Muscular System
Muscular System
Muscular System
Muscles make up the bulk of the body and
account for about one-third of its weight.
Their ability to contract not only enables the
body to move, but also provides the force
that pushes substances, such as blood and
food, through the body. Without the
muscular system, none of the other organ
systems would be able to function.
Muscles move cows, snakes, worms and
humans. Muscles move you! Without
muscles you couldn't open your mouth,
speak, shake hands, walk, talk, or move
your food through your digestive system.
There would be no smiling, blinking,
breathing. You couldn't move anything
inside or outside you. The fact is, without
muscles, you wouldn't be alive for very long!
Muscle tissue is found everywhere within
the body, not only beneath the skin but deep
within the body, surrounding many internal
organs and blood vessels.
The size and location of muscle tissue helps
determine the shape of our bodies and the
way we move.
1. Excitability. Ability to respond to certain
stimuli by producing electrical signals called
action potentials impulses).
2. Elasticity. Ability of the muscle to return
to its original shape after contracting or
3. Contractility. Ability of the muscle tissue
to shorten and thicken (contract), thus
generating force to do work.
On the average, probably 40% of your body 4. Extensibility. Ability of the muscle to be
weight is in muscles. You have over 630 extended (stretched) without damaging the
muscles that move you. Muscles can't push. tissue.
They pull. You may ask yourself, if muscles
can't push how can you wiggle your fingers TYPES OF MUSCLES:
in both directions, back and forth, back and 1. CARDIAC MUSCLE. Found solely in the
forth? The answer? Muscles often work in heart; striated, but are NOT under voluntary
pairs so that they can pull in different or control. The cardiac muscle cell contains
opposite directions.
ONE nucleus located near the center,
adjacent cells form branching fibers that
allow nerve impulses to pass from cell to
1. Provides movement. Movements rely on cell.
the integrated functioning of bones, joints,
and skeletal muscles. These includes 2. SKELETAL MUSCLE. Responsible for
unseen movements like the beating of the moving parts of the body, such as the limbs,
heart, the churning of food in the stomach, trunk, and face;
generally attached to
and contraction of urinary bladder to expel bones;
MOVEMENT; made of elongated cells called
MUSCLE FIBERS. Varying movements
require contraction of variable numbers of
7. However, as muscle action potential travels 14. This continues until the action potentials
along the sarcolemma and into the
transverse tubule system, Ca++ release
channels open in the SR membrane. This HOW ARE MUSCLES RELAXED?
results in the flooding of Ca++ in the 1. Action potentials stop coming from the
sarcoplasm around the thick and thin brain down the motor neuron, thus
acetylcholine is no longer released.
8. The calcium gets into the sarcomeres and 2. The always present acetylcholinesterase in
binds to receptor sites on the troponin the neuromuscular junction chews up the last
molecules (which are resting on the of the acetylcholine. (The acetic acid wanders
tropomyosin and actin filaments). The off and gets used by cells in the Kreb's cycle.
binding of the calcium causes a shape The choline gets reabsorbed so it can combine
change in the troponin protein such that it with a newly made acetic acid molecule in the
leads to a shape change in the tropomyosin motor neuron.)
molecule. The tropomyosin is changed in 3. Without any acetylcholine, the action
shape such that it uncovers the actin and potentials in the muscle stop.
exposes the myosin binding site that resides 4. Without any action potentials in the muscle
on the actin. The myosin can now bind to the (and the T-system), then the Ca++ gates of the
actin. (Normally tropomyosin blocks the sarcoplasmic reticulum can close.
binding of myosin with actin).
5. The Ca++ active transport pumps (which
9. The myosin, with an already bound ATP were working constantly all along) are no
molecule, binds to the actin.
longer overwhelmed by the leak and thus they
10. As the ATP reacts to form ADP, the released successfully
energy is used to bend the myosin head such sarcoplasm back into the sarcoplasmic
that the actin filament slides along relative to reticulum.
the myosin filament. During contraction the 6. Without bound Ca++ the troponinfilaments of actin and myosin not change tropomyosin regain their resting shape. The
length but the distance between Z bands very next time the myosin releases from the
does. Thus, developed the sliding filament actin, the troponin-tropomyosin will sneak
theory versus contracting proteins.
back in between and prevent any further
11. As the ATP reacts to form ADP, the released interaction between the actin and myosin.
energy is used to bend the myosin head such 7. Without the actin myosin bonding, the
that the actin filament slides along relative to sarcomeres and muscle can no longer
the myosin filament. During contraction the contract, thus the muscle elastically moves
filaments of actin and myosin not change back to its resting position (or more commonly
length but the distance between Z bands , is passively pulled to a new position by a
does. Thus, developed the sliding filament more dominant antagonistic muscle).
theory versus contracting proteins.
12. The ADP is dropped by the myosin, myosin MUSCLE ENERGY
binds another ATP and only then does it A. All possible energy sources for muscle
release from the actin. The process is contraction must be converted to an ATP
repeated. Several repetitions cause a energy. This is the ONLY energy source
significant movement. At full contraction the myosin can use.
myosin is still trying to pull on the actin and
ADP + H3PO4 + energy
ATP is still being used.
B. ATP is needed for several aspects of muscle
13. Rigor mortis is where ATP is not available contraction and relaxation:
and the myosin can not release from the
1. Myosin ATPase.
actin. Certain types of cramps are caused by
the same phenomenon.
The muscular dystrophies (MD) are a group of
genetic diseases characterized by progressive
weakness and degeneration of the skeletal
muscles which control movement. There are
many forms of muscular dystrophy, some
noticeable at birth (congenital muscular
dystrophy), others in adolescence (Becker
MD), but the 3 most common types are
myotonic. These three types differ in terms of
pattern of inheritance, age of onset, rate of
progression, and distribution of weakness.
Duchenne MD primarily affects boys and is the
result of mutations in the gene that regulates
dystrophin - a protein involved in maintaining
the integrity of muscle fiber. Onset is between