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Linear data reconciliation for steady state systems has already been introduced in Chapter 1. The
examples analyzed in Chapter 1 are instances of a linear data reconciliation problem. The
general formulation and solution of linear data reconciliation problems is discussed in this
chapter. Vector notation is used in this and subsequent chapters because it provides a compact
representation and allows powerful concepts from linear algebra and matrix theory to be
exploited. Appendix A provides an introduction to some basic concepts of vectors and

Linear systems with all variables measured

As shown in Chapter 1, the simplest data reconciliation problem involves a linear model with all
variables directly measured. We also assume that the measurements do not contain any
systematic biases.
General Formulation and Solution
The model for the measurements described by Eq. (1-6) can be written as,


where y is a vector of n measurements, x is the corresponding vector of true values of the

measured variables and is the vector of unknown random errors. Although, in Eq. (3-1) we
have assumed that the measurements and variables have one to one correspondence, it does not
impose any limitation on the applicability of the method. Other forms of the measurement model
in which the variables are assumed to be indirectly measured can be converted to the above
model using appropriate transformations. These issues are discussed in Chapter 7 along with
gross error detection strategies.
The constraints described by Eqs. (1-7a - 1-7d), can be represented in general by
Ax = 0


where A is a matrix of dimension m x n, and 0 is a m x 1 vector whose elements are all zero.
Each row of Eq.(3-2) corresponds to a constraint. It can be easily verified that for a flow
reconciliation problem, the elements of each row of matrix A are either +1, -1 or 0, depending on
whether the corresponding stream flow is input, output or, respectively, not associated with the
process unit for which the flow balance is written.
The objective function, Eq. (1-8), can be represented in general by
Min (y - x)TW(y - x)


The n x n matrix W is usually a diagonal matrix, the diagonal elements representing the
weights as in Eq. (1-4). However, in general, it can also contain nonzero off-diagonal
elements. The interpretation of the elements of W in terms of the statistical properties of the
errors e is discussed in the next section.
The analytical solution to the above problem can be obtained using the method of Lagrange
multipliers [1], [2]
x$ = y - W-1AT(AW-1AT)-1Ay


where we have denoted the solution for the estimates using the notation x$ . In deriving the
above solution it is assumed that the matrix A is of full row rank, which implies that there are no
linearly dependent constraints in Eq. (3-2).
Exercise 3-1 : Using the method of Lagrangian multipliers for minimizing (3-3) subject to
equality constraints, Eq. (3-2) , obtain the solution for the reconciled estimates given by
Equation (3-4).
The estimates given by Eq. (3-4) satisfy the constraints. In practice, there may be bounds
on the variables. Since these have not been included in the reconciliation problem, the estimates
obtained using Eq. (3-4) may not satisfy these bounds and in some cases negative values for
the estimates may be obtained which are physically meaningless. The only way to obtain
physically meaningful results in such cases is to impose bounds on variables as additional
constraints. But this complicates the problem significantly and an analytical solution can
no longer be obtained. The solution of the bounded data reconciliation problem is discussed in
Chapter 5.
Exercise 3-2 : Prove that the estimates given by Eq. (3-4) satisfy the constraints of Eq. (3-2).
Statistical Basis of Data Reconciliation
So far we have described the formulation of the data reconciliation problem from a purely
intuitive viewpoint, especially with regard to the selection of the objective function weights to
be used for different measurements. The data reconciliation problem can also be explained
using a statistical theoretical basis, which not only helps in understanding this subject
better, but also provides useful quantitative information about the improvement in the
accuracy of the data obtained through reconciliation and the statistical properties of the
resulting estimates. These can be used to identify grossly incorrect data or to design sensor
networks as described in Chapter 10.
The statistical basis for data reconciliation arises from the properties that are assumed for the
random errors in the measurements. Generally, as mentioned in Chapter 2, it is assumed that
the random errors follow a multivariate normal distribution with zero mean, and a known
variance-covariance matrix . However, it should be kept in mind that sometimes the primary
measured signal is transformed into the final indicated variable of interest. If the transformation

