Circle Method For Isolated Airfoils

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Procedia Engineering 56 (2013) 560 567

5th BSME Internatiional Conferrence on The

ermal Engineering

Investigation of im
mproved aerodyna
amic perfformancee of isolatted airfoiils
usinng CIRC
CLE methhod
M U Ahmeda, E J Avittala, T Koraakianitisa,b *

Schoool of Engineeringg, Queen Mary Unniversity of London
n, London E1 4NS,
Parks College of
o Engineering, Avviation and Technoology, Saint Louiss University, Missoouri 63103, USA

The PresCrIbed
suRfface Curvature distribution
bLaade dEsign (CIR
RCLE) method, proposed by T Korakianitis, iss a direct methood for
ning (or redesignning) high efficiiency turbomachhinery and fan bblades, and isolatted airfoils. It w
was initially intro
oduced to improvve the
n of high efficiency turbomachinnery blades. It iss now extended for use with 2D
D and 3D turbom
machinery bladess and isolated airrfoils.
The connection
of th
he profiles leadding edge (LE) to
t the trailing eedge (TE), on both sides, is deffined using conntinuity in the suurface
curvatture and its deriivatives. Improv
vements to the aerodynamic perfformance of thee Eppler airfoil aare presented in this paper. Impproved
geometries with contiinuous curvaturee have been prodduced using the C
CIRCLE method
d. The performannces of Eppler and
a the redesigneed A5
A have been sttudied using CF
FD analysis. Theey are analyzedd considering low
w subsonic flow
w condition (Reeynolds number~
and A6
Thesee are compared to a previous airfoil
A4. The redesigned bladdes LE provedd favorable as thhey succeeded in
i removing preessure
spikees on the suctioon side. Comparrative analysis with
w the original results showed significant aeroodynamic improvvements. Airfoills A4,
A5 an
nd A6 have com
mparatively thiccker TE sectionn compared to E
Eppler. Despite the changes maade to the geom
metry and continnuous
curvatture distributionn in A4, A5 and
d A6 (from Eppller), there appeaar a separated reegion on the sucction side at abo
out 60% of the chord
downstream from the LE. The new bllades exhibit hig
gher aerodynamic efficiencies, in
n terms of overalll lift-to-drag rattio up to 40% thaan the
nal. The investigaations are perforrmed at on and off
o design condittions.

by Elsevier
Ltd. Ltd. Selection and//or peer-review
y Elsevier
w under responnsibility of the Bangladesh
and peerEngi
under responsibility of the Bangladesh Society of Mechanical Engineers
of Meechanical
ords: aerodynamics; blade; CIRCLE method; design;

c0, c1

thickness coefficients
Bezier conntrol points
curvature defined
with its radius
exponentiaal thickness polynomials
Mach num
throat circlle
points on airfoil
Co-efficiennt of pressure/llift/drag


inlet station
stagnation poiint
outlet station
pressure side
pressure side TE circle to y11
pressure side y1 to y2
pressure side y2 to y3
pressure side y3 to LE circlee
suction side
T circle to y1
suction side TE

* Corrresponding author. Tel.: (314) 977-8283

E-maill address: (T. Korakianitiss)

1877-7058 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Selection and peer review under responsibility of the Bangladesh Society of Mechanical Engineers

