ICAP Past 20 Attempts Questions - Topic Wise

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Module E

Corporate Laws
Question Bank
Revision Kit - Winter 2003 to Summer 2013
(Topic wise collection of ICAP past papers 20 attempts)

Atif Abidi
August 25, 2013

Corporate Laws (Topic Wise)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Incorporation and MOA / AOA etc (Sec 1 51)

Share Capital & Debentures (Sec 52 141)

Management & Administration (Sec 142 262)

Investigation and related matters.


Arbitration, arrangements and reconstruction.


Prevention of oppression & mismanagement.




Companies established outside Pakistan


Capital Issue of Share Capital Rules 1996


Buy-back of Shares Rules, 1999.


Companies Rules 1985


Share Capital (Variation in Rights & Privileges) Rules 2000


Appointment of Legal Advisors Rules, 1975.


Non Banking Finance Companies (NBFC)


Secretarial Practices


Stock Exchange Listing Regulations


Code of Corporate Governance




Banking Companies








SECP Ordinance & insider trading


Competition Ordinance and Regulations


Substantial Acquisition



Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

Corporate Laws (Topic Wise)


Module D

Incorporation and MOA / AOA etc (Sec 1 51)

W.04 (Q.1)



A company was incorporated in December 2003. Due to an error, regulations relating to the conduct of
meetings of members were not included in the Articles of Association submitted by the Company to
the Registrar for registration. How can the members meeting would be regulated in the absence of such
regulations in companys articles? Can such regulations be included now in the Articles of Association and
if so, how and what will be the status of such an addition? (06)
What sorts of businesses require special resolutions? Discuss, in light of the provisions of the Companies
Ordinance, 1984. (06)


As the secretary of the company, advise the chief executive as to how the company should deal with the
above situation. (03)
A prospective individual sponsor has requested your advice whether company law permits an individual to
incorporate a wholly owned company. Briefly describe the relevant legal provisions. (05)
The Board of Directors of a public company is desirous to establish an association
for promotion of charity and other useful objects on a non profit basis. Describe the conditions for grant of
licence under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. (07)

S.07 (Q.5)

Explain the procedure that the company will have to follow. (03)
(a) Mr. Pang and his wife jointly acquired 23% shares in Sunshine Limited. The company is listed on the Lahore
Stock Exchange. The transfer deeds lodged by Mr. Pang did not mention his address and this was also not
noted by the corporate affairs department while dealing with the registration of transfer. At the time of giving
notice to members for annual general meeting where election of directors are also scheduled to be held, the
fact came to light and now the Chief Executive is worried as to how the notice may be served, to avoid any
litigation which may be initiated by Mr. Pang, due to non service of notice.

W.07 (Q.6)

You are required to explain the requirements of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 which the company is
required to comply with, in this regard. Also describe the effect of such change on the rights and obligations of
the company.
The members of XYZ (Private) Limited have resolved to make certain amendments in the object clause of its
memorandum of association to enable it to expand its scope of activities.

S.09 (Q.2)

Notice of the annual general meeting was not received by them although they are resident in Pakistan and
their registered addresses have also been provided to the company. (02)
Cannon Industries Limited, a listed company, wishes to change its name to Reliance Foods Limited because the
management feels that the change in name would help in re- branding and rebuilding the image of the
company and in attracting more customers.

W.09 (Q.11)

Describe what course of action is available to AB Limited in the above situation, according to the Companies
Ordinance, 1984.
In the annual general meeting of Sabzazar Limited held on September 29, 2009 some of the shareholders have
raised the following objections:

S.12 (Q.1)

On 29 April 2012, a memorandum of association of AB Limited was filed for registration in the office of
Registrar. However, on 25 May 2012, a letter from the registrar office was received by the subscribers to the
memorandum in which the registration was refused on the ground that the objects stated in the memorandum
were inappropriate.

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

Corporate Laws (Topic Wise)


Module D

Share Capital & Debentures (Sec 52 141)

Prospectus (52-66)

The prospectus of FC Textiles Limited included a statement which was misleading in its form and content. On
the faith of the prospectus and believing it to be true, Asif subscribed for shares and sustained losses. Can
Asif file a suit for compensation of the loss incurred by him? If so, who may be sued for such a loss?

Certificates of Shares and debentures (74, 75, 89-91)


An investor purchased some shares from the stock market in good faith and got them registered in his
name. Subsequently, the company received a notice from the original member reporting these shares as
lost. Discuss the right of such an investor as well as the original owner under the law. (05)

Issue of Share Capital (62A, 82-88, 120)

Jehangir Limited a public listed company have incurred losses during the past two years, as a result of which,
17% of their equity has been wiped out. The board of directors wants to issue shares worth Rs. 100 million,
being 25% of the present share capital at a discount of 20%. You are required to advise them on the matters
which the SECP may consider before granting approval for issue of shares. (06)
What do you understand by the term Green-shoe Option? (02)



You as a CFO are required to explain:

the eligibility condiJon that have been specied by the SECP for a company that wishes to raise nance by
issuing 3-6 months Commercial Paper.
the prospecJve investors in Commercial Paper?
What do you understand by the term pre-emptive right of a shareholder? (02)

S.06 (Q.7)

DOS Limited is a listed company engaged in providing LDI services to its customers. As a Chief Financial
Officer you informed the board of directors that during the 2nd and 3rd quarter of year 2006-2007, the
company will require short term financing in order to meet the liquidity shortfall. One of the directors has
proposed that the company should raise finance through Commercial Paper.

W.06 (Q.6)

Mr. Majeed, an existing shareholder has shown his intention to purchase the whole issue at par. Describe the
steps that the company will need to take if it wants to accept the offer by Mr. Majeed.
Can the bonus issue be made out of Share Premium account? (04)

W.07 (Q.1)

Being a Company Secretary, you are required to advise the directors about the procedure to
be followed in this regard, under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. (10)
Blossom Textiles Limited, a listed company, is in urgent need of increasing its paid up capital to improve
balance sheet ratio and satisfy their bankers. The response from the existing shareholders and the
underwriters is quite discouraging.

W.08 (Q.7)

State the information required to be disclosed in the prospectus under the Companies Ordinance, 1984
regarding the option given to the financial institutions. (05)
Mega Projects Limited is presently facing financial crunch. In order to overcome this crisis and to improve
profitability, the Board of Directors is considering to raise funds through capital injection. The existing
shareholders and the potential investors may not be willing to invest at par value which is Rs.10 per share.
However, it is estimated that the company could get just about Rs. 7 per share. The directors have therefore
decided to issue shares at discount.

W.12 (Q.1)

The Secretary of ABC Limited is in the process of preparing the prospectus for public issue. The company has
obtained loans from two financial institutions and has granted option to these institutions to convert up to
20% of the outstanding balance of the loans into ordinary shares.

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

Corporate Laws (Topic Wise)


Module D
S.04 (Q.1) S.04 (Q.11)

(a) What restriction the Companies Ordinance places on redeeming the preference shares? (01)
(b) What are the permissible modes for redeeming the preference shares and what are the conditions
attached to such modes? (06)

Alteration and Reduction of Share Capital


A company is required to issue shares to a financial institution under the terms of agreement within the
next three day of the happening of certain event. Now the event has happened and the company has
to issue the shares but the authorized capital is fully subscribed. Advise the company to avoid non
compliance with the terms of the agreement as well as the provisions of Companies Ordinance, 1984.
What is the difference between allotment and physical issue of share certificate? (03)


The company has issued shares to a scheduled bank against a part of the outstanding balance of a loan without
offering them to the shareholders by way of a right issue. (2)
The balance sheet of Montana Textile Mills Limited for the year ended June 30, 2008 shows the non-current
liabilities as under :
To improve the debt equity ratio, the company wants to convert all non-current liabilities into equity by the
issuance of ordinary shares.

Explain to the shareholders, aggrieved with the above changes, on the following:
(a) What remedy is available to the aggrieved shareholders? (03)
(b) Under what conditions can the decision of the company be cancelled? (04)


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

W.04 (Q.4)

List three key differences between provisions relating to increase and reduction of share capital of a company
limited by guarantee having a share capital as compared to a company limited by shares. (03)

S.07 (Q.2)

(a) Discuss the provisions contained in the Companies Ordinance, 1984 under which the company may proceed
to issue shares against the above non-current liabilities.
(b) With reference to the above provisions, advise the extent to which the above liabilities may be converted into
XYZ Limited, a listed company, has issued ten million shares of classes A and B each. The company passed a
special resolution to alter some of the rights associated with class B shares, which has aggrieved some of the

S.09 (Q.7)

Non-current liabilities
Long term finance from Sponsors / Directors
Long term finance from related party
Long term finance from Banks

W.09 (Q.11)

Under the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 state the steps that need to be taken for reducing the
share capital of the company. (12)
In the annual general meeting of Sabzazar Limited held on September 29, 2009 some of the shareholders have
raised the following objection:

W.10 (Q.1)

You are required to describe the procedure to be followed by KG Limited to buy-back its shares in view of the
provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and the Companies (Buy-back of Shares) Rules, 1999.
Belfast Pakistan Limited (BPL), engaged in real estate business, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Belfast
International (BI). The company was incorporated in April 2007 with a paid-up capital of Rs. 100 million. After first
three years of unsuccessful operations, BPL has accumulated losses to the tune of Rs. 34 million.
In order to revive the company, management intends to venture into a new business and wants to cancel its
existing paid-up share capital which has been lost or unrepresented by available assets.

S.12 (Q.4)

The Board of Directors of KG Limited have decided to buy-back one million of its ordinary shares.

Corporate Laws (Topic Wise)


Module D

Debentures (113-119)

Narrate the circumstances specified under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 on account of which Mr. Saleem
may initiate legal action against the company. (06)

W.11 (Q.3)

ABC Limited has appointed Mr. Saleem as a trustee, under a trust deed, for securing an issue of debentures.
Subsequent to his appointment, Mr. Saleem is of the opinion that ABC Limited has failed to meet its obligations
under the trust deed, whereas the management denies any wrong doings. Consequently, Mr. Saleem intends to
take appropriate action against the company.

Mortgages and Charges (121-136)

Explain the procedure that would be required to be followed by AQ Limited in the above situation, for
registration of charge with the Registrar of Companies.

S.12 (Q.2)

The Company Secretary of AQ Limited realized on 29 May 2012 that particulars of charge created on the
Companys properties in favour of AK Bank Limited on 2 May 2012 have not been filed for registration with the
Registrar of Companies.

Mr. Yaqoob is a nominee of Foundation Bank Limited on the Board of Saad Textile Mills Limited (STML). In a
meeting of the board of directors of STML, the company secretary was not able to offer satisfactory
clarifications in respect of the following matters:

(b) A foreign currency loan of US $ 75 million was obtained from Apex Bank Limited which was secured by a first
mortgage on companys fixed assets ranking pari passu with the charge created in favour of Trust Bank Limited.
The foreign currency loan has been paid in full but the company has not approached the registrar for vacating
the charge because confirmation of repayment has not been received from Apex Bank Limited. (03)

S.10 (Q.11)

(a) STML had received a loan of Rs. 1.5 billion from Trust Bank Limited which was secured by a first mortgage on
the companys fixed assets. The company had repaid the loan to the extent of Rs. 250 million but did not send
any intimation to the registrar as regards the partial re-payment of the loan. (02)

On behalf of Mr.Yaqoob advise the company in the context of Companies Ordinance 1984.
The CFO of ABC Limited realized on 23rd October that particulars of charge created on 13th October in favour of
a bank were not filed with the Registrar of Companies for registration. Describe the procedure the company
should follow to get the charge registered with the Registrar of Companies. Would the procedure be different if
the charge was created on 29th September?

W.07 (Q.2)

Mr. Khan, chief executive of Prosperous Engineering Limited, is assessing the possibility of setting up a new
project in Gwadar in collaboration with a prospective foreign investor. He is confident that the proposed project
will reap significant benefits to the company. Since he does not wish to dilute his holding and voting rights, he is
planning to issue class B shares to the investor along with 16% TFCs with a floating charge on the book debts of
the company and a fixed charge on its machinery in the manufacturing department. He wants to have your
advice on the issue.

W.08 (Q.4)

Required: Explain the important characteristics of a fixed charge and floating charge and their registration
requirements. (05)
Briefly discuss the following with reference to the registration of mortgages and charges under the Companies
Ordinance, 1984:
(a) The consequences if the charge is not registered on time? (03)
(b) Steps to be undertaken on acquiring a property that is already charged? (05)

W.05 (Q.8)


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

Corporate Laws (Topic Wise)


Module D

Management & Administration (Sec 142 262)

Meetings (157-173)

In view of the provisions contained in the Companies Ordinance, 1984 explain:

(a) The conditions under which it would become mandatory for the company to convene the meeting. (03)
(b) The rights of the concerned shareholders in case the company fails to convene the meeting. (05)
An Extraordinary General Meeting of Mastermind Technologies Limited (MTL), a listed company, was scheduled
to be held on October 31, 2009. The directors adjourned the meeting for the next week as the quorum was not
present within fifteen minutes of the scheduled time.

Comment on decision of the directors, in the light of provisions contained in the Companies Ordinance, 1984.


