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January 15, 2015 Edition

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Emerald Star News


Volume: 7

Issue: 2

January 15, 2015

bi-weekly Edition

Promoting the growth of Freeport in every edition

Welcome to all you visiting our little slice of heaven... Thanks for reading..enjoy :)

For every copy picked up, a business gathers a new customer base of readership.

Since 2008
French President Francois Hollande ordered flags at half-staff following the assault on Wed. carried out by suspected Islamist extremists. . . Crowds stood silently in public spaces, schools and office buildings, pelted by a
cold rain. Some held signs that read Je suis Charlie, or I am Charlie, which has quickly emerged as a succinct
rallying cry and hashtag for those opposed to the violence. Many in France and around the world see it as a direct
assault on freedom of expression. As we do too, here in FREEPORT, Walton county. Show we show the sign.
Read more at http://dailysurge.com/2015/01/french-muslim-students-snub-moment-silence-charlie-hebdo-attack/


Made possible by your local

advertising businesses in this edition.

Inside this EDITION:

Check website for more News
This weeks cover is in dedication to all
military veterans, all who have ever put
their life on the line for Freedom....Fought
for us to live how we do in the USA, even
If we continue to deny what fuels the enemy then we will never destroy this enemy. If we continue to allow
this enemy into our countries forcing us to self-censor, if we continue to have cultural jihadist apologists who here in Freeport, DeFuniak and South
advocate for the enemy, there is no way we shall win.
Walton county...are we prepared?
When you ask me if weve turned a corner after the attacks in Paris, my response is no. Because in three
months no one will remember Charlie Hebdo as I dont think it was that long after the hashtag campaign
that we forgot who Boko Haram was. Heck, I bet that if you do a man-on-the-street and ask who is Boko
Haram, some will think hes the starting power forward for the Brooklyn Nets or maybe a safety for the
Seattle Seahawks.
Anyone remember the Islamic terrorist group that fired rockets into Israel? Or how about the Islamic terrorist
group that blew up the Beirut Barracks in 1983? Doggone, I hate losing to these barbaric jerks. Sadly, thats
what is happening and there are far too many of US who are enabling them starting in the White House.
Time to take Facts and Face them people, a sick reality is among us. Intent to destroy us. But even with this
small newspaper, I will show solidarity to our US Freedoms, (hope yall got my back)..USA!

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long time for the Emerald Star News to become
known for all it can do for you...no matter
who you are..except terrorists.

Paris: Mr. Obama, why can't you show

radical Islamists we mean business?
President Obama was a no-show Sunday
at the unity rally in Paris. ....Page


Free tax assistance by
AARP.AARP will provide free tax assistance at the Freeport Library every

Page 6

See whats new inside

offered free .from our business Advertisers inside this week

A style of its own a community Based Newspaper

Page 2



The Wolfes Den

Hello and welcome to January already half past. Doesnt that
make you realize how fast time is going by? Its one thing to
see the years gone by through the changes we see in our children until they become young adults in todays world. I hate to admit it
folks, I concerned about the future for them. If we dont step up and become prepared to
fight this evil that is lurking amongst our nation. Let alone how they have infiltrated the
rest of the world.
Seriously people of Walton county, Freeport and beyond. What are we doing to do when
they (radical Muslims) want to..lets say take over DeFuniak Springs, for example.
You do realize they have 7 locations where they (Muslims) 3 from the video, was from
around Dearborn Michigan. Yes, folks here in the USA..they (Muslims) take it
amongst themselves to pick an area and post boundaries where they will enforce Sharia
Law. Kids, do your internet a change and do the research. They want to Kill us all!
You will see killings, you will see beheadings, you will see gunshots to the heads.get
this from kids your age (12). Being taught how to Kill=where to shoot you? While our
kids are in the house playing a video game that doesnt allow them to think of reality. This
editorial I write to you, is not intended to scare or place fear in you, but I like you and I
want to see us all alive around town...living the way we want to.
How many of you read the fact that Islamic people applied for a permit south of Montgomery Alabama to enforce the right to have Sharia Law?, where they CHOOSE to live?
How many of you are up on this? How many of you are concerned of the direction of the
state of our country? I know plenty of us Veterans who are tired of the BS and terror they
cause. They live to destroy us..explain that to your 5yr old. Tell them not to talk to
strangers.hell, dont be around any people who are wearing all black? Is that politically
correct? I dont know, personally, I dont care. You mean do to us harm, I say we destroy
them before they have us all lined up ready to shoot us, our kids, grandparents? I tell you
this is not a joke. I want answers from our elected officials ..NOW!
What is the plan, Mr. Sheriff? Are you going to arrest and or remove these unwanted
possible terrorist in our county? Are you going to back-off like a few other cops have and
let them do what they want in their area as they choose? So, it grows more and more?
Only because deep down you fear for your own life as we will be as citizens too. So, if
you are outnumbered what do you do? Id love to hear some feedback from any deputy,
official, elected or not...citizens. Do you NOT see what is going on the rest of the world?
Let alone our own nation? Is Alabama close enough to open your eyes to this problem?
Do we vote now to keep them out of Walton county? Do we just wait till its too late?
Watching the images of the terrified hostages released from hiding in the freezer at the
Hyper Cacher market on the television last week, I could not help but feel that French
Jews must be having terrible flashbacks of the Holocaust and that they could not help but
think of Anne Frank, hiding in her attic. How many of us remember the story? It was true,
she lived it. You too will have your own story. I do too. But I dont want us as citizens of
Walton County Florida to someday wonder if the gas station is rigged to blow or is the
Muslim nice or not? We dont have time to play those kind of games, while our lives and
our future is at risk.
The whole world is watching how France will react to the horrible terrorist acts in Paris,
to the war against freedom of expression and the war against the Jews. A rally of over one
million marchers took place in Paris in response, with thousands holding Je Suis Charlie,
Je Suis Juif and Je Suis Achmed signs. Those people are just like us, wanting to be left
alone from violence and death and evil crap. I see no good coming from trying to deal
with people who are willing to kill you on the spot and dont care, cause its what they
feel is for Allah or something? Come on.I know of hundreds of you who e-mail me
about this issue. Even groups, the KKK has written to my newspaper.
Its time we band together for a reason further than youve ever imagined. I recommend
you all seriously think about this. If you want to Ill print your questions and concerns.
The Press and its right to be FREE from being told what it can or cannot print is wrong.
Right or wrong, on the subject may in be question from time to time, but the right to print
it is what our USA FREEDOM is based on that theory. Dress how you want, say what you
want, once youre an Adult you can face consequences for what you may say to another
persons face, however before they beat you, you can say what you want!
WELCOME to AMERICA..LOVE IT or LEAVE IT! We cannot afford to change our
ways to accommodate you and your feelings. Yea, sometimes we all get our feelings hurt,
grow up...am I right?
But this time it isnt like just change the channel or dont look cause its nasty or disgusting. What these people are doing is un-describable for most print anywhere. We cannot
afford to coward from this situation and I one, am ready to call for Action. Whether it
become in writing or so when we come across them, we show them it has been voted
against or written Law.not here in Walton county. Its a shame that this country leaders
has let this become what it has, but it will not get better before it gets worse this time
round. I want us to be prepared now.not-after the damage may be done. Write in!!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Views expressed in The EMERALD STAR NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of the
publisher. The staff of The EMERALD STAR NEWS pride ourselves in our efforts to ensure accuracy of the publication contents. However, there is no guarantee of the accuracy of all
the Information nor the absence of errors and omissions (especially when sent through a third
party); therefore, no responsibility can or will be assumed. 2500 copies printed bi-weekly.

