January 15, 2015 Edition
January 15, 2015 Edition
January 15, 2015 Edition
Volume: 7
Issue: 2
bi-weekly Edition
For every copy picked up, a business gathers a new customer base of readership.
Since 2008
French President Francois Hollande ordered flags at half-staff following the assault on Wed. carried out by suspected Islamist extremists. . . Crowds stood silently in public spaces, schools and office buildings, pelted by a
cold rain. Some held signs that read Je suis Charlie, or I am Charlie, which has quickly emerged as a succinct
rallying cry and hashtag for those opposed to the violence. Many in France and around the world see it as a direct
assault on freedom of expression. As we do too, here in FREEPORT, Walton county. Show we show the sign.
Read more at http://dailysurge.com/2015/01/french-muslim-students-snub-moment-silence-charlie-hebdo-attack/
New e-mail address:
Page 6
Page 2
Views expressed in The EMERALD STAR NEWS do not necessarily reflect those of the
publisher. The staff of The EMERALD STAR NEWS pride ourselves in our efforts to ensure accuracy of the publication contents. However, there is no guarantee of the accuracy of all
the Information nor the absence of errors and omissions (especially when sent through a third
party); therefore, no responsibility can or will be assumed. 2500 copies printed bi-weekly.
This newspaper is your voice to the county and all city or state employees, or
whomever it may concern. Have something to say? Good or bad? Lets hear it!!
Dont hesitate to make suggestions or send in your comments to us anytime on
any subject. Did you ever want to be a writer? Have an investigative mind?
Heres your chance to be recognized. Or you can help anonymously.
Send any and all inquiries to the address listed below.
(850) 585-0262
Check us out on FACEBOOK!
Its never too late to get involved. As a society we will gather in time of need
for others, that is what community is all about. Enforce property lines..
Just as we saw abuse from our government officials all over our nation, watch
where your tax dollars are going and see how it is being spent. If you dont
agree with it, go to a meeting and speak up.lets work together!
Changes only come when enough people call to order of descent standards for
which we all can live by. Therefore there are Laws / rules to follow or be jailed.
**If it isnt on your property it is on someone elses.county, then state. Keep
you and your stuff on your own property line with setbacks properly integrated.
Or else we all can grandfather anything, wrong. Stop the crap. We want to be
proud of our surroundings. Lets weed out the problem, deal with it, head on!
Page 3
Freeport, Florida
(850) 835-2122
Pizza-Wings-Burgers & Specialties
Good times go with L.C.s
Tell them Thanks for Advertising
Page 4
Health Post
George Roll P.A.-C
Seagrove Medical Clinic
Call # 850-231-6200
Walk-ins and Appt.s
Send health questions or
comments to: P.O.Box 1133
Freeport, Florida 32439
Business Ads
as low as $25,
call today to
find out how!
SinCe 1989
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Santa Rosa-Beach, Fl.32459
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Page 5
Russ Barley /
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Full Service Florist- Worldwide Delivery
Page 6
Other Properties - MLS # 607005 - .21 acres - Black Creek Lodge Rd - $25,000
MLS - 524271 - 1.2 acres - Stanley Dr. $25,000
MLS - 607740 - 1.28 - Campground Pt. Defuniak Springs - $11,900
MLS 481585 - 3.86 acres - on Lake Holley and King Lake -Bell Dr/Holland Dr.-$65,000 for 2 parcels or split and buy one parcel for $34,500/
MLS 599565 - 2.1 acres - Dvorak Drive, Waterfront on Juniper Lake $45,000
MLS - 512970 - Waterfront Lot Lake Rosemary - 2 lots - $34,500
MLS - 612885 - Lot on Juniper Lake - Wilderness Trace - $29,500
MLS - 552802 - White Creek Rd - 8.44 acres - $26,000
The Walton County Economic Development Alliance (WCEDA) will hold a special
board meeting on Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 12:00 PM at the Walton County Administration Conference Room located at 76 North 6 th Street, DeFuniak Springs, FL.
If your afraid to stand up and fight the good fight then get out of my way, cause there is
trouble coming and I want to live to see another day. How about you? If it hurts them
with my pen, I shall write till I cannot anymore. We may need to form a group. FW
Taught by Karl Shaw, a Professional Recording Musician
References Available
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Special: 1st lesson ...Pay for 1/2 hour, get Full hour !
Page 7
Whether youve been told you sing like an angel or you cant sing at all,
Page 8
BUSY HIGHWAY 20 INTERSECTION - Located to the West of
Highway 331 and will be across the street from one of the
new Publix access roads. Great visibility. All utilities available.
Motivated Seller has New Price!