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

S.10 (Q.5)

(a) The decision of the directors to adjourn the meeting, assuming:

(i) the meeting was called upon the requisition of the members.
(ii) the meeting was called by the directors. (03)
(b) The impact of the adjournment on the validity and rights of proxies which were deposited with the company
before adjournment. (02)
(c) The validity of the resolution passed at the adjourned meeting. (02)
Karachi Telecommunication (Private) Limited (KTL) was incorporated on 1st March, 2009 under the Companies
Ordinance, 1984. Its directors have decided to hold first Annual General Meeting (AGM) of company on August
10, 2010, for placing the first audited financial statements for period ended March 31, 2010, for approval.

S.10 (Q.4)

Based on the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984, you are required to comment on the following:

W.11 (Q.6)

Explain how VX Limited should deal with the above situation in the light of Companies Ordinance, 1984. (06)
A number of shareholders of Nazeer Industries Limited want to hold an extraordinary general meeting to discuss
an important matter relating to the company.

S.12 (Q.12)

(a) Comment on the validity of each of the above complaints in the light of Companies Ordinance, 1984. (07)
(b) Describe the circumstances under which a court may declare the resolution passed in the above meeting or
the entire proceedings of the meeting as invalid under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. (04)
The general meeting of VX Limited, a listed company, was convened on 30 May 2012. However, only four
shareholders turned up to attend the meeting.

W.12 (Q.7)

(i) Since the meeting could not commence at the scheduled time i.e. 9:00 a.m; it became invalid and should be
called again.
(ii) A resolution passed in the meeting was approved by a show of hands. However, a poll should have been
carried out.
(iii) Mr. A who voted for a resolution was represented through a proxy which was deposited at 5:01 p.m. i.e. after
office hours on 29 October 2012. Further, since 30 October 2012 was a public holiday, the condition of depositing
the proxy at least 48 hours before the commencement of the meeting, was not met.
(iv) Mr. G who holds 50,000 shares was represented by two proxies i.e. Mr. C (30,000 shares) & Mr. D (20,000
shares). Only proxy with 30,000 shares was counted for the purpose of voting.
(v) JKM Limited holding 20,000 shares of the company was represented by Mr Waheed, who is neither a director
nor an employee of JKM Limited.

S.13 (Q.9)

On declaration of the result of voting in the Annual General Meeting (AGM) by the chairman of AS Limited, a
public company, few shareholders demanded a poll. The chairman refused to hold the poll and declared the
result of voting on show of hands. In the light of Companies Ordinance, 1984,
(a) How would you assess whether or not the Chairmans decision of not holding a poll was valid? (04)
(b) Explain whether the Chairman can delay the holding of poll to a date subsequent to the date of AGM. (03)
The Annual General Meeting of Trade Limited was held at 9:15 a.m on 31 October 2012. Certain shareholders of
the company have lodged following complaints with the companys secretary.

Corporate Laws (Topic Wise)


Module D

S.08 (Q.2)

(b) Explain the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 with regard to the quorum of a general meeting
of a company listed on stock exchange. (03)
Arif & Co., Chartered Accountants were to be re-appointed as auditors at the Annual General Meeting of Rose
Limited, an unlisted company. The meeting was held on October 31, 2007 but stood adjourned without
discussing the appointment of auditors. Explain the legal position of the auditors in such a situation. (02)

S.09 (Q.11)

You are required to explain how and under what conditions can the proceedings of the AGM be declared as
(a) Under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 describe the circumstances in which proceedings of a general meeting
may be declared invalid by the court.
Who is eligible to make petition in this regard. (03)

W.09 (Q.6)

The annual general meeting (AGM) of Nizam Industries Limited was held on November 16, 2009. Some of the
shareholders are not satisfied with the decisions taken at the meeting and are of the opinion that the directors
have manipulated the situation in order to obtain certain approvals in the annual general meeting.

(a) See-green Limited, a public limited company, had convened a general meeting at 9:00 a.m. on March 25, 2008
to consider and if deemed fit, pass a special resoulution approving the disposal of a part of the companys
undertaking. The meeting commenced at 9:16 a.m. as the quorum was not present at the scheduled time and was
attended by 100 members (including 10 members represented through proxies) holding 1,000,000 shares in
aggregate. After a heated debate, voting was held through show of hands and the chairman declared resolution
successful as 78 votes were casted in favour of the resolution.

You are required to explain the following:

Whether a noJce is required to be served for the adjourned meeting.
The minimum number of members required to be present in a general meeting.
What shall be the requirement in case of an adjourned meeting? (06)


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

S.06 (Q.4)

A general meeting of a listed company was adjourned by the chairman for want of quorum. Fresh notice was not
served for the adjourned meeting.

W.06 (Q.9)

Members of XYZ limited holding 20% of the voting power submitted a requisition to hold an extraordinary
general meeting of the company to remove the auditor of the company. The company did not call the extra
ordinary general meeting and also did not allow the holding of the meeting at the registered office of the
company. The said meeting was held at some other place and resolution for the removal of the auditor was
passed. Examine the requirements and discuss the validity of the said meeting and resolution passed. (10)

W.06 (Q.2)

Discuss the legality of the chairmans decision in the light of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. (05)
A member of a company seeks your guidance regarding the procedure for inspection of the minutes book of the
general meetings. Discuss the requirements relating to the maintenance of minutes and its inspection by the
members. (06)

S.07 (Q.8)

Discuss the validity of the resolution under the Companies Ordinance 1984, in view of the complaint lodged by the
dissenting shareholders. (10)
A resolution was put before the members in an Annual General Meeting, for voting on a show of hands. Before the
announcement of the result, Mr. Shahab Khan, a share holder, demanded a poll, which was refused by the

S.08 (Q.12)

On March 31, 2008, the shareholders who gave a dissenting vote in the meeting, lodged a protest with the
company claiming that the resolution was invalid on account of the following reasons:
(i) Mr. A who voted for the resolution was represented through a proxy which was deposited at 5:01 p.m. i.e. after
office hours on March 22, 2008. Moreover, since March 23rd was a public holiday, the condition of depositing the
proxy atleast 48 hours before the meeting, could not be met.
(ii) Mr. B a shareholder with a holding of 50,000 shares was represented by two proxies i.e. Mr. C (30,000 shares)
& Mr. D (20,000 shares). Both proxies were counted for the purpose of voting.
(iii) JK (Pvt) Limited holding 20,000 shares of the company , were represented by Mr Sameer, who is neither the
director nor the employee of the company. He also voted in favour of the resolution.
(iv) The shareholders who lodged the protest hold 300,000 shares and therefore the resolution was approved by
shareholders holding 70% voting rights only.
(v) Since the meeting could not be held on time, it became invalid and should be called again.

Corporate Laws (Topic Wise)


Module D

(a) Whether it is possible under the provisions of articles of association to provide for a shorter or larger number of
members to be a quorum for a meeting? (01)
(b) Can proceedings of a general meeting may be declared invalid. If so under what circumstances and who
may initiate this. Is there any time limitation for this? (03)

S.05 (Q.9) W.04 (Q.2) W.03 (Q.6)

The Companies Ordinance, 1984 contains certain safeguarding provisions for minority shareholders. Two of
these provisions provide mechanism for providing relief and safeguarding their interests provided the
shareholders own certain percentage of voting shares. Briefly describe such provisions. (09)

S.06 (Q.6)

Annual General Meeting of a Public Company was scheduled to be held on March 15, 2006. Mr. A, a shareholder,
issued two Proxies in respect of the shares held by him in favor of Mr. X and Mr. Y. The proxy in favor of X was
lodged on March 12, 2006 and the one in favor of Mr. Y was lodged on March 15, 2006. The company rejected
the proxy in favor of Mr. Y and accepted the one in favor of Mr. X.
Explain whether the rejection by the company is in order? (07)
State the provisions contained in the Companies Ordinance 1984 relating to extension in the date of holding
the Annual General Meeting. (03)

Directors (174-197A, 214-224, 111-112)


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

S.11 (Q.1)

S. No.
Addition/(Deletion) No. of shares (million)
Purchased from the market
Purchased from the market
Sold in the market at a profit
Sold in the market at a profit
Bonus shares
*These shares were acquired on March 15, 2010 in good faith from Mr. Yaseen in satisfaction of a debt.

W.12 (Q.5) W.12 (Q.3) W.11 (Q.12)

Mr. Bilal is the chief executive of Power Shipping Limited (PSL), a listed company. He has agreed to provide a
personal loan of Rs. 5 million to his cousin for purchase of PSLs shares. The loan will be repaid after two years and
would carry a mark-up of 5% per annum. Suggest the actions which Mr. Bilal should take to ensure that the
provisions of Companies Ordinance, 1984 and the Code of Corporate Governance, 2012 are complied with. (07)
(a) Mr. Babar is currently working as a Marketing Manager in ST Limited (STL). The management intends to
appoint him as the Chief Executive of the company. He is willing to accept the offer and has requested for a loan of
Rs. 10 million. Moreover, he had also taken a loan in 2009, of which Rs.1 million is still outstanding.
State the conditions as specified in the Companies Ordinance, 1984 which STL would need to comply with, in
respect of the above loans. (05)
As on April 1, 2010 Mr. Faisal owned one million shares in Delton Chemicals Limited (DCL), a listed company. He
has made the following transactions in the shares of DCL during the year ended March 31, 2011:

W.12 (Q.6)

(a) In the light of the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 explain what alternative course of action is
available to the company. (03)
(b) List the steps that NCL would be required to take, if nothing in this regard is stated in the Articles of Association
of the Company. (03)
(a) Nihal Limited (NL) is a listed company. Narrate the conditions which a director of NL would be required to
comply with under Companies Ordinance, 1984 in case he/she makes a gain on the sale of companys shares. (03)
(b) Identify the persons other than the directors, to whom the above provisions are also applicable. (03)

S.13 (Q.10)

The election of directors of Nihal Motors Limited (NML), a listed company, was held at the Extraordinary General
Meeting where seven out of nine candidates were to be elected as directors. After the meeting was over, an email
was received at NML that Mr. Nihal had expired in a hospital in England.
However, the time of Mr. Nihals death was not mentioned. The result of the meeting shows that Mr. Nihal had
received the sixth highest number of votes in the election. In the light of Companies Ordinance, 1984 state how
the directors should deal with the above situation (06)
New Chemicals Limited (NCL) is a listed company. The company is in the process of finalization of a financing
facility with a bank. The bank requires a copy of the board resolution for approval of the terms of the financing.
Since five out of seven directors of the company are currently out of the country, it is not possible for the secretary
to convene the meeting of the board of directors.

Corporate Laws (Topic Wise)


Module D

The paid-up capital of DCL is 500 million shares.

Discuss Mr. Faisals responsibilities under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 in respect of the above
transactions. (08)
(b) Briefly discuss the powers of the SECP in case Mr. Faisal fails to carry out his responsibilities as referred to in
(a) above. (04)
Mr. Hameed, who is a director in ABC Limited, a listed company, is planning to move to Europe for one year to set
up his own business. In the light of Companies Ordinance, 1984 you are required to:
(a) Respond to his request for advice, as regards his responsibilities, under the Companies Ordinance 1984, in
respect of:

(b) Discuss the conditions under which he may be allowed to assign his office to another person. (04)

W.10 (Q.2)

(i) attending the annual general meeting of the company. (02)

(ii) attending the board meetings of the company. (04)

(c) State the procedure and the conditions to be complied with if the company wants to remove
Mr. Hameed from the directorship of the company, under each of the following assumptions:
(i) He was elected as a director of the company.
(ii) He became the director of the company by subscribing to the memorandum of the company. (06)
An equitable mortgage was created on the factory building of Asif Textile Mills Limited, a listed company, to secure
a long term loan obtained from Mrs. Wasif, who is the spouse of a director of the company. All the eight directors
of the company were informally aware about Mr. Wasifs interest in the transaction. The board of directors
approved the transaction in their meeting which was attended by five directors.

In the light of the provisions of Companies Ordinance, 1984 you are required to:

S.10 (Q.1)

Upon inspection of the register of contracts in which directors are interested, a member of the company filed an
appeal with the SECP, claiming that the mortgage is invalid because Mr. Wasif, who is an interested director, had
also voted on the matter and therefore the contract is void.

(a) Evaluate the above situation and comment thereon in the light of the provisions of the Companies Ordinance,
1984. (07)

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

W.07 (Q.3)


S.08 (Q.1)

Based on the provisions contained in the Companies Ordinance, 1984 explain whether and under what conditions
a fresh election of the directors may be held.
During the past 12 months Mr. Sohails holding in shares of ABC Ltd (a listed company) has increased to 13%.
Recently, he has written a letter to the company seeking appointment on its Board of Directors. The company
secretary had advised that since the election of directors was held in the preceding annual general meeting, he
cannot be admitted on the board till the next elections become due. Mr. Sohail is not satisfied with the response
and has sought your advice on the matter. You are required to briefly discuss what course of
action is available to him. (07)
A director of a listed company has proposed to nominate another person to act in his place as he would be going
to Japan to undertake a technical training course. You are required to state the requirements to be complied with
under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. (06)

W.09 (Q.4)

(b) Explain the manner in which a general notice, regarding disclosure of interest in a contract, may be given by
directors of a company. (05)
Mr. Waleed has acquired 3 million ordinary shares of Acquired Limited whose paid up share capital consists of 22
million ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each. The election of the directors of the company has recently been concluded.
Mr. Waleed, being confident of holding a sufficient number of shares to be elected as a director, has requested the
management to arrange a fresh election.

