Cactus Mucilage Edible Film

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Food Chemistry 91 (2005) 751756

Development of a cactus-mucilage edible coating

(Opuntia cus indica) and its application to extend
strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) shelf-life
V. Del-Valle


, P. Hernandez-Munoz b, A. Guarda c, M.J. Galotto

Unitat dEnginyeria i Tecnologia de Processos, Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimenta`ries,

Granja de Camps i Armet s/n, 17121 Monells (Girona), Spain
Departamento de Tecnologa de Alimentos, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera s/n 46022 Valencia, Spain
Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnologa de Alimentos, Facultad Tecnologica, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Avda, Ecuador 3769, Santiago, Chile
Laben-Chile, Laboratorio de Envases de la, Universidad de Santiago, Chile, Edicio Alimentos, Obispo Umana 050, Santiago, Chile
Received 24 November 2003; received in revised form 6 July 2004; accepted 6 July 2004

Increased consumer demand for higher quality food in combination with the environmental need to reduce disposable packaging
waste have led to increased interest in research into edible lms and coatings. In this work, the use of prickly pear cactus mucilage
(Opuntia cus indica) was investigated as an edible coating to extend the shelf-life of strawberries. Dierent methods for mucilage
extraction were tested in order to obtain the best coating. Edible lms were tested to determine their eects on colour, texture and
sensory quality of the fruit. From the results, it was concluded that the use of mucilage coatings leads to increased strawberry shelflife.
 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Edible lms; Prickly pear cactus mucilage; Strawberry shelf-life; Sensorial analysis; Texture and colour properties

1. Introduction
Strawberries are delicate and perishable fruits, susceptible to mechanical damage, physiological deterioration, water loss and decay (Sanz, Perez, Olas, & Olas,
1999). They have a very short post-harvest life, and
losses can reach 40% during storage (Satin, 1996).
Reduction in turgidity as a result of water loss causes
shrivelling and faster depletion of nutrients and organoleptic properties, and is a major cause of fruit deterioration (Nunes, Brecht, Morais, & Sargent, 1998). In Chile,
cold storage of strawberries is not very common and this

Correspoding author. Tel.: +34 972 63 00 52; fax: +34 972 63 03

E-mail address: (V. Del-Valle).
0308-8146/$ - see front matter  2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

fruit is usually stored in markets at room temperature

between harvest and consumption. For this reason,
product losses are very high. With the use of edible coatings and cold storage, spoilage could be minimised (Xu,
Chen, & Sun, 2001).
Generally, edible lms and coatings, which can be
divided into proteins, polysaccharides, lipids and composites, are dened as thin layers of edible material
formed on a food surface as a coating, or placed
(pre-formed) between food components. Their purpose
is to extend the shelf-life of the food product and provide a barrier against hazards. They can retard moisture migration and the loss of volatile compounds,
reduce the respiration rate, and delay changes in textural properties. Also, they are excellent barriers to fats
and oils, and have a high selective gas permeability


