C++ Basics Part 1

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C++ Basics (Part 1)

Structure of a C++ Program

Sequence of statements, typically grouped into functions
function: a subprogram. a section of a program performing a specific task
Every function body is defined inside a block (see below)
For a C++ executable, exactly one function called main()
Can consist of multiple files and typically use libraries
Statement -- smallest complete executable unit of a program
Declaration statement
Execution statement
Compound statement -- any set of statements enclosed in set braces { } (often called a
Simple C++ statments end with a semi-colon. (A block does not typically need a semicolon after it, except in special circumstances).
usually pre-compiled code available to the programmer to perform common tasks
Compilers come with many libraries. Some are standard for all compilers, and some may
be system specific
Two parts
Interface: header file, which contains names and declarations of items available for
Implementation: pre-compiled definitions, or implementation code. In a separate
file, location known to compiler
Use the #include directive to make a library part of a program (satisfies declare-beforeuse rule)

Building and Running a C++ Program

Starts with source code, like the first sample program
1. Pre-processing
The #include directive is an example of a pre-processor directive (anything starting with #).
#include <iostream> tells the preprocessor to copy the standard I/O stream library header file
into the program
2. Compiling
Syntax checking, translation of source code into object code (i.e. machine language).
Not yet an executable program.
3. Linking
Puts together any object code files that make up a program, as well as attaching precompiled library implementation code (like the standard I/O library implementation, in this
End result is a final target -- like an executable program

4. Run it!

Variables are used to store data. Every C++ variable has a:
Name -- chosen by the programmer (aka identifier)
Type -- specified in the declaration of the variable
Size -- determined by the type
Value -- the data stored in the variable's memory location
Address -- the starting location in memory where the value is stored
When a program is compiled, a symbol table is created, mapping each variable name to its type,
size, and address

Identifiers are the names for things (variables, functions, etc) in the language. Some identifiers are
built-in, and others can be created by the programmer.
User-defined identifiers can consist of letters, digits, and underscores
Must start with a non-digit
Identifiers are case sensitive (count and Count are different variables)
Reserved words (keywords) cannot be used as identifiers
A list of reserved keywords in C++ can be found on page 43 in the textbook

Style-conventions (for indentifiers)

Don't re-use common identifiers from standard libraries (like cout, cin)
Start names with a letter, not an underscore. System identifiers and symbols in preprocessor
directives often start with the underscore.
Pick meaningful identifiers -- self-documenting
numStudents, firstName
a, ns, fn

// good
// bad

a couple common conventions for multiple word identifiers

1. numberOfMathStudents
2. number_of_math_students

Declaring Variables
Declare Before Use: Variables must be declared before they can be used in any other

Declaration format: typeName variableName1, variableName2, ...;

int numStudents;
// variable of type integer
double weight;
// variable of type double
char letter;
// variable of type character
// Examples of multiple variables of the same type in single
// declaration statements
int test1, test2, finalExam;
double average, gpa;

Atomic Data Types

Atomic data types are the built-in types defined by the C++ language
- has two possible values, true or false
integer types
char - 1 byte on most systems
typically used for representing characters
stored with an integer code underneath (ASCII on most computers today)
short - (usually at least 2 bytes)
int - (4 bytes on most systems)
long - (usually 4 or more bytes)
The integer types have regular and unsigned versions
The keyword unsigned used as a type by itself is a shortcut for unsigned int
floating point types - for storage of decimal numbers (i.e. a fractional part after the decimal)

long double

Sizes for these types are implementation dependent
numerical types above listed in smallest to largest order
can use built-in sizeof() function to find out sizes of types or variables for a system
For most computers today: char typically 1 byte; int typically 4 bytes
This program will print the number of bytes used by each type - sizes may vary from system to

Initializing Variables
To declare a variable is to tell the compiler it exists, and to reserve memory for it

To initialize a variable is to load a value into it for the first time

If a variable has not been initialized, it contains whatever bits are already in memory at the
variable's location (i.e. a garbage value)
One common way to initialize variables is with an assignment statement. Examples:
int numStudents;
double weight;
char letter;
numStudents = 10;
weight = 160.35;
letter = 'A';

Variables of built-in types can be declared and initialized on the same line, as well
int numStudents = 10;
double weight = 160.35;
char letter = 'A';
int test1 = 96, test2 = 83, finalExam = 91;
double x = 1.2, y = 2.4, z = 12.9;

An alternate form of initializing and declaring at once:

int numStudents(10); // these are equivalent to the ones above
double weight(160.35);
char letter('A');
int test1(96), test2(83), finalExam(91);
double x(1.2), y(2.4), z(12.9);

More Declaration Examples, using various types

Constant Variables
(Woohoo! An oxymoron!)
A variable can be declared to be constant. This means it cannot change once it's declared and
Use the keyword const
MUST declare and initialize on the same line
const int SIZE = 10;
const double PI = 3.1415;
// this one is illegal, because it's not
// initialized on the same line
const int LIMIT; // BAD!!!
LIMIT = 20;

A common convention is to name constants with all-caps (not required)

Symbolic Constants (an alternative)

A symbolic constant is created with a preprocessor directive, #define. (This directive is also
used to create macros).
#define PI 3.14159
#define DOLLAR '$'
#define MAXSTUDENTS 100

The preprocessor replaces all occurrences of the symbol in code with the value following it.
(like find/replace in MS Word). This happens before the actual compilation stage begins
Questions to consider
What's the difference between these?
#define SIZE 10
const int SIZE = 10;

Why use a constant variable (or symbolic constant)? i.e. what's the advantage?
When is use of a constant a good idea? When is it not worthwhile?

