Athimanusha Sthavam
Athimanusha Sthavam
Athimanusha Sthavam
Introduction 1
Slokam 1 5
Slokam 2 8
Slokam 3 11
Slokam 4 13
Slokam 5 15
Slokam 6 17
Slokam 7 20
Slokam 8 22
Slokam 9 24
Slokam 10 26
Slokam 11 28
Slokam 12 30
Slokam 13 32
Slokam 14 34
Slokam 15 36
Slokam 16 37
C O N T E N T S (Contd..)
Slokam 17 39
Slokam 18 41
Slokam 19 43
Slokam 20 45
Slokam 21 47
Slokam 22 49
Slokam 23 51
Slokam 24 53
Slokam 25 55
Slokam 26 57
Slokam 27 59
Slokam 28 60
Slokam 29 61
Slokam 30 62
Slokam 31 63
Slokam 32 66
Slokam 33 68
Slokam 34 70
Slokam 35 73
Slokam 36 75
C O N T E N T S ( Contd...)
Slokam 37 76
Slokam 38 77
Slokam 39 80
Slokam 40 82
Slokam 41 84
Slokam 42 86
Slokam 43 88
Slokam 44 90
Slokam 45 91
Slokam 46 93
Slokam 47 95
Slokam 48 96
Slokam 49 97
Slokam 50 99
Slokam 51 100
Slokam 52 102
Slokam 53 104
Slokam 54 106
Slokam 55 107
Slokam 56 109
C O N T E N T S ( Contd...)
Slokam 57 110
Slokam 58 112
Slokam 59 114
Slokam 60 116
Slokam 61 117
Nigamanam 118
. ïI>.
. ïI Aitmanu;Stv>.
Srivatsacihnamisrai: anugruheeta
The twenty year old scholarly Comments of Mahaa VidvAn PayyampAdi
SrivathsAnkAcchAr swamy on the Pancha Sthavms of AchArya Srivatsachinha
Misra (KurEsar) has been my inspiration to offer this SamarpaNam to Sriman
naarayaNan to celebrate His athimAnusha ChEshtitams.
SlOkams and Commentary
ïIvTsicûimïe_yae nm %i´mxImhe,
Sri KUratAzhwAn
Aitmanu;zIlv&Äve;E> Aitv&Äamriv³màtapE>,
naarAyaNan (vaishNava vaibhAva avatAram varayE), which are matchless in all
the worlds (atilanghita SarvalOka saamyam). His conductance, nature and
bhAvanais in these avathArams mark Him out as supra-human in nature
(atimAnusha Seela vrutta vEshai: atilanghita SarvalOka saamyam).Through His
leelAs displayed in these Raama - KrishNa Vibhava avathArams, He
demonstrates also His supremacy over the fame and lustre of the dEvAs
(ativrutta amara vikrama pratApam).
context. The mystery of these Vibhava avathAram has been praised by Swamy
ParAsara Bhattar in his comments on the 159th nAmA of Sri VishNu Sahasra
Naamam: “atheendhra:”
He excels all in Lordship and glorious deeds. About His athimAnusha Roopam, it
has been admired as matchless in all the three worlds and to pull us like a
magnet (trailOkya Vismayakaram kaanthAkruthydharam). There will be none
like Him in all the three worlds now or forever in the future (trailOkyE
thAdrusa: kascchith na jAthO na janishyathE).
“He who thus knows in truth my divine birth and actions (athimAnusha leelais)
does not get rebirth after leaving this body; he will come instead to Me, Oh
Sriman naarAyaNan's avathArams as Raamaa and KrishNaa are a result of His
own will and not due to karmaas associated with Prakruthi and its three
guNams. In these avathArams, He displays aprAkruthic Suddha Satthvamaya
sarIram and maintains His Lordship over all (SarvEswarathvam),
Omniscience (Sarvajn~athvam) and infallibility (Sathya Sanklapthvam and
Sathya-Kaamathvam). Comprehending His athimAnusha svaroopam, reflecting
on it and taking refuge in Him as athimAnusha achyuthan will take us right to
His Sri Vaikuntam at the end of our lives here.
The four slOkams (2- 5) are salutations for lord Ranganathaa as the ultimate
athi-maanusha chestithan.
surprising to see KurEsar devoting four slOkams at the beginning
of AthimAnusha Stavam to SrI RanganAthaa as the integrated essence of
Raama-KrishNa avathArams.
May the radiant rays emanating from the lotus feet of the Lord of
Thiruvarangam resting under the Sriranga Vimaanam, known for its goal to
bless all with auspiciousness, confer mangaLams also on us! Vedam declares
that the Supreme JyOthi of the lotus feet of the Lord generates the
delectable flood of honey (VishNO: padhE ParamE madhva uthsa:). May those
fast flowing flood of honey drench us in its sweetness and grant us all
aNiyaranganai:” If we recognize Moolavar as DhAmOdhara KrishNan , who was
tied upto a rice husking mortar in Vibhava avathAram and Uthsavar to Lord
Raamachandra, the links of these two vibhavAvathArams to archAvathAram
becomes evident.
Supreme Jyothi
The second slOkam is thus connected to the above Rg Veda Manthram. Sri
RanganAthan is recognized as that Supreme JyOthi (mangaLya ranga-nilayasya
parasya dhAmnA). His charaNAravindhams are the source of ever flowing
stream of delectable honey (caraNAravinda nishyandamAna makaranda rasa
Oga dEsyA: madhuna utsa:). KurEsar prays for the rays emanating out of those
lotus feet to bless us with SrEyas.
t¾anuragrsm¾n< AÃsa==Py,
ïIr¼rajcr[aMbuj< %Úyam>. 3.
We carry on our heads the lotus feet of the Lord of Srirangam with His divine
consort; those sacred feet have received the abhishEkam from the water of
love from the mind of Swamy NammAzhwAr of blemishless bhakthi and
Kaimkarya SrI. Lord RanganAthaa resides in the heart lotus of Swamy
NammAzhwAr and the cool abhishEkam that the Lord has received makes the
hue of His lotus feet even a shade redder than usual. We bear on our heads
with affection those lotus red feet of the Lord.
The sacred feet of the Lord of Srirangam are red in color. KurEsar inquires
about the cause behind that red hue and concludes that the origin of that
color is from the permanent residence of the Lord in the heart lotus of Swamy
NammAzhwAr. Poets have a tradition of describing the love for a dear one
having a red hue (Rakthou cha Raagou). This is not uncommon. Swamy
NammAzhwAr's prEmai for the Lord of Srirangam is famous:
AzhwAr's Sriranga Paasurams of "Kangum Pahalum” is abundant proofs of
such pure love. The prEmai of Swamy NammAzhwAr leads him to perform
abhishEkam for the Lord resting inside his heart and the end result of the
enjoyment of that kaimkaryam by Lord RanganAthaa is the further reddening
of His already red feet caused by the pressing of them by Sri
RanganAyaki (“Malar MahaL kai varuda malar pOthiR sivanthana”).
ParAnkusar SaraNAgathy
ïIri¼[ír[yaeyRug< Aaïyam>. 4.
all the way down to His sacred, lotus-soft feet.
The Parama Purusha lakshaNam of the Lord is described here. The radiance of
the gems from the Lord's crown spreading all the way down to His lotus feet
has been saluted by the AzhwAr to provide the inspiration for KurEsar:
" Kathir Aayiram Iravi kalantheritthAl ottha neeL mudi".
@kiôiv³mivxaE vsuxamze;am!,
Swulavl¶isktaimv innRtae½m!. 5.