M.U. Ahmed et al. / Procedia Engineering 56 (2013) 560 567

flow angle
blade surface angle
stagger angle
angle of throat diameter



suction side y1 to y2
suction side y2 to y3
suction side y3 to LE circle

1. Introduction
Gas turbines have been among the most efficient energy conversion devices developed so far. Wind and hydro turbines
have also secured a good place in the category. With increasing advancements in fluid dynamics and thermodynamics, the
overall performances of these devices have enhanced [1]. One of the major components in these devices is the blade or
airfoil [1]. They are placed in the fluid flow either to work on, or to extract work out of the flow. The blades operate under
complex harsh conditions [2]. Blade design process, therefore, has a significant influence on the performance of the whole
machine [3]. In general, 3D blade geometry is obtained by arranging 2D geometries along the center of gravity considering
the associated limitations [3]. And the relevant 2D profiles are defined by streamlined curvature calculations based on the
flow angles from hub to tip at the leading edge (LE) and trailing edge (TE) [3]. In order to make the design process simpler
3D blade cascades are considered to be 2D geometries placed in stream-wise direction [3, 4].
Performance of the blade profiles is expressed by blade surface and cascade passage property (such as Mach number,
pressure, velocity, etc.) distribution along the chord [5]. Numerous techniques have been applied in blade designing, such as,
direct method, inverse and semi-inverse method, optimization methods and etc. [5]. The objective of any method is to define
the best profile which exhibits good aerodynamic and heat transfer performance with adequate structural integrity. This
means disturbances upstream and downstream the profile should be minimized while complying with the constraints within
the design conditions. For 3D profile generation, compromises are made to allow location of cooling and hollow passages.
This paper presents a blade design approach using direct method. The process is defined by analyzing the aerodynamic
performance of a specified blade profile. On the other hand, a typical inverse blade design method is defined as a method in
which the preferred blade performance is defined and the geometry satisfying this performance is calculated [4].
Numerous works [3,4,6,7] have shown that it is difficult to obtain a desirable aerodynamic blade profile using inverse
method. The inverse method has difficulties in both the LE and TE due to zero velocity at the stagnation points [3,4].
Inverse method can be applicable for generating compressor blades with very thin TE, but not to define a blade with thicker
TE. Any blade which is designed with zero thickness TE becomes difficult to manufacture [4].
The work presented here, depicts a way of designing blades using PresCrIbed suRface Curvature distribution bLade
dEsign (CIRCLE) method. It defines both turbomachinery and isolated profiles with continuous surface curvature and slope
of curvature from the LE to TE for the suction and pressure sides. It can be used to design and redesign (improve) blades
with higher efficiencies than their contemporaries, and can also be coupled with genetic algorithm based optimization
method. CIRCLE method has evolved from a 2D turbomachinery blade design method to a 3D turbomachinery and isolated
profile design method. Past studies [4,5] showed its applications in gas turbine blade redesign. Here the methods robustness
in redesigning isolated wind turbine airfoils is presented. Following the global growing concern to switch to renewable
energy source for the longevity of worlds natural resources and environmental sustainability, wind turbine is one of the best
choices for power plants. Results of redesigned wind turbine isolated airfoil, using CIRCLE method, is presented and
discussed with few examples of other turbomachinery blades.
2. Background theory
The CIRCLE method defines each side of a 2D shape in three parts: y1 near the LE; y2 in the middle part of the surface;
and y3 near the TE. The stream-wise surface and slope of the curvature distribution is manipulated to optimize the
aerodynamic performance. 2D shapes are designed near the hub, mean and tip regions and then the 3D shape is designed by
maintaining continuity in the 2D parameters from hub to tip. This method does not use the traditional maximum thickness
and maximum camber principles. It is guided by the surface pressure and Mach number distribution with their relation to
continuous surface curvature distribution, and the outcome is the blade profile. Theoretical and experimental evidences


M.U. Ahmed et al. / Procedia Engineering 56 (2013) 560 567

presented in [5] show curvature and slope of curvature affects aerodynamic performance of blade profiles. Continuous slope
of curvature requires continuous third derivative of the splines used in the method. It is illustrated in the following two
equations for curvature C and slope of curvature C, where y=f(x) as:


Figure 1 depicts CIRCLE methods background and its modification for generating compressor and isolated profiles. The
LE and TE shapes are circular geometries defined by their corresponding radii, and inlet and outlet flow angles 1 and 2
(Fig 1). Blade pitch plays an important parameter in turbomachinery profile while it is not used in isolated airfoils.
Turbomachinery blades are set at their stagger angle (Fig 1a-c) while it is set to zero for isolated profiles. Turbomachinery
blades are defined on the suction by the distribution of the flow area and the minimum area along the passage (Fig 1). The
throat circle o and its angle determine the suction side blade control point Psm and the corresponding blade angle sm. The
corresponding input values for the pressure side control point Ppm and blade angle pm are arbitrary values. The Psm and sm,
for isolated airfoils, are independent of the passage area. The LE and TE circles are very difficult to connect with the other
blade segments, as the circles have continuous curvature and rest of the surface have locally varying curvature. The TE
radius and the locate the TE circle. The two sides disengage from the TE circle at Ps2 and Pp2. This is controlled by s2 and

Fig. 1. CIRCLE methods blade geometry development process [3]

The TE segment y3 from Ps2 to Psm is defined by an analytic polynomial y=f(x) of exponential form [5]:


M.U. Ahmed et al. / Procedia Engineering 56 (2013) 560 567

where, k1 and k2 are exponential functions depending on Ps2. The six coefficients c0 to c5 are evaluated from the slope and
other derivatives continuity at Ps2 and Psm. The line segment y2 between Psm and Psk is defined by mapping the curvature C
vs X to the plane Y vs X using multiple point Bezier spline (e.g. Fig 1d). The curvature segment corresponding from Ps2 to
Psm is evaluated from analytic polynomial y1 using Eq. (3). It is plotted on the C vs. X plane, from the TE at X = 1.0 and to
point C6s (Fig 1d). The slope of the curvature Cs(x) at point C6s is computed from Eq. (3) and becomes an input to further
calculations. Using central difference Eq. (1) is written for curvature at airfoil point I as a function of (x,y). Then the Bezier
spline is iteratively computed until the slope and the y coordinate at Psk, and the shape of the curvature distribution matches
reasonably. The LE circle similarly disengages at Ps1 and Pp1, defined by s1 and p1. Then a parabolic construction line y
and a thickness distribution yt are defined from the LE origin or circle center. They are defined to have continuous point and
derivatives of the curvature at points Ps1 and Psk. For instance, construction line y may be defined as:



where, k11, k12, k13 and k14 are exponential polynomials and are dependent on Ps1 and Psk. And similar to Eq. (3) the c0 to c7
are evaluated from the continuity in y and its derivatives at Ps1 and Psk. Thus the whole approach ensures that continuity of
curvature and slope of curvature from the TE circle to the main part of the blade surface through the LE yt and into the LE
circle, for both surfaces of the blade. The control parameters C1, C2, C3 and C4 (Fig. 1) are specified smoothly to vary
along the curvatures radius with the Bezier curves. Desired changes in 2D surface pressure or streamlines are compared
with changes in 2D curvature distributions and the location of the 2D blade surfaces. After the first iteration (i.e. first
geometric design and analysis) the user examines the resulting blade loading distributions, and decides where to alter local
curvature and loading. After the second iteration the user gains an understanding of the magnitude of the required changes
in curvature to cause the desired changes in Mach number or pressure distribution. The procedure is repeated until a
desirable profile and aerodynamic performance are obtained.
3. 2D turbomachinery blade redesign
Performance of four redesigned cascades L25, L30, L35 and L40 was presented in [5]. For all cases, the cascades have
been designed by changing the stagger angle while keeping the other variable constant. The computed results showed that
increasing the , while keeping other parameters constant, results in thinner and more front loaded cascades. As increases,
the o pushes both the blade surfaces farther down. This located the throat of the blade farther upstream on the suction side
making the blade thinner. Consequently, this increased the curvature of the suction side and in turn increases the Mach
number while loading the front accordingly [5]. It is predicted that there is one optimum for which the wake thickness is
The LE has significant effects on the aerodynamic performance of an airfoil. Defining airfoils LE with any method is
very difficult. The approach in CIRCLE method is discussed earlier. Hodson [8] detected spikes on the LE experimentally
due to discontinuity in the curvature. They experimentally tested HD blade. The redesigned HD blade, in Fig. 2, shows that
the leading edge seperation spikes have been removed. This improvement is depicted with CFD computations in Fig. 2. I1,
I4 and I9 are the redesigned stages of the original HD blade. The modified blades are restricted to have the same LE circle
diameter and chord length. Therefore they ended up being a bit thinner near the LE, due to the reduction in the wedge angle.
The curvature distribution (Fig. 2b) shows smoother lines for the redesigned profile than the original HD profile, obtained
from [9]. The Mach number plot shows successful removal of suction side discrepancies and pressure side diffusion in the


M.U. Ahmed et al. / Procedia Engineering 56 (2013) 560 567

LE region of the redesigned profiles compared to the experimental results obtained from [9]. Experimental and
computational results for Kiock blade show the existence of significant disorders on both surfaces [10]. Fig. 3a shows the
surface curvature distribution of Kiock and S1, which is evident enough to show the improvements in the surface curvature
discontinuity. Fig.3b indicates a variation in the thickness to compensate for a smooth continuous curvature around the
profile. This resulted in the removal of small disturbances in the blades Mach number distribution (Fig. 3c). This has
resulted in smoother boundary layer displacement thickness and reduced the local entropy generation [3].

Fig. 2. Original and redesigned HD blades (a) LE, (b) curvature distribution and (c) Mach number distribution [4]

Fig. 3. Comparison of original Kiock blade with modified S1 blade (a) curvature distribution (b) geometry and (c) Mach number plot [3]

Fig. 4. (a) Geometries of Eppler, A4, A5 and A6; Curvature distribution of: (b) Eppler and A4, (c) A5 and A6


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4. 2D isolated airfoil redesign

