Cholesteatoma, An Overview May 2013
Cholesteatoma, An Overview May 2013
Cholesteatoma, An Overview May 2013
May 2013
Johannes Mueller in 1838 first described a layered pearly tumor of fat, which was distinguished
from other fat tumors by the biliary fat or cholesterin that is interspersed among sheets of polyhedral
cells. This was a misnomer at the time. Luchae later in 1885 described a cholesteatoma behind an intact
tympanic membrane, likely the first accounts of a congenital cholesteatoma. Today, we define
cholesteatoma as a cyst-like expansile lesion of the temporal bone lined by stratified squamous
epithelium that contains desquamated keratin. These most often occur in the middle ear and mastoid, but
can occur anywhere in pneumatized temporal bone.
Cholesteatomas need sooner than later management because of their locally destructive
properties. These lesions can cause infections, otorrhea, bone destruction, hearing loss (mostly
conductive), facial nerve weakness or paralysis, vertigo via labyrinthine fistula, lateral sinus thrombosis,
and intracranial complications. Cholesteatomas can get infected with bacteria, the most common being
pseudomonas aeruginosa and staphylococcus aureus. The molecular cascade of events surrounding
cholesteatoma has been studied. This includes induction of matrix metalloproteinases, release of oxygen
radicals and other inflammatory factors being released. This leads to cholesetatomas destructive
properties leading to proteolytic activity, bone remodeling and resorption, and recruitment of
inflammatory cells.
Classification and Pathogenesis
The classification of cholesteatomas is broken down by their theories of pathogenesis. The first
general type is congenital cholesteatoma. This is an epidermal inclusion cyst behind an intact tympanic
membrane. There are two main theories of their origin. The first hypothesizes the invasion of
misdirected Ectodermal cells within the external auditory canal migrating through the tympanic isthmus
into the middle ear space. The second hypothesizes that embryonic rest remnants form epithelial tissue.
Findings by Teed and Michaels in 1936 and in the 1980s respectively showed that in human fetal
temporal bones there is an Ectodermal or epidermoid collection in the middle ear cleft that may be the
Cholesteatoma, an Overview
May 2013
origin of congenital cholesteatomas. Northrop in 1998 showed in human neonatal temporal bones that
congenital cholesteatomas existed with epithelial rests.
Congenital cholesteatomas occur in the anterior superior region of the tympanic membrane about
two-thirds of the time. They can also be found less commonly in the tympanic membrane and in the
petrous apex. The incidence has been quoted to be 0.12 per 100,000 people. The mean age of
presentation is about 4.5 years of age. It is more common in males than females in a ratio of about 3:1.
There are a couple of criteria that are generally agreed upon in differentiating a cholesteatoma into the
congenital type: absence of tympanic membrane perforation, absence of history of recurrent ear
infections, absence of previous otologic surgeries, and a normal pars flaccid and pars tensa without
retraction. There have been multiple staging systems proposed with most determining the stage by the
anatomical area they involve along with involvement of the ossicles or mastoid.
There are 4 general theories for formation of acquired cholesteatomas: metaplasia, implantation,
proliferation, retraction. These theories are all debated and point of controversy. Metaplasia is the
reversible change of a differentiated cell type to another mature differentiated cell type. In the middle
ear, it is theorized to transform chronically inflamed respiratory mucosa into keratinizing epithelium. A
well known example of metaplasia is Barretts esophagus. In the implantation theory, it is thought that
after a perforation of the tympanic membrane, keratinizing epithelium is introduced directly into the
middle ear space. The edges of the perforation migrating is also part of this theory evidenced by the
tympanic membrane epithelium sharing properties with cholesteatoma epithelium. The proliferation
theory is the idea that the keratinocytes of the basal layer of the tympanic membrane form cone-like
extensions that grow into the middle ear rather than externally. The retraction theory supports that
chronic eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) leads to the formation of a retraction pocket in the weakest
portion of the tympanic membrane which is the pars flaccida and posterior-superior part of the pars
tensa. The pars flaccida lacks a fibrous layer, making it weaker than other parts of the tympanic
membrane. This continued negative pressure deepens the retraction pocket and keratin debris
Recently, Sudhoff and Tos brought to light the combination of the retraction and proliferation
theory. Immunohistochemistry was performed on attic cholesteatomas which showed proliferation of
keratinocytes within epithelial cones growing toward the underlying stroma. These cone-like extensions
penetrated the basement membrane. Keratinocyte differentiation was shown to be oriented toward the
center of the long cones, forming lakes of keratin or microcholesteatomas. These opened to the surface
of the retraction and to the neighboring cones. Their 4-step theory consists of retraction pocket
formation, proliferation of the cones and fusion, expansion of this formation, and lastly bone resorption.