Corporate Laws (Topic Wise)


Module D

A strategic investor has acquired management control of a company through the privatization program. The
directors of the company were elected only a year ago and still have an unexpired term of 2 years.

(b) List any five contents of report of board of directors required under Companies Ordinance, 1984. (05)


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

S.07 (Q.5)

(c) Who can sign the report of directors. (02)

(c) Mr. Ibrahim is the Chief Executive of LMN Limited, a listed company. He has requested the company for a loan
of Rs 30.0 million. His annual remuneration is Rs 28 million. State the conditions mentioned in the Companies
Ordinance, 1984, under which such a loan may be advanced by the company. (06)

W.03 (Q.3)

(a) How a director of a company may make an assignment of office? Is it possible for a director to appoint his
alternate and if so under what conditions? (05)

S.04 (Q.3) W.03 (Q.1)

Under the Companies Ordinance, 1984:In addition to the directors elected to the Board of Directors, who is
entitled to attend the Board meetings and what would be their voting rights thereat? (05)
Who is considered to be a beneficial owner of shares under the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984?
What obligations do the relevant provisions of law place on him and the time period in this regard?
Obligation of the company and penalties under law are not required to be replied. (12)

W.04 (Q.5)

Mr. Siddiqui has been selected for appointment as Chief Executive of M/s Cotton (Private) Limited. The
proposed terms of appointment also include provision of loan of Rs.10 million each for purchase of a house and
shares of M/s Kapas Limited which is listed on all the three stock exchanges of Pakistan. M/s Kapas Limited and
two of its directors hold 67% shares of M/s Cotton (Private) Limited. You being the secretary of the company are
required to give your comments on the above terms in the light of the provisions of the
Companies Ordinance, 1984. (04)
Answer the following in the context of a listed company:

S.05 (Q.4)

Comment on above corporate action with reference to the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. (03)
A shareholder in a listed company has acquired about 8% shares of the company. He intends to contest for
election to the Board of Directors of the company in the forthcoming elections. What corporate secretarial steps
need to be taken by the member and the company in this regard? (05)

S.06 (Q.8)

Outline the process under which strategic investors will induct their own directors on Board of company. (03)
Directors of a public unlisted company had fixed the number of directors for election at eight. The present
directors being eligible had offered themselves for re-election at the same board meeting. Considering the fact
that there has been no change in the structure of shareholding, the Board of Directors passed a resolution
appointing them as directors.

W.06 (Q.1) S.06 (Q.2)

Describe the actions which Mr. Abbasi should take to ensure that he complies with the relevant provisions
contained in the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and the Code of Corporate Governance. (06)
Explain whether a non-member can become the director of a company. (02)

S.07 (Q.10)

(b) Explain whether XYZ (Private) Limited will have to follow and comply with the same rules as are applicable to
ABC Limited.
Mr. Abbasi is a director of Bright Limited, a listed company. His nephew wants to purchase shares of Bright
Limited. Part of the funds required to make the investment shall be provided by Mr. Abbasi at a profit of 3% per

S.07 (Q.7)

(a) ABC Limited, a listed company, is entering into a contract to purchase machinery worth Rs. 50 million from XYZ
(Private) Limited, where the spouse of the chief executive of ABC limited is also a director. The contract for
purchase of said machinery is to be placed before the board of directors of the company for approval.
State the relevant rules as given in the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and describe the procedure which ABC Limited
should follow while entering into the contract.

Corporate Laws (Topic Wise)

10 | P a g e

Module D

Chief Executive, Secretary and Managing Agent (198-204A, 206, 207)

S.08 (Q.12)

(b) XY Limited (XYL) has recently commenced business. The company has appointed various distributors for the
supply of its products. The distributors have placed amounts ranging between Rs. 2 - 5 million with XYL as security
deposits. Briefly describe the relevant provisions of the Companies Ordinance 1984, which XYL would have to
comply with. (03)
(b) In the first meeting of Board of Directors of Alif Cement Ltd a public listed company, Mr. Raoof proposed the
name of Mr. Haseeb for appointment as chief executive of the Company. Mr. Zahid opposed the proposal on the
following grounds:
(i) Mr. Haseeb is also the Chief Executive of Bay Cement (Pvt) Limited which holds 15% shares in Alif Limited.
(ii) he is involved in the business of stock brokerage.

W.12 (Q.2)

(a) In the first meeting of Board of Directors of Hamid Textile Mills Limited (HTML), a listed company, the name of
Mr. Imran was proposed for appointment as chief executive of the Company. Mr. Jamal opposed the proposal on
the following grounds:
(i) Mrs. Imran is the Chief Executive Officer of Fahad Textile Mills (Private) Limited.
(ii) Mr. Imran is involved in the business of stock brokerage.
(iii) Mr. Imran is not a member of HTML. Comment on the objections raised by Mr. Jamal in the light of the
provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. (05)

Comment on statement of Mr Zahid in the light of the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. (04)

Investments (208, 209, 226-228)

Under the provisions of the Employees Provident Fund (Investment in Listed Securities) Rules, 1996 subject to
what conditions an Employees Provident Fund of a company may make investment in securities of a company
listed on any stock exchange in Pakistan. (08)


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

S.07 (Q.5)

(b) A company has revised its marketing strategy and instead of having its wholesale delivery points, it has
appointed 20 dealers throughout Pakistan. The management intends to take deposits for security purposes from
each dealer. The aggregate amount of such deposits will be around Rs 200 million. Being the head of finance,
advise the management about the relevant provisions contained in the Companies Ordinance, 1984, dealing with
the issue of deposits and any restrictions or conditions imposed therein. (05)

S.04 (Q.7) W.03 (Q.4)

(a) Briefly state the conditions required to be fulfilled by the two companies while carrying out the above
transactions. (08)
(b) What consequences may be faced by the directors of RBC Limited in case they fail to comply with the above
requirements? (03)
What conditions are required to be complied with under the Companies (invitation and Acceptance of
deposits) Rules, 1987 for accepting deposits? (08)

S.07 (Q.1)

- Advancing loan of Rs 5.0 million at an annual interest of 8%.

- Increasing the limit of trade credit from Rs 1.0 million to Rs 3.0 million.

W.10 (Q.3)

Western Cement Limited (WCL) has recently formed a provident fund for the benefit of its employees.
In view of the provisions contained in the Companies Ordinance, 1984 you are required to advise
the directors of WCL and
the trustees of Provident Fund
about their responsibilities with respect to the amount to be contributed to the fund and investment thereof.
RBC Limited and KBC Limited are associated companies having share capital of Rs 60.0 million and Rs 15.0 million
respectively. The companies reserves equal 10% of their share capital. RBC Limited produces and supplies a
component X to KBC Limited. KBC Limited has been facing liquidity problems as a result of which its production
and sales had been suffering. Consequently, there has been a significant decline in the sale of component X by
RBC Limited. The directors of RBC Limited wish to support KBC Limited by way of the following:


(b) All investment made by a company on its own behalf shall be made and held by it in its own name. Explain
the exceptions to this general rule, under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. (04)

Corporate Laws (Topic Wise)

11 | P a g e

Module D

Accounts (230-247)

W.08 (Q.2)

Describe the suitable course available to the company and the relevant provisions of the law applicable thereto.

S.07 (Q.6)

Also, briefly discuss the consequences if the accounts are not adopted by the members of the company due to
any reason, at a duly convened annual general meeting.
You are the legal advisor of Target Limited, a listed company with large number of shareholders, spread though
out the country. The company is finding it difficult to circulate its quarterly accounts to the shareholders.
Discuss the other options available to the company and the legal requirements in respect of those options, to
be compliant with the law. (08)

W.05 (Q.7)

You are required to advise the company in respect of the above matter under the provisions
of the Companies Ordinance, 1984.
The Board of Directors of ABC Limited, a company listed on Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges, has resolved to
transmit its quarterly financial statements to the members of the company through its corporate website. You
are required to discuss the requirements of Companies Ordinance, 1984 regarding placement of the quarterly
accounts on the web. (07)
The third Annual General Meeting (AGM) of ABC Limited, an unlisted public company, is to be held on 31
July 2007. However, in the third week of May, a considerable portion of the accounting record of the company
was destroyed by fire. As a result, the CFO concluded that the audited financial statements pertaining to the year
ended March 31, 2007 would not be ready to be laid before the AGM.

W.09 (Q.2)

There are allegations in the press and serious charges have been levelled against STR Petroleum Limited about
misuse of public funds by the management. Zafar, a director of the company wants to inspect the books of
account, in order to ascertain whether the allegations are true. As Zafar does not have adequate knowledge of
accounting, he intends to examine the books of account in the presence of his friend Arif, who is a chartered

S.12 (Q.3)

List the conditions specified under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 which a listed company is required to comply
with before placement of its quarterly accounts on its website.

Dividend (248-251)

(c) When dividend is deemed to have been declared? (02)

(d) When no offence is deemed to have been committed inspite of late or non- payment of dividend?

Commencement of Business by Public Co. (146)

In the light of the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 comment on the legality and the implication of
entering into the above agreements.

W.11 (Q.10)

Bilal Garments Limited (BGL) has recently been incorporated in Pakistan. However, prior to obtaining the
certificate of commencement of business, BGL has entered into an agreement with Taqi Engineering Limited
(TEL) for the supply and installation of machinery at its factory. BGL has also signed an agreement with a
commercial bank for a short term finance facility for payment of advance to TEL.

Registers Etc. (147-156, 125, 135, 205, 219, 220)


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

W.04 (Q.6)

The annual general meeting of a company listed on Karachi Stock Exchange is scheduled to be held on October
31, 2004 in which besides other businesses election of directors would be held and dividend would be approved
by the members. The secretary is thinking to close register of members either from October 26 to 31st or
alternatively from October 13 to 31st and noted in his diary that in either case he will inform members, SECP
and stock exchanges on 9th October, 2004 along with the notice of meeting about book closure. The secretary
is seeking your opinion as regards the above. Advise in the light of provisions of the Companies Ordinance,
1984 and Listing Regulations. (05)

Corporate Laws (Topic Wise)

12 | P a g e

Module D

Mixed Questions
RK Limited (RKL), a listed company, holds 6.3 million ordinary shares of TK (Private) Limited (TKPL) whose paidup capital consists of 10 million ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each. The remaining shares are held by Mr. Adnan and
his family. The Board of TKPL consists of eight directors of which five directors represent RKL while the
remaining three directors, including the chief executive, are representatives of Mr. Adnan and his family.
RKL is presently considering the following proposals:
S.11 (Q.5)

(a) to appoint one of the directors representing RKL, as the chief executive of TKPL, in place of the existing
chief executive. (05)
(b) to appoint BL & Co., Chartered Accountants, as auditors of TKPL in the forthcoming annual general meeting.
The spouse of one of the partners of BL Associates holds one hundred thousand shares in TKPL. (03)
(c) to pledge TKPLs inventories as security against a loan to be obtained by an associated company of TKPL. (03)
Comment on the above proposals in the light of provisions contained in the Companies Ordinance, 1984.
In the annual general meeting of Sabzazar Limited held on September 29, 2009 some of the shareholders have
raised the following objections:

In the light of Companies Ordinance, 1984 you are required to advise the directors as regards the following :
(a) The maximum period for which the books of Sigma Industries Limited can be closed and the procedure that
should be followed in this regard.
(b) The last date up to which Sigma Industries Limited can hold its AGM.
(c) The procedure relating to sending of notices, annual report and audited accounts to the members and
concerned authorities.


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

W.08 (Q.9)

You are required to satisfy the shareholders by explaining the relevant provisions, if any, as contained in the
Companies Ordinance, 1984.
(You may make appropriate assumptions in your answer to clarify the companys position.) (12)
Sigma Industries Limited is a company listed on Karachi Stock Exchange. Its financial year ends on December 31.
The final dividend for the year 2007 was approved in the AGM held on March 31, 2008. To maintain its good
payout ratio, the company declared two interim dividends of 10% and 12% in January and February 2008
respectively. The books were closed for a period of 12 days and 18 days respectively. The directors of Sigma
Industries Limited have now proposed a final dividend of 20% which is to be approved in the forthcoming AGM
of the company. The directors intend to close the share transfer register from March 25, 2009 for determining
shareholders entitlement for the purpose of dividend, meeting, etc.

W.09 (Q.11)

(c) Shareholders were not allowed to make extracts from the register of members on the day on which the
election of directors was held.
(d) 10,000 shares of a subsidiary, which are the property of the company, are held in the name of a director of
the company.
(e) Surplus on revaluation of fixed assets was credited to the reserves of company and later used to pay
(f) One of the directors is not a member of the company.

Past Papers (Topic Wise)

13 | P a g e

Advanced Areas

Investigation and related matters.