This newspaper is your voice to the county and all city or state employees, or
whomever it may concern. Have something to say? Good or bad? Lets hear it!!
Dont hesitate to make suggestions or send in your comments to us anytime on
any subject. Did you ever want to be a writer? Have an investigative mind?
Heres your chance to be recognized. Or you can help anonymously.
Send any and all inquiries to the address listed below.

We are an equal opportunity employer.

Look online: theemeraldstarnews.blogspot.com

Mail invoices and other information to:

P.O. Box 1133

Freeport, Florida 32439
Quote of
the week :
Take the time to tell
a friend you care
about them, for in
time that quality of
the friendship fades
into a mere distant
Then as time
passes so do we, its
You may get lucky
and have a choice
of where and when
you do go.


Frank Wolfe Jr.

(850) 585-0262
Check us out on FACEBOOK!

E-mail info. to:

Main Office/Sales - 850-585-0262
Web Designer Lee Cox
Contributing Writer/reporter - Rian Lyday

Special Thanks to our advertisers, show support.

Its never too late to get involved. As a society we will gather in time of need
for others, that is what community is all about. Enforce property lines..
Just as we saw abuse from our government officials all over our nation, watch
where your tax dollars are going and see how it is being spent. If you dont
agree with it, go to a meeting and speak up.lets work together!
Changes only come when enough people call to order of descent standards for
which we all can live by. Therefore there are Laws / rules to follow or be jailed.
**If it isnt on your property it is on someone elses.county, then state. Keep
you and your stuff on your own property line with setbacks properly integrated.
Or else we all can grandfather anything, wrong. Stop the crap. We want to be
proud of our surroundings. Lets weed out the problem, deal with it, head on!

Thursday, January 15, 2015


FOR THE RECORD: Americans Have Protested Terror

Too, We Were Simply Ignored by Our Press
Yesterday we witnessed an incredible display of world
unity against terror, and we all know that remarkably missing was the supposed Leader of the Free World, Barack
Hussein Obama.
Millions met on the streets of Paris, it was an amazing sight
as well as an incredible message.
What is deeply troubling to American patriots is how our
press highlighted this march, rightfully so, but when
Americans marched (rode) for the same reason in WashAerial View of Some of
ington, DC, we were all but ignored.
the Bikers Protesting
Muslims, September 11, I have held off telling this amazing story for too long. Now
2013 at the First Annual the time seems more right given recent events.
It was a call-to-arms, so to speak. In July 2013 we all were
2 Million Bikers To DC
shocked, rendered almost speechless, when we heard about
an event scheduled for September 11, 2013 called the Million Muslim March hosted by American Muslims Political Action Committee on Washington, DC. Due to massive backlash they quickly changed the name to Million Muslims March Against Fear, or some such nonsense. For muslims to dare to convene on
that sacred day was a slap in the face to all of us.
Shortly thereafter, a plan emerged. It began with one patriot and then two and then
twenty and then thousands, probably millions after it was all said and done. But you
didnt hear about its true impact on any national news organization. NOT. ONE.
Fox News offered a small snippet, but really ignored the magnitude of the event. Many
people worldwide were watching real-time, as advised by our Facebook page, online at
the local street cam sites. But those were mysteriously switched to show snow-covered
streets for a 90-degree September day. Why are they hiding us? We who planned the
event, rode in it, and reported it back to those who were watching online in real time,
know the effect this day had on America and the world.
We saw soldiers in Afghanistan gratefully thank us for our stand against Islam and our
never-ending support of them. Our impact was literally worldwide. We heard from the
Brits and from our ride they launched a group called Britain First, countering the Islamic invasion in their country. We had posts that reached over 25 million people at one
time during the day. We know the impact this event had.
Its impossible to know if we reached the goal of 2 million bikes, and thats hardly the
point, though its always a popular question and certainly invites critics. What I know
personally, is that as I rode through the streets of DC that day, talking with Capitol Police, we were informed that at around noon, they had estimated there were 1.2 million
bikes in the city then. And they rolled in and around the streets of DC all day long. This
day brought tears to our eyes countless times. We mourned the loss of those on 9/11.
We mourned the loss of those who fought the War on Terror. We mourned the loss of
our nation as we once knew it.
Who are these mysterious chrome wielding, flag bearing and leather clad protesters?
Patriots. Veterans. First responders. Active Duty. Americans.
Our message was three-fold. Stand up to terror. Honor the fallen. Support our first responders and troops. Simple as that.
Barack Obama and his lapdog media intentionally hid
our event from the world that
day. No question. But we
have a message for him:
Vroom Vroom, We will not
be silenced.
We battled all kinds of obstacles from lack of permits to
garbled cell usage to misinformation about the event
that continue to this day!
For an event that took place
23 days from the decision to
do so, it was amazing. One of
the best days Ive experienced as an American. As a
result of it, we can rest assured to know that when
needed, this cavalry will ride.