is nonlinear such as Eq. (2.7), then the error in the indicated variable need not be normally
distributed. As indicated in Chapter 2 only the linearized form can be approximated by a
normal distribution. Thus, if possible, the variables x in the measurement model of Eq. (3-1)
should represent the primary measured variables, and relationships between the primary
measured variable and the variables of interest should be included as constraints. In case, the
constraints are nonlinear, then a nonlinear data reconciliation technique as described in Chapter
5 can be used to solve the problem.
The matrix contains information about the accuracy of the measurements and the correlations
between them. The diagonal element of , 2i is the variance in measured variable i, and the
off-diagonal element 2ij is the covariance of the errors in variables i and j. If the measured
values are given by the vector y, then the most likely estimates for x are obtained by maximizing
the likelihood function of the multivariate normal distribution:



| |


exp{ - 0.5(y - x) T 1 (y - x)}


where || is the determinant of . The above maximum likelihood estimation problem is

equivalent to minimizing the function
Min (y - x)T-1(y - x)


The estimates are also required to satisfy the constraints, Eq. (3-1). Comparing Eq. (3-5) and
(3-3), we note that the formulation of the data reconciliation problem from a statistical
viewpoint, simply requires that the weight matrix W be chosen to be the inverse of the
covariance matrix . This choice is also reasonable, if we consider the matrix to be diagonal.
In this case, Eq. (3-6) becomes



x i ) 2 / 2i


i =1

where i is the standard deviation of the error in measurement i. Equation (3-7) shows that the
weight factor for each measurement is inversely proportional to the standard deviation of its
error. Since a higher value of standard deviation implies that the measurement is less accurate,
the above choice gives larger weights to more accurate measurements. Another advantage of
using Eq. (3-7) is that it is dimensionless since the standard deviation of a measurement error
has the same units as the measurement. The estimates can now be obtained using Eq. (3-4) by
replacing W with -1.
It is also now possible to derive the statistical properties of the estimates obtained through data
reconciliation. Consider the case when all the variables are measured. The estimates are given

x$ = y - AT(AAT)-1Ay = [I-AT(AAT)A]y = By


Equation (3-8) shows that the estimates are obtained using a linear transformation of the
measurements. The estimates, therefore, are also normally distributed, with expected value
and covariance matrix given by
E[ x$ ] = BE(y) = Bx = x


Cov[ x$ ] = E{(By)(By)T} = BBT


Equation (3-9) implies that the estimates are unbiased, which is a property of maximum
likelihood estimates for the linear systems Equation (3-10) gives a measure of the accuracy
of the estimates. In the case when some of the variables are unmeasured, it is possible to
derive similar properties. These statistical properties are exploited to identify measurements
with gross errors as well as to design sensor networks.

Linear systems with both measured and unmeasured variables

For partially measured systems, the reconciliation problem is usually solved by decomposing
it into two sub-problems [3],[4]. In the first sub-problem, the redundant measured variables are
reconciled, followed by a coaptation problem in which the observable unmeasured variables
are estimated. This strategy is more efficient than an attempt to estimate all the variables
simultaneously. The general formulation and solution of the reconciliation problem for partially
measured systems is now described.
Let the number of unmeasured variables be p. The variables are classified into two sets, the
vector x of measured variables and the vector u of unmeasured variables. The measurement
model is still given by Eq. (3-1) and the objective function by (3-6). However, the constraints
have to be recast in terms of both the measured and unmeasured variables. Eq.(3-2) is written as
Axx + Auu = 0


where the columns of Ax correspond to the measured variables and those of Au correspond to
the unmeasured variables. Matrices Ax and Au are of dimensions m x n and m x p, respectively.
The unmeasured variables u have to be eliminated from Eq. (3-11) using suitable linear
combinations of the constraints. This is equivalent to premultiplying the constraints by a
matrix P, also known as a projection matrix , Crowe [4]. The matrix P should satisfy the
PAu = 0