Retraction Pocket
Because of the likely pathogenesis being partly due to retraction, the diagnosis and management
of retraction pockets are important in the prevention and surveillance of cholesteatomas. Retraction
pockets have multiple causes. ETD whether caused by allergic rhinitis, acid reflux or other processes
physically produces a negative pressure in the closed middle ear space resulting in medial displacement
of the tympanic membrane. Repeated bouts of otitis media can weaken the lamina propria of the
tympanic membrane. Retraction most commonly occurs in the pars flaccida due to its lack of the middle
Cholesteatoma, an Overview
May 2013
fibrous layer. These pockets can be watched with tincture of time or intervention may be needed. The
underlying cause of ETD can be treated; for example, treating allergic rhinitis with nasal steroid sprays.
Tympanostomy tubes may be placed to relieve the negative pressure. Tympanoplasty with or without
combination of mastoidectomy may be warranted depending the severity.
The grading of retraction pockets has been an evolving topic. Tos in 1982 first graded pars
flaccida retraction pockets. Grade I is a retracted pars flaccida that is not in contact with neck of the
malleus. Grade II is a retracted pars flaccida that is in contact with the neck of the malleus clothing the
neck. Grade III is a retracted pars flaccida that is in contact with the neck of the malleus and limited
erosion of the outer attic wall or scutum present. Grade IV is a retracted pars flaccida that is in contact
with the neck of the malleus and severe erosion of the outer attic wall or scutum present. Sade in 1976
proposed a staging system of atelectasis of the tympanic membrane. Stage 1 is mild retraction. Stage 2 is
retraction onto incudostapedial joint. Stage 3 is retraction onto the promontory. Stage 4 is adhesion of
the pars tensa to the medial wall of the middle ear. In stage 3, the tympanic membrane can be lifted off
the middle ear medial wall; whereas in stage 4 it is not possible. Sage made a separate staging system of
posterior superior retraction pockets. Others including Charachon in 1992 and Black and Gutteridge in
2011 have proposed other staging systems.
Anatomic Considerations
Anatomy of the middle ear is important as it dictates common routes of spread. The middle ear
space is divided into the mesotympanum, hypotympanum and epitympanum. Cholesteatoma will
commonly follow the paths of the different ligaments and folds. Most frequently, cholesteatomas
originate in the posterior epitympanum, posterior mesotympanum, and anterior epitympanum in
respective order.
Epitympanic cholesteatomas originate in Prussaks pouch between the pars flaccida and the neck
of the malleus. The floor of this pouch is the lateral process of the malleus and its associated folds.
Epitympanic cholesteatomas most commonly pass posteriorly through the superior incudal space and the
aditus ad antrum. They can also pass into the posterior mesotympanum descending through the floor of
Prussaks pouch into the posterior space of von Troeltsch. This space is between the tympanic
membrane and the posterior mallear fold; its inferior edge is the chorda tympani nerve. When spreading
to this area, the stapes, round window, sinus tympani or facial recess may become involved.
Posterior mesotympanum cholesteatomas are usually secondary to pars tensa retraction pockets.