Page 3

Chick-fil-A Owner Declines Homeless Mans

Offer to Work For Food and Gives Him Something Even Better
Mark Meadows is no stranger to the public eye, but not because he wants attention.
The local owner of a Birmingham, AL, Chick-fil-A, Meadows is known around
those parts for being something of a Good Samaritan.
Last year, for instance, when the Snowpocalypse blanketed parts of Alabama
with snow and stranded motorists along Highway 280, Meadows distributed
chicken sandwiches and chicken biscuits free of charge to drivers stuck in their
And last Wednesday, when a young man came in from the cold and asked if he
could do some chores in exchange for food, Meadows didnt hesitate to help.
Im a Chick-fil-A fan and have been for years. I trust the food for my son and support companies that are founded on Christian beliefs.
What I saw today just confirms why this chain is so successful God blesses His
My son and I were at the location on Highway 280 in Birmingham, AL when a man
came in to escape the 35 degree temps and strong winds with all of his earthly possessions strapped to his back.
Most businesses would force him out, but I watched as the manager walked up to
him and asked if he could do anything for him. Before the man could even answer,
the manager asked if he had a pair of gloves and walked to the table at which hed
been sitting and picked up his own. As he handed the man his gloves, he asked another employee to get him something to eat.
It was wonderful to see your employees being the hands and feet of Jesus, and that
my son was able to witness it all. Thank you for putting your money where your
mouth is.
Edit: I just learned this man is the owner and that makes it even better IMO.
When AL.com asked Meadows why he was always lending a hand to his customers, Meadows didnt seem to think he did anything special:
I just did the right thing, he said. Im simply awe struck about all this attention.
People who know Meadows personally have spoken up on the store locations
Facebook page, sharing that this is typical behavior from the 25-year owner/
operator: 10,000s of people commented on FBook. Check it out.
Makes me wonder how many people around here today would lend a man a helping hand for more than just a day. To give someone a chance at a future living near
where you work. Its that everyones dream? As long as its zoned for it, go for it!
Sounds nice, even simple. Yet look at us all driving across the 331 bridge to make
$$ on the south-side. ***That will change in due time Freeport, in due time.

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Page 4


Health Post
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Walk-ins and Appt.s
Send health questions or
comments to: P.O.Box 1133
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Two Suspects Arrested After

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Flu Season Bad and May Get Worse

Thats the headlines for the rest of the nation. So, if you feel you need a
Flu shot give us a call and schedule a good time to come in. It only takes
a few minutes to get the shot, studies show its worth it to get the shot.
As if you can never have enough fighters against cold and flu inside
your body. Compared to dealing with over the counter, after the fact you
are already ill, you may be down for a few days. Or come get a shot :)
"This flu season is shaping up to be a severe one, especially for older
people, young children, and those with underlying conditions," said
CDC director Tom Frieden, MD, referring to conditions like asthma,
sickle cell disease and other health problems.
During the press briefing, Frieden urged people who haven't gotten vaccinated to get a flu shot. People with symptoms should get to their doctor quickly for antiviral medicines to reduce the severity of the illness,
he said.
For the week ending Jan. 3, widespread or high flu activity had been
reported in 46 states, according to the CDC. Flu is widespread almost
everywhere, he said.
More than 5,400 flu-related hospitalizations have been reported,
according to the CDC, although that data is from only 13 states and
doesn't reflect the total number. Twenty-six children have died. The
CDC doesn't track adult deaths from the flu, but the proportion of
deaths attributed to both pneumonia and flu is slightly above the
epidemic threshold after dipping below it last week.
This season's dominant flu strain, H3N2, is one that public health officials did not figure would be common this year, Frieden said. So the flu
vaccine ''cocktail'' did not include that, and immunization is not as effective as in some past years. The CDC expects to have an update on vaccine's effectiveness in coming weeks, he said.
Were right in the middle of the flu season, Frieden said. But cases
might be declining in some states where the flu began early.
On average, a flu season continues for 13 weeks, and the U.S. is
about 7 weeks in, he said.
If you catch the flu, or you think you might be coming down with it,
let your doctor know ASAP. Antiviral medications can help, Three antivirals are on the market, including oseltamivir (Tamiflu), peramivir
(Rapivab, an IV drug for adults given in a single dose), and zanamivir
(Relenza). "They work but they aren't being used nearly enough,"
Frieden said. "They can reduce symptoms, shorten the duration of illness, and reduce complications.'' Antivirals could keep you out of the
hospital, they could keep you from going to the intensive care unit, and
they may even save your life.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Have you got something to say?

Lets hear it! Time to VOTE! Say?
Dont hold back, you see a way to
improve something? Tell us. Say?
Got ideas? that you think would be
beneficial to Walton county?
E-mail anytime..check page 2

Early Saturday morning a WCSO K9 Unit spotted a

vehicle traveling north on Hwy 331 that matched a
description of a vehicle involved in a residential burglary in Freeport. As the deputy activated his emergency lights and initiated a traffic stop on Hwy 331
and West Indian Creek Road, the deputy observed the
passenger throw something out the window.
Contact was made with both the driver and the passenger, identified as Timothy Roger Jefferson, 22, of
Smith Station, AL and Brandy Wade Ward, 22, of
Freeport. Both were read their Miranda Rights and
deputies told the suspects why they were pulled over.
Dispatch advised deputies that Jefferson, who was
driving, had a suspended license since July of 2014.
Deputies located a marijuana blunt that was thrown
from the window as described by the suspect.
The victims of the burglary were brought to the scene
and were able to identify Jefferson and Ward as the
individuals who were found inside their home. When
the victims entered the residence, they observed Jefferson and Ward exiting through the back door. A
struggle took place among the victim and Ward prior
to both suspects fleeing in a vehicle. One of the victims was able to obtain the license plate number and
relayed it to the Sheriffs Office along with a vehicle
description. A check of the scene revealed that drawers, cabinets, closets in multiple rooms had been
opened and rummaged through, in an apparent attempt
to locate items to steal.
Jefferson and Ward are both charged with burglary to
an unoccupied dwelling and criminal mischief. In
addition, Jefferson is charged with driving while license suspended or revoked and Ward is charged with
marijuana possession.

Construction set to begin on South

Geronimo Street

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Santa Rosa-Beach, Fl.32459

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Water Heater sizes are

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Call us today for information. Aj

CW Roberts, Inc will begin construction activities

the week of January 20, 2015 on a turn lane project
on South Geronimo in Walton County.
The South Geronimo project consists of a westbound right-turn/deceleration lane onto Geronimo
Street, the northbound right-turn lane on South
Geronimo Street onto U.S. 98, and the eastbound
right-turn/deceleration lane on U.S. 98, using Proportionate Fair Share funds to construct all three
Motorists and pedestrians may encounter slight
delays and are encouraged to use caution while
traveling in this area. Final Completion of the project shall be accomplished within (90) NINETY
calendar days.
All planned construction activities are weather dependent and may be rescheduled in the event of
inclement weather. For more information, please
contact Jim Harman, Walton County Project Administrator at harjim@co.walton.fl.us.