In the light of the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 you are required to state:
(a) Whether and under what conditions the SECP may impose restrictions on the transfer of shares? (04)
(b) What would be the effects of such restrictions on the company and the concerned investors? (06)

You are required to identify the conditions under which such an application may be filed and the procedure
that will have to be followed in this regard. (05)

S.08 (Q.10)

(b) Assuming that after necessary opportunity afforded by the SECP, Crown Properties Limited is subjected to
the Investigation, describe the powers that the Inspector can exercise under the Companies Ordinance 1984,
while investigating affairs of the company. (05)
A group of shareholders of Sky Blue Limited believes that certain business activities carried on by the company
are prima facie against the interest of the company and its members. They have approached your firm and seek
your guidance for applying to the SECP to carry out the investigation against the directors of the company.

S.09 (Q.4)

Under the provisions of Companies Ordinance, 1984 describe various actions which the Court may order
against the management of XYZ Limited. (04)
The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), on its own motion, is contemplating
appointment of an Inspector to investigate the affairs of Crown Properties Limited and has issued a notice for
the same narrating the reasons thereof. The directors of the company are contending that the said action is
without any justified cause. You are required to narrate the circumstances specified in the
Companies Ordinance, 1984 wherein the SECP may appoint an Inspector. (07)

W.10 (Q.1)

On submission of the report by the inspector appointed by SECP to investigate the affairs of XYZ Limited, SECP
is of the opinion that the financial position of the company is such that it endangers its solvency and as such
has filed a petition in the Court for taking necessary action against the management of the company.

W.11 (Q.1)

(b) Mr. Jameel was appointed as an inspector to carry out the investigation into the affairs of AM Limited. After
preliminary investigations, Mr. Jameel is of the view that in order to verify certain related matters, it is
necessary to extend the scope of investigation into the affairs of certain other related entities/persons. In the
light of Companies Ordinance, 1984 identify the entities or the individuals whom the inspector may include in
his investigations and what measures would be required to be taken prior to issuance of notices in this regard.
As a result of an application filed by the members of MMB Limited, its affairs are under investigation
by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP). The members claim that the company had
allotted shares to an investor against inadequate consideration and that they had not received the notice of
meeting in which the decision was approved. They have requested SECP to restrict the transfer of these shares
till such time that the investigation is in process.

S.13 (Q.8)

(a) SECP has the powers to appoint one or more persons as inspector(s) to investigate the affairs of a company.
Such investigation may be initiated on receiving a request from any concerned person(s) or by the SECP on its
own motion. In the light of Companies Ordinance, 1984 you are required to:
(i) List the parties on whose request SECP may appoint a person as inspector to investigate the affairs. (03)
(ii) Narrate the circumstances in which SECP may appoint an inspector on its own motion. (07)

On the request of a group of shareholders holding 12% voting shares in a company, SECP appointed inspectors
to investigate into the affairs of that company and the inspectors have submitted a report to the SECP.


S.04 (Q.5)

(i) Whether they have a right to receive a copy of inspectors report from SECP. (02)
(ii) What action SECP could take on receipt of the inspectors report and what are the powers of the Court in
such situation? (08)
The Companies Ordinance provides for the Securities & Exchange Commission (SECP) of Pakistan to
appoint Inspectors at the behest of members. You are to elaborate:
(a) which class or type of members are entitled to invoke the above right? (03)
(b) what circumstances would warrant the above action? (05)
(c) what consequential action SECP can take after report of the Inspectors? (04)

S.06 (Q.1)

Advise the group of shareholders on the following:

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

Past Papers (Topic Wise)

14 | P a g e

Advanced Areas

Arbitration, arrangements and reconstruction.

W.05 (Q.2)

Two companies have a common set of shareholders. The controlling shareholders have decided to merge the
two companies to achieve synergies and have applied to the court for sanctioning a compromise or
arrangement. What are the typical matters which should be included in the Courts order, for facilitating the
amalgamation of the companies under the provision of the Companies Ordinance, 1984?

Prevention of oppression & mismanagement.


S.05 (Q.10) S.04 (Q.10) W.03 (Q.2)

Who may make a representation to the SECP for appointment of administrators and under what
situations/conditions such a representation may be made? (10)

W.07 (Q.4)

What matters are to be included in a rehabilitation plan for an industrial unit which is owned by a company
and is declared as a sick unit by the Federal Government. (10)

S.09 (Q.5)

Quote the relevant provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and comment on the advisability of the
petition in each of the above case. (09)
Identify any six points, which can be included in the companys plan for rehabilitation purposes upon
having been declared a sick industry. (06)

S.10 (Q.10)

You are required to discuss the following:

(a) The measures which Mr. Sohail is empowered to propose as part of the rehabilitation plan.
(b) If the rehabilitation plan is approved by the Federal Government, what impact would it have on the rights
and liabilities of various stake-holders? (12)
A group of shareholders holding 24% shares in RST Limited, a listed company, wishes to file a petition with the
Court against the management of the company and the majority shareholders, on the following grounds:
(i) Loss of confidence in management.
(ii) Continuous losses being made by the company.
(iii) Failure to pay dividend.
(iv) Insider trading.

W.11 (Q.11)

In order to protect general public, depositors and other stakeholders, Khyber Steel Mills Limited has been
declared as a sick unit by the Federal Government which has appointed Mr. Sohail Hamdani to prepare a
rehabilitation plan for the re-organization of the company.

S.12 (Q.9)

Apprehensions are widespread in the stock market that the affairs of JK Limited are being conducted in a
manner which is prejudicial to the interest of the stakeholders. In the context of the provisions of the
Companies Ordinance, 1984 you are required to explain the following :
(a) Identify the persons who may file a suit in the Court with a request to intervene in the business of the
(b) Decisions that the court may take in the above circumstances. (04)
A group of creditors of XYZ Limited has lodged a complaint with the Registrar of Companies on the ground that
the management is indulging in destruction and falsification of the accounting records of the company. The
complainants have requested the Registrar to take immediate steps in this regard.
In the light of the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 explain the powers and responsibilities
of the Registrar in the above circumstances. (08)
ABC Limited is a major supplier of furnace oil to SUB Power Limited which is facing financial crunch and has
been unable to make timely payments to ABC Limited.
The directors of ABC Limited intend to request the SECP for appointment of an Administrator to manage
the affairs of SUB Power Limited.
In the light of provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 describe the conditions under which ABC Limited
may request the SECP to appoint the Administrator. (08)

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

Past Papers (Topic Wise)

15 | P a g e

Advanced Areas

For the last three months, ANF Limited (ANFL) has been experiencing liquidity crisis and is unable to meet its
financial obligations within the due date. In the light of Companies Ordinance, 1984 narrate the circumstances
under which ANFL would be deemed to be unable to pay its debts. (05)

S.13 (Q.7)

The members of Tajamul Private Limited (TPL) have decided to go into voluntary winding-up.
Advise TPL about the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 pertaining to:
(a) Fixation of the remuneration to be paid to the liquidator. (04)
(b) Filling of vacancy in the event of resignation of the liquidator. (04)

W.12 (Q.4) S.12 (Q.5)

In the context of the provisions contained in the Companies Ordinance, 1984 you are required to explain the

S.11 (Q.2)

The Directors of BD Limited intend to wind up the companys business voluntarily. In the context of the
Companies Ordinance, 1984 you are required to explain the following:
(a) The requirement to file a declaration of solvency.
(b) The contents of declaration of solvency.
Substantial operating losses sustained by Legend Ceramics Limited (LCL) have forced its directors to proceed for
companys voluntary winding up. Accordingly, a general meeting of LCL was held on July 1, 2010 and Mr. Ateeq
was appointed as the Liquidator.

(a) The steps that Mr. Ateeq should take if the winding up is not completed till June 30, 2011.(05)
(b) Mr. Ateeqs responsibilities as regards final meeting and dissolution of the company. (05)
A foreign investor had acquired majority shares in Marine Steel Services Limited (MSSL) in the year 2006. Due to
global recession, MSSL has incurred heavy losses and a major portion of its equity has been wiped out.
Consequently, the investor intends to wind up the operations of the company voluntarily.
(a) In the light of the Companies Ordinance, 1984, advise the management as regards the following:

In the light of the provisions contained in the Companies Ordinance, 1984 explain the rights and liabilities of Mr.
Sajjad, in the above situation. (05)

W.09 (Q.3)

(b) In order to minimize the winding up expenses, the Board wants to appoint one of the directors as the
liquidator, on a monthly remuneration of Rs. 50,000. Advise the Board as regards the requirements of
Companies Ordinance, 1984 with respect to the appointment and remuneration of liquidator, in the above
situation. (04)
(a) After incurring continuous losses Shaheen Private Limited had decided to go into members voluntary
winding up. Mr. Sajjad was appointed as a liquidator on a remuneration of Rs. 200,000 of which 25% was paid at
the time of his appointment. However, in June 2009, Mr. Sajjad tendered his resignation as a liquidator.

S.10 (Q.2)

(i) When would the voluntary winding up process be deemed to commence and what would be its effect on the
operations of MSSL. (03)
(ii) How could the directors ensure that the requirements of making a declaration of solvency have been
complied with? (06)

(b) Identify the persons who are eligible to file a petition for winding up of a limited company in the Court. (04)
Friends Textiles Limited has suffered heavy losses and has almost ceased its operations due to global recession.
The directors foresee no improvement in the companys financial health and are of the opinion that the
company should be liquidated now, as otherwise, in view of the deepening economic crises, it would be difficult
for the company to fetch a good value for its assets.


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

W.08 (Q.1)

(a) Narrate the circumstances in which a company may be wound up voluntarily? (03)
(b) Advise the directors of the company about the steps that need to be taken to wind up the company
voluntarily. (10)
(c) State the requirements and the procedure to be followed for making a Declaration of Solvency under
members voluntary winding up. (05)

Past Papers (Topic Wise)

16 | P a g e

Advanced Areas
W.07 (Q.5)

Synthetic Holdings Limited wishes to close down one of its subsidiary companies listed on the Lahore Stock
Exchange, as it is no more a viable unit. Their legal counsel has advised the preparation of a Declaration of
Solvency as a starting point to wind up the subsidiary. In this context, you are required to explain:
(a) What is a declaration of solvency and what must it contain? (03)
(b) When is it made and what is its purpose? (02)
(c) What consequences may follow if the declaration is subsequently found to be incorrect? (02)
Company A is in the process of being wound up. The following is a list of amounts payable by it:

S.07 (Q.3)

In the light of winding up provisions contained in the Companies Ordinance, 1984, how would the above
amounts be ranked for payment? Assuming that the funds available with the company are Rs. 1.75 million only,
how would the distribution take place? (10)
On a petition filed by affected minority shareholders, the court has directed a company to be wound up and
has also appointed a liquidator. The existing management comprising the chief executive and other board
members, is resisting the move and is expected to create hurdles in the winding up proceedings including
refusal to hand over custody of books and records and properties to the liquidator. Narrate the powers
conferred on the liquidator and the court, in the above situation and what actions can be taken to proceed with
the winding up.
As used in the context of winding up of companies, discuss when a company is deemed unable to pay its debts?

W.07 (Q.12)


Salaries and wages (staff strength 97; payable for last six months)
Utility bills
Property taxes (payable to City Government)
Fuel expenses payable to employees
Legal and professional fees
Sales tax payable
Penalty payable under the Income Tax Act 2001
Contributions to employees provident fund
Leave encashment
Disability insurance received from insurance company and payable to staff
Secured loan payable to National Bank of Pakistan Principal
- Interest
Secured trade creditors
Unsecured trade creditors

S.06 W.05
(Q.1) (Q.2)

What is the status of a company, its chief executive and its directors which has commenced winding up
proceedings? (03)
What is the effect of appointment of liquidator, on the powers of directors and chief executive? (03)

W.06 (Q.4)

The Directors of Genetics (Pvt.) Ltd. had started voluntary winding up proceedings by filing a declaration of
solvency about 15 months ago. The company still owes substantial amount to the financial institutions. The
Directors have assured the financial institutions that their debts would be settled within the next 6 months and
have filed another declaration of solvency with the Registrar and copied it to the financial institutions. What are
the legal implications if any, on the company or its directors for:
(i) default in payment.
(ii) issue of second declaration of solvency.
Also explain what remedy is available to the financial institutions in case of default by the directors. (07)

S.05 (Q.2)

(a) Briefly describe the contents, signatories and other requirements relating to members voluntary windingup. (08)
(b) Discuss powers of the Liquidator of a company in a voluntary winding-up proceedings to make a compromise
with the creditors that they should accept
forty paisas in the rupee i.e. 40% of their total dues as full and final settlement. (04)

State the extent of liability of a director having unlimited liability whether past or present, in case of
members voluntary winding up of a limited liability company. (07)


S.05 W.04
(Q.7) (Q.2)

List preferential payments laid down in the law at the winding-up stage of the company. (08)

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

Past Papers (Topic Wise)

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Advanced Areas
S.04 (Q.6)

A company has resolved to wind up voluntarily. Eight months after the declaration of solvency, the company
has received a notice of legal suit of a material amount, which would make the company insolvent.
Explain, by reference to the relevant company law provisions, the implications of the above-mentioned
situation on the winding-up process and the directors. (09)

Companies established outside Pakistan

On January 1, 2011 Landmark Limited (LML), a company incorporated in Mauritius, established a branch office
in Pakistan and commenced its business with the permission of the Board of Investment, Pakistan.
On February 10, 2011 LML received a notice from the registrars office for non-filing of certain documents.