Premultiplying Eq. (3-11) by matrix P, we get the reduced set of constraints involving only
measured variables as

PAxx = 0


The number of columns of P should clearly be equal to the number of constraints, m. As

many independent rows as possible are constructed for P which satisfy property (3-12). The
number of such rows, t, is linked to the observability of the unmeasured variables. If all the
unmeasured variables are observable as in Cases 1 and 2 of Example 1-2, then t is equal to m-p.
This can be easily inferred by noting that t is equal to the number of constraints in the reduced
constraints of Eq. (3-13). If all p unmeasured variables can be uniquely estimated, then this
requires p of the constraint equations. Thus, only the remaining m-p constraints are available
for reconciling the measured variables. It can also be proved that for all the unmeasured
variables to be observable, the p columns of Au should be independent.
Exercise 3-2. Prove that if the columns of matrix Au are linearly dependent, then unique
estimates for the variables u.
Exercise 3-3 Solve the reconciliation problem for the case of linear constraints with constant
Ax x + Au u = c, when the columns of Au may or may not be linearly dependent.
If not all unmeasured variables are observable, then t is equal to m-s, where s is the number of
independent columns of Au. The interpretation of this result can be done as follows. Since the
unmeasured variables cannot be uniquely estimated, the estimates of a few of the unmeasured
variables have to be additionally specified in order to uniquely solve for the remaining
unmeasured variables. If p-s is the number of unmeasured variables whose estimates have to
be additionally specified, then to solve for the other s unmeasured variables requires s of the
constraint equations, resulting in m-s remaining constraints for reconciliation. A comparison
with Case 3 of the Example 1-2 shows that m = 4, n = 6, and p = 4. However, only 3 of the
columns of Au are independent, and an estimate of one of the unmeasured among x2 to x5 have
to be additionally specified in order to estimate all the other variables. Thus, p-s = 1 or s = 3,
and the number of constraints in the reduced set, m-s is equal to 1 as observed from Eq. (1-15).
Note that the number of constraints in the reduced set is also known as degrees of redundancy.
The reduced data reconciliation problem is to minimize (3-6) subject to the constraints, Eq. (313). Since the constraints are similar to Eq. (3-2), the reconciled values for x can be obtained
using Eq. (3-8), with the matrix A being replaced by the reduced matrix PAx.
x$ = y - (PAx)T[(PAx)T(PAx)T]-1(PAx)y


Using Eq. (3-14), we can now substitute for x in Eq. (3-12) and obtain the estimates u$ for the
variables u, provided all the variables are observable (or the columns of Au are independent).
Since Au is a m x p matrix with p < m, a least-squares approximate solution can be used. From
the theory of generalized inverse [5], the least-squares solution is given by

u$ = -A Tu A u ( A x x$ )


The general solution for u$ when all the variables are not observable is developed in the next
section. The decomposition strategy described above is also useful for data reconciliation
of processes with nonlinear constraints as described in chapter 5. The only additional issue to
be discussed is the construction of the projection matrix P, which follows.

Construction of Projection Matrix

There are several different matrix methods for the construction of the projection matrix. One
such method is given by Crowe [4]. However, probably the most efficient method is to use the
QR factorization [5] of the matrix Au. Such a method was first applied to data reconciliation
solving by Swartz [6] and recently utilized by Sanchez and Romagnoli [7] to decompose and
solve linear and bilinear data reconciliation problems.
Consider the case when the columns of the m x p matrix Au are linearly independent. Then it
is possible to factorize Au as

A u = QR u = [Q 1

Q 2 ] 1 u


where u is a permutation matrix (that is, the columns of u are the permuted columns of the
identity matrix), R1 is a nonsingular p x p upper triangular matrix, and Q is a m x m
orthogonal matrix, that is,



In essence, the columns of Q form a basis for the m-dimensional space, while the matrix R1
represents the p columns of Au in terms of the first p basis vectors, Q1. Since Q is orthogonal,
the matrix Q2 has the property

