Future Trends On C.D
Future Trends On C.D
Future Trends On C.D
* This work was supported by the strategic grant POSDRU/89/1.5/S/62259, Project Applied social,
human and political sciences, Postdoctoral training and postdoctoral fellowships in social, human and political
sciences cofinanced by the European Social Fund within the Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources
Development 2007-2013.
** Researcher, Romanian Academy, Institute of Political Sciences and International Relations;
Pol. Sc. Int. Rel., X, 1, p. 4352, Bucharest, 2013.
2 Simon Anholt (2010), Places: identity, image and reputation in Frank Go & Robert Govers
International Place Branding Yearbook 2010: Place Branding in the New Age of Innovation, Palgrave
publication London, p. 13.
3 Simon Anholt (2008), The Importance of National Reputation, in Engagement Public Diplomacy in
a Globalised World, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London, pp. 30-40.
4 Teresa La Porte (2012), The Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Non-State Actors and the Public
Diplomacy Concept, Public Diplomacy Theory and Conceptual Issues. ISA Annual Convention, San Diego,
April 1-4.
5 Wiseman, Geoffrey (2004) Polylateralism and New Modes of Global Dialoguein Christer Jnsson
and Richard Langorne (eds.) Diplomacy, vol. III, London: Sage, pp. 36-57.
6 R. Langhorne, (2005), The Diplomacy of Non-State, Diplomacy and Statecraft, London: Sage,
pp. 331-339.
international system. The way they act or adapt instantly to the new realities, the
solutions they found in various circumstances may be a laboratory for many
open minded foreign offices around the world.
Another emerging new evolution affecting Cultural Diplomacy is the
multilateralism which is fast replacing the old fashioned bilateral approach.7
The multilateral approach is triggering an entire set of modified behavior and
new strategies of actions. Perhaps the best ground to notice the trend is the
European Cultural Diplomacy arena. In 2006 EUNIC was created, as the network
of European Union National Institutes for Culture. Concentrating organizations
with offices and programs in over 150 countries, EUNIC have in theory unrivaled
experience and expertise in Cultural Diplomacy. Steven Green is brilliantly
revealing in his essay the acting strategy of EUNIC in at least three stages8:
1. Building up partnerships at local countrylevel by forming clusters of the
institutes operating in a country regardless the cultural field they are involved.
Anyway, the more diversity the better. Is not about a chaotic diversity but rather
about organizations with a complementary field of expertise. This field of
expertise ideally would be specialized at the country level in order to promote
specialization and complementarity at for the upper cluster at the EU level. As
an example some Baltic states clusters are specialized in wood architecture and
restoration while Mediterranean clusters may be specialized in stone
architecture, and so one. Within a cluster the members agree on joint activities in
the arts and language sectors.
2. The thematic clusters once expanding with the help of EU financed programs
once solid established institutionally the European Union are expanding
worldwide carrying with them (intentionally on unintentionally) both the EU
Cultural Diplomacy, and their regions or national states Cultural Diplomacy.
3. While EUNIC is expanding horizontally in EU, Europe at large and the entire
world, it is also deepening its structure vertically. Its members are getting involved
in larger more complex projects in a more diverse range of topics. These currently
include language policies and use, literary translation and shared arts projects.
This multilateralism is well recognized, recommended and encouraged by
the EU strategies, programs and official polices. The European Commission
agenda, A European agenda for culture in a globalizing world proposed a
strategy based around: promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue;
promotion of culture as a catalyst for creativity in the framework of the Lisbon
Strategy for growth and job creation; promotion of culture as a vital element in
the Unions international relations. In other words working concept like Diversity,
Multilateralism and an extended definition and mission for culture as a development
promoter, are all strategic ideas shaping the EU and its 27 member states official
cultural policies.
The third trend directly related with the multilateralism would be the
formation of foundations set up by governments or international organizations to
7 Steve Green, (2010), New Directions in Culturay Proyeccin Exterior: Nuevos Valores y Estrategias
de Accin, Real Instituto Elcano, Madrid.
8 Ibidem.
pursue strategic political goals trough culture. Steven Green gives here two
examples Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and Anna Lindh Foundation, and we
would add here the EU Japan Institute.9
For the new Cultural Diplomacy missions and realities we need to settle or
resettle old concepts, and among them the term culture.