These pass medial to the malleus and incus. They can invade the sinus tympani, which is between the
facial nerve and medial wall of the mesotympanum. They can also invade the facial recess which is
bounded by the fossa incudis and facial nerve medially and chorda tympani nerve laterally. Anterior
epitympanum cholesteatomas are the result of retraction anterior to the head of the malleus. These may
extend to the supratubal recess via the anterior pouch of von Troeltschs space.
Clinical Evaluation
The evaluation for a patient with a cholesteatoma starts with a standard history and physical. A
complete otologic history is necessary. This includes any history of hearing loss, tinnitus, otorrhea,
otalgia, vertigo. It is important to ask about previous recurrent otitis media, otologic surgeries including
Cholesteatoma, an Overview
May 2013
myringotomy with tube placement, tympanic membrane perforations, allergic rhinitis or any other
reasons for ETD. A complete physical including head and neck exam with an emphasis on otologic
exam is essential. In the external auditory canal, it is important to note any polyps, granulation tissue or
erosion of the bony canal. Tympanic membrane should be examined for intactness or any perforations as
source of otorrhea. Fistula test with pneumatic otoscopy may be performed; if positive, erosion of the
inner ear may be present, most commonly the horizontal semicircular canal. Tuning fork is also
recommended to uncover any conductive hearing loss. Cranial nerve exam with emphasis on the 7th
cranial nerve and any neurological exam for dizziness or vertigo may also be performed.
Ancillary tests are also essential to the work-up of cholesteatomas. Complete audiological exam
is recommended. Audiometry consisting of pure tone averages with air and bone conduction, speech
reception thresholds and word recognition. Tympanometry is also done to show middle ear status.
Hearing loss is usually conductive and can vary considerably depending on the extent of the disease.
Moderate conductive deficit in excess of 40 dB indicates ossicular discontinuity. This discontinuity is
usually of the long process of the incus or capitulum of the stapes. Mild conductive loss may be present
in extensive diseases if the cholesteatoma transmits sound directly to the stapes or footplate, a natural
Radiological studies can be obtained. Plain films are not obtained anymore. Computed
tomography (CT) is the study of choice. The CT is of the temporal bones without contrast. The most
useful cuts are axial and coronal planes with fine 1 millimeter (mm) cuts. Visualization of important
structures and consequences of the disease can be appreciated including scutum erosion, expansion of
the antrum, ossicular discontinuation, facial canal erosion, tegmen dehiscence, otic capsule erosion and
petrous ridge involvement. MRI can also be obtained if suspicion is high for the following: dural
involvement, subdural or epidural abscess, herniated brain parenchyma, inflammation of the labyrinth or
facial nerve or sigmoid sinus thrombosis.
CT is not essential for preoperative evaluation, and there is controversy over the relevance of
mandatory CT before surgery. Some otologists believe in CT for all patients about to undergo
mastoidectomies and some believe it is only necessary in only a handful of cases. When considering CT,
there are certain situations that it provides more benefit. Patients with chronic suppurative otitis media
may have distorted anatomy as well as one with congenital craniofacial anomalies and previous otologic
surgeries. When there is sensorineural hearing loss, vestibular symptoms or facial nerve palsies, then
imaging is more encouraged. When the diagnosis is in doubt with only a small attic retraction, CT is
helpful in determining any bony erosion or determining whether a white mass on the tympanic
membrane may be tympanosclerosis, cartilage or actual cholesteatoma. If a patient wishes to avoid
surgery or is nor medically prepared for surgery, monitoring with CT imaging may be done.
Good judgment comes from experience, but experience comes from bad experience.
Prevention is always the best way to treat disease. Managing retraction pockets without
cholesteatoma is a good way to start. If the patient has ETD, whether it is from allergic rhinitis or any
Cholesteatoma, an Overview
May 2013
other cause, treating the underlying cause can prevent cholesteatomas. Tympanostomy tubes may be
placed for chronic ETD or recurrent otitis media. Tympanoplasty may also be indicated.
