Part VI Printer - Imp
Part VI Printer - Imp
Part VI Printer - Imp
This section will review some of the most common and techniques for synthesizing linkages.
These section will cover all of the basic graphical techniques, and will review a few of the
analytical synthesis techniques. This section will be divided among the following topics:
1. Definitions:
a. Synthesis: To create a mechanism given desired task
b. Analysis: To determine the motion characteristics (task) given a mechanism.
c. Grashof mechanism
d. Toggle position
e. Types of sixbars
2. Forms of synthesis:
a. Type synthesis:
Choosing the type of mechanism best suited to the task
Ex: Gear trains, linkages, cams, actuation methods, and # of
links/joints the mechanism should have.
Degrees of freedom.
Part VI -1
b. Dimensional synthesis:
Determine the significant dimensions of the mechanism
Path generation
Function generation
Grashof defect
Order defect
Part VI -2
Part VI -3
Part VI -4
there are 4 infinities of solutions corresponding to choosing the circle points, A & B.
Choosing the 3 body positions to represent the task presents an iteration
A & B do not need to be on the body.
Once OA and OB are chosen, check for defects.
Part VI -5
Part VI -6
1. Specify 3 precision positions of the body
2. Choose 2 ground pivots, OA and OB. Now, using inversion, locate OA2, OA3 and OB2,
OB3. i.e., consider the body fixed and the pivots moving around the body.
2.1 First, measure the position of OA relative to the body in the second position, and
then draw OA (call it OA2) relative to the body in the first position using these
measurement. Do the same to locate OA3 (measure relative to the body in the third
position, draw it relative to the body in the first position).
2.2 Repeat for OB
3. Find the center of points OA and OB in the usual manner.
4. Draw the linkage in the first position
Part VI -7
Locate OA3
Locate OA2
Part VI -8
Part VI -9
Part VI -10
Point P on the coupler traces the output position while gives the orientation of
coupler (and body)
W and Z are vectors representing the dyad in position 1.
W rotated by angle j is given by We^(i*j)
Zl and Zr must have the same rotation ()
j gives left-hand input timing
j gives right-hand input timing
Procedure: (From here on, we will consider the body-guidance problem, with body position and
orientation given)
1. Represent the four-bar as 2 coupled dyads
2. Synthesize one dyad at a time
3. Move one dyad from the first precision position to the next
4. Write a vector loop equation to represent the unknown dyad vector at known positions (In
the standard form solution, each loop equation will include the dyad in the first and jth
5. For each single loop equation, there are 5 u.k. parameters (Wl, Zl, j)
6. Make appropriate free choices
7. Solve the system equations for the unknowns
8. This results in 1 dyad that satisfies the precisions points. Solve for second to complete
the four bar (with the requirement that the coupler rotation is consistent)
Part VI -11
Part VI -12
Table I: Number of positions Vs. number of solutions for the Std Form Equation on a Body
Guidance Problem
# of
# of scalar # of Scalar # of Free
# of
positions equations unknowns Choices Solutions Technique
Consider the implications of the number of equations Vs. the number of unknowns (read design
variables) in a synthesis problem:
Use the following analogy: Consider Equations as things to do, and design variables (unknowns)
as money:
Example 1: You are in Buck snort TN on a Friday evening with a significant other and $105.
Example 2: You plan a date in downtown Nashville and take $3.00.
Part VI -13
W e
i 3
1 Z e
i 3
1 P
Eq. 2a
Eq. 2b
2. Make free choices such that only W and Z are unknown. The equations are known linear and
can be solved as:
aWl bZ l P3 P1
cWl dZ l P2 P1
Eq. 3
Eq. 4
Part VI -14
P2 P1
a b
, rhs
c d
P3 P1
Note that matrix A and vector b are complex. How would you expand (Eq. 4) such that A and b
are not complex?
4. Now solve for the unknown dyad vectors, Wl and Zl
A rhs
Eq. 5
5. Methods to do this (matrix inverse)
Cramers Rule
Gauss-Jordan Elimination
Part VI -15
Part VI -16
Burmester Synthesis:
Burmester synthesis provides a technique to solve for 4 precision positions
Increased number of precision positions
Returns 1 infinity of solutions
Solutions presented conveniently in graphical form
This is found in most commercial computer packages
Part VI -17
Part VI -18
1. Write a vector loop equation that includes the ground pivot
Wl e
i j
Zl e
i j
P j G l 0, j 1 n
Eq. 6
Wl e i3 Z l e i 3 P3 G l R3 e i3
Wl e i 2 Z l ei 2 P2 G l R2 e i 2
Wl e Z l e
i 1
P1 G l R1e
Eq. 7a-c
Eq. 8
Eq. 9
Z l2 Wl 2 R 2 2 Z l R c j cc j s j sc j s j cs j c j ss j 0
Eq. 10
6. Then simplify:
Eq. 11
7. This equation is non-linear in the unknowns (recall again the unknowns). Linearize using
the following change-of-variables.
k1 Z l2 W l 2 , k 2 Z l cos , k3 Z l sin
Eq. 12
Part VI -19
Eq. 13
Eq. 14
1 2 R3 cos 3 3
2 R1 sin 1 1 k1 R12
2 R2 sin 2 2 k 2 R22
2 R3 sin 3 3 k3 R32
Eq. 15
Ak R
k A 1 R
Eq. 16
k k
k32 , Wl Z l2 k1 , atan 2 3 , 2
Zl Zl
Eq. 17
13. Repeat for right-hand dyad, assemble linkage, check for defects, etc
Part VI -20
Discuss Eq. 7:
1. What are the unknowns? How many?
2. For this problem, create a table similar to table II that lists number of positions,
uks, free choices and solutions
3. Suggest possible solutions for Eq. 14.
Discuss the solution procedure for Eq. 14
4. Nonlinear in unknowns, and, no free-choice will make this linear directly.
5. The angles qj can be eliminated from each vector equation using the square and
add procedure
6. This results in 3 equations and 3 unknowns for the 3 precision position problem
7. Since these equations are nonlinear in the unknowns, use a variable substitution to
linearize in a new set of variables.
8. Solve linear set of equations, solve unknowns
Part VI -21