Isolated airfoils appear to be sparsely arranged, e.g. wind turbine airfoils, compared to clustered turbomachinery blades, i.e.
turbine/compressor blades. Eppler 387 is a wind turbine airfoil candidate. From Fig. 4b, curvature discontinuity on its
surface appears apparent. The CFD (depicted in Fig 4 and 5) and the experimental results [11] clearly show the LE
disturbances on Eppler. Isolated airfoil appears to have curved-out pressure side; therefore a slight modification in the
CIRCLE method to define the pressure side has been used to redesign Eppler. Fig. 4a shows the geometries of Eppler with
its stages of redesign: A4, A5 and A6. The redesigned blades appear thicker in the LE and TE regions. This removed the LE
curvature disturbances that exist in Eppler. A4 shows better continuity in curvature compared to Eppler (Fig. 4b). A5 shows
further improvement than A4 and A6 more than A5 (Fig. 4c and 5). The computations are based on typical wind turbine
flow conditions [3], unlike high speed unsteady turbulent flow in turbomachinery. It was computed in a flow with Reynolds
number 105; turbulence intensity 0.5% at various incidences, i.e. on and off design points. The Cp contours are plotted using
CFD RANS model Transition SST in ANSYS 13.0, with a 2D structured C grid, giving a y+<1.5. Figs 5a, b and c refer to
computational and experimental Cp of Eppler and the redesigned blades. Figs 5b and c show the removal of the Epplers LE
noise from all the redesigned blades at =4 (comparison to experimental data [11]) and =8 (design point), respectively.
Despite smooth curvature there exist boundary layer separation bubbles at 65-70% of the chord on the suction-side at =4 ,
and 45-60% of the chord on the suction-side at =8 ; but reattaches turbulent soon after. This is due to the aerodynamic
behavior of flow at such low Reynolds number. The laminar boundary layer becomes too weak to remain attached at that
Reynolds number for those incidences. Nevertheless, suitable active or passive flow control method can be used to
investigate further and optimize the aerodynamics at those instances. The polars results for the airfoils, which are obtained
using XFoil [12], (Fig 5h, i & j) show the incremental aerodynamic improvement among the stages of Epplers redesign.
They exhibit a trend where A6 has overall better CL, CD and CL/CD performances, with a slight deviation near =7 where
A4 dominated till =8 .
Percentage improvements in CD, CL and CL/CD calculated as, for CD: ( CD/CD-Eppler) x 100; for CL: ( CL/CL-Eppler) x 100; and
for CL/CD: ( (CL/CD)/( CL/CD)Eppler) x 100 at design point. The following table depicts the implicit values from the polar
Table 1 Showing the polar results for CD, CL and CL/CD and their percentage improvements

% improvements from Eppler in CD
% improvements from Eppler in CL
% improvements from Eppler in CL/CD





5. Conclusion
The paper presents the effect of CIRCLE method on airfoil design and redesign. It successfully comprehended the
improvement of the Eppler 387 isolated airfoil. The references to the turbomachinery blade redesign show its overall
proficiency in this field. From the polar results, it is found comparing with Eppler, the drag reduced 20.5% in A4, 24.7% in
A5 and 26% in A6 at design point, and the lift improved 3.5% in A4, 1.9% in A5 and 3.6% in A6. These indicate an overall
CL/CD performance improvement of 30.1% in A4, 35.2% in A5 and 40% in A6. It is deemed necessary for a paradigm shift
to sustainable energy systems to meet global energy demand and emission targets. And it can be concluded from here,
CIRCLE method can contribute in to the solution to current global energy crisis and emission problems.


M.U. Ahmed et al. / Procedia Engineering 56 (2013) 560 567

Fig. 5. Comparison of Eppler and the redesigned airfoils: (a) Cp distributions of Eppler computational with experimental and A4 computational results; Cp

(design point); (d) LE Cp contour plot of Eppler; (e) LE Cp

; (i) CD variation against ;
(j) CL/CD variation against ;

distributions of Eppler computational vs A4, A5 and A6 for: (b)


, (c)


contour plot of A4; (f) LE Cp contour plot of A5; (g) LE Cp contour plot of A6; (h) CL variation against

The authors acknowledge the contributions of MSc and PhD students, and postdocs, who over two decades have
contributed to coding various aspects of the CIRCLE blade design method in FORTRAN, C++ and MATLAB, and on
various platforms and operating systems: George Pantazopoulos; Nick Vlachopoulos; Paschalis Papagiannidis; Dequan Zou;
Richard Binzley; Sean Spicer; Brandon Wegge; Yan Tan; Mingyu Shi; Akbar Rahideh, M. Amin Rezaienia and Idres
Hamakhan. The PhD research of Moin U Ahmed is partly sponsored by Cummins Turbo Technologies Ltd and partly by
Queen Mary University of London.


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