Patients can present with chronic otorrhea with associated infection. Otomicroscopy may be
performed with debridement or suctioning of the infected tissue. Antibiotic otic drops including
fluoroquinolones and/or steroids may be used to dry up the ear. Surgery in an infected, wet ear is always
more difficult than a dry ear with less friable tissue. Acetic acid or other anti-fungal medicines may be
applied to the ear to eradicate any infection. Medical management will not eradicate cholesteatoma as it
is a surgical disease. However, in patients with advanced age, poor health or ones that refuse surgery,
treating them symptomatically with ear drops and routine surveillance may be done.
There are certain surgical goals when approaching this disease. The most important goal is to
obtain a safe ear. This is to prevent any of the potential consequences and complications of untreated
cholesteatoma as mentioned above. Effort should be made to remove all disease including diseased bone,
mucosa and other granulation tissue and polyps. Another goal is to reduce recidivism. Less planned and
unplanned surgeries are always more desirable and potential of complications from revision surgery. In
addition to eradication of disease, keeping the ear dry is also important. Keeping the posterior canal wall
is desirable. Lastly, preserving hearing or improving with ossicular chain reconstruction (OCR) can
benefit the patients quality of life.
There are many variations of mastoidectomy including radical, modified radical, canal-walldown (CWD), canal-wall-up (CWU) among other variations. Before the mid-1905s, there was only
radical and modified radical mastoidectomy. Wullstein and Zollner introduced tympanoplasty. In 1958,
House started tympanomastoidectomies with preservation of the posterior canal wall. However, there
was a high rate of re-retraction and recurrence. The introduction of plastic sheeting through the facial
recess and other methods reduced this recidivism. Today, CWU is more common.
Radical mastoidectomy is the most invasive of the types of mastoidectomies. This is rarely
performed today but still has indications. In this procedure, the mastoid antrum, tympanum and external
auditory canal are all converted into a common cavity exteriorized through the external meatus. This
meatus is enlarged with meatoplasty to allow proper mastoid bowl debridement. The tympanic
membrane and all ossicular remnants are removed. The stapes is spared but no OCR is performed. The
eustachian tube is plugged. A modified radical mastoidectomy is when the mastoid antrum, tympanum
and external auditory canal are all converted into a common cavity exteriorized through the external
meatus, usually requiring a meatoplasty. However, it differs from the previous procedure because of it
sparing the tympanic membrane and ossicles.
Mastoidectomies with tympanoplasty have different variations, mainly CWU mastoidectomy
versus CWD mastoidectomy. The CWD mastoidectomy involves the removal of all mastoid air cells,
lateral and posterior walls of the epitympanum, amputation of the mastoid tip. The posterior bony
external auditory canal wall is lowered to the level of the facial nerve. The anterior epitympanic recess if
exteriorized by removing the cog. Meatoplasty is also performed. The indications for CWD
mastoidectomy is many including: cholesteatoma in an only hearing ear, bilateral disease, multiple
previous procedures, erosion of the posterior bony external auditory canal, labyrinthine fistula or poor
eustachian tube function. The decision for this over CWU mastoidectomy can be made intra-operatively
Cholesteatoma, an Overview
May 2013
if surgical access is limited, if there is extensive cholesteatoma, etc. The advantage of CWD
mastoidectomy is that residual disease is easily detected and recurrent disease is less frequent. The
disadvantages include an open cavity requiring months of recovery, a mastoid bowl needing lifetime
maintenance, dry ear precautions, hearing aids not fitting well, overall less hearing. Chang performed a
retrospective review of his experience and showed that there was a low recurrence rate of 3.8% and low
otorrhea rate at 9.6%. He also showed how preserving the stapes superstructure significantly improved
postoperative hearing with a low air bone gap. Kos et al. also performed a retrospective review of 259
cases of CWD mastoidectomies. They showed low rates of recurrence with also low rates of
The CWU mastoidectomy preserves the posterior bony external auditory canal. There is usually
a second staged procedure 6-18 months after the initial procedure. The purpose of this is to remove any
residual cholesteatoma and OCR. CWU mastoidectomy has some relative contraindications including a
cholesteatoma in an only hearing ear, labyrinthine fistula, or poor eustachian tube dysfunction. The
advantages of this procedure are that it only takes weeks to heal, no mastoid bowl and hearing aids
fitting better. The disadvantages include it being technically more difficult, requirement of a second
procedure, more difficult in detecting residual disease and a higher recurrent disease rate.
