National Guidelines 1
National Guidelines 1
National Guidelines 1
The peer support workforce is at a critical time in its development. Research reveals that peer
support can be valuable to those overcoming mental health and substance addiction challenges and
their families. Thousands of peers have been trained and are working in a wide variety of settings, but
questions remain regarding peer roles, duties and philosophies.
In an effort to create broader understanding, reduce workplace tensions and frustrations and
develop effective peer support roles, a universal set of practice standards is necessary. Such standards
will enable peer support workers, non-peer staff, program administrators and developers, systems
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administrators, funders, researchers and policymakers to better understand peer supporter values, and
the appropriate roles and tasks that can and should be carried out by peer support workers in a manner
that benefits all.
Professional practice standards generally have three basic components: 1) practice guidelines, 2)
identification and description of core competencies and 3) ethical guidelines or a code of ethics. This
project focused on practice guidelines, which are being shared with other organizations with the
intention of having them provide the remaining two components.
A consortium of stakeholder organizations, led by the International Association of Peer
Supporters, has developed a draft of practice guidelines for peer supporters. The guidelines
acknowledge the diverse settings in which peer supporters work and the wide variety of tasks peers are
asked to perform, offering direction to an emerging peer support workforce and universally accepted
guidance that is built upon the strengths and recovery principles peer supporters embody.
Vital to this process is a diverse advisory group that includes representatives from mental health
and addictions fields as well as family support and cultural organizations.
The standards are value based; that is, they are directly derived from the values peer supporters
agree on and hold most dear. The process to gather the values and develop these standards is
intentionally inclusive and includes: 1) website solicitations for input, 2) newsletter and e-mail
communication to solicit input and report progress, 3) focus groups, 4) surveys, 5) informal gatherings of
peer supporters and 6) a literature search and review. Representatives from many stakeholder
organizations are acting in an advisory or steering capacity.
Six focus groups have been conducted across the U.S. and more than 800 people have
responded to surveys. Surveys have been translated into Spanish with outreach to the mental health,
substance abuse, Latino, African-American and Military Veteran communities. Respondents have been
remarkably consistent (98%) in their approval of key values for practice standards development. From
these values, draft guidelines were written by members of the advisory group.
The draft guidelines were reviewed by peer supporters and underwent yet another review by
the advisory group. The solid draft of practice standards is part of this document. The process,
however, will remain dynamic for some time as ongoing review will likely result in modifications over
In addition to a value-based product, the guidelines will be framed in a human rights context.
Below is a passage from the World Health Organizations (WHO) QualityRights tool kit.
In many countries, the quality of care in both inpatient and outpatient facilities is poor or
even harmful and can actively hinder recovery. The treatment provided is often intended
to keep people and their conditions under control rather than to enhance their
autonomy and improve their quality of life. People are seen as objects of treatment
rather than human beings with the same rights and entitlements as everybody else.
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They are not consulted on their care or recovery plans, in many cases receiving
treatment against their wishes.1
The preceding statement supports the need for change and also provides a framework
for understanding the roles and functions of peer supporters. Ultimately, quality behavioral
health care is a matter of social justice and peer supporters are playing a vital role in ensuring
that quality.
Although the roles of peer supporters are many and diverse, within primary and
behavioral healthcare, there are common values and practices for all. While language and some
practice aspects may differ, fundamental values cut across all peer support.
The goals of national practice guidelines include:
With nearly 1,000 peer supporters responding to surveys and participating in focus groups, 12
key values were identified and validated as a basis for this work. Those values include:
WHO QualityRights tool kit to assess and improve quality and human rights in mental health and social care facilities. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 2012.
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shoes. Peer supporters do not assume they
know exactly what the other person is feeling
even if they have experienced similar challenges.
They ask thoughtful questions and listen with
sensitivity to be able to respond emotionally or
spiritually to what the other person is feeling.
Peer supporters are respectful
Each person is valued and seen as having
something important and unique to contribute to
the world. Peer supporters treat people with
kindness, warmth and dignity. Peer supporters
accept and are open to differences, encouraging
people to share the gifts and strengths that come
from human diversity. Peer supporters honor and
make room for everyones ideas and opinions
and believe every person is equally capable of
contributing to the whole.
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In addition to identifying values upon which practice standards could be developed, it was
necessary to define peer support, peer supporter, peer peer support relationship and
practice standards. Using surveys, literature reviews and consultations with the advisory
group, the following definitions were developed:
Peer support is the process of giving and receiving non-clinical assistance to achieve long-term recovery
from severe psychiatric, traumatic or addiction challenges. This support is provided by peer supporters people who have lived experience and have been trained to assist others in initiating and maintaining
long-term recovery and enhancing the quality of life for individuals and their families. Peer support
services are inherently designed, developed, delivered, evaluated and supervised by peers in long-term
Definition adapted from White, W. (2009). Peer-Based Addiction Recovery Support: History, Theory, Practice and Scientific Evaluation.
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A peer supporter is someone who has experienced the healing process of recovery from psychiatric,
traumatic and/or substance use challenges and, as a result, can offer assistance and support to promote
another peers own personal recovery journey. The peer support volunteers to share portions of his or
her recovery experience in an appropriate and effective manner.
In the context of peer support, a peer is a person who has lived experience with a psychiatric, traumatic
and/or addiction challenge, and may benefit from peer support.
Practice standards are rules or guidelines used as the basis for informed decision-making about
acceptable work performance and practices. They are established by an authoritative entity through a
collaborative process with input from a wide range of people who perform the work. Standards are
based on values, ethics, principles and competencies.
Having a core set of standards is one important way to legitimize a field of practice.3 Practice standards
generally have three basic components: 1) practice guidelines, 2) identification and description of core
competencies and 3) ethical guidelines or code of ethics.
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Membership applications are accepted by postal mail only. See next page or visit the iNAPS web site to
download a copy of the membership form (
Visit us online: (home page, current events, quick access to forms and links) (iNAPS main web site / wordpress site, includes detailed
explanations of the International Association of Peer Supporters organization and its projects
and initiatives) (National Peer Supporter
Conference web page - includes access to registration forms, travel and hotel information,
program updates, and more) (National Practice Standards site
information about the efforts to establish Practice Guidelines for peer support providers) (Resource Library with training materials and other
resources that can be helpful for peer supporters and those who are receiving support) (Like us on Facebook and join the ongoing discussion
about peer support!) (Recovery to Practice page on the iNAPS web site, with information about
the SAMHSA-Funded Recovery to Practice continuing education program for peer support
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Membership Form
The Inter-National Association of Peer Supporters (formerly the National Association of
Peer Specialists) welcomes all who support peer support in healthcare. We promote the
use of peer support in a variety of settings, including but not limited to mental health and
addictions. Members receive a certificate, e-mail newsletter, and registration fee
discounts for the annual national peer support conference.
Join our ranks to be informed, involved and bring peer support to those who need it most!
To join, simply complete the following information form. The cost of membership
is $25 annually. If you do not have an e-mail address or would like to receive your
quarterly newsletter in hard copy form, please check the box.
E-Mail ________________________________________________________________
Please mail completed form to: iNAPS, 720 Clarkson Dr., Sparta, MI 49345
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