The broader definition of the term culture is contributing to a broader range
ofactivities, of objectives, coming into the Cultural Diplomacy arena. Intercultural
dialogue is perhaps the most obvious current example. Cultural Diplomacy
programs, at both national and multilateral level, are now tackling issues such as
social cohesion, racism, inequality,discrimination against minorities and
migrants, the cultural dimension of inter-religious issues, post conflict resolution.10
An example is the British Councilsproject Our Shared Europe. This is a
response to one of the major cultural challenges facing Western Europe today:
the growing mutual mistrust between Muslims and non Muslims.11 The Council
of Europe as an organization culturally at least larger than the UE has a similar
projects marching on the idea of multilateralism and intercultural dialogue, and
intercultural cities. The past experiences shows that keeping the peace and building
trust internationally is often about managing diversity, an ignored challenge in
the past and a recognized key challenge for the future. Considering this
challenge the contribution on non state actors may be the recipee for success in
particular in those actions which invole public and Cultural Diplomacy. Accepting
the new non state actors as players in the international system as a de-facto
reality in what involes public and Cultural Diplomacy, stimulates diversity, and
diversity stimulates creativity and innovation, two essential attributes for the future
knowledge society and post-industrial world at large.
The web will have a major impact in the development of public and Cultural
Diplomacy although it is difficult to determine exactly the nature of that impact
will be, given the rapid pace of change. Organizations involved in Cultural
Diplomacy practices often use the web primarily not only as an extension of
their marketing or information activities but as a main tool of visibility and
dissemination. It is not just another outlet through which they can inform
audiences of something happening, but a major tool designed to increase visibility,
to collect instant information about the impact of their message and to expand.
The trend is confirmed by the gradual move towards the digital media. Effective
public and Cultural Diplomacy at global stage involves an intercultural dialogue
and it involves an increased level of interaction, and this interaction trough the
virtual space can be effectively realized at very convenient costs.
The search for communication and dialogue achieved trough interactivity
seems to dominate the use of the web for Cultural Diplomacy aims.12 Is not only
9 Steve Green (2009), New Directions, Cultura y Proyeccin Exterior: Nuevos Valores y Estrategias de
Accin, themes presented by the author at the conference La accin cultural exterior: definicin de nuevas
estrategias, organized by the Instituto Cervantes and Real Instituto Elcano, Madrid (unpublished).
10 EC Communication.
11 Our Shared Europe www.oursharedeurope.org, apud Steve Green, (2010), New Directions Cultura y
Proyeccin Exterior: NuevosValores y Estrategias de Accin. Real Instituto Elcano, Madrid.
12 Ibidem.
about a platform to reach foreign audiences more easy and more effectively it is
also about an essential dimension of Cultural Diplomacy, more exactly, the ability
to engage the target group. The search for engagement and feed back demands
new kinds of programs and the reshaping of the old ones. Also the entire strategy
must keep on track with the rapid changes in technologies and social behaviors
associated to it. In the last five years there was an explosive growth of social web
communication trough socialization sites like Facebook facilitated by new
dedicated devices like e-tablets and smartphones. Stevee Green remarque brilliant
the way it introduces a kind of instant reality check and a need for instant answers
and instant reactions to various issues including Cultural Diplomacy related ones.13
Probable there is no better recent example of the challenge represented by the
technology revolution than the spread of anger and extreme violence triggered
by a short documentary film Innocence of Muslims posted on YouTube by a
group of extremists. It was instantly perceived as an American government
inspired action. As Philip Seib notes, simply is all about technology14: Ten
years ago, the Innocence of Muslims controversy would not have happened.
YouTube did not exist, and without this means of reaching a global audience the
offensive snippets of the film would never have been seen.15 It shows the
impotence of foreign policy responsible even in a country like US in front of
complex and hard to control realities like those contained by YouTube, Twitter
or Facebook. With around 72 hours of video content uploaded every minute in
2011 and growing, YouTube in particular is too vast to be controlled or screened
even for US dedicated services.16 This incident is old and new at the same time.
In 1988 were recorded several violent Islamic riots following Salman Rushdie
book release, and there was no YouTube. However those riots were targeting a
specific physical person and only tangential a government protecting him. We
cannot agree entirely as far as Cultural Diplomacy is concerned with assertions
like a decade or more ago diplomacy was mostly government to
government, with diplomats talking only to other diplomats because is simply
not that easy.17 A decade or two decades ago, there was indeed a Cultural
Diplomacy practiced very effectively trough literature, cinema, music or popular
fashion products. Also, some classic Diplomacys definitions like the one given
in 1939 by the British diplomat Harold Nicolson who wrote that among his
colleagues it would have been regarded as an act of unthinkable vulgarity to
appeal to the common people upon any issue of international policy18 are just
irrelevant. The British diplomat was talking about a term with a more restrictive
meaning at the time. Even if in 1939 Cultural Propaganda or public diplomacy
did exist under various forms, but, those actions were not labeled as Public or
13 Ibidem.
14 Philip Seib is Director, at the Center on Public Diplomacy, USC. US.
15 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/philip-seib/the-perils-of-youtube-dip_b_1885633.html, accessed on
20 of September 2012.