Other Basic Code Elements

Literals are also constants. They are literal values written in code.
integer literal -- an actual integer number written in code (4, -10, 18)
If an integer literal is written with a leading 0, it's interpreted as an octal value (base 8).
If an integer literal is written with a leading 0x , it's interpreted as a hexadecimal value
(base 16)
int x = 26; // integer value 26
int y = 032; // octal 32 = decimal value 26
int z = 0x1A; // hex 1A = decimal value 26

floating point literal -- an actual decimal number written in code (4.5, -12.9, 5.0)
Note: these are interpreted as type double by standard C++ compilers
Can also be written in exponential (scientific) notation: (3.12e5, 1.23e-10)
character literal -- a character in single quotes: ('F', 'a', '\n')
string literal -- a string in double quotes: ("Hello", "Bye", "Wow!\n")

Escape Sequences
String and character literals can contain special escape sequences
They represent single characters that cannot be represented with a single character from the
keyboard in your code
The backslash \ is the indicator of an escape sequence. The backslash and the next character
are together considered ONE item (one char)
Some common escape sequences are listed in the table below







carriage return


alert sound


double quote


single quote



Comments are for documenting programs. They are ignored by the compiler.
Block style (like C)
/* This is a comment.
It can span multiple lines */

Line comments -- use the double-slash //

int x; // This is a comment
x = 3; // This is a comment

Input and Output with streams in C++:

In C++ we use do I/O with "stream objects", which are tied to various input/output devices.
Some pre-defined stream objects

These stream objects are defined in the iostream library

cout -- standard

output stream
Of class type ostream (to be discussed later)
Usually defaults to the monitor
cin -- standard input stream
Of class type istream (to be discussed later)
Usually defaults to the keyboard
cerr -- standard error stream
Of class type ostream
Usually defaults to the monitor, but allows error messages to be directed elsewhere (like
a log file) than normal output
To use these streams, we need to include the iostream library into our programs.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

The using statement tells the compiler that all uses of these names (cout, cin, etc) will come from the
"standard" namespace.
Using Input and Output Streams
output streams are frequently used with the insertion operator <<
Format: outputStreamDestination << itemToBePrinted
The right side of the insertion operator can be a variable, a constant, a value, or the result
of a computation or operation
cout << "Hello World"; // print a string literal
cout << 'a'; // print a character literal
cout << numStudents; // print contents of a variable
cout << x + y - z; // print result of a computation
cerr << "Error occurred"; // string literal printed to standard error

When printing multiple items, the insertion operator can be "cascaded". Place another
operator after an output item to insert a new output item:
cout << "Average = " << avg << '\n';
cout << var1 << '\t' << var2 << '\t' << var3;

input streams are frequently used with the extraction operator >>
Format: inputStreamSource >> locationToStoreData
The right side of the extraction operator MUST be a memory location. For now, this
means a single variable!
By default, all built-in versions of the extraction operator will ignore any leading "whitespace" characters (spaces, tabs, newlines, etc)

int numStudents;
cin >> numStudents; // read an integer
double weight;
cin >> weight; // read a double
cin >> '\n'; // ILLEGAL. Right side must be a variable
cin >> x + y; // ILLEGAL. x + y is a computation, not a variable

The extraction operator can be cascaded, as well:

int x, y;
double a;
cin >> x >> y >> a; // read two integers and a double from input

Some special formatting for decimal numbers

NOTE: You'll most likely need to #include the library iomanip to use these techniques.
By default, decimal (floating-point) numbers will usually print out only as far as needed, up to a
certain preset number of decimal places (before rounding the printed result)
double x = 4.5, y = 12.666666666666, z = 5.0;
cout << x; // will likely print 4.5
cout << y; // will likely print 12.6667
cout << z; // will likely print 5

A special "magic formula" for controlling how many decimal places are printed:
cout.setf(ios::fixed); // specifies fixed point notation
cout.setf(ios::showpoint); // so that decimal point will always be shown
cout.precision(2); // sets floating point types to print to
// 2 decimal places (or use your desired number)

Any cout statements following these will output floating-point values in the usual notation, to 2
decimal places.
double x = 4.5, y = 12.666666666666, z = 5.0;
cout << x; // prints 4.50
cout << y; // prints 12.67
cout << z; // prints 5.00

Here's an alternate way to set the "fixed" and "showpoint" flags

cout << fixed;
// uses the "fixed" stream manipulator
cout << showpoint; // uses the "showpoint" stream manipulator
cout << setprecision(3); // uses the set precision stream manipulator (you'll need the iomanip library for this)
//The above sets precision of the value to 3 numbers. You can change this value based on what you need.

These statements use what are called stream manipulators, which are symbols defined in the


library as shortcuts for setting those particular formatting flags

An alternative to fixed point notation is scientific notation:

cout.setf(ios::scientific); // float types formatted in exponential notation

Some simple program examples

Hello World
Hello World 2
Hello World 3 - this is how it would be written if the using statement was left out
A sample program with cout and cin
Another version of the above sample program
Example illustrating I/O and formatting of floating-point values in fixed point notation
Example illustrating formatting of floating-point values in scientific notation

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