ONLY $299,900
Rare find on Choctawhatchee Bay - Over 3.5 acres of Bay front
property with Oaks and Magnolias. 182 on the water with seawall
and rip-rap. Creek borders eastern boundary. Incredible western
sunsets across the Bay. Owner/Agent New Price!
Ph: 850-835-4153
Page 9
Letter to the :
You'll continue to have Venus in your sign until January 27, so be sure to make the most of it. While you
have this cosmic benefit, you will come across to others as more confident and beautiful, inside and out.
As a result, it'll be easy to magnetize anyone you're hoping to spark a love connection with. Pay attention
to conversations and who you meet near Tuesday.
Get ready for more dynamism and bravado than you've had in nearly two years! During this time you'll
have plenty of courage to pursue whomever it is you're interested in romantically. Although you're typically a shy, sensitive sign, now you'll have little trouble taking the initiative and making that first move. If
you're already in a relationship, your partner will enjoy how much more physical energy you have.
Dear Editor,
I commend you for saying what you do, lets us
know the real-deal. Much better than the other
newspaper, so one sided and typical. Yours is not
and thats why we look forward to each Edition
you print. Good Luck in 2015!
Bill J. Burbey
Dear Editor.
Will you please come by and look at my house.
I have some large glass windows Id like for you
to Etch a scene for me. I bet most of your readers
dont know what a rare talent you have,
Helen McRodney
You might wonder where your libido went. It's possible your sex drive will dampen over the next few
weeks. Take heart: This might be a good time to practice celibacy if you're single. That way, you can remind yourself that your body is a temple, and anyone who loves it better be worthy. If you're in a relationDear Editor,
ship, expect a pleasant surprise from your mate on weekend.
When we visited 3 yrs. ago to Freeport. My
and I knew we wanted to become a part
Be careful not to send mixed messages to a friend about whether or not you want something more. Lines
Several of your editorials helped us
between friends and lovers might be blurry for a while, and as a result you may confuse a pal and threaten
here in March.
to ruin a friendship if you start flirting with him or her. You may think this is a good idea and that the
news and to speak your mind as
chemistry felt is mutual.
you do is a gift that many admire and wished to
This week you'll begin to spend almost all of your energy on professional goals. As a result, there might
be able to do. We totally enjoy your newspaper.
not be much time for romance. Still, on Tuesday, you'll have the most glorious support for love, thanks to
Tom & Betty McCane
Venus and Uranus connecting at a friendly angle. You might experience a sudden and very exciting meeting with a person connected to a humanitarian or international endeavor you're a part of.
I want to encourage you all to feel Free to write
in or send in any interesting facts to share. I get
At times, we feel chemistry with someone for reasons that have nothing to do with romance. It's likely
so many E-mails, I love it to know you are interyou have a definite affinity with this person because he or she embodies qualities you wish to grow into.
ested in what I find to share with you all. THX
That's not the same as attraction for a partner we fall in love with. Know the difference, and don't get
yourself in a sticky situation you later feel embarrassed about.
This newspaper is owned and operated here in :
Get ready for a major dose of excitement! Time to share-- one that will encourage sharing fantasies with
Lets keep this going by advertising with us!
your mate. You might consider learning more about Tantric sex practices or other ways to connect spiriBest prices around. Any and all support of this
tually to your lover while you enjoy each other physically.
newspaper is deeply appreciated. Your making
history with each edition we complete. Find news,
You'll definitely feel like stirring the pot with your partner this week. In fact, it's possible you'll push
him or her over the edge if you aren't careful about how argumentative you can get. Mars, the planet of make news. Tell it. Got something to say? Let us
hear it! Ill print it.... Dont like it? Ill print it too.
action but also assertion, will enter your partnership sector. Because Mars will be in tender Pisces,
you're likely to go about expressing your frustrations with your mate in a more passive-aggressive way.
This may cause problems...think before you leap.
Your partner may want to spice things up, and if so he or she may approach you with an idea to do
something a bit more experimental. This might be anything from an unusual date to something a bit
more private. Either way, you'll be happy to participate. If you're in a new relationship, you and your
lover will both agree that not getting locked into traditional partnership ideology is the best idea for the
both of you.
This week you'll be ready to have more fun -- and more fun in bed -- than you have in nearly two years.
10/23 11/21 Mars, the planet of action and sex drive, will enter your 5th House of Romance and Pleasure, and it will
remain here until February 19. During this time you will make it a priority to enjoy life and love more.
Go ahead, get your sexy on. Date. Make love. You deserve it!
A lively conversation with someone might unexpectedly turn into a love connection. On Tuesday, Venus,
11/22 12/2 now in your message sector, will be at a perfect angle to Uranus, now in your 5th House of Romance.
Talking about your love life is a definite. You might also make a somewhat eccentric decision with your
lover. Or, you might casually talk to someone in your neighborhood or apartment building..