The seven KulAchalams known for their mighty size are: HimavAn, Vindhyam,
PaariyAthram, Nishadham, Sahyam, Malayam, MahEndhram and Dhardhuram.
As Thrivikrama-RanganAthan took one step to measure all of the earth, these
seven KulAchalams looked like little grains of sands sticking to that right foot,
while the left foot shot upward to the sky. The greatness of that “thaaLL
parappi maNN thAviya Thiruvadi of Thrivikraman” sanctified all chEthanams
and achEthanams through contact with it through Thiruvadi Sambhandham
(unnathAnAm avanathi: nathAnAm yathra cha unnathi:). Rg Vedam celebrates
this noble act of the Lord and His Thiruvadi as “samooDamasya
paagumsurE”. In view of the extended celebration of ThrivikramAvathAram
in the VedAs, KurEsar pays special attention to that avathAram in the context
of offering his salutations to Lord RanganAthaa.
teja<is c iÇyugÉUymupagtain,
athimAnusha Sthavam is all about the Lord taking human incarnations (Raama
and KrishNa) and yet revealing that He is the ParamAthmaa through acts and
behaviour, which are beyond the capabilities of mere humans. In this sthavam,
there are descriptions about the five states of the Lord: Param, VyUham,
Vibhavam, Haartham and archai. The largest number of slOkams of this
athimAnusha Sthavam deal with Vibhava avathArams and particularly about
the ParamAthmA's avathArams such as Raama and KrishNa. In this sixth
slOkam, the celebration is about VyUhAvathArams.
Our Lord rests in the Milky Ocean as the basis of VyUhAvathArams. Here, the
Lord has all the six guNams of Bhagavaan as Para VaasudEvan. These six
guNams (Jn~Ana, Bala, Iswarya, Veerya, Sakthi and tEjas) are the principal
(PradhAna) guNams and the other guNams are derived from them.
Jn~Anam is the GuNam, which makes Him aware of every thing at all times
directly. Vedam uses the following salutations to acknowledge this PradhAna
guNam: “Sarvadarsee, SarvEswara: SvAdhInO--anAdhi: Sarva dhrug,
SarvaJ~na: and Sarvavith”. Our AchAryan has described this GuNam
succinctly this way: “Yugapadh-akhilam prathyakshENa svatha: sathatham
Iswaryam is the uninhibited power to control every thing and hold in His
fold as saluted by the Vedas: “SvAdhInO-anadhi: SarvEswara:, yad bhUtham
yaccha bhavyam uthAmruthathvasya IsAna:”.
Veeryam is the GuNam to stay without being altered by any force. Vedam
defines this guNam as: “Sathyam chAnrutham cha satyamabhavath” and by
Rishi's upadEsams like: “vikAra-virahO veeryam prakruthithvEapi mE sadhaa”.
Sakthi is the power to energize the world and to perform things that are not
possible to do by anyone. agadithagadanaa Saamarthyam has also been
identified as Lord's sakthi. His power to unite those which are normally polar
opposites is known as agadithagadanA Saamarthyam (Sakthi).
Tejas is the luster of a matchless kind that empowers all lusters like Sooryan,
Moon, and Stars with a fraction of its tEjas. It has also been defined as a
state of non reliance on any other entity for the execution of all its activities
(tEjasthu anyAn apEkshathA).
Among the four VyUha Moorthys, Bhagavaan in VaasudEva Roopam manifests
all the six guNams at the same time.
PradhyumnAn is present in dhvApara yugam with a yellow hue.
Out of these four VyUhams emerge derivative vyUhams in triads to from the
12 VyUha Moorthys staying as our protection in the 12 Urdhva PuNDra
SthAnams of our bodies with their own hues and weapons. Swamy
NammAzhwAr explains these doctrines in the “Kesavan tamar” ThiruvAimozhi
(2.7). In his Prabhandham named Panniru ThirunAmam, Swamy Desikan
elaborates on this topic as well.
@kaNtm¼¦gu[aSpd< ASthey<
of the Lord with sacred feet and other beautiful limbs that we can reflect
on and enjoy. This dhivyAthma savroopam has been saluted by Upanishads
as “asabdam asparsam aroopam avyayam” and “yat tat adhrEsayam agrAhyam”.
That dhivya Aathma Svaroopam is pervasively present everywhere and is
totally devoid of any hEya guNams (asthahEyam/ blemishes) as recognized by
the UbhayalingAdhikaraNam of Brahma Soothrams.
susookshmam” (eternal, Lord of all, all pervasive and the subtlest of the
Kuresar relates to this Veda Vaakyam and ubhaya lingam with the choice of
tTàTynIkivÉvSTv< AtIiNÔyae=is,
svaroopam (Padam) beyond what he covered in the previous slOkam. That
padam can not be reached thru speech, cannot be seen or grasped by touch
(achakshu-SrOthram). One can not directly visualize (SaakshAthkAram) of
that dhivyAthma svaroopam. We can not see that svaroopam with maamsa
chakshus (physical eyes). Yogis however with yOga nayanam (eyes) can
experience that svaroopam inside their heart lotuses. Thus this dhivyAthma
svaroopam is beyond the experience of our senses (na chakshushaa gruhyathE,
naapi vaachaa).
#CDaivharivixna smvatir:y>. 9.
Until now, KurEsar dwelt on the Para, VyUha, antharyAmi and archA forms of
the Lord. He did not touch upon the fifth form (viz): Vibhava avathArams like
Raama and KrishNa, which is the central topic of athimAnusha Sthavam.
In the second slOkam (SrEya: kirantu--), KurEsar saluted the Para form as
Para VaasudEvan.
In the third slOkam (Srimath ParAnkusa ---), he identified with antharyAmi
svaroopam and in the fourth and fifth slOkams (Sri RangarAja charaNou--)
related to the archa roopam.
dhivyAthma svaroopam alone.
Thanks to the compassion of the
Lord taking avthArams in Deva-
Maanusha-thiryak (animals) -
sthAvara yOnis, we gained the
means to relate to Him and
reach Him (tvath
upasamSrayaNa apyupAya:).
You sportingly enter into births
Oh Lord with matchless compassion! You have accomplished every thing and
there is nothing for you to desire as avAptha Samastha kaaman. In spite of it,
You have incarnated in the middle of this huge universe amidst us, the
ignoramus and people of limited intellect (Kshudhra Janam).Your incarnation
amidst us, the insignificant ones, and became visible to our eyes. Your
souseelyam in blessing us this way has no comparison. We are truly blessed!
Oh Lord! We are Kshudhra Janams, who run all the time after food, clothing,
wife and children and other non-lasting riches. We do not think of You. We
sink deeper and deeper into the SamsAric ocean. In spite of it, out of Your
incomparable souseelyam, You incarnate amidst us, the most undeserving ones,
to lift us out of our accumulated miseries. Rg Vedam comments in this context:
VishNu! There is no one born yet, who has understood precisely Your
Through Your avathArams, You came within reach of the eyes of all including
the fools and lowly (Kshudhra Janam and KshOdheeyasa: Janam). How can we
praise adequately Your souseelyam towards these Pruthak Janam (those
different from the righteous and noble souls)?
the Lord's protection. Our Lord is the
loftiest of all and yet during Raama-
KrishNa vibhava avathArams, He mixed
with not so lofty people like the hunter
(Guhan), monkeys and cowherd boys
and girls. That is souseelyam. When one
seeks His refuge and approaches Him,
He will drive their chariot
(as ParthasArathy), serve as a
Messenger (PaaNDava DhUthan). His
behavior makes Him Suseelan. Swamy
NammAzhwar wonders about this
GuNam: The Lord is the most powerful One holding His Chakram; I am a lowly
one and yet He graces me out of His souseelya guNam (YemmAn AazhippirAn,
avan yevvidatthAn? Yann Aarr?). I am a lowly one (neechan) and He is not easily
approachable even by the eternally liberated (nithya Sooris) and yet He mixes
with me. Such is His souseelyam!