Q T2 A u = Q 2T [ Q1 Q 2 ] 1 u = [ 0 I] 1 u = 0


From Eq. (3-18), it is clear that the matrix Q T2 is the desired projection matrix P.
The QR factorization is also useful in estimating the unmeasured variables easily. Using the
QR factorization, Eq. (3-11) can be written as
A x x + QR u u = 0


where u u is a reordered vector u. Premultiplying Eq. (3-19) by QT we get

Q T A x x + R u u = 0


or, rearranging

R u u = -Q T A x x


Using Eq. (3-16) for R in Eq. (3-21) we get

R 1
0 uu = - T A x x

Q 2


R 1 u u = -Q1T A x x



Since R1 is a p x p upper triangular matrix, Eq. (3-23) can be easily solved by backward
substitution to give the estimates of u. The solution can be formally expressed as:

u u = -R 11Q1T A x x


By substituting for the estimates of x (obtained using Q T2 for P in Eq. (3-16)) in the above
equation we obtain the estimates for u (since u u is a reordered form of the original vector u)
In the case when only s of the columns of Au are independent then the QR factorization takes
the form

R R 2
A u = QR = [Q1 Q 2 ] 1


where R1 now is a s x s nonsingular upper triangular matrix, and R2 is a s x (p-s) matrix. The
projection matrix is still given by Q T2 . In the same way, the unmeasured variables can be
partitioned into two subsets of s and p-s variables.

uu =



In order to use the QR factorization for estimating the unmeasured variables we substitute for R
in Eq. (3-21) using Eq. (3-25) and for u u using Eq.(3-26) and obtain

R 1

R 2 us

= T A xx
0 u p s
Q 2


The upper part of the matrix Eq. (3-27) involves only the unmeasured variables:
R 1u s + R 2u p s = -Q1T A x x


which, since R1 is nonsingular, gives the solution

u s = -R 11 Q1T A x x + R 2 u p s


Eq. (3-29) indicates that the solution for the first s (reordered) unmeasured variables can be
obtained only if estimates the remaining p-s unmeasured variables are specified. This is also
consistent with the fact that not all unmeasured variables are observable. The QR factorization
described here is also useful in identifying which of the unmeasured variables are unobservable
as described in the next section.
Example 3-1
We illustrate the construction of the Projection matrix by QR factorization and its utility in
determining observable and unobservable variables by using the flow reconciliation problem
used in case 3 of Example 1-2 where flows of streams 1 and 3 are the only variables measured.
From the constraints Eqs. (1-7a) - (1-7d) for this process, we can obtain the matrices
corresponding to measured and unmeasured variables, and these are given by

1 0
0 0

Ax =
0 0

0 1

1 1 0 0
1 0 1 0

Au =
0 1 0 1

0 0 1 1

The QR factoriization of matrix Au gives

0.7071 0.4082 0.2887 0.5
0.7071 0.4082 0.2887 0.5

0.8165 0.2887 0.5

0.8660 0.5
1.4142 0.7071 0.7071
1.2247 0.4082 0.8165



From the matrix R, it can be inferred, that s = 3, and that the sub-matrix corresponding to the
first three columns and first three rows is R1. The Projection matrix is the transpose of the last
column of Q. The reduced constraint matrix is given by
Q T2 A x = [0.5 0.5]

The reduced constraint matrix can be seen to be equivalent to Eq. (1-17) which was obtained
using simple algebraic manipulation.