We appreciate our readers. Dont forget to let them

know you saw their Ad here in The Emerald Star
News. Thats all we ask in return for your time.
Its been 6yrs now..lets go for 7. Thank you.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Why are we forced to be shown

as such a weak nation, just
appease the enemy?
You do know who the real enemy is, dont you? Its start at
the top and works its way
down to the rest in the WH.

The Emerald Star News, Inc.


Do you have a business?
Lowest Ad Rates in Walton county!
Wed like to see you advertise with us!
Call today: 850-585-0262

Paris: Mr. Obama, why can't you show radical

Islamists we mean business?
President Obama was a no-show Sunday at
the unity rally in Paris. There were leaders
from around the world. Eric Holder, the
lame duck Attorney General was sent in
Obama's absence. Holder was in Paris for
an anti-terrorism summit. He did not appear with other world leaders at the rally.
I wonder what was on Obama's schedule
that was more important to the president
than showing radical Islam we mean business?
I trust the president's absence had nothing
to do with his well-documented refusal to
tie terror to where it comes from. The radical wing within the Muslim community. By
not showing up and locking arms with President Franois Hollande, Chancellor Angela Merkel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, PLO Chairman Mahmoud Abbas,
and others...has our president hat tipped terrorists that we in America still are afraid to
offend them?
It was a nice show of solidarity in Paris on Sunday. But will world leaders respond
with action or return to their respective countries and not just declare war on radical
Islam? They must actively seek to root out radicals and destroy their infrastructure.
Enough have died at the hands of these savages. They have no right to hide behind
"no-go zones."
I first mentioned the extensive network of "no-go" zones in Britain and France after
the beheading of a British soldier in the streets of London by a radical Muslim.
The left called me intolerant.
I was called Islamophobic by CAIR.
I didn't care then, and I could care even less, now.
Back home, we need to make sure there are no safe places for terror in America.
There are pockets of high density Muslim populations all the across the United
We are free in America to live where and how we choose. And, of course, that applies
to Muslim communities, too, as long as these places are not hiding terror cells.
Law enforcement has a responsibility to make sure that there are no areas where they
are afraid to police. They have a responsibility to ensure these areas are not breeding
places of terror.
Our elected officials need to back law enforcement with strong support. And they
need to arm law enforcement with the tools they need to keep our country safe. -That means intelligence support, arming them adequately and letting them know that
We the People support law enforcement.
But heres the bottom line: If you intend to hurt Americans, you will be tracked, followed and profiled.
Sorry, does that sound politically incorrect? Too bad!
How many more beheaded journalists or massacres of innocents do we need to rethink the current administration's political correctness strategy?
It simply didn't work. It made liberal progressives feel better about their tolerance but
that tolerance has turned deadly over and over again.
Finally, watching those leaders marching
through the Paris streets sans Obama, I
wanted to shout, "Hey Islamic terrorists, he
We offer the best coverage for
doesn't speak for me!" And likely MILthe lowest prices you will find!
LIONS of Americans, who are ready to fight
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Page 5

Russ Barley /

The Mayors Post

Russ Barley Freeport Mayor
Please send any and all comments
to The Emerald_Star_News@hotmail.com

Mayor-Freeport, Fl.

Greetings and Happy New Year from the Mayors Office

As we begin 2015 we can look forward to a great year full of new ideas
and changes within our city. We should begin the process of bid applications for the renovation and expansion of the Community Center
within the next month, as well as the beginning of the new outdoor pavilion to be located in back of city hall. We now have on board our new
Parks and Recreation Director Mrs. Dana Weiler and she has a lot of
new ideas for that department and we welcome her and look forward to
her being a part of the city. A new security system has been installed at
city hall and the employees feel a little more secure in their day to day
operations. My congratulations to Freeports own Mary Kate Myrick
(Miss Freeport 2014) on receiving the Taylor Haugen Award and
Scholarship Award for outstanding academics and athletics, we are so
proud of her, her brother Colin received the award two years ago and
he was on hand for the presentation of the award. I was fortunate to
receive an invitation to attend the swearing in of Governor Scott in
Tallahassee last week and it was an experience that I had never thought
that I would add to my bucket list- his inaugural statement was inspirational and he has a good intentions slated for the state of Florida in the
next four years as his number one goal is to bring more jobs to the
state. The Walton County Art League has started featuring artist in the
Freeport Library, it began this week and the painting are for sale if you
wish to purchase them. Next month we will begin the preparations for
this years Bayfest as well as the Mayors Ball so dates should be selected soon on both of these events. The Miss Freeport Pageants signups will be on January 24 and February 7 of this year as we select a
new group of queens for 2015. The pageant will be held on March 7,
2015 and are a preliminary to the Miss Northwest Florida Pageants
and the Miss National Peanut Festival in Dothan , so please mark your
calendars. Looking forward to great expectations for this year and will
keep you informed as things develop. Until next time please stop by and
visit at city hall or with any comments, problems or concerns call us at

Emerald Coast Flowers & Gifts

NOW across from City Hall, Freeport, Florida 32439

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Page 6


Thursday, January 15, 2015

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This lovely brick ranch home sits on 20 acres of land in

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Fish Camp. Mobile home has two bedrooms and two
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232 Trout Circle.