TvTpadvairpirpUtizraí yae=Éut!,
That Rudran partook the water (SrI Paadha Theertham) used by Brahma to
wash Your sacred feet and got released from his heinous sins. Later, in Your
VibhavaavathAram as KrishNa, You bent before that Rudran (Your seshan) and
sought from him the boon of progeny. This is not what a human being will do
under such circumstances. Your souseelyam here is incomparable for those,
who are dear to You. Strange and wondrous indeed are such activities of Yours!
They display Your athimAnushathvam.
Parvathi's behavior and
plucked away one of the five
heads of his innocent Father,
the accomplished Master of
the four vedaas. Rudran
acquired a bundle of sins as a HarasAba VimOchana PerumAL
result. Brahma also cursed his
son to wander around the world begging for food, while Brahma's skull got
stuck to Rudran's palm. Later, Sriman nArAyaNan freed Rudran from
the curse of Brahma dEvan through His anugraham at KaNdiyUr dhivya dEsam.
On another occasion, Rudran absorbed the Holy water that flowed as the
sacred Ganga from the lotus feet of the Lord and that absolved all his sins.
From these acts, Your supremacy (parathvam) over Rudran is
clearly established. Yet, when you incarnated as KrishNa, the son of Devaki and
VasudEva, You sought the boon of progeny from Rudran. This is truly a sport on
Your part indicating the limit of your souseelyam.
hE ! mTyRis—<hvpu;Stv tejsae—=ze
that the attacking Rudran in the Sarabham form got decimated
instantaneously like a salabham (fire fly) flying into a naked flame.
ySyaTmta< iÇpurɼivxavxaSTv<
nirapEksha swatantran
How could these contradictory happenings be reconciled? The explanation is:
"VidhEya vishayEshu kaamachAra: yuktha hi?” It is appropriate to act in the
case of dependents according to the pull of one's mind. This is just Your
chosen sport. Even if the Lord is nirapEksha svatantran (Supremely endowed
independent One), He becomes Aaasritha Paaratantran (Obdient to those, who
seek His protection. In the case of those, who are dear to Him, the Lord sets
aside His parathvam (Supremacy) and SvAntantryam (independence) and
becomes Bhaktha Paratantran (totally controlled by those who seek His
refuge / AasrithAs).
@ezIimma< tu tv zi´mtikRtVya<
KurEsar praises here the power of the Lord of the Universe, who was resting
on the tender leaf of a pupil tree while that leaf was floating on the fierce
waters of the deluge (PraLayam). He was appearing like an innocent, helpless
child. In the stomach of that small physical frame of the Lord, the sentient
and the insentient of all the worlds were stacked up without congestion.
KurEsar reflects on this mystery of the small child housing the entire
assembly of chEtanAchEtanams inside His small stomach for protection and
wonders whether the Lord appeared in this Prakruthi MaNDalam as VaTapatra
Saayee to reveal His unmatched sakthi and His Jagath KaaraNathvam.
The reference here is to the viswa roopa sevai blessed by VaTapathra Saayee
to Sage MarkandEya during the occasion of universal deluge. Our Lord
appeared as an innocent, helpless baby (mugdha SiSu:). With His small physical
frame (ati tanvaa tanvaa), the child was holding without congestion all the
entities of the universe in a small portion of his stomach (jaganti savikAsam
bibhrushE). KurEsar like MarganDEyar before wonders about this unimaginable
feat of the Lord displaying the power of Him being a SarvEswaran
(atarkitavyAm aiseem tava Sakti:). AzhwArs have expressed their own dismay
over that “impossible” feat of the Lord:
(ThiruppANar). The child had inside its stomach, the 33 crores of dEvAs, the
aNDams, Mahaa Pruthvee with its seven Kula parvathams and carried them all
effortlessly to release them at the end of the PraLayam.
Mugdha(!) SiSu
äüezmXyg[na g[na=kRp'!´aE
#NÔanujTv< AidteStnyTvyaegat!,
This slOkam is about the avathAra tatthvam of our Lord through reference to
selected vibhava avathArams of our Lord. His purpose in descending from His
lofty heights to our lowly levels is to mingle with us and uplift us from our
samsAric miseries. He also incarnates to destroy the virOdhis of His dear ones
and offer protection to His BhAgavathAs. Our Lord is a matchless
(anupamasya), supreme effulgence (parasya dhAmna:). He is counted by some
as the incarnation in between Brahma and Sivan. Others consider Him as
adhithi's son (upEndhran) and therefore the brother of DevEndhran; Yet
others count Him as one of the twelve Suns; few others identify Him as the
scion of IshvAku of Soorya Vamsam as well as the descendant of Yathu of
Chandra Vamsam. All these bewildering varieties of incarnations are indeed
praiseworthy events (slAganeeyam) and not derogatory descent in any sense.
These avathArams are made out of His own volition and not because of any
karmaas that pushed Him to take these avathArams.
universes. Our Lord's souseelyam goaded Him to gain back the three worlds
from Bali thru yaachakam (begging) instead of recovering it by force. Even
this deceptive seeking of the boon of three feet of earth as Kapata
Vaamananis an act of apadhAnam (an act worthy of praise). Without these
apadhAnams relating to ThrivikramAvathAram , VedAs would not have the
lofty status that they enjoy. The respect of the Vedams having Vedathvam
(power to descripe the upAyam that can not be seen or inferred) is based on
this avathAram. What is that upAyam? It is the upAyam to attain the Lord's
sacred feet as Parama PurushArtham. That is the secret of the athimAnusha
Chandran, the Kalpaka tree, Haalaahala visham, the life giving nectar (Sudhaa)
and the best of all the Supreme nectar of Mahaa Lakshmi. This is indeed an
athimAnusha chEshtai (Suprahuman sport) of Yours!
Sri Ramavatara stuti
sItaivyaegivvzae n c tÌit}>
Sitaa viyOga vivaSO na ca tadgatij~na:
prAdAs tadaa paragatim hi katham? khagAya ||
Dear Lord! adiyEn would like to inquire about one thing (kinchana prucchAmi).
How can we reconcile the happenings during RaamAvathAram that are not
reconcilable? For instance, LakshmaNa Swamy counseled you that the
beautiful deer that appeared before the Aasramam was not a real deer but a
deceptive one and yet You acted like an ordinary man deluded by desire
(mOham) and ran after it to bring it back as Your present to Sitaa PirAtti. You
were overcome by the beauty of that misleading deer and ran after it. On
another occasion, when RaavaNan stole Sitaa PirAtti and ran off with Her, You
could not trace the path that RavaNaa took and yet You had the power to send
JaTaayu on the path of Moksham. How can we piece all of these
inconsistent acts together? Once You declared emphatically that You are just
a human being born as the son of King Dasarathaa (AathmAnam maanusham
manyE Raamam DasarathAthmajam). Next You blessed JaTaayu with the boon
From this slOkam on to the next sixteen, KurEsar focuses on the athimAnusha
chEshtais displayed during RaamAvathAram.