You want everyone around you to be satisfied and will do your part to make it happen. Nevertheless,
12/22 1/19 you're not prepared to sacrifice your integrity for any reason. You might have to face a dilemma now
that creates stress from these two conflicting points of view. Ultimately, you must play the role of the
judge and decide how the next phase of your life unfolds. Even if you aren't the final authority, you're
still responsible for your own actions -- and whatever you do today has a lasting impact on tomorrow.
Funny. Look
the Editor is
Advertise with us!! Guaranteed the lowest price .. Call today: 850.585.0262
We Thank you Lord for giving us this day. For all our friends, family and community. Please help us guide
FREEPORT in the best direction we can grow to become all we can, for our future and of our children. Amen
Page 10
Page 11
Only $10
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With the Golden Globes wrapping up this past weekend and
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weeks ahead of more red carpet events, Hollywood is on my
mind. I do not watch award showsjust dont peak my interGot a place to rent?
estbut I did watch the opening monologue between Tina Fey
Classified Ads are only $10
and Amy Poehler. If you watched it, you will know that these
two comedians are not afraid to say exactly what is on their
minds. They dont care whose feelings they hurt or how big a
celebrity is. If you didnt get to see it, let me address a few of their most substantially honest
points. George Clooney was set to get a Lifetime Achievement award for all his great
work in the many movies he has participated/starred in. This was Tina Feys speech to
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selected for a three-person UN commission investigating rules of war violation in the Gaza
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Strip. So tonight, her husband is getting a lifetime achievement award!" How on point is that
statement?! They also addressed the GIANT elephant in the room, Bill Cosby and the many
allegations against him. Poehler was describing some of the nominated movies and threw in
Need a sign?
this comment, "In 'Into the Woods,' Cinderella runs from her prince, Rapunzel is thrown
Any size, style, design
from a tower for her prince, and Sleeping Beauty just thought she was getting coffee with
Vinyl lettering, car wraps, banners,
Bill Cosby." The gasps from the audience made me understand how superficial and fragile
Call for FREE estimate. 654-0860
life must be for these celebrities. The joke that had me laughing the hardest and truly shakMention The Emerald Star News
ing my head at the pedestals in which we place these people was when the duo was describFor %discount
ing Jennifer Anistons movie, Cake, Amy: We should explain to all the people in the room
the Hollywood people cake is like a, it's like a fluffy desert that people eat on their
birthdays. Tina: Oh, and birthdays are like a thing people celebrate when they admit that Artwork, free-hand drawings for
paintings or design work.
they have aged. They were, of course, addressing the fact that no one in Hollywood would
layouts also available.
ever dream of eating something as fattening as cake and stars never age. I dont want to ofDrawn especially for you.
fend those of you who are celebrity followersI enjoy a great movie and appreciate acting
skills just like the next personall I am saying is that the amount of credit we give certain
stars for simply being born boarders on scary. In a town where every move is placed on
social media, relationships are staged for movie profits, and a pair of jeans can cost more
Pressure washing driveway,
than a years salary, Tina Fey and Amy Poehlers monologue was spot on. Youtube it if you
fences, mobile homes...you name it
have a few minutes, well worth the time.
Piano Lessons
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FLA. SPEAK UP, Make yourself
a name in this county, write a
column for us if you can.
Page 12
Highway 331 - South of Hwy 20. Five 1-Acre Tracts available. 100 Hwy. frontage on each
tract. City Water available. Property has potential for a variety of uses - Commercial or
Industrial. 1 Tract @ $149,900 / 4 Tracts @ $169,000 each / Lets Make a Deal on ALL 5!
Secluded cabin on the Choctawhatchee!
1BR/1BA, 504 sf. on two lots. Large
screened porch & utility shed. One of a
kind location! ID# T1630288 $89,900
Local Knowledge
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Serving Walton County
Since 1985.
Protected water with easy access to the
Intracoastal & Choctawhatchee Bay. City
Water & Sewer available. Tremendous
potential! ID# T88485
Acreage Tracts!
2br/1.5ba, two-story bungalow directly on
Black Creek. Dock w/electric. Storage shed,
double carport. ID# P247137 $149,900
HAPPY 2015!
Real Estate!
Owner Financing
Call Today for Details!
Its a
time to buy
Almost 10 acres of wooded property with 662 ft on the Creek & located on JW Hollington, a
paved road. Windswept Dunes Golf Course & NWFL Water Management property are
nearby. Restrictions allow for manufactured homes 4 yrs of age or newer. Construction of
new home requires a minimum of 1,000 sf. heated & cooled space. Property will need septic
tank & well.
ID# T1189968
Ph: 850-835-4153