Other Properties - MLS # 607005 - .21 acres - Black Creek Lodge Rd - $25,000
MLS - 524271 - 1.2 acres - Stanley Dr. $25,000
MLS - 607740 - 1.28 - Campground Pt. Defuniak Springs - $11,900
MLS 481585 - 3.86 acres - on Lake Holley and King Lake -Bell Dr/Holland Dr.-$65,000 for 2 parcels or split and buy one parcel for $34,500/
MLS 599565 - 2.1 acres - Dvorak Drive, Waterfront on Juniper Lake $45,000
MLS - 512970 - Waterfront Lot Lake Rosemary - 2 lots - $34,500
MLS - 612885 - Lot on Juniper Lake - Wilderness Trace - $29,500
MLS - 552802 - White Creek Rd - 8.44 acres - $26,000


Free tax assistance by AARP.
AARP will provide free tax assistance at the Freeport Library every Thursday beginning on Feb. 5th until April 9th from 10:00 am to 3:15 with an appointment. To
reserve a time please call the library at 835-2040.
Reading Paws
Bring your child to the Freeport Library on Saturday, Feb. 7 so they can practice
their reading skills with a Reading Education Assistance Dog! Dogs are registered
therapy animals who have been trained and tested for health, safety, and temperament. They provide a relaxing and non-judgmental partner for children to practice
their reading skills. Call the library at 835-2040 to reserve a 15 minute slot for your
Need help figuring out what Medicare or Medicaid coverage to choose? A counselor will be available at the Freeport Library on Thursday, Jan. 15 th and on Tuesday, Feb. 10th from 1-4 to assist with any questions you may have. Walk-in appointments are available, or can be made by calling the library at 835-2040.
Childrens Story Time
Join Miss Dollie for a story and a craft every Wednesday at 10:30! Children of all
ages are welcome to attend.
The library will be closed Saturday, Jan. 17th and Feb. 14th for Martin Luther King
Jr. and Presidents Day.

The Walton County Economic Development Alliance (WCEDA) will hold a special
board meeting on Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 12:00 PM at the Walton County Administration Conference Room located at 76 North 6 th Street, DeFuniak Springs, FL.
If your afraid to stand up and fight the good fight then get out of my way, cause there is
trouble coming and I want to live to see another day. How about you? If it hurts them
with my pen, I shall write till I cannot anymore. We may need to form a group. FW

Taught by Karl Shaw, a Professional Recording Musician

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Special: 1st lesson ...Pay for 1/2 hour, get Full hour !

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Page 7

Happenings in DeFuniak Springs

WCSB Workshop
A workshop was held to give the Walton County School
Board members a chance to consider what they might
want to ask the state for or what they might not want
from the state. Walton School Board member Jason
Catalano talked about being in the state capital and discussions on the upcoming legislative session. He suggested the workshop to consider any ideas that are not
part of the Florida School Board Association.
Walton County Master Gardeners are proud to already
There was a discussion about assessments and computer
announce the certification of four members. They have comversus paper options. Board members said it is important
pleted the required classroom, field study and completed the
that paper options remain. Anderson said the state indicommunity volunteer hours. They received new name badges
cates all districts are ready with the computers, but said
and certificates in honor of this accomplishment.
this is not actually so.
The FSBA lists Accountability & Assessments, Funding, facilities, school choice options and local authority.
Under this last one the FSBA wants a moratorium on
jpeg attached : L to Right- Lindsey Jackson, Tracy Shelton,
enacting or enforcing any new, existing, or expanded
Barbara Jones and Joe Crozier.
responsibilities for school districts unless state funding
is identified and provided.
The schools in Walton County are being secured. At
submitted by Barbara Young 850-622-0192
their meeting, the Walton County School Board approved a guaranteed maximum price of $850,860.00
from Elkins Constructors for Bay Elementary for renoFlorida Department of Health Launches Healthy Promise Florida
vations and the secure lobby project. The effort is for all
schools in the county to have a secure lobby. This is a
The Florida Department of Health is excited to announce Healthy Promise Florida,
type of lobby where there is a lobby area between doors
an interactive, online health campaign developed by Healthiest Weight Florida to enthat can be secured electronically. This idea is, as visicourage individuals to make a commitment to their health during the new year.
tors enter the school, there will be someone watching the
"The new year is a great time to commit to improving your own health," said State
lobby area that has the ability to quickly secure it. The
Surgeon General and Secretary of Health Dr. John Armstrong. "The Healthy Promise
rest of the school grounds will also have better security
campaign offers all Floridians inspiration, ideas and support to stay focused on making
to prevent unauthorized entry.
healthy choices every day."
Floridians are invited to post a healthy promise along with a personal photo to the
online message board at www.HealthyPromiseFL.com. On this website, participants
can also view inspirational photos and promises posted by other Floridians who have
committed to live longer and healthier lives.
Floridians and visitors can also visit their local health department to post their promise
on a Healthy Promise display board. Like the online message board, the Healthy Promise display board will highlight personal promises for the new year.
Healthiest Weight Florida is a public-private collaboration bringing together state
agencies, not-for-profit organizations, businesses and entire communities to help Florida's children and adults make consistent, informed choices about healthy eating and
active living. The Department's goal is to encourage physical activity and walking
while emphasizing how small choices affect your health and environment.
The Department works to protect, promote and improve the health of all people in
Florida through integrated state, county and community efforts. The Department is
recognizing 125 years of public health in Florida with educational opportunities and
events. Please visit www.FLHealth125.gov for more information.

Family Karaoke Night Friday Nights

starting at 6:30 pm at

Freeport Assembly of God

17457 US Hwy 331S.

free-HOW?? From the businesses advertising in this

issue. Please Thank each one as you go to their store
Yes its true. The rising demand for this newspaper made our delivering needs
so high, we could not keep up. We have numerous locations all throughout
Freeport, south Walton and DeFuniak Springs to pick up a copy.
Interested in advertising? Just give us a call today!

The Emerald Star News is published every other week!

FREEPORT Presbyterian CHURCH, located on Hwy 20. Next to Franks Cash &
Carry. We are extending an open invitation to come to our quaint little church to give
thanks and praise God. Small town feel, choir and childrens services available too.
Sundays at 9am Bible study.10am church service. Come meet Pastor Gene.

Whether youve been told you sing like an angel or you cant sing at all,

Karaoke is for everyone!

Bring your children and friends and come out and enjoy
an evening of family fun. Sing your favorite songs or just sit back and
listen. Either way, it is sure to be a good time. Featuring DJ Titan Tim Perego
and Pastor Tom Birka with Seven Minutes from Heaven. Refreshments sold in the
Fellowship Hall.
We are an alcohol and drug free facility.
You are invited to attend Family Karaoke Night every Friday starting at 6:30
pm (except Holiday weekends). Phone

865-4068 for more info. or

visit Freeport Assembly on Facebook.

Page 8



Thursday, January 15, 2015


Cottage on pilings just off Hwy 20 with easy access North,

New roof, windows & doors! Approx. 1,720 sf. 3BR/2BA Cedar South, East and West. 3BR/2BA with 1,290 sf. Features an
Home with stone fireplace in Great Room. Open floor plan with updated kitchen with granite tops and stainless steel appliances.
high ceilings & natural light. Protected water, boat launch, and Wood, tile & carpet flooring. Updated baths and stack washer
dock. Detached single garage.
Call for Details! $279,900 and dryer. Carport and storage.
Great Price!