2. He was not born in the Jaathi fit for practicing the means
for Moksham. He was born as a bird.
While all these odds against JaTaayu gaining Moksham were there, You
performed the athimAnusha act of lifting JaTaayu up to Moksham. You are
SarvEswaran and You do not need any reason to do what you wish. No one can
stop You.
While You granted that impossible Moksham for JaTaayu, You floundered in
finding the path by which Sitaa PirAtti was kidnapped. You were stricken with
sorrow, You wailed over Her loss, You were in despair. LakshmaNa Swamy had
to counsel and console You. What was Your mind set here? adiyEn does not
understand that.
@ke;umNdjvtae inrpÇySTvm!,
Oh Lord! adiyEn is mystified about Your decision to seek the help and
friendship of Sugreevan, who is no match for Your power and valour. Normally,
one seeks the help of a more powerful one, when one can not accomplish the
goals by himself. Sugreevan tested you about your strength to destroy the
mighty brother of his, Vaali. That doubting Sugreevan wanted to test your
power in uprooting the Saala Vrukshams; challenged You to move the bones of
mighty Dhunthubhi. You demonstrated with ease Your superior power by
sending a single arrow through seven Saala Vrukshams, sent the bones of
Dhunthubhi flying over huge distance and did some thing extra not requested
by Sugreevan to demonstrate Your parAkramam (i.e.), You pulverized a nearby
mountain with your arrows and spread the dust down to the nether world.
Sugreevan who was soundly defeated by Vaali was no match for You in valour
and yet You elected to seek his help as an equal or superior. How can I
understand this athimAnusha chEshtai of Yours? You are the powerful Lord of
all (lOka nAthan). What is the logic in You seeking Sugreevan as Your naathan?
You hid Your Svatantryam and acted like an obedient one to Sugreevan. You
certainly did not need any help from Sugreevan or any other and yet You
followed this path. How can adiyEn comprehend this athimAnusha chEshtai of
His refuge. KurEsar points out with the choice of words describing Sugrivan as
“daasa:, Sakhaa” that Sugrivan was in reality a trustworthy friend and servant
although for outer experience appeared like one without conviction about
Raamachandran’s valour. Hence, our Lord went out of His way (athimAnusha
chEshtais) to convince the doubting Sugrivan.
Oh Veera Raaghavaa! You hunted down and destroyed Vaali, the monkey with
animal instincts and conduct, like a hunter killing a fierce animal. Your act was
like a princely hunter hiding behind to kill a tiger, which was destroying the
cows. You did not kill him in a face to face battle since You did not consider
Vaali as an enemy. This conduct is quite appropriate for a prince belonging to
the kulam of King Raghu. The kings of Your Raghu Vamsam never rated the
fools with despicable conduct as enemies worthy of direct battle. They
treated them as unworthy animals deserving slaughter to maintain royal
KurEsar answers the oft debated question about Raama not killing Vaali in a
face to face battle instead of hitting him with an arrow from a hidden place of
vantage. KurEsar explains here that the ancient Kshathriya Dharmam of Raghu
Vamsa Kings and Raamachandra' s vow of SaraNAgatha RakshaNam (in this
case abhaya PradhAnam for Sugrivan) led to His classification of Vaali as an
animal worthy of slaughter instead of fighting him like an enemy worthy of
direct fight. Sugrivan had also performed Saranagathy to his elder brother
and yet Vaali rejected him and drove him out of the kingdom. It is an
unforgivable crime for any one who is capable to reject one that sought
refuge. Ramachandra took into account this unpardonable behavior of Vaali and
killed Vaali like killing a wild beast.
manu:ykacirtmacirtu< àv&Äae
Opportunity to serve
yae iv³me[ mnujTvivÉU;[en
Oh Lord without any births! You are SarvalOka SaraNyan. You are used to give
refuge and not seek refuge. Yet, you followed the counsel of a great
BhagavathA (VibhishaNan) and rested on dharbham for three nights on the
beach (prathisayanam) seeking the permission of Your servant, the King of the
Oceans. When he did not respond, You were ready to dry up the Oceans for
the indifference shown by the King of the Oceans. The frightened Samudra
Raajan showed up in fear and sought Your pardon. You forgave him and
deflected Your arrow at a group of sinners in an island. All of these acts are
understandable proofs of Your SarvEswarathvam. We can not however
understand your being bound by the Naaga Paasam aimed at You by Indhrajith.
It is a great wonder that the power of Naaga Paasam bound You up. This is
indeed a great mystery. One can only guess that this was acting/abhinayam on
your part. You pretended as though You were unable to overcome the power of
the Naaga Paasam. Perhaps, You wanted to give Your servant and friend,
Garudan an opportunity to perform a Kaimkaryam. Once Garudan rushed to the
scene (battle field), the snakes ran away and You were freed from their
LankAdhipathi. KurEsar pays tribute here to the Sathya Sankalpathvam of the
Sethu Bandham
Here, KurEsar salutes the GuNam of the Lord known as Dhairyam (Courage).
He says: "Oh Lord without birth! You engaged in Prathisayanam at
ThiruppullANi and waited for permission from Samudra Raajan to build a dam
over him to reach the island of Lanka to engage RaavaNan in battle and destroy
him. Samudra Raajan ignored You thinking that You are just a human being. You
got enraged at the insult of the King of oceans and got ready to send Your
fiery arrow to dry up the waters of the oceans. Samudra Raajan was now
afraid for his life and appeared with his wives before You and performed
SaraNAgathy and begged to be spared. You informed the king of Oceans that
Your arrow was set and can not be withdrawn; You asked him to suggest
another target. Samudra Raajan begged You to send Your unfailing arrow
at the inhabitants of a remote island in the north, who were abusing him. You
obliged and Your arrow destroyed them from an immense distance. If that
(Your power) is so profound and far reaching, how can adiyEn understand your
inaction in not destroying RaavaNaa and his army, which were not far away
from your position in ThiruppullANi.
Sethu Bhandam and the invasion of LankA look in this context appear like
window dressing. You could have reduced to ashes RaavaNAdhis from the banks
of Sethu itself but you chose not to. Why is that?
Prathisayanam at ThiruppullaaNi
@ten vE suividtae=ÉvidNÔzÇae>
mayaôbNxninbNxnjae ivmaeh>,
y‘úm[STvdnujae irpuzi´muGx>
yae=h< inrgR¦ivingR¦dNxkarE>
v<z< r"aernuij"&]uirhavtI[R>
TvTsiÚixàÉvzETyju;ae ywa hI
Oh Lord Raamachandraa! How did those trees and plants attain Mukthi at the
time of completion of Your avathAram? You incarnated in this world filled with
nescience to bless the vamsam of Raghu Chakravarthy (raghO: vamsam
anujighrushu:). Through Your athimAnusha svaroopam, you inundated this world
with the flood of auspicious guNams unique to You. Even the trees and plants in
Your kingdom enjoyed the nectarine coolness, when you were at AyOddhi as its
ruler and withered, when You left the kingdom to follow Your father's
command of staying in the forest for fourteen years. This is really a wondrous
reaction by the plants and trees to Your presence and absence. They did not
have the skills to engage in upAsanam (Bhakthi yOgam) to reach sathgathi.
They could not perform SaraNAgathy to gain moksham. They just stayed close
to the shadow of Your sacred feet and as a result reached Sathgathy. The
very fact that they lived close to the Lord qualified them to reach
te=ip TvdacirtÉUtlbNxgNxad!