(a) Obtaining permission for opening and maintaining its branch / liaison office in Pakistan. (04)
(b) Statutory obligations under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 other than those relating to the filing of forms
and accounts. (05)

W.06 (Q.5)

Miller and Company Limited, a foreign company incorporated in New Zealand, wishes to open a branch / liaison
office in Pakistan. You are required to advise them on the following:

S.08 (Q.3)

(b) What requirements would have to be complied with, by a foreign company having a branch office in
Pakistan, if the company goes into liquidation in the country of its incorporation? (06)

W.09 (Q.5)

(a) give a list of the documents that LML was required to submit to the Registrar before completion of
30 days from the date of establishment of the branch. (05)
(b) explain the effect of non-filing of these documents on the validity of the agreements or contracts entered
into by LML during the above period and on the rights of the respective parties to initiate legal proceedings
against each other.
ABZ Limited, a company incorporated in a foreign country, has established an office in Pakistan by the name of
Search International. You are required to explain the requirements of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 as
regards filing of the annual balance sheet and profit
and loss account of ABZ Limited and Search International.
(a) Pioneer Services Inc., a branch office of a US company engaged in software business has decided to wind-up
its operations in Pakistan. You are requested to guide the management about the necessary formalities to be
carried out under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. (04)

S.11 (Q.3)

In the light of the provisions contained in the Companies Ordinance 1984, you are required to:

CMD Limited (CMD) incorporated in UK earned a contract for construction of major infrastructure project in
Pakistan under an international tender. The contract was assigned by WAPDA on behalf of Government of
S.06 (Q.1)

CMD commenced operation in Pakistan on January 1, 2006 however it failed to submit the required documents
to the Registrar as required under section 451 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. Soon after commencement of
work, differences developed between CMD and WAPDA and both sued each other.
Explain the effect of non-filing of the above documents on the following:
Validity of the contract.
Right of each party to sue each other.

A company incorporated abroad wishes to set up a branch office in Pakistan. Describe the corporate and
secretarial formalities required to be completed under the Companies Ordinance, 1984. (05)


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

S.05 (Q.1) W.04 (Q.2)

Discuss the requirements of law related to filing of accounts of companies operating in Pakistan but
incorporated outside Pakistan. (07)

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Capital Issue of Share Capital Rules 1996

Advise the directors about the conditions required to be complied with, for the issuance of right shares under
the Companies (Issue of Capital) Rules, 1996. (07)
The Directors of SQL Limited, a listed company, has decided to issue 50% right shares.

(a) the shares are to be issued at a premium of Rs. 6 per share. (08)
(b) the employees of SQL Limited are also holding shares on account of preferential allocation. (04)

S.11 (Q.7)

You are required to explain the conditions that SQL will have to comply with, in each of following situations if:

S.12 (Q.11)

Required: In your capacity as Corporate Consultant of the company, advise the Board of Directors of GIL as
regards the requirements of the Companies Share Capital (Variation in Rights and Privileges) Rules, 2000 and
Companies (Issue of Capital) Rules, 1996 which GIL needs to comply with, in relation to the issuance of nonvoting ordinary shares to WML. (10)
The Board of Directors of YZ Limited, a listed company, intends to issue 50% right shares.

W.12 (Q.9)

Global Industries Limited (GIL) is a listed company which has a paid-up share capital consisting of 100 million
shares of Rs. 10 each. GIL is planning to purchase heavy equipment costing Rs. 250 million from World
Machineries Limited (WML) for its new project. In a meeting of GILs Board of Directors, it was proposed to
finance the cost of the equipment by issuing 20 million shares to WML at a premium of Rs. 2.50 per share.
However, since a number of directors were of the opinion that the issuance of shares would enable WML to
exercise significant influence on GILs policies, the Board advised the CEO to look into the possibility of issuing
non-voting ordinary shares.

(a) The following statements may contain certain discrepancies with respect to issuance of right shares by a
listed company. You are required to identify the discrepancies, if any, and specify the correct position.
(i) A listed company cannot issue right shares within two years of its incorporation.
(ii) Where a company wishes to charge premium on a right issue in excess of 50% of the face value of shares, it
shall require an approval from the Commission and the stock exchange on which the company is listed.
(iii) A company which incurred a loss during its last financial year or a company whose market price is below
its par value cannot issue right shares.
(iv) If a company announces a right issue as well as a bonus issue at the same time, the right shares shall also
be entitled to the bonus. (12)

W.09 (Q.9)

(b) The board of directors of Munawwar Industries Limited, a listed entity, is considering the issuance of
bonus shares. You are required to explain
(i) the term Free Reserves; and
(ii) the conditions related to maintenance of free reserves for issuance of bonus shares; as contained in the
Companies (Issue of Capital) Rules, 1996. (08)
Tasty Foods (Pvt.) Limited (TFPL) has been incorporated with the objective of taking over entire business assets
and liabilities of Tasty Biscuits, a partnership firm, at an agreed cut off date i.e. December 31, 2008. The
partners in the firm are also the directors in the newly incorporated company. Pursuant to an agreement
executed between the company and the partnership firm all the assets and liabilities were transferred to the
company on the agreed date. 7.8 million shares of the company were allotted to the partners in consideration
of the transfer of firms property. This allotment however, was made by the directors without considering the
requirements of the Companies (Issue of Capital) Rules, 1996 on the contention that these Rules are applicable
to the listed companies only.

S.09 (Q.3)

Comment on the decision of the directors and state the conditions specified (if any), under the Companies
Ordinance, 1984 and Companies (Issue of Capital) Rules, 1996, related to the issuance of shares as mentioned
in the above situation.
PQR holds more than ten percent of the shares of Rahat Technologies Limited (RTL), a company listed on
Lahore Stock Exchange. The company intends to dilute its investment in RTL by offering such shares for sale to
the public. In the light of the provisions of the Companies (Issue of Capital) Rules, 1996, describe the
conditions which must be fulfilled by PQR before such a sale may be made. (05)

S.09 (Q.9)


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

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Advise the Board about the conditions to be complied with for the issuance of capital under
the Companies (Issue of Capital) Rules, 1996. (09)
In its meeting held on October 10, 2007 the Board of Directors of Snow White Limited, a listed company,
decided to offer a 60% right issue at par value. You are required to explain:

S.08 (Q.4)

(a) The conditions that the Board will have to comply with in this regard. (07)
(b) The additional conditions which the Board will have to comply under each of the following situations:
(i) If the companys shares have been traded below par value during the past one year.
(ii) If the shares are to be issued at a premium of Rs. 5 per share. (03)

W.08 (Q.5)

GP Pharma Limited, a family owned company with zero debt, has witnessed rapid growth during the past 5
years. In order to carry on the successful growth pattern and fulfill the ever increasing customers demand, the
board of directors of the company is planning to establish another manufacturing facility at a cost of Rs. 200
million. To meet the cost of the project, the company needs to raise capital and therefore has decided to go

FGH is a listed company and has not declared any dividend or bonus shares during the past few years. The
board of directors is now considering distribution of bonus shares.
The Balance Sheet of the company prior to the issuance of bonus shares depicts the following position:
Rs. in million

W.07 (Q.7)

Share Capital
( 6.0 million shares of Rs. 10 each)
General Reserves
Share Premium
Revaluation Reserves
Intangible Assets
Tangible Assets


Advise the company whether it can issue 25% bonus shares out of the General Reserves, a part of which was
accumulated in prior years. (04)
(a) What do you understand by the term Green-shoe Option? (02)

What are the key requirements under the Companies Ordinance 1984 and Companies (Issue of Capital) Rules
1996 that the company must fulfill in this regard? (08)

A company with a 5 year profitable track record is planning to go public by offering shares at a premium.
Discuss the requirements contained in the Companies Issue of Capital Rules, 1996 with respect to the
companys plans. (08)
Under the provisions of the Companies (Issue of Capital) Rules, 1996 define Free Reserves. (07)


W.05 (Q.5) S.05 (Q.4) W.03 (Q.4)

A director of a profitable public company wishes to offload his 15% shareholding by means of an offer for sale
to the general public at a premium. Briefly discuss the requirements for such an offer under the Company
(Issue of Capital Rules), 1996. (07)

S.06 (Q.3)

(b) An unlisted company wants to issue shares to a machinery supplier as consideration for supply of the
plant for its expansion program.

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

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Buy-back of Shares Rules, 1999.

Planet International (PI), a listed company, has planned to buy-back 10% of PIs outstanding shares from its
minority shareholders. The board of directors has approved the buy-back of shares at a premium of 10 per cent
above the current market price of Rs. 40 per share. The summarized statement of financial position as on 31
March 2013 is as follows:
Rs in Million


Long term liabilities

Current liabilities





Non-current assets
Current assets






S.08 (Q.9) S.06 (Q.5)

A large group of companies is planning a buy back of shares in

some of its companies. The Group
Management Committee (GMC) has various alternatives and options for buying back of shares by considering
the groups future strategies. After a detail review the GMC has informed the Group Company Secretary as
(a) NA Soft (Private) Limited is a very well known software house and has a paid up share capital of Rs. 100
million. The company would like to buy back 25% of its paid up capital. The debt equity ratio of the company is
75:25 and the current ratio is 1:1.
(b) ASL Ltd., a pharmaceutical company, is listed on Karachi Stock Exchange. It has a share capital of Rs. 500
million and retained earnings of Rs. 100 million. The board of directors of the company has decided in their
meeting to buy back shares of Rs. 200 million. The company has sufficient cash resources for purchase of
(c) CLS Textile Mills Ltd., is a listed company having a registered office in the province of Punjab. Mr. Ali, a
holder of 20% shares, has shown his interest in selling his holding directly to the company. The management of
the company is willing to accept his proposal.
As a Group Company Secretary, you are required to advise the GMC on the legality of transactions which the
group is planning to undertake.

S.10 (Q.9)

Express Limited, a company listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange has a paid-up capital of Rs. 100 million divided
into 10 million shares of Rs. 10 each. The Board of Directors have approved the purchase of 100,000 treasury
stocks at Rs. 15 each within 30 days, by a tender. As the Company Secretary, what procedure would you follow
in this regard? (11)

S.11 (Q.6)

You are required to describe the procedure to be followed by KG Limited to buy-back its shares in view of the
provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and the Companies (Buy-back of Shares) Rules, 1999. (07)
The board of directors of EFI Textile Mills Limited, a listed company, plans to buy-back 10% shares of the
company. In the light of the provisions contained in the Companies (Buy-back of Shares) Rules,
1999, specify the conditions that the company should be in compliance with, before it proceeds to buy-back
the shares. (04)
FM Textiles Limited is a company listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange. Its directors have decided that the
company would buy back 20% of its shares.
List down the steps to be taken for the buy-back of shares as specified in the Companies
(Buy-back of shares) Rules, 1999. (10)

S.12 (Q.4)

In the context of Companies (Buy-back of shares) Rules, 1999 and Companies Ordinance, 1984:
(a) Evaluate and explain whether Planet International is eligible to buy-back the shares held by the minority
shareholders. (05)
(b) State the requirements with regard to auditors certification in the above situation. (03)
The Board of Directors of KG Limited have decided to buy-back one million of its ordinary shares.

S.13 (Q.6)

Share capital (Rs. 10 each)

Accumulated profit

Rs in Million

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

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W.04 (Q.3)

The Chief Financial Officer of a public unlisted company plans to sell shares held as investment on its balance
sheet to a financial institution [to raise funds it needs for short term use] and buy them back at the agreed
price on expiry of the term of agreement. He seeks your advise on the key differences between the
Buyback of Shares Rules 1999. (06)

W.05 (Q.10)

What information is required to be included in the tender notice for purchase of own shares under the
Companies (Buy-back of shares) Rules, 1999? (05)

Companies Rules 1985

Mr. Asif is a director of Arif Textiles Limited (ATL), a listed company. He has entered into the following
transactions in the shares of ATL:

W.11 (Q.2)
In the light of the provisions of the Companies (General Provisions and Forms) Rules 1985, you are required to:
(a) Compute the amount of gain or loss to be tendered to the company by Mr. Asif. (06)
(b) The treatment of the amount paid by Mr. Asif on account of brokerage, stamp duty etc. (02)

List the information which will be required to be submitted in the application to the concerned authority. (07)


W.07 (Q.6)

Advise the directors as regards their responsibility while appointing the Company Secretary, in the light of the
provisions of the Companies (General Provisions and Forms) Rules 1985. (04)
The members of XYZ (Private) Limited have resolved to make certain amendments in the object clause of its
memorandum of association to enable it to expand its scope of activities.

S.10 (Q.8)

In view of the provisions of the Companies (General Provisions and Forms) Rules 1985, you are required to
identify the conditions that Nihal Associates would need to fulfill in order to get the required permission from
the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan.
The company secretary of Nayar Textiles Limited, a listed company, has resigned. The directors are in the
process of appointing a new secretary and few candidates with varied backgrounds have been short listed for
the position.