Observability and Redundancy

In Chapter 1, we have introduced the concepts of observability and redundancy without
formally defining them. In this section, we define these terms clearly and discuss different
techniques for variable classification.
The concepts of observability and redundancy are intimately linked with the solvability and
estimability of variables. In medium and large scale process plants there are hundreds of
variables, and, for technical and economic reasons it not possible to measure all of them. It is
thus important to know for a given process and a set of measured variables, which of the
unmeasured variables can be estimated. The concept of observability deals with this issue. It
is also useful to know whether a measured variable can be estimated even if its sensor fails for
some reason. Redundancy deals with this question. Observability and redundancy analysis can
be exploited for adding new measuring instruments or for altering the choice of the set of
variables to be measured. It can also play a useful role in efficient decomposition and solution
of the data reconciliation problem.
Definition of Observability: A variable is said to be observable if it can be estimated by using
the measurements and steady state process constraints.
Definition of Redundancy: A measured variable is said to be redundant if it is observable even
when its measurement is removed.

From the above definition of observability, it is obvious that a measured variable is

observable, since its measurement provides an estimate of the variable. However, an
unmeasured variable is observable only if it can be indirectly estimated by exploiting process
constraint relationships and measurements in other variables. Measured variables are redundant
if it can also be estimated indirectly through other measurements and constraints.
The observability and redundancy of variables depend both on the measurement structure (also
called the sensor network) as well as the nature of the constraints. We have already seen how
the measurement selection affects the observability of flow variables in the three cases for the
example shown in Chapter 1. A systematic approach is necessary for determining which of
the unmeasured variables are observable. There are broadly two approaches that have been
followed for solving this problem. One class of methods is based on the use of linear algebra

and matrix theory, while the other uses principles of graph theory. Both approaches are
discussed here since they provide valuable insights.
A. Matrix Decomposition Methods
Observability and redundancy classification of variables can be carried out as part of the solution
of the data reconciliation problem [6],[7]. We first describe how unobservable variables can be
identified during the construction of the projection matrix.
Unobservable variables are present only when the columns of Au are not linearly
independent. In such cases, the QR factorization of Au has the form shown in Eq. (3-25), which
can be used to rearrange the constraints in the form of Eq. (3-27). The solution for unmeasured
variables given by Eq. (3-29) can be written as
u s = -R 11Q1T A x x R u u p s


R u = R 11R 2



The matrix Ru contains all the necessary information to classify unmeasured variables. If a row
of Ru has no nonzero element, then the corresponding unmeasured variable in the LHS of Eq.
(3-30) can be estimated purely from the estimates of x and is therefore observable. If on the
other hand, a row of Ru contains a nonzero element, then the corresponding unmeasured
variable on the LHS of Eq. (3-30) is unobservable since it depends on the estimates chosen for
the p-s unmeasured variables on the RHS of this equation. All the p-s unmeasured variables
in the RHS of Eq. (3-30) are also unobservable, since their estimates have to be specified.
Redundant measured variables can be identified either by looking at their reconciled
estimates or by considering the reduced constraint matrix Q T2 A x . A non-redundant measured
variable will not be adjusted since it is not possible to estimate this variable indirectly through
other variables. Hence its reconciled value will be identical to its measured value.
Corresponding to this variable, the elements in the column of matrix Q T2 A x will all be zero.
Example 3-2
In order to classify the measured and unmeasured variables of Example 3-1, we can make use of
the QR factorization already computed in the example. The matrix Ru which is useful for
classifying unmeasured variables can be computed as


= R R 2 = 0.3333


Since all the rows of Ru contain a non-zero element, this implies that all unmeasured variables
are unobservable. In order to classify the measured variables, we make use of matrix Q T2 A x
computed in Example 3-1. Since both the columns of this matrix contain a non-zero element, we
infer that both measurements (flows of streams 1 and 6) are redundant. These results can be
counter-checked with the results of Example 1-2, Case 3.