Oh Lord! The blades of grass and animals are incapable of comprehending the
tatthva thrayam (chEtana-achEtana-Iswara tatthvams) or practicing karma
yOgam or Jn~Ana yOgam or Bhakthi Yogam that will unite them with You as
SarvEswaran. They were not born to practice such yOgams that qualify them
to reach sathgathy (the Supreme PurushArtham of Moksham) and yet due to
their sambhandham (links) to a dhivya dEsam, where you moved around, they
too got freed from their karmic bonds and gained Moksham.
The reference here is to the elevation of all chEtanams (grass, ant and other
chEtanams) to Moksham at the end of RamAvathAram. Once Lord
RaamachandrA’s avathAra kaaryam was over and as He returned to Sri
Vaikuntam from AyOdhyaa, even the lower lives, who were not qualified to
practice Karma, Jn~Ana or Bhakthi yOgams were elevated to Sathgathy by
mere association with the dhivya dEsam, where the Lord was born and reigned.
They got released from their lowly births and cut asunder their karmAs and
ascended the ladder to Parama Padham without having practiced successfully
any one of the yOgams prescribed for gaining the great PurushArtham of
Moksham. Oh Lord! Such is the extraordinary, superhuman power of Your
houses of BhAgavathAs. KulasEkhara AzhwAr also prays for such a
soubhAgyam of links to Thirumala through birth there as a worm or a plant to
have Bhagavath sambhandham.
Another incident at the time of the Lord's ascent to Srivaikuntam at the end
of His avathAram as Raamachandraa gets KurEsar’s attention: HanumAn was
engaged in deep GuNAnubhavam of His Lord at a distant place known as
Gandha Madhana Mountain. Lord Raamabhdhraa invited HanumAn at the end of
His avathAra kaalam to join Him at Sri Vaikuntam. HanumAn responded to that
personal invitation with a moving statement declaring his firm love for the Lord
and politely declining the invitation: "snEham mE ParamO Raajan! tvayi nityam
prathishtitha:, bhakthisccha niyathaa Veera! bhAvO nAnyathra gacchathy". Oh
Raghuveeraa! adiyEn is overcome with the three states of Bhakthi Yogam:
Parabhakthi (snEha:), Para Jn~Anam (Parama: prathishtitha:) and Parama
Bhakthi (niyathaa bhakthi:). Please forgive adiyEn. I have no compelling desire
to come to Parama Padham (Nithya VibhUthi/ Sri Vaikuntam) with you. I
prefer to be here on Your LeelA VibhUthi (Earth) engaged in the enjoyment of
Your guNAnubhavam. adiyEn will sing about Your athimAnusha, Asccharya
guNams while staying here as Chiramjeevi.
one to rescue it from the power of the BrahmAsthram sent after it by
Raamachandraa. No one would volunteer to help the crow including its father,
Indhran knowing the wrath of their Lord. Ultimately, the tired crow returned
to Chithrakootam and fell at the feet of the Lord. The most merciful Lord
considered that act of the crow as the one of SaraNAgathy, took pity on the
crow and punished it lightly by removing its sight in one eye and spared its life.
Swamy KurEsar recalls this amAnushitha KaaruNyam of the Lord and states in
a spirit of Naicchiyam that there is still hope for him and others to be
redeemed from their bundle of sins. KaakAsura VrutthAntham and the
Sookshma dharmAs associated with that are elaborated in the abhaya
pradhAna saara Sri Sookthi of Swamy Desikan. The passage from Srimath
RaamyaNam to remember here is:
sa tamm nipathithm bhUmou SaraNya: SaraNAgatham
vadhArhamapi kaakutstha: krupayA paryapAlayath
After travelling all the three worlds looking for some one to protect it from
the chasing BrahmAsthram sent by the Lord, the unsuccessful crow returned
and fell back at the sacred feet of the Lord. Sarva lOka SaraNyan took that
act of the crow to mean the seeking of rakshaNam by the crow and treated it
as a SaraNAgathan. Even if the crow deserved to be killed for its despicable
act, the most merciful Lord saved its life out of His infinite mercy to those,
who sought His protection.
SrI Krishnaavatara stuti:
Oh Lord! How can we understand your baffling act of hiding in Thiru AaypAdi
out of fear from Kamsan, when earlier You had destroyed effortlessly the ill
intentioned Poothanai, who wanted to kill You with her poisonous breast milk,
pulverized the asuran, who came in the form of a cart and brought down the
twin arjuna (Marudha) trees as a crawling infant. You made Poothanaa and
SakatAsuran reach the fate of an insect that flew into a naked flame. How can
we reconcile such high act of valor with the unexplainable act of hiding from
Kamsan out of "fear" at Gokulam?
1. “Orutthi mahanAy piranthu, oritthi mahanAy vaLarnthu”...Andal
kEsi vadam(
navaneetha chOram
Oh KrishNA! It is indeed baffling that You with the matchless wealth of Yours
as ubhaya VibhUthi Naathan (Parama Padham and BhU lOkam) and receiving
uninterrupted adoration from Your Parijanams (Nithya Sooris, Anantha -
Garuda -VishvaksEnAdhis) and Devis as well as the Rishis engaged in stealing
butter and navaneetham from the huts of humble Gopis in Gokulam! It is
indeed one of your athimAnusha ChEshtais. You have every thing in this and
the other world of Yours and yet you went after stealing the insignificant
butter and navaneetham.
Oh Lord! You are adored by the Nithya Sooris in Your Supreme abode without
closing their eyelids even for a moment (tadh VishNO; Paramam Padam sadhA
pasyanty Sooraya:). There you reside with your devis surrounded by your
matchless wealth (dEvyaa Sriyaa saha vasan). No body fully comprehends Your
Vaibhavam (na tE VishNO! JaayamAnO na JaathO dEva! mahimna:
paramanthamApa). Yogis search You through Yogic practices (yOgEna
yOganiratai: parimrugyamaaNa:). Such is the PrabhAvam of Yours and yet it is
mysterious that you went and stole VeNNai from the houses of the Gopis!
bNdiCDd< prmmIzmudahriNt,
Oh KrishNA! You are beyond comprehension in the past, present or future even
by one with an auspicious mind. You are eulogized by the DevAs as the One who
can break the bonds of our KarmAs and as being always with the lady of
Supreme auspiciousness, Sri Devi. We hear that You known for such power and
majesty and yet were tied to a hustling mortar with fine rope and you could
not loosen Yourself from that knot. What a surprise!
“tE Saisavam api Isam vyativElam” - You were a crawling infant (Sisu) at the
time of destroying Poothanaa, SakaTAsuran and others, who came with the
intent to harm You. You are however the Omnipotent Iswaran, who did perform
wonderous deeds which had no limits (vyativElakhElam). What a wonder that is
to reflect on these suprahuman deeds of Yours as a Sisu (vyathivElakhElam
Oh Gopalaa! How can we understand fully Your divine activities such as stealing
milk, curd, VeNNai, ghee from the neighbor's houses while You have so much
of all these for Your enjoyment at Your own house? Why did You engage in
such acts? After consuming these delectable stolen goods, You broke the pots
that contained the curd and milk right in front of the Gopis. You became the
object of their harsh words as a result of Your questionable activities. How
can we understand these athimAnusha ChEshtithams of Yours?
Here KurEsar literally translates the AzhwAr's grand anubhavams of the
Navaneetha ChOran caught in the act of stealing dairy goods from neighbor's
houses and being chastised. His own house (nija dhAmam) had plenty of this
delectable material for consumption and yet He broke into neighbor's houses
(paryanta sadhmam) to have the thrill of stealing and helping Himself. He
provoked the Gopis further by breaking the pots from which He had helped
Himself earlier.