V. Del-Valle et al. / Food Chemistry 91 (2005) 751756

ratio CO2/O2 as compared to conventional synthetic

lms (Gontard, Thibault, Cuq, & Guilbert, 1996). They
can also act as carriers of food additives such as antioxidants and/or antimicrobial agents and can improve
mechanical integrity or handling characteristics of the
food. Stand-alone edible lms with good mechanical
properties could replace synthetic packaging lms for
specic applications (Krochta & DeMulder-Johnston,
1997; Perez Gago & Krochta, 1999).
Edible lms and coatings aord numerous advantages over conventional non-edible polymeric packaging. They can reduce the complexity of the food
package and, even if they are not consumed with the
packaged product, can contribute to the reduction of
environmental pollution by virtue of their biodegradable
In the specic case of fruits and vegetables, the eectiveness of edible coating depends primarily on the selection of appropriate material, which results in benecial
internal gas composition (Park, Chinnan, & Shewfelt,
1994). Edible coatings based on cellulose have been
extensively applied to delay loss of quality in fresh products such as tomatoes, cherries, fresh beans, strawberries, mangoes and bananas (Ayranci & Tunc, 1997;
Baldwin et al., 1999; Kittur, Saroja, Habibunnisa, &
Tharanathan, 2001; Yaman & Bayondrh, 2002; Zhuang, Beauchat, Chinnan, Shewfelt, & Huang, 1996).
Chitosan is another polysaccharide widely used in the
post-harvest decay control of fresh fruits and vegetables
(El Ghaouth, Arul, & Ponnampalam, 1991a, 1991b; Kittur, Kumar, & Tharanathan, 1998). Proteins, such as
casein, whey proteins and corn zein, have also been used
as a moisture barrier since these proteins are abundant,
cheap and readily available (Cuq, Gontard, & Guilbert,
However, the hydrophilic nature of these polysaccharides and proteins limits their ability to provide the desired edible lm functions. Current approaches to
improve water barrier and mechanical properties of
these lms include incorporation of hydrophobic compounds, optimisation of interaction between polymers
and formation of cross-links (Vachon, DApprano, Lacroix, & Letendre, 2003).
Polysaccharides capable of forming gels in water are
common throughout the plant kingdom. Some of them,
such as the pectins in higher plants, carrageenans and
agarose in algae, algal and bacterial alginates and xanthan, have been investigated in great detail. A relatively
good understanding, of their biochemistry and biophysical properties has already been achieved. By contrast,
the composition properties or food applications of mucilages have been much less studied (Trachtenberg &
Mayer, 1982).
Mucilages are generally hetero-polysaccharides obtained from plant stems (Trachtenberg & Mayer,
1981). There are few studies on the composition and

properties of Opuntia cus-indica mucilage. McGarvie

and Parolis (1979) determined that the mucilage extracted from the stems contains residues of D -galactose,
D -xylose, L -arabinose, L -rhamnose and D -galacturonic
Cactus mucilage may nd applications in food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and other industries. The complex polysaccharide is part of dietary bre and has the
capacity to absorb large amounts of water, dissolving
and dispersing itself and forming viscous or gelatinous
colloids (Dominguez-Lopez, 1995).
An important point in the choice of the cactus mucilage as a coating is its low cost. The cactus needs to be
pruned; therefore, the cactus stems are a waste product capable of several applications, such as
The aim of the present work is a preliminary study of
the suitability of prickly pear cactus (O. cus indica)
mucilage as an edible coating to extend the shelf-life of

2. Materials and methods

2.1. Materials
Strawberries (Fragaria ananassa), common consumer
varieties, were purchased from a local market on the day
after harvest and were immediately placed in cold storage (5 C 0.5). Fruits were selected by uniformity in
size and were defect-free. Cactus stems were obtained
from a local farmer and were stored at 23 C 1 prior
to formation of the coating solution. Glycerol (99.5%)
was purchased from Sigma Chemical Co.
2.2. Methods
2.2.1. Coating solution preparation
Cactus stems were peeled and cubed (1 cm3). Samples
were homogenised (20% w/v) in distilled water. The slurry was centrifuged for 10 min at 4500 g and the supernatant obtained was used to prepare the edible
coating (Saenz, Vasquez, Trumper, & Fluxa, 1992).
Two experimental coatings were formulated: M1, pure
mucilage extract and M2, mucilage extract and 5% w/
w glycerol as a plasticizer. Strawberries were dipped in
coating solution for 30 s, the excess coating was drained
and the coated strawberries were dried in a forced-air
dryer (20 C) for 30 min. Strawberries dipped in distilled
water were used as a blank. After the coating process,
strawberries were stored in a refrigerator at 5 0.5 C
and 75% RH for 10 days. For each treatment and storage time, 50 fruits were coated. Three replications per
treatment were analysed after 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 days for
sensorial analysis and, after 1, 5 and 9 days for texture
and colour properties.