Observability and redundancy classification using the projection matrix was also used by Crowe
[8]. Crowe applied theoretical rules and derived algorithms to classify flows and concentrations
in material balance data reconciliation. The procedure allows the inclusion of chemical
reactions, flow spiltters and pure energy flows. However, fewer classification rules are required
by the QR projection matrix approach described above. Matrix methods for observability and
redundancy classification in bilinear processes were developed by Ragot et al [9].
B. Graph Theoretic Method.
The use of graph theoretic concepts for observability and redundancy classification when
only overall flows are considered have been developed by Vaclavek [10], and Mah et al [11].
Later Vaclavek and Loucka [12] extended their classification ideas to multicomponent systems,
while Stanley and Mah [13] developed classification algorithms for energy systems. Kretsovalis
and Mah ([14],[15],[16]) developed graph theoretic algorithms for classifying flows,
temperatures and composition variables in general processes, while Meyer et al [17] developed
a simpler algorithm applicable to bilinear processes. In this section we focus only on overall
flows of the process.
In order to use graph theory, the process under consideration should be represented as a
process graph. The process graph can be simply derived from the flowsheet of the process by
adding an extra node denoted as the environment node and connecting all process feeds and
products to it. Thus, for the process of Fig. 1-2 in Chapter 1, the process graph is shown in
Fig. 3-1, where the direction of the streams are not indicated since they are irrelevant for the
present analysis. The following simple yet powerful result is obtained from graph theory for
identifying unobservable flows.
An unmeasured flow is unobservable if and only if it forms part of some cycle consisting solely
of unmeasured flow streams of the process graph.






Figure 3.1 Process Graph of Heat Exchanger with Bypass.

As an example, consider Case 3 of Example 1-2 for which the unmeasured flows of streams 2
to 6 were shown to be unobservable. The process graph for this case is shown again for
convenience in Fig. 3-2 with the measured streams marked by a cross. It can be easily observed
from Fig. 3-2, that these streams form a cycle. On the contrary, for Case 2 the unmeasured
flows of streams 3 through 6 do not form any cycle among them and are therefore
observable. This can be verified from the process graph for this case shown in Fig. 3-3 in
which the measured edges are marked.





Figure 3.2 Heat Exchanger Process Graph with Unobservable variables.


Figure 3.3 Heat Exchanger Process Graph with Observable variables.

Redundant measured variables can also be identified by the using the following simple
procedure. We merge every pair of
nodes which are linked by an unmeasured stream,
obtaining in the process a reduced graph which contains only measured streams. All the
measured streams of this reduced graph are redundant, and will be reconciled. Any measured
stream that gets eliminated as a result of the merging process is nonredundant. For example,
we apply the merging process to Fig. 3-2. The reduced graphs obtained after merging in
sequence, nodes linked by streams 2, 3, 4, and 5 are shown in Figs. 3-4a to 3-4d, respectively.
The final reduced graph of Fig. 3-4d contains the measured edges 1 and 6, which implies that
they are redundant and will be reconciled. This can be compared with the results of Case 3 of
Example 1-2 which shows that flows of streams 1 and 6 are present in the reduced data
reconciliation problem. It can also be observed that the reduced data reconciliation problem can
be obtained by writing the constraints based on the reduced process graph of Fig. 3-4d. Thus, for
flow reconciliation of processes containing unmeasured variables, the reduced data
reconciliation problem can be formulated using a reduced graph instead of using a projection
matrix technique.








Fig 3.4 Heat Exchanger Graph after merging unobservable streams

(a) stream 2, (b) stream 3, (c) streams 4 and 5

Example 3-3
This example is used to illustrate the presence of observable/unobservable unmeasured
variables and redundant/nonredundant measured variables coexisting in the same process. The
process graph for this example is drawn from Mah [18] and is shown in Fig. 3-5. The measured
flows of this process are indicated in the figure. For classifying the unmeasured variables
easily, the measured edges from Fig. 3-5 can be deleted resulting in the graph shown in Fig. 36a. From this figure it is observed that streams 8, 1, and 14 form a cycle and are therefore
unobservable. The remaining unmeasured flows are observable. In order to identify the
redundant measurements, the nodes linked by unmeasured edges are merged, resulting in the
reduced graph shown in Fig.3-6b. All the measured flows present in this figure are redundant,
but the measured flows of edge 1 is nonredundant since it is eliminated during the merging