He created even a noisy scene to announce His visits. He got caught in the act
and was humiliated by the angry Gopis, some of whom went and complained to
YasOdhA PirAtti and appealed her to curb this impossible child of hers.
AzhwAr's Paasurams are full of these anubhavams of the Lord as Navaneetha
How to hide!
Oh Lord of the Universe who did not know how You could hide Your act of
stealing navaneetham! If Your intent was to hide Your chEshtais of stealing
VeNNai from the neighbor's houses, why on earth did You dash out of the
neighbor's houses without any worries, while You had the tell tale marks of
VeNNai all over Your body resulting from your deliberate smearing of the
stolen VeNNai on Your torso with Your tender fingers? How come You did not
know how to hide Your theft and leave the scene without display of any
Thirumangai Mannan's Paasura Vaakyam has been the inspiration for KurEsar
here (Peria Thirumozhi 10.7.3): "VeLLi malaiirundhAlottha VeNNyai vaari
vizhungiyittu KALVAN uRanguhinrAn". KulasEkhara AzhwAr's anubhavam
(PerumAL Thirumozhi 7.8) captures for us the confused state of YasOdha, who
is overcome by the dhivya soundharyam of the divine thief, while she wishes to
teach her dear son a lesson for stealing from the neighbor's houses.
TvamNygaepg&hgVymu;< yzaeda
guvIR TvdIymvmanmm&:yma[a,
Oh KaLvaa! Your dear Mother YasOdhaa could not put up with the complaints
made by the neighbors about Your VeNNai stealing activities in their houses
She felt humiliated by your stealthy acts. She responded to their complaints
and wanted to teach You a lesson to stop you from Your pranks and making a
nuisance of Yourself to the neighbors. She was a proud woman. She also adored
You and did not want others to hurl charges at You. She decided to tie you
down to a hustling mortar with a small piece of rope. She did this out of
affection for You and to get you away from Your repeated mischief. The
AzhwArs were overcome with profound emotions about You, the Lord of the
universe being tied down by Your mother. These noble souls (Aarya Janaa:)
could not bear to think of Your sufferings that You underwent from being tied
down to the mortar.
Your Mother YasOdhaa knotted together few pieces of small ropes and used
that to tie You, the Lord, to a heavy mortar to keep You stationary. She did it
to teach You a lesson and to prevent You from entering the neighbor's houses
and stealing butter and milk there. She tied You with such affection that it did
not hurt You. In reality, when Your Mother did not have sufficient length of
the rope to tie You down, You blessed her effort to become successful and
appeared to be submissive. The mortar and the rope became blessed through
their participation in this incident. You gained the name of DhAmOdharan and
carry those welt marks even today as the Moola BhEram at Srirangam. Swamy
NammAzhwAr stayed in a state of swooning after reflecting on Your simplicity
to submit to such treatment although You are Sarva Sakthan (ThiruvAimozhi:
1.3.1: "matthuRu kadai veNNai kaLavil, uravidayAppuNdu YetthiRam uralinodu
iNainthu yEngia yeLivE"). It is said that this slOkam of KurEsar was a response
by him to his erstwhile sishyan, NaalUrAn, who plotted with Krimi KaNda
ChOzhan to humiliate and punish him. NaalUrAn became a KrishNa dhvEshi and
made fun of the holiness of KrishNa as SarvEwaran, who entered other
people's houses, stole butter and being tied down by a simple cowherdess,
YasOdhaa. He questioned the Lord's SarvEswarathvam instead of admiring His
soulabhyam, souseelyam and dhivya guNams. The AzhwArs were admiring the
Lord's SarvEswarathvam through their reflections on these deeds and hence
KurEsar calls the AzhwArs "Aarya Janaa:". KurEsar implies that Bhagavath
dhvEshis like NaalUrAn are AnArya Janams.
consistent with the loka reethi, where the powerful one displays his valour in
front of those under his influence (vasya vishayE veeryam vivruNoti hi?). By
appearing to obey Your Mother in being bound with a rope, You bound up the
hearts of Your dear ones like Sukhar, ParAsarar, ParAnkusa (Swamy
NammAzhwAr), Parakaala Naayaki (Thirumangai Mannan) and others with Your
own heart. They were overcome (Bhakthi paravasam) by their tender bhakthi
for You.
simplicity (yeLivu) and submission to accept His mother's punishment. Our Lord
was bound by the rope constructed by His mother (maatrA damani
sannibaddha:). Those who heard about this incident broke down and tears
poured out of their eyes (tat SrAviNAm-udita cAkshushu nirjharANaa:). Their
hearts became bound to you. Your mother tied You up and experience of this
soulabhyam of Yours, made the hearts of Your devotees tied up inextricably to
kaNtalkaNtmml< kmlayta]<
Oh Lord! You have beautiful curly hair on your forehead, beautiful long eyes
resembling the lotus petals, perfectly rounded brows, gentle smile displayed on
your charming lips and beautifully proportioned nose. With this divine
soundharyam, You entered the houses of Gopis. Oh Lord! What did you
accomplish there? Did you steal VeNNai there or did You steal instead the
hearts of the gopis with Your dhivya soundharyam? Please tell me!
might surprise Him during his act of reaching out to the pots of navaneetham.
mandahaasam in Thirumukha maNdalam
After success with the stealing act, He adorns a gentle smile approving His
own act of ChOram (udbhrUvilAsam uditasmitam unnasam vaktram vahan).
Swamy AlavanthAr is overtaken by this mandhahAsam adorning the Lord's
Thirumukha MaNDalam and salutes it as “Suchismitham”. The room where He
was looking for the hidden pots of delectable was dark. The lustre of His
teeth emanating from His smile however made the room lit to help Him find
the objects of His search (Sva danthEndhuchayOtthE na hlAvayan gOgaNeshu
yt! gaepve;ivinve;[muÄm< te
“kOvalanAi VeNNai uNDa vaayan, yenn uLLam kavarthAnai”.
barhOttamsa - sphurita cikurO bandhujeevam dadhAna: |
gunjaa-baddhAmurasi laLithAm dhArayan haarayashTim...”
(He shines radiant wearing the coconut flowers over His ears, peacock feather
on His tresses and wears a garland of red hibiscus flowers around His neck as
well as another necklace made of kunRumaNi beads). The simplicity of birth
amidst the lowly cowherd clan could not hide the divinity of the Lord.
Oh Lord! You incarnated as the jewel of the race of simple cowherds in this
world as if You wanted to hide Your divinity. In spite of this intention of Yours,
You were driven by the spirit of youthful mischief to persuade the GopAs to
desist from conducting the annual festival of homage to Indhran. Once that
happened, the mighty Indhran, the god of rains, flew into rage and pelted the
home of the gOpAs and gOpis with violent hail storms and vicious thunder.
Immediately, You lifted the hill of Govardhanam and held it as an umbrella to
protect every one in Gokulam including the cowherd folks and the cattle. At
that time, Indhran and the dEvAs ralized Your Parathvam (supremacy) as
SarvEswaran and fell at Your sacred feet. If this is not a demonstration of
Your athimAnusha ChEshtitham, what else is? Please explain this to us.
Here the greatness of the Lord playing on His divine flute is enjoyed by
KurEsar. Oh Lord! When you desired to play on Your flute, You walked over the
thorny land of BrundhAvanam and through the sanctity of Your divine feet
converted those lands into lush green forest full of TuLasi plants. That land
became useful now to both the gopAs and their cattle for grazing. You started
playing on Your flute to invite the Gopis to join with You. Now KurEsar asks a
question in wonderment: Oh Lord! When You generated that divine music from
Your flute, what became of the flora and fauna of that forest in
BrundhAvanam? How did they respond to Your divine music?
