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-≤Ú-´’-¢√®Ωç 11 -ï-†-´-J 2010 Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ 1

'Royal Palace' on 9th January 1905. Q: Write a short note

Thousands of people were killed in the police on Sukarno.
firing. Since it was Sunday, the incident was A: Sukarno: Sukarno
named as 'Bloody Sunday' in the History of was a great states-
SOCIAL Russia. man of Indonesia.
Contemporary World, World Upto The World War-II 2 Marks Questions ❊ He was the founder
4 Marks Questions Q: Write a short note on Lenin. of Indonesian
Q: What were the causes for 1905 A: Lenin: Vladimir Illich Vlyanov Lenin is the National party in
Revolution in Russia? original and full name of Lenin. 1927. the countries of Bosnia, Serbia, Rumania,
A: Causes for the 1905 Revolution in Russia: ★ He joined and worked in the Social ❊ He led the National Movement against the Albania and Montenegro. They were under
Corruption: The government headed by Democratic Party in Russia. Dutch people and was arrested. the control of Turkish Sultan.
Nicholas-II who fell into the hands of flatters ★ He edited the party newspaper 'Iskra'. ❊ He was the head of collaboration govern- ✵ The Christian (Balkan) subjects were hoping
was oppressive in nature and highly corruptive. ★ He differed from the Social Democratic Party ment when Japan invaded Indonesia in and preparing themselves for independence
The flatters forced Czar to fulfil their greed. and established the Bolshevik party in 1903 1941. and National self determination.
Social Discontent: Nobles and clergy enjoyed A.D. ❊ Sukarno established the Indonesian ✵ Slavs and Serbs in Balkans started agita-
privileges. They were hated by common peo- ★ He was dreaming the proletariat dictatorship Republic on 17th August 1945. tions in this direction. It led to a war against
ple. in Russia, if necessary by force. ❊ Later he became the president of Indonesia Turkey.
Influence of Rasputin and Czarina: Czarist ★ He was attracted to the Marxist ideology in 1950. ✵ They sought the help of neighbouring coun-
regime was very much criticised by common very much. ❊ He was one of the pioneers of Non-Aligned tries.
man. Czar was influenced by Czarina and ✵ Rivalry prevailed between Austria and

What is Balkan Issue?

Rasputin who was a vile monk. Serbia.
Whims and caprices of the Czar: The ✵ Mean while the Sarajevo incident took place
Russian soldiers were slaves to whims and and the First World War began.
caprices of the Czar. The army crushed the
1 Mark Questions
common ruthlessly. So the people were very ★ He led the Bolshevik Movement.
Q: What is meant by 'Fascism'?
angry at them. Revolution in 1917. Q: What was immediate cause of First
A: The word Fascism was denied from Roman
Common aim: Several revolutionary organisa- ★ He overthrew the World War?
word 'Fascio' means 'Bundle of Rods'.
tion and parties sprang up in Russia. The Mensheviks and established A: Immediate cause of the First World Fascism opposed democracy, socialism, lib-
Social Democratic Party was chief among the workers Government War: ✫ Francis Ferdinand the Prince eralism and individualism.
them. All the political parties, liberals, with the help of Trotsky. of Austria was murdered along with his
Socialists, Constitutional Monarchists had a Q: What is 'Meiji Restoration'?
★ He gained an immortal wife by a Bosnian Serb at Sarajevo.
common goal of elimination of Czarism in M. CHAKRAPANI A: In Japan, the feudalism was abolished and
place in the History of ✫ Austria resolved to take action against
Russia. the emperor was restored to power. It was
Russia. Bosnia and demanded the Serbian
Declaration of Czar: Czar's declaration to pro- named as 'Meiji Restoration'.
Q: What was SWAPO? Government accordingly through an
tect the autocracy dashed ground all hopes of Q: Who were the members of Triple
A: SWAPO: The full form of SWAPO is South ultimatum.
the people for freedom and they grew anguish Entente'?
West African People's Organisation. ✫ Serbia did not respond properly. So Austria
against Czar. A: England, Russia and France.
✪ This was formed by the Nationalists of declared war on Serbia on 28th July 1914.
Problem of Russian language: The order of Q: Write the importance of Atlantic Charter?
Namibia. ✫ Russia supported Serbia. Germany declared
making Russian language compulsory wors- war on Russia. France declared war on A: 'Atlantic Charter' was an agreement signed
ened the situation further and provoked not ✪ Expelling the South African Government was by the (then) Prime Minister of England
the primary aim of SWAPO. Germany. Germany attacked Belgium.
only foreigners but also Russians. England attacked Germany. Mr. Wintston Churchill and the President of
Defeat of Russia by Japan: Popular discon- ✪ The vigorous armed struggle launched by U.S.A., F.D. Roosevelt on 14th August 1941
SWAPO changed the shape of Namibian ✫ World war took its step, on 1st August 1914.
tentment rose to new heights when Russia was in a ship in Atlantic ocean. This helped
National Movement. Q: What is Balkan Issue?
defeated by a tiny nation Japan. America to enter Second World War.
✪ The U.N.O. declared its support to SWAPO A: Balkan Issue: ✵ Balkan Peninsula included
Course: All over Russia, people organised
through the 'Decolonisation Committee'.
strikes and a revolutionary wave emerged.
✪ Finally SWAPO was successful and Namibia
-ØÓ-ö¸: -´’-JéÌ-Eo -´·-êu-¢Á’i-† -v°æ-¨¡o-©’, -G-ö¸ -¶«uçé˙, Ææd-úŒ -§ƒx-Ø˛ éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. (Writer - MSR Distance Academy
'Father Gapon' led the revolutionary forces to Director, Guntur)
got independence in 1989. URL: http://www.eenadu.net/pratibha_intro/pratibhassc.htm