Figure 3.5 Process Graph of a Refinery Subsection






Figure 3-6a Subgraph of Unmeasured Variables of Refinery Process






Figure 3.6b. Reconciliation Subgraph of Refinery Process

Additional References
1. Kuehn, D.R. and Davidson,H. "Computer Control. II. Mathematics of Control", Chem. Eng.
Progress, Vol.57, 44 -47 (1961)
2. Seber, G.A.F. Linear Regression Analysis, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1977.
3. Mah, R.S.H. Chemical Process Structures and Information Flows. Boston: Butterworths, 1990.
4. Crowe, C.M., Campos Y.A.G. and Hrymak, A. "Reconciliation of Process Flow Rates by Matrix
Projection. I: Linear Case", AIChE Journal., Vol.29, 881-888 (1983).
5. Noble, B. and Daniel, J.W. Applied Linear Algebra, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall,
Inc., 1977.
6. Swartz, C.L.E, "Data Reconciliation for Generalized Flowsheet Applications", American
Chemical Society National Meeting, Dallas, TX (1989).
7. Sanchez, M. and Romagnoli, J. "Use of Orthogonal Transformations in Data ClassificationReconciliation. Computers Chem. Eng. Vol. 20, 483-493 (1996).
8. Crowe, C.M. "Observability and Redundancy of Process Data for Steady State Reconciliation ",
Chem. Eng. Sci., Vol.44, 2909-2917 (1989).
9. Ragot, J., Maquin, D. , Bloch, G, and Gomolka, W. Observability and Variables
Classification in Bilinear Processes, Benelux Quarterly J. Automatic Control - Journal A,
Vol. 31, 17-23 (1990).
10. Vaclavek, V. Studies on System Engineering III. Optimal Choice of the Balance
Measurements in Complicated Chemical Engineering Systems Chem. Eng. Sci., Vol. 24,
947-955 (1969).


11. Mah, R.S.H., Stanley, G.M. and Downing,D.W. "Reconciliation and Rectification of Process
Flow and Inventory Data", Ind. & EC Proc. Des. Dev., Vol.15, 175-183 (1976).
12. Vaclavek, V. and Loucka, M. Selection of Measurements Necessary to Achieve
Multicomponent Mass Balances in Chemical Plant Chem. Eng. Sci., Vol. 31, 1199-1205
13. Stanley, G.M. and Mah, R.S.H. "Observability and Redundancy Classification in Process
Networks. Theorems and Algorithms ", Chem. Eng. Sci., Vol.36, 1941-1954 (1981).
14. Kretsovalis, A. and Mah, R.S.H. "Observability and Redundancy Classification in
Multicomponent Process Networks AIChE Journal, Vol.33, 70-82 (1988).
15. Kretsovalis, A. and Mah, R.S.H. "Observability and Redundancy Classification in Generalized
Process Networks. I: Theorems", Computers Chem. Eng., Vol.12, 671-688 (1988).
16. Kretsovalis, A. and Mah, R.S.H. "Observability and Redundancy Classification in Generalized
Process Networks. II: Algorithms", Computers Chem. Eng., Vol. 12, 689-703 (1988).
17. Meyer, M., Koehret, B. and Enjalbert, M. Data Reconciliation on Multicomponent Network
Process Computers. Chem. Eng., Vol.17, 807-817 (1993).
18. Mah, R.S.H. Chemical Process Structures and Information Flows. Boston: Butterworths, 1990.
19. Romagnoli, J. and Stephanopoulos, G. "On Rectification of Measurement Errors for Complex
Chemical Plants Chem. Eng. Science., Vol.35, 1067-1081 (1980).
20. Romagnoli, J. and Stephanopoulos, G. "A General Approach to Classify Operational
Parameters and Rectify Measurement Errors for Complex Chemical Processes Comp. Appl. to
Chem. Eng., 153-174 (1980).
21. Sanchez, M., Bandoni, A, and Romagnoli, J. "PLADAT: A Package for Process Variable
Classification and Plant Data Reconciliation Computers Chem. Eng. 616 (Suppl.), S499-S506


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