The extraordinary powers of the divine music made the animals drop every
thing they were doing and reach a state of equipoise. For instance, the deer
which was chewing the grass stopped abruptly and stayed motionless. The tiger
that was chasing its food (antelope) stopped on its tracks. The chaser and the
chased remained motionless.
The branches of the trees moved in the direction of the music and lowered
themselves to the ground. The sages were dumbfounded and awakened out of
their deep meditation. In the PeriyAzhwAr Thirumozhi (3.7), AzhwAr devotes
a whole decad to describe the effect of the divine VeNu ghAnam on the trees,
animals and the other residents of the forest.
%vIRk«zanumédMbrz<brai[. 46.
Here KurEsar laments about his misfortune of not being on this earth, when
the Lord performed raasa kreedaa dance with the gopis. KurEsar says: On this
earth, when You and those gopis dear to You engaged in raasakreedai on the
banks of the Yamunaa river, You played the flute. That divine music emanating
from your flute melted the stones. The pancha bhUthams (Earth, Fire, Air,
Sky and Water) lost their svaroopam and attained a state different than their
own. Fortunate were those, who were there to experience the divine music
that arose from Your flute. Alas! adiyEn could not be there at that time.
There are many kinds of dances that KrishNa performed. One was Raasa
Kreedai, when He locked hands with each of the assembled gopis through His
multiple forms and danced with each of them in a circle, while standing outside
that circle and playing the flute to
accompany the dance. Each of the Gopis
believed that there was only one Krishna
that was dancing with her alone. Our
Lord is the Master of all dances. As
Thrivikraman, He engaged in performing
Urdhva thANDavam. He danced
Navaneetha thANDavam, when he
begged for VeNNai. He entertained His
friends with pot dance (Kuda Kootthu) at
the intersection of the streets
(Santhis). He performed Saari
Nruthyam on the head of the serpent,
rasaeTsvaeTsukixyStv kannaNte,
ve[uSvnöut rsaE"pirPlutaNte
There is no one more fortunate than those serpents whose mouths were made
moist from listening to the delectable sound of the flute music of the Lord at
BrundhAvanam. They moved their tongue from side to side of their jaws to
taste the nectar flowing out of their mouths, when our Lord played His flute
to accompany the Raasa Kreedaa. (That animals, infants and the snakes relate
intimately to music is the thought behind this slOkam: “Pasur-vEtthi, SiSur-
vEtthi, vEtthi ghAna rasam PhaNee”
Our Lord's music made even the most poisonous snakes to exude nectar from
their poison hoods in their mouth. In Raghu Vamsam, Mahaa kavi KaaLidAsan
refers to this transformation of poison into nectar and vice versa thru the
sankalpam of Iswaran this way: “Vishamapi amrutham kvachidh bhavEth,
amrutham vaa visham Iswara icchayaa”.
AMÉaednIl< ArivNdd¦ayta]<
ipÁDavt<s< %rrIk«tve[upai[m!,
Tva< gaepve;pirkimRtkaykaiNt<
The inspiration for this slOkam has been identified to be the PeriyAzhAr
Thirumozhi Paasuram 3.4.7: “kOla senthAmarai kaNN miLirak- kuzhalUdhi isai
paadik-kuninthu AayarOdu, Aalitthu varuhinRa AayappiLLai, azhagu kaNDu yenn
mahaL ayarkkinRathE”.
The most revered Govardhana Giri, the sacred waters of Yamunaa River, the
forest known as Brundhaavanam and the ancient city of Mathuraa had the
sambhandham (association) with Your sacred Thiruvadi. They stay even today
as the places of easy access to those fortunate ones seeking the Phalan for
not being born as chEtanams in this samsAric world.
In this slOkam, KurEsar comforts those who were not born during the time of
the Lord's incarnation as KrishNan. Our Lord was born in Mathurai, roamed
around in BrundhAvanam and lifted the Govardhana hill to protect the
cowherds from the wrath of Indhran. These places have the Thiruvadi
sambhandham of the Lord during His vibhava avathAram. For those who were
not born during the Lord's stay, these places associated with His sacred feet
still exist to fulfill their wishes to reach Sathgathy. AndaL in Her NaacchiyAr
Thirumozhi longs for being at these places to cure Her viraha taapam and begs
Her friends to bring Her to Mathurai, AaypAdi and the banks of the river
gOvardhana giridhAri
These are the pleas of AndaL in Her Thirumozhi. These places are easy to
access even today (adyApi sulabhaa:) for us to uplift ourselves.
buNdavne iSwrcraTmkkIqËvaR-
pyRNtjNtuincye bt ye tdanIm!,
Oh Lord! We the great sinners were not blessed to be born, when You
incarnated among the chEtanams and achEtanms (trees, plants, grass, worms,
birds, animals, the gOpAs and the gOpis) of BrundhAvanam. When will we as
the miserable ones reach Your sacred feet at Srivaikuntam to perform nithya
kaimkaryam for You?
When the Lord disappeared at the end of the Raasa KreeDai, the Gopis
suffered immensely from their separation from Him. They were overcome with
viraha tApam. They placed their bodies on the sands of river Yamunaa that got
consecrated thru the sambhandham with the Lord’s feet during the occasion of
the Raasa KreeDai. That helped them to quell the sufferings from their
thApam. AzhwAr laments that he was not fortunate to have been born as one
of the shoals of sand, which had the bhAgyam of association with the Lord's
sacred feet.
Raasa Kreedai was over and the Lord disappeared. Suddenly the gOpis, who
were immersed in the bliss of the Lord’s company, felt acutely the pangs of
separation from their dear One. They looked around for some object, which
had the sambhandham of the Lord to get relief from their thApam (ananga
taptam nija angam nikshipya). They found the shoals of Yamunaa sand on which
they had performed Raasa KreeDaa earlier.
The sands of YamunA river
The Gopis threw themselves on those sands and reduced their taapam. Those
shoals had the miraculous curative power because of their sambhandham to
the Lord's sacred feet. KurEsar wishes that he were born as one of those
islands of sand so that he would have been blessed with the sambhandham of
the Lord's sacred feet.
AaicNvt> k…summ'!iºsraeéh< te
In the previous slOkam, KurEsar expressed his regret over the dhurbhAgyam
of not having been an achEtana vasthu (shoal of sand) in the Raasa KreeDaa
BhUmi. In this slOkam, KurEsar gives vent to his sorrow that he missed being a
plant or tree at BrundhAvanam that had the sambhandham with the Thiruvadi
of the Lord as He sported amidst them. KurEsar comforts himself by the
thought that the trees and plants of current time, which are descendants of
the trees and plants of KrishNa's time, are his kula dEvathais because of their
lineage. Kuresar states that BrundhAvanam and the plants and trees there rule
over his mind.