BUSY HIGHWAY 20 INTERSECTION - Located to the West of
Highway 331 and will be across the street from one of the
new Publix access roads. Great visibility. All utilities available.
Motivated Seller has New Price!
ONLY $299,900

Rare find on Choctawhatchee Bay - Over 3.5 acres of Bay front
property with Oaks and Magnolias. 182 on the water with seawall
and rip-rap. Creek borders eastern boundary. Incredible western
sunsets across the Bay. Owner/Agent New Price!


Ph: 850-835-4153


Thursday, January 15, 2015


Help..Spread the word about this

newspaper to everyone you know!

Page 9

Letter to the :

Advertising specials going on NOW!!

The 14 day Overview
1/20 2/18
2/19 3/20
3/21 4/19
4/20 5/20
5/21 6/21
6/22 7/22
7/23 8/22
8/23 9/22
9/23 10/22

Please thank those advertisers in this issue,

because of them -we can continue to promote
business in Walton county. Thank you

You'll continue to have Venus in your sign until January 27, so be sure to make the most of it. While you
have this cosmic benefit, you will come across to others as more confident and beautiful, inside and out.
As a result, it'll be easy to magnetize anyone you're hoping to spark a love connection with. Pay attention
to conversations and who you meet near Tuesday.
Get ready for more dynamism and bravado than you've had in nearly two years! During this time you'll
have plenty of courage to pursue whomever it is you're interested in romantically. Although you're typically a shy, sensitive sign, now you'll have little trouble taking the initiative and making that first move. If
you're already in a relationship, your partner will enjoy how much more physical energy you have.

Dear Editor,
I commend you for saying what you do, lets us
know the real-deal. Much better than the other
newspaper, so one sided and typical. Yours is not
and thats why we look forward to each Edition
you print. Good Luck in 2015!
Bill J. Burbey
Dear Editor.
Will you please come by and look at my house.
I have some large glass windows Id like for you
to Etch a scene for me. I bet most of your readers
dont know what a rare talent you have,
Helen McRodney

You might wonder where your libido went. It's possible your sex drive will dampen over the next few
weeks. Take heart: This might be a good time to practice celibacy if you're single. That way, you can remind yourself that your body is a temple, and anyone who loves it better be worthy. If you're in a relationDear Editor,
ship, expect a pleasant surprise from your mate on weekend.
When we visited 3 yrs. ago to Freeport. My
and I knew we wanted to become a part
Be careful not to send mixed messages to a friend about whether or not you want something more. Lines
Several of your editorials helped us
between friends and lovers might be blurry for a while, and as a result you may confuse a pal and threaten
here in March.
to ruin a friendship if you start flirting with him or her. You may think this is a good idea and that the
news and to speak your mind as
chemistry felt is mutual.
you do is a gift that many admire and wished to
This week you'll begin to spend almost all of your energy on professional goals. As a result, there might
be able to do. We totally enjoy your newspaper.
not be much time for romance. Still, on Tuesday, you'll have the most glorious support for love, thanks to
Tom & Betty McCane
Venus and Uranus connecting at a friendly angle. You might experience a sudden and very exciting meeting with a person connected to a humanitarian or international endeavor you're a part of.
I want to encourage you all to feel Free to write
in or send in any interesting facts to share. I get
At times, we feel chemistry with someone for reasons that have nothing to do with romance. It's likely
so many E-mails, I love it to know you are interyou have a definite affinity with this person because he or she embodies qualities you wish to grow into.
ested in what I find to share with you all. THX
That's not the same as attraction for a partner we fall in love with. Know the difference, and don't get
yourself in a sticky situation you later feel embarrassed about.
This newspaper is owned and operated here in :
Get ready for a major dose of excitement! Time to share-- one that will encourage sharing fantasies with
Lets keep this going by advertising with us!
your mate. You might consider learning more about Tantric sex practices or other ways to connect spiriBest prices around. Any and all support of this
tually to your lover while you enjoy each other physically.
newspaper is deeply appreciated. Your making
history with each edition we complete. Find news,
You'll definitely feel like stirring the pot with your partner this week. In fact, it's possible you'll push
him or her over the edge if you aren't careful about how argumentative you can get. Mars, the planet of make news. Tell it. Got something to say? Let us
hear it! Ill print it.... Dont like it? Ill print it too.
action but also assertion, will enter your partnership sector. Because Mars will be in tender Pisces,
you're likely to go about expressing your frustrations with your mate in a more passive-aggressive way.
This may cause problems...think before you leap.
Your partner may want to spice things up, and if so he or she may approach you with an idea to do
something a bit more experimental. This might be anything from an unusual date to something a bit
more private. Either way, you'll be happy to participate. If you're in a new relationship, you and your
lover will both agree that not getting locked into traditional partnership ideology is the best idea for the
both of you.

This week you'll be ready to have more fun -- and more fun in bed -- than you have in nearly two years.
10/23 11/21 Mars, the planet of action and sex drive, will enter your 5th House of Romance and Pleasure, and it will
remain here until February 19. During this time you will make it a priority to enjoy life and love more.
Go ahead, get your sexy on. Date. Make love. You deserve it!
A lively conversation with someone might unexpectedly turn into a love connection. On Tuesday, Venus,
11/22 12/2 now in your message sector, will be at a perfect angle to Uranus, now in your 5th House of Romance.
Talking about your love life is a definite. You might also make a somewhat eccentric decision with your
lover. Or, you might casually talk to someone in your neighborhood or apartment building..
You want everyone around you to be satisfied and will do your part to make it happen. Nevertheless,
12/22 1/19 you're not prepared to sacrifice your integrity for any reason. You might have to face a dilemma now
that creates stress from these two conflicting points of view. Ultimately, you must play the role of the
judge and decide how the next phase of your life unfolds. Even if you aren't the final authority, you're
still responsible for your own actions -- and whatever you do today has a lasting impact on tomorrow.
Funny. Look
the Editor is
Advertise with us!! Guaranteed the lowest price .. Call today: 850.585.0262
We Thank you Lord for giving us this day. For all our friends, family and community. Please help us guide
FREEPORT in the best direction we can grow to become all we can, for our future and of our children. Amen

Freedom of the press!