There are other variations to the mastoidectomies previously discussed. Transcanal anterior
atticotomy may be performed for very limited cholesteatomas limited to only the middle ear, ossicular
chain or epitympanum. Bondy modified radial mastoidectomy has been described where the
epitympanum is involved but this procedure has largely been abandoned. Mastoid obliteration with
either autologous tissue or other biocompatible tissue is also described in the literature. This is thought
to prevent re-retraction of the tympanic membrane by decreasing air absorption from the middle ear
space and the mastoid.
There is controversy between the uses of CWD versus CWU mastoidectomies. Postoperative
hearing seems to be about equal. Healing is significantly quicker in CWU mastoidectomy. Residual
disease seems to be equal. Recurrent disease is only technically possible in CWU mastoidectomy as
retraction pockets are possible. CWD mastoidectomy does not require 2nd look planned procedures. In
some situations, most otologists would agree to perform CWD over CWU mastoidectomy including
patients with poor follow-up, avoid recurrence. Some patients for cosmetic reasons prefer CWU without
meatoplasty. In pediatric patients, there should be more inclination for CWU to avoid a mastoid bowl for
their whole lives. CWD mastoidectomy is recommended in more elderly patients who have higher
surgical risk with the goal of just a simple and safe procedure. In 2003, Syms and Luxford published a
retrospective review of 486 ears comparing CWU and CWD mastoidectomy. They showed that CWD
mastoidectomy resulted in 14.6% residual cholesteatomas with the range reported in the literature being
6-13%. CWU mastoidectomy had 3.2% residual cholesteatoma after the second planned procedure.
CWU mastoidectomy resulted in only 10% of patients undergoing additional procedures after their
second planned procedure.
There is also controversy between the decision whether to perform OCR at the time of the
primary surgery or wait until the planned second procedure. Nadol argues for OCR at the time of
Cholesteatoma, an Overview
May 2013
primary surgeon saying that there is no need for maximal conductive hearing loss for 6-18 months. In
the end, primary versus secondary OCR depends on the individual situation. Delaying OCR allows the
middle ear and tympanic membrane to heal, allows motivation for patients to return for their planned
second procedure, allows proper post-operative aeration of their eustachian tube and prevents an
environment which may scar and fibrose. Controversy is also present regarding facial nerve monitoring,
whether to have it in all cases or just challenging cases such as revision or ones where the normal
anatomy is distorted. A 1990 survey showed that most experienced otologists do not believe that facial
nerve monitoring is obligatory as it can be an extra expense, silent transections still occurring and that
the monitoring can be started intra-operatively if the case is deemed difficult. Others argue that this is a
good safety net and routine use can gain one experience with the machine.
Cholesteatomas are benign growths in the ear that have the potential to cause complications
affecting ear drainage, hearing, labyrinthine issues and intracranial issues. Their pathogenesis is debated
but a combination of the proliferation and retraction theories are likely. The goal of surgery is to first
have a safe ear, and then the goals can be oriented towards preservation of hearing and balance and
dryness. The best procedure for cholesteatoma is debated on paper. Ultimately, the management of
cholesteatomas has to be individualized to the patient with surgeon experience taken into account.
So, in your surgery, you're really trying to prevent those things, prevent areas where you're
going to get the drum sticking to the promontory and adhesions in various places and that's why putting
silastic or plastic helps to prevent adhesions. It's also why you try to avoid operating on a really
inflamed ear if you can. If you do operate on an inflamed ear you might put plastic in there taking it out
later. That's actually a pretty good way of preventing those adhesions, putting the plastic in and then
taking it out later.
Cholesteatoma, an Overview
May 2013
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