W.11 (Q.5)

Nihal Associates is an association of persons and is involved in charitable and other social activities for the
welfare of the general public. It intends to register itself as a limited company but does not want to include the
word Limited in its name.

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

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Share Capital (Variation in Rights & Privileges) Rules 2000

W.12 (Q.9)

Global Industries Limited (GIL) is a listed company which has a paid-up share capital consisting of 100 million
shares of Rs. 10 each. GIL is planning to purchase heavy equipment costing Rs. 250 million from World
Machineries Limited (WML) for its new project. In a meeting of GILs Board of Directors, it was proposed to
finance the cost of the equipment by issuing 20 million shares to WML at a premium of Rs. 2.50 per share.
However, since a number of directors were of the opinion that the issuance of shares would enable WML to
exercise significant influence on GILs policies, the Board advised the CEO to look into the possibility of issuing
non-voting ordinary shares.
Required: In your capacity as Corporate Consultant of the company, advise the Board of Directors of GIL as
regards the requirements of the Companies Share Capital (Variation in Rights and Privileges) Rules, 2000 and
Companies (Issue of Capital) Rules, 1996 which GIL needs to comply with, in relation to the issuance of nonvoting ordinary shares to WML. (10)
The paid-up capital of Jupiter Technologies Limited consists of 100 million ordinary shares of Rs. 10 each. The
directors are now planning to issue 2 classes of preference shares to existing shareholders, for Rs. 100 million.

W.08 (Q.4)

(a) The conditions which must be complied with, for issuing different classes of preference shares.
(b) The nature of variation in rights and privileges that can be associated with different classes of shares. (11)
Mr. Khan, chief executive of Prosperous Engineering Limited, is assessing the possibility of setting up a new
project in Gwadar in collaboration with a prospective foreign investor. He is confident that the proposed
project will reap significant benefits to the company. Since he does not wish to dilute his holding and voting
rights, he is planning to issue class B shares to the investor along with 16% TFCs with a floating charge on the
book debts of the company and a fixed charge on its machinery in the manufacturing department. He wants to
have your advice on the issue.

W.10 (Q.4)

In the light of the provisions of the Companies Share Capital (Variation in Rights and Privileges) Rules, 2000 you
are required to advise the directors, as regards the following:

(a) Explain to Mr. Khan various rights and privileges which shareholders may have in case of more than one
class of share capital, under the Companies Share Capital (Variation in Rights and Privileges) Rules, 2000. (06)
(b) An equity investment of Rs. 275 million has been offered by KA group of companies to Rose Limited. In
order to expand the business activities of the company, the management is inclined to accept the proposal.
However, the shares to be issued would not rank pari passu with the current shares and shall be termed as
Class B shares.
The current position of the companys capital and reserves is as under:
Rupees(in million)
S.08 (Q.2)

Share Capital:
Share Capital:
Issued, subscribed & paid up


Capital Reserves:
Share premium account


Revenue Reserves:
Un-appropriated profit


Identify the relevant provisions which Rose Limited will have to comply with and describe
briefly the steps it would need to take, for issuance of shares. (10)


W.06 (Q.7)

The management of a listed company wants to implement an employee share option scheme. The Directors
representing majority shareholding of 51% however have concerns that their majority holding might get
diluted to below 50% in the long run. In terms of the prevalent corporate laws, suggest an alternative solution
that could address the concern of the majority shareholders. Also explain the conditions required to be
complied with and the various options available to the directors. (09)

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

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S.05 (Q.4)
S.04 (Q.8)

Explain how the objective of the financiers can be achieved in light of the provisions of the Companies
Ordinance and any related rules. (10)
(a) Can a company have more than one class of share capital?, and (01)
(b) What variations are possible with regards to the rights and privileges of different classes of share
holders? (03)
(c) What conditions apply to such further issue? (06)

W.05 (Q.3)

A companys share capital comprises ordinary shares and 8% cumulative preference shares with no voting
rights. It now proposes to increase the preference shares by another 25% to fund acquisition of long-term
strategic assets. Describe the key legal requirements that will have to be complied with to give effect to the
above proposal. (06)
A group of sponsors want to incorporate a company into which they will transfer a business unit they are
acquiring from another group of companies. They intend to induct another group of investors as equity
partners. These are financiers and are not interested in voting rights, rather their principal aim is
the return on investment.

Appointment of Legal Advisors Rules, 1975.


(b) On 01 December 2012, Delta Cotton Mills Limited (DCML) appointed Mehtab & Co. as legal adviser of the
company in place of Dilawer & Co. Explain the legal formalities which DCML would be required to comply with
under the Companies (Appointment of Legal Advisers) Rules, 1975. (04)
State the provisions contained in the appointment of Legal Advisers Act, 1974 relating to the eligibility for
appointment as legal advisers. (03)

W.12 (Q.8)

(a) Describe the requirements to be fulfilled by a company under the Companies (Appointment of Legal
Advisers) Act, 1974 as regards the appointment of legal advisers. (03)

Pills Limited is an unlisted public company. It intends to appoint MM Associates, a registered firm of lawyers
with two partners, as its legal advisers. MM Associates are already the legal advisors of the following 6
S.09 (Q.6)

(i) ABC Limited and XYZ Limited having share capital of less than Rs. 500,000.
(ii) Rose Limited and Bee Limited having share capital of more than Rs. 500,000 but less than Rs. 1 million.
(iii) Crown (Pvt.) Limited with share capital of Rs 1.2 million; and,
(iv) Dice (Guarantee) Limited with a share capital of Rs. 1.5 million.
Based on the requirements of the Companies (Appointment of Legal Advisers) Act, 1974, explain whether MM
Associates can be appointed as the legal advisors of Pills Limited. (05)

(b) State the particulars which are required to be specified in the Register of Legal Advisers. (03)



Describe the requirements of Companies (Appointment of Legal Advisers) Act, 1974, regarding eligibility for
the appointment as legal adviser? (04)

S.08 (Q.5)

(a) Certain persons have been restricted from being appointed as legal adviser of a public limited company.
Specify the restrictions imposed in this regard under Appointment of Legal Advisors Rules 1975. (02)

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

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Non Banking Finance Companies (NBFC)

S.13 (Q.5)

Briefly explain the restrictions imposed under NBFC Rules, 2003 as regards:
(a) Purchase or sale transaction with a director.
(b) Sale or transfer of ownership of shares in subsidiary or associated company.
(c) Investment in subsidiary.
(d) Transactions with a broker. (08)

S.13 (Q.11)

State the criteria which the Key Executives of Non-Banking Finance Companies are required to fulfill under the
Notified Entities Regulations, 2008 with regard to:
(a) Competence and capability. (05)
(b) Conflict of interest. (06)

S.12 (Q.10)

(b) Describe the provisions contained in the NBFC Rules, 2003 in respect of the following:
(i) Credit rating. (03)
(ii) Appointment of internal auditor. (04)
(iii) Sale or purchase transaction between an NBFC and any of its directors. (03)

W.12 (Q.10)

The majority shareholders/directors of the group have decided to merge all the above companies and bring
them under the umbrella of a single corporate entity. It is envisaged that the decision to merge the individual
companies into a single entity would help to achieve synergies, cost efficiencies and better utilization of the
resources. You are required to list the steps that would be required to merge all the companies into a single
entity. (09)
(a) An open-end fund is being managed by LM Limited which is an NBFC.
List the persons who would be termed as connected person in relation to the above open-end fund. (08)

S.13 (Q.2)

Al-Saad Investment Limited (ASIL) is a non-banking financial company (NBFC) listed on all the stock exchanges in
Pakistan. ASIL has been incurring substantial losses and its shareholders, not being satisfied with the
performance of the Chief Executive, have referred the matter to the Commission for removal of the Chief
Executive. Moreover, the shareholders have also expressed the apprehension that the time required to comply
with the necessary procedures would delay the matter which would be detrimental to their interests. In the
light of Companies Ordinance, 1984 you are required to state:
(a) The grounds on which the Commission may order removal of the Chief Executive. (04)
(b) The course of action available to the Commission if it wants to address the shareholders apprehension
regarding procedural delays. (04)
Al-Rehman group comprises of the following companies:
(i) Al-Rehman Leasing Company Limited
(ii) Al-Rehman Investment Finance Services Limited
(iii) Al-Rehman Housing Finance Services Limited

(a) Al-Faizan Investment Limited (AFIL), is a non banking financial institution (NBFC) listed on the Lahore Stock
Exchange. It intends to make investment in unquoted shares of Folks Resorts (Pvt) Limited.

(b) With reference to Non- Banking Finance Companies and Notified Entities Regulations, 2008:
(i) List the persons who are included in the definition of Key Executive. (06)
(ii) Identify the circumstances under which a Director is considered to have a Conflict of Interest. (06)

(b) Explain the terms Open-end Scheme and Close-end Scheme as included in the NBFC Rules, 2003. (05)


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

S.11 (Q.8)

(a) XYZ Limited, an NBFC, is in the process of classification and provisioning of its non-performing assets. You
are required to advise the company about the criteria for determining the realizable value of mortgaged,
pledged, leased or collaterally held assets in the light of provisions contained in Non-Banking Finance
Companies and Notified Entities Regulations, 2008. (07)

W.11 (Q.8)

Narrate the conditions that AFIL would need to comply with under the NBFC Rules, 2003 while making the
above investment. (05)

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S.09 (Q.12)

(b) Briefly explain the restrictions that have been placed on the NBFCs under the NBFC Rules, 2003 in respect of
the following:
(i) appointment of directors from the same family;
(ii) transfer of ownership of controlling shares; and (iii) employing a person as a broker. (07)
(a) MZE Limited, an NBFC engaged in leasing business, is currently facing serious financial crisis. SECP is not
satisfied with the financial management of the company and has ordered a special audit of the company. In
the light of the relevant provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 relating to NBFCs you are required to
explain whether the Commission is empowered to make such an order. Also describe the rights of the
Commission in this regard?

W.09 (Q.10)

(b) Explain the term Independent Director and narrate the provisions related to appointment of such
directors, as specified under NBFC (Establishment and Regulation) Rules, 2003. (06)
(a) Explain the terms asset management services and investment finance services as included in the NBFC
Rules, 2003. (04)

S.10 (Q.6)

(a) Any eight conditions specified under the NBFC rules 2003 for the grant of licence. (08)
(b) The provisions as regards validity and renewal of licence granted to the NBFC. (04)
(a) The Board of Directors of Pioneer Leasing Limited is in the process of appointing a new Head of Investment.
List down the criteria specified in the Non-Banking Finance Companies and Notified Entities Regulations, 2008
for assessing the person being appointed with respect to:
(i) Integrity and track record (06)
(ii) Financial soundness (06)

W.10 (Q.5)

EFL has recently been incorporated as a non-banking financial institution and plans to carry out more than one
form of business. You are required to advise it in respect of the following:

(b) Describe the conditions applicable to a NBFC relating to the appointment of internal auditor, under the
NBFCs (Establishment And Regulation) Rules, 2003. (05)
(a) List the types of businesses that NBFCs are permitted to carry out under the relevant provisions of
Companies Ordinance 1984. (03)
W.08 (Q.3)

(b) In order to reap benefits of large scale operations, the Board of Directors of Moonlight Leasing Limited and
Dream Leasing Limited intend to amalgamate the operations of the two companies.
State the procedure which should be followed for the merger of the two companies and the approvals required
to be obtained for this purpose, under the provisions relating to establishment and regulation of NBFCs. (08)


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

S.07 (Q.4)

(a) Mr. Luqman, a Senior Director of STQ Limited, a non-banking financial institution (NBFC), wishes to
retire and wants his son to be appointed in his place. As the company secretary of STQ Limited, advise him
about the conditions specified in NBFC Rules 2003, which his son must satisfy to be eligible for appointment as
the Director of STQ Limited.
(b) Briefly describe the terms and conditions of operation of a venture capital fund as laid down under the
NBFC Rules, 2003.

W.07 (Q.8)

(a) You are required to advise them on the various forms of investment related businesses referred to in
section 282A of the Companies Ordinance, 1984.
(b) List the activities that may be carried out under each of the above forms of businesses as specified in NBFC
Rules 2003.

W.08 (Q.6)

Fiber Leasing Limited has recently lost one of its Directors and the Chief Executive in a tragic car accident. The
company wants to appoint Mr. Big and Mr. Smart in place of its late director and chief executive respectively.
With reference to NBFC and Notified Entities Regulations, 2007, state the considerations which SECP would
take into account while assessing their competence and capability as Director and Chief Executive. (09)
A large group based in Dubai wishes to set up a company for carrying out a vast spectrum of investment-related
activities in Pakistan.

