minimum 23
Walrasian principle of gross
substitution 138
Washington Consensus 4, 5
wealth, extreme 93
welfare-maximization 138
welfare-state legislation 23
whites only restaurants 123
willingness to pay 32
women working in bars 126
work status 100
World Bank 137