Page 10


Alaqua Animal Refuge provides

PROUDLY Helping Alaqua Animal Refuge
located in FREEPORT, for over 6yrs. adoptable shelter to hundreds of rescued
animals at any given time, but it is
pets of all kinds. Go visit them today!
also home to the largest nonprofit
volunteer base on the Emerald
Coast. Our community of special
individuals give love and care, along
with baths and walks, seven days a
Stop by Alaqua Refuge Animal Rescue, they
have all types of cats and dogs. Along with a
Whether you like to be outdoors
horse or two. If you can adopt please do. They grooming horses, in the office anare a no-kill shelter.
swering phones or at home fosterThe people who work there are just as special ing a litter of kittens, theres an opas these pets are. If you cannot adopt maybe
portunity for everyone to be instop by and donate a few dollars count.
volved with Alaqua Animal Refuge.
Im certain that the gang from alaqua will be
Interested in being part of our volsending more pics and stories for adoption.
unteer team?
Thank you for your support, located in Freeport Email volunteer@alaquaanimalrefuge.org; or
Call (850) 880-6399 for more information; or fill out application
online from their website.
Youd be surprised how little
your help you can do is big help in
the long term for the animal ad to
help the Refuge helps Freeport get
more recognition and helps the animals. Even if you can only donate
$10, it can help us in so many ways.
The Emerald Star News has been
helping us free of charge for 7 yrs.
now and we have hundreds featured
is about a 1 year old female
that have been adopted from reading
Chihuahua /
this newspaper, we know that for
Sheltie mix. She sure.
loves when
If you can donate time or money
people give her please do so for the place is a
a lot of attention no-kill sanctuary doing such good
and enjoys play- to these animals who need
time with her
furry friends at
It is worth the drive to see where
Alaqua. If you
and how your money is being spent,
are looking for
sometimes they have time to give
the most loyal
you a quick tour of the grounds, so
little companyou can see all the animals looking
ion, then you must come meet this precious
for a friend, someone to hang out
with..just like you! Come by.
I see enough space for 2 more nice Ads here...Call today, find out how!


773 John Sims pkwy Niceville,


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Statewide Are you looking for

an opportunity to make a difference
in your community? The Florida
Ombudsman Program currently has
volunteer opportunities available statewide. Our volunteers visit with residents of nursing
homes and assisted living facilities
to ensure they are treated with dignity and respect and receiving the
care they deserve. Ombudsman
volunteers receive special training
and participate in monthly program
meetings. To learn more about becoming an ombudsman volunteer,
please visit our website
at ombudsman.myflorida.com,
search for us on Facebook, or call us
toll-free at 1-888-831-0404.

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Available for Review

Draft annual update available
online or at WFRPC

Pensacola, Fla. - The 2014 draft annual update of

theComprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is now available for public review and
Apollo 13 Astronaut Fred
comment. The CEDS is a working document, used
by private and public sectors, aimed at helping
Haise to Address 2015
expand private-public partnerships. A hard copy of
Florida Chautauqua
the draft is available at West Florida Regional
Planning Council, 4081 E. Olive Rd., Suite A, in
Apollo 13 Astronaut Fred Haise will be Pensacola or online at www.wfrpc.org. Public comthe featured keynote speaker at the 2015 ments may be submitted to Kate.Daniel@wfrpc.org
Florida Chautauqua Assembly themed
or call (850) 332-7976 ext. 245, until January 7,
From the River to the Rocket: A Journey 2015
into the World of Transportation. The
former astronaut will address an anticiBecause the northwest Florida region was desigpated crowd of over 800 at Walton High nated an Economic Development District (EDD),
School on Friday, January 23, at 8:30
WFRPC is required to conduct a major update of
a.m. We cant be more proud to have
the CEDS every five years and provide minor anApollo 13 Astronaut Fred Haise in our
nual updates on all other years. The 2014 update is
community, says Christopher Mitchell,
conducted by the CEDS Committee, which reviews
president and program chair of the Florida the CEDS, provides status updates for strategic
Chautauqua Association, the non-profit
projects, programs, and activities, and revision to
organization which hosts the annual
the Goals and Objectives as needed. The CEDS
event. Mr. Haises contributions to
Committee, comprised of diverse public and prispace exploration are astounding, and
vate sector representatives, brings representatives
thanks to his brilliant achievements and
together to develop an economic roadmap to diverunbelievable experiences, our world is
sify and strengthen regional economies. A CEDS
witnessing the technological advances in analyzes the regional economy and serves as a
space we all never would have dreamed
guide for establishing regional goals and objecpossible in our own lifetime. How excit- tives, developing and implementing a regional plan
ing to be able to welcome such an American hero of action, and identifying investment priorities and
to DeFuniak Springs and the 2015 Florida Chau- funding sources.
tauqua Assembly.
Fred Haise, portrayed by actor Bill Paxton in the The current CEDS (2013-18) uses the Florida
blockbuster Ron Howard film, Apollo 13, served Chamber Foundations Six Pillars of Floridas
as the lunar module pilot during the ill-fated 1970 Future EconomyTM framework. All eleven regional
space mission. He retired as president of North- planning councils in Florida developed their CEDS
rop Grumman Technical Services (GTS), a
using this framework, resulting in a united effort to
wholly owned subsidiary company of The North- advance the state as a global competitor for jobs
rop Grumman Corporation. Born in Biloxi, Mis- and new industry.
sissippi, Haise graduated with honors in aeronautical engineering from the University of Oklahoma in 1959. To accommodate the large crowds now attending the Assemblies and to enable juniors
and seniors to join Assembly guests in the Chautauqua learning experience at no charge to the students
or Walton County School District. A limited number of tickets to the Apollo 13 astronauts featured
keynote presentation are available for $15 each and can be purchased by calling the Florida Chautauqua Association at (850) 892-7613. Those who purchase passports (money-saving book of tickets) are
invited back stage to meet Mr. Haise and have a photograph taken with him. Register in person at the
Florida Chautauqua Association, 1290 Circle Drive, DeFuniak Springs, Florida 32435 (the old Lakeside Building across from the DeFuniak Springs Library) during normal business hours between now
and January 21. If any tickets are left, they can be purchased the morning of the event at Lakeside
Building beginning at 7:30 a.m.
All exhibits, sponsored in part by the City of DeFuniak Springs) are free and open to the public and
held mostly in the DeFuniak Springs Lake Yard from Friday, January 23 through Sunday, January 25.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Page 11