V. Del-Valle et al. / Food Chemistry 91 (2005) 751756


2.2.2. Firmness
This property was evaluated, in 25 fruits with a TATX2i Texture Analyser (Stable Micro Systems Ltd.) by
measuring the force required for a 2 mm probe to penetrate 6 mm fruits at a rate of 1 mm/s. Samples were
placed in a way that the probe penetrated their equatorial zone.
2.2.3. Colour
Three CIE (Commission International de IEclairage)
L*a*b* values of 25 fruits for each treatment and storage time were directly read with a CR-200 portable tristimulus colorimeter (Minolta, Ramsey Corp. NY) with
a D65 light source and the observer at 2. Colour coordinates range from L = 0 (black) to L = 100 (white), a
(greenness) to +a (redness), and b (blueness) to +b
(yellowness). A Minolta standard white plate (L* =
92.4, a* = 0.7, b* = 0.9) and black plate were used
for instrument standardisation.
2.2.4. Sensorial analysis
A panel of 16 trained judges carried out sensory analysis. Two kinds of tests were performed: (i) a preference
test; (ii) an acceptability test with a nine-point hedonic
scale. In the preference test the judges had to choose
one preferred sample according to their general preferences. The acceptability test was carried out using
semi-structured scales, scoring one (lowest) to nine
(highest). The attributes evaluated were: visual appearance, colour, brightness, texture and taste. The judges
average response was calculated for each attribute.
Overall acceptability was calculated by weighted arithmetic means, giving the following weight to each attribute: visual appearance 30%, colour 10%, brightness
25%, texture 25% and taste 10%, according to the inuence of each attribute on acceptance of the product by
consumers. Samples were considered acceptable if their
mean value for overall acceptability was equal to or
above ve (neither like nor dislike).
2.2.5. Statistical analysis
Analysis of variance and Duncans multiple-range
test with p < 0.05 were employed to statistically analyse
all results. The Students t test was utilized at the time of
the analysis of variance and paired-comparison with
p < 0.05.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Firmness
Fig. 1 shows the rmness evolution of control and
coated strawberries during storage at 5 0.5 C for nine
days. It can be observed that, in spite of standard deviation values typical of biological samples, M1 and M2

Fig. 1. Eect of edible coating on strawberries rmness as a function

of storage time.

coatings increased the rmness of the fruits at the end

of the holding period, nine days. In general, rmness
of native fruits declined from 92 9 to 73 10 N after
nine days of storage. For samples coated with M1 and
M2 formulations, rmness decreased from 153 20 to
101 10 N and from 135 21 to 107 12 N,
After the rst day of storage, M1 and M2 formulations increased the rmness of strawberries with respect
to control; samples coated with M1 formulation
achieved the highest rmness value. After the fth day
of storage, a general rmness reduction was observed
for both coated and uncoated samples, the coated samples maintaining greater rmness values than control.
This tendency was prolonged until the end of the storage
period, ninth day. No statistical dierences were observed between samples coated with M1 and M2 formulations during the entire storage period.
These results are in agreement with those of El Ghaouth et al. (1991a, 1991b) where retention of esh rmness of strawberries was achieved by a chitosan coating.
Diab, Biliaderis, Gerasopoulos, and Stakiotakis (2001)
also delayed loss of rmness in this fruit by applying a
pullulan-based edible coating. During storage, the texture of the fruits is likely to soften due to several factors,
including loss in cell turgidity pressure, loss of extracellular and vascular air and the degradation of the cell
wall and consequent loss of water by the cell breakdown
(Martnez-Ferrer, Harper, Perez-Munoz, & Chaparro,
2002; Somogyi, Hui, & Barret, 1996). Despite the hydrophilic character of polysaccharides, they can act as a
barrier to water transfer, retarding dehydration and,
therefore, prolonging the rmness of the coated fruit.
Addition of glycerol at 5% to the coating solution had
little eect on the rmness of coated strawberries, not
being statistically signicant. Glycerol was added to increase the exibility of the coating and hence avoided
splitting on the coated fruit. Cracking of the coating