grandeur of the palace. There are people who small, decayed and rickety, and it was full of “True, I had not thought of that. Very well, I
steal a yard of cloth and a loaf of bread and are wretchedly poor families. The entire Canty shall consider her punishment. Is your father
punished for doing so. tribe occupied a single room on the third kind to you?”
ENGLISH Twain does not spare the archaic laws of floor. Tom’s twin sisters, Bet and Nan, were “No more than my Grandma.”
Important essay type questions from the novel Tudor England. Yokel, a farmer, is forced to beg fifteen years old. They dressed in rags, and 1. What is the name of the little Prince?
“The Prince and the Pauper” when the King grabs his lands. Innocent were unclean and profoundly ignorant, but 2. Who did he want to execute?
1. ‘The Prince and the Pauper’ is a social satire women are burnt alive in front of their daugh- they were good-hearted girls. His mother
3. The Tower is...
and an attack on the inequality that existed ters for their religious beliefs. was like them. But his father and his grand-
a) A palace b) a prison c) a bridge
between the British aristocracy and the poor mother were a couple of fiends.
4. What kind of people were kept at the Tower?
during the sixteenth century – Comment.

Wher e did Tom and his family live?

5. Were Tom’s father and grandmother kind to
A: Satire is a literary work in which vices, fol- him?
lies, stupidities, abuses etc. are held up to Answers
ridicule and contempt. Mark Twain’s “The
If John Canty is cruel to his son 1. Where did Tom and his family Passage-I:
Prince and the Pauper” is a social satire in
Tom Canty, it is for his food and sur- live? 1. Tom and his family lived in a foul area called
many ways. It attacks on the ageless human
vival. Whereas Hugh Hendon is cruel 2. What kind of families lived in the Offal Court.
folly of attempting to measure true worth of
a person by outer appearances. to his brother Miles Hendon because building? 2. Wretchedly poor families lived in the build-
of his greed and lust. In course of 3. What were the names of Tom’s ing.
Tom is a beggar boy. But he exhibits
greater wit and logic than any other courtier time Tom, the pauper gets used to sisters? 3. Bet and Nan were Tom’s sisters.
the royal ways. But Edward, the 4. Describe the appearance of 4. Tom’s sisters were unclean and ignorant, but
while dispensing justice as the King. Miles
prince cannot lead the life of a pau-
Hendon compels the respect of even the most Tom’s sisters. they were good-hearted girls.
heartless people by his sacrifice. But in his per. 5. How many members did the Canty family 5. Tom, his two sisters, his father and mother
‘fancy worn-out clothes’, he looks like a scare- All these hold the callousness of the then consist of? and his grandma – six of them.
crow. Edward Tudor, in Tom’s rags, in spite of upper class that had cherished keeping up the II. A fierce look came into the little Prince’s Passage-II:
his royal brought up looks like a startling so called class distinctions. eyes, and he cried out, “WHAT! Beatings? 1. Edward Tudor.
apparition when he returns to reclaim his Thus the novel, “the Prince and the But you are so frail and small! Why, I’ll have 2. The grandmother of Tom Canty.
throne. The hermit who moves deep into the Pauper” is a delightful satire of England’s her executed at the Tower!”. 3. (b) a prison.
forest dons the robes of a hermit. Yet he does romantic past. “No, sir, you forget, the Tower is only for noble 4. Noble or important people.
not shun his sense of vengeance. Comprehension Passages or important people!” 5. No, they were not.
On another front the novel holds how Read the following passages carefully and
unjust the inequality that existed between the
classes in Tudor England. Offal court, a foul
answer the questions that follow.
-ØÓ-ö¸: -´’-JéÌ-Eo -´·-êu-¢Á’i-† -v°æ-¨¡o-©’, Ææd-úŒ -§ƒx-Ø˛ éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. (Writer- Lecturer, Sri Majeti
I. The house in which Tom and his family lived
URL: http://www.eenadu.net/pratibha_intro/pratibhassc.htm Guravayya College, Guntur)
area in London stands in contrast to the was in a foul area called Offal Court. It was

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