During His KrishNAvathAram, our Lord climbed the trees for sport and picked
the flowers from the creepers to decorate the tresses of the Gopis. He
climbed a Kundha tree during the Gopikaa vasthrApaharaNam. He got on top of
a Kadhambha tree to jump on the head of KaaLiyan. Thus many trees and plants
had the sambhandham of the Lord's Thiruvadi during KrishNAvathAram at
BrundhAvanam. KurEsar acknowledges that the offsprings of those trees that
exist today at BrundhAvanam are objects of adoration for him due to their
inherited sacredness.
not have His sambhandham. Hence there is nothing wrong in having the Lord’s
sambhandham by one and all .We can not however imitate the Lord's act
because we do not have His sakthi of all pervasiveness. Swamy Desikan gives an
example of our Lord's Brahmacharyam (celibacy), which was demonstrated
during the time, when the child of Abhimanyu fell out of his mother’s womb as
a lump of lifeless charcoal. Sage VyAsar said at that time the touch by a true
BrahmachAri would bring life back to that lump of charcoal. Well known
BrahmachAris like Bheeshama, HanumAn, and Sukhar were invited to touch
that lump of charcoal but they hesitated to undergo this test. Lord KrishNaa
now stepped in front and declared if I am a true BrahmachAri, let this piece of
coal come to life as a baby. He touched the inanimate object with His sacred
foot and that touch transformed the coal immediately into a joyous baby. This
is only possible because the Lord had related to the Gopis without any bodily
sambhandham and stayed through out as a BrahmachAri in His relationships
with them.
ya k<smuOyn&pkIqinbhR[aeTwa
gaepalve;pirkmR pravrez<
tt! ipÁDlaÁDnsudamk«taepvIt<
While the eternally liberated souls (nithya sooris) were eulogizing the Lord at
Sri Vaikuntam, at the same time He was roaming as a cowherd at
BrundhAvanam wearing the peacock feather in His tresses and with the dust
from the hoofs of the calves settled all over His body. This Sri Vaikunta
Naathan, the supreme JyOthi adored by the nithya Sooris sported with
illiterate cowherds and went into the forest in midday heat to graze cows. The
simplicity of KrishNavathAram moved KurEsar so much that he begged for the
permanent retention of the Lord's image in his mind as the cowherd youth with
His tresses adorned with the dust from the cows and the peacock feather (gO
dhULi dhUsarita kuntaLam anta: AastAm) .
Oh Lord, PurANAs say that you ran away from the battle field while fighting
JarAsanthan. One has to conclude that in this case you acted like a mere
mortal. In other instances, You professed that You are a mere mortal and yet
displayed many superhuman (athimAnusha) acts. It is hard to equate your
behavior like running away from the battle field with Your destruction of many
asurAs (Poothanai, SakatAsuran, Pralambhan, DhEnukaasuran) even as a small
boy .Even if You acted as a mere human and behaved accordingly, Your
Iswarathvam was revealed on many occasions. One such instance is the battle
with BhANAsuran, who was aided by Sivan, SubramaNyan et al. My KrishNa,
You revealed Your athimAnushathvam by chasing Sivan and SubramaNyan from
the battle field and cut off all but four of the thousand hands of the
offending BaaNan.
jat< k…tStdk«t}ivceiòt< te
Oh Lord! How can we understand your two acts that look contradictory? In
one, you sought the boon of the birth of a son from Lord Siva. In the other
act, You destroyed the city of Sivan (Kaasi) along with the armies of the king
of Kaasi, who came to the rescue of Poundra VaasudEvan, who ran around
declaring that he was ParavAsudEvan Himself. You had to kill Poundra
VaasudEvan. When latter's friend, Kaasi Raajan came to avenge for Poundran's
death, he brought with him a demon given to him as a boon by Siva to kill You
and destroy DhwAraka's citizens. At that time, You were playing chess with
RukmiNi. You sent Sudarsana Chakram after Kaasi Raajan, his city and the goul
sent by Sivan as help. KurEsar wonders as to how KrishNa could be a supplicant
for the boon of Siva to be blessed with a son at one time and on another
occasion humiliate Siva and his client, Kaasi Raajan. It suggests that KrishNa
was ungrateful to His benefactor. KurEsar asks how one can understand such
behavior? KurEsar answers this apparent contradiction this way: A Karma
bhaddhan (One under the influence of his karmAs) like Sivan, who encouraged
and supported BhAnan and Kaasi Raajan to fight with the Lord deserves to be
punished by the Lord even if earlier he (Sivan) had granted the boon of a son
to KrishNaa, when He approached Sivan as "a Human being" during His
avathAram among the cowherds.
saNdIpneiírm&t< sutmanyn! c,
Arjuna had a son by name Abhimnayu, who was married to Utthirai. She was
pregnant. DhrONar's son, AswatthAman vowed before his king, DuryOdhanan
that he will use an asthram to destroy all the children of the PaaNDavAs
including the one in the womb of Utthirai. KrishNa asked AswatthAman to
spare the embryo of Utthirai but to no avail. The embryo was burnt to a cinder
of coal and fell out. KrishNa breathed life into that lump of coal thru the
power of His Brahmacharyam and Parikshith was born thus thru the
athimAnusha ChEshtai of the Lord.
KrishNa and BalarAma chose Saandeepanee as their AchAryan to learn VedAs
and all arts in 64 days and became experts in every field of learning. When
time came to give Guru DakshInai, the AchAryan asked KrishNa to bring back
his son, who was lost at the sea many years ago. KrishNa went to Yama lOkam
and brought the child from there and reunited the child with His AchAryan.
That was another athimAnusha chEshtai.
In DhvAraka, there was a Brahmin, whose children died soon after they were
born. The Brahmin blamed KrishNaa's deficiencies as the King and accused
KrishNaa as the cause of his children's premature death. KrishNan climbed on
His chariot accompanied by Arjuna, left the Prakruthi Mandalam and arrived at
His Supreme abode of Sri Vaikuntam, where He found the children. The Nithya
Sooris had retained them there so that they can have the darsanam of their
Lord at Sri Vaikuntam as KrishNAvathAran. All the children of the Brahmin
were brought back by KrishNaa from Sri Vaikuntam and returned to the
grateful Brahmin. This is the third athimAnusha ChEshtai of the Lord
regarding the restoration of life.
@ta†zae=hmgitÉRvtae dyaya>
This is the first of the three slOkams at the end of this Sri Sookthi of
athimAnusha Sthavam, where KurEsar performs his SaraNAgathy to the Lord.
KurEsar says: “adiyEn has not freed myself from the three kinds of
apachArams even after undergoing the rites of SamAsrayaNam. adiyEn is
roiling in this world of SamsAram as a sinner without any refuge (ananya
gathi:) adiyEn is helpless and has no recourse (akinchana:). adiyEn is looking to
You to rescue me from this pitiable state of residence in the darkness of
SamsAram and am performing SaraNAgathy to You with utter faith in You as
my Saviour.
of apachArams.
papIysae=ip zr[agitzBdÉajae
naepe][< mm tvaeictmIñrSy,
valvilraman - pullambhuthangudi
Oh Ocean of Mercy! It does not befit you to ignore adiyEn, who has uttered
the SaraNAgathy mantrams even if adiyEn is a mighty sinner (paapeeyasa: api
mama upEkshaNam Iswarasya tava na ucitam). adiyEn’s sins are no match for
your Omniscience (Sarvajn~athvam), unfailing power to protect all and natural
grace. Your Jn~Ana, sakthi and KaruNa will surely come to the rescue of this
Prapannan, who is marked by akinchanathvam and ananya gathithvam. You must
correct adiyEn and engage adiyEn in Your kaimkaryams (tirutthi PaNi koLLa
vENum) through the exercise of Your Jn~Anam, Sakthi and KaruNaa. With this
powerful appeal, KurEsar concludes the beautiful Sri Sookthi of athimAnusha
KurEsar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam,
adiyEn, Oppiliappan KOil V. SaThakOpan