16 Ibidem.
17 Ibidem.
18 Quoted by Philip Seib in The Perils of YouTube Diplomacy available on line and accesed by 2810.2012.,
19 At the time, often, actions labeled today as pure Cultural Diplomacy would have been labeled as
Propaganda, at the time a word without negative connotations. Many European countries used to have at the
time a Propaganda ministry or at least a Propaganda department (Germany, Italy Romania etc).
extension of the audience. The web hasalready changed the business model of
many trades (music, hospitality electric and electronic appliances) and the
publishing business is adapting too. Cultural Diplomacy is not an exception. Just
like in any other domain involving culture there is always the challenge of
adaptation to the mass culture and tests while keeping uncompromised the quality
of the cultural message.
The Network Cultural Diplomacy is also a new term evolving around the new
internet technologies. It refers to the increasing trend to engage with people in
networks built around a common theme. This people to people approach brings
together the broader definition of culture, the move to multilateral activity and
the focus on a theme. The European Unions current policies of putting culture
into its external relations have a clear focus on networks and capacity building.
Its about a three-step approach also used by standard marketing categories of
awareness, perceptions, attitudes, beliefs. To change a persons view on each of
these takes a progressive and deeper engagement. Its about a shift fromproduct
orientation to process based facilitation and as a result can be noticed that
longer-term projects are gradually replacing isolated and unconnected events.20
What now constitutes true and effective Cultural Diplomacy is not the show
and exhibition factor but rather the elements of exchange and mutuality.21 The more
interactive, collaborative and experiential a communication is, the more successful
it will be. Government needs to look beyond one-way announcement-style
communication and start the process of engagement, participation and collaboration
in pursuit of joint outcomes regardless the often rigid diplomatic practices.
Diplomacy, in general and Cultural Diplomacy, in particular, in order to be effective
is about achieving a sense of we. In order to achieve that different strategies
are pursued, with different results. Facilitating the integration of those coming
from different cultural backgrounds in mutual cultural practices may be among
the sucesfull strategies. The obsessive repetition of few key words in official
discourses and documents could be an indicator of this trend. One of these key
words for sure are mutual and mutuality.22
This trend is confirmed by ERICarts Mobility Matters report in 2008 which
noted the shift towards a thematic approach within the national Cultural Diplomacy
agencies, foundations and other agencies.23 The thematic approach is meant to
facilitate the networks and the formation of clusters across borders and cultures.
It helps creating an image of independence and depolitisation or in other words
from self promotion to value promotion.24 Among the value promotion goals
20 Steve Green (2009), New Directions, Cultura y Proyeccin Exterior: Nuevos Valores y Estrategias
de Accin. themes presented by the author at the conference La accin cultural exterior: definicin de nuevas
estrategias, organized by theInstituto Cervantes and Real Instituto Elcano, Madrid, 14-15 December 2009
21 Martin Rose and Nick Wadham Smith (2004), Mutuality, trust and cultural relations Counterpoint,
available on line at, www.counterpoint-online.org/mutuality-trust-and-culturalrelations/ accessed by 15.09.2012.
22 The idea of mutuality, of benefit for all, is a fundamental organizing principle in cultural relations.
Cultural relations activity is based on exchange, from which each partner gets something tangible.
23 Mobility Matters http://ec.europa.eu/culture/key-documents/doc/ericarts/final_report_ERICarts.pdf.
24 Steve Green, (2010), New Directions in Culturay Proyeccin Exterior: Nuevos Valores y Estrategias
de Accin. Real Instituto Elcano, Madrid.
25 Joseph Nye refers to the passive kind of listening when he states that by definition, soft power means
getting others to want the outcomes you want, and that requires understanding how they are hearing your
message, and fine-tuning it accordingly. In contrast, listening as part of cultural relations reflects a genuine
interest in the others perspective and demonstrates that different viewpoints are taken seriously and that
other perspectives are given consideration.