V. Del-Valle et al. / Food Chemistry 91 (2005) 751756

lacking glycerol was not observed since water itself acted

as a plasticizer, due to the high water activity of
3.2. Colour properties
As can be seen in Fig. 2(a), coating of fruits did not
produce signicant changes in the L coordinate of
strawberries during storage time, which had values
around 33 5. This can demonstrate that the coating
did not produce alterations in the typical lightness o
the product.
Fig. 2(b) shows the evolution of redness of control
and coated samples. It can be observed that the coating
did not produce modication of the a coordinate com-

pared to the control. After the rst day of storage, all

the samples showed a values of around 55 2. From
the fth day of storage, this coordinate decreased by
40% for coated and uncoated samples and maintained
a constant value until the 9th day, presenting values
around 33 0.84. This decrease in the redness is probably due to an increase in respiration rate and enzymatic
processes that lead to a loss of quality of the fruit involving, browning among other reactions. As regards the
yellowness values (Fig. 2(c)), maintenance of b values
can be observed for all samples (coated and uncoated)
from the rst to the ninth day, 16 1.5 and 17 1.5,
Strawberry colour is a very important attribute for
consumer product acceptance and although coating
did not modify the original colour of the fruit, neither
did it delay browning. Addition of glycerol to the coating solution did not have any eect on colour properties
of the samples.
3.3. Sensorial analysis
Fig. 3 shows the judges preference evolution during
the nine days of storage. It can be observed that, after
the rst day of storage, M2 showed the lowest preference percentage, while samples coated with formulation
M1 and uncoated samples showed similar preference
percentages. For uncoated fruits, preference percentage
decreased with storage time whereas, from the rst week
of storage, the coated samples were the preferred choice
for the judges, presenting a statistical dierence with respect to the control sample. After seven days of storage,
sample M2 presented a higher preference value than
sample M1. Since glycerol is a hygroscopic agent its
incorporation into the hydrocolloid formulation can
have a benecial eect with storage time on coated
strawberries, helping to retain moisture on the fruit surface and imparting a fresh appearance. However, nine-

Fig. 2. Colour parameter (L, a, b) evolution of control and coated

strawberries with M1 and M2 formulations during storage.

Fig. 3. Judges preferences of coated and non-coated samples during

storage time.

V. Del-Valle et al. / Food Chemistry 91 (2005) 751756

day samples, coated with formulation M1, presented the

highest preference percentage (above 50%).
Fig. 4 represents visual appearance, colour, brightness, texture, taste and general acceptance scores for
control and samples coated with the M1 and M2 formulations. It can be observed that, initially, M2 coated
fruits had lower scores than M1 and control in all the
sensorial attributes evaluated, as recorded in the preference test. There were no signicant dierences between
M1 coating and control. It should be pointed out that,
although lower scores were obtained for taste in M2coated strawberries, judges did not describe it as the


presence of an o-avour. After ve days of storage,

slightly better results for colour and general acceptance
were obtained for M2-coated strawberries. Garca, Martino, and Zaritzky (1998a, 1998b) also reported that the
addition of glycerol to a starch-based coating considerably improved the appearance, esh rmness and
organoleptic characteristics of coated strawberries.
However, in that study, a greater amount of glycerol
was added to avoid cracking and brittleness of the coating. Coated and uncoated samples showed similar scores
after nine days of storage except for the texture attribute, which showed better scores for samples coated
with formulation M1. However, as has been shown
above, instrumental analysis of texture did not show signicant dierences between samples coated with the M1
and M2 formulations.

4. Conclusions
Textural analysis showed that prickly pear cactus
mucilage could have a protective eect on strawberries,
reected by the greater rmness of coated samples during
storage, which could reduce economic losses due to spoilage produced from mechanical damage during handling
and transportation. Colour properties of the samples
were not aected by the coating as compared to the blank.
Sensorial analysis showed that judges had a preference for coated samples at the end of the nine-day holding period. The coating did not aect the natural taste of
strawberries, which is an important aspect regarding the
use of edible coatings when taste modication is
Overall, the coating showed a tendency to prolong
the strawberry shelf-life, maintaining physical and sensorial properties. However, it is possible that the cold
temperature, added to the coating eect, might have
helped the product to maintain its own characteristics.
Further, research has to be done at storage temperatures
close to room temperature conditions, in order to fully
characterize the eect of the coating itself on the quality
of the samples.

The authors thank Dr. Pierre Picouet, for very valuable suggestions.


Fig. 4. Scores of samples (control, coated with M1 and M2 formulations) after 1, 5 and 9 days of storage.

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