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W.06 (Q.8)

(a) PQR Limited, an NBFC, has a license to undertake Investment Financial Services. List some of the
services that it may perform while carrying out:
- Project financing.
- Corporate finance services.
(b) State the conditions which PQR Limited shall have to comply with, if it desires to
issue Certificates of Deposits worth Rs. 100 million. (04)

S.06 (Q.6)

(b) A group of investors want to incorporate a company which will be engaged in leasing and venture capital
business. You are required to explain the minimum capital requirement of running these businesses under NBFC
Rules 2003. (03)
(c) What restrictions have been placed on the scope of business activities of a leasing company under the NBFC
Rules 2003? (06)
Discuss the provisions of Non Banking Finance Company Rules 2003, in respect of the following:

W.05 (Q.6)

(a) Difference between securities issued by an asset management company and an investment company(04)
(b) Exposure limits on an NBFC undertaking investment finance services to a single issuer and the exposure
limit if the NBFC is engaged in housing finance services? (03)

S.05 (Q.3)

Majority shareholders/directors of a group of companies in the financial services sector comprising a closed end
mutual fund, leasing, and housing finance company believe that these activities need to be merged and brought
under the umbrella of a single corporate entity. They feel that in this manner they would be able to achieve
synergies and the combined capital can be utilized in a most efficient manner.
What steps and legal formalities need to be complied with to give effect to the above concept? (10)
What is the single most distinguishing factor between the business activities that a banking company can
undertake as compared to a non-banking financial institution? List the broad business activities that an NBFC
can undertake and state the licensing requirements for an existing investment bank which also intends to
do business besides investment banking, leasing and housing finance services. (09)

W.04 (Q.3)

A diversified financial services group is planning to venture into equity investment with a strategic
focus on companies listed on the stock exchange. You are required to advise your client about corporate
best-fit structure under the corporate laws. Also state the broad steps for its establishment. (12)


What do you understand by the term NBFC and the activities it can undertake? Does the law lay
down conditions as regards commencement of NBFCs business?

W.03 (Q.5)

(a) One of your clients wants to float an open-ended mutual fund and engage in leasing activities under one
corporate umbrella. Explain, under the Companies
(b) Ordinance and related Rules what corporate structure must be used.
Explain the pre-requisites for setting up of this entity and any specific conditions that have to be
met with respect to each stage of setting up.



Who may undertake leasing operations under (Establishment and Regulation) Rules, 2000. the Leasing
Companies (02)

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

Past Papers (Topic Wise)

27 | P a g e

Secretarial Pracices

Secretarial Practices

In light of the provisions of Companies Ordinance, 1984 you are required to state, whether the above resolution
can be passed by circulation and the steps required to be taken to pass such a resolution (08)

W.05 (Q.1)

investment in an associated company;

approval of the annual financial statements;
issuance of shares to new foreign shareholders;
approval of new company logo;
remuneration of the recently appointed Chief Financial Officer & Chief Executive Officer; and
recommendation of final dividend.

S.08 (Q.9) W.07 (Q.9)

The Board of Directors of Ghareeb Limited has decided to contribute a fixed amount every year to a charitable
organization. The company secretary notified that a clause needs to be inserted in the object clause of the
Memorandum of Association for the same. Draft a clause to be included in the Memorandum covering the
permissibility of the proposed activity. (02)
The board of directors of a listed textile weaving unit (KW Weaving Mills Limited) has approved a scheme of
amalgamation with its fully owned subsidiary, KD Dyeing Mills Limited. The merger will result in economies of
scale which would eventually increase the profitability of the company in the coming years. You are required to
draft the relevant resolutions necessary to carry out the merger. (06)
You are Company Secretary of a public limited company. In the following month the companys annual general
meeting has to be held, for which purpose the Board of Directors meeting needs to be convened. Following
items are included on the agenda:

S.09 (Q.10)

National Travels Limited (NTA), is a listed company, and operates throughout Pakistan. In order to finalize a
running finance arrangement with a bank, it requires a copy of the board resolution approving the terms of
financing. Since five out of eight directors are currently out of the city, it is not possible for the secretary to
convene the meeting of the board of directors.

Some of the directors representing the foreign shareholders with 30% shareholding/representation on the Board,
might be traveling and therefore may not be able to attend the meeting. You have been asked by these nonresident directors to get their approval on the decisions through circular resolution or any other means. Discuss
this suggestion in the light of the provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 and corporate practices,
including any other alternatives. (12)
(b) The following are some points noted by company secretary of a listed company immediately after the
Board meeting for approval of accounts:

S.05 (Q.5)

(i) Interim dividend 20% already paid; proposed final dividend 20% in addition to interim.
(ii) Auditors existing auditors have consented to their re-appointment.
(iii) Acquiring 40% stake in an existing company.
(iv) Appointment and remuneration of chief financial officer approved.
(v) Capital expenditure of up to 10% of equity.
(vi) Bonus issue utilizing all available reserves


Draft a notice for the forthcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the company and the agenda containing
items that are normally included in an AGM for members approval. Also comment on any aspect that is not in
accordance with the provisions of the company law or related rules.


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

W.04 (Q.5)

Draft a notice of an annual general meeting of a listed company. Apart from the usual items that are included
in the agenda of such a meeting, the shareholders approval is also to be obtained for investment in an
associated company. Also list items that would be included in the statement of material
facts about this investment. (08)

W.04 (Q.1)

A listed schedule bank is planning to raise its paid up capital to comply with the State Bank of Pakistans
minimum paid up capital requirements. It has requested you to identify options available to it for
increasing its paid up capital and the key corporate and secretarial requirements it would need to
comply with. (12)

Past Papers (Topic Wise)

28 | P a g e

Secretarial Pracices


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

S.04 (Q.9)

The Articles of Association of a public listed company provides that in case of an equality of votes in a Board
meeting, the Chairman shall have and exercise a second or casting vote. The Board of Directors comprises 9
members including the Chairman. In the last meeting of the Board, the Chairman was not present and the
meeting was presided by Mr. T who is the Chief Executive of Messrs A (Private) Limited and holds 60% of its
shares. In the same meeting Board has to consider the renewal of contract with Messrs A (Private) Limited for
supply of packing material at revised terms. Four directors opposed the renewal at the revised terms whereas
remaining four including Mr. T were in favour of approving the renewal at the revised terms. At the first
instance Mr. T tried to convince the other directors but on their refusal due to equal division of Board he
exercised the casting vote as a Chairman of the meeting and declared the renewal as approved. Kindly
comment explaining the relevant provisions of the Companies Ordinance, 1984. (07)

S.04 (Q.2)

A company recently published a prospectus. The subscription date has passed and balloting on account of over
subscription has been carried out. List the subsequent corporate/secretarial action required for obtaining the
commencement of business certificate. (04)

Past Papers (Topic Wise)

29 | P a g e

Other Laws

Stock Exchange Listing Regulations


Who will determine the offer price and what would be the basis for determination of the offer price under the
listing regulations?

(a) Conditions required to be complied with by Yasir (Private) Limited under the listing regulations of
the Karachi Stock Exchange, to be eligible for listing. (08)

(a) Defaulters segment.

(b) Non-Compliant segment.

S.10 (Q.3)

List the circumstances, as referred to in the Listing Regulations of the Karachi Stock
Exchange (Guarantee) Limited, under which a listed company may be placed in:

W.05 (Q.4)

Certain transactions have been carried out through a stock exchange, in securities not listed on the exchange at
the time the transactions took place. Under what
circumstances are such transactions valid? (03)


W.10 (Q.7)

(a) Declaration of financial results and announcement of dividend.

(b) Issuance and despatch of dividend warrants and payment of dividend.
Yasir (Private) Limited is part of a large group of companies including listed as well as unlisted entities. It is
considering to get itself listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange. As the CFO of the Company, you are cognizant of
the fact that the responsibilities of the company would increase significantly after it gets itself listed.
Consequently, you are required to make a report for presentation to the directors as regards the following:

S.11 (Q.10)

State the conditions specified under the listing regulations in respect of each of the following:

W.11 (Q.7)

Ryan Industries Limited (RIL) has been incurring losses for the last few years and has therefore not declared any
dividends. Consequently, the market price of its shares has declined and this has also adversely affected the
prices of shares of other group companies. The directors of RIL have therefore decided to opt for
voluntary de-listing of the shares of RIL and to offer the purchase of shares from the market.

S.12 (Q.6)

(b) Regulations relating to transfer of shares and closure of share transfer books.

W.12 (Q.12)

List the information which AMZ would be required to provide to the concerned stock exchange(s) in Pakistan as
regards the above meetings, and the timings thereof, according to the Listing Regulations. (06)
Based on the Listing Regulations of the Karachi Stock Exchange, state the following:

S.13 (Q.3)

(a) Explain the terms Book building process and Free float as defined in the Listing Regulations of the
Karachi Stock Exchange (Guarantee) Limited. (04)
(b) Explain the following under the Listing Regulations of the Karachi Stock Exchange:
(i) Issue of bonus shares (05)
(ii) Sale or purchase of the companys shares by its chief executive. (03)
The meeting of the Board of Directors of AMZ Limited would be held on 25 January 2013 to consider
declaration of final cash dividend. The Annual General Meeting in which the cash dividend is to be approved
would be held on 04 March 2013.

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

Past Papers (Topic Wise)

30 | P a g e

Other Laws

Code of Corporate Governance

Based on the Listing Regulations of the Karachi Stock Exchange, state the following:
Whether an audit firm may be appointed as the auditor of a listed company, if one of its partners is found guilty
of professional misconduct? (04)
Under the Code of Corporate Governance, what are the conditions under which a person becomes ineligible to be
appointed as the director of a listed company?

Narrate the provisions contained in the Code of Corporate Governance relating to:
(a) Orientation Courses / Directors Educational Program. (03) (b) The responsibility of CEO and CFO of a listed
company as regards endorsement and approval of financial statements prior to their circulation. (03)
(c) Secretarial Compliance Certificate. (03)

(b) Additional information to be disclosed in the Directors report of a listed company. (08)
(c) Circulation of quarterly accounts. (04)

Explain the provisions contained in the Code of Corporate Governance as regards the appointment of external
auditors. (05)

The Board of Directos of Iqra Industries Limited, a newly incorporated listed company, is in the process of
formulating significant policies to govern the operations of the company.
As a member of the Board, identify the significant policies which should be formulated, as advised under the
Code of Corporate Governance. (06)

S.10 (Q.7) W.09 (Q.7) S.08 (Q.7)

Explain the provisions of the Code of Corporate Governance in respect of the following:
(a) Appointment of the chairman of the company. (02)
(b) Meeting of the board of directors and minutes thereof. (06)

W.10 (Q.7)

Yasir (Private) Limited is part of a large group of companies including listed as well as unlisted entities. It is
considering to get itself listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange. As the CFO of the Company, you are cognizant of
the fact that the responsibilities of the company would increase significantly after it gets itself listed.
Consequently, you are required to make a report for presentation to the directors as regards the following:

W.12 (Q.13) S.12 (Q.6) S.11 (Q.11) W.10 (Q.6)

(b) State the circumstances specified under the Code of Corporate Governance, 2012 in which a director is not
considered as an independent director. (04)
Discuss the provisions of the Code of Corporate Governance, 2012 in respect of:
Frequency of meetings of the audit committee (04)
Attendance in the above meetings (04)

S.13 (Q.1)

(a) AVZ Limited has recently been converted into a listed company. Mr. Haq, representing minority shareholders,
has submitted his papers to contest the election of the directors to be held after 30 days. Based on the
regulations of the Code of Corporate Governance, 2012 you are required to advise the company in respect of:
(i) Composition of the Board. (05)
(ii) Steps that the company should take with regard to the request submitted by Mr. Haq. (03)

(a) An executive director cannot become the Chairman of the audit committee. Do you agree with the
statement? Explain. (03)
S.07 (Q.9)

(b) Explain the provisions of the Code of Corporate Governance relating to audit
committee in respect of following:
Holding of meeJngs
AYendance at meeJngs (07)


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

Past Papers (Topic Wise)

31 | P a g e

Other Laws

(a) Write short notes on the provisions of the Code of Corporate Governance in respect of the following:

Under the Code of Corporate Governance:

(i) How many times is Board of Directors required to meet and what is the notice period for such meetings? (02)
(ii) What additional pre-requisites exist with regard to placement of financial statements before the Board of
Directors? (03)

W.04 (Q.6) S.04 (Q.3)

What is the role and responsibility of Audit Committee under the Code of Corporate Governance notified
by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan? (07)

W.05 (Q.1)

Code of Corporate Governance also contains some eligibility criteria for the directors. Describe these criteria. (05)

W.06 (Q.9)

(i) Frequency of board meetings, notice of meetings and the chairman of a meeting.
(ii) Dissenting vote of a director.
(iii) Persons allowed to attend Board meetings other than the directors of the company and the type of voting
rights such persons can exercise? (09)
The Code of Corporate Governance is a set of recommendations for monitoring and supervision of companies
incorporated under the Companies Ordinance, 1984 by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. Is
this statement true? Discuss in the light of the underlying legislation / Code.