Only $10
per issue

Emerald Star News would



our newest writer/reporter

Rian Lyday

For Sale
Sale 7 Couch $75.00, 1-Electric

Red Carpet Honesty


-Rian Lyday
Room for Rent $400/mo
With the Golden Globes wrapping up this past weekend and
private bath 850-520-0509
weeks ahead of more red carpet events, Hollywood is on my
mind. I do not watch award showsjust dont peak my interGot a place to rent?
estbut I did watch the opening monologue between Tina Fey
Classified Ads are only $10
and Amy Poehler. If you watched it, you will know that these
two comedians are not afraid to say exactly what is on their
minds. They dont care whose feelings they hurt or how big a
celebrity is. If you didnt get to see it, let me address a few of their most substantially honest
points. George Clooney was set to get a Lifetime Achievement award for all his great
work in the many movies he has participated/starred in. This was Tina Feys speech to
Local Handyman-25yrs. Exp.
George, "George Clooney married Amal Alamuddin this year. Amal is a human rights lawAll phases of home repair./remodel
yer who worked on the Enron case, was an advisor to Kofi Annan regarding Syria and was
Free estimates. Great work for a
great price. For more information
selected for a three-person UN commission investigating rules of war violation in the Gaza
Call: 850.585.0262
Strip. So tonight, her husband is getting a lifetime achievement award!" How on point is that
statement?! They also addressed the GIANT elephant in the room, Bill Cosby and the many
allegations against him. Poehler was describing some of the nominated movies and threw in
Need a sign?
this comment, "In 'Into the Woods,' Cinderella runs from her prince, Rapunzel is thrown
Any size, style, design
from a tower for her prince, and Sleeping Beauty just thought she was getting coffee with
Vinyl lettering, car wraps, banners,
Bill Cosby." The gasps from the audience made me understand how superficial and fragile
Call for FREE estimate. 654-0860
life must be for these celebrities. The joke that had me laughing the hardest and truly shakMention The Emerald Star News
ing my head at the pedestals in which we place these people was when the duo was describFor %discount
ing Jennifer Anistons movie, Cake, Amy: We should explain to all the people in the room
the Hollywood people cake is like a, it's like a fluffy desert that people eat on their
birthdays. Tina: Oh, and birthdays are like a thing people celebrate when they admit that Artwork, free-hand drawings for
paintings or design work.
they have aged. They were, of course, addressing the fact that no one in Hollywood would
layouts also available.
ever dream of eating something as fattening as cake and stars never age. I dont want to ofDrawn especially for you.
fend those of you who are celebrity followersI enjoy a great movie and appreciate acting
skills just like the next personall I am saying is that the amount of credit we give certain
stars for simply being born boarders on scary. In a town where every move is placed on
social media, relationships are staged for movie profits, and a pair of jeans can cost more
Pressure washing driveway,
than a years salary, Tina Fey and Amy Poehlers monologue was spot on. Youtube it if you
fences, mobile homes...you name it
have a few minutes, well worth the time.


Hospital Bed $100.00, 2- pottichairs$10/ea, 2- wheel Chairs $125.00135.00 1- Shower Chair$10,

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Sell your stuff thru this newspaper!
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Piano Lessons
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Hey Al, do these black lives matter? Boko Haram

slaughters thousands in Nigeria
Hey, what ever happened to that group who kidnapped all those girls in Nigeria you
know, heck what was their name? I remember that hashtag thing, what was it? Doggone
hard to believe I thought I remembered it. Oh well, it seems so long ago. Who cares
really, right? The families of the thousands butchered probably do but no one is organizing
a march for them. I guess those black lives dont matter, do they Al, Eric or Barry?
A large number reportedly drowned as they crossed Lake Chad, the BBC relayed. Following its takeover of Baga last week, Boko Haram has launched fresh attacks that have killed
dozens, Reuters noted, adding that the insurgency (they are Islamic terrorists doggone it)
killed more than 10,000 people last year, according to a count by the Council on Foreign
Relations in November. Allen West should run for president or great VP.

Exp. Local workers ready..FREE estimates

Let us build, design you a nice wood shop, (up to 6 outlets), door and custom window,
wood finished your choice roof. ***Estimates starting at $7995 :material/labor est.
12x20 or as large as you need. Ac/heated? Perfect pricing for a small cottage.
Storage Sheds as low as $2899 up to 8wall- flat
roof/ /also enclosed garages, pole barns or finished
apt. house/ /mother-in-law house? / we build it too!
Great Deals, hand built on site. Owner pull permits.

The way you want it done, right!

We have time to get started as soon as you may need
(We prefer to use 2x4 walls and 2x8 floor, 6 roof.)
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for listing with us!
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Sheds built, for MC&L...

Call 850.585.0262 for more details.
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We appreciate our advertisers

to the fullest. Ask yourself

how can we help you

get the word out about
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Put God in your life. He can help you
handle things you thought you cant.

Explore nature in and around

Walton County Florida with Walton
Outdoors. For more information, go
to: http://www.waltonoutdoors.com

NEED AVON? Call Dottie

(850) 835-4191
This newspaper would love to see
more input from the readers and
parents promoting accomplishments
of your children. Just E-mail in.
I want you, the reader to become a
part of this newspaper as we grow
with FREEPORT and the surrounding
areas. Send in anytime! E-mail to

FLA. SPEAK UP, Make yourself
a name in this county, write a
column for us if you can.

Page 12


Thursday, January 15 ,2015



Highway 331 - South of Hwy 20. Five 1-Acre Tracts available. 100 Hwy. frontage on each
tract. City Water available. Property has potential for a variety of uses - Commercial or
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Secluded cabin on the Choctawhatchee!
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Wooded .77 ac lot w/ 103 on the Bay and
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Water & Sewer available. Tremendous
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2br/1.5ba, two-story bungalow directly on
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double carport. ID# P247137 $149,900

3BR/2.5BA brick home with tile flooring throughout.

Separate office space, possible 4th BR. Huge master suite.
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Country Setting! 2BR/2BA home approx.

1,092sf. On 10 acres. Property is livestock
ready. Two detached garages, one w/full
bath, addtnl metal workshop + two portable
storage bldgs. Call for more info. $165,000

Almost 10 acres of wooded property with 662 ft on the Creek & located on JW Hollington, a
paved road. Windswept Dunes Golf Course & NWFL Water Management property are
nearby. Restrictions allow for manufactured homes 4 yrs of age or newer. Construction of
new home requires a minimum of 1,000 sf. heated & cooled space. Property will need septic
tank & well.
ID# T1189968


Ph: 850-835-4153


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