Under the Code of Corporate Governance:


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

W.03 (Q.7)

(a) What powers are required to be exercised by the board of directors and documented by a resolution
passed at a meeting? (05)
(b) List any five significant issues to be placed before the board of directors to strengthen and formalize
corporate decision-making process. (05)

Past Papers (Topic Wise)

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Other Laws


W.08 (Q.8)

(a) In view of large decline in the value of shares in Asian markets, a group of US investors believe that now is
the opportune time to invest in such markets as they have almost reached their lowest limits. One such
investor, Mr. NR is interested in buying securities listed on Karachi Stock Exchange. With reference to relevant
provisions of Foreign Exchange Manual, you are required to advise Mr. NR on the following:
(i) The procedure to be followed in order to trade in listed shares in Pakistan.
(ii) Whether Mr. NR would be entitled to receive dividends on such securities and are there any restrictions on
repatriation of funds outside Pakistan? (09)

W.09 (Q.8)

You are required to briefly explain the conditions which MP Pakistan would have to comply with under the
Foreign Exchange Regulations of the State Bank of Pakistan. (09)

S.12 (Q.7)

Kevin Jason is a UK national but is residing in Australia. He intends to invest in securities listed at Karachi Stock
Exchange. In the context of the provisions of Foreign Exchange Regulations, advise him in respect of the
procedure to be followed for purchase and sale of shares of companies listed in Pakistan.
MP Pakistan is a branch of MPGH (a company registered in Germany) and is engaged in the software export
business. It requires working capital finance to support its operations and intends to borrow funds from its
head office i.e. MPGH on a repatriable basis.

(b) Explain the meaning of a person resident outside Pakistan as referred to in the Foreign Exchange
Regulations. (03)











Your friend, a non-resident, intends to trade in shares of companies listed in Pakistan. Briefly discuss the
requirements / restrictions, if any, under the applicable laws.

You, being the Corporate Consultant, have been asked to prepare a checklist containing the requirements of
Foreign Exchange Regulations. Also fill the checklist to ascertain that the company complies with regulations.
A branch of a foreign company operating in Pakistan wants to raise working capital and capital expenditure
financing. Briefly explain the law contained in the foreign exchange regulations in this regard. (06)


Certain situations have been exempted by the State Bank from the restriction in the Foreign Exchange
Regulations Act 1947 from obtaining the State Banks prior approval for issue / transfer of shares to
Discuss and give three examples of such situations. (07)

W.04 (Q.6)

S.06 (Q.8)

Del Ltd., having a 75% foreign shareholding, is under negotiation with its parent company to obtain a
foreign currency unsecured loan to meet its working capital requirements. The proposed tenure of the
loan is 7 years and the rate of interest is LIBOR plus 2%. Principal amount of the loan will be paid in 14 equal
semi-annual installments and interest will be paid annually.

S.08 W.06
(Q.6) (Q.10)

Explain ther

Banking Companies

(b) a banking company (04)


S.05 (Q.8)

Q.8 State the authorized persons who can sign the annual accounts of the following companies under the
respective provisions of the laws applicable to such companies:

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

Past Papers (Topic Wise)

33 | P a g e

Other Laws


State the responsibility of MTML and the Central Depository upon issuance of bonus shares under the
Central Depositories Act, 1997. (04)

W.10 (Q.8)

The Board of Directors of Modern Textile Mills Limited (MTML) recommended the issue of 20% bonus shares
for the year ended September 30, 2010. The register of members for determining the entitlements was
closed from October 22, 2010 to October 29, 2010 (both days inclusive). The company is listed on Karachi
and Lahore Stock Exchanges and its securities are entered in the Central Depository System.

W.11 (Q.4)

Based on the provisions of the Central Depositories Act, 1997:

(a) Briefly explain the term Participant. (03)
(b) Identify the purposes for which issuer of a security may request the Central Depository Company
to provide a list of the names and other relevant details of the account holders and
sub-account holders of its securities. (06)

W.12 (Q.11)

Under the provisions of the Central Depository Act, 1997 no director or officer of a central depository shall
disclose any information or document relating to the affairs of any of the accountholders to any other
person. List the exceptions to the above provision of the Central Depository Act, 1997. (09)

(b) Explain the term Participant as defined under Central Depository Act, 1997. (02)

How is a book closure of a listed company relevant to a shareholder with shares in the CDC? (02)
As per corporate practice, shareholders having physical scripts are required to sign against the folios prior to
attendance. What is the equivalent practice for shareholders with CDC account? (02)

W.03 (Q.9)

Comment on the above statement.

(b) What do you understand by the term Central Depository System? Explain the rights of the shareholders
registered as account holders in the system, to attend and vote at the general meetings of the company. (05)

W.06 (Q.11)

Once a companys shares are declared eligible securities with the Central Depositary System and a
shareholder registers his or her physical scripts with the CDS, the shareholder will stop receiving notices for
company meetings as the CDC will be the registered holder of shares in the companys register of members.

S.08 (Q.11)

The Securities of Shalimar Investment Company Limited (SICL) are registered in the name of Central
Depository Company (CDC). List the steps which the CDC will have to take where a bonus issue is declared by
SICL? (05)


(a) The Committees which are to be established to meet the requirements of Code of
Corporate Governance and the scope of activities of each Committee. (10)

W.07 (Q.11)

You have been appointed as the Chief Financial Officer of Shahbaz Insurance Limited, an unquoted
company, which was incorporated on 10th November 2007. You are required to prepare a note for the
forthcoming meeting of the Board of Directors, containing the following information:

(b) Requirements as regards their composition and the frequency of the meetings. (03)

(a) an insurance company


S.05 (Q.8)

State the authorized persons who can sign the annual accounts of the following companies under the
respective provisions of the laws applicable to such companies:

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

Past Papers (Topic Wise)

34 | P a g e

Other Laws


- The basis on which a winding up application may be filed against the Modaraba in the above situation.
- Who can file such an application and the relevant authority with whom the application may be filed?

Briefly describe the significant corporate requirements that must be complied with, prior to raising the capital.

W.06 (Q.12)

The Cosmopolitan Modaraba was floated with a modaraba fund of Rs. 300 million. A spate of development
projects have placed a severe liquidity crunch on the modarabas finances and the management
companys Board of Directors has sought your opinion on whether a modaraba can raise further capital
through rights issue.

W.07 (Q.10)

First Cosmopolitan Modaraba, having multipurpose objectives, is incurring losses for the past three years. Its
accumulated losses as at June 30, 2007 were Rs. 4.5 million as compared to the present paid up capital of Rs.
6.0 million. You are required to explain:

State the authority that is empowered to approve the following businesses of a Modaraba, giving a brief
explanation of the rationale for the particular approving authority:
Annual accounts.
Interim dividend.
Further issue of Modaraba Certificates.
Appointment of auditors.

S.05 (Q.6)



i) Modaraba
ii) Modarba Company
iii) Modaraba Fund


W.03 (Q.8)

Define the following under Modaraba Companies and Modaraba (Floatation and Control) Ordinance, 1980:

SECP Ordinance & insider trading



At the request of the directors, you being the company secretary, are required to explain the provisions of
the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969 as to what constitutes:
(a) Inside information
(b) Insider trading
What constitutes unpublished price sensitive information under the Listed
Companies (Prohibition of Insiders Trading) Guidelines issued by SECP? (07)

W.11 (Q.9)

The Board of Directors of Ujala Industries Limited, a recently incorporated listed company, intends to hold a
meeting of the Directors for approval of the annual accounts, declaration of dividend and to make other
important decisions relating to the company.

Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

Past Papers (Topic Wise)

35 | P a g e

Other Laws

Substantial Acquisition

In the light of the provisions of the Listed Companies (Substantial Acquisition of Voting Shares and Takeovers)
Regulations, 2008 you are required to advise Mr. Salman about the course of action which he would have to
follow if he still wants to acquire the shares owned by Mr. Kalam.

In the light of the provisions of the Listed Companies (Substantial Acquisition of Voting Shares and Takeovers)
Regulations, 2008 you are required to advise the board of directors of MEPL as regards the following:

He is now planning to advertise in newspapers a public announcement of offer to acquire shares in CD Ltd.

S.06 (Q.2)

Mr. Majeed, an existing shareholder has shown his intention to purchase the whole issue at par. Assuming that
Mr. Majeeds holding after the above purchase would exceed 10% of the companys total shareholding, what
additional formalities would have to be completed by him? (07)
Mr. Inzamam holds 60% shares of a listed company Cal Ltd. and Mr. Haq holds 65% shares of another listed
company CD Ltd. Both the shareholders have signed a memorandum of understanding under which Mr.
Inzamam will acquire the entire holding of Mr. Haq in CD Ltd. at a price to be determined through an
independent valuation expert. Mr. Inzamam will thus become the majority shareholder in CD Ltd.

W.07 (Q.1)

Narrate the conditions he will have to comply with if he wishes to revise the offer upwards. (05)
Blossom Textiles Limited, a listed company, is in urgent need of increasing its paid up capital to improve
balance sheet ratio and satisfy their bankers. The response from the existing shareholders and the
underwriters is quite discouraging.

S.08 (Q.8)

(a) The circumstances under which a public announcement of intention can be withdrawn and the
procedure to be followed in this regard. (05)
(b) The restrictions which will apply on PEL after making the public announcement of its intentions. (03)
Mr. Overtaker has issued a public offer for the acquisition of M/s Undertaker Limited, a company listed on the
Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges, at a price of Rs. 55 per share. The offer has not fetched results and Mr.
Overtaker is worried that the offer will lapse without much success.

S.09 (Q.1)

Marhaba Engineering (Pvt.) Limited (MEPL), holds 15% voting shares in Pasban Engineering Limited
(PEL), a company listed on Karachi Stock Exchange. MEPL intends to increase its holding to 29.5% by
acquiring additional voting shares in PEL through public offer and has made a public announcement of its
intentions. However, the financial due diligence of PEL revealed that the company is facing financial difficulties
and it is anticipated that the directors may sell a sizeable business segment of the company.

S.11 (Q.9)

On May 21, 2011, Mr. Salman made a public announcement of his offer to acquire 45% voting shares of Imtiaz
Industries Limited (IIL) from Mr. Kalam. On May 31, 2011 Mr. Sadiq also made a public announcement of his
offer to Mr. Kalam for the acquisition of the same number of shares at a higher price. Both, Mr. Salman as well
as Mr. Sadiq already own more than 10% shares in IIL.

S.13 (Q.4)

On 11 April 2013, Naveed had made a public announcement of his offer to acquire 10% voting shares of Seldom
Industries Limited, a listed company, from Maqbool. Arshad is also desirous of making a competitive bid for
purchase of shares to Maqbool. In the light of the provisions of the Listed Companies (Substantial Acquisition of
Voting Shares and Takeovers ) Ordinance, 2002:
(a) State the conditions which Arshad would need to comply with while making a competitive bid. (03)
(b) What would be the status of the offer made earlier by Naveed and the rights available to Naveed, if Arshad
makes a valid competitive bid? (05)

Advise Mr. Inzamam about the Corporate Law provisions that are required to be followed regarding issuance of
public announcement for the acquisition of the majority shareholding in CD Ltd.


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

Past Papers (Topic Wise)

36 | P a g e

Other Laws

(a) the exercise of voting power in respect of 20% shares already transferred
(b) the transfer of additional 26% shares lodged for transfer

S.04 (Q.4)

A group of investors acquired 20% shares of Messrs Easy Limited from the market and got those transferred
the same in the name of one of their company. Subsequently they acquired additional 26% shares
and lodged the same with the company with the intention of participating the election of directors to be
held next month at the annual general meeting. Before the completion of transfer, the SECP issued an
order prohibiting:

Is SECP empowered to make such an order and for what period? What remedy is available to the aggrieved
against this order? (07)

Competition Ordinance and Regulations

According to the Competition Ordinance, 2010:
(a) No undertaking shall enter into deceptive marketing practices.

(b) No undertaking or association of undertakings shall enter into any agreement which have the object or
effect of preventing, restricting or reducing competition within the relevant market.

S.12 (Q.8)

List the practices which are deemed to fall under the purview of deceptive marketing practices. (03)

Explain how and under what circumstances an undertaking may claim exemption from the application of the
above provision. (07)

You are required to state whether such verbal understanding can be regarded as an agreement under the
relevant provisions of the Competition Ordinance, 2007 and whether such an agreement is in violation of the
provisions of the Ordinance. Also list down some of the agreements which are prohibited under the said
In respect of each of the following transactions, explain whether the same will result in creation of
unreasonable monopoly power under the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices (Control And
Preventions) Ordinance, 1970.

(b) DX Limited entered into a contract to purchase 47% of the total production of DY Limited. The combined
production of both the companies is approximately 40% of the total production of the whole industry.

S.07 (Q.11)

(a) Red Limited purchased 17% shares of Blue Limited. Both the companies are operating cement plants and
have a combined market share of about 48%.

S.09 (Q.8)

The association of leading fertilizer manufacturing companies in their 21st annual general meeting reached an
understanding to control the prices of fertilizers and their respective market shares by territories, in order to
save the local industry from growing dominance of foreign suppliers. This understanding however, is not
intended to be enforced by legal proceedings and has not been put into writing.


Briefly explain the term dominant position and list the practices which constitute an abuse of
dominant position, under the provisions of the Competition Act, 2010.

(c) XYZ Bank Limited, a non-listed commercial bank has extended a loan of Rs 1.0 billion to ABC Limited, a
leasing company, at a profit of 7% per annum. The average rate of profit charged by the bank in similar types of
loans is 12%. The Bank holds 24% of the total ordinary shares of ABC Limited. (09)


Talib